1# * Copyright 2015, NICTA
2# *
3# * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
4# * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
5# * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
6# *
9# trace_refute: refutations of traces, useful for WCET
11import syntax
12import solver
13import problem
14import rep_graph
15import search
16import logic
17import check
18import stack_logic
20from target_objects import functions, trace, pairings, symbols, printout
21import target_objects
23from logic import azip
24import sys
26def parse_num_list (s):
27	s = s.strip()
28	assert s[0] == '[', s
29	assert s[-1] == ']', s
30	inner = s[1:-1].strip ()
31	if not inner:
32		return []
33	return map (int, inner.split(','))
35def parse_num_arrow_list (s):
36	s = s.strip()
37	assert s[0] == '[', s
38	assert s[-1] == ']', s
39	inner = s[1:-1].strip ()
40	if not inner:
41		return []
42	bits = inner.split(',')
43	res = []
44	for bit in bits:
45		if '<-' in bit:
46			[l, r] = bit.split('<-')
47			res.append ((int (l), int(r)))
48		else:
49			res.append ((int (bit), 0))
50	return res
52def parse_ctxt_arcs (f):
53	ctxt = None
54	fc_len = len ('Funcall context')
55	arcs = {}
56	for line in f:
57		if line.startswith('Funcall context'):
58			line = line.strip()
59			assert line[-1] == '{'
60			context = line[fc_len:-1].strip()
61			ctxt = tuple (parse_num_list (context))
62			arcs.setdefault (ctxt, [])
63		elif line.startswith('}'):
64			ctxt = None
65		elif line.startswith('Arc:'):
66			assert ctxt, line
67			arc = parse_num_list (line[4:])
68			arcs[ctxt].append (arc)
69	assert not ctxt, ctxt
70	return arcs
72body_addrs = {}
73fun_addrs_counts = {}
75def is_addr (n):
76	return n % 4 == 0
78def setup_body_addrs ():
79	for f in stack_logic.get_functions_with_tag ('ASM'):
80		count = 0
81		for n in functions[f].nodes:
82			if is_addr (n):
83				body_addrs[n] = f
84				count += 1
85		fun_addrs_counts[f] = count
86	# just in case there aren't any
87	body_addrs['Loaded'] = True
89def get_body_addrs_fun (n):
90	"""get the function a given body address is within."""
91	if not body_addrs:
92		setup_body_addrs ()
93	return body_addrs.get (n)
95def addrs_covered (fs):
96	"""get the fraction of instructions covered by some functions"""
97	if not body_addrs:
98		setup_body_addrs ()
99	covered = sum ([fun_addrs_counts.get (f, 0) for f in fs])
100	total = len (body_addrs) - 1
101	return (covered * 1.0 / total)
103def funs_sort_by_num_addrs (fs):
104	"""sort a list of function names into increasing order
105	of the number of instruction addresses, skipping functions
106	with no instructions in their body."""
107	if not body_addrs:
108		setup_body_addrs ()
109	fun_addrs = [(fun_addrs_counts[f], f) for f in fs
110		if f in fun_addrs_counts]
111	fun_addrs.sort ()
112	return [f for (n, f) in fun_addrs]
114problem_inline_scripts = {}
116def get_problem_inline_scripts (pair):
117	if pair.name in problem_inline_scripts:
118		return problem_inline_scripts[pair.name]
119	p = check.build_problem (pair, avoid_abort = True)
120	scripts = p.inline_scripts
121	problem_inline_scripts[pair.name] = scripts
122	return scripts
124last_compound_problem_req = [0]
126def build_compound_problem (fnames):
127	"""mirrors build_problem from check for multiple functions"""
