2% Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
4% This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5% the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6% See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
11This module defines the types and functions related to the kernel
12objects used to represent a capability space. It contains
13implementations of the operations that user-level threads can request
14by invoking a capability table node. It is also responsible for
15creating the "Capability" objects used at higher levels of the kernel.
17> module SEL4.Object.CNode (
18>         cteRevoke, cteDelete, cteInsert, cteDeleteOne,
19>         ensureNoChildren, ensureEmptySlot, slotCapLongRunningDelete,
20>         getSlotCap, locateSlotTCB, locateSlotCNode, locateSlotCap,
21>         locateSlotBasic, getReceiveSlots, getCTE, setupReplyMaster,
22>         insertInitCap, decodeCNodeInvocation, invokeCNode,
23>         updateCap, isFinalCapability, createNewObjects,
24>         updateFreeIndex
25>     ) where
29> {-# BOOT-IMPORTS: SEL4.Machine SEL4.API.Types SEL4.API.Failures SEL4.Model SEL4.Object.Structures SEL4.API.Invocation #-}
30> {-# BOOT-EXPORTS: ensureNoChildren getSlotCap locateSlotTCB locateSlotCNode locateSlotCap locateSlotBasic ensureEmptySlot insertInitCap cteInsert cteDelete cteDeleteOne decodeCNodeInvocation invokeCNode getCTE updateCap isFinalCapability createNewObjects updateFreeIndex #-}
32> import Prelude hiding (Word)
33> import SEL4.API.Types
34> import SEL4.API.Failures
35> import SEL4.API.Invocation
36> import SEL4.API.InvocationLabels
37> import SEL4.Machine
38> import SEL4.Model
39> import SEL4.Object.Structures
40> import SEL4.Object.Interrupt
41> import SEL4.Object.Instances()
42> import SEL4.Object.ObjectType
43> import SEL4.Object.Endpoint(cancelBadgedSends)
44> import {-# SOURCE #-} SEL4.Object.TCB
45> import {-# SOURCE #-} SEL4.Kernel.CSpace
47> import Data.Bits
48> import qualified Data.Set
49> import Data.WordLib
53\subsection{Capability Node Object Invocations}
55The following function decodes a CNode invocation message, and checks for any error conditions.
57> decodeCNodeInvocation :: Word -> [Word] -> Capability -> [Capability] ->
58>         KernelF SyscallError CNodeInvocation
59> decodeCNodeInvocation label (index:bits:args)
60>         cap@(CNodeCap {}) extraCaps
61>   = do
63The first check is that the invocation type requested is a CNode operation.
65>     let inv = invocationType label
66>     unless (inv `elem` [CNodeRevoke .. CNodeSaveCaller]) $
67>         throw IllegalOperation
69All CNode operations require the caller to specify a slot in the capability space mapped by the tree whose root is the invoked node, by providing a pointer in the space defined by the tree and the depth of the tree.
71The lookup can be terminated early, and therefore operate on a capability at one of the intermediate levels, by reducing the specified depth and shifting the address to the right by the corresponding number of bits. However, the depth \emph{must} be that of a CNode existing in the specified region of the tree; if not, the operation will fail with a "MissingCapabilityError".
73>     destSlot <- lookupTargetSlot cap (CPtr index) (fromIntegral bits)
75>     case (inv `elem` [CNodeCopy .. CNodeMutate], inv, args, extraCaps) of
77The "Copy", "Mint", "Move" and "Mutate" operations are similar. Each creates a new capability, and must specify a source slot, in the same manner as the destination.
79>         (True, _, srcIndex:srcDepth:args, srcRootCap:_) -> do
81For these operations, the destination slot must be empty, so a new capability can be created in it.
83>             ensureEmptySlot destSlot
85The source slot is located in a similar way to the destination slot, but starting from an additional root capability provided to the system call.
87>             srcSlot <- lookupSourceSlot srcRootCap
88>                 (CPtr srcIndex) (fromIntegral srcDepth)
90The source slot must contain a valid capability.
92>             srcCTE <- withoutFailure $ getCTE srcSlot
93>             when (isNullCap $ cteCap srcCTE) $
94>                 throw $ FailedLookup True $ MissingCapability {
95>                     missingCapBitsLeft = fromIntegral srcDepth }
97Rights may be masked for the "Copy" and "Mint" operations. The capability data is adjusted on the "Mint" and "Mutate" operations.
99>             (rights, capData) <-
100>               case (inv, args) of
101>                 (CNodeCopy, rights:_) ->
102>                     return $! (rightsFromWord rights, Nothing)
103>                 (CNodeMint, rights:newData:_) ->
104>                     return $! (rightsFromWord rights, Just newData)
105>                 (CNodeMove, _) ->
106>                     return $! (allRights, Nothing)
107>                 (CNodeMutate, newData:_) ->
108>                     return $! (allRights, Just newData)
109>                 _ -> throw TruncatedMessage
111The moving system calls, "Move" and "Mutate", are differentiated from the copying system calls, "Copy" and "Mint".
113>             let isMove = inv `elem` [CNodeMove, CNodeMutate]
115The rights and capability data word are applied to the source capability to create a new capability.
