1structure flookupLib :> flookupLib =
4open HolKernel boolLib bossLib finite_mapSyntax
6val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "flookupLib"
8(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
10fun memoize size cmp f =
11   let
12      val d = ref (Redblackmap.mkDict cmp)
13      val k = ref []
14      val finite = 0 < size
15   in
16      fn v =>
17         case Redblackmap.peek (!d, v) of
18            SOME r => r
19          | NONE =>
20               let
21                  val r = f v
22               in
23                  if finite
24                     then (k := !k @ [v]
25                           ; if size < Redblackmap.numItems (!d)
26                                then case List.getItem (!k) of
27                                        SOME (h, t) =>
28                                          (d := fst (Redblackmap.remove (!d, h))
29                                           ; k := t)
30                                      | NONE => raise ERR "memoize" "empty"
31                              else ())
32                  else ()
33                  ; d := Redblackmap.insert (!d, v, r)
34                  ; r
35               end
36   end
39   fun one_ones ty =
40      Option.getOpt (Lib.total (CONJUNCTS o TypeBase.one_one_of) ty, [])
41   val eqf_into = List.map (EQF_INTRO o SPEC_ALL) o CONJUNCTS
43   val datatype_eq_conv =
44      memoize 20 Type.compare
45        (fn ty =>
46            case Lib.total TypeBase.distinct_of ty of
47               SOME th =>
48                  PURE_REWRITE_CONV
49                     (one_ones ty @ eqf_into th @ eqf_into (GSYM th))
50             | NONE => EVAL)
53fun eq_conv ty =
54   (!Defn.const_eq_ref)
55   ORELSEC (datatype_eq_conv ty
56            THENC (fn tm =>
57                      case Lib.total boolSyntax.dest_eq tm of
58                         SOME (l, r) =>
59                            if l = r
60                               then Drule.ISPEC l boolTheory.REFL_CLAUSE
61                            else eq