128	printout ('Building compound problem for %s' % fnames)
129	last_compound_problem_req[0] = list (fnames)
130	p = problem.Problem (None, name = ', '.join(fnames))
131	fun_tag_pairs = []
133	all_tags = {}
134	for (i, fn) in enumerate (fnames):
135		i = len (fnames) - i
136		[pair] = pairings[fn]
137		next_tags = {}
138		scripts = get_problem_inline_scripts (pair)
139		for (pair_tag, fname) in pair.funs.items ():
140			tag = '%s_%d_%s' % (fname, i, pair_tag)
141			tag = syntax.fresh_name (tag, all_tags)
142			next_tags[pair_tag] = tag
143			p.add_entry_function (functions[fname], tag)
144			p.hook_tag_hints[tag] = pair_tag
145			p.replay_inline_script (tag, scripts[pair_tag])
146		fun_tag_pairs.append ((next_tags, pair))
148	p.pad_merge_points ()
149	p.do_analysis ()
151	free_hyps = []
152	for (tags, pair) in fun_tag_pairs:
153		(inp_eqs, _) = pair.eqs
154		free_hyps += check.inst_eqs (p, (), inp_eqs, tags)
155		err_vis_opts = rep_graph.vc_options ([0, 1, 2], [1])
156		err_vis_vc = tuple ([(n, err_vis_opts) for n in p.loop_heads ()
157			if p.node_tags[n][0] == tags['C']])
158		err_vis = (('Err', err_vis_vc), tags['C'])
159		free_hyps.append (rep_graph.pc_false_hyp (err_vis))
161	addr_map = {}
162	for n in p.nodes:
163		if not p.node_tags[n][0].endswith ('_ASM'):
164			continue
165		if type (p.node_tags[n][1]) == tuple:
166			(fname, data) = p.node_tags[n][1]
167			if (logic.is_int (data) and is_addr (data)
168					and not fname.startswith ("instruction'")):
169				assert data not in addr_map, data
170				addr_map[data] = n
172	return (p, free_hyps, addr_map, fun_tag_pairs)
174def get_uniform_loop_vc (p, n):
175	l_id = p.loop_id (n)
176	assert l_id != None, n
177	if n == l_id:
178		restrs = tuple ([(l_id, rep_graph.vc_offs (0))])
179	else:
180		restrs = tuple ([(l_id, rep_graph.vc_offs (1))])
181	restrs = search.restr_others_both (p, restrs, 2, 2)
182	return restrs
184def get_vis (p, n, tag = None, focused_loops = None):
185	# not well configured for loops except in the 'uniform' case
186	if not tag:
187		tag = p.node_tags[n][0]
188	if focused_loops and tag in focused_loops:
189		l_id = focused_loops[tag]
190		assert p.loop_id (n) == l_id, (n, tag, l_id)
191		vc = get_uniform_loop_vc (p, n)
192	else:
193		(n, vc) = stack_logic.default_n_vc (p, n)
194	return ((n, vc), tag)
196def get_pc_hyp_local (rep, n, focused_loops = None):
197	return rep_graph.pc_true_hyp (get_vis (rep.p, n,
198		focused_loops = focused_loops))
200def find_actual_call_node (p, n):
201	"""we're getting call addresses from the binary trace, and using the
202	node naming convention to find a relevant graph node, but it might not
203	be the actual call node. a short breadth-first-search should hopefully
204	find it."""
205	stack = [(n, 3)]
206	init_n = n
207	while stack:
208		(n, limit) = stack.pop (0)
209		if limit < 0:
210			continue
211		if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call':
212			return n
213		else:
214			for c in p.nodes[n].get_conts ():
215				stack.append ((c, limit -1))
216	trace ('failed to find Call node near %s' % init_n)
217	return None
219def adj_eq_seq_for_asm_fun_link (fname):
220	cc = stack_logic.get_asm_calling_convention (fname)
221	if not cc:
222		return None
223	addrs = [(p, v.typ) for arg in cc['args']