117>             let srcCap = maskCapRights rights $ cteCap srcCTE
118>             newCap <- (if isMove then return else deriveCap srcSlot) $
119>               case capData of
120>                 Just w -> updateCapData isMove w srcCap
121>                 Nothing -> srcCap
122>             when (isNullCap newCap) $ throw IllegalOperation
124>             return $!
125>                 (if isMove then Move else Insert) newCap srcSlot destSlot
127The "Revoke", "Delete", "SaveCaller" and "CancelBadgedSends" operations have no additional arguments. The "SaveCaller" call requires the target slot to be empty.
129>         (_, CNodeRevoke, _, _) -> return $ Revoke destSlot
130>         (_, CNodeDelete, _, _) -> return $ Delete destSlot
131>         (_, CNodeSaveCaller, _, _) -> do
132>             ensureEmptySlot destSlot
133>             return $ SaveCaller destSlot
135For "CancelBadgedSends", the slot must contain a valid Endpoint capability.
137>         (_, CNodeCancelBadgedSends, _, _) -> do
138>             cte <- withoutFailure $ getCTE destSlot
139>             unless (hasCancelSendRights $ cteCap cte) $ throw IllegalOperation
140>             return $ CancelBadgedSends $ cteCap cte
142The "Rotate" operation atomically moves two capabilities.
144>         (_, CNodeRotate,
145>          pivotNewData:pivotIndex:pivotDepth:srcNewData:srcIndex:srcDepth:_,
146>          pivotRootCap:srcRootCap:_) -> do
148The source and pivot slots are located in a similar way to the destination slot, but starting from two additional root capabilities provided to the system call.
150>             srcSlot <- lookupSourceSlot srcRootCap
151>                     (CPtr srcIndex) (fromIntegral srcDepth)
152>             pivotSlot <- lookupPivotSlot pivotRootCap
153>                     (CPtr pivotIndex) (fromIntegral pivotDepth)
155The pivot slot must be distinct from the source and destination slots.
157>             when (pivotSlot == srcSlot || pivotSlot == destSlot) $
158>                 throw IllegalOperation
160The destination slot must be empty, unless it is the same as the source slot (in which case its contents will be swapped with those of the pivot slot).
162>             unless (srcSlot == destSlot) $ ensureEmptySlot destSlot
164The source and pivot slots must contain valid capabilities.
166>             srcCap <- withoutFailure $ liftM cteCap $ getCTE srcSlot
167>             when (isNullCap srcCap) $
168>                 throw $ FailedLookup True $ MissingCapability {
169>                     missingCapBitsLeft = fromIntegral srcDepth }
170>             pivotCap <- withoutFailure $ liftM cteCap $ getCTE pivotSlot
171>             when (isNullCap pivotCap) $
172>                 throw $ FailedLookup False $ MissingCapability {
173>                     missingCapBitsLeft = fromIntegral pivotDepth }
175The two moved capabilities are updated with the provided data words.
177>             let newSrcCap = updateCapData True srcNewData srcCap
178>             let newPivotCap = updateCapData True pivotNewData pivotCap
180The moved capabilities must not be null.
182>             when (isNullCap newSrcCap) $ throw IllegalOperation
183>             when (isNullCap newPivotCap) $ throw IllegalOperation
185>             return $! Rotate newSrcCap newPivotCap srcSlot pivotSlot destSlot
187Otherwise, the message was too short.
189>         _ -> throw TruncatedMessage
191> decodeCNodeInvocation label _ (CNodeCap {}) _
192>     = throw $ if invocationType label `elem` [CNodeRevoke .. CNodeSaveCaller]
193>         then TruncatedMessage
194>         else IllegalOperation
196> decodeCNodeInvocation _ _ _ _ = fail "decodeCNodeInvocation: invalid cap"
198The function "invokeCNode" dispatches an invocation to one of the handlers defined below, given a "CNodeInvocation" object.
200> invokeCNode :: CNodeInvocation -> KernelP ()
202> invokeCNode (Revoke destSlot) = cteRevoke destSlot
204> invokeCNode (Delete destSlot) = cteDelete destSlot True
206> invokeCNode (CancelBadgedSends (EndpointCap { capEPPtr = ptr, capEPBadge = b})) =
207>     withoutPreemption $ unless (b == 0) $ cancelBadgedSends ptr b
208> invokeCNode (CancelBadgedSends _) = fail "should never happen"
210> invokeCNode (Insert cap srcSlot destSlot) =
211>     withoutPreemption $ cteInsert cap srcSlot destSlot
213> invokeCNode (Move cap srcSlot destSlot) =
214>     withoutPreemption $ cteMove cap srcSlot destSlot
216> invokeCNode (Rotate cap1 cap2 slot1 slot2 slot3) = withoutPreemption $
217>     if (slot1 == slot3)
218>       then cteSwap cap1 slot1 cap2 slot2
219>       else do
220>              cteMove cap2 slot2 slot3
221>              cteMove cap1 slot1 slot2
223> invokeCNode (SaveCaller destSlot) = withoutPreemption $ do
224>     thread <- getCurThread
225>     srcSlot <- getThreadCallerSlot thread
226>     cap <- getSlotCap srcSlot
227>     case cap of
228>         NullCap -> return ()
229>         ReplyCap { capReplyMaster = False } -> cteMove cap srcSlot destSlot
230>         _ -> fail "caller capability must be null or reply"
232\subsection{CNode Operations}
234The following functions define the operations that can be performed by a CNode invocation.
