2 * Copyright 2014, NICTA
3 *
4 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5 * the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6 * See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
7 *
9 *)
11theory Corres_C
13  "CLib.CCorresLemmas"
14  "../$L4V_ARCH/SR_lemmas_C"
18  "return_C \<equiv> CLanguage.creturn global_exn_var_'_update"
19lemmas return_C_def = creturn_def
22  "return_void_C \<equiv> CLanguage.creturn_void global_exn_var_'_update"
23lemmas return_void_C_def = creturn_void_def
26  "break_C \<equiv> CLanguage.cbreak global_exn_var_'_update"
27lemmas breakk_C_def = cbreak_def
30  "catchbrk_C \<equiv> CLanguage.ccatchbrk global_exn_var_'"
31lemmas catchbrk_C_def = ccatchbrk_def
33(* This is to avoid typing this all the time \<dots> *)
34abbreviation (in kernel)
35  "modifies_spec f \<equiv> \<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} Call f {t. t may_not_modify_globals s}"
37section "Error monad"
39(* Dealing with THROW in a nice fashion --- it is always going to be catching break or skip at the end of the function.
40   In retrospect, if ccatchbrk is always if ... then SKIP else THROW we are OK without the globals_update thing *)
43  wfhandlers :: "rf_com list \<Rightarrow> bool"
45  "wfhandlers hs \<equiv> \<forall>\<Gamma> s t n. global_exn_var_' s = Return
46                      \<and> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>h \<langle>hs, s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> (n, t) \<longrightarrow> t = Normal s"
48lemma wfhandlers_ccatchbrk:
49  "wfhandlers (catchbrk_C # hs) = wfhandlers hs"
50  unfolding wfhandlers_def ccatchbrk_def
51  apply rule
52   apply (intro allI impI)
53   apply (drule_tac x = \<Gamma> in spec)
54   apply ((drule spec)+, erule mp)
55   apply simp
56   apply (rule EHAbrupt)
57    apply rule
58     apply simp
59    apply rule
60   apply fastforce
61  apply (intro allI impI)
62  apply (drule_tac x = \<Gamma> in spec)
63  apply ((drule spec)+, erule mp)
64  apply simp
65  apply (erule conjE)
66  apply (erule exec_handlers.cases)
67     apply (fastforce elim: exec_Normal_elim_cases)+
68     done
70lemma wfhandlers_skip:
71  "wfhandlers (SKIP # hs)"
72  unfolding wfhandlers_def
73  apply (intro allI impI)
74  apply (erule conjE)
75  apply (erule exec_handlers.cases)
76    apply (auto elim: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
77    done
79lemmas wfhandlers_simps [simp] = wfhandlers_skip wfhandlers_ccatchbrk
81lemma wfhandlersD:
82  "\<lbrakk>wfhandlers hs; \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>h \<langle>hs, s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> (n, t); global_exn_var_' s = Return\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t = Normal s"
83  unfolding wfhandlers_def by auto
85record 'b exxf =
86  exflag :: machine_word
87  exstate :: errtype
88  exvalue :: 'b
91  liftxf :: "(cstate \<Rightarrow> errtype) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> machine_word) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> (cstate \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> cstate \<Rightarrow> 'b exxf"
92  where
93  "liftxf et ef vf xf \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<lparr> exflag = ef (xf s), exstate = et s, exvalue = vf (xf s) \<rparr>"
95lemma exflag_liftxf [simp]:
96  "exflag (liftxf es sf vf xf s) = sf (xf s)"
97  unfolding liftxf_def by simp
99lemma exstate_liftxf [simp]:
100  "exstate (liftxf es sf vf xf s) = es s"
101  unfolding liftxf_def by simp
103lemma exvalue_liftxf [simp]:
104  "exvalue (liftxf es sf vf xf s) = vf (xf s)"
105  unfolding liftxf_def by simp
108(* This is more or less ccorres specific, so it goes here *)
111  crel_sum_comb :: "('a \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> errtype \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('c \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool)
112                        \<Rightarrow> ('a + 'c \<Rightarrow> 'b exxf \<Rightarrow> bool)" (infixl "\<currency>" 95)
114  "(f \<currency> g) (Inr x) y = (exflag y = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> g x (exvalue y))"
115| "(f \<currency> g) (Inl x) y = (exflag y \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> f x (exflag y) (exstate y))"
117lemma ccorres_split_nothrowE:
118  fixes R' :: "cstate set"
119  assumes ac: "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma>
120                    (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf')
121                    (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf')
122                    P P' hs a c"
123  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
124  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. \<lbrakk> r' rv (vf' rv'); ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<rbrakk>
125            \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv')"
126  and    err: "\<And>err rv' err'. \<lbrakk>ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE; f' err (ef' rv') err' \<rbrakk>
127            \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (QE err) (Q'' err rv' err') hs
128                     (throwError err) (d' rv')"
129  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>QE\<rbrace>"
130  and valid': "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> R' c ({s. (ef' (xf' s) = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>rv. r' rv (vf' (xf' s)) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q' rv (xf' s))) \<and>
131  (ef' (xf' s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>err. f' err (ef' (xf' s)) (es s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q'' err (xf' s) (es s)))})" (is "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> R' c {s. ?Q'' s}")
132  shows "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) (P' \<inter> R') hs
133               (a >>=E (\<lambda>rv. b rv)) (c ;; d)"
134  unfolding bindE_def
135  apply (rule_tac R="case_sum QE Q"
136             and R'="\<lambda>rv. {s. s \<in> case_sum QE' QR' rv (xf' s)}" for QE' QR'
137           in ccorres_master_split_hs)
138      apply (rule ac)
139     apply (rule ccorres_abstract[OF ceqv])
140     apply (case_tac rv, simp_all add: lift_def)
141      apply (rule ccorres_abstract[where xf'=es, OF ceqv_refl])
142      apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
143      apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
144      apply (rule_tac err'=rv'a in err)
145      apply assumption+
146     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
147     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
148     apply (erule(1) bd)
149    apply (rule ccorres_empty[where P=\<top>])
150   apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule valid[unfolded validE_def])
151   apply (simp split: sum.split_asm)
152  apply (rule exec_handlers_Hoare_Post,
153         rule exec_handlers_Hoare_from_vcg_nofail[OF valid', where A="{}"])
154  apply (auto simp: ccHoarePost_def split: sum.split)
155  done
157lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_novcgE:
158  fixes R' :: "cstate set"
159  assumes ac: "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma>
160                   (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf')
161                   (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf')
162                   P P' [] a c"
163  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
164  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. \<lbrakk> r' rv (vf' rv'); ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<rbrakk>
165                \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv')"
166  and    err: "\<And>err rv' err'. \<lbrakk> ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE; f' err (ef' rv') err' \<rbrakk>
167                \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf
168                     (QE err) (Q'' err rv' err') hs (throwError err) (d' rv')"
169  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>QE\<rbrace>"
170  and  novcg: "guard_is_UNIV (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' rv (vf' rv'))
171                                 xf' (\<lambda>rv rv'. {s. ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q' rv rv'})"
172  \<comment> \<open>hack\<close>
173  and  novcg_err: "\<And>err. guard_is_UNIV (\<lambda>rv. f' err (ef' rv)) es
174                              (\<lambda>rv rv'. {s. ef' (xf' s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q'' err rv rv'})"
