1structure NDatatype :> NDatatype =
4open NDDB Witness;
5open lcsymtacs;
6open combinSyntax;
7open ParseDatatype;
8open oneSyntax;
9open combinSyntax;
11val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "MyDatatype";
15fun gen_tyvar _ = Type.gen_tyvar ();
17(* get type variables in a pretype *)
18fun pty_get_tyvars pty =
19    case pty of
20      dAQ _             => [ ]
21    | dVartype s        => [s]
22    | dTyop {Args, ...} => Lib.U (map pty_get_tyvars Args);
24(* fromType : hol_type -> ParseDatatype.pretype *)
25fun fromType ty =
26  if is_vartype ty
27  then dVartype (dest_vartype ty)
28  else let val {Args, Thy, Tyop} = dest_thy_type ty
29           val thy = if Thy = "" then NONE else SOME Thy
30       in dTyop {Args=(map fromType Args), Thy=thy, Tyop=Tyop}
31       end;
33(* interleave two lists *)
34fun interleave [] y = y
35  | interleave x [] = x
36  | interleave (x::xs) (y::ys) = x::y::(interleave xs ys);
38(* functions to access dictionaries *)
39fun lookup tyvar (tyvar'::tyvars, h::dict) =
40    if tyvar = tyvar' then SOME h
41    else lookup tyvar (tyvars, dict)
42  | lookup _ _ = NONE;
43fun insert (tyvar, value) ([], []) = ([tyvar], [value])
44  | insert (tyvar, value) (tyvar'::tyvars, h::dict) =
45    if tyvar = tyvar' then (tyvar::tyvars, value::dict)
46    else let
47      val (x, y) = (insert (tyvar,value) (tyvars, dict))
48      in (tyvar'::x, h::y) end;
50(* Constructs a 0-ary type, caring for the theory *)
51fun make_type tyop  NONE      = mk_type(tyop, [])
52  | make_type tyop (SOME thy) =
53       mk_thy_type {Thy =thy, Tyop=tyop, Args=[]};
55(* Replaces occurrences of defining types with type variables *)
56fun fix_mutual_vars dict pty =
57    case pty of
58      dTyop {Args=[], Thy=NONE, Tyop} => (
59        case lookup Tyop dict of
60          SOME v => dVartype (dest_vartype v)
61        | NONE => dTyop {Args=[], Thy=NONE, Tyop=Tyop}
62      )
63    | dTyop {Args, Thy, Tyop} => dTyop {
64        Args = map (fix_mutual_vars dict) Args,
65        Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop }
66    | _ => pty;
68(* Generates a new rich type variable *)
69fun gen_rich_tyvar tyvar ret (map, map') (all, all') = {
70  inj_pair = ASSUME(list_mk_icomb(inj_pair_tm, [map, ret])),
71  ret_map  = REFL (combinSyntax.mk_o(ret, map')),
72  all_tm = all,
73  all_thm  = REFL (mk_comb(all, mk_var("x", tyvar))),
74  all_map = REFL (combinSyntax.mk_o(all, map')),
75  all_T = REFL all,
76  all_mono = ASSUME (list_mk_icomb(pred_setSyntax.subset_tm, [all, all']))
77}: rich_type;
79(* Generates richness for a constant type *)
80fun gen_rich_const ty self = let
81    val func = INST_TYPE[alpha|->ty, beta|->self]
82  in {
83  inj_pair = func (#inj_pair  constantly_rich),
84  ret_map  = func (#ret_map   constantly_rich),
85  all_tm   = #all_tm    constantly_rich,
86  all_thm  = func (#all_thm   constantly_rich),
87  all_map  = func (#all_map   constantly_rich),
88  all_T    = func (#all_T     constantly_rich),
89  all_mono = func (#all_mono  constantly_rich)
90}: rich_type
93(* A version of list_mk_icomb for theorems *)
95   val mk_aty = list_mk_rbinop (Lib.curry Type.-->)
96   val args = fst o strip_fun o Term.type_of o lhs o concl
97   val LIST_MK_COMB = List.foldl (MK_COMB o swap)
99fun LIST_MK_ICOMB fth aths =
100  let
101    val tyl = mk_aty (List.take (args fth, List.length aths))
102    and tyr = mk_aty (List.map (Term.type_of o lhs o concl) aths)
103  in
104  LIST_MK_COMB (INST_TYPE (Type.match_type tyl tyr) fth) aths
105  end
108(* Makes generalizes nesting of type constructors *)
109fun nest_tyop tyop [] =
110      dTyop {Args=[], Thy=SOME"one", Tyop="one"}
111  | nest_tyop tyop (C::[]) = C
112  | nest_tyop tyop (C::Cs) = let
113      val args = [C, nest_tyop tyop Cs]
114      in dTyop {Args=args, Thy=NONE, Tyop=tyop}
115      end;
117(* Moltiplies and sums the components of a type description
118   to get just one constructor *)
119fun type_descriptions ([]: ParseDatatype.AST list) = []
120  | type_descriptions ((_, ParseDatatype.Constructors clist)::tl)
121    = (nest_tyop "sum"
122          (map ((nest_tyop "prod") o snd) clist)
