1(* Author: Tobias Nipkow, Daniel St��we *)
3section \<open>1-2 Brother Tree Implementation of Sets\<close>
5theory Brother12_Set
7  Cmp
8  Set_Specs
9  "HOL-Number_Theory.Fib"
12subsection \<open>Data Type and Operations\<close>
14datatype 'a bro =
15  N0 |
16  N1 "'a bro" |
17  N2 "'a bro" 'a "'a bro" |
18  (* auxiliary constructors: *)
19  L2 'a |
20  N3 "'a bro" 'a "'a bro" 'a "'a bro"
22definition empty :: "'a bro" where
23"empty = N0"
25fun inorder :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where
26"inorder N0 = []" |
27"inorder (N1 t) = inorder t" |
28"inorder (N2 l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r" |
29"inorder (L2 a) = [a]" |
30"inorder (N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) = inorder t1 @ a1 # inorder t2 @ a2 # inorder t3"
32fun isin :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> bool" where
33"isin N0 x = False" |
34"isin (N1 t) x = isin t x" |
35"isin (N2 l a r) x =
36  (case cmp x a of
37     LT \<Rightarrow> isin l x |
38     EQ \<Rightarrow> True |
39     GT \<Rightarrow> isin r x)"
41fun n1 :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
42"n1 (L2 a) = N2 N0 a N0" |
43"n1 (N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) = N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N1 t3)" |
44"n1 t = N1 t"
46hide_const (open) insert
48locale insert
51fun n2 :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
52"n2 (L2 a1) a2 t = N3 N0 a1 N0 a2 t" |
53"n2 (N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) a3 (N1 t4) = N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4)" |
54"n2 (N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) a3 t4 = N3 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N1 t3) a3 t4" |
55"n2 t1 a1 (L2 a2) = N3 t1 a1 N0 a2 N0" |
56"n2 (N1 t1) a1 (N3 t2 a2 t3 a3 t4) = N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4)" |
57"n2 t1 a1 (N3 t2 a2 t3 a3 t4) = N3 t1 a1 (N1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4)" |
58"n2 t1 a t2 = N2 t1 a t2"
60fun ins :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
61"ins x N0 = L2 x" |
62"ins x (N1 t) = n1 (ins x t)" |
63"ins x (N2 l a r) =
64  (case cmp x a of
65     LT \<Rightarrow> n2 (ins x l) a r |
66     EQ \<Rightarrow> N2 l a r |
67     GT \<Rightarrow> n2 l a (ins x r))"
69fun tree :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
70"tree (L2 a) = N2 N0 a N0" |
71"tree (N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) = N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N1 t3)" |
72"tree t = t"
74definition insert :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
75"insert x t = tree(ins x t)"
79locale delete
82fun n2 :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
83"n2 (N1 t1) a1 (N1 t2) = N1 (N2 t1 a1 t2)" |
84"n2 (N1 (N1 t1)) a1 (N2 (N1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4)) =
85  N1 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4))" |
86"n2 (N1 (N1 t1)) a1 (N2 (N2 t2 a2 t3) a3 (N1 t4)) =
87  N1 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4))" |
88"n2 (N1 (N1 t1)) a1 (N2 (N2 t2 a2 t3) a3 (N2 t4 a4 t5)) =
89  N2 (N2 (N1 t1) a1 (N2 t2 a2 t3)) a3 (N1 (N2 t4 a4 t5))" |
90"n2 (N2 (N1 t1) a1 (N2 t2 a2 t3)) a3 (N1 (N1 t4)) =
91  N1 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4))" |
92"n2 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N1 t3)) a3 (N1 (N1 t4)) =
93  N1 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4))" |
94"n2 (N2 (N2 t1 a1 t2) a2 (N2 t3 a3 t4)) a5 (N1 (N1 t5)) =
95  N2 (N1 (N2 t1 a1 t2)) a2 (N2 (N2 t3 a3 t4) a5 (N1 t5))" |
96"n2 t1 a1 t2 = N2 t1 a1 t2"
98fun split_min :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'a bro) option" where
99"split_min N0 = None" |
100"split_min (N1 t) =
101  (case split_min t of
102     None \<Rightarrow> None |
103     Some (a, t') \<Rightarrow> Some (a, N1 t'))" |
104"split_min (N2 t1 a t2) =
105  (case split_min t1 of
106     None \<Rightarrow> Some (a, N1 t2) |
107     Some (b, t1') \<Rightarrow> Some (b, n2 t1' a t2))"
109fun del :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
110"del _ N0         = N0" |
111"del x (N1 t)     = N1 (del x t)" |
112"del x (N2 l a r) =
113  (case cmp x a of
114     LT \<Rightarrow> n2 (del x l) a r |
115     GT \<Rightarrow> n2 l a (del x r) |
116     EQ \<Rightarrow> (case split_min r of
117              None \<Rightarrow> N1 l |
118              Some (b, r') \<Rightarrow> n2 l b r'))"
120fun tree :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
121"tree (N1 t) = t" |
122"tree t = t"
124definition delete :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a bro \<Rightarrow> 'a bro" where
125"delete a t = tree (del a t)"
129subsection \<open>Invariants\<close>
131fun B :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a bro set"
132and U :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a bro set" where
133"B 0 = {N0}" |
134"B (Suc h) = { N2 t1 a t2 | t1 a t2. 
