1(* this is an -*- sml -*- file *)
2val _ = use "poly/poly-init.ML";
4val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Systeml.sig";
5val _ = use "Holmake/Systeml.sml"
7val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml";
8val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sig";
9val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sml";
10val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig";
11val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sml";
12val _ = use "poly/quse.sig";
13val _ = use "poly/quse.sml";
17  fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n");
18               TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr;
19               raise Fail s)
21  fun warn s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, "WARNING: " ^ s ^ "\n");
22                TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr)
24  val redirected_files = ["mlibOmegaint.sml"];
25  val meta_debug = ref false
27  fun MDBG s = if !meta_debug then
28                 TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, "META_DEBUG: " ^ s() ^ "\n")
29               else ()
31  (* used to stand for "has double quote", but the same analysis is necessary
32     even for files that contain single quotes because of the special
33     treatment that the filter gives to things like `s1 ^ s2`
34  *)
35  fun try_remove f = ((OS.FileSys.remove f) handle OS.SysErr _ => ());
36  fun has_dq file =
37      let
38        val istrm = TextIO.openIn file
39        fun loop() =
40            case TextIO.input1 istrm of
41              NONE => false
42            | SOME #"`" => true
43            | SOME c => Char.ord c > 127 orelse loop()
44      in
45        loop() before TextIO.closeIn istrm
46      end handle IO.Io _ => false
47  infix ++
48  fun p1 ++ p2 = OS.Path.concat (p1, p2)
49  open Systeml
50  fun unquote_to file1 file2 =
51      systeml [HOLDIR ++ "bin" ++ "unquote", file1, file2];
53structure FS = OS.FileSys
55val loadpathdb =
56    ref (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare : (string,string) Binarymap.dict)
58fun quse s = let
59  val _ = if FS.access (s, [FS.A_READ]) then ()
60          else die ("Use: non-existent file "^s)
61  val _ = MDBG (fn _ => "Call quse " ^ s)
62  val full = OS.Path.mkCanonical
63               (OS.Path.mkAbsolute{path = s, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir()})
65  if has_dq s then QUse.use s else PolyML.use s ;
66  loadpathdb := Binarymap.insert(!loadpathdb,OS.Path.file full,OS.Path.dir full)
67end handle OS.Path.Path => die ("Path exception in quse "^s)
68             | e => (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,
69                                   "error in quse " ^ s ^ " : " ^
70                                   General.exnMessage e ^ "\n");
71                     TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr;
72                     raise e)
74fun myuse f =
75  let val op ++ = OS.Path.concat
76      val file = OS.Path.file f
77      val pd = !PolyML.Compiler.printDepth
78  in
79    PolyML.print_depth 0;
80    ((if List.exists (fn f => f = file) redirected_files then
81        quse (Systeml.HOLDIR ++ "tools-poly" ++ "poly" ++ "redirects" ++ file)
82      else
83        quse f)
84     handle e => (PolyML.print_depth pd; raise e));
85    PolyML.print_depth pd
86  end handle OS.Path.Path => die ("Path exception in myuse "^f)
88val loadPath : string list ref = ref [OS.Path.concat(HOLDIR, "sigobj")];
90val loadedMods = ref (Binaryset.empty String.compare);
91val _ =
92    loadedMods := Binaryset.addList (!loadedMods,
93              ["Real", "Int", "List", "Binaryset", "Binarymap", "Listsort",
94               "Array", "Array2", "Vector"])
96fun findUo modPath [] = NONE
97  | findUo modPath (search::rest) =
98      let val path =
99         OS.Path.mkAbsolute
100           {path = modPath, relativeTo = OS.Path.mkAbsolute
101                                           {path=search,
102                                            relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir ()}};
103      in
104        if OS.FileSys.access (path, []) then
105          SOME path
106        else
107          findUo modPath rest
108      end;
110val _ = holpathdb.extend_db {vname = "HOLDIR", path = Systeml.HOLDIR}
112fun loadUo ps uo =
113  let
114    val i = TextIO.openIn uo
115    val files =
116      String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") (TextIO.inputAll i)
117    val _ = TextIO.closeIn i
118    fun str f = ">" ^ f ^ "< -- " ^ String.concatWith " -- " ps
119    fun loadOne f =
120      (case OS.Path.ext f of
121         SOME "sml" => myuse (holpathdb.subst_pathvars f)
122       | SOME "sig" => myuse (holpathdb.subst_pathvars f)
123       | _ => load (uo::ps) f)
124      handle
125        OS.Path.InvalidArc => die ("Invalid arc exception in loading "^str f)
126      | OS.Path.Path => die ("Path exception in loading "^str f)
127      | OS.SysErr(msg,_) => die ("System error '"^msg^"' in loading "^str f)
128  in
129    List.app loadOne files
130  end
131and load ps modPath =
132  let
133    val _ = MDBG (fn _ => "Call load " ^ modPath)
134    val modPath = holpathdb.subst_pathvars modPath
135    val modName = OS.Path.file modPath
136    fun l ext =
137      case findUo (modPath ^ ext) ("."::(!loadPath)) of
138          NONE => die ("Cannot find file " ^ modPath ^ ext)
139        | SOME uo => loadUo ps uo
140  in
141    if Binaryset.member (!loadedMods, modName) then
142      ()
143    else
144      (loadedMods := Binaryset.add (!loadedMods, modName);
145       (l ".ui"; l ".uo")
146       handle e =>
147              (loadedMods := Binaryset.delete (!loadedMods, modName);
148               raise e))
149  end handle e => (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,
150                                 "error in load " ^ modPath ^ " : " ^
151                                 General.exnMessage e ^ "\n");
152                   TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr;
153                   raise e)
156  structure Meta = struct
157    val meta_debug = meta_debug
158    val load = load []
159    val loadPath = loadPath;
160    fun loaded () = Binaryset.listItems (!loadedMods);
161    fun fakeload s =
162        loadedMods := Binaryset.add(!loadedMods,s)
163    fun findMod modname = findUo (modname ^ ".uo") ("." :: !loadPath)
164    fun fileDirMap () = !loadpathdb
165  end;
167open Meta;
172structure PolyWord8 = Word8;
173(* awfulness to make the environment look like Moscow ML's *)
175(* In Poly/ML "before" is 'a * 'b -> 'a and General.before is 'a * unit -> 'a.
176   The Basis library says both should be 'a * unit -> 'a, but in Moscow ML,
177   before is 'a * 'b -> 'a too.  Ick. *)
179structure Word8 = struct
180  open PolyWord8;
181  fun toLargeWord w =
182    Word.fromLargeWord (PolyWord8.toLargeWord w);
185structure Path = OS.Path;
186structure Process = OS.Process;
187structure FileSys = OS.FileSys;
189exception Interrupt = SML90.Interrupt;
190exception Io = IO.Io;
191exception SysErr = OS.SysErr;