175  shows "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) P' hs (a >>=E (\<lambda>rv. b rv)) (c ;; d)"
176  unfolding bindE_def
177  apply (rule_tac R="case_sum QE Q"
178             and R'="\<lambda>rv. {s. s \<in> case_sum QE' QR' rv (xf' s)}" for QE' QR'
179           in ccorres_master_split_nohs_UNIV)
180     apply (rule ac)
181    apply (rule ccorres_abstract[OF ceqv])
182    apply (case_tac rv, simp_all add: lift_def)
183     apply (rule ccorres_abstract[where xf'=es, OF ceqv_refl])
184     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
185     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
186     apply (rule_tac err'=rv'a in err)
187     apply assumption+
188    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
189    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
190    apply (erule(1) bd)
191   apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule valid[unfolded validE_def])
192   apply (simp split: sum.split_asm)
193  apply (insert novcg novcg_err)
194  apply (clarsimp simp: guard_is_UNIV_def split: sum.split)
195  done
197(* Unit would be more appropriate, but the record package will simplify xfdc to () *)
199  "xfdc (t :: cstate) \<equiv> (0 :: nat)"
201lemma xfdc_equal [simp]:
202  "xfdc t = xfdc s"
203  unfolding xfdc_def by simp
205lemmas ccorres_split_nothrow_novcg_dc
206    = ccorres_split_nothrow_novcg[where r'=dc and xf'=xfdc, OF _ ceqv_refl]
209  "exfdc \<equiv> liftxf undefined (\<lambda>_. scast EXCEPTION_NONE) id xfdc"
211lemma ccorres_return_C':
212  assumes xfc: "\<And>s. (xf (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s))) = v s"
213  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
214  and     srv: "\<And>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<Longrightarrow>
215  (s, global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s') s')) \<in> sr"
216  shows "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r rvxf arrel xf \<top> {s. arrel rv (v s)} hs
217               (return rv) (return_C xfu v)"
218  using wfh
219  unfolding creturn_def
220  apply -
221  apply (rule ccorresI')
222  apply (erule exec_handlers.cases)
223    apply clarsimp
224    apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
225    apply (drule (1) wfhandlersD)
226     apply simp
227    apply (frule exec_handlers_less2, clarsimp)
228    apply (clarsimp simp: return_def unif_rrel_def xfc)
229    apply (auto elim!: srv)[1]
230   apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
231  apply simp
232  done
234lemma ccorres_return_CE':
235  assumes xfc: "\<And>s. xf (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return)
236                       (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = v s"
237  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
238  and     srv: "\<And>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<Longrightarrow> (s, global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s') s')) \<in> sr"
239  shows   "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> rvr rvxf (f \<currency> r) (liftxf es sf vf xf)
240    \<top> {s. sf (v s) = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> r rv (vf (v s))} hs
241    (returnOk rv) (return_C xfu v)"
242  using wfh
243  unfolding creturn_def
244  apply -
245  apply (rule ccorresI')
246  apply (erule exec_handlers.cases)
247    apply clarsimp
248    apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
249    apply (drule (1) wfhandlersD)
250     apply simp
251    apply (simp add: returnOk_def return_def)
252    apply (drule exec_handlers_less2, clarsimp+)
253    apply (auto simp: unif_rrel_def xfc elim!: srv)[1]
254   apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
255  apply simp
256  done
258lemma ccorres_return_C_errorE':
259  assumes xfc: "\<And>s. xf (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = v s"
260  and     esc: "\<And>s. es (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = es s"
261  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
262  and     srv: "\<And>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<Longrightarrow> (s, global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s') s')) \<in> sr"
263  shows   "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> rvr rvxf (f \<currency> r) (liftxf es sf vf xf)
264    \<top> {s. sf (v s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> f rv (sf (v s)) (es s)} hs
265    (throwError rv) (return_C xfu v)"
266  using wfh
267  unfolding creturn_def
268  apply -
269  apply (rule ccorresI')
270  apply (erule exec_handlers.cases)
271    apply clarsimp
272    apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
273    apply (drule (1) wfhandlersD)
274     apply simp
275    apply (simp add: throwError_def return_def)
276    apply (drule exec_handlers_less2, clarsimp+)
277    apply (auto simp: unif_rrel_def xfc esc elim!: srv)[1]
278   apply (clarsimp elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases)
279  apply simp
280  done
282context kernel
287  "ccorres r xf \<equiv> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf r xf"
289lemma ccorres_basic_srnoop:
290  assumes asm: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm r xf arrel axf G G' hs a c"
291  and   gsr: "\<And>s'. globals (g s') = globals s'"
292  and   gG: "\<And>s'. s' \<in> G' \<Longrightarrow> g s' \<in> G'"
293  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm r xf arrel axf G G' hs a (Basic g ;; c)"
294  using asm unfolding rf_sr_def
295  apply (rule ccorres_basic_srnoop)
296   apply (simp add: gsr)
297  apply (erule gG)
298  done
300lemma ccorres_basic_srnoop2:
301  assumes gsr: "\<And>s'. globals (g s') = globals s'"
302  assumes asm: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm r xf arrel axf G G' hs a c"
303  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr Gamm r xf arrel axf G {s. g s \<in> G'} hs a (Basic g ;; c)"
304  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
305   apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_r)
306     apply (rule asm)
307    apply vcg
308   apply (rule conseqPre, vcg, clarsimp simp: rf_sr_def gsr)
309  apply clarsimp
310  done
313(* The naming convention here is that xf', xfr, and xfru are the terms we instantiate *)
314lemma ccorres_call:
315  assumes  cul: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf'' r xf'' A C' [] a (Call f)"
316  and      ggl: "\<And>x y s. globals (g x y s) = globals s"
317  and      xfg: "\<And>a s t. (xf' (g a t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>))) = xf'' t"
318  and      igl: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
319  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf' arrel axf
320          A {s. i s \<in> C'} hs a (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>x y. Basic (g x y)))"
321  using cul
322  unfolding rf_sr_def
323  apply -
324  apply (rule ccorres_call)
325     apply (erule ccorres_guard_imp)
326      apply simp
327     apply clarsimp
328    apply (simp add: ggl)
329   apply (simp add: xfg)
330  apply (clarsimp simp: igl)
331  done
333lemma ccorres_callE:
334  "\<lbrakk> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r (liftxf es sf vf xf'')
335                               r (liftxf es sf vf xf'') A C' [] a (Call f);
336     \<And>x y s. globals (g x y s) = globals s;
337     \<And>a s t. es (g a t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)) = es t;
338     \<And>a s t. xf' (g a t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)) = xf'' t;
339     \<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s
340  \<rbrakk>
341  \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r (liftxf es sf vf xf') arrel axf A {s. i s \<in> C'} hs a
342        (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>x y. Basic (g x y)))"
343  apply (erule ccorres_call)
344    apply assumption
345   apply (simp add: liftxf_def)
346  apply assumption
347  done
349lemma ccorres_call_record:
350  assumes  cul: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf'' r xf'' A C' [] a (Call f)"
351  and      ggl: "\<And>f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
352  and    xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
353  and  xfrxfru: "\<And>v s. xfr (xfru (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
354  and      igl: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
355  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r (xfr \<circ> xf') arrel axf
