1structure parsePMATCH :> parsePMATCH =
4open Lib HolKernel Parse term_grammar
6fun case_element s (e : pp_element) =
7  case e of
8      RE (TOK s') => s = s'
9    | PPBlock(els,_) => case_elements s els
10    | _ => false
11and case_elements s (els : pp_element list) = List.exists (case_element s) els
13fun case_rulerecord s fixity (rr : rule_record, acc) =
14  let
15    val {block_style,elements,paren_style,term_name,...} = rr
16  in
17    if case_elements s elements then
18      {block_style = block_style, fixity = fixity,
19       paren_style = paren_style, pp_elements = elements,
20       term_name = term_name} :: acc
21    else acc
22  end
24type add_record = { block_style : PhraseBlockStyle * block_info,
25                    fixity : term_grammar.fixity,
26                    paren_style : ParenStyle,
27                    pp_elements : pp_element list,
28                    term_name : string }
29fun ar_elements_fupd
30      f
31      ({block_style,fixity,paren_style,pp_elements,term_name} : add_record) =
32  { block_style = block_style, fixity = fixity, paren_style = paren_style,
33    pp_elements = f pp_elements, term_name = term_name }
34fun ar_name_fupd
35      (f : string -> string)
36      ({block_style,fixity,paren_style,pp_elements,term_name} : add_record) =
37  { block_style = block_style, fixity = fixity, paren_style = paren_style,
38    pp_elements = pp_elements, term_name = f term_name }
40fun case_rules s ((precopt, r : grammar_rule),acc) : add_record list
41  =
42  case (precopt, r) of
43      (_, CLOSEFIX rrs) =>
44        List.foldl (case_rulerecord s Closefix) acc rrs
45    | (SOME prec, INFIX (STD_infix (rrs, ass))) =>
46        List.foldl (case_rulerecord s (Infix(ass,prec))) acc rrs
47    | (SOME prec, PREFIX (STD_prefix rrs)) =>
48        List.foldl (case_rulerecord s (Prefix prec)) acc rrs
49    | (SOME prec, SUFFIX (STD_suffix rrs)) =>
50        List.foldl (case_rulerecord s (Suffix prec)) acc rrs
51    | _ => acc
53fun grammar_tok_rules tok G = List.foldl (case_rules tok) [] (rules G)
55fun map_tok_element f e =
56  case e of
57      RE (TOK s) => RE (TOK (f s))
58    | PPBlock(els, bi) => PPBlock(map_tok_elements f els, bi)
59    | _ => e
60and map_tok_elements f els = map (map_tok_element f) els
62fun map_tok_add_record f = ar_elements_fupd (map_tok_elements f)
64val PMATCH_case_special = GrammarSpecials.mk_case_special "PMATCH"
65val PMATCH_endbinding =
66    GrammarSpecials.mk_fakeconst_name {fake = ".|",
67                                       original = SOME{Thy = "patternMatches",
68                                                       Name = "endbinding"}}
69val PMATCH_when =
70    GrammarSpecials.mk_fakeconst_name {fake = "when",
71                                       original = SOME{Thy = "patternMatches",
72                                                       Name = "when"}}
74val endbinding_ar = {block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.CONSISTENT, 0)),
75                     fixity = Infix(NONASSOC, 13),
76                     paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
77                     pp_elements = [RE (TOK ".|")],
78                     term_name = PMATCH_endbinding}
79val when_ar = {block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.CONSISTENT, 0)),
80               fixity = Infix(NONASSOC, 14),
81               paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
82               pp_elements = [RE (TOK "when")],
83               term_name = PMATCH_when}
85fun mk_dtcase ar = map_tok_add_record (fn "case" => "dtcase" | s => s) ar
86fun mk_pmcase ar = ar_name_fupd (K PMATCH_case_special) ar
89(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
90    pmatch absyn to preterm-in-env conversion
91   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
93open Absyn Parse_support Parse_supportENV
95fun strip_casesplit a =
96  let
97    fun recurse acc a =
98      case a of
99          APP(_, APP(_, QIDENT(_, "bool", csplit), a1), a2) =>
100            if csplit = GrammarSpecials.case_split_special then
101              recurse (recurse acc a2) a1
102            else
103              a::acc
104        | _ => a::acc
105  in
106    recurse [] a
107  end
109val noloc = locn.Loc_None