224		for (_, p, v, _) in arg.get_mem_accesses ()]
225	inps = functions[fname].inputs
226	[stack_idx] = [i for (i, (nm, _)) in enumerate (inps)
227		if nm == 'stack']
228	def adj (seq):
229		(x_stack, y_stack) = seq[stack_idx]
230		xsub = dict ([(v, xv) for (v, (xv, _)) in azip (inps, seq)])
231		ysub = dict ([(v, yv) for (v, (_, yv)) in azip (inps, seq)])
232		from logic import var_subst
233		stk_eqs = [(syntax.mk_memacc (x_stack, var_subst (p, xsub), t),
234			syntax.mk_memacc (y_stack, var_subst (p, ysub), t))
235			for (p, t) in addrs]
236		return seq[:stack_idx] + seq[stack_idx + 1:] + stk_eqs
237	return adj
239def get_unique_call_site (p, fname, tag):
240	ns = [n for n in p.nodes if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call'
241		if p.nodes[n].fname == fname
242		if p.node_tags[n][0] == tag]
243	if len (ns) == 1:
244		[n] = ns
245		return n
246	else:
247		return None
249def get_call_link_hyps (p, n, (from_tags, from_pair), (to_tags, to_pair),
250		focused_loops = None):
251	n = find_actual_call_node (p, n)
252	fname = p.nodes[n].fname
253	assert fname == to_pair.funs['ASM']
254	vis = get_vis (p, n, focused_loops = focused_loops)
255	hyps = rep_graph.mk_function_link_hyps (p, vis, to_tags['ASM'],
256		adjust_eq_seq = adj_eq_seq_for_asm_fun_link (fname))
258	c_fname = to_pair.funs['C']
259	cn = get_unique_call_site (p, c_fname, from_tags['C'])
260	if cn != None:
261		vis = get_vis (p, cn, focused_loops = focused_loops)
262		hyps += rep_graph.mk_function_link_hyps (p, vis, to_tags['C'])
263	return hyps
265def refute_minimise_vis_hyps (rep, free_hyps, call_hyps, vis_pcs):
266	def test (call_hyps, vis_pcs):
267		hs = [h for grp in call_hyps for h in grp] + [
268			h for (h, _) in vis_pcs] + free_hyps
269		return rep.test_hyp_whyps (syntax.false_term, hs)
271	if not test (call_hyps, vis_pcs):
272		return None
273	for i in range (1, len (call_hyps)):
274		vis_pcs2 = [(h, (addr, j)) for (h, (addr, j)) in vis_pcs
275			if j < i]
276		if test (call_hyps [ - i : ], vis_pcs2):
277			call_hyps = call_hyps [ - i : ]
278			vis_pcs = vis_pcs2
279			break
281	vis_pcs.sort (cmp = lambda (h, (addr, i)), (h2, (addr2, j)): j - i)
282	kept = []
283	for i in range (len (vis_pcs)):
284		if not test (call_hyps, kept + vis_pcs[i + 1 :]):
285			kept.append (vis_pcs[i])
287	return (call_hyps, kept)
289verdicts = {}
291new_refutes = {}
293def previous_verdict (call_stack, f, arc):
294	for (stack, points, verdict) in verdicts.get (f, []):
295		suffix = call_stack[len (call_stack) - len (stack) : ]
296		if tuple (suffix) == tuple (stack):
297			if verdict in ('impossible', 'impossible_in_loop'):
298				if set (points) <= set (arc):
299					return True
300			if verdict == 'possible':
301				if set (arc) <= set (points):
302					return False
303	return None
305def identify_function (call_stack, addrs):
306	fs = set ([get_body_addrs_fun (addr) for addr in addrs]) - set ([None])
307	assert len (fs) <= 1, (fs, addrs)
308	if fs:
309		[f] = list (fs)
310		return f
311	call = call_stack[-1]
312	prev_fn = get_body_addrs_fun (call)
313	cn = find_actual_call_node (functions[prev_fn], call)
314	fn = functions[prev_fn].nodes[cn].fname
315	return fn
317def build_compound_problem_with_links (call_stack, f):