356           A {s. i s \<in> C'} hs a (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)
357        (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv))))"
358  apply (rule ccorres_call)
359     apply (rule cul)
360    apply (rule ggl)
361   apply (simp add: xfrxfru xfxfu)
362  apply (rule igl)
363  done
365lemmas ccorres_split_nothrow_call = ccorres_split_nothrow [OF ccorres_call]
366lemmas ccorres_split_nothrow_callE = ccorres_split_nothrowE [OF ccorres_callE]
368lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_call_novcg:
369  assumes ac: "ccorres r' xf'' P P' [] a (Call f)"
370  and     gg: "\<And>x y s. globals (g x y s) = globals s"
371  and   xfxf: "\<And>a s t. xf' (g a t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)) = xf'' t"
372  and     gi: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
373  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
374  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. r' rv rv' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv')"
375  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
376  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) ({s. i s \<in> P'} \<inter>
377             {s'. (\<forall>t rv. r' rv (xf'' t) \<longrightarrow> g s' t (s'\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) \<in> Q' rv (xf'' t))})
378            hs (a >>= (\<lambda>rv. b rv))
379         (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>x y. Basic (g x y)) ;; d)" (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf ?P (?Q1 \<inter> ?Q2) hs ?A ?B")
380  apply (rule ccorres_master_split_nohs)
381     apply (rule ccorres_call [OF ac])
382       apply (rule gg)
383      apply (rule xfxf)
384     apply (rule gi)
385    apply (rule ccorres_abstract[OF ceqv])
386    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
387    apply (erule bd)
388   apply (simp add: valid)
389  apply (rule exec_handlers_Hoare_call_Basic)
390   apply (clarsimp simp: ccHoarePost_def xfxf)
391  apply simp
392  done
395  errstate :: "cstate \<Rightarrow> errtype"
397  "errstate s \<equiv> \<lparr> errfault = seL4_Fault_lift (current_fault_' (globals s)),
398                  errlookup_fault = lookup_fault_lift (current_lookup_fault_' (globals s)),
399                  errsyscall = current_syscall_error_' (globals s) \<rparr>"
401lemma errlookup_fault_errstate [simp]:
402  "errlookup_fault (errstate s) = lookup_fault_lift (current_lookup_fault_' (globals s))"
403  unfolding errstate_def
404  by simp
406lemma errfault_errstate [simp]:
407  "errfault (errstate s) = seL4_Fault_lift (current_fault_' (globals s))"
408  unfolding errstate_def
409  by simp
411lemma errsyscall_errstate [simp]:
412  "errsyscall (errstate s) = (current_syscall_error_' (globals s))"
413  unfolding errstate_def
414  by simp
416lemma errstate_state_update [simp]:
417  assumes f: "\<And>s. current_fault_' (globals (g s)) = current_fault_' (globals s)"
418  and    lf: "\<And>s. current_lookup_fault_' (globals (g s)) = current_lookup_fault_' (globals s)"
419  and    se: "\<And>s. current_syscall_error_' (globals (g s)) = current_syscall_error_' (globals s)"
420  shows  "errstate (g s) = errstate s"
421  by (simp add: f lf se errstate_def)
423lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_call_novcgE:
424  assumes ac: "ccorres (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf errstate ef' vf' xf'') P P' [] a (Call f)"
425  and     gg: "\<And>x y s. globals (g x y s) = globals s"
426  and   xfxf: "\<And>a s t. xf' (g a t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)) = xf'' t"
427  and     gi: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
428  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
429  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. \<lbrakk>r' rv (vf' rv'); ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE\<rbrakk>
430                  \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> (fl \<currency> r) xf arrel axf
431                           (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv')"
432  and    err: "\<And>err rv' err'. \<lbrakk>ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE; f' err (ef' rv') err'\<rbrakk>
433                  \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> (fl \<currency> r) xf arrel axf
434                           (QE err) (Q'' err rv' err') hs (throwError err) (d' rv')"
435  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>QE\<rbrace>"
436  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> (fl \<currency> r) xf arrel axf (P and R) ({s. i s \<in> P'} \<inter>
437  {s. \<forall>t.  (ef' (xf'' t) = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>rv. r' rv (vf' (xf'' t)) \<longrightarrow> g s t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) \<in> Q' rv (xf'' t))) \<and>
438            (ef' (xf'' t) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow>
439              (\<forall>err. f' err (ef' (xf'' t)) (errstate t) \<longrightarrow> g s t (s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) \<in> Q'' err (xf'' t) (errstate t)))}
440  ) hs (a >>=E b) (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>x y. Basic (g x y));;
441 d)" (is "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> ?r ?xf arrel axf ?P (?Q1 \<inter> ?Q2) hs ?A ?B")
442  unfolding bindE_def
443  apply (rule_tac R="case_sum QE Q"
444             and R'="\<lambda>rv. {s. s \<in> case_sum QE' QR' rv (xf' s)}" for QE' QR'
445               in ccorres_master_split_nohs)
446     apply (rule ccorres_callE [OF ac])
447        apply (rule gg)
448       apply (rule errstate_state_update)
449         apply (simp add: gg)+
450      apply (rule xfxf)
451     apply (rule gi)
452    apply (rule ccorres_abstract[OF ceqv])
453    apply (case_tac rv, simp_all add: lift_def)
454     apply (rule_tac xf'=errstate in ccorres_abstract[OF ceqv_refl])
455     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
456     apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
457     apply (erule_tac err'1=rv'a in err, assumption)
458    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
459    apply (rule ccorres_gen_asm2)
460    apply (erule(1) bd)
461   apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post)
462    apply (rule valid [unfolded validE_def])
463   apply (simp split: sum.split_asm)
464  apply (rule exec_handlers_Hoare_call_Basic)
465   apply (clarsimp simp: ccHoarePost_def xfxf gg errstate_def
466                  split: sum.split)
467  apply simp
468  done
470lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_call_record:
471  assumes ac: "ccorres r' xf'' P P' [] a (Call f)"
472  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
473  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. r' rv rv' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' (xfru (\<lambda>_. rv') oldv))"
474  and      ggl: "\<And>f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
475  and    xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
476  and  xfrxfru: "\<And>v s. xfr (xfru (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
477  and      igl: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
478  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
479  and  valid': "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> R' call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>) (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv)))
480       {s. xf' s = xfru (\<lambda>_. (xfr \<circ> xf') s) oldv \<and> (\<forall>rv. r' rv ((xfr \<circ> xf') s) \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q' rv ((xfr \<circ> xf') s))}"
481  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) ({s. i s \<in> P'} \<inter> R') hs (a >>= (\<lambda>rv. b rv)) (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)
482                (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv))) ;; d)"
483  using ac ggl xfxfu xfrxfru igl ceqv
484  apply (rule  ccorres_split_nothrow_record [OF ccorres_call_record])
485    apply (erule bd)
486   apply (rule valid)
487  apply (rule valid')
488  done
490lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_call_record_novcg:
491  assumes ac: "ccorres r' xf'' P P' [] a (Call f)"
492  and   ceqv: "\<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv')"
493  and     bd: "\<And>rv rv'. r' rv rv' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' (xfru (\<lambda>_. rv') oldv))"
494  and      ggl: "\<And>f s. globals (xfu' f s) = globals s"
495  and    xfxfu: "\<And>v s. xf' (xfu' (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
