2 * Copyright 2014, NICTA
3 *
4 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5 * the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6 * See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
7 *
9 *)
11(* Automation framework for general C refinement *)
13theory Ctac
15  AutoCorres_C
16  "CLib.XPres"
19(* This file includes theorems associated with ctac and friends *)
21context kernel
24(* tactic setup *)
26lemma match_ccorres:
27  "ccorres_underlying sr G r xf' arrel axf P P' hs a c
28      \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr G r xf' arrel axf P P' hs a c" .
30(* xfru needs to appear in the lemma ... *)
31lemma match_ccorres_record:
32  fixes xfru :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" and xf' :: "cstate \<Rightarrow> 'b" and xfr :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a"
33  shows "ccorres_underlying sr G r (xfr \<circ> xf') arrel axf P P' hs a (c xfru)
34          \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr G r (xfr \<circ> xf') arrel axf P P' hs a (c xfru)" .
36lemma match_ccorres_Seq:
37  "ccorres_underlying sr G r xf arrel axf P P' hs a (c ;; d)
38   \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr G r xf arrel axf P P' hs a (c ;; d)" .
40lemma match_ccorres_call_Seq:
41  "ccorres_underlying sr G r xf arrel axf P P' hs a (call i f g c ;; d)
42      \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr G r xf arrel axf P P' hs a (call i f g c ;; d)" .
44(* Most specific to least specific.  ctac uses <base> ^ "_novcg" so the suffic is important for the
45 * ctac_splits lemmas *)
46lemmas ctac_splits_non_call = ccorres_split_nothrowE [where F = UNIV] ccorres_split_nothrow  [where F = UNIV]
47lemmas ctac_splits_non_call_novcg = ccorres_split_nothrow_novcgE ccorres_split_nothrow_novcg
49lemmas ctac_splits_call = ccorres_split_nothrow_callE [where F = UNIV] ccorres_split_nothrow_call [where F = UNIV]
50lemmas ctac_splits_call_novcg = ccorres_split_nothrow_call_novcgE ccorres_split_nothrow_call_novcg
52lemmas ctac_splits_record =
53  ccorres_split_nothrow_call_record  [where F = UNIV] ccorres_split_nothrow_record [where F = UNIV]
54(* Probably useless as-is *)
55lemmas ctac_splits_record_novcg =
56  ccorres_split_nothrow_call_record_novcg ccorres_split_nothrow_record_novcg
58(* None of these generate vcg obligations, so we don't need a _novcg alternative *)
59lemmas ctac_nosplit_non_call = match_ccorres
60lemmas ctac_nosplit_call = ccorres_callE ccorres_call
61lemmas ctac_nosplit_record = ccorres_call_record match_ccorres_record
63(* Used with the _spec and _modifies rules. WARNING: the order and
64    position of these assumptions is relied on by the tactic csymbr.  The
65    guard for cc is then simplified and gen_asm2 can be used. *)
66lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_call:
67  assumes cc: "\<And>rv'. ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' rv' \<inter> {s. P' rv' (i s)}) hs a (d' rv')"
68  (* WARNING: the tactic csymbr relies on the outermost variable (v) being of the same type as the return type of xf' *)
69  and  xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
70  and f_spec: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> {\<sigma>. s = \<sigma> \<and> P \<sigma> s} Call f {t. P' (xf'' t) s}"
71  and f_modifies: "modifies_spec f"
72  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
73  and     gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
74  and     gi: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
75  (* This is annoying, as simp doesn't always solve it *)
76  and    Pig: "\<And>x (s :: cstate) v'. P' x (i s)
77  \<Longrightarrow> P' x (i (xfu' (\<lambda>_. x) s))"
78  (* The concrete guard here is stronger than required --- we really need xf'' t not v *)
79  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G
80  ({s. \<forall>v v'. P' v (i s) \<longrightarrow> xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s \<in> {s. s \<in> G' v}}
81  \<inter> {s. P (i s) (i s)}) hs a
82            (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xf'' t))) ;; d)"
83  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
84proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
85    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow, OF ccorres_call ceqv, OF _ gg xfxfu gi cc])
86  show "ccorres dc xf'' \<top> (Collect (\<lambda>s. P s s)) [] (return ()) (Call f)"
87    apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
88    apply (rule ccorres_noop_spec [OF f_spec f_modifies])
89    apply simp
90    done
92  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
94  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. \<forall>uu. dc uu (xf' s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' (xf' s) \<inter> {sa. P' (xf' s) (i sa)}}"
95    apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcModifyReturnNoAbr [where return' = "\<lambda>s t. s", OF _ _ f_modifies])
96    apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcSpecNoAbrupt [OF _ _ f_spec])
97    defer
98    apply vcg
99    apply (clarsimp simp add: gi mex_def meq_def xfxfu)
100    apply (clarsimp simp add: gi mex_def meq_def xfxfu Pig)
101    done
102qed simp_all
104lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_Basic:
105  assumes cc: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' hs a (d' v)"
106  and  xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
107  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
108  and     gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
109  (* WARNING: the tactic csymbr relies on the outermost variable being of the same type as the return type of xf' *)
110  (*  and    Pig: "\<And>x (s :: cstate) v'. P' x (i s) \<Longrightarrow> P' x (i (xfu' (\<lambda>_. x) s))" *)
111  (* The concrete guard here is stronger than required --- we really need xf'' t not v *)
112  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G {s. xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s \<in> G'}  hs a (Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v)) ;; d)"
113  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
114proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
115    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow, OF _ ceqv])
116  show "ccorres dc xf' \<top> UNIV hs (return ()) ?c"
117    apply (rule ccorres_noop)
118    apply (vcg spec=modifies)
119    done
121  fix rv'
122  show "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' \<inter> {s. rv' = v}) hs a (d' rv')"
123    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
124    apply (erule ssubst)
125    apply (rule cc)
126    done
128  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
130  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. \<forall>uu. dc uu (xf' s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' \<inter> {_. xf' s = v}}"
131    apply vcg
132    apply (clarsimp simp add: xfxfu)
133    done
134qed simp_all
137(* This needs to correspond in the first 4 assumptions to the above _call: *)
138lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_call_record:
139  fixes xf' :: "cstate \<Rightarrow> 'a" and xfu' :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> cstate \<Rightarrow> cstate"
140  and  xf'' :: "cstate \<Rightarrow> 'b"  and xfr :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b" and xfru :: "('b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
141  assumes cc: "\<And>rv' :: 'b. ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf
142                     G (G' rv' \<inter> {s. P' rv' (i s)}) hs a (d' (xfru (\<lambda>_. rv') oldv))"
143  (* WARNING: the tactic csymbr relies on the outermost variable being of the same type as the return type of xf' *)
144  and  xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
145  and f_spec: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> {\<sigma>. s = \<sigma> \<and> P \<sigma> s} Call f {t. P' (xf'' t) s}"
146  and f_modifies: "modifies_spec f"
147  (* WARNING: the tactic csymbr relies on the outermost variable being of the same type as the return type of xfr *)
148  and  xfrxfru: "\<And>v s. xfr (xfru (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
149  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
150  and     gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
151  and     gi: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
152  and Pig: "\<And>x (s :: cstate) v'. P' x (i s) \<Longrightarrow>
153                P' x (i (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. x) oldv) s))"
154  (* The concrete guard here is stronger than required --- we really need xf'' t not v *)
155  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G
156  ({s. \<forall>v v'. P' v (i s) \<longrightarrow> xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. v) oldv) s \<in> {s. s \<in> G' v}}
157  \<inter> {s. P (i s) (i s)}) hs a
158            (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv))) ;; d)"
159  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
160proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
161    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow_record [where xfru = "xfru"], OF ccorres_call ceqv, OF _ gg _ gi cc])
162  show "ccorres dc xf'' \<top> (Collect (\<lambda>s. P s s)) [] (return ()) (Call f)"
163    apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
164    apply (rule ccorres_noop_spec [OF f_spec f_modifies])
165    apply simp
166    done
168  fix a s t
169  show "(xfr \<circ> xf') (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv) (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)) = xf'' t"
170    by (simp add: xfxfu xfrxfru)
172  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
174  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. xf' s = xfru (\<lambda>_. (xfr \<circ> xf') s) oldv \<and>
175    (\<forall>uu. dc uu ((xfr \<circ> xf') s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' ((xfr \<circ> xf') s) \<inter> {sa. P' ((xfr \<circ> xf') s) (i sa)})}"
176    apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcModifyReturnNoAbr [where return' = "\<lambda>s t. s", OF _ _ f_modifies])
177    apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcSpecNoAbrupt [OF _ _ f_spec])
178    defer
179    apply vcg
180    apply (clarsimp simp add: gi mex_def meq_def xfxfu)
181    apply (clarsimp simp add: gi mex_def meq_def xfxfu xfrxfru Pig)
182    done
183qed simp_all
185lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_Basic_record:
186  fixes xf' :: "cstate \<Rightarrow> 'a" and xfu' :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> cstate \<Rightarrow> cstate" and xfru :: "('b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
187  assumes cc: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' hs a (d' (xfru (\<lambda>_. v) oldv))"
188  and  xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
189  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
190  and     gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
191  (* The concrete guard here is stronger than required --- we really need xf'' t not v *)
192  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G {s. xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. v) oldv) s \<in> G'} hs a (Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. v) oldv)) ;; d)"
193  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
194proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
195    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow_record [where xfru = "xfru"], OF _ ceqv])
196  show "ccorres dc ((\<lambda>_. v) \<circ> xf') \<top> UNIV hs (return ()) ?c"
197    apply (rule ccorres_noop)
198    apply (vcg spec=modifies)
199    done