123       )::(type_descriptions tl)
124  | type_descriptions ((_, ParseDatatype.Record _)::_)
125    = raise ERR "MyDatatype"
126               ("Cannot handle records for now.");
128(********************* Composition Functions *********************)
130(* These functions combine the theorem of the current type op
131   with theorems of the parameter types to get theorems for the
132   composed type *)
134fun compose_inj_pair thm thms =
135    foldl ((uncurry o C) MATCH_MP) thm thms;
136fun compose_ret_map thm thms =
137  let val retrieve_tm = ( fst  o strip_comb o snd  o dest_eq
138                        o snd  o strip_forall o concl) thm
140     (SYM (LIST_MK_ICOMB (REFL retrieve_tm) thms )))
142fun compose_all_tm tm tms = list_mk_icomb(tm, tms);
143fun compose_all_mono thm thms =
144    if List.length thms = 1 then MATCH_MP thm (hd thms)
145    else if List.length thms = 2 then MATCH_MP thm
146                          ((uncurry CONJ) (pair_of_list(thms)))
147    else MATCH_MP thm (foldl (uncurry CONJ) (hd (rev thms)) (tl (rev thms)));
149val compose_funs = {
150    inj_pair = compose_inj_pair     ,
151    ret_map  = compose_ret_map      ,
152    all_tm   = compose_all_tm       ,
153    all_thm  = (fn x=> fn y=> TRUTH), (* fixme *)
154    all_map  = compose_ret_map      ,
155    all_T    = (fn x=> fn y=> TRUTH), (* fixme *)
156    all_mono = compose_all_mono
160(**** Main composition function! The magic occurs down here! *****)
161fun compose dict self pty =
162    case pty of
163      dAQ ty     => gen_rich_const ty self
164    | dVartype s => valOf (lookup s dict)
165    | dTyop {Args, Thy, Tyop} =>
166        case lookup Tyop (!types) of
167          NONE => if Args = [] then
168                    compose dict self (dAQ (pretypeToType pty))
169                  else raise ERR "compose"
170                    ("Type '"^Tyop^"' not supported.")
171        | SOME this => let
172           val args = map (compose dict self) Args
173           in {
174               inj_pair = (#inj_pair compose_funs)
175                          (#inj_pair this)
176                      (map #inj_pair args),
177                ret_map = (#ret_map compose_funs)
178                          (#ret_map this)
179                      (map #ret_map args),
180                all_thm = TRUTH, (* FIXME *)
181                all_tm  = (#all_tm compose_funs)
182                          (#all_tm this)
183                      (map #all_tm args),
184                all_map = (#all_map compose_funs)
185                          (#all_map this)
186                      (map #all_map args),
187                all_T   = (#all_T   compose_funs)
188                          (#all_T   this)
189                      (map #all_T   args),
190                all_mono= (#all_mono compose_funs)
191                          (#all_mono this)
192                      (map #all_mono args)
193              } : rich_type
194           end;
196(* After the composition, we have to do some lambda abstractions
197   in order to get the theorems in the right form                *)
199fun gen_inj_pair_thm thm maps rets =
200  GENL (interleave maps rets) (DISCH_ALL thm)
201fun gen_ret_map_thm thm maps rets = let
202  val eq = concl thm
203  val (O, [r, m]) = strip_comb (lhs eq)
204  val func = fn (x,l) => RIGHT_LIST_BETA (REFL (list_mk_comb(list_mk_abs(l, x), l)))
205  val r' = func(r, rets)
206  val m' = func(m, maps)
207  val left = MK_COMB (AP_TERM O r', m')
208  val os = map combinSyntax.mk_o (zip rets maps)
209  val func2 = fst o dom_rng o type_of
210  val subst = map op|-> (zip (map func2 rets) (map func2 maps))
211  val r'' = INST_TYPE subst r'
212  val rets' = map (inst subst) rets
213  val repl = map op|-> (zip rets' os)
214  val right = INST repl r''
215  val trans = TRANS (TRANS left thm) (SYM right)
216in GENL (interleave maps rets) trans
218fun gen_all_mono_thm thm rtcs =
219  GEN_ALL (foldl (uncurry DISCH) thm
220          (map (concl o #all_mono) rtcs))
222(*  DISCH ((concl o #all_mono o hd) rtcs) thm;*)
224fun compose_pretype pty = let
225    (* 'self' type variable *)