236\subsubsection{Inserting New Capabilities}
238> setUntypedCapAsFull :: Capability -> Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
239> setUntypedCapAsFull srcCap newCap srcSlot = do
240>         if (isUntypedCap srcCap && isUntypedCap newCap &&
241>            capPtr srcCap == capPtr newCap && capBlockSize srcCap == capBlockSize newCap)
242>            then updateCap srcSlot (srcCap { capFreeIndex = maxFreeIndex (capBlockSize srcCap) }) else return ()
244Insertion of new capabilities copied from existing capabilities is performed by "cteInsert". The parameters are the physical addresses of the source and destination slots, and the capability to be inserted in the destination slot. This function requires the destination slot to be empty, and assumes that the provided capability is one that may be derived from the contents of the source slot.
246> cteInsert :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
247> cteInsert newCap srcSlot destSlot = do
249First, fetch the capability table entry for the source.
251>         srcCTE <- getCTE srcSlot
252>         let srcMDB = cteMDBNode srcCTE
253>         let srcCap = cteCap srcCTE
255If the newly created capability is allowed to become a parent of other capabilities in the MDB, it must be marked \emph{revocable}.
257>         let newCapIsRevocable = isCapRevocable newCap srcCap
259Create the new capability table entry. Its "MDBNode" is inserted in the mapping database immediately after the existing capability.
261The "mdbRevocable" bit is set if the capability is revocable, as determined by the test above. There is a second bit in the MDB, "mdbFirstBadged", that is effective only for endpoint capabilities; it is used to distinguish between capabilities badged by separate "Mint" operations, and marks the leftmost capability in the MDB that was created by the present "Mint" operation. If this capability is deleted, the bit's value will be moved to the next capability to the right (see "cteDelete").
263>         let newMDB = srcMDB {
264>                 mdbPrev = srcSlot,
265>                 mdbRevocable = newCapIsRevocable,
266>                 mdbFirstBadged = newCapIsRevocable }
268The destination slot must be empty.
270>         oldCTE <- getCTE destSlot
271>         assert (isNullCap $ cteCap oldCTE)
272>                 "cteInsert to non-empty destination"
273>         assert (mdbPrev (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer &&
274>                 mdbNext (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer)
275>                 "cteInsert: mdb entry must be empty"
276>         setUntypedCapAsFull srcCap newCap srcSlot
278Store the new entry in the destination slot and update the mapping database.
280>         updateCap destSlot newCap
281>         updateMDB destSlot (const newMDB)
282>         updateMDB srcSlot (\m -> m { mdbNext = destSlot })
283>         updateMDB (mdbNext newMDB) (\m -> m { mdbPrev = destSlot })
285\subsubsection{Moving Capabilities}
287> cteMove :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
288> cteMove newCap srcSlot destSlot = do
290The destination slot must be empty.
292>         oldCTE <- getCTE destSlot
293>         assert (isNullCap $ cteCap oldCTE)
294>                 "cteMove to non-empty destination"
295>         assert (mdbPrev (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer &&
296>                 mdbNext (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer)
297>                 "cteMove: mdb entry must be empty"
299Move the "CTE" into the new slot and update the mapping database.
301>         cte <- getCTE srcSlot
302>         let mdb = cteMDBNode cte
303>         updateCap destSlot newCap
304>         updateCap srcSlot NullCap
305>         updateMDB destSlot (const mdb)
306>         updateMDB srcSlot (const nullMDBNode)
307>         updateMDB (mdbPrev mdb) (\m -> m { mdbNext = destSlot })
308>         updateMDB (mdbNext mdb) (\m -> m { mdbPrev = destSlot })
310\subsubsection{Swapping Capabilities}
312To avoid long-running recursive "Delete" operations, it is sometimes necessary to swap the contents of two slots (which are never visible in the capability space at that time). See the definition of "reduceZombie" for details about when and why this is done. The function "capSwapForDelete" is used to perform these swaps.
314> capSwapForDelete :: PPtr CTE -> PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
315> capSwapForDelete slot1 slot2 = when (slot1 /= slot2) $ do
316>     cap1 <- liftM cteCap $ getCTE slot1
317>     cap2 <- liftM cteCap $ getCTE slot2
318>     cteSwap cap1 slot1 cap2 slot2
320The following function is used to atomically swap the contents of two slots, which must be distinct and contain valid capabilities. It is used by "capSwapForDelete", and by the "Rotate" system call if the source and destination slots are the same.
322Note the order of the MDB updates; this is necessary in case the two capabilities are MDB siblings.