135  t1 \<in> B h \<union> U h \<and> t2 \<in> B h \<or> t1 \<in> B h \<and> t2 \<in> B h \<union> U h}" |
136"U 0 = {}" |
137"U (Suc h) = N1 ` B h"
139abbreviation "T h \<equiv> B h \<union> U h"
141fun Bp :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a bro set" where
142"Bp 0 = B 0 \<union> L2 ` UNIV" |
143"Bp (Suc 0) = B (Suc 0) \<union> {N3 N0 a N0 b N0|a b. True}" |
144"Bp (Suc(Suc h)) = B (Suc(Suc h)) \<union>
145  {N3 t1 a t2 b t3 | t1 a t2 b t3. t1 \<in> B (Suc h) \<and> t2 \<in> U (Suc h) \<and> t3 \<in> B (Suc h)}"
147fun Um :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a bro set" where
148"Um 0 = {}" |
149"Um (Suc h) = N1 ` T h"
152subsection "Functional Correctness Proofs"
154subsubsection "Proofs for isin"
156lemma isin_set:
157  "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow> sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> isin t x = (x \<in> set(inorder t))"
158by(induction h arbitrary: t) (fastforce simp: isin_simps split: if_splits)+
160subsubsection "Proofs for insertion"
162lemma inorder_n1: "inorder(n1 t) = inorder t"
163by(cases t rule: n1.cases) (auto simp: sorted_lems)
165context insert
168lemma inorder_n2: "inorder(n2 l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
169by(cases "(l,a,r)" rule: n2.cases) (auto simp: sorted_lems)
171lemma inorder_tree: "inorder(tree t) = inorder t"
172by(cases t) auto
174lemma inorder_ins: "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow>
175  sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder(ins a t) = ins_list a (inorder t)"
176by(induction h arbitrary: t) (auto simp: ins_list_simps inorder_n1 inorder_n2)
178lemma inorder_insert: "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow>
179  sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder(insert a t) = ins_list a (inorder t)"
180by(simp add: insert_def inorder_ins inorder_tree)
184subsubsection \<open>Proofs for deletion\<close>
186context delete
189lemma inorder_tree: "inorder(tree t) = inorder t"
190by(cases t) auto
192lemma inorder_n2: "inorder(n2 l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
193by(cases "(l,a,r)" rule: n2.cases) (auto)
195lemma inorder_split_min:
196  "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow> (split_min t = None \<longleftrightarrow> inorder t = []) \<and>
197  (split_min t = Some(a,t') \<longrightarrow> inorder t = a # inorder t')"
198by(induction h arbitrary: t a t') (auto simp: inorder_n2 split: option.splits)
200lemma inorder_del:
201  "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow> sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder(del x t) = del_list x (inorder t)"
202by(induction h arbitrary: t) (auto simp: del_list_simps inorder_n2
203     inorder_split_min[OF UnI1] inorder_split_min[OF UnI2] split: option.splits)
205lemma inorder_delete:
206  "t \<in> T h \<Longrightarrow> sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder(delete x t) = del_list x (inorder t)"
207by(simp add: delete_def inorder_del inorder_tree)
212subsection \<open>Invariant Proofs\<close>
214subsubsection \<open>Proofs for insertion\<close>
216lemma n1_type: "t \<in> Bp h \<Longrightarrow> n1 t \<in> T (Suc h)"
217by(cases h rule: Bp.cases) auto
219context insert
222lemma tree_type: "t \<in> Bp h \<Longrightarrow> tree t \<in> B h \<union> B (Suc h)"
223by(cases h rule: Bp.cases) auto
225lemma n2_type:
226  "(t1 \<in> Bp h \<and> t2 \<in> T h \<longrightarrow> n2 t1 a t2 \<in> Bp (Suc h)) \<and>
227   (t1 \<in> T h \<and> t2 \<in> Bp h \<longrightarrow> n2 t1 a t2 \<in> Bp (Suc h))"
228apply(cases h rule: Bp.cases)
229apply (auto)[2]
230apply(rule conjI impI | erule conjE exE imageE | simp | erule disjE)+