110val cons_pt = Parse_support.make_qconst noloc ("list", "CONS")
111val nil_pt = Parse_support.make_qconst noloc ("list", "NIL")
112val PMATCH_ROW_pt =
113    Parse_support.make_qconst noloc ("patternMatches", "PMATCH_ROW")
114val unit_pty = Pretype.Tyop{Thy = "one", Tyop = "one", Args = []}
115val bool_pty = Pretype.Tyop{Thy = "min", Tyop = "bool", Args = []}
117fun mk_ptlist pts =
118  case pts of
119      [] => nil_pt
120    | h::t => Parse_support.list_make_comb noloc [cons_pt, h, mk_ptlist t]
122type env = Parse_supportENV.env
123fun push bvs = fupd_scope (fn s => bvs @ s)
124fun popn n = fupd_scope (fn s => List.drop(s,n))
126fun ptlist_mk_comb [] = raise Fail "ptlist_mk_comb: empty list"
127  | ptlist_mk_comb [t] = t
128  | ptlist_mk_comb (f::x::xs) =
129    ptlist_mk_comb (Preterm.Comb{Locn = noloc, Rand = x, Rator = f} :: xs)
131val UNCURRY_pty = Pretype.fromType (type_of pairSyntax.uncurry_tm)
132open Preterm errormonad
133val mkUNCURRY =
134    lift (fn pty => Const {Locn=noloc, Name="UNCURRY", Thy="pair", Ty=pty})
135         (Pretype.rename_typevars [] UNCURRY_pty)
137fun ptmkabs((vnm,vty),b) =
138  Abs{Body = b, Bvar = Preterm.Var{Locn=noloc,Name=vnm,Ty=vty}, Locn = noloc}
139fun ptmkcomb(f,x) = Preterm.Comb{Rator = f, Rand = x, Locn = noloc}
140fun tuplify vs body =
141  case vs of
142      [] => return body
143    | [x] => return (ptmkabs(x,body))
144    | [x,y] => lift (fn pt => ptmkcomb(pt, ptmkabs(x,ptmkabs(y,body))))
145                    mkUNCURRY
146    | v::rest => lift2 (fn body' => fn pt => ptmkcomb(pt, ptmkabs(v, body')))
147                       (tuplify rest body)
148                       mkUNCURRY
150val pty_to_string = PP.pp_to_string 70 Pretype.pp_pretype
152fun envdiag msg E = ()
153  print (msg ^ ": " ^
154         String.concatWith ", "
155                           (map (fn (n,ty) => n ^ ": " ^ pty_to_string ty)
156                                (frees E)) ^ "\n") *)
158fun extract_fvs ptm =
159  let
160    open Preterm Pretype
161    fun recurse tyopt acc ptm =
162      case (ptm, tyopt) of
163          (Var{Name,Ty,...}, NONE) => return ((Name, Ty) :: acc)
164        | (Var{Name,...}, SOME Ty) => return ((Name, Ty) :: acc)
165        | (Constrained {Ptm,Ty,...}, _) => recurse (SOME Ty) acc Ptm
166        | (Comb{Rator = Comb{Rator = Const {Name = ",", Thy = "pair", ...},
167                             Rand = arg1, ...},
168                Rand = arg2, ...}, _) =>
169          (case tyopt of
170               SOME (Tyop{Thy = "pair", Tyop = "prod", Args = [ty1,ty2]}) =>
171                 recurse (SOME ty2) acc arg2 >-
172                 (fn a => recurse (SOME ty1) a arg1)
173             | _ => recurse NONE acc arg2 >- (fn a => recurse NONE a arg1))
174        | (Comb{Rator = arg1, Rand = arg2, ...}, _) =>
175             recurse NONE acc arg2 >- (fn a => recurse NONE a arg1)
176        | (Antiq{Tm,...}, _) =>
177            term_to_preterm [] Tm >-
178            (fn pt => recurse (SOME (fromType (type_of Tm))) acc pt)
179        | _ => return acc
180  in
181    recurse NONE [] ptm
182  end
184fun update_ptyE (old:env) = fupd_ptyE (K (#ptyE old))
186fun mk_row recursor a E =
187  case a of
188      APP(l1, APP(l2, IDENT (l3, arr), lh), rh) =>
189      let
190        (* val _ = envdiag "mk_row entry" E *)
191        val _ = arr = GrammarSpecials.case_arrow_special orelse
192                raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "parsePMATCH" "pmatch_transform" l1
193                      "No arrow"
194        val (bvs_opt, lhbody) =
195            case lh of
196                APP(_, APP(_, IDENT (_, bvsplit), bvs), body) =>
197                  if bvsplit = PMATCH_endbinding then (SOME bvs, body)
198                  else (NONE, lh)
199              | _ => (NONE, lh)
200        val (pat, guard_opt) =
201            case lhbody of
202                APP(_, APP(_, IDENT(_, gdsplit), pat), gd) =>
203                  if gdsplit = PMATCH_when then
204                    (pat, SOME gd)
205                  else (lhbody, NONE)
206              | _ => (lhbody, NONE)
207        val bvsE =
208            case bvs_opt of
209                NONE => NONE
210              | SOME a =>
211                let
212                  val (bv_ptm, E') = recursor a (update_ptyE E empty_env)