324> cteSwap :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
325> cteSwap cap1 slot1 cap2 slot2 = do
326>     cte1 <- getCTE slot1
327>     updateCap slot1 cap2
328>     updateCap slot2 cap1
329>     let mdb1 = cteMDBNode cte1
330>     updateMDB (mdbPrev mdb1) (\m -> m { mdbNext = slot2 })
331>     updateMDB (mdbNext mdb1) (\m -> m { mdbPrev = slot2 })
332>     cte2 <- getCTE slot2
333>     let mdb2 = cteMDBNode cte2
334>     updateMDB slot1 (const mdb2)
335>     updateMDB slot2 (const mdb1)
336>     updateMDB (mdbPrev mdb2) (\m -> m { mdbNext = slot1 })
337>     updateMDB (mdbNext mdb2) (\m -> m { mdbPrev = slot1 })
339\subsubsection{Revoking Capabilities}
341The work for the revoke operation is done by "cteRevoke", which revokes all capabilities which are children of the invoked capability in the derivation tree.
343> cteRevoke :: PPtr CTE -> KernelP ()
344> cteRevoke slot = do
346Load the CTE being revoked.
348>     cte <- withoutPreemption $ getCTE slot
349>     let nextPtr = mdbNext $ cteMDBNode cte
351Determine whether the CTE is valid, and has children to be deleted. If a child is found, then it is deleted, and we look for another; otherwise the revocation is complete. There is a preemption point immediately after each capability deletion.
353>     unless ((isNullCap $ cteCap cte) || (nextPtr == nullPointer)) $ do
354>         nextCTE <- withoutPreemption $ getCTE nextPtr
355>         when (cte `isMDBParentOf` nextCTE) $ do
356>             cteDelete nextPtr True
357>             preemptionPoint
358>             cteRevoke slot
360\subsubsection{Deleting Capabilities}
363This function deletes the capability in a given slot. If it is the last remaining capability for the given object, the object will be destroyed.
365The run time of "cteDelete" is unbounded under certain circumstances, so the operation must include preemption points. Specifically, deleting the last capability to a CNode or TCB may recursively call "cteDelete". Keeping the kernel's state consistent during such operations is a complex task.
367> cteDelete :: PPtr CTE -> Bool -> KernelP ()
368> cteDelete slot exposed = do
369>     (success, info) <- finaliseSlot slot exposed
370>     when (exposed || success) $ withoutPreemption $ emptySlot slot info
372This helper routine empties a slot. The routine may be called on the same
373slot twice as a result of recursion between "cteDelete" and "reduceZombie",
374thus a check is made as to whether the slot is already empty.
376Some capabilities require some additional cleanup after the slot has been cleared.
377For example, deleting the final IRQHandlerCap for an IRQ requires clearing the bitmask
378to allow reissue of a new IRQHandlerCap for that IRQ.
380The emptySlot helper takes a Capability argument which represents the required cleanup,
381and calls postCapDeletion to actually perform the cleanup.
383> emptySlot :: PPtr CTE -> Capability -> Kernel ()
384> emptySlot slot info = do
385>     clearUntypedFreeIndex slot
386>     newCTE <- getCTE slot
387>     let mdbNode = cteMDBNode newCTE
388>     let prev = mdbPrev mdbNode
389>     let next = mdbNext mdbNode
391>     case (cteCap newCTE) of
392>         NullCap   -> return ()
393>         _         -> do
394>             updateMDB prev (\mdb -> mdb { mdbNext = next })
395>             updateMDB next (\mdb -> mdb {
396>                     mdbPrev = prev,
397>                     mdbFirstBadged =
398>                         mdbFirstBadged mdb || mdbFirstBadged mdbNode })
399>             updateCap slot NullCap
400>             updateMDB slot (const nullMDBNode)
402>             postCapDeletion info
404If the deleted capability is marked as being the leftmost endpoint capability in the tree with a given badge, the next capability to the right in the tree will inherit that property. This is significant only if the next capability is a sibling of the deleted one; otherwise the bit either has no effect or is already set.
406This helper routine prepares a slot to be emptied. In most cases, this simply involves taking a finalisation action relevant to the contained capability; that action is implemented in "finaliseCap", in \autoref{sec:object.objecttype.finalise}. However, if the capability contains references to other slots, a Zombie will be returned from "finaliseCap" to indicate this, and the resulting recursive problem must be handled carefully.
408The boolean in the return value indicates whether the slot was successfully finalised. When the "exposed" flag is set, this will always be true. The unexposed operation may abort when it encounters a zombie capability that is already pointing at the slot it is in. Zombies are always the final reference to any given object, thus this Zombie must also be the capability that the exposed deletion operation (which is the recursive parent) used to recurse on. This case can be handled by returning control to the recursive parent without taking any action.
410The optional IRQ in the return value indicates any IRQ lines whose final IRQ handling capability will be freed by the deletion of the capability in the slot. The 'deletedIRQHandler' function should be called once the slot is empty.
412> finaliseSlot :: PPtr CTE -> Bool -> KernelP (Bool, Capability)
413> finaliseSlot slot exposed = do
415Load the contents of the slot.
417>     cte <- withoutPreemption $ getCTE slot
419>     if isNullCap $ cteCap cte then return (True, NullCap) else do
421Determine whether this is a final capability.
423>         final <- withoutPreemption $ isFinalCapability cte
425Perform any type-specific finalisation actions associated with the capability.