233lemma Bp_if_B: "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Bp h"
234by (cases h rule: Bp.cases) simp_all
236text\<open>An automatic proof:\<close>
239  "(t \<in> B h \<longrightarrow> ins x t \<in> Bp h) \<and> (t \<in> U h \<longrightarrow> ins x t \<in> T h)"
240apply(induction h arbitrary: t)
241 apply (simp)
242apply (fastforce simp: Bp_if_B n2_type dest: n1_type)
245text\<open>A detailed proof:\<close>
247lemma ins_type:
248shows "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> ins x t \<in> Bp h" and "t \<in> U h \<Longrightarrow> ins x t \<in> T h"
249proof(induction h arbitrary: t)
250  case 0
251  { case 1 thus ?case by simp
252  next
253    case 2 thus ?case by simp }
255  case (Suc h)
256  { case 1
257    then obtain t1 a t2 where [simp]: "t = N2 t1 a t2" and
258      t1: "t1 \<in> T h" and t2: "t2 \<in> T h" and t12: "t1 \<in> B h \<or> t2 \<in> B h"
259      by auto
260    have ?case if "x < a"
261    proof -
262      have "n2 (ins x t1) a t2 \<in> Bp (Suc h)"
263      proof cases
264        assume "t1 \<in> B h"
265        with t2 show ?thesis by (simp add: Suc.IH(1) n2_type)
266      next
267        assume "t1 \<notin> B h"
268        hence 1: "t1 \<in> U h" and 2: "t2 \<in> B h" using t1 t12 by auto
269        show ?thesis by (metis Suc.IH(2)[OF 1] Bp_if_B[OF 2] n2_type)
270      qed
271      with \<open>x < a\<close> show ?case by simp
272    qed
273    moreover
274    have ?case if "a < x"
275    proof -
276      have "n2 t1 a (ins x t2) \<in> Bp (Suc h)"
277      proof cases
278        assume "t2 \<in> B h"
279        with t1 show ?thesis by (simp add: Suc.IH(1) n2_type)
280      next
281        assume "t2 \<notin> B h"
282        hence 1: "t1 \<in> B h" and 2: "t2 \<in> U h" using t2 t12 by auto
283        show ?thesis by (metis Bp_if_B[OF 1] Suc.IH(2)[OF 2] n2_type)
284      qed
285      with \<open>a < x\<close> show ?case by simp
286    qed
287    moreover
288    have ?case if "x = a"
289    proof -
290      from 1 have "t \<in> Bp (Suc h)" by(rule Bp_if_B)
291      thus "?case" using \<open>x = a\<close> by simp
292    qed
293    ultimately show ?case by auto
294  next
295    case 2 thus ?case using Suc(1) n1_type by fastforce }
298lemma insert_type:
299  "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> insert x t \<in> B h \<union> B (Suc h)"
300unfolding insert_def by (metis ins_type(1) tree_type)
304subsubsection "Proofs for deletion"
306lemma B_simps[simp]: 
307  "N1 t \<in> B h = False"
308  "L2 y \<in> B h = False"
309  "(N3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3) \<in> B h = False"
310  "N0 \<in> B h \<longleftrightarrow> h = 0"
311by (cases h, auto)+
313context delete
316lemma n2_type1:
317  "\<lbrakk>t1 \<in> Um h; t2 \<in> B h\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n2 t1 a t2 \<in> T (Suc h)"
318apply(cases h rule: Bp.cases)
319apply auto[2]
320apply(erule exE bexE conjE imageE | simp | erule disjE)+
323lemma n2_type2:
324  "\<lbrakk>t1 \<in> B h ; t2 \<in> Um h \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n2 t1 a t2 \<in> T (Suc h)"
325apply(cases h rule: Bp.cases)
326apply auto[2]
327apply(erule exE bexE conjE imageE | simp | erule disjE)+
330lemma n2_type3:
331  "\<lbrakk>t1 \<in> T h ; t2 \<in> T h \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n2 t1 a t2 \<in> T (Suc h)"
332apply(cases h rule: Bp.cases)
333apply auto[2]
334apply(erule exE bexE conjE imageE | simp | erule disjE)+
337lemma split_minNoneN0: "\<lbrakk>t \<in> B h; split_min t = None\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  t = N0"
338by (cases t) (auto split: option.splits)
340lemma split_minNoneN1 : "\<lbrakk>t \<in> U h; split_min t = None\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t = N1 N0"