201  fix rv'
202  show "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' \<inter> {s. rv' = v}) hs a (d' (xfru (\<lambda>_. rv') oldv))"
203    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
204    apply (erule ssubst)
205    apply (rule cc)
206    done
208  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
210  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. xf' s = xfru (\<lambda>_. ((\<lambda>_. v) \<circ> xf') s) oldv \<and>
211           (\<forall>uu. dc uu (((\<lambda>_. v) \<circ> xf') s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' \<inter> \<lbrace>((\<lambda>_. v) \<circ> xf') s = v\<rbrace>)}"
212    apply (rule conseqPre)
213    apply vcg
214    apply (clarsimp simp add: xfxfu)
215    done
216qed simp_all
219thm ccorres_lift_rhs_call [where P = "\<lambda>_ s. hrs_htd \<^bsup>s\<^esup>t_hrs \<Turnstile>\<^sub>t (xfa s)"]
221lemmas ccorres_lift_rhs_no_guard = ccorres_lift_rhs_call [where P = "\<lambda>_ _. True", simplified]
222lemmas ccorres_lift_rhss = ccorres_lift_rhs_no_guard ccorres_lift_rhs_call
224lemmas ccorres_lift_rhs_record_no_guard = ccorres_lift_rhs_call_record [where P = "\<lambda>_ _. True", simplified]
225lemmas ccorres_lift_rhss_record = ccorres_lift_rhs_record_no_guard ccorres_lift_rhs_call_record
227lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_Basic_stateful:
228  assumes cc: "\<And>v. ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' v) hs a (d' v)"
229  and  xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
230  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
231  and     gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
232  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G {s. xfu' (\<lambda>_. g s) s \<in> G' (g s)}  hs a (Basic (\<lambda>s. xfu' (\<lambda>_. g s) s) ;; d)"
233  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
234proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
235    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow, OF _ ceqv])
236  show "ccorres dc xf' \<top> UNIV hs (return ()) ?c"
237    apply (rule ccorres_noop)
238    apply (vcg spec=modifies)
239    done
241  fix rv'
242  show "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' rv') hs a (d' rv')"
243    by (rule cc)
245  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
247  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. \<forall>uu. dc uu (xf' s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' (xf' s)}"
248    apply (rule conseqPre)
249    apply vcg
250    apply (clarsimp simp add: xfxfu)
251    done
252qed simp_all
254lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_Spec_stateful:
255  assumes cc: "\<And>v. ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' v) hs a (d' v)"
256  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
257  assumes gg: "\<And>v s. globals (upd (\<lambda>_. v) s) = globals s"
258  assumes upd_acc: "\<And>s. upd (\<lambda>_. accessor s) s = s"
259  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G {s. \<forall>v. upd (\<lambda>_. v) s \<in> G' (xf' (upd (\<lambda>_. v) s))}  hs a (Spec {(s,t). \<exists>v. t = upd (\<lambda>_. v) s};; d)"
260  (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G ?G' hs a (?c ;; d)")
261proof (subst return_bind [where x = "()" and f = "\<lambda>_. a", symmetric],
262    rule ccorres_guard_imp [OF ccorres_split_nothrow, OF _ ceqv])
263  show "ccorres dc xf' \<top> UNIV hs (return ()) ?c"
264    apply (rule ccorres_noop)
265    apply (vcg spec=modifies)
266     apply clarsimp
267     apply (drule arg_cong[where f=globals])
268     apply (simp add: gg)
269    apply (rule_tac x=x in exI)
270    apply (rule_tac x="accessor x" in exI)
271    apply (rule upd_acc [symmetric])
272    done
274  fix rv'
275  show "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G (G' rv') hs a (d' rv')"
276    by (rule cc)
278  show "\<lbrace>G\<rbrace> return () \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. G\<rbrace>" by wp
280  show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> ?G' ?c {s. \<forall>uu. dc uu (xf' s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> G' (xf' s)}"
281    apply (rule conseqPre)
282    apply vcg
283    apply clarsimp
284    apply (rule conjI)
285     apply clarsimp
286    apply (rule_tac x=x in exI)
287    apply (rule_tac x="accessor x" in exI)
288    apply (rule upd_acc [symmetric])
289    done
290qed simp_all
292(* For something like
294int foo(int x)
296    int i;
297    ...
300the parser spits out
302lvar_nondet_init i_' i_'_update;;
305which we need to remove  --- lvar_nondet_init is a nondeterministic SPEC
306statement that picks any value for i, but leaves the rest unchanged.
309lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_remove_lvar_init:
310  assumes cc: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf ar arf G G' hs a d"
311  assumes gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (i_upd f s) = globals s"
312  assumes upd_acc: "\<And>s. i_upd (\<lambda>_. i_acc s) s = s"
313  assumes arb: "\<And>s v. s \<in> G' \<Longrightarrow> i_upd (\<lambda>_. v) s \<in> G'"
314  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf ar arf G G' hs a (lvar_nondet_init i_acc i_upd ;; d)"
315  apply (unfold lvar_nondet_init_def)
316  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp)
317  apply (rule ccorres_lift_rhs_Spec_stateful [OF cc ceqv_refl gg])
318    apply (rule upd_acc)
319   apply assumption
320  apply (simp add: arb)
321  done
323lemma ccorres_lift_rhs_remove_lvar_init_unknown_guard:
324  assumes cc: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf ar arf G G' hs a d"
325  assumes gg: "\<And>x f s. globals (i_upd f s) = globals s"
326  assumes upd_acc: "\<And>s. i_upd (\<lambda>_. i_acc s) s = s"
327  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf ar arf G {s. \<forall>v. i_upd (\<lambda>_. v) s \<in> G'} hs a (lvar_nondet_init i_acc i_upd ;; d)"
328  unfolding lvar_nondet_init_def
329  by (rule ccorres_lift_rhs_Spec_stateful [OF cc ceqv_refl gg], rule upd_acc)
331lemma ccorres_special_Int_cong:
332  "(\<And>s. P s = P' s) \<Longrightarrow> ccorres r xf G (G' \<inter> {s. P s}) hs a c = ccorres r xf G (G' \<inter> {s. P' s}) hs a c" by simp
334lemma ccorres_special_trim_Int:
335  "ccorres r xf G G' hs a c \<Longrightarrow> ccorres r xf G (G' \<inter> P') hs a c"
336  apply (erule ccorres_guard_imp)
337  apply simp
338  apply simp
339  done
341lemma semantic_equiv_def2:
342  fixes s :: "'b" and s' :: "('b, 'c) xstate"
343  shows "semantic_equiv G s s' a a' \<equiv> ((G \<turnstile> \<langle>a,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s') = (G \<turnstile> \<langle>a',Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'))"
344  unfolding semantic_equiv_def ceqv_def
345  by simp
347(* MOVE *)
348lemma semantic_equiv_While_cong:
349  assumes se: "\<And>s s'. semantic_equiv Gamma s s' b b'"
350  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (While G b) (While G b')"
351  using se
352  apply -
353  apply (rule semantic_equivI)
354  apply (rule exec_While_cong)
355  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2)
356  done
358lemma semantic_equiv_Seq_cong:
359  assumes sea: "\<And>s'. semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a'"
360  and     seb: "\<And>s. semantic_equiv Gamma s s' b b'"
361  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; b) (a' ;; b')"
362  using sea seb
363  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2)
364  apply (rule exec_Seq_cong)
365   apply assumption
366  apply assumption
367  done
369lemma semantic_equiv_Seq_Skip:
370  assumes se: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a'"
371  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; SKIP) a'"
372  using se unfolding semantic_equiv_def2
373  by (simp add: exec_Seq_Skip_simps)
375lemma semantic_equiv_Guard_cong:
376  assumes se: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a'"
377  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (Guard F G a) (Guard F G a')"
378  using se
379  by (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2 exec_Guard)
381lemma semantic_equiv_Guard_UNIV:
382  assumes se: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a'"
383  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (Guard F UNIV a) a'"
384  using se
385  by (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2 exec_Guard_UNIV_simp)
387lemma semantic_equiv_Guard_True:
388  assumes se: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a'"
389  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (Guard F \<lbrace>True\<rbrace> a) a'"
390  using se
391  by (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2 exec_Guard_UNIV_simp)
393lemma semantic_equiv_refl:
394  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a a"
395  by (rule semantic_equivI, simp)
397lemma semantic_equiv_trans:
398  assumes  sea: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a b"
399  and      seb: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' b c"
400  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' a c"
401  using sea seb
402  by (simp add: semantic_equiv_def2)
404(* Ugh, a bit tricky to get this outcome without this sort of specialisation :( *)
405lemma semantic_equiv_Guard_Skip_Seq:
406  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; Guard F \<lbrace>True\<rbrace> SKIP) a"
407  apply (rule semantic_equiv_trans)
408  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong)
409  apply (rule semantic_equiv_refl)
410  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Guard_True)
411  apply (rule semantic_equiv_refl)
412  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_Skip)
413  apply (rule semantic_equiv_refl)
414  done
416lemma semantic_equiv_Seq_assoc:
417  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; (b ;; c)) (a ;; b ;; c)"
418  apply (rule semantic_equivI)
419  apply (rule exec_assoc)
420  done
422lemma semantic_equiv_seq_assoc_eq:
423  "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; (b ;; c)) d
424     = semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (a ;; b ;; c) d"
425  "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' d (a ;; (b ;; c))
426     = semantic_equiv Gamma s s' d (a ;; b ;; c)"
427  by (metis semantic_equiv_trans semantic_equiv_Seq_assoc
428            semantic_equiv_Seq_assoc[THEN semantic_equiv_sym[THEN iffD1]])+
430lemma semantic_equiv_Cond:
431  assumes  sel: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' l l'"
432  and      ser: "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' r r'"
433  shows   "semantic_equiv Gamma s s' (Cond P l r) (Cond P l' r')"
434  using sel ser
435  by (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases simp: semantic_equiv_def2 intro: exec.intros)
437lemma semantic_equiv_Cond_True:
438  "semantic_equiv G s s' (Cond UNIV c c') c"
439  by (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases simp: semantic_equiv_def2 intro: exec.intros)
441lemma semantic_equiv_Cond_False:
442  "semantic_equiv G s s' (Cond {} c c') c'"
443  by (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases simp: semantic_equiv_def2 intro: exec.intros)
445lemma semantic_equiv_Cond_cases:
446  "semantic_equiv G s s' a (Cond P c d)
447    = semantic_equiv G s s' a (if s \<in> P then c else d)"
448  "semantic_equiv G s s' (Cond P c d) e
449    = semantic_equiv G s s' (if s \<in> P then c else d) e"
450  by (auto simp: semantic_equiv_def2 elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)
452lemma semantic_equiv_cond_seq2:
453  "semantic_equiv G s s' (e;; Cond Q (c;;d) (c';;d)) (e;; Cond Q c c';; d)"
454  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_seq_assoc_eq[symmetric])