427>         (remainder, info) <- withoutPreemption $
428>                                 finaliseCap (cteCap cte) final False
430At this point, the capability can safely be replaced with the returned
431remainder, which is either a "NullCap" or a "Zombie". If this cap is removable, we
432are finished finalising the slot. If not, we should save the returned cap as a
433potential resume point in the event of preemption, and then attempt to reduce
434further. Once a reduction step is taken we will allow preemption, and then
435continue finalising in this slot.
437>         if capRemovable remainder slot then return (True, info) else
438>             if not exposed && capCyclicZombie remainder slot
439>             then do
440>                 withoutPreemption $ updateCap slot remainder
441>                 return (False, NullCap)
442>             else do
443>                 withoutPreemption $ updateCap slot remainder
444>                 reduceZombie remainder slot exposed
445>                 preemptionPoint
446>                 finaliseSlot slot exposed
448This helper determines if a capability returned by "finaliseCap" can be removed from its slot. "Zombie" capabilities are only removable if they point to zero slots or only to the slot they are in. For all other object types, "finaliseCap" returns "NullCap", to indicate that the capability is removable.
450> capRemovable :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Bool
451> capRemovable NullCap _ = True
452> capRemovable (Zombie { capZombiePtr = slot', capZombieNumber = n }) slot =
453>     (n == 0) || (n == 1 && slot == slot')
454> capRemovable _ _ = error "finaliseCap should only return Zombie or NullCap"
456This helper determines if a capability returned by "finaliseCap" is a cyclic Zombie. If so, unexposed deletion operations should abort.
458> capCyclicZombie :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Bool
459> capCyclicZombie NullCap _ = False
460> capCyclicZombie (Zombie { capZombiePtr = slot' }) slot =
461>     slot == slot'
462> capCyclicZombie _ _ = False
464This helper takes a reduction step on an unremovable "Zombie" capability.
466> reduceZombie :: Capability -> PPtr CTE -> Bool -> KernelP ()
468Unremovable "Zombie" capabilities must point to at least one slot.
470> reduceZombie (Zombie { capZombieNumber = 0 }) _ _ =
471>     fail "reduceZombie expected unremovable Zombie"
473When the "Zombie" is not exposed, a swap operation is performed, moving the "Zombie" capability into the location it points to. This cannot already be the case, as if it were, the "Zombie" capability itself would be the only exposed capability to itself, and thus the target of the exposed deletion calling for the unexposed one. This in turn requires the "Zombie" to be of size 1, thus removable.
475> reduceZombie (Zombie { capZombiePtr = ptr }) slot False = do
476>     assert (ptr /= slot) "Cyclic zombie passed to unexposed reduceZombie."
477>     capAtPtr <- withoutPreemption $ liftM cteCap $ getCTE ptr
478>     case capAtPtr of
479>         (Zombie { capZombiePtr = ptr2 }) -> assert (ptr2 /= ptr)
480>                 "Moving self-referential Zombie aside."
481>         _ -> return ()
482>     withoutPreemption $ capSwapForDelete ptr slot
484When the Zombie is exposed, the reduction operation deletes the contents of one of the slots the Zombie points to. The Zombie is then reduced in size. A corner case exists when the deletion operation, which is unexposed, swaps a Zombie capability discovered back into the slot in which our Zombie was or even clears our slot entirely. In this case the deletion operation may even fail to clear the slot. For this reason, we check whether the Zombie is unchanged before shrinking it.
486> reduceZombie z@(Zombie { capZombiePtr = ptr, capZombieNumber = n }) slot True = do
487>     endSlot <- withoutPreemption $ locateSlotCap z (fromIntegral (n - 1))
488>     cteDelete endSlot False
489>     ourCTE  <- withoutPreemption $ getCTE slot
490>     case (cteCap ourCTE) of
491>         NullCap -> return ()
492>         c2@(Zombie { capZombiePtr = ptr2 }) ->
493>             if (ptr == ptr2 && capZombieNumber c2 == n
494>                     && capZombieType z == capZombieType c2)
495>             then withoutPreemption $ do
496>                 endCTE <- getCTE endSlot
497>                 assert (isNullCap $ cteCap endCTE)
498>                     "Expected cteDelete to clear slot or overwrite existing."
499>                 let newCap = z { capZombieNumber = n-1 }
500>                 updateCap slot newCap
501>             else assert (ptr2 == slot && ptr /= slot)
502>                     "Expected new Zombie to be self-referential."
503>         _ -> fail "Expected recursion to result in Zombie."
505> reduceZombie _ _ _ = fail "reduceZombie expected Zombie"
507In some cases we call for the deletion of a capability which we know can be deleted without recursion. For this case we have a non-preemptible way of calling the delete operation. For technical reasons this is done here by unfolding the definitions of "cteDelete" and "finaliseSlot".
509> cteDeleteOne :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
510> cteDeleteOne slot = do
511>     cte <- getCTE slot
512>     unless (isNullCap $ cteCap cte) $ do
513>         final <- isFinalCapability cte
514>         (remainder, info) <- finaliseCap (cteCap cte) final True
515>         assert (capRemovable remainder slot && isNullCap info) $
516>             "cteDeleteOne: cap should be removable"
517>         emptySlot slot NullCap
519\subsection{Object Creation}
521Create a set of new capabilities (and possibly the objects backing them) and
522insert them in given empty slots. The required parameters are an object type;
523a pointer to the source capability's slot; a list of pointers to empty slots;
524the region of memory where the objects will be created; and an integer
525representing the size of the objects to be created.
