1(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
2 *
3 * $Log$
4 * Revision 1.1  2006/06/22 07:40:27  michaeln
5 * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources
6 * as the base.
7 *
8 * Revision  1997/01/14 01:38:05  george
9 *   Version 109.24
10 *
11 * Revision  1996/01/31  16:01:46  george
12 * Version 109
13 *
14 *)
16functor mkLook (structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR) : LOOK =
17    struct
18	open Array List
19	infix 9 sub
20	structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar
21	structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar
22	open Grammar IntGrammar
24	structure TermSet = ListOrdSet
25		(struct
26			type elem = term
27			val eq = eqTerm
28			val gt = gtTerm
29		end)
31	val union = TermSet.union
32	val make_set = TermSet.make_set
34	val prLook = fn (termToString,print) =>
35		let val printTerm = print o termToString
36		    fun f nil = print " "
37		      | f (a :: b) = (printTerm a; print " "; f b)
38		in f
39		end
41	structure NontermSet = ListOrdSet
42		(struct
43			type elem = nonterm
44			val eq = eqNonterm
45			val gt = gtNonterm
46		end)
48	val mkFuncs = fn {rules : rule list, nonterms : int,
49			  produces : nonterm -> rule list} =>
51	let
53	(* nullable: create a function which tells if a nonterminal is nullable
54	   or not.
56	   Method: Keep an array of booleans.  The nth entry is true if
57	   NT i is nullable.  If is false if we don't know whether NT i
58	   is nullable.
60	   Keep a list of rules whose remaining rhs we must prove to be
61	   null.  First, scan the list of rules and remove those rules
62	   whose rhs contains a terminal.  These rules are not nullable.
64	   Now iterate through the rules that were left:
65		   (1) if there is no remaining rhs we have proved that
66		    the rule is nullable, mark the nonterminal for the
67		    rule as nullable
68		   (2) if the first element of the remaining rhs is
69		       nullable, place the rule back on the list with
70		       the rest of the rhs
71		   (3) if we don't know whether the nonterminal is nullable,
72		       place it back on the list
73		   (4) repeat until the list does not change.
75	   We have found all the possible nullable rules.
76      *)
78	val nullable =
79	  let fun ok_rhs nil = true
80		| ok_rhs ((TERM _)::_) = false
81		| ok_rhs ((NONTERM i)::r) = ok_rhs r
82	      fun add_rule (RULE {lhs,rhs,...},r) =
83		 if ok_rhs rhs
84		    then (lhs,
85			  map
86			  (fn NONTERM (NT i) => i | _ => raise Fail "add_rule")
87			  rhs) :: r
88		 else r
89	      val items = List.foldr add_rule [] rules
90	      val nullable = array(nonterms,false)
91	      val f = fn ((NT i,nil),(l,_)) => (update(nullable,i,true);
92				 	       (l,true))
93		       | (a as (lhs,(h::t)),(l,change)) =>
94				case (nullable sub h)
95				  of false => (a::l,change)
96				   | true => ((lhs,t)::l,true)
97	      fun prove(l,true) = prove(List.foldr f (nil,false) l)
98		| prove(_,false) = ()
99	in (prove(items,true); fn (NT i) => nullable sub i)
100	end
102     (* scanRhs : look at a list of symbols, scanning past nullable
103	nonterminals, applying addSymbol to the symbols scanned *)
105    fun scanRhs addSymbol =
106	let fun f (nil,result) = result
107      	      | f ((sym as NONTERM nt) :: rest,result) =
108		if nullable nt then f (rest,addSymbol(sym,result))
109		else addSymbol(sym,result)
110      	      | f ((sym as TERM _) :: _,result) = addSymbol(sym,result)
111	in f
112	end
114     (* accumulate: look at the start of the right-hand-sides of rules,
115	looking past nullable nonterminals, applying addObj to the visible
116	symbols. *)
118      fun accumulate(rules, empty, addObj) =
119       List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs,...},r) =>(scanRhs addObj) (rhs,r)) empty rules
121      val nontermMemo = fn f =>
122	let val lookup = array(nonterms,nil)
123	    fun g i = if i=nonterms then ()
124		      else (update(lookup,i,f (NT i)); g (i+1))
125	in (g 0; fn (NT j) => lookup sub j)
126	end
128     (* first1: the FIRST set of a nonterminal in the grammar. Only looks
129	at other terminals, but it is clever enough to move past nullable
130	nonterminals at the start of a production. *)
132      fun first1 nt = accumulate(produces nt, TermSet.empty,
133                                 fn (TERM t, set) => TermSet.insert (t,set)
134                                  | (_, set) => set)
136      val first1 = nontermMemo(first1)
138     (* starters1: given a nonterminal "nt", return the set of nonterminals
139	which can start its productions. Looks past nullables, but doesn't
140	recurse *)
142      fun starters1 nt = accumulate(produces nt, nil,
143                                    fn (NONTERM nt, set) =>
144					 NontermSet.insert(nt,set)
145                                     | (_, set) => set)
147     val starters1 = nontermMemo(starters1)
149     (* first: maps a nonterminal to its first-set. Get all the starters of
150	the nonterminal, get the first1 terminal set of each of these,
151	union the whole lot together *)
153      fun first nt =
154	     List.foldr (fn (a,r) => TermSet.union(r,first1 a))
155 	       [] (NontermSet.closure (NontermSet.singleton nt, starters1))
157      val first = nontermMemo(first)
159     (* prefix: all possible terminals starting a symbol list *)
161      fun prefix symbols =
162	  scanRhs (fn (TERM t,r) => TermSet.insert(t,r)
163		    | (NONTERM nt,r) => TermSet.union(first nt,r))
164	  (symbols,nil)
166      fun nullable_string ((TERM t) :: r) = false
167	| nullable_string ((NONTERM nt) :: r) =
168		(case (nullable nt)
169		   of true => nullable_string r
170		    | f => f)
171	| nullable_string nil = true
173    in {nullable = nullable, first = prefix}
174    end