455  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong, rule semantic_equiv_refl)
456  by (auto simp: semantic_equiv_def2 elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)
458lemmas ccorres_cond_seq2 = ccorres_semantic_equiv[OF semantic_equiv_cond_seq2]
460lemma semantic_equiv_cond_seq2_seq:
461  "semantic_equiv G s s' (ci;; Cond Q (c;;ce) (c';;ce);; d) (ci;; Cond Q c c';; ce;; d)"
462  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_seq_assoc_eq[symmetric])
463  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong, rule semantic_equiv_refl)
464  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_seq_assoc_eq)
465  by (auto simp: semantic_equiv_def2 elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)
467lemmas ccorres_cond_seq2_seq = ccorres_semantic_equiv[OF semantic_equiv_cond_seq2_seq]
469(* FIXME: move
470   It appears that the semantic equiv. lemmas should go into their own file, then
471   CCorresLemmas on top of that, and then finally Ctac on top of CCorresLemmas *)
472lemma ccorres_rewrite_cond_sr:
473  assumes abs: "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<and> Q s \<and> s' \<in> Q' \<longrightarrow> (s' \<in> C) = (s' \<in> C') "
474  and     c1: "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf P P' hs m (Cond C' c d)"
475  shows   "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and Q) (P' \<inter> Q') hs
476                              m (Cond C c d)"
477  apply (rule ccorres_name_pre)
478  apply (rule_tac Q="(=) s" and Q'="P' \<inter> Q' \<inter> {s'. (s, s') \<in> sr}" in stronger_ccorres_guard_imp)
479    apply (rule ccorres_semantic_equiv[THEN iffD1, rotated])
480     apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp, rule c1, simp_all)
481  apply (clarsimp simp add: semantic_equiv_Cond_cases abs semantic_equiv_refl)
482  done
484lemma ccorres_rewrite_cond_sr_Seq:
485  assumes abs: "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<and> Q s \<and> s' \<in> Q' \<longrightarrow> (s' \<in> C) = (s' \<in> C') "
486  and     c1: "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf P P' hs m (Cond C' c d ;; e)"
487  shows   "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and Q) (P' \<inter> Q') hs
488                              m (Cond C c d ;; e)"
489  apply (rule ccorres_name_pre)
490  apply (rule_tac Q="(=) s" and Q'="P' \<inter> Q' \<inter> {s'. (s, s') \<in> sr}" in stronger_ccorres_guard_imp)
491    apply (rule ccorres_semantic_equiv[THEN iffD1, rotated])
492     apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp, rule c1, simp_all)
493  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong)
494   apply (clarsimp simp add: semantic_equiv_Cond_cases abs semantic_equiv_refl)+
495  done
498  "push_in_stmt G stmt c c' \<equiv> (\<forall>s s'. semantic_equiv G s s' (c ;; stmt) c')"
500lemma pis_base:
501  "push_in_stmt G stmt c (c ;; stmt)"
502  unfolding push_in_stmt_def by (clarsimp intro!: semantic_equivI)
504lemma pis_throw:
505  "push_in_stmt G stmt THROW THROW"
506  unfolding push_in_stmt_def
507  by (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: semantic_equivI exec.intros)
509lemma pis_Seq_right:
510  "push_in_stmt G stmt d d' \<Longrightarrow> push_in_stmt G stmt (c ;; d) (c ;; d')"
511  unfolding push_in_stmt_def
512  apply (intro allI)
513  apply (rule semantic_equiv_trans [rotated])
514  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong [OF semantic_equiv_refl])
515  apply (drule spec, drule spec, assumption)
516  apply (subst semantic_equiv_sym)
517  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_assoc)
518  done
520lemma pis_creturn:
521  "push_in_stmt G stmt (return_C xfu xf) (return_C xfu xf)"
522  unfolding creturn_def
523  by (rule pis_Seq_right | rule pis_throw)+
525lemma pis_Cond:
526  "\<lbrakk> push_in_stmt G stmt l l'; push_in_stmt G stmt r r' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
527  push_in_stmt G stmt (Cond P l r) (Cond P l' r')"
528  unfolding push_in_stmt_def
529  apply (intro allI)
530  apply (drule_tac x = s in spec, drule_tac x = s' in spec)+
531  apply (case_tac "s \<in> P")
532  apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases simp: semantic_equiv_def2 intro: exec.intros)
533  done
535(* We check this before simplifying everything, so we need to deal with switch *)
536lemma pis_switch_Cons:
537  "\<lbrakk> push_in_stmt G stmt c c';
538     push_in_stmt G stmt (switch v (x # xs)) (switch v cs)   \<rbrakk>
539   \<Longrightarrow> push_in_stmt G stmt (switch v ((g, c) # (x # xs))) (switch v ((g, c') # cs))"
540  by (simp add: pis_Cond)
542lemma pis_switch_Singleton:
543  "\<lbrakk> push_in_stmt G stmt c c' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> push_in_stmt G stmt (switch v [(UNIV, c)]) (switch v [(UNIV, c')])"
544  apply (clarsimp simp: push_in_stmt_def)
545  apply (rule semantic_equiv_trans [OF _ iffD2 [OF semantic_equiv_sym, OF semantic_equiv_Cond_True]])
546  apply (rule semantic_equiv_trans [rotated])
547  apply (drule spec, drule spec, assumption)
548  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Seq_cong [OF semantic_equiv_Cond_True semantic_equiv_refl])
549  done
551lemma pis_Guard:
552  "push_in_stmt G stmt c c' \<Longrightarrow> push_in_stmt G stmt (Guard f G' c) (Guard f G' c')"
553  unfolding push_in_stmt_def
554  apply (intro allI)
555  apply (rule semantic_equiv_trans [OF Guard_Seq_semantic_equiv])
556  apply (rule semantic_equiv_Guard_cong)
557  apply (drule spec, erule spec)
558  done
560lemmas push_in_stmt_rules =
561  \<comment> \<open>No ordering apart from pis_base which must be last.\<close>
562  pis_throw
563  pis_creturn
564  pis_Seq_right
565  pis_Cond
566  pis_switch_Singleton pis_switch_Cons
567  pis_Guard
568  \<comment> \<open>Last, just stick it where it is\<close>
569  pis_base
571lemma ccorres_special_trim_guard_DontReach_pis:
572  assumes at: "push_in_stmt Gamma (Guard DontReach {} c) b b'"
573  and      c: "ccorres_underlying sr Gamma r xf ar axf G G' hs a b'"
574  shows   "ccorres_underlying sr Gamma r xf ar axf G G' hs a (b ;; Guard DontReach {} c)"
575  using c at unfolding push_in_stmt_def
576  apply -
577  apply (erule ccorres_semantic_equivD2)
578  apply (drule spec, erule spec)
579  done
583lemmas ccorres_boilerplace_simp_dels =
584  Collect_const \<comment> \<open>Avoid getting an implication due to if_split.  Should probably just remove if_split\<close>
586lemma ccorres_introduce_UNIV_Int_when_needed:
587  "ccorres_underlying sr Gamm r xf ar axf P (UNIV \<inter> {x. Q x}) hs a c
588     \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr Gamm r xf ar axf P {x. Q x} hs a c"
589  by simp
591lemma Normal_Abrupt_resultE [consumes 2, case_names normal abrupt]:
592  assumes ex: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t"
593  and      t: "t = Normal t' \<or> t = Abrupt t'"
594  and     r1: "\<And>s'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t; s = Normal s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
595  and     r2: "\<And>s'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Abrupt s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t; s = Abrupt s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
596  shows   R
597  using ex t
598  apply -
599  apply (erule disjE)
600   apply simp
601   apply (erule Normal_resultE)
602   apply (rule r1)
603    apply simp
604   apply simp
605  apply simp
606  apply (erule Abrupt_resultE)
607   apply (rule r1)
608    apply simp
609   apply simp
610  apply (rule r2)
611   apply simp
612  apply simp
613  done
615(* Used so we can pattern match in ceqv (and hopefully speed things up *)
617  "rewrite_xf xf t v f f' \<equiv> xf t = v \<longrightarrow> f t = f' t"
619lemma rewrite_xfI:
620  "(xf t = v \<Longrightarrow> f t = f' t) \<Longrightarrow> rewrite_xf xf t v f f'"
621  unfolding rewrite_xf_def by auto
623lemma rewrite_xfD:
624  "\<lbrakk> rewrite_xf xf t v f f'; xf t = v \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f t = f' t"
625  unfolding rewrite_xf_def by auto
627lemma Basic_ceqv:
628  assumes rl: "rewrite_xf xf t v f f'"
629  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Basic f) (Basic f')"
630  apply -
631  apply (rule ceqvI)
632  apply (drule rewrite_xfD [OF rl])
633  apply rule
634   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
635   apply simp
636   apply rule
637  apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
638  apply simp
639  apply (erule subst)
640  apply (rule exec.Basic)
641  done
643(* the tactic uses THEN_ALL_NEW, which goes backwards *)
644lemma Seq_ceqv:
645  assumes ra: "\<And>t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
646  and     rb: "\<And>t. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' b b'"
647  and     xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a" (* Check that a does preserve xf first *)
648  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (a ;; b) (a' ;; b')"
649  using xp
650  apply -
651  apply (rule ceqvI)
652  apply rule
653   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
654   apply rule
655    apply (erule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ra])
656   apply (case_tac s')
657      apply simp
658      apply (erule ceqvD1)
659       prefer 2
660       apply (rule assms)
661      apply (rule xpresD [where xf = xf], assumption+)
662     apply (fastforce dest: Abrupt_end Fault_end Stuck_end)+
663  (* clag *)
664   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
665   apply rule
666   apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ra])
667    apply (case_tac s')
668      apply simp
669      apply (erule ceqvD2)
670       prefer 2
671       apply (rule assms)
672      apply (rule xpresD [where xf = xf], assumption+)
673      apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ra])
674     apply (fastforce dest: Abrupt_end Fault_end Stuck_end)+
675     done
677lemma Seq_weak_ceqv: (* A weaker form where xpres doesn't hold for a *)
678  assumes ra: "\<And>t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
679  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (a ;; b) (a' ;; b)"
680  apply -
681  apply (rule ceqvI)
682  apply rule
683   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
684   apply rule
685   apply (erule (2) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ra])
686  (* clag *)
687   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
688   apply rule
689   apply (erule (2) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ra])
690   done
692lemma xpres_ceqv:
693  assumes xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a"
694  and    ceq: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
695  shows  "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a'"
696  apply (rule xpresI)
697  apply (drule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ceq])
698  apply (erule (2) xpres_exec0 [OF xp])
699  done
701lemma While_ceqv_na0:
702  assumes ra: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
703  and     xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a"
704  and     ex: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'"
705  and    beq0: "\<And>t. xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> b) = (t \<in> b')"
706  and     d: "d = While b a"
707  and     s: "s \<in> Normal ` {s. xf s = v} \<union> Abrupt ` {s. xf s = v}"
708  and     d': "d' = While b' a'"
709  and     t: "\<not> isFault t'" "t' \<noteq> Stuck"
710  shows   "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'"
711  using ex d s d' t
712proof (induct)
713  case (WhileTrue s' b'' c' t u)
714  hence bv: "b'' = b" and cv: "c' = a" and xfs: "xf s' = v" by auto
716  note xp = xpres_ceqv [OF xp ra]
718  note beq = beq0 [rule_format]