527> createNewObjects :: ObjectType -> PPtr CTE -> [PPtr CTE] -> PPtr () -> Int -> Bool -> Kernel ()
528> createNewObjects newType srcSlot destSlots regionBase userSizeBits isDevice = do
529>     let objectSizeBits = getObjectSize newType userSizeBits
530>     zipWithM_ (\num slot -> do
531>       cap <- createObject newType
532>               (PPtr (num `shiftL` objectSizeBits) + regionBase) userSizeBits isDevice
533>       insertNewCap srcSlot slot cap)
534>       [0 .. fromIntegral (length destSlots - 1)] destSlots
536The following function inserts a new revocable cap as a child of another.
538> insertNewCap :: PPtr CTE -> PPtr CTE -> Capability -> Kernel ()
539> insertNewCap parent slot cap = do
540>     next <- liftM (mdbNext . cteMDBNode) $ getCTE parent
541>     oldCTE <- getCTE slot
542>     assert (isNullCap (cteCap oldCTE)
543>             && mdbNext (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer
544>             && mdbPrev (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer)
545>             "insertNewCap: slot and mdb entry must be empty"
546>     setCTE slot $ CTE cap (MDB next parent True True)
547>     updateMDB next   $ (\m -> m { mdbPrev = slot })
548>     updateMDB parent $ (\m -> m { mdbNext = slot })
549>     updateNewFreeIndex slot
551The following function is used by the bootstrap code to create the initial set of capabilities.
553> insertInitCap :: PPtr CTE -> Capability -> Kernel ()
554> insertInitCap slot cap = do
555>     oldCTE <- getCTE slot
556>     assert (isNullCap $ cteCap oldCTE) "insertInitCap: slot must be empty"
557>     assert (not $ isNullCap cap) "insertInitCap: cannot insert null"
558>     assert (mdbPrev (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer &&
559>             mdbNext (cteMDBNode oldCTE) == nullPointer)
560>            "insertInitCap: mdb entry must be empty"
561>     updateCap slot cap
562>     updateMDB slot (const (nullMDBNode {
563>         mdbRevocable = True,
564>         mdbFirstBadged = True }))
566The following function is called when a thread is restarted, to ensure that the thread's master reply capability exists. This is a special capability that exists only to be the MDB parent of a real reply capability generated by an IPC "Call" operation. It can never be invoked.
568> setupReplyMaster :: PPtr TCB -> Kernel ()
569> setupReplyMaster thread = do
570>     slot <- locateSlotTCB thread tcbReplySlot
571>     oldCTE <- getCTE slot
572>     when (isNullCap $ cteCap oldCTE) $ do
573>         stateAssert (noReplyCapsFor thread)
574>             "setupReplyMaster: reply master must not exist"
575>         let cap = ReplyCap { capTCBPtr = thread, capReplyMaster = True }
576>         let mdb = nullMDBNode { mdbRevocable = True, mdbFirstBadged = True }
577>         setCTE slot $ CTE cap mdb
579This function is used in the assertion above; it returns "True" if no reply capabilities (masters or otherwise) currently exist for the given thread. In the Haskell model, it always returns "True"; in the Isabelle formalisation of this model, it is strengthened to return "False" if a reply capability for the thread does exist.
581> noReplyCapsFor :: PPtr TCB -> KernelState -> Bool
582> noReplyCapsFor _ _ = True
584These functions concern the free indices of untyped caps. For verification reasons we also track the free ranges in a ghost variable, which must be updated appropriately when untyped caps might be changed.
586> updateTrackedFreeIndex :: PPtr CTE -> Int -> Kernel ()
587> updateTrackedFreeIndex slot idx = do
588>     cap <- getSlotCap slot
589>     modify (\ks -> ks {gsUntypedZeroRanges =
590>         case untypedZeroRange cap of
591>             Nothing -> gsUntypedZeroRanges ks
592>             Just r -> Data.Set.delete r (gsUntypedZeroRanges ks)
593>         })
594>     modify (\ks -> ks {gsUntypedZeroRanges =
595>         case untypedZeroRange (cap {capFreeIndex = idx}) of
596>             Nothing -> gsUntypedZeroRanges ks
597>             Just r -> Data.Set.insert r (gsUntypedZeroRanges ks)
598>         })
600> updateFreeIndex :: PPtr CTE -> Int -> Kernel ()
601> updateFreeIndex slot idx = do
602>     updateTrackedFreeIndex slot idx
603>     cap <- getSlotCap slot
604>     updateCap slot (cap {capFreeIndex = idx})
606> clearUntypedFreeIndex :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
607> clearUntypedFreeIndex slot = do
608>     cap <- getSlotCap slot
609>     case cap of
610>         UntypedCap {} -> updateTrackedFreeIndex slot
611>             (maxFreeIndex (capBlockSize cap))
612>         _ -> return ()
614> updateNewFreeIndex :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel ()
615> updateNewFreeIndex slot = do
616>     cap <- getSlotCap slot
617>     case cap of
618>         UntypedCap {} -> updateTrackedFreeIndex slot (capFreeIndex cap)
619>         _ -> return ()
621\subsection{MDB Operations}
624The Mapping Database (MDB) is used to keep track of the derivation hierarchy of seL4 capabilities, so all existing capabilities to an object can be revoked before that object is reused or deleted. A similar structure is used in L4Ka::Pistachio\cite{Pistachio:URL} to support that kernel's Unmap operation.