318	funs = [get_body_addrs_fun (addr) for addr in call_stack] + [f]
319	(p, hyps, addr_map, tag_pairs) = build_compound_problem (funs)
320	call_tags = zip (tag_pairs[:-1], tag_pairs[1:])
321	call_hyps = [get_call_link_hyps (p, addr_map[n], from_tp, to_tp)
322		for (n, (from_tp, to_tp)) in zip (call_stack, call_tags)]
323	wcet_hyps = []
324	from rep_graph import eq_hyp
325	for (entry, tag, _, inputs) in p.entries:
326		entry_vis = ((entry, ()), tag)
327		for f in target_objects.hooks ('extra_wcet_assertions'):
328			for assn in f (inputs):
329				wcet_hyps.append (eq_hyp ((assn, entry_vis),
330					(syntax.true_term, entry_vis)))
331	return (p, hyps + [h for hs in call_hyps for h in hs]
332		+ wcet_hyps, addr_map)
334def all_reachable (p, addrs):
335	assert set (addrs) <= set (p.nodes)
336	return all ([p.is_reachable_from (addrs[i], addrs[j]) or
337			p.is_reachable_from (addrs[j], addrs[i])
338		for i in range (len (addrs))
339		for j in range (i + 1, len (addrs))])
341parent_ctxt_limit = 3
343def call_stack_parent_arc_extras (stack, ctxt_arcs, max_length, top_loop):
344	rng = range (1, len (stack))[ - parent_ctxt_limit : ][ - max_length : ]
345	arc_extras = []
346	for i in rng:
347		prev_stack = stack[:i]
348		f = body_addrs[stack[i]]
349		p = functions[f].as_problem (problem.Problem)
350		arcs = ctxt_arcs[tuple (prev_stack)]
351		if top_loop != None and i == rng[0]:
352			assert uniform_loop_id (stack[i]) == top_loop, (stack, i)
353			arcs = [[x for x in a if uniform_loop_id (x) == top_loop]
354				for a in arcs]
355			arcs = [a for a in arcs if a]
356		arcs = [a for a in arcs if all_reachable (p, a + [stack[i]])]
357		arcs = sorted ([(len (a), a) for a in arcs])
358		if arcs:
359			(_, arc) = arcs[-1]
360			arc_extras.extend ([(addr, len (stack) - i)
361				for addr in arc])
362	return arc_extras
364def add_arc_extras (arc, extras):
365	return [(addr, 0) for addr in arc] + extras
367last_refute_attempt = [None]
369has_complex_loop_cache = {}
371def has_complex_loop (fname):
372	if fname in has_complex_loop_cache:
373		return has_complex_loop_cache[fname]
374	p = functions[fname].as_problem (problem.Problem)
375	p.do_analysis ()
376	result = bool ([h for h in p.loop_heads ()
377		if problem.has_inner_loop (p, h)])
378	has_complex_loop_cache[fname] = result
379	return result
381def pick_stack_setup (call_stack):
382	# how much stack to use?
383	stack = list (call_stack [ - parent_ctxt_limit : ])
384	for (i, addr) in reversed (list (enumerate (stack))):
385		f2 = get_body_addrs_fun (addr)
386		if should_avoid_fun (f2) or has_complex_loop (f2):
387			return (None, stack [ i + 1 : ])
388		if uniform_loop_id (addr) != None:
389			return (uniform_loop_id (addr), stack [ i : ])
390		elif addr_in_loop (addr):
391			return (None, stack [ i + 1 : ])
392	return (None, stack)
394loops_info_cache = {}
396def fun_loops_info (fname):
397	if fname in loops_info_cache:
398		return loops_info_cache[fname]
399	p = functions[fname].as_problem (problem.Problem)
400	p.do_analysis ()
401	info = {}
402	for l_id in p.loop_heads ():
403		ext_reachable = [n for n in p.loop_body (l_id)
404			if [n2 for n2 in p.preds[n] if p.loop_id (n2) != l_id]]
405		if ext_reachable != [l_id]:
406			trace ("Loop in %s non-uniform, additional entries %s."