226    val  self = gen_tyvar ()
227    val oself = optionSyntax.mk_option self
228    (* variables *)
229    val vnames = pty_get_tyvars pty
230    val vars = map mk_vartype vnames
231    (* generate map/retrieve functions for the base case *)
232    val indices = map gen_tyvar vars
233    val rets = map (fn (x,y) => genvar (x --> y --> oself))
234                   (zip vars indices)
235    val map_rngs = map gen_tyvar vars
236    val maps = map (genvar o op-->) (zip vars map_rngs)
237    (* reverse maps: for retrieve_map theorems *)
238    val maps' = map (genvar o op-->) (zip map_rngs vars)
239    val alls  = map (fn v => genvar (v --> bool)) vars
240    val alls' = map (fn v => genvar (v --> bool)) vars
241    val func = fn (w, (x, (y, z))) => gen_rich_tyvar w x y z
242    val rtcs = map func
243        (zip vars (zip rets (zip (zip maps maps') (zip alls alls'))))
244    val dict = (vnames, rtcs)
245    val comp = compose dict self pty
246  in {inj_pair = gen_inj_pair_thm (#inj_pair comp) maps rets,
247      ret_map  = gen_ret_map_thm (#ret_map comp) maps' rets,
248      all_tm   = list_mk_abs(alls, #all_tm comp),
249      all_thm  = TRUTH,
250      all_map  = gen_ret_map_thm (#all_map comp) maps' alls,
251      all_T    = #all_T comp,
252      all_mono = gen_all_mono_thm (#all_mono comp) rtcs
253     } : rich_type
259(* mk_constructor: takes a rich type - a composition of other    *)
260(*                 types - and returns the fixpoint of that type *)
261(*                 constructor with respect to the type vars     *)
262(*                 that have been created by gen_tyvar.          *)
265  val x = mk_var("x", alpha);
266  val Jsome_tm = mk_abs(x, mk_abs(mk_var("u", one_ty),
267                      optionSyntax.mk_some x));
268  val Iu_tm = mk_abs(x, oneSyntax.one_tm)
269  fun helper thm =
270    if (is_forall o concl) thm then let
271     val c = concl thm
272     val (f, c') = dest_forall c
273     val (g, _ ) = dest_forall c'
274     val (a, a') = (dom_rng o type_of) f
275     val (i, os) = (dom_rng o snd o dom_rng o type_of) g
276     val self = optionSyntax.dest_option os
277     val x = genvar self
278     val b = is_gen_tyvar a
279     val f' = if b then inst [alpha|->self] Iu_tm
280                   else inst [alpha|->a   ] combinSyntax.I_tm
281     val g' = if b then inst [alpha|->self] Jsome_tm
282                   else inst [alpha|->a, beta|->self] J_tm
283     val thm = INST_TYPE [a |-> (if b then self   else a),
284                          a'|-> (if b then one_ty else a),
285                          i |-> one_ty] thm
286     val thm = ((SPEC g') o (SPEC f')) thm
287     val t = if b then INST_TYPE [alpha|->self] some_inj_thm
288                  else INST_TYPE [alpha|->a, beta|->self] k_inj_thm
289    in PROVE_HYP t (helper thm)
290    end else UNDISCH_ALL thm
292fun mk_constructor (ty:rich_type) =
293  let
294    val thm = helper (#inj_pair ty)
295    val (r, R) = (dest_comb o concl) thm
296    val (_, M) =  dest_comb r
297    val (_, L) =  (dom_rng  o type_of) M
298    val (B, O) = (dom_rng o snd o dom_rng o type_of) R
299    val self = optionSyntax.dest_option O
300    val tree_ty = (listSyntax.mk_list_type B)
301                --> pairSyntax.mk_prod(L, numSyntax.num)
302    val thm = INST_TYPE[self|->tree_ty] thm
303  in MATCH_MP inj_constr_thm thm
304  end
307(* mk_all *)
309 val KT = mk_abs(mk_var("x", alpha), T);
310 fun helper tm dict self = if is_abs tm then
311   let
312     val (x, t) = dest_abs tm
313     val ty = (fst o dom_rng o type_of) x
314   in helper (case lookup ty dict of
315        NONE   => subst [x |-> (inst [alpha|->ty] KT)] t
316      | SOME s => subst [(inst [ty|->self] x)
317                         |-> mk_var("ok_"^s, self-->bool)]
318                         (inst [ty|->self] t)
319      ) dict self
320   end else tm;
321 fun div_sum tm 1 = [tm]
322   | div_sum tm n = let
323       val (a, b) = dest_comb tm
324       val (_,ab) = dest_comb a
325     in b::(div_sum ab (n-1))
326     end;
328fun mk_all tm dict self =
329  let
330    val a = helper tm (swap dict) self