720  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a', Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u"
721  proof (rule exec.WhileTrue)
722    show "s' \<in> b'" using beq xfs bv[symmetric] WhileTrue
723      by auto
725    show ae: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>a',Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" using WhileTrue ceqvD1[OF _ _ ra]
726      by auto
728    show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u"
729    proof (subst d' [symmetric], rule WhileTrue.hyps(5))
730      obtain z where "u = Normal z \<or> u = Abrupt z"
731        using WhileTrue.prems by (cases u, auto)
732      then obtain z' where "t = Normal z' \<or> t = Abrupt z'"
733        using WhileTrue.prems WhileTrue.hyps(2) WhileTrue.hyps(4)
734        by (auto elim: Normal_resultE Abrupt_resultE)
736      thus "t \<in> Normal ` {s. xf s = v} \<union> Abrupt ` {s. xf s = v}" using xp ae xfs
737        by (auto dest: xpres_exec0)
738    qed fact+
739  qed
740  thus ?case using WhileTrue.prems by simp
742  note beq = beq0 [rule_format]
744  case WhileFalse
745  thus ?case
746    apply simp
747    apply rule
748    apply (erule disjE)
749     apply (erule imageE, simp)
750     apply (auto simp: beq)
751    done
752qed simp_all
754lemmas While_ceqv_na = While_ceqv_na0 [OF _ _ _ _ refl _ refl]
756lemma While_ceqv_fs0:
757  assumes ra: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
758  and     xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a"
759  and     ex: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d,x\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'"
760  and     d: "d = While b a"
761  and     d': "d' = While b' a'"
762  and     beq0: "\<And>t. xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> b) = (t \<in> b')"
763  and     t: "isFault t' \<or> t' = Stuck"
764  and     s: "x \<in> Normal ` {s. xf s = v}"
765  shows   "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d',x\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'"
766  using ex d d' t s
767proof (induct)
768  case (WhileTrue s' b'' c' t u)
769  hence bv: "b'' = b" and cv: "c' = a" and xfs: "xf s' = v" by auto
771  note xp = xpres_ceqv [OF xp ra]
773  note beq = beq0 [rule_format]
775  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a', Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u"
776  proof (rule exec.WhileTrue)
777    show sb: "s' \<in> b'" using WhileTrue beq by auto
779    show ae: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>a',Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t"
780      using xfs WhileTrue ceqvD1[OF _ _ ra] by auto
782    {
783      fix f
784      assume "u = Fault f" and "t = Fault f"
785      hence "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u" by simp
786    } moreover
787    {
788      fix f z
789      assume uv: "u = Fault f" and tv: "t = Normal z"
791      have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u"
792      proof (rule WhileTrue.hyps(5))
793        show "isFault u \<or> u = Stuck" using uv by simp
794        have "xf z = v" using xfs ae
795          apply -
796          apply (erule xpresD [OF _ xp])
797          apply (simp add: tv)
798          done
800        thus "t \<in> Normal ` {s. xf s = v}" by (simp add: tv)
801      qed fact+
802      hence "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u" using d' by simp
803    } moreover
804    {
805      assume "u = Stuck" and "t = Stuck"
806      hence "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u" by simp
807    } moreover
808    {
809      fix z
810      assume uv: "u = Stuck" and tv: "t = Normal z"
811      (* clag *)
812      have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>d',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u"
813      proof (rule WhileTrue.hyps(5))
814        show "isFault u \<or> u = Stuck" using uv by simp
815        have "xf z = v" using xfs ae
816          apply -
817          apply (erule xpresD [OF _ xp])
818          apply (simp add: tv)
819          done
821        thus "t \<in> Normal ` {s. xf s = v}" by (simp add: tv)
822      qed fact+
823      hence "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u" using d' by simp
824    }
825    ultimately show "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b' a',t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> u" using WhileTrue.prems WhileTrue.hyps(4)
826      by (auto elim: Fault_resultE Stuck_resultE elim!: isFaultE)
827  qed
828  thus ?case by (simp add: d')
829qed simp_all
831lemmas While_ceqv_fs = While_ceqv_fs0 [OF _ _ _ refl refl]
833lemma While_ceqv:
834  assumes beq: "\<And>t. xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> b) = (t \<in> b')"
835  and      ra: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
836  and      xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a"   (* So we fail as early as possible *)
837  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (While b a) (While b' a')" (* b is a set, doesn't rewrite nicely *)
838  using xp
839  apply -
840  apply (rule ceqvI)
841  apply (cases t')
842     apply rule
843      apply (erule (1) While_ceqv_na [OF ra])
844         apply (rule beq)
845        apply simp
846       apply simp
847      apply simp
848     apply (rule While_ceqv_na [OF ceqv_sym [OF ra]])
849          apply (erule (1) xpres_ceqv [OF _ ra])
850        apply (rule impI)
851        apply (erule beq [rule_format, symmetric])
852       apply simp
853      apply simp
854     apply simp
855    (* clag *)
856    apply rule
857     apply (erule (1) While_ceqv_na [OF ra])
858        apply (rule beq)
859       apply simp
860      apply simp
861     apply simp
862    apply simp
863    apply (rule While_ceqv_na [OF ceqv_sym [OF ra]])
864         apply (erule (1) xpres_ceqv [OF _ ra])
865       apply (rule impI)
866       apply (erule beq [rule_format, symmetric])
867      apply simp
868     apply simp
869    apply simp
870   apply rule
871    apply (erule While_ceqv_fs [OF ra xp])
872      apply (rule beq)
873     apply simp
874    apply simp
875   apply (rule While_ceqv_fs [OF ceqv_sym [OF ra]])
876       apply (erule (1) xpres_ceqv [OF _ ra])
877     apply (rule impI)
878     apply (erule beq [rule_format, symmetric])
879    apply simp
880   apply simp
881(* clag *)
882  apply rule
883   apply (erule While_ceqv_fs [OF ra xp])
884     apply (rule beq)
885    apply simp
886   apply simp
887  apply (rule While_ceqv_fs [OF ceqv_sym [OF ra]])
888      apply (erule (1) xpres_ceqv [OF _ ra])
889    apply (rule impI)
890    apply (rule beq [rule_format, symmetric])
891    apply simp
892   apply simp
893  apply simp
894  done
896lemma call_ceqv':
897  assumes ieq: "\<And>t. rewrite_xf xf t v i i'"
898  and    ceqv: "\<And>t t' s'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v (r t s') t' (c t s') (c' t s')" (* For record field updates *)
899  and     xf:  "\<And>t t'. xf t = v \<Longrightarrow> xf (r t t') = v"
900  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (call i f r c) (call i' f r c')"
901  apply (rule ceqvI)
902  apply (rule iffI)
903   apply (erule exec_call_Normal_elim)
904       apply (drule ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ceqv])
905        apply (simp add: xf)
906       apply (erule exec_call)
907        apply (simp add: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq])
908       apply assumption
909      apply (clarsimp simp: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq] elim!: exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)
910     apply (clarsimp simp: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq] elim!: exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)
911    apply (clarsimp simp: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq] elim!: exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)
912   apply (clarsimp simp: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq] elim!: exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)
913  (* clag *)
914   apply (erule exec_call_Normal_elim)
915       apply (drule ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ceqv])
916        apply (simp add: xf)
917       apply (erule exec_call)
918        apply (simp add: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq])
919       apply assumption
920      apply (clarsimp simp: rewrite_xfD [OF ieq, symmetric]
921        elim!: exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)+
922  done
924lemma call_ceqv:
925  assumes ieq: "\<And>t. rewrite_xf xf t v i i'"
926  and    ceqv: "\<And>t t' s'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v (r t s') t' (c t s') (c' t s')" (* For record field updates *)
927  and     xf:  "\<And>t t'. xf (r t t') = xf t"
928  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (call i f r c) (call i' f r c')"
929  by (rule call_ceqv' [OF ieq ceqv], simp add: xf)
931lemmas Skip_ceqv = ceqv_refl [where c = Skip]
933lemma Catch_ceqv:
934  assumes ca: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
935  and     cb: "\<And>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' b b'"
936  and     xp: "xpres xf v \<Gamma> a"
937  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Catch a b) (Catch a' b')"
938  apply (rule ceqvI)
939  apply rule
940   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
941    apply (drule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ca])
942    apply (rule exec.CatchMatch, assumption)
943    apply (erule ceqvD1 [OF _ _ cb])
944    apply (erule (1) xpres_abruptD [OF _ xpres_ceqv [OF xp ca]])
945   apply (rule exec.CatchMiss)
946    apply (erule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ca])
947   apply assumption
948  (* clag *)
949   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
950    apply (drule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ca])
951    apply (rule exec.CatchMatch, assumption)
952    apply (erule ceqvD2 [OF _ _ cb])
953   apply (erule xpres_abruptD [where xf = xf])
954   apply (rule xp)
955   apply assumption
956   apply (rule exec.CatchMiss)
957    apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ca])
958   apply assumption
959   done
961lemma Cond_ceqv:
962  assumes be: "\<And>t. xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> x) = (t \<in> x')"
963  and     ca: "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
964  and     cb: "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' b b'"
965  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Cond x a b) (Cond x' a' b')"
966  apply (rule ceqvI)
967  apply rule
968   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
969    apply (frule (1) iffD1 [OF be [rule_format]])
970    apply (erule exec.CondTrue)
971    apply (erule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ca])
972   apply (subst (asm) be)
973    apply assumption
974   apply (erule exec.CondFalse)
975   apply (erule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ cb])
976  (* clag *)
977   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
978    apply (frule (1) iffD2 [OF be [ rule_format]])
979    apply (erule exec.CondTrue)
980    apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ca])
981   apply (subst (asm) be [rule_format, symmetric])
982    apply assumption
983   apply (erule exec.CondFalse)
984   apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ cb])
985   done
987lemmas Throw_ceqv = ceqv_refl [where c = Throw]
989lemma Collect_mem_eqv:
990  "rewrite_xf xf t v Q Q' \<Longrightarrow> xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> Collect Q) = (t \<in> Collect Q')"
991  apply (rule impI)
992  apply (drule (1) rewrite_xfD)
993  apply simp
994  done
996(* We could just use ceqv_refl at the end, but I want to catch missed cases.