407				% (fname, ext_reachable))
408			uniform = False
409		elif problem.has_inner_loop (p, l_id):
410			trace ("Loop in %s non-uniform, inner loop." % fname)
411			uniform = False
412		else:
413			assert is_addr (l_id), (fname, l_id)
414			uniform = True
415		for n in p.loop_body (l_id):
416			info[n] = (l_id, uniform)
417	loops_info_cache[fname] = info
418	return info
420def addr_in_loop (addr):
421	fname = get_body_addrs_fun (addr)
422	info = fun_loops_info (fname)
423	if addr not in info:
424		return None
425	(l_id, uniform) = info[addr]
426	return (l_id != None)
428def uniform_loop_id (addr):
429	fname = get_body_addrs_fun (addr)
430	info = fun_loops_info (fname)
431	if addr not in info:
432		return None
433	(l_id, uniform) = info[addr]
434	if not uniform:
435		return None
436	return l_id
438def refute_function_arcs (call_stack, arcs, ctxt_arcs):
439	last_refute_attempt[0] = (call_stack, arcs, ctxt_arcs)
440	f = identify_function (call_stack,
441		[(addr, 0) for arc in arcs for addr in arc])
443	# easy function limit refutations
444	if not (ctxt_within_function_limits (call_stack)
445			and function_reachable_within_limits (f)):
446		verdicts.setdefault (f, [])
447		if call_stack:
448			vdct = (call_stack, [], 'impossible')
449		else:
450			min_addr = min ([addr for arc in arcs for addr in arc])
451			vdct = ([], [min_addr], 'impossible')
452		verdicts[f].append (vdct)
453		new_refutes[f] = True
454		print 'added %s refutation %s: %s' % (f, vdct[0], vdct[1])
455		return
457	# ignore complex loops
458	if has_complex_loop (f):
459		print 'has complex loop: %s, skipping' % f
460		return
462	(top_loop, stack) = pick_stack_setup (call_stack)
463	arc_extras = call_stack_parent_arc_extras (call_stack, ctxt_arcs,
464		len (stack), top_loop)
466	arcs = [arc for arc in arcs
467		if previous_verdict (stack, f,
468			add_arc_extras (arc, arc_extras)) == None]
469	if not arcs:
470		return
472	funs = [body_addrs[addr] for addr in stack] + [f]
473	(p, hyps, addr_map, tag_pairs) = build_compound_problem (funs)
475	focused_loops = {}
476	if top_loop != None:
477		top_loop_split = p.loop_id (addr_map[top_loop])
478		top_loop_tag = p.node_tags[top_loop_split][0]
479		assert top_loop_tag in tag_pairs[0][0].values ()
480		focused_loops[top_loop_tag] = top_loop_split
482	rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p)
483	call_tags = zip (tag_pairs[:-1], tag_pairs[1:])
484	call_hyps = [get_call_link_hyps (p, addr_map[n], from_tp, to_tp,
485			focused_loops = focused_loops)
486		for (n, (from_tp, to_tp)) in zip (stack, call_tags)]
488	for arc in arcs:
489		arc2 = add_arc_extras (arc, arc_extras)
490		if previous_verdict (stack, f, arc2) != None:
491			continue
492		print 'fresh %s arc %s: %s' % (f, stack, arc)
493		vis_pcs = [(get_pc_hyp_local (rep, addr_map[addr],
494				focused_loops = focused_loops), (addr, i))
495			for (addr, i) in arc2]
496		vis_pcs = dict (vis_pcs).items ()
498		res = refute_minimise_vis_hyps (rep, hyps, call_hyps, vis_pcs)
499		if res == None:
500			verdicts.setdefault (f, [])
501			verdicts[f].append ((stack, list (arc2), 'possible'))
502			continue
504		(used_call_hyps, used_vis_pcs) = res
505		stack2 = stack [ - len (used_call_hyps) : ]
506		used_vis = [(addr, i) for (_, (addr, i)) in used_vis_pcs]
507		verdicts.setdefault (f, [])
508		if len (stack2) == len (stack) and top_loop != None:
509			vdct = 'impossible_in_loop'
510		else:
511			vdct = 'impossible'
512		verdicts[f].append ((stack2, used_vis, vdct))
513		new_refutes[f] = True
514		print 'added %s refutation %s: %s' % (f, stack, used_vis)
516# function limits. mostly used by loop_bounds, but also present here
517def function_limit (fname):
518	for hook in target_objects.hooks ('wcet_function_limits'):
519		if fname in hook:
520			return hook[fname]
521	return None
523# functions to avoid. won't ever include these in parent contexts for
524# arc refutations
525def should_avoid_fun (fname):
526	for hook in target_objects.hooks ('wcet_functions_to_avoid'):
527		if fname in hook:
528			return True
529	return False
531reachable_functions = {}
533def build_reachable_functions ():
534	fcall_graph = dict ([(fname, functions[fname].function_calls ())
535		for fname in functions])