496  and  xfrxfru: "\<And>v s. xfr (xfru (\<lambda>_. v) s) = v"
497  and      igl: "\<And>s. globals (i s) = globals s"
498  and  valid: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
499  and  novcg: "guard_is_UNIV r' (xfr \<circ> xf') Q'"
500  \<comment> \<open>This might cause problems \<dots> has to be preserved across c in vcg case, but we can't do that\<close>
501  and xfoldv: "\<And>s. xf' s = xfru (\<lambda>_. (xfr \<circ> xf') s) oldv"
502  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) ({s. i s \<in> P'}) hs (a >>= (\<lambda>rv. b rv)) (call i f (\<lambda>s t. s\<lparr>globals := globals t\<rparr>)
503                (\<lambda>_ t. Basic (xfu' (\<lambda>_. xfru (\<lambda>_. xf'' t) oldv))) ;; d)"
504  using ac ggl xfxfu xfrxfru igl ceqv
505  apply (rule  ccorres_split_nothrow_record_novcg [OF ccorres_call_record])
506    apply (erule bd)
507   apply (rule valid)
508  apply (rule novcg)
509  apply (rule xfoldv)
510  done
512lemma ccorres_return_C:
513  assumes xf1: "\<And>s f. xf (global_exn_var_'_update f (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = v s"
514  and     xfu: "\<And>s f. globals (xfu f s) = globals s"
515  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
516  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r rvxf arrel xf \<top> {s. arrel rv (v s)}
517               hs (return rv) (return_C xfu v)"
518  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, rule ccorres_return_C')
519     apply (simp add: xf1)
520    apply (rule wfh)
521   apply (simp add: xfu rf_sr_def cong: cstate_relation_only_t_hrs)
522  apply simp
523  done
525lemma ccorres_return_CE:
526  assumes xf1: "\<And>s f. xf (global_exn_var_'_update f (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = v s"
527  and     xfu: "\<And>s f. globals (xfu f s) = globals s"
528  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
529  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> rvr rxf (f \<currency> r) (liftxf es sf vf xf)
530  \<top> {s. sf (v s) = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> r rv (vf (v s))} hs
531  (returnOk rv) (return_C xfu v)"
532  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, rule ccorres_return_CE')
533     apply (simp add: xf1)
534    apply (rule wfh)
535   apply (simp add: xfu rf_sr_def cong: cstate_relation_only_t_hrs)
536  apply simp
537  done
539lemma ccorres_return_C_errorE:
540  assumes xfc: "\<And>s. xf (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = v s"
541  and     esc: "\<And>s. es (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return) (xfu (\<lambda>_. v s) s)) = es s"
542  and     xfu: "\<And>s f. globals (xfu f s) = globals s"
543  and     wfh: "wfhandlers hs"
544  shows   "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> rvr rvxf (f \<currency> r) (liftxf es sf vf xf)
545    \<top> {s. sf (v s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<and> f rv (sf (v s)) (es s)} hs
546    (throwError rv) (return_C xfu v)"
547  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2, rule ccorres_return_C_errorE')
548      apply (rule xfc)
549     apply (rule esc)
550    apply (rule wfh)
551   apply (simp add: xfu rf_sr_def cong: cstate_relation_only_t_hrs)
552  apply simp
553  done
556(* Generalise *)
557(* c can't fail here, so no /F *)
558lemma ccorres_noop:
559  assumes nop: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> {s} c {t. t may_not_modify_globals s}"
560  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> dc xf arrel axf \<top> UNIV hs (return ()) c"
561  apply (rule ccorres_from_vcg, rule allI, simp add: return_def)
562  apply (rule HoarePartial.conseq_exploit_pre)
563  apply simp
564  apply (intro allI impI)
565  apply (rule HoarePartial.conseq)
566     apply (rule nop)
567    apply clarsimp
568    apply (erule iffD1 [OF rf_sr_upd, rotated -1])
569    apply (clarsimp simp: meq_def mex_def)+
570  done
572lemma ccorres_noop_spec:
573  assumes  s: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> (P s) c (R s), (A s)"
574  and    nop: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {s} c {t. t may_not_modify_globals s}"
575  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> dc xf arrel axf \<top> {s. s \<in> P s} hs (return ()) c"
576  apply (rule ccorres_from_vcg, rule allI, simp add: return_def)
577  apply (rule HoarePartial.conseq_exploit_pre)
578  apply simp
579  apply (intro allI impI)
580  apply (rule HoarePartial.conseq)
581   apply (rule allI)
582   apply (rule HoarePartialProps.Merge_PostConj)
583      apply (rule_tac P = "{s} \<inter> P s" in conseqPre)
584      apply (rule_tac x = s in spec [OF s])
585       apply clarsimp
586     apply (rule_tac x = s in spec [OF nop])
587    apply simp
588   apply clarsimp
589  apply clarsimp
590  apply (erule iffD2 [OF rf_sr_upd, rotated -1])
591    apply (clarsimp simp: meq_def mex_def)+
592  done
595(* FIXME: MOVE *)
596lemma ccorres_symb_exec_r2:
597  assumes cul: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf R Q' hs a d"
598  and     ex:  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> R' c Q'"
599  and   pres:  "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {s} c {t. t may_not_modify_globals s}"
600  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf R R' hs a (c ;; d)"
601  apply (rule ccorres_add_return)
602  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
603  apply (rule ccorres_split_nothrow')
604      apply (rule ccorres_noop_spec)
605       apply (rule allI)
606       apply (rule ex)
607      apply (rule pres)
608     apply simp
609     apply (rule cul)
610    apply wp
611   apply (rule HoarePartialProps.augment_Faults [OF ex])
612   apply simp
613  apply simp
614  done
616lemma ccorres_trim_redundant_throw:
617  "\<lbrakk>ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> arrel axf arrel axf G G' (SKIP # hs) a c;
618          \<And>s f. axf (global_exn_var_'_update f s) = axf s \<rbrakk>
619  \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' (SKIP # hs)
620          a (c;; Basic (global_exn_var_'_update (\<lambda>_. Return));; THROW)"
621  apply -
622  apply (rule ccorres_trim_redundant_throw')
623    apply simp
624   apply simp
625  apply (simp add: rf_sr_upd_safe)
626  done
631lemmas in_magnitude_check' =
632  in_magnitude_check [where v = "fst z" and s' = "snd z" for z, folded surjective_pairing]
635(* Defined in terms of access_ti for convenience *)
637lemma fd_cons_update_accessD:
638  "\<lbrakk> fd_cons_update_access d n; length bs = n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> field_update d (field_access d v bs) v = v"
639  unfolding fd_cons_update_access_def by simp
641lemma fd_cons_access_updateD:
642  "\<lbrakk> fd_cons_access_update d n; length bs = n; length bs' = n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> field_access d (field_update d bs v) bs' = field_access d (field_update d bs v') bs'"
643  unfolding fd_cons_access_update_def by clarsimp
645context kernel
648(* Tests *)
650lemma cte_C_cap_C_tcb_C':
651  fixes val :: "cap_C" and ptr :: "cte_C ptr"
652  assumes cl: "clift hp ptr = Some z"
653  shows "(clift (hrs_mem_update (heap_update (Ptr &(ptr\<rightarrow>[''cap_C''])) val) hp)) =
654  (clift hp :: tcb_C typ_heap)"
655  using cl
656  by (simp add: typ_heap_simps)
658lemma cte_C_cap_C_update:
659  fixes val :: "cap_C" and ptr :: "cte_C ptr"
660  assumes  cl: "clift hp ptr = Some z"
661  shows "(clift (hrs_mem_update (heap_update (Ptr &(ptr\<rightarrow>[''cap_C''])) val) hp)) =
662  clift hp(ptr \<mapsto> cte_C.cap_C_update (\<lambda>_. val) z)"
663  using cl
664  by (simp add: clift_field_update)
667  "modifies_heap_spec f \<equiv> \<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} Call f {t. t may_only_modify_globals s in [t_hrs]}"
669(* Used for bitfield lemmas.  Note that this doesn't follow the usual schematic merging: we generally need concrete G and G' *)
670lemma ccorres_from_spec_modifies_heap:
671  assumes spec: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<lbrace>s. P s\<rbrace> Call f {t. Q s t}"
672  and      mod: "modifies_heap_spec f"
673  and      xfg: "\<And>f s. xf (globals_update f s) = xf s"
674  and    Pimp: "\<And>s s'. \<lbrakk> G s; s' \<in> G'; (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P s'"
675  and     rl: "\<And>s s' t'. \<lbrakk>G s; s' \<in> G'; (s, s') \<in> rf_sr; Q s' t'\<rbrakk>
676            \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>(rv, t) \<in> fst (a s).