626The MDB is a double-linked list that is equivalent to a prefix traversal of the derivation tree. It is possible to compare two capabilities to determine whether one is an ancestor of the other in the derivation tree.
628> isMDBParentOf :: CTE -> CTE -> Bool
630To be the parent of "b", "a" must have the "mdbRevocable" bit set and must have authority over the same physical resources as "b".
632> isMDBParentOf (CTE a mdbA) (CTE b mdbB)
633>     | not $ mdbRevocable mdbA  = False
634>     | not $ a `sameRegionAs` b = False
635>     | otherwise                = case a of
637If "a" is an endpoint capability with a badge set, then it is the parent of "b" if and only if "b" has the same badge as "a" and has the "mdbFirstBadged" bit clear.
639>         EndpointCap { capEPBadge = badge } | badge /= 0 ->
640>             (badge == capEPBadge b) && (not $ mdbFirstBadged mdbB)
641>         NotificationCap { capNtfnBadge = badge } | badge /= 0 ->
642>             (badge == capNtfnBadge b) && (not $ mdbFirstBadged mdbB)
644Otherwise, the object is not an endpoint, and "a" is the parent of "b".
646>         _ -> True
648% XXX diagram to illustrate this
650In several of the functions in this module, it is necessary to modify the MDB node in a CTE without changing anything else in the CTE, and to skip the operation if the CTE pointer is null. The following function is a helper function used to do so.
652> updateMDB :: PPtr CTE -> (MDBNode -> MDBNode) -> Kernel ()
653> updateMDB 0 _ = return ()
654> updateMDB slot f = do
655>         cte <- getCTE slot
656>         let mdb = cteMDBNode cte
657>         let mdb' = f mdb
658>         let cte' = cte { cteMDBNode = mdb' }
659>         setCTE slot cte'
661\subsection{Error Checking}
663Before retyping an untyped memory object, it is necessary to check that the object contains no existing objects.
665> ensureNoChildren :: PPtr CTE -> KernelF SyscallError ()
666> ensureNoChildren slot = do
667>         cte <- withoutFailure $ getCTE slot
668>         when (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte) /= nullPointer) $ do
669>             next <- withoutFailure $ getCTE (mdbNext $ cteMDBNode cte)
670>             when (cte `isMDBParentOf` next) $ throw RevokeFirst
672When creating or deriving new capabilities, the destination slot must be empty.
674> ensureEmptySlot :: PPtr CTE -> KernelF SyscallError ()
675> ensureEmptySlot slot = do
676>         cte <- withoutFailure $ getCTE slot
677>         unless (isNullCap $ cteCap cte) $ throw DeleteFirst
679\subsection{Accessing Capabilities}
681\subsubsection{Locating Slots}
683These functions are used for locating a slot at a given offset in a CNode. When
684performing an offset into a regular CNode, the offset is checked against the
685ghost state. This check is skipped for the CNode within TCBs.
687> locateSlotBasic :: PPtr CTE -> Word -> Kernel (PPtr CTE)
688> locateSlotBasic cnode offset = do
689>         let slotSize = 1 `shiftL` objBits (undefined::CTE)
690>         return $ PPtr $ fromPPtr $ cnode + PPtr (slotSize * offset)
692> locateSlotTCB :: PPtr TCB -> Word -> Kernel (PPtr CTE)
693> locateSlotTCB tcb offset = locateSlotBasic (PPtr $ fromPPtr tcb) offset
695> locateSlotCNode :: PPtr CTE -> Int -> Word -> Kernel (PPtr CTE)
696> locateSlotCNode cnode bits offset = do
697>         flip stateAssert "locateSlotCNode: must be in CNode"
698>             (\s -> case gsCNodes s (fromPPtr cnode) of
699>                 Nothing -> False
700>                 Just n -> n == bits && offset < 2 ^ n)
701>         locateSlotBasic cnode offset
703> locateSlotCap :: Capability -> Word -> Kernel (PPtr CTE)
704> locateSlotCap (cap @ (CNodeCap {})) offset
705>     = locateSlotCNode (capCNodePtr cap) (capCNodeBits cap) offset
706> locateSlotCap (cap @ (ThreadCap {})) offset
707>     = locateSlotTCB (capTCBPtr cap) offset
708> locateSlotCap (cap @ (Zombie {})) offset = case capZombieType cap of
709>     ZombieTCB -> locateSlotTCB (PPtr $ fromPPtr $ capZombiePtr cap) offset
710>     ZombieCNode bits -> locateSlotCNode (capZombiePtr cap) bits offset
711> locateSlotCap _ _ = fail "locateSlotCap: not a cap with slots"
713\subsubsection{Loading and Storing Entries}
715The following two functions are specialisations of "getObject" and
716"setObject" for the capability table entry object and pointer types.