213                in
214                  SOME (smash (extract_fvs bv_ptm) (#ptyE E'), E')
215                end
217        val (patStartE,pop_count) =
218            case bvsE of
219                NONE => (update_ptyE E empty_env,0)
220              | SOME (vs,bv_env) => (push vs (update_ptyE bv_env E), length vs)
222        val (pat_ptm, patfrees, patE0) =
223            let
224              val (pat_ptm, E') = recursor pat patStartE
225            in
226              (pat_ptm,
227               Lib.set_diff (frees E') (frees patStartE),
228               popn pop_count E')
229            end
230        val (allvars0, patE) =
231            case bvsE of
232                NONE => (List.rev patfrees, update_ptyE patE0 E)
233              | SOME (vs, _) =>
234                (vs @ List.filter (fn(nm,_) => String.isPrefix "_" nm) patfrees,
235                 patE0)
236        val allvars = if null allvars0 then [("_", unit_pty)] else allvars0
237        val allpop_count = length allvars
238        val (guard_ptm, guardE) =
239            case guard_opt of
240                NONE => (Preterm.Const{Thy="bool", Name = "T", Locn = noloc,
241                                       Ty = bool_pty}, patE)
242              | SOME ga =>
243                let
244                  val (g, E') = recursor ga (push allvars patE)
245                in
246                  (g, popn allpop_count E')
247                end
248        val (rh_ptm, rhE) = let
249          val (pt, E') = recursor rh (push allvars guardE)
250        in
251          (pt, popn allpop_count E')
252        end
253        val (prow_pt,penultE) = PMATCH_ROW_pt rhE
254        val tupled_argsM = mmap (tuplify allvars) [pat_ptm, guard_ptm, rh_ptm]
255        val (tupled_args, ptyE) =
256            case tupled_argsM (#ptyE penultE) of
257                Some(ptyE', pts) => (pts, ptyE')
258              | Error e => raise mkExn e
259        (* val _ = envdiag "mk_row exit" rhE *)
260      in
261        (ptlist_mk_comb (prow_pt :: tupled_args), fupd_ptyE (K ptyE) penultE)
262      end
263    | _ => raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "parsePMATCH" "pmatch_transform"
264                 (locn_of_absyn a)
265                 "No arrow"
267fun pmatch_case G recursor a =
268  case a of
269      APP(l1, APP(l2, IDENT(l3, c), arg1), arg2) =>
270      let
271        open Parse_support
272        val arg1 = recursor arg1
273        val pmatch_pt = make_qconst noloc ("patternMatches", "PMATCH")
274        val rows = map (mk_row recursor) (strip_casesplit arg2)
275      in
276        list_make_comb l1 [pmatch_pt, arg1, mk_ptlist rows]
277      end
278    | _ => raise Fail "pmatch_case: should never happen"
280(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
281    Functions to modify grammars so that they do or don't use new
282    pmatch case expressions
283  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
285fun add_pmatch actions (G:'a) =
286  let
287    val {get, arule : add_record -> 'a -> 'a, rmtmtok,
288         add_ptmproc: string * int -> preterm_processor -> 'a -> 'a,
289         addup, up} =
290        actions
291    val crules = grammar_tok_rules "case" (get G)
292    val dtcrules0 = grammar_tok_rules "dtcase" (get G)
293    val do_dtc = null dtcrules0
294    val do_pm =
295        case crules of
296            [] => raise mk_HOL_ERR "parsePMATCH" "ADD_PMATCH"
297                        "No existing case rules?"
298          | c :: _ => #term_name c <> PMATCH_case_special
299    val _ = set_trace "pp_cases_dt" 1
300    val G =
301        if do_pm then rmtmtok {term_name = GrammarSpecials.core_case_special,
302                               tok = "case"} G
303        else G
304    val G =
305        if do_dtc then
306          List.foldl (fn (ar, G) => arule (mk_dtcase ar) G) G crules
307        else G
308    val G =
309        if do_pm then
310          List.foldl (fn (ar, G) => arule (mk_pmcase ar) G) G crules
311        else G
312    val G = if do_pm then
313              G |> arule when_ar |> arule endbinding_ar
314            else G
315    val G = if do_pm then
316              G |> add_ptmproc (PMATCH_case_special, 2) pmatch_case
317            else G
318    val G = if do_pm then G |> addup up else G
319  in
320    G
321  end