677                  (t, t'\<lparr>globals := globals s'\<lparr>t_hrs_' := t_hrs_' (globals t')\<rparr>\<rparr>) \<in> rf_sr
678                       \<and> r rv (xf t')"
679  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' [] a (Call f)"
680  apply (rule ccorres_Call_call_for_vcg)
681   apply (rule ccorres_from_vcg)
682   apply (rule allI, rule conseqPre)
683   apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcModifyReturnNoAbr
684                    [where return' = "\<lambda>s t. t\<lparr> globals := globals s\<lparr>t_hrs_' := t_hrs_' (globals t) \<rparr>\<rparr>"])
685     apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcSpecNoAbrupt [OF _ _ spec])
686      apply (rule subset_refl)
687     apply vcg
688    prefer 2
689    apply (rule mod)
690   apply (clarsimp simp: mex_def meq_def)
691  apply (clarsimp simp: split_beta Pimp)
692  apply (subst bex_cong [OF refl])
693   apply (rule arg_cong2 [where f = "(\<and>)"])
694  apply (rule_tac y = "t\<lparr>globals := globals x\<lparr>t_hrs_' := t_hrs_' (globals t)\<rparr>\<rparr>" in rf_sr_upd, simp_all)
695  apply (drule (3) rl)
696  apply (clarsimp simp: xfg elim!: bexI [rotated])
697  done
699(* Used for bitfield lemmas *)
700lemma ccorres_from_spec_modifies:
701  assumes spec: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<lbrace>s. P s\<rbrace> Call f {t. Q s t}"
702  and      mod: "modifies_spec f"
703  and      xfg: "\<And>f s. xf (globals_update f s) = xf s"
704  and    Pimp: "\<And>s s'. \<lbrakk> G s; s' \<in> G'; (s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P s'"
705  and     rl: "\<And>s s' t'. \<lbrakk>G s; s' \<in> G'; (s, s') \<in> rf_sr; Q s' t'\<rbrakk>
706                 \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>(rv, t) \<in> fst (a s). (t, s') \<in> rf_sr \<and> r rv (xf t')"
707  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' [] a (Call f)"
708  apply (rule ccorres_Call_call_for_vcg)
709   apply (rule ccorres_from_vcg)
710   apply (rule allI, rule conseqPre)
711   apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcModifyReturnNoAbr
712             [where return' = "\<lambda>s t. t\<lparr> globals := globals s \<rparr>"])
713     apply (rule HoarePartial.ProcSpecNoAbrupt [OF _ _ spec])
714      apply (rule subset_refl)
715     apply vcg
716    prefer 2
717    apply (rule mod)
718   apply (clarsimp simp: mex_def meq_def)
719  apply (clarsimp simp: split_beta Pimp)
720  apply (subst bex_cong [OF refl])
721   apply (rule arg_cong2 [where f = "(\<and>)"])
722  apply (rule_tac y = "x" in rf_sr_upd, simp_all)
723  apply (drule (3) rl)
724  apply (clarsimp simp: xfg elim!: bexI [rotated])
725  done
727lemma ccorres_trim_return:
728  assumes fg: "\<And>s. xfu (\<lambda>_. axf s) s = s"
729  and    xfu: "\<And>f s. axf (global_exn_var_'_update f s) = axf s"
730  and     cc: "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> arrel axf arrel axf G G' (SKIP # hs) a c"
731  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf G G' (SKIP # hs) a (c ;; return_C xfu axf)"
732  using fg unfolding creturn_def
733  apply -
734  apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc2)+
735  apply (rule ccorres_trim_redundant_throw)
736   apply (clarsimp split del: if_split)
737   apply (rule iffD2 [OF ccorres_semantic_equiv, OF _ cc])
738   apply (rule semantic_equivI)
739   apply (case_tac s')
740   apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases exec_elim_cases intro!: exec.intros)[4]
741  apply (rule xfu)
742  done
744lemma rf_sr_globals_exn_var:
745  "((s, global_exn_var_'_update f s') \<in> rf_sr)
746       = ((s, s') \<in> rf_sr)"
747  by (rule rf_sr_upd, simp_all)
749lemma ccorres_trim_returnE:
750  assumes fg: "\<And>s. xfu (\<lambda>_. axf s) s = s"
751  and    xfu: "\<And>f s. axf (global_exn_var_'_update f s) = axf s"
752  and     cc: "ccorres r (liftxf errstate ef vf axf)
753                    G G' (SKIP # hs) a c"
754  shows "ccorres_underlying rf_sr \<Gamma> rvr rvxf r (liftxf errstate ef vf axf)
755                    G G' (SKIP # hs) a (c ;; return_C xfu axf)"
756  unfolding creturn_def
757  apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc2)+
758  apply (rule ccorres_trim_redundant_throw')
759    apply (simp add: fg)
760    apply (rule iffD2 [OF ccorres_semantic_equiv, OF _ cc])
761    apply (rule semantic_equivI)
762    apply (case_tac s')
763    apply (auto elim!: exec_Normal_elim_cases exec_elim_cases intro!: exec.intros)[4]
764   apply (simp add: liftxf_def xfu)
765  apply (simp add: rf_sr_globals_exn_var)
766  done
768lemma ccorres_sequence_while_genQ:
769  fixes i :: "nat" and xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
770  assumes one: "\<And>n ys. \<lbrakk> n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
771                    ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv') xf'
772                            (F (n * j)) ({s. xf s = of_nat (i + n * j) \<and> r' ys (xf' s)} \<inter> Q) hs
773                            (xs ! n) body"
774  and      pn: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs * j))"
775  and   bodyi: "\<forall>s. xf s < of_nat (i + length xs * j)
776      \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> ({s} \<inter> Q) body {t. xf t = xf s \<and> xf_update (\<lambda>x. xf t + of_nat j) t \<in> Q}"
777  and      hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F (n * j) \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
778  and     lxs: "i + length xs * j< 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
779  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
780  and     xf': "\<forall>s f. xf' (xf_update f s) = (xf' s)"
781  and       j: "j > 0"
782  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = of_nat (i + length xs * of_nat j))
783                  (\<lambda>s. (xf s, xf' s))
784                  (\<lambda>s. P 0 \<longrightarrow> F 0 s) ({s. xf s = of_nat i \<and> r' [] (xf' s)} \<inter> Q) hs
785                  (sequence xs)
786                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
787                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s)))"
788  (is "ccorres ?r' ?xf' ?G (?G' \<inter> _) hs (sequence xs) ?body")
789  apply (rule ccorres_sequence_while_genQ' [OF one pn bodyi hi lxs xf xf'])
790     apply simp
791    apply simp
792   apply (clarsimp simp: rf_sr_def xf)
793  apply (simp add: j)
794  done
796lemma ccorres_sequence_while_gen':
797  fixes i :: "nat" and xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
798  assumes one: "\<And>n ys. \<lbrakk> n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
799                    ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv') xf'
800                            (F (n * j)) {s. xf s = of_nat (i + n * j) \<and> r' ys (xf' s)} hs
801                            (xs ! n) body"
802  and      pn: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs * j))"
803  and   bodyi: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body {t. xf t = xf s}"
804  and      hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F (n * j) \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
805  and     lxs: "i + length xs * j< 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
806  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
807  and     xf': "\<forall>s f. xf' (xf_update f s) = (xf' s)"
808  and       j: "j > 0"
809  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = of_nat (i + length xs * of_nat j))
810                  (\<lambda>s. (xf s, xf' s))
811                  (F 0) ({s. xf s = of_nat i \<and> r' [] (xf' s)}) hs
812                  (sequence xs)
813                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
814                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s)))"
815  (is "ccorres ?r' ?xf' ?G ?G' hs (sequence xs) ?body")
816  using assms
817  apply -
818  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
819  apply (rule ccorres_sequence_while_genQ [where Q=UNIV])
820  apply (assumption|simp)+
821  done
823lemma ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ':
824  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
825  shows
826  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) ({s. xf s = of_nat (i + n * j)} \<inter> Q) hs (xs ! n) body;
827    \<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs * j));
828    \<forall>s. xf s < of_nat (i + length xs * j)
829        \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> ({s} \<inter> Q) body {t. xf t = xf s \<and> xf_update (\<lambda>x. xf t + of_nat j) t \<in> Q};
830    \<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n * j)\<rbrace> xs ! n \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>; i + length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c);
831    \<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s; j > 0 \<rbrakk>
832    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres (\<lambda>rv i'. i' = of_nat (i + length xs * of_nat j)) xf (\<lambda>s. P 0 \<longrightarrow> F 0 s) ({s. xf s = of_nat i} \<inter> Q) hs
833       (NonDetMonad.sequence_x xs)
834       (While {s. P (xf s)} (body;;
835                 Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s)))"
836  apply (simp add: sequence_x_sequence liftM_def[symmetric]
837                   ccorres_liftM_simp)
838  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp)
839   apply (rule ccorres_sequence_while_genQ
840                   [where xf'=xfdc and r'=dc and xf_update=xf_update, simplified],
841          (simp add: dc_def)+)
842  done
844lemma ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen':
845  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
846  shows
847  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n ys. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) {s. xf s = of_nat (i + n * j)} hs (xs ! n) body;