341by (cases h) (auto simp: split_minNoneN0  split: option.splits)
343lemma split_min_type:
344  "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> split_min t = Some (a, t') \<Longrightarrow> t' \<in> T h"
345  "t \<in> U h \<Longrightarrow> split_min t = Some (a, t') \<Longrightarrow> t' \<in> Um h"
346proof (induction h arbitrary: t a t')
347  case (Suc h)
348  { case 1
349    then obtain t1 a t2 where [simp]: "t = N2 t1 a t2" and
350      t12: "t1 \<in> T h" "t2 \<in> T h" "t1 \<in> B h \<or> t2 \<in> B h"
351      by auto
352    show ?case
353    proof (cases "split_min t1")
354      case None
355      show ?thesis
356      proof cases
357        assume "t1 \<in> B h"
358        with split_minNoneN0[OF this None] 1 show ?thesis by(auto)
359      next
360        assume "t1 \<notin> B h"
361        thus ?thesis using 1 None by (auto)
362      qed
363    next
364      case [simp]: (Some bt')
365      obtain b t1' where [simp]: "bt' = (b,t1')" by fastforce
366      show ?thesis
367      proof cases
368        assume "t1 \<in> B h"
369        from Suc.IH(1)[OF this] 1 have "t1' \<in> T h" by simp
370        from n2_type3[OF this t12(2)] 1 show ?thesis by auto
371      next
372        assume "t1 \<notin> B h"
373        hence t1: "t1 \<in> U h" and t2: "t2 \<in> B h" using t12 by auto
374        from Suc.IH(2)[OF t1] have "t1' \<in> Um h" by simp
375        from n2_type1[OF this t2] 1 show ?thesis by auto
376      qed
377    qed
378  }
379  { case 2
380    then obtain t1 where [simp]: "t = N1 t1" and t1: "t1 \<in> B h" by auto
381    show ?case
382    proof (cases "split_min t1")
383      case None
384      with split_minNoneN0[OF t1 None] 2 show ?thesis by(auto)
385    next
386      case [simp]: (Some bt')
387      obtain b t1' where [simp]: "bt' = (b,t1')" by fastforce
388      from Suc.IH(1)[OF t1] have "t1' \<in> T h" by simp
389      thus ?thesis using 2 by auto
390    qed
391  }
392qed auto
394lemma del_type:
395  "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> del x t \<in> T h"
396  "t \<in> U h \<Longrightarrow> del x t \<in> Um h"
397proof (induction h arbitrary: x t)
398  case (Suc h)
399  { case 1
400    then obtain l a r where [simp]: "t = N2 l a r" and
401      lr: "l \<in> T h" "r \<in> T h" "l \<in> B h \<or> r \<in> B h" by auto
402    have ?case if "x < a"
403    proof cases
404      assume "l \<in> B h"
405      from n2_type3[OF Suc.IH(1)[OF this] lr(2)]
406      show ?thesis using \<open>x<a\<close> by(simp)
407    next
408      assume "l \<notin> B h"
409      hence "l \<in> U h" "r \<in> B h" using lr by auto
410      from n2_type1[OF Suc.IH(2)[OF this(1)] this(2)]
411      show ?thesis using \<open>x<a\<close> by(simp)
412    qed
413    moreover
414    have ?case if "x > a"
415    proof cases
416      assume "r \<in> B h"
417      from n2_type3[OF lr(1) Suc.IH(1)[OF this]]
418      show ?thesis using \<open>x>a\<close> by(simp)
419    next
420      assume "r \<notin> B h"
421      hence "l \<in> B h" "r \<in> U h" using lr by auto
422      from n2_type2[OF this(1) Suc.IH(2)[OF this(2)]]
423      show ?thesis using \<open>x>a\<close> by(simp)
424    qed
425    moreover
426    have ?case if [simp]: "x=a"
427    proof (cases "split_min r")
428      case None
429      show ?thesis
430      proof cases
431        assume "r \<in> B h"
432        with split_minNoneN0[OF this None] lr show ?thesis by(simp)
433      next
434        assume "r \<notin> B h"
435        hence "r \<in> U h" using lr by auto
436        with split_minNoneN1[OF this None] lr(3) show ?thesis by (simp)
437      qed
438    next
439      case [simp]: (Some br')