997   I also assume that While and Cond have {s. P s} as conditionals.
998   The WhileAnnot case is a consequence of While.
999  *)
1001lemma UNIV_mem_eqv:
1002  "xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> UNIV) = (t \<in> UNIV)"
1003  by simp
1005lemma empty_mem_eqv:
1006  "xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> {}) = (t \<in> {})"
1007  by simp
1009lemma creturn_ceqv_xf:
1010  fixes \<Gamma> :: "(('a globals_scheme, 'b) myvars_scheme) c_body"
1011  assumes xfg: "\<And>s f. xf (global_exn_var_'_update f s) = xf s"
1012  and   xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf (xfu (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
1013  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (return_C xfu xf) (return_C xfu (\<lambda>_. v))"
1014  unfolding creturn_def
1015  apply (rule Seq_ceqv)+
1016    apply (rule Basic_ceqv)
1017    apply (rule rewrite_xfI)
1018    apply simp
1019   apply (rule Seq_ceqv)
1020     apply (rule Basic_ceqv)
1021     apply (simp add: rewrite_xf_def)
1022    apply (rule Throw_ceqv)
1023   apply (rule xpres_basic)
1024   apply simp
1025   apply (simp add: xfg)
1026  apply (rule xpres_basic)
1027  apply (simp add: xfxfu)
1028  done
1030lemma creturn_ceqv_not_xf:
1031  fixes \<Gamma> :: "(('a globals_scheme, 'b) myvars_scheme) c_body"
1032  assumes rl: "\<And>t. rewrite_xf xf t v rv rv'"
1033  and    xfu: "\<And>s f. xf (xfu' f s) = xf s" \<comment> \<open>i.e., xf is independent of xfu\<close>
1034  and    xfg: "\<And>s f. xf (global_exn_var_'_update f s) = xf s"
1035  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (return_C xfu' rv) (return_C xfu' rv')"
1036  unfolding creturn_def
1037  apply (rule Seq_ceqv)+
1038    apply (rule Basic_ceqv)
1039    apply (rule rewrite_xfI)
1040    apply (simp add: rewrite_xfD [OF rl] xfu)
1041   apply (rule Seq_ceqv)
1042     apply (rule Basic_ceqv)
1043     apply (simp add: rewrite_xf_def)
1044    apply (rule Throw_ceqv)
1045   apply (rule xpres_basic)
1046   apply (simp add: xfg)
1047  apply (rule xpres_basic)
1048  apply (simp add: xfu)
1049  done
1051lemma Guard_ceqv:
1052  assumes be: "\<And>t. xf t = v \<longrightarrow> (t \<in> x) = (t \<in> x')"
1053  and     ca: "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
1054  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Guard f x a) (Guard f x' a')"
1055  apply (rule ceqvI)
1056  apply rule
1057   apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
1058    apply (frule (1) iffD1 [OF be [rule_format]])
1059    apply (erule exec.Guard)
1060    apply (erule (1) ceqvD1 [OF _ _ ca])
1061   apply (subst (asm) be)
1062    apply assumption
1063   apply simp
1064   apply (erule exec.GuardFault)
1065  apply (erule exec_Normal_elim_cases)
1066   apply (frule (1) iffD2 [OF be [rule_format]])
1067   apply (erule exec.Guard)
1068   apply (erule (1) ceqvD2 [OF _ _ ca])
1069  apply (subst (asm) be [rule_format, symmetric])
1070   apply assumption
1071  apply simp
1072  apply (erule exec.GuardFault)
1073  done
1075lemma Cond_UNIV_ceqv: (* Crops up occasionally *)
1076  assumes ca: "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' a a'"
1077  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Cond UNIV a b) a'"
1078  using ca
1079  apply -
1080  apply (rule ceqvI)
1081  apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases dest: ceqvD1 ceqvD2 intro: exec.intros)
1082  done
1084lemma Cond_empty_ceqv: (* Crops up occasionally *)
1085  assumes ca: "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' b b'"
1086  shows   "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' (Cond {} a b) b'"
1087  using ca
1088  apply -
1089  apply (rule ceqvI)
1090  apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases dest: ceqvD1 ceqvD2 intro: exec.intros)
1091  done
1093lemmas Guard_UNIV_ceqv = Guard_ceqv [where x = UNIV and x' = UNIV, simplified]
1095lemmas ceqv_rules = ceqv_refl [where xf' = xfdc] \<comment> \<open>Any ceqv with xfdc should be ignored\<close>
1096  While_ceqv [OF Collect_mem_eqv] While_ceqv [OF UNIV_mem_eqv]
1097  Cond_ceqv [OF Collect_mem_eqv] Cond_UNIV_ceqv Cond_empty_ceqv
1098  Guard_ceqv [OF Collect_mem_eqv] Guard_UNIV_ceqv
1099  Seq_ceqv Seq_weak_ceqv
1100  Basic_ceqv call_ceqv Skip_ceqv
1101  Catch_ceqv Throw_ceqv
1102  creturn_ceqv_xf creturn_ceqv_not_xf \<comment> \<open>order is important with these two, the second is more general\<close>
1103  ceqv_refl [where c = return_void_C] ceqv_refl [where c = break_C]
1104  ceqv_refl [where c = catchbrk_C]
1107  ceqv_xpres :: "('p \<rightharpoonup> ('s, 'p, 'x) com) \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a
1108                    \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'p, 'x) com \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'p, 'x) com \<Rightarrow> bool"
1110 "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v pres c pres' c'
1111    \<equiv> \<forall>s s' s''. (pres \<longrightarrow> xf s = v)
1112        \<longrightarrow> (\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s' = \<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c', Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s')
1113         \<and> (\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s' \<and> (s' = Normal s'' \<or> s' = Abrupt s'') \<and> pres'
1114                 \<longrightarrow> xf s'' = v)
1115         \<and> (\<not> pres \<longrightarrow> \<not> pres' \<and> c = c')"
1118  ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set :: "('s \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 's set \<Rightarrow> 's set \<Rightarrow> bool" where
1119 "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S S'
1120    \<equiv> \<forall>s. xf s = v \<longrightarrow> (s \<in> S) = (s \<in> S')"
1123  ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic :: "('s \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 't) \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 't) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
1124 "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v f f'
1125    \<equiv> \<forall>s. xf s = v \<longrightarrow> f s = f' s"
1128  ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves :: "('s \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where
1129 "ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v f b
1130    \<equiv> b \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s. xf s = v \<longrightarrow> xf (f s) = v)"
1133  ceqv_xpres_eq_If :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" where
1134 "ceqv_xpres_eq_If b x y z \<equiv> z = (if b then x else y)"
1137  ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args :: "'a \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> bool"
1139 "ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args x f g = (f = g)"
1141lemma ceqv_xpres_eq_both:
1142  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c True c'
1143       = ((\<forall>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c') \<and> xpres xf v \<Gamma> c')"
1144  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def ceqv_def xpres_def)
1145  apply blast
1146  done
1148lemma ceqv_xpres_eq_ceqv:
1149  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c False c'
1150      = (\<forall> t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c')"
1151  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def ceqv_def)
1153lemma ceqv_xpres_eq_imp:
1154  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c pres c'
1155      = ((\<forall>t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c') \<and> (pres \<longrightarrow> xpres xf v \<Gamma> c'))"
1156  by (cases pres, simp_all add: ceqv_xpres_eq_ceqv ceqv_xpres_eq_both)
1158lemma ceqv_xpres_False:
1159  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v False c pres c' = (\<not> pres \<and> c = c')"
1160  by (auto simp add: ceqv_xpres_def)
1162lemma ceqv_xpres_eq_If_False:
1163  "ceqv_xpres_eq_If P Q False R = (R = (P \<and> Q))"
1164  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_If_def)
1166lemma ceqv_xpres_False_pres:
1167  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v False c False c"
1168  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def)
1170lemma ceqv_xpres_xfdc:
1171  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xfdc v pres c pres c"
1172  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def xfdc_def)
1174lemma ceqv_xpres_call_restore_argsI:
1175  "\<forall> s. f s = g s \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args i f g"
1176  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args_def fun_eq_iff)
1178lemma ceqv_xpres_whileAnno:
1179  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c pres c'; ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S S';
1180        ceqv_xpres_eq_If pres c' c c''; ceqv_xpres_eq_If pres S' S S'' \<rbrakk>
1181     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (whileAnno S I V c) pres (whileAnno S'' I V c'')"
1182  apply (cases pres)
1183   apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_both ceqv_xpres_eq_If_def
1184                             whileAnno_def)
1185   apply (intro conjI allI)
1186    apply (rule While_ceqv)
1187      apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set_def)
1188     apply simp
1189    apply (erule xpres_ceqv)
1190    apply (rule ceqv_sym, simp)
1191   apply (erule xpres_while)
1192  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def ceqv_xpres_eq_If_def)
1193  done
1195lemmas ceqv_xpres_While = ceqv_xpres_whileAnno[unfolded whileAnno_def]
1197lemma ceqv_xpres_Cond:
1198  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S S'; ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c cpres c';
1199     ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True d dpres d'; ceqv_xpres_eq_If dpres cpres False pres \<rbrakk>
1200    \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (Cond S c d) pres (Cond S' c' d')"
1201  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp ceqv_xpres_eq_If_False)
1202  apply (intro allI conjI impI)
1203   apply (rule Cond_ceqv)
1204     apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set_def)
1205    apply simp
1206   apply simp
1207  apply simp
1208  apply (erule(1) xpres_cond)
1209  done
1211lemma ceqv_xpres_Guard:
1212  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S S'; ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c pres c' \<rbrakk>
1213     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (Guard g S c) pres (Guard g S' c')"
1214  apply (clarsimp simp: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp xpres_guard)
1215  apply (rule Guard_ceqv)
1216   apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set_def)
1217  apply simp
1218  done
1220lemma ceqv_xpres_Seq:
1221  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c cpres c'; ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v cpres d pres d' \<rbrakk>
1222     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (c ;; d) pres (c' ;; d')"
1223  apply (cases cpres)
1224   apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp xpres_seq)
1225   apply (rule Seq_ceqv, simp+)
1226   apply (erule xpres_ceqv)
1227   apply (rule ceqv_sym, simp)
1228  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp ceqv_xpres_False)
1229  apply (rule Seq_weak_ceqv, simp)
1230  done
1232lemma ceqv_xpres_Basic:
1233  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v f f';