848    \<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs * j)); \<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body {t. xf t = xf s};
849    \<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n * j)\<rbrace> xs ! n \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>; i + length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c);
850    \<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s; 0 < j \<rbrakk>
851    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres (\<lambda>rv i'. i' = of_nat (i + length xs * of_nat j)) xf (F 0) {s. xf s = of_nat i} hs
852       (NonDetMonad.sequence_x xs)
853       (While {s. P (xf s)} (body;;
854                 Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s)))"
855  apply (simp add: sequence_x_sequence liftM_def[symmetric]
856                   ccorres_liftM_simp)
857  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp)
858   apply (rule ccorres_sequence_while_gen'
859                   [where xf'=xfdc and r'=dc and xf_update=xf_update, simplified],
860          (simp add: dc_def)+)
861  done
863lemma i_xf_for_sequence:
864  "\<forall>s f. i_' (i_'_update f s) = f (i_' s) \<and> globals (i_'_update f s) = globals s"
865  by simp
867lemmas ccorres_sequence_x_while'
868    = ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen' [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
869                                     where j=1, simplified]
871lemma ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ:
872  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
873  assumes one: "\<forall>n < length xs. ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j) ) ({s. xf s = of_nat n * of_nat j} \<inter> Q) hs (xs ! n) body"
874  and      pn: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (length xs * j))"
875  and   bodyi: "\<forall>s. xf s < of_nat (length xs * j)
876    \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> ({s} \<inter> Q) body {t. xf t = xf s \<and> xf_update (\<lambda>x. xf t + of_nat j) t \<in> Q}"
877  and      hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F (n * j) \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
878  and     lxs: "length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
879  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
880  and       j: "0 < j"
881  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (length xs) * of_nat j) xf (\<lambda>s. P 0 \<longrightarrow> F 0 s)
882                  {s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s \<in> Q} hs
883                  (sequence_x xs)
884                  (Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s);;
885          (While {s. P (xf s)}
886              (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s))))"
887  apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_r)
888    apply (rule ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ' [where i=0 and xf_update=xf_update and Q=Q, simplified])
889    apply (simp add: assms hi[simplified])+
890   apply (rule conseqPre, vcg)
891   apply (clarsimp simp add: xf)
892  apply (rule conseqPre, vcg)
893  apply (simp add: xf rf_sr_def)
894  done
896lemma ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen:
897  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
898  assumes one: "\<forall>n < length xs. ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) {s. xf s = of_nat n * of_nat j} hs (xs ! n) body"
899  and      pn: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (length xs * j))"
900  and   bodyi: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body {t. xf t = xf s}"
901  and      hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F (n * j) \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
902  and     lxs: "length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
903  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
904  and       j: "0 < j"
905  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (length xs) * of_nat j) xf (F 0) UNIV hs
906                  (sequence_x xs)
907                  (Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s);;
908          (While {s. P (xf s)}
909              (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s))))"
910  apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_r)
911    apply (rule ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen' [where i=0 and xf_update=xf_update, simplified])
912    apply (simp add: assms hi[simplified])+
913   apply vcg
914   apply (simp add: xf)
915  apply vcg
916  apply (simp add: xf rf_sr_def)
917  done
919lemmas ccorres_sequence_x_while
920    = ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
921                                    where j=1, simplified]
923lemmas ccorres_sequence_x_whileQ
924    = ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
925                                     where j=1, simplified]
927lemma ccorres_mapM_x_while_gen:
928  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
929  assumes rl: "\<forall>n. n < length xs \<longrightarrow> ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) {s. xf s = of_nat n * of_nat j} hs (f (xs ! n)) body"
930  and  guard: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (length xs * j))"
931  and  bodyi: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body {s'. xf s' = xf s}"
932  and  hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n * j)\<rbrace> f (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
933  and  wb: "length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
934  and  xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
935  and   j: "0 < j"
936  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (length xs) * of_nat j) xf (F (0 :: nat)) UNIV hs
937                  (mapM_x f xs)
938                  (Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s);;
939          (While {s. P (xf s)}
940              (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s))))"
941  unfolding mapM_x_def
942  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp)
943   apply (rule ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen[where xf_update=xf_update])
944        apply (simp add: assms hi[simplified])+
945  done
947lemmas ccorres_mapM_x_while
948    = ccorres_mapM_x_while_gen [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
949                                where j=1, simplified]
951lemma ccorres_mapM_x_while_genQ:
952  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
953  assumes rl: "\<forall>n. n < length xs \<longrightarrow> ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) ({s. xf s = of_nat n * of_nat j} \<inter> Q) hs (f (xs ! n)) body"
954  and  guard: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (length xs * j))"
955  and  bodyi: "\<forall>s. xf s < of_nat (length xs * j)
956    \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> ({s} \<inter> Q) body {t. xf t = xf s \<and> xf_update (\<lambda>x. xf t + of_nat j) t \<in> Q}"
957  and  hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n * j)\<rbrace> f (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
958  and  wb: "length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
959  and  xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
960  and   j: "0 < j"
961  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (length xs) * of_nat j) xf (\<lambda>s. P 0 \<longrightarrow> F (0 :: nat) s)
962                  {s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s \<in> Q} hs
963                  (mapM_x f xs)
964                  (Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s);;
965          (While {s. P (xf s)}
966              (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s))))"
967  unfolding mapM_x_def
968  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp)
969   apply (rule ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ[where xf_update=xf_update])
970        apply (simp add: assms hi[simplified])+
971  done
973lemmas ccorres_mapM_x_whileQ
974    = ccorres_mapM_x_while_genQ [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
975                                 where j=1, simplified]
977lemma ccorres_mapM_x_while_gen':
978  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
979  assumes rl: "\<forall>n. n < length xs \<longrightarrow>
980                   ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) {s. xf s = of_nat (i + n * j)} hs (f (xs ! n)) body"
981  and  guard: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs * j))"
982  and  bodyi: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body {s'. xf s' = xf s}"
983  and  hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n *j)\<rbrace> f (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
984  and  wb: "i + length xs * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
985  and  xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
986  and   j: "0 < j"
987  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (i + length xs * j)) xf
988                  (F (0 :: nat)) {s. xf s = of_nat i} hs
989                  (mapM_x f xs)
990                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
991                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s)))"
992  unfolding mapM_x_def
993  apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp)
994   apply (rule ccorres_sequence_x_while_gen'[where xf_update=xf_update])
995        apply (clarsimp simp only: length_map nth_map rl)
996       apply (simp add: assms hi[simplified])+
997  done
999lemmas ccorres_mapM_x_while'
1000    = ccorres_mapM_x_while_gen' [OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
1001                                 where j=1, simplified]
1003lemma ccorres_zipWithM_x_while_genQ:
1004  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
1005  assumes rl: "\<forall>n. n < length xs \<and> n < length ys \<longrightarrow> ccorres dc xfdc (F (n * j)) ({s. xf s = of_nat n * of_nat j} \<inter> Q)