718> getCTE :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel CTE
719> getCTE = getObject
721> setCTE :: PPtr CTE -> CTE -> Kernel ()
722> setCTE = setObject
724Often, only the capability slot of the CTE needs to be modified.
726> updateCap :: PPtr CTE -> Capability -> Kernel ()
727> updateCap slot newCap = do
728>         cte <- getCTE slot
729>         setCTE slot (cte { cteCap = newCap })
731\subsubsection{Reading Capabilities}
733At higher levels of the kernel model ("SEL4.Kernel" and "SEL4.API"),
734capabilities are represented by the abstract "Capability" type, rather
735than the "CTE" type that is used to store them in memory.
737The following functions are used to extract capabilities, in the form
738of "Capability" objects, from the "CTE"s that store them.
740> getSlotCap :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel Capability
741> getSlotCap ptr = do
742>     cte <- getCTE ptr
743>     return $ cteCap cte
745\subsubsection{Testing Capabilities}
747When deleting a capability, it is necessary to determine whether it is the only existing capability to access a typed object it refers to. When an object's last remaining capability is deleted, the kernel must clean up any internal references it has to the object (in the scheduler's ready queues, the mapping database, and so on). The following function tests a capability to determine whether it is the last.
749> isFinalCapability :: CTE -> Kernel Bool
750> isFinalCapability cte@(CTE { cteMDBNode = mdb }) = do
751>     prevIsSameObject <- if mdbPrev mdb == nullPointer
752>         then return False
753>         else do
754>             prev <- getCTE (mdbPrev mdb)
755>             return $! sameObjectAs (cteCap prev) (cteCap cte)
756>     if prevIsSameObject
757>         then return False
758>         else if mdbNext mdb == nullPointer
759>             then return True
760>             else do
761>                 next <- getCTE (mdbNext mdb)
762>                 return $ not $ sameObjectAs (cteCap cte) (cteCap next)
764The "SetSpace" method of the "TCB" object type will refuse to change the address space roots of a thread if removing the existing root capability might cause a long running delete --- see \autoref{sec:object.tcb.decode.setspace} for details. These functions are called to perform that check.
766> longRunningDelete :: Capability -> Bool
767> longRunningDelete (ThreadCap {}) = True
768> longRunningDelete (CNodeCap {}) = True
769> longRunningDelete (Zombie {}) = True
770> longRunningDelete _ = False
772> slotCapLongRunningDelete :: PPtr CTE -> Kernel Bool
773> slotCapLongRunningDelete slot = do
774>     cte <- getCTE slot
775>     case cteCap cte of
776>         NullCap -> return False
777>         _ -> do
778>             final <- isFinalCapability cte
779>             return $ final && longRunningDelete (cteCap cte)
781\subsection{Capability Transfers}
783The following function locates the available receive slots for a capability transfer. If a specified slot is non-empty, the message will be truncated rather than using that slot. As with truncation of untyped data, the receiver is expected to either detect this at user level based on a protocol violation, or not care.
785Note that the kernel API currently only allows one receive slot to be specified, so the list returned by "getReceiveSlots" only contains one item. However, this may change in future. The code calling this function does not assume that there is only one receive slot.
787> getReceiveSlots :: PPtr TCB -> Maybe (PPtr Word) ->
788>     Kernel [PPtr CTE]
789> getReceiveSlots thread (Just buffer) = do
791Load the receive parameters from the receiving thread's IPC buffer.
793>         ct <- loadCapTransfer buffer
795Look up the specified root CNode, and then the slot at the given index and depth in that CNode's tree. Fail if there is already a valid capability in it, to avoid a potentially slow revocation during the IPC operation. Any faults or errors occurring during the lookup operations are caught here.
797>         emptyOnFailure $ do
798>             let cptr = ctReceiveRoot ct
799>             cnode <- unifyFailure $ lookupCap thread cptr
800>             slot <- unifyFailure $ lookupTargetSlot
801>                 cnode (ctReceiveIndex ct) (ctReceiveDepth ct)
802>             cte <- withoutFailure $ getCTE slot
803>             unless (isNullCap $ cteCap cte) $ throw ()
804>             return [slot]
805> getReceiveSlots _ Nothing = return []
807This helper function is used to load the capability transfer data from an IPC buffer.
809> loadCapTransfer :: PPtr Word -> Kernel CapTransfer
810> loadCapTransfer buffer = do
811>         let intSize = fromIntegral wordSize
812>         let offset = msgMaxLength + msgMaxExtraCaps + 2
813>         capTransferFromWords (buffer + PPtr (offset*intSize))
815> capTransferFromWords :: PPtr Word -> Kernel CapTransfer
816> capTransferFromWords ptr = do
817>         let intSize = fromIntegral wordSize
818>         w0 <- loadWordUser ptr
819>         w1 <- loadWordUser $ ptr + PPtr intSize
820>         w2 <- loadWordUser $ ptr + PPtr (2 * intSize)
821>         return CT {
822>             ctReceiveRoot = CPtr w0,
823>             ctReceiveIndex = CPtr w1,
824>             ctReceiveDepth = fromIntegral w2 }