1234          ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v f' pres \<rbrakk>
1235    \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (Basic f) pres (Basic f')"
1236  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1237  apply (intro allI impI conjI)
1238   apply (rule Basic_ceqv)
1239   apply (simp add: rewrite_xf_def ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def)
1240  apply (rule xpres_basic)
1241  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def)
1242  done
1244lemma ceqv_xpres_call:
1245  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args f i i';
1246     ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v i' i'';
1247           \<And>s'. ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v (\<lambda>s. r s s') pres';
1248           \<And>s' s''. ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v pres' (c s' s'')  pres (c' s' s'') \<rbrakk>
1249      \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (call i f r c) pres (call i'' f r c')"
1250  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp ceqv_xpres_call_restore_args_def)
1251  apply (intro allI conjI impI)
1252   defer
1253   apply (cases pres')
1254    apply (rule xpres_call)
1255     apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def)
1256    apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1257   apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_False)
1258  apply (cases pres')
1259   apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1260   apply (rule call_ceqv')
1261     apply (simp add: rewrite_xf_def ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def)
1262    apply simp
1263   apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def)
1264  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_False)
1265  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_def ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def)
1266  apply (auto elim!: exec_call_Normal_elim exec_call
1267                     exec_callAbrupt exec_callFault exec_callStuck exec_callUndefined)
1268  done
1270lemma ceqv_xpres_Skip:
1271  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True Skip True Skip"
1272  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp Skip_ceqv xpres_skip)
1274lemma ceqv_xpres_Catch:
1275  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c pres c'; ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v pres h pres' h' \<rbrakk>
1276        \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (Catch c h) pres' (Catch c' h')"
1277  apply (cases pres)
1278   apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp xpres_catch)
1279   apply (rule Catch_ceqv)
1280     apply simp
1281    apply simp
1282   apply (erule xpres_ceqv)
1283   apply (rule ceqv_sym, simp)
1284  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_xpres_False ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1285  apply (clarsimp simp: ceqv_def)
1286  apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases
1287              intro: exec.intros)
1288  done
1290lemma ceqv_xpres_Throw:
1291  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True Throw True Throw"
1292  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp Throw_ceqv xpres_throw)
1294lemma exec_Basic_Seq:
1295  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>Basic f ;; c, Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'
1296     = \<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal (f s)\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'"
1297  by (auto elim: exec_elim_cases intro: exec.Basic exec.Seq)
1299lemma exec_Basic_Seq_Basic:
1300  "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Basic f;; Basic g, x\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> y = \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Basic (g \<circ> f), x\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> y"
1301  by (auto simp: o_def elim: exec_elim_cases intro: exec.Basic exec.Seq)
1303lemma ceqv_xpres_return_C:
1304  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v qf qf';
1305          \<And>f. ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v (xfu f) pres';
1306          \<And>f. ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v
1307                  (global_exn_var_'_update f) pres'';
1308          ceqv_xpres_eq_If pres' pres'' False pres \<rbrakk>
1309     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (return_C xfu qf) pres (return_C xfu qf')"
1310  apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def
1311                   ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def creturn_def
1312                   ceqv_xpres_eq_If_False)
1313  apply (auto elim!: exec_elim_cases simp: exec_Basic_Seq)
1314  done
1316lemma ceqv_xpres_C_bits:
1317  "\<lbrakk> \<And>f. ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v
1318                  (global_exn_var_'_update f) pres \<rbrakk>
1319     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True return_void_C pres return_void_C"
1320  "\<lbrakk> \<And>f. ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v
1321                  (global_exn_var_'_update f) pres \<rbrakk>
1322     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True break_C pres break_C"
1323  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True catchbrk_C True catchbrk_C"
1324  by (auto simp: ceqv_xpres_def
1325                 return_void_C_def cbreak_def
1326                 catchbrk_C_def
1327                 ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def
1328          elim!: exec_elim_cases)
1331  "ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init xf v_upd pres \<equiv> pres \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s v. xf (v_upd (\<lambda>_. v) s) = xf s)"
1333lemma ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init:
1334  "ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init xf v_upd pres \<Longrightarrow>
1335   ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True (lvar_nondet_init v_acc v_upd) pres (lvar_nondet_init v_acc v_upd)"
1336  apply (clarsimp simp: ceqv_xpres_def lvar_nondet_init_def)
1337  apply (erule exec.cases, simp_all)
1338  apply (clarsimp simp: ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init_def)
1339  done
1341lemmas ceqv_xpres_rules =
1342  ceqv_xpres_False_pres ceqv_xpres_xfdc ceqv_xpres_whileAnno
1343  ceqv_xpres_While ceqv_xpres_Cond ceqv_xpres_Guard ceqv_xpres_Seq
1344  ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init ceqv_xpres_Basic ceqv_xpres_call
1345  ceqv_xpres_Skip ceqv_xpres_Catch ceqv_xpres_Throw ceqv_xpres_return_C
1346  ceqv_xpres_C_bits
1348lemma ceqv_xpres_FalseI:
1349  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v pres c False c"
1350  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_def)
1352lemma ceqv_xpres_ceqvI:
1353  "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf v True c pres c' \<Longrightarrow> ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c'"
1354  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1356lemma ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_left_cong:
1357  "\<lbrakk> \<And>s. xf s = v \<Longrightarrow> f s = f'' s \<rbrakk>
1358     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v f f'
1359           = ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v f'' f'"
1360  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def)
1362lemma ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_refl:
1363  "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v f f"
1364  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def)
1366lemma ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_TrueI:
1367  "\<lbrakk> \<And>s. xf s = v \<longrightarrow> xf (f s) = v \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v f True"
1368  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def)
1370lemma ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_FalseI:
1371  "ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves xf v f False"
1372  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_basic_preserves_def)
1374lemma ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init_TrueI:
1375  "(\<And>s v. xf (v_upd (\<lambda>_. v) s) = xf s) \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init xf v_upd True"
1376  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init_def)
1378lemma ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init_FalseI:
1379  "ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init xf v_upd False"
1380  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_lvar_nondet_init_def)
1382lemma ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set_rules:
1383  "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic xf v P P'
1384     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v {s. P s} {s. P' s}"
1385  "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v UNIV UNIV"
1386  "ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v {} {}"
1387  "\<lbrakk> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S S''; ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v S' S''' \<rbrakk>
1388     \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set xf v (if G then S else S') (if G then S'' else S''')"
1389  by (simp_all add: ceqv_xpres_rewrite_set_def ceqv_xpres_rewrite_basic_def
1390             split: if_split)
1392lemma ceqv_xpres_eq_If_rules:
1393  "ceqv_xpres_eq_If False x y y"
1394  "ceqv_xpres_eq_If True x y x"
1395  by (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_If_def)+
1398  "simpl_sequence f xs
1399    = foldr (Seq) (map f xs) Skip"
1401lemma simpl_sequence_Cons:
1402  "simpl_sequence f (x # xs) = Seq (f x) (simpl_sequence f xs)"
1403  by (simp add: simpl_sequence_def)
1406  simpl_final_basic_opts :: "('s, 'p, 'x) com \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 's) option"
1408    "simpl_final_basic_opts (x ;; y)
1409        = (case (simpl_final_basic_opts y) of None \<Rightarrow> simpl_final_basic_opts x
1410            | Some v \<Rightarrow> Some v)"
1411  | "simpl_final_basic_opts (Basic f) = Some f"
1412  | "simpl_final_basic_opts (Guard E F c) = simpl_final_basic_opts c"
1413  | "simpl_final_basic_opts Skip = None"
1414  | "simpl_final_basic_opts Throw = None"
1415  | "simpl_final_basic_opts c = Some id"
1418  "simpl_final_basic c = (case simpl_final_basic_opts c
1419      of Some v \<Rightarrow> v | None \<Rightarrow> id)"
1421lemmas simpl_final_basic_simps[simp]
1422    = simpl_final_basic_def[where c="Seq c c'" for c c']
1423      simpl_final_basic_def[where c="Basic f" for f]
1424      simpl_final_basic_def[where c="Guard E F c" for E F c]
1426lemma simpl_final_basic_opts_exec[OF _ refl refl]:
1427  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, xs\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> xs' \<Longrightarrow> xs = Normal t \<Longrightarrow> xs' = Normal t'
1428    \<Longrightarrow> (case simpl_final_basic_opts c of None \<Rightarrow> t' = t
1429            | Some f \<Rightarrow> \<exists>s. t' = f s)"
1430  apply (induct arbitrary: t t' rule: exec.induct, simp_all)
1431   apply metis
1432  apply atomize
1433  apply clarsimp
1434  apply (case_tac s')
1435     apply (auto split: option.split_asm)[1]
1436    apply (auto elim!: exec_elim_cases)
1437  done
1439lemma simpl_final_basic_exec:
1440  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Normal t'
1441    \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>s. t' = simpl_final_basic c s"
1442  apply (frule simpl_final_basic_opts_exec)
1443  apply (simp add: simpl_final_basic_def split: option.split_asm)
1444  done
1446lemma ceqv_xpres_to_simpl_sequence:
1447  fixes v :: "'a :: ring_1"
1448  assumes c: "\<And>v. ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf' v True c pres (c' v)"
1449      and v: "\<And>v s. xf' (simpl_final_basic (c' v) s) - v = offs"
1450  shows "\<not> CP (v + of_nat n * offs)
1451    \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf' v True (While {s. CP (xf' s)} c) False
1452        (simpl_sequence c' (takeWhile CP (map (\<lambda>x. v + of_nat x * offs) [0 ..< n])))"
1453  (is "_ \<Longrightarrow> ceqv_xpres _ _ _ _ (While ?S _) _ _")
1454proof (induct n arbitrary: v)
1455  case 0
1456  show ?case using c[where v=v] 0
1457    apply (simp add: simpl_sequence_def)
1458    apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp ceqv_def)
1459    apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)[1]
1460    done
1462  case (Suc n)
1463  have foo: "\<And>t t'. (\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c' v, Normal t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Normal t') \<longrightarrow> xf' t' = v + offs"
1464    using v
1465    by (clarsimp simp: field_simps dest!: simpl_final_basic_exec)
1467  show ?case using c[where v=v] Suc.hyps[where v="v + offs"] Suc.prems
1468    apply (subst upt_conv_Cons, simp)
1469    apply (simp only: map_Suc_upt[symmetric] list.simps)
1470    apply (cases "CP v")
1471     apply (simp add: o_def field_simps simpl_sequence_Cons
1472                      ceqv_xpres_eq_imp)
1473     apply (clarsimp, rule ceqv_trans[where c'="c ;; While ?S c"])
1474      apply (simp add: ceqv_def)
1475      apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.Seq exec.WhileTrue)[1]
1476     apply (rule ceqv_trans[where c'="c' v ;; While ?S c"])
1477      apply (simp add: ceqv_def)
1478      apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.Seq)[1]
1479     apply (simp add: ceqv_def)
1480     apply (intro impI exec_Seq_cong refl)
1481     apply (simp add: foo)
1482    apply (simp add: simpl_sequence_def field_simps)
1483    apply (simp add: ceqv_xpres_eq_imp ceqv_def)
1484    apply (auto intro: exec.WhileFalse exec.Skip elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)[1]
1485    done
1488lemma ceqv_xpres_While_simpl_sequence:
1489  fixes v :: "'a :: ring_1"
1490  assumes c: "\<And>v. ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf' v True c pres (c' v)"
1491  shows "ceqv_xpres \<Gamma> xf' v True (While {s. CP (xf' s)} c) False
1492        (if \<exists>n offs. (\<forall>s v. (xf' (simpl_final_basic (c' v) s) - v = offs)) \<and> \<not> CP (v + of_nat n * offs)
1493          then simpl_sequence c' (map (\<lambda>x. v + of_nat x
1494                  * (THE offs. \<forall>s v. (xf' (simpl_final_basic (c' v) s) - v = offs)))
1495              [0 ..< (LEAST n. \<not> CP (v + of_nat n
1496                  * (THE offs. \<forall>s v. (xf' (simpl_final_basic (c' v) s) - v = offs))))])
1497          else While {s. CP (xf' s)} c)"
1498  apply (split if_split, simp add: ceqv_xpres_def[where c=c and c'=c for c])
1499  apply (clarsimp simp: ceqv_xpres_eq_ceqv)
1500  apply (rule ceqv_trans)
1501   apply (rule_tac n="LEAST n. \<not> CP (v + of_nat n * offs)"
1502     in ceqv_xpres_to_simpl_sequence[simplified ceqv_xpres_eq_ceqv, rule_format])
1503     apply (rule c)
1504    apply simp
1505   apply simp
1506   apply (rule LeastI_ex)
1507   apply blast
1508  apply (subst takeWhile_eq_all_conv[THEN iffD2])
1509   apply (clarsimp dest!: not_less_Least)
1510  apply (simp add: ceqv_def)
1511  done
1513lemma ccorres_underlying_name_seq_bound:
1514  "(\<not> CP n \<and> (\<forall>n' < n. CP n'))
1515    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying srel \<Gamma> rrel xf arrel axf G G' hs m
1516        (simpl_sequence c' (map f [0 ..< n]))
1517    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying srel \<Gamma> rrel xf arrel axf
1518          G G' hs m (if \<exists>n. \<not> CP n
1519            then simpl_sequence c' (map f [0 ..< (LEAST n. \<not> CP n)])
1520            else c)"
1521  apply (subst if_P, blast)
1522  apply (subst Least_equality[where x=n], simp_all)
1523  apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
1524  done
1526lemma sequenceE_simpl_sequence_nth_corres':
1527  "\<lbrakk> length xs = length ys;
1528    \<And>zs. length zs < length xs \<Longrightarrow>
1529        ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (prev_xs @ zs @ [rv]) rv')) xf'
1530                            (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1531                            (P and F (length prev_xs + length zs)) (Q \<inter> {s. r' (prev_xs @ zs) (xf' s)}) hs
1532                            (xs ! length zs) (f (ys ! length zs));
1533    \<And>s \<sigma>. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> P \<sigma> \<Longrightarrow>
1534        (\<sigma>, s) \<in> sr \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>y \<in> set ys. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} (f y) Q,UNIV;
1535    \<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P and F (length prev_xs + n)\<rbrace> xs ! n \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P and F (length prev_xs + Suc n)\<rbrace>, -
1536    \<rbrakk>
1537    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (prev_xs @ rv) rv')) xf'
1538                  (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1539                  (\<lambda>s. xs \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> P s \<and> F (length prev_xs) s) (Q \<inter> {s. r' prev_xs (xf' s)}) hs
1540          (sequenceE xs)
1541          (simpl_sequence f ys)"
1542proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: prev_xs rule: list_induct2)
1543  case Nil
1544  show ?case
1545    apply (simp add: sequenceE_def simpl_sequence_def)
1546    apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, rule ccorres_returnOk_skip)
1547    apply simp
1548    done
1550  case (Cons x xs y ys)
1551  show ?case
1552    apply (simp add: simpl_sequence_Cons sequenceE_Cons)
1553    apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
1554     apply (rule ccorres_splitE)
1555         apply (simp add: inl_rrel_inl_rrel)
1556         apply (rule Cons.prems(1)[where zs=Nil, simplified])
1557        apply (rule ceqv_refl)
1558       apply (simp add: liftME_def[symmetric] liftME_liftM)
1559       apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp2, rule Cons.hyps(2)[where prev_xs="prev_xs @ [rv]" for rv])
1560           apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, rule ccorres_rel_imp2,
1561             rule Cons.prems(1)[where zs="z # zs" for z zs, simplified])
1562              apply simp+
1563          apply (blast dest: Cons.prems[simplified])
1564         apply simp
1565         apply (cut_tac n="Suc n" in Cons.prems(3), simp, simp)
1566        apply (clarsimp elim!: inl_inrE)
1567        apply assumption
1568       apply (clarsimp elim!: inl_inrE)
1569      apply simp
1570      apply (rule hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift_R)
1571      apply (rule hoare_gen_asmE)
1572      apply (erule Cons.prems(3)[where n=0, simplified])
1573     apply (rule_tac P="Q \<inter> {s. \<exists>\<sigma>. P \<sigma> \<and> (\<sigma>, s) \<in> sr}"
1574         in HoarePartial.conseq_exploit_pre)
1575     apply (clarsimp, rule conseqPost, rule Cons.prems(2)[simplified, THEN conjunct1],
1576       simp+)
1577      apply (clarsimp simp: ccHoarePost_def elim!: inl_inrE)
1578     apply simp
1579    apply auto
1580    done
1583lemmas sequenceE_simpl_sequence_nth_corres
1584    = sequenceE_simpl_sequence_nth_corres'[where prev_xs=Nil, simplified]
1586lemma mapME_x_simpl_sequence_fun_related:
1587  "\<lbrakk> ys = map yf xs;
1588    \<And>n x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow>
1589        ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel dc) xfdc (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1590            (P and F n (n < length xs) x) Q hs
1591                            (f x) (f' (yf x));
1592    \<And>s \<sigma>. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> P \<sigma> \<Longrightarrow>
1593        (\<sigma>, s) \<in> sr \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x \<in> set xs. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} (f' (yf x)) Q,UNIV;
1594    \<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P and F n True (xs ! n)\<rbrace> f (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P and F (Suc n) (Suc n < length xs) (xs ! Suc n)\<rbrace>, -
1595    \<rbrakk>
1596    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel dc) xfdc
1597                  (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1598                  (P and F 0 (xs \<noteq> []) (xs ! 0)) Q hs
1599          (mapME_x f xs)
1600          (simpl_sequence f' ys)"
1601  apply (simp add: mapME_x_sequenceE liftME_def[symmetric]
1602    liftME_liftM)
1603  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp2, rule ccorres_guard_imp2,
1604    rule sequenceE_simpl_sequence_nth_corres[where r'=dc and xf'=xfdc
1605      and P=P and F="\<lambda>i. F i (i < length xs) (xs ! i)" and Q=Q and arrel=arrel and axf=axf];
1606        clarsimp elim!: inl_inrE)
1607  apply (erule_tac x="length zs" in meta_allE
1608       | erule_tac x="xs ! length zs" in meta_allE)+
1609  apply (simp add: dc_def)
1610  done
1612lemmas mapME_x_simpl_sequence_same
1613    = mapME_x_simpl_sequence_fun_related[where yf=id, simplified]
1615lemma call_ignore_cong:
1616  "call i f g r = call i f g r" by (rule refl)
1618(* These could be done with ML patterns, but this fits in better with tactics *)
1619lemma match_valid:
1620  "NonDetMonad.valid P a P' \<Longrightarrow> NonDetMonad.valid P a P'" .
1622lemma match_validE:
1623  "NonDetMonad.validE P a P' P'' \<Longrightarrow> NonDetMonad.validE P a P' P''" .
1625lemma match_hoare:
1626  "HoarePartialDef.hoarep G T F P C P' A \<Longrightarrow> HoarePartialDef.hoarep G T F P C P' A" .
1628lemma match_all_hoare:
1629  "\<forall>x. HoarePartialDef.hoarep G T F (P x) C (P' x) (A x) \<Longrightarrow>
1630  \<forall>x. HoarePartialDef.hoarep G T F (P x) C (P' x) (A x)" .
1632lemmas ctac_skips = match_valid match_validE match_all_hoare match_hoare
1634lemma match_xpres:
1635  "xpres xf v \<Gamma> c \<Longrightarrow> xpres xf v \<Gamma> c" .
1637lemma match_ceqv:
1638  "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c' \<Longrightarrow> ceqv \<Gamma> xf v t t' c c'" .
1640ML_file "ctac-method.ML"
1642setup CtacImpl.setup
1644method_setup ctac = {* CtacImpl.corres_ctac_tactic *}
1645  "Split and rewrite corres rules.  Arguments simp (add|del|only), pre (add|del|only), (ccorres) (add|del|only)"
1647method_setup clift = {* CtacImpl.corres_abstract_args *}
1648  "Abstract a local variable into a HOL variable"
1650method_setup cinitlift = {* CtacImpl.corres_abstract_init_args *}
1651  "Abstract a list of local variables into HOL variable without touching the remaining guards"
1653method_setup csymbr = {* CtacImpl.corres_symb_rhs *}
1654  "Symbolically execute the call on the right hand side of corres (see ccorres_lift_rhss). Arguments simp (add|del|only)."