331    val b = div_sum a (List.length (fst dict))
332in b end;
336fun div_sum_vars ty f 1 = let
337      val var = genvar ty
338    in [(var, f var)]
339    end
340  | div_sum_vars ty f n = let
341      val (a, b) = sumSyntax.dest_sum ty
342      val var = genvar a
343      val inv = sumSyntax.mk_inl(var, b)
344      val f' = f o (fn x => sumSyntax.mk_inr(x, a))
345    in (var, inv)::(div_sum_vars b f' (n-1))
346    end;
351fun Datatype q = let
352    val df = ParseDatatype.hparse q
353    (* sum all the types and the constructors *)
354    val ty_descrs = type_descriptions df
355    val pty = nest_tyop "sum" ty_descrs
356    (* fixpoint variables *)
357    val ty_names = map fst df
358    val mut_no = List.length df
359    val ty_vars = map gen_tyvar df
360    (* replace fixpoint vars *)
361    val dict = (ty_names, ty_vars)
362    val pty = fix_mutual_vars dict pty
363  (* old: my_wit *)
364  val rich_comp = compose_pretype pty
365  val ty_names = fst dict
366  val inj_Co = mk_constructor rich_comp
367  val Co = (snd o dest_comb o concl) inj_Co;
368  val (dom, rng) = (dom_rng o type_of) Co;
369  (* predicate names for representation predicates *)
370  val no = List.length ty_names
371  val oks = map (fn s=>mk_var("ok_"^s, rng-->bool)) ty_names
372  val vars = div_sum_vars dom I no
373  (**)
374  val all_tm = #all_tm rich_comp
375  val tmp = gen_tyvar ()
376  val alls = rev (map (inst [tmp|->rng]) (mk_all all_tm dict tmp))
377  (**)
378  val Hyps = map mk_comb (zip alls (map fst vars))
379  val Cs = map (curry mk_comb Co) (map snd vars)
380  val Cons = map mk_comb (zip oks Cs)
381  val rules = map mk_imp (zip Hyps Cons)
382  val genl = map mk_forall (zip (map fst vars) rules)
383  val def_tm = list_mk_conj genl
384  (**)
385  val mythm = prove(``!P Q. (P SUBSET Q) = (!x. P x ==> Q x)``,
386        simp[pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF, boolTheory.IN_DEF])
387  val mono = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [mythm] (#all_mono rich_comp)
388  val func = fn x =>  (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [mythm] x
389                      |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [PULL_FORALL]
390                      |> SPEC_ALL)
391  val monoset = map (fn x =>
392           ((fst o dest_const o #all_tm) x, func (#all_mono x)))
393                (snd (!NDDB.types))
394  val (rules, ind, cases) =
395      InductiveDefinition.new_inductive_definition
396      ((!IndDefLib.the_monoset)@monoset) "stem" (def_tm, [])
397  (* witnesses *)
398  val ws = List.tabulate(no, K (NONE:Thm.thm option))
399  val constrs = map GEN_ALL (BODY_CONJUNCTS rules) (* fixme *)
400  val goal = map
401             (fst o dest_imp o snd o strip_forall o concl) constrs
402  val gthms = map ASSUME goal
403  val wits = Witness.find_inductive_witnesses gthms ws constrs
404  (**)
405  val tyaxs = map new_type_definition (zip ty_names wits)
406  val func = fn (s,ax) => define_new_type_bijections
407    {name = s^"_absrep", ABS = s^"_abs", REP = s^"_rep", tyax = ax}
408in map func (zip ty_names tyaxs)
411(* tests: *)
412val q = `X = C Y | C X ; Y = C ('b option option option) | C 'a`
413val it = Datatype q
414(*val repabss = map extract_abs_rep it*)
419fun extract_abs_rep thm = let
420  val tmp = thm |> concl |> dest_conj |> fst |> dest_forall |> snd |> dest_eq |> fst |> dest_comb
421  in ((fst o dest_comb o snd) tmp, fst tmp)
425fun mk_constructors absreps = let
426  (* Ci' = absi o C o INi o (map rep1 .. repn) *)
427  Hyps
429val abs = map snd repabss
430val reps = map fst repabss
431val map_tm = (hd o tl o snd o strip_comb o fst o dest_eq
432             o snd o strip_forall o concl o #all_map) rich_comp
433list_mk_icomb(map_tm, )
434free_vars map_tm
435val map_reps_tm = list_mk_comb(map_tm,
436list_mk_icomb(combinSyntax.o_tm, [Co, ]
437  val
439(* RUBBISH *)
441    MyDatatype.wit_test `X = C X 'a X 'b | C 'a ; Y = C Y | C 'a`
442    test2 `X = C (X+(X#X))`
444val xxx = mk_thm([], ``(!x. sette x ==> nove x) ==>
445     (sum_all sette
446          (prod_all sette otto )) x ==>
447       (sum_all nove
448          (prod_all nove zero )) x``);