536	is_reachable = dict ([(fname, False) for fname in functions])
537	called = set ([f for fs in fcall_graph.itervalues () for f in fs])
538	uncalled = set (fcall_graph) - called
539	frontier = uncalled
540	while frontier:
541		f = frontier.pop ()
542		if is_reachable[f]:
543			continue
544		elif function_limit (f) == 0:
545			continue
546		else:
547			is_reachable[f] = True
548			frontier.update (fcall_graph[f])
549	reachable_functions.update (is_reachable)
550	reachable_functions[('IsLoaded', None)] = True
552def function_reachable_within_limits (fname):
553	if fname not in reachable_functions:
554		build_reachable_functions ()
555	return reachable_functions[fname]
557def ctxt_within_function_limits (call_ctxt):
558	for (i, addr) in enumerate (call_ctxt):
559		fname = identify_function (call_ctxt[:i], [addr])
560		if not function_reachable_within_limits (fname):
561			return False
562	return True
564def serialise_verdicts (fname):
565	f = open (fname, 'w')
566	for (_, vs) in verdicts.iteritems ():
567		for (stack, visits, verdict) in vs:
568			visit_str = '[%s]' % (','.join (['%d<-%d' % (addr, i)
569				for (addr, i) in visits]))
570			f.write ('%s: %s: %s\n' % (list (stack), visit_str,
571				verdict))
572	f.close ()
574def load_verdicts (fname):
575	f = open (fname)
576	for l in f:
577		bits = l.split(':')
578		if len (bits) < 3:
579			bits = set ([bit for bit in bits if bit.strip()])
580			assert not bits, bits
581		[stack, visits, verdict] = bits
582		stack = parse_num_list (stack)
583		visits = parse_num_arrow_list (visits)
584		verdict = verdict.strip ()
585		assert verdict in ('possible', 'impossible',
586			'impossible_in_loop'), verdict
587		fn = identify_function (stack, visits)
588		verdicts.setdefault (fn, [])
589		verdicts[fn].append ((stack, visits, verdict))
590	f.close ()
592last_report = [0]
593exceptions = []
595def refute (inp_fname, out_fname, prev_fnames, instance = None):
596	f = open (inp_fname)
597	ctxt_arcs = parse_ctxt_arcs (f)
598	f.close ()
599	body_addrs.clear ()
600	setup_body_addrs ()
601	verdicts.clear ()
602	new_refutes.clear ()
603	for fn in prev_fnames:
604		load_verdicts (fn)
605	report = {}
606	last_report[0] = report
607	for (ctxt, arcs) in ctxt_arcs.iteritems ():
608		if instance:
609			(a, b) = instance
610			if hash (('foo', tuple (ctxt))) % b != a:
611				continue
612		try:
613			refute_function_arcs (ctxt, arcs, ctxt_arcs)
614			report[ctxt] = 'Success'
615		except problem.Abort:
616			report[ctxt] = 'ProofAbort'
617		except Exception, e:
618			import sys, traceback
619			exceptions.append ((ctxt, arcs, ctxt_arcs))
620			exception = sys.exc_info ()
621			(etype, evalue, tb) = exception
622			ss = traceback.format_exception (etype, evalue, tb)
623			report[ctxt] = '\n'.join (['EXCEPTION'] + ss)
624			print 'EXCEPTION in handling %s, %s' % (ctxt, arcs)
625			for s in ss[:3]:
626				print s
627			if len (ss) > 3:
628				print '...'
629	serialise_verdicts (out_fname)
630	print 'Found new refutations: %s' % bool (new_refutes)
631	return (bool (new_refutes), report)
633if __name__ == '__main__':
634	args = target_objects.load_target_args ()
635	prevs = [arg[5:] for arg in args if arg.startswith ('prev:')]
636	args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith ('prev:')]
637	insts = [arg for arg in args if arg.startswith ('instance:')]
638	if insts:
639		args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith ('instance:')]
640		assert len (insts) == 1, insts
641		[inst] = insts
642		bits = inst.split(':')
643		assert len (bits) == 3, (insts, bits)
644		[_, a, b] = bits
645		instance = (int (a), int (b))
646	else:
647		instance = None
648	if len (args) < 2:
649		print 'Usage: python trace_refute <target> <refutables> [prev:output] <output>'
650		print 'where <target> as per graph-refine, <refutables> from reconstruct.py'
651		print 'and <output> is output filename.'
652		print 'Optional previous output may be loaded.'
653		print 'e.g. python trace_refute new-gcc-O2 new-gcc-O2/ctxt_arcs.txt prev:refutes.txt refutes.txt'
654		sys.exit (1)
655	else:
656		(new, _) = refute (args[0], args[1], prevs,
657			instance = instance)
658		import sys
659		if new:
660			sys.exit (127)
661		else:
662			sys.exit (0)