1656method_setup ceqv = {* CtacImpl.corres_ceqv *}
1657  "Solve ceqv goals."
1659(* The true here says to unfold the Haskell side *)
1660method_setup cinit = {* CtacImpl.corres_boilerplate true *}
1661  "Boilerplate tactic for the start of a Call ccorres proof. Arguments 'lift' then 'simp (add|del|only)', e.g. apply (cinit lift: var1_' var2_' simp add: return_bind)"
1663method_setup cinit' = {* CtacImpl.corres_boilerplate false *}
1664  "As for cinit without unfolding the abstract side"
1666(* Debugging *)
1667method_setup ctac_print_xf = {* CtacImpl.corres_print_xf *}
1668  "Print out what ctac thinks is the current xf"
1670(* Set up wpc *)
1672  wpc_helper_ccorres_final:
1673  "ccorres_underlying sr G rv xf arrel axf Q Q' hs f f'
1674   \<Longrightarrow> wpc_helper (P, P') (Q, Q')
1675                  (ccorres_underlying sr G rv xf arrel axf P P' hs f f')"
1676  apply (clarsimp simp: wpc_helper_def)
1677  apply (erule ccorres_guard_imp)
1678   apply auto
1679  done
1681wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. ccorres_underlying sr G rv xf arrel axf P P' hs m conc" wpc_helper_ccorres_final
1682wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. ccorres_underlying sr G rv xf arrel axf P P' hs (m >>= a) conc" wpc_helper_ccorres_final
1684context kernel
1687(* Set up ctac proof sets.  These are tried in reverse order (further down is tried first) *)
1689declare ccorres_Guard [corres_pre]
1690declare ccorres_Guard_Seq [corres_pre]
1692lemma c_guard_field_abs:
1693  fixes p :: "'a :: mem_type ptr"
1694  assumes abs: "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s' \<longrightarrow> c_guard p"
1695  shows "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s
1696  \<and> (P' s' \<and> (\<exists>t. field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some t \<and> export_uinfo t = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: mem_type))))
1697  \<longrightarrow> c_guard (Ptr &(p\<rightarrow>f) :: 'b :: mem_type ptr)"
1698  using c_guard_field abs by blast
1700lemma h_t_valid_field_abs:
1701  fixes p :: "'a :: mem_type ptr"
1702  assumes abs: "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s' \<longrightarrow> s' \<Turnstile>\<^sub>c p"
1703  shows "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s
1704  \<and> (P' s' \<and> (\<exists>t. field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some t \<and> export_uinfo t = export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: mem_type))))
1705  \<longrightarrow> s' \<Turnstile>\<^sub>c (Ptr &(p\<rightarrow>f) :: 'b :: mem_type ptr)"
1706  using h_t_valid_field abs by blast
1708lemmas ccorres_move_c_guard_Seq_field = ccorres_move_Guard_Seq [OF c_guard_field_abs]
1709lemmas ccorres_move_c_guard_field = ccorres_move_Guard [OF c_guard_field_abs]
1711lemma abs_c_guard_from_abs_h_t_valid:
1712  "(\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s' \<longrightarrow> s' \<Turnstile>\<^sub>c p)
1713    \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s' \<longrightarrow> c_guard p)"
1714  by (auto intro: h_t_valid_c_guard)
1716lemmas ccorres_move_c_guards =
1717  ccorres_move_c_guard_Seq_field[OF abs_c_guard_from_abs_h_t_valid]
1718  ccorres_move_Guard_Seq[OF h_t_valid_field_abs]
1719  ccorres_move_Guard_Seq[OF abs_c_guard_from_abs_h_t_valid]
1720  ccorres_move_Guard_Seq
1721  ccorres_move_c_guard_field[OF abs_c_guard_from_abs_h_t_valid]
1722  ccorres_move_Guard[OF h_t_valid_field_abs]
1723  ccorres_move_Guard[OF abs_c_guard_from_abs_h_t_valid]
1724  ccorres_move_Guard
1726lemma h_t_array_valid_array_assertion:
1727  "h_t_array_valid htd ptr n \<Longrightarrow> 0 < n
1728    \<Longrightarrow> array_assertion ptr n htd"
1729  apply (simp add: array_assertion_def)
1730  apply (fastforce intro: exI[where x=0])
1731  done
1733lemma array_assertion_abs_to_const:
1734  "\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s'
1735    \<longrightarrow> (Suc 0 = 0 \<or> array_assertion (ptr s s') (n s s') (htd s s'))
1736    \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> P s \<and> P' s'
1737        \<longrightarrow> array_assertion (ptr s s') (n s s') (htd s s')"
1738  by simp
1740lemmas ccorres_move_array_assertions
1741    = ccorres_move_Guard_Seq ccorres_move_Guard
1742      ccorres_move_Guard_Seq[OF array_assertion_abs_to_const]
1743      ccorres_move_Guard[OF array_assertion_abs_to_const]
1745lemma ptr_add_assertion_positive_helper:
1746  "n == m \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> sint m \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> sint n"
1747  by simp
1749lemma cvariable_array_map_const_add_map_option:
1750  "cvariable_array_map_relation m (\<lambda>_. n)
1751        = cvariable_array_map_relation (map_option f o m) (\<lambda>_. n)"
1752  by (simp add: cvariable_array_map_relation_def fun_eq_iff)
1754lemma ccorres_move_const_guard:
1755  "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm rrel xf arrel axf P P' hs m c
1756    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm rrel xf arrel axf
1757         (P and K G) P' hs m (Guard F {s. G} c)"
1758  "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm rrel xf arrel axf P P' hs m (c ;; d)
1759    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm rrel xf arrel axf
1760         (P and K G) P' hs m (Guard F {s. G} c ;; d)"
1761  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, erule ccorres_Guard, simp)
1762  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, erule ccorres_Guard_Seq, simp)
1763  done
1765lemmas ccorres_move_const_guards
1766    = ccorres_move_const_guard
1767      ccorres_move_const_guard[unfolded Collect_const]
1769lemma liftM_exs_valid:
1770  "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> m \<exists>\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q (f rv)\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> liftM f m \<exists>\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
1771  unfolding liftM_def exs_valid_def
1772  apply (clarsimp)
1773  apply (drule spec, drule (1) mp)
1774  apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def return_def)
1775  apply (erule bexI [rotated])
1776  apply simp
1777  done
1779lemma ceqv_remove_eqv_skip:
1780  "\<lbrakk> \<And>s. ceqv \<Gamma> xf () s s' b Skip \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1781     ceqv \<Gamma> xf () s s' (a ;; b) a"
1782  apply (rule ceqv_trans)
1783   apply (erule Seq_ceqv [OF ceqv_refl])
1784   apply (simp add: xpres_def)
1785  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_def)
1786  apply (rule iffI)
1787   apply (auto elim!: exec_elim_cases)[1]
1788  apply (erule exec.intros)
1789  apply (cases s', simp_all)
1790  apply (rule exec.intros)
1791  done
1793lemma ceqv_remove_eqv_skip':
1794  "\<lbrakk> \<And>s. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' b Skip; \<And>s'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' a a'; xpres xf v \<Gamma> a \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1795     ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' (a ;; b) a'"
1796  apply (rule ceqv_trans)
1797   apply (erule Seq_ceqv [OF ceqv_refl])
1798   apply (simp add: xpres_ceqv)
1799  apply (clarsimp simp add: ceqv_def)
1800  apply (rule iffI)
1801   apply (erule exec_elim_cases, simp_all)
1802   apply (auto elim!: exec_elim_cases)[1]
1803  apply (rule exec.intros, simp)
1804  apply (cases s', simp_all)
1805  apply (rule exec.intros)
1806  done
1808lemma xpres_triv:
1809  "xpres xf () G c"
1810  by (simp add: xpres_def)
1813lemma ceqv_Guard_UNIV:
1814  "ceqv G xf v s s' (Guard Err UNIV c) c'
1815       = ceqv G xf v s s' c c'"
1816  by (simp add: ceqv_def exec_Guard)
1818lemma ceqv_guard_into_seq:
1819  "ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' (Guard Err S (a ;; b)) (Guard Err S a ;; b)"
1820  by (auto simp: ceqv_def elim!: exec_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)
1822lemma ceqv_Seq_Skip_cases:
1823  "\<lbrakk> \<And>s'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' a a'; \<And>s. ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' b c; xpres xf v \<Gamma> a;
1824        (c = Skip \<and> c' = a' \<or> c' = (a' ;; c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1825     ceqv \<Gamma> xf v s s' (a ;; b) c'"
1826  by (metis Seq_ceqv ceqv_remove_eqv_skip')
1828lemma finish_ceqv_Seq_Skip_cases:
1829  "(Skip = Skip \<and> x = x \<or> x = y)"
1830  "(y = Skip \<and> (x ;; y) = z \<or> (x ;; y) = (x ;; y))"
1831  by simp_all
1833lemma semantic_equiv_IF_True:
1834  "semantic_equiv G s s'  (IF True THEN c ELSE c' FI) c"
1835  apply (simp add: semantic_equiv_seq_assoc_eq[symmetric])
1836  by (auto simp: semantic_equiv_def2 elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases intro: exec.intros)
1838lemmas ccorres_IF_True = ccorres_semantic_equiv[OF semantic_equiv_IF_True]
1840ML {*
1841fun tac ctxt =
1842  resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm ccorres_abstract[where xf'="\<lambda>s. ()"]}] 1
1844    (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms While_ceqv[OF impI, OF refl] Cond_ceqv[OF impI, OF refl]
1845            ceqv_Seq_Skip_cases ceqv_Guard_UNIV[THEN iffD2]
1846            Guard_ceqv[OF impI, OF refl] ceqv_refl
1847            finish_ceqv_Seq_Skip_cases} 1
1848        ORELSE (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm xpresI}] THEN' simp_tac (ctxt |> Splitter.del_split @{thm "if_split"})) 1
1849    ))
1850  THEN simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms com.case}) 1
1855method_setup ccorres_remove_UNIV_guard = {* Args.context >> (fn ctxt => (K (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD (tac ctxt)))) *}
1856  "removes UNIV guards"