440      obtain b r' where [simp]: "br' = (b,r')" by fastforce
441      show ?thesis
442      proof cases
443        assume "r \<in> B h"
444        from split_min_type(1)[OF this] n2_type3[OF lr(1)]
445        show ?thesis by simp
446      next
447        assume "r \<notin> B h"
448        hence "l \<in> B h" and "r \<in> U h" using lr by auto
449        from split_min_type(2)[OF this(2)] n2_type2[OF this(1)]
450        show ?thesis by simp
451      qed
452    qed
453    ultimately show ?case by auto
454  }
455  { case 2 with Suc.IH(1) show ?case by auto }
456qed auto
458lemma tree_type: "t \<in> T (h+1) \<Longrightarrow> tree t \<in> B (h+1) \<union> B h"
461lemma delete_type: "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> delete x t \<in> B h \<union> B(h-1)"
462unfolding delete_def
463by (cases h) (simp, metis del_type(1) tree_type Suc_eq_plus1 diff_Suc_1)
468subsection "Overall correctness"
470interpretation Set_by_Ordered
471where empty = empty and isin = isin and insert = insert.insert
472and delete = delete.delete and inorder = inorder and inv = "\<lambda>t. \<exists>h. t \<in> B h"
473proof (standard, goal_cases)
474  case 2 thus ?case by(auto intro!: isin_set)
476  case 3 thus ?case by(auto intro!: insert.inorder_insert)
478  case 4 thus ?case by(auto intro!: delete.inorder_delete)
480  case 6 thus ?case using insert.insert_type by blast
482  case 7 thus ?case using delete.delete_type by blast
483qed (auto simp: empty_def)
486subsection \<open>Height-Size Relation\<close>
488text \<open>By Daniel St\"uwe\<close>
490fun fib_tree :: "nat \<Rightarrow> unit bro" where
491  "fib_tree 0 = N0" 
492| "fib_tree (Suc 0) = N2 N0 () N0"
493| "fib_tree (Suc(Suc h)) = N2 (fib_tree (h+1)) () (N1 (fib_tree h))"
495fun fib' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
496  "fib' 0 = 0" 
497| "fib' (Suc 0) = 1"
498| "fib' (Suc(Suc h)) = 1 + fib' (Suc h) + fib' h"
500fun size :: "'a bro \<Rightarrow> nat" where
501  "size N0 = 0" 
502| "size (N1 t) = size t"
503| "size (N2 t1 _ t2) = 1 + size t1 + size t2"
505lemma fib_tree_B: "fib_tree h \<in> B h"
506by (induction h rule: fib_tree.induct) auto
508declare [[names_short]]
510lemma size_fib': "size (fib_tree h) = fib' h"
511by (induction h rule: fib_tree.induct) auto
513lemma fibfib: "fib' h + 1 = fib (Suc(Suc h))"
514by (induction h rule: fib_tree.induct) auto
516lemma B_N2_cases[consumes 1]:
517assumes "N2 t1 a t2 \<in> B (Suc n)"
519  (BB) "t1 \<in> B n" and "t2 \<in> B n" |
520  (UB) "t1 \<in> U n" and "t2 \<in> B n" |
521  (BU) "t1 \<in> B n" and "t2 \<in> U n"
522using assms by auto
524lemma size_bounded: "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> size t \<ge> size (fib_tree h)"
525unfolding size_fib' proof (induction h arbitrary: t rule: fib'.induct)
526case (3 h t')
527  note main = 3
528  then obtain t1 a t2 where t': "t' = N2 t1 a t2" by auto
529  with main have "N2 t1 a t2 \<in> B (Suc (Suc h))" by auto
530  thus ?case proof (cases rule: B_N2_cases)
531    case BB
532    then obtain x y z where t2: "t2 = N2 x y z \<or> t2 = N2 z y x" "x \<in> B h" by auto
533    show ?thesis unfolding t' using main(1)[OF BB(1)] main(2)[OF t2(2)] t2(1) by auto
534  next
535    case UB
536    then obtain t11 where t1: "t1 = N1 t11" "t11 \<in> B h" by auto
537    show ?thesis unfolding t' t1(1) using main(2)[OF t1(2)] main(1)[OF UB(2)] by simp
538  next
539    case BU
540    then obtain t22 where t2: "t2 = N1 t22" "t22 \<in> B h" by auto
541    show ?thesis unfolding t' t2(1) using main(2)[OF t2(2)] main(1)[OF BU(1)] by simp
542  qed
543qed auto
545theorem "t \<in> B h \<Longrightarrow> fib (h + 2) \<le> size t + 1"
546using size_bounded
547by (simp add: size_fib' fibfib[symmetric] del: fib.simps)