1006      hs (f (xs ! n) (ys ! n)) body"
1007  and  guard: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (min (length xs) (length ys)) * of_nat j)"
1008  and  bodyi: "\<forall>s. xf s < of_nat (min (length xs) (length ys)) * of_nat j
1009    \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> ({s} \<inter> Q) body {t. xf t = xf s \<and> xf_update (\<lambda>x. xf t + of_nat j) t \<in> Q}"
1010  and  hi: "\<And>n. Suc n < length xs \<and> Suc n < length ys \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F (n * j)\<rbrace> f (xs ! n) (ys ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n * j)\<rbrace>"
1011  and  wb: "min (length xs) (length ys) * j < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
1012  and  xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s) \<and> globals (xf_update f s) = globals s"
1013  and   j: "0 < j"
1014  shows  "ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. rv' = of_nat (min (length xs) (length ys) * j)) xf
1015                  (F (0 :: nat)) {s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s \<in> Q} hs
1016                  (zipWithM_x f xs ys)
1017                  (Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s);;
1018          (While {s. P (xf s)}
1019              (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + of_nat j) s))))"
1020  unfolding zipWithM_x_def
1021  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp)
1022    apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp [OF ccorres_sequence_x_while_genQ[where F=F, OF _ _ _ _ _ xf j]],
1023      simp_all add: length_zipWith)
1024      apply (simp add: length_zipWith zipWith_nth)
1025      apply (rule rl)
1026     apply (rule guard)
1027    apply (rule bodyi)
1028   apply (simp add: zipWith_nth hi[simplified])
1029  apply (rule wb)
1030  done
1032lemmas ccorres_zipWithM_x_while_gen = ccorres_zipWithM_x_while_genQ[where Q=UNIV, simplified]
1034lemmas ccorres_zipWithM_x_while
1035    = ccorres_zipWithM_x_while_gen[OF _ _ _ _ _ i_xf_for_sequence, folded word_bits_def,
1036                                   where j=1, simplified]
1040lemma ccorres_sequenceE_while_gen_either_way:
1041  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
1042  assumes one: "\<And>n ys. \<lbrakk> n < length xs; n = length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1043                    ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv')) xf'
1044                            (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1045                            (F n) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = xfrel n \<and> r' ys (xf' s)}) hs
1046                            (xs ! n) body"
1047  and      pn: "\<And>n. (n < length xs \<longrightarrow> P (xfrel n)) \<and> \<not> P (xfrel (length xs))"
1048  and xfrel_u: "\<And>n. xfrel_upd (xfrel n) = xfrel (Suc n)"
1049  and   bodyi: "\<And>s. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body (Q \<inter> {t. xf t = xf s}), UNIV"
1050  and      hi: "\<And>n. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F n \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n)\<rbrace>,-"
1051  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s)"
1052  and     xf': "\<forall>s f. xf' (xf_update f s) = (xf' s)
1053                               \<and> ((xf_update f s \<in> Q) = (s \<in> Q))
1054                               \<and> (\<forall>s'. ((s', xf_update f s) \<in> sr) = ((s', s) \<in> sr))"
1055  shows  "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = xfrel (length xs)))
1056                  (\<lambda>s. (xf s, xf' s)) arrel axf
1057                  (F 0) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = xfrel 0 \<and> r' [] (xf' s)}) hs
1058                  (sequenceE xs)
1059                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
1060                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xfrel_upd (xf s)) s)))"
1061  (is "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel ?r') ?xf' arrel axf ?G ?G' hs (sequenceE xs) ?body")
1062proof -
1063  define init_xs where "init_xs \<equiv> xs"
1065  have rl: "xs = drop (length init_xs - length xs) init_xs" unfolding init_xs_def
1066    by fastforce
1068  note pn' = pn [folded init_xs_def]
1069  note one' = one [folded init_xs_def]
1070  note hi'  = hi [folded init_xs_def]
1072  let ?Q  = "\<lambda>xs. F (length init_xs - length xs)"
1073  let ?Q' = "\<lambda>xs zs. Q \<inter> {s. (xf s) = xfrel (length init_xs - length xs)
1074                         \<and> r' zs (xf' s)}"
1075  let ?r'' = "\<lambda>zs rv (i', rv'). r' (zs @ rv) rv'
1076                   \<and> i' = xfrel (length init_xs)"
1078  have "\<forall>zs. length zs = length init_xs - length xs \<longrightarrow>
1079             ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (?r'' zs)) ?xf' (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1080             (?Q xs) (?Q' xs zs) hs
1081             (sequenceE xs) ?body"
1082  using rl
1083  proof (induct xs)
1084    case Nil
1085    thus ?case
1086      apply clarsimp
1087      apply (rule iffD1 [OF ccorres_expand_while_iff])
1088      apply (simp add: sequenceE_def returnOk_def)
1089      apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
1090       apply (rule ccorres_cond_false)
1091       apply (rule ccorres_return_Skip')
1092      apply (simp add: pn')
1093      done
1094  next
1095    case (Cons y ys)
1097    from Cons.prems have ly: "length (y # ys) \<le> length init_xs" by simp
1098    hence ln: "(length init_xs - length ys) = Suc (length init_xs - length (y # ys))"  by simp
1099    hence yv: "y = init_xs ! (length init_xs - length (y # ys))" using Cons.prems
1100      by (fastforce simp add: drop_Suc_nth not_le)
1102    have lt0: "0 < length init_xs" using ly by clarsimp
1103    hence ly': "length init_xs - length (y # ys) < length init_xs" by simp
1105    note one'' = one'[OF ly', simplified yv[symmetric]]
1107    have ys_eq: "ys = drop (length init_xs - length ys) init_xs"
1108      using ln Cons.prems
1109        by (fastforce simp add: drop_Suc_nth not_le)
1110    note ih = Cons.hyps [OF ys_eq, rule_format]
1112    note hi'' = hi' [OF ly', folded yv]
1114    show ?case
1115      apply (clarsimp simp: sequenceE_Cons)
1116      apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
1117       apply (rule iffD1 [OF ccorres_expand_while_iff])
1118       apply (rule ccorres_cond_true)
1119       apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc)+
1120       apply (rule ccorres_splitE)
1121           apply (simp add: inl_rrel_inl_rrel)
1122           apply (rule_tac ys="zs" in one'')
1123           apply simp
1124          apply (rule ceqv_refl)
1125         apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_r)
1126           apply (simp add: liftME_def[symmetric] liftME_liftM)
1127           apply (rule ccorres_rel_imp2, rule_tac zs="zs @ [rv]" in ih)
1128             apply (cut_tac ly, simp)
1129            apply (clarsimp elim!: inl_inrE)
1130           apply (clarsimp elim!: inl_inrE)
1131          apply vcg
1132         apply (rule conseqPre)
1133          apply vcg
1134         apply (clarsimp simp: xf xf')
1135        apply (subst ln)
1136        apply (rule hi'')
1137       apply (rule HoarePartialDef.Conseq [where P = "Q \<inter> {s. xfrel_upd (xf s) = xfrel (length init_xs - length ys)}"])
1138       apply (intro ballI exI)
1139       apply (rule conjI)
1140        apply (rule_tac s=s in bodyi)
1141        apply simp
1142       apply (clarsimp simp: xf xf' ccHoarePost_def elim!: inl_inrE)
1143      apply (clarsimp simp: ln pn' xfrel_u diff_Suc_less[OF lt0])
1144      done
1145  qed
1146  thus ?thesis
1147    by (clarsimp simp: init_xs_def dest!: spec[where x=Nil]
1148                elim!: ccorres_rel_imp2 inl_inrE)
1149 qed
1151lemma ccorres_sequenceE_while_down:
1152  fixes xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
1153  assumes one: "\<And>n ys. \<lbrakk> n < length xs; n = length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1154                    ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv')) xf'
1155                            (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1156                            (F n) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = (startv - of_nat n) \<and> r' ys (xf' s)}) hs
1157                            (xs ! n) body"
1158  and      pn: "\<And>n. (n < length xs \<longrightarrow> P (startv - of_nat n)) \<and> \<not> P (startv - of_nat (length xs))"
1159  and   bodyi: "\<And>s. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body (Q \<inter> {t. xf t = xf s}), UNIV"
1160  and      hi: "\<And>n. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F n \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n)\<rbrace>,-"
1161  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s)"
1162  and     xf': "\<forall>s f. xf' (xf_update f s) = (xf' s)
1163                               \<and> ((xf_update f s \<in> Q) = (s \<in> Q))
1164                               \<and> (\<forall>s'. ((s', xf_update f s) \<in> sr) = ((s', s) \<in> sr))"
1165  shows  "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = (startv - of_nat (length xs))))
1166                  (\<lambda>s. (xf s, xf' s)) arrel axf
1167                  (F 0) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = (startv - of_nat 0) \<and> r' [] (xf' s)}) hs
1168                  (sequenceE xs)
1169                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
1170                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s - 1) s)))"
1171  (is "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel ?r') ?xf' arrel axf ?G ?G' hs (sequenceE xs) ?body")
1172  by (rule ccorres_sequenceE_while_gen_either_way
1173                   [OF one, where xf_update=xf_update],
1174      simp_all add: bodyi hi xf xf' pn)
1176lemma ccorres_sequenceE_while_gen':
1177  fixes i :: "nat" and xf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> ('c :: len) word"
1178  assumes one: "\<And>n ys. \<lbrakk> n < length xs; n = length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
1179                    ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv')) xf'
1180                            (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1181                            (F n) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = of_nat (i + n) \<and> r' ys (xf' s)}) hs
1182                            (xs ! n) body"
1183  and      pn: "\<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (i + length xs))"
1184  and   bodyi: "\<And>s. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body (Q \<inter> {t. xf t = xf s}), UNIV"
1185  and      hi: "\<And>n. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace> F n \<rbrace> (xs ! n) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n)\<rbrace>,-"
1186  and     lxs: "i + length xs < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('c)"
1187  and      xf: "\<forall>s f. xf (xf_update f s) = f (xf s)"
1188  and     xf': "\<forall>s f. xf' (xf_update f s) = (xf' s)
1189                               \<and> ((xf_update f s \<in> Q) = (s \<in> Q))
1190                               \<and> (\<forall>s'. ((s', xf_update f s) \<in> sr) = ((s', s) \<in> sr))"
1191  shows  "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = of_nat (i + length xs)))
1192                  (\<lambda>s. (xf s, xf' s)) arrel axf
1193                  (F 0) (Q \<inter> {s. xf s = of_nat i \<and> r' [] (xf' s)}) hs
1194                  (sequenceE xs)
1195                  (While {s. P (xf s)}
1196                     (body ;; Basic (\<lambda>s. xf_update (\<lambda>_. xf s + 1) s)))"
1197  (is "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel ?r') ?xf' arrel axf ?G ?G' hs (sequenceE xs) ?body")
1198  apply (rule ccorres_sequenceE_while_gen_either_way
1199                   [OF one, where xf_update=xf_update, simplified add_0_right],
1200         simp_all add: bodyi hi lxs xf xf' pn)
1201  apply clarsimp
1202  apply (simp only: Abs_fnat_hom_add, rule of_nat_mono_maybe)
1203   apply (rule lxs)
1204  apply simp
1205  done
1207lemma ccorres_sequenceE_while:
1208  fixes axf :: "globals myvars \<Rightarrow> 'e" shows
1209  "\<lbrakk>\<And>ys. length ys < length xs \<Longrightarrow>
1210        ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' (ys @ [rv]) rv')) xf'
1211                            (inl_rrel arrel) axf
1212                            (F (length ys)) (Q \<inter> {s. i_' s = of_nat (length ys) \<and> r' ys (xf' s)}) hs
1213                            (xs ! length ys) body;
1214    \<And>n. P n = (n < of_nat (length xs));
1215    \<And>s. s \<in> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> {s} body (Q \<inter> {t. i_' t = i_' s}),UNIV;
1216    \<And>n. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>F n\<rbrace> xs ! n \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. F (Suc n)\<rbrace>, -;
1217     length xs < 2 ^ word_bits;
1218     \<forall>s f. xf' (i_'_update f s) = xf' s
1219                 \<and> ((i_'_update f s \<in> Q) = (s \<in> Q))
1220                 \<and> (\<forall>s'. ((s', i_'_update f s) \<in> sr) = ((s', s) \<in> sr)) \<rbrakk>
1221    \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> (inr_rrel (\<lambda>rv (i', rv'). r' rv rv' \<and> i' = of_nat (length xs)))
1222                  (\<lambda>s. (i_' s, xf' s)) arrel axf
1223                  (F 0) (Q \<inter> {s. r' [] (xf' s)}) hs
1224          (sequenceE xs)
1225          (Basic (\<lambda>s. i_'_update (\<lambda>_. 0) s) ;;
1226           While {s. P (i_' s)} (body;;
1227             Basic (\<lambda>s. i_'_update (\<lambda>_. i_' s + 1) s)))"
1228  apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
1229   apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_r)
1230     apply (rule ccorres_sequenceE_while_gen'[where i=0, simplified, where xf_update=i_'_update],
1231            (assumption | simp)+)
1232       apply (simp add: word_bits_def)
1233      apply simp+
1234    apply vcg
1235   apply (rule conseqPre, vcg)
1236   apply clarsimp
1237  apply simp
1238  done
1240context kernel begin
1242lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_novcg_case_sum:
1243  "\<lbrakk>ccorresG sr \<Gamma> (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf') P P' [] a c;
1244    \<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv');
1245    \<And>rv rv'. \<lbrakk> r' rv (vf' rv'); ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<rbrakk>
1246             \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv');
1247    \<And>err rv' err'.
1248        \<lbrakk> ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE; f' err (ef' rv') err' \<rbrakk>
1249             \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (QE err) (Q'' err rv' err') hs (e err) (d' rv');
1250    \<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>QE\<rbrace>; guard_is_UNIV (\<lambda>rv rv'. r' rv (vf' rv')) xf'
1251                               (\<lambda>rv rv'. {s. ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q' rv rv'});
1252    \<And>err. guard_is_UNIV (\<lambda>rv. f' err (ef' rv)) es
1253             (\<lambda>rv rv'. {s. ef' (xf' s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q'' err rv rv'})\<rbrakk>
1254      \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) P' hs (a >>= case_sum e b) (c;;d)"
1255  apply (rule_tac R="case_sum QE Q" and R'="case_sum QE' QR'" for QE' QR'
1256              in ccorres_master_split_nohs_UNIV)
1257     apply assumption
1258    apply (case_tac rv, simp_all)[1]
1259     apply (erule ccorres_abstract)
1260     apply (rule ccorres_abstract[where xf'=es], rule ceqv_refl)
1261     apply (rule_tac P="ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1262     apply (rule_tac P="f' aa (ef' rv') rv'a" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1263     apply assumption
1264    apply (erule ccorres_abstract)
1265    apply (rule_tac P="r' ba (vf' rv')" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1266    apply (rule_tac P="ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1267    apply assumption
1268   apply (simp add: validE_def)
1269   apply (erule hoare_strengthen_post, simp split: sum.split_asm)
1270  apply (clarsimp simp: guard_is_UNIV_def
1271                 split: sum.split)
1272  done
1274lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_case_sum:
1275  "\<lbrakk>ccorresG sr \<Gamma> (f' \<currency> r') (liftxf es ef' vf' xf') P P' hs a c;
1276    \<And>rv' t t'. ceqv \<Gamma> xf' rv' t t' d (d' rv');
1277    \<And>rv rv'. \<lbrakk> r' rv (vf' rv'); ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<rbrakk>
1278             \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (Q rv) (Q' rv rv') hs (b rv) (d' rv');
1279    \<And>err rv' err'.
1280        \<lbrakk> ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE; f' err (ef' rv') err' \<rbrakk>
1281             \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (QE err) (Q'' err rv' err') hs (e err) (d' rv');
1282    \<lbrace>R\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>QE\<rbrace>; \<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^bsub>/UNIV\<^esub> R' c {s. (\<forall>rv'. ef' (xf' s) = scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> r' rv' (vf' (xf' s))
1283                                                 \<longrightarrow>  s \<in> Q' rv' (xf' s))
1284                                   \<and> (\<forall>ft. ef' (xf' s) \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE \<longrightarrow> f' ft (ef' (xf' s)) (es s)
1285                                                 \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Q'' ft (xf' s) (es s))} \<rbrakk>
1286      \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf (P and R) (P' \<inter> R') hs (a >>= case_sum e b) (c;;d)"
1287  apply (erule_tac R="case_sum QE Q" and R'="case_sum QE' QR'" for QE' QR'
1288           in ccorres_master_split_hs)
1289     apply (case_tac rv, simp_all)[1]
1290      apply (erule ccorres_abstract)
1291      apply (rule ccorres_abstract[where xf'=es], rule ceqv_refl)
1292      apply (rule_tac P="ef' rv' \<noteq> scast EXCEPTION_NONE" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1293      apply (rule_tac P="f' aa (ef' rv') rv'a" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1294      apply assumption
1295     apply (erule ccorres_abstract)
1296     apply (rule_tac P="r' ba (vf' rv')" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1297     apply (rule_tac P="ef' rv' = scast EXCEPTION_NONE" in ccorres_gen_asm2)
1298     apply assumption
1299    apply (rule ccorres_empty[where P=\<top>])
1300   apply (simp add: validE_def)
1301   apply (erule hoare_strengthen_post, simp split: sum.split_asm)
1302  apply (drule exec_handlers_Hoare_from_vcg_nofail)
1303  apply (erule exec_handlers_Hoare_Post [OF _ _ subset_refl])
1304  apply (clarsimp simp: ccHoarePost_def split: sum.split)
1305  done
1309text \<open>@{method ccorres_rewrite} support for discarding everything after @{term creturn}.\<close>
1311lemma never_continues_creturn [C_simp_throws]:
1312  "never_continues \<Gamma> (creturn rtu xfu v)"
1313  by (auto simp: never_continues_def creturn_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
1315lemma never_continues_creturn_void [C_simp_throws]:
1316  "never_continues \<Gamma> (creturn_void rtu)"
1317  by (auto simp: never_continues_def creturn_void_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
1320  "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
1321      (c1 ;; (c2 ;; c3 ;; (creturn rtu xfu v ;; c4 ;; c5) ;; c6 ;; c7))"
1322  apply ccorres_rewrite
1323  apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
1324                               (c1 ;; (c2 ;; c3 ;; creturn rtu xfu v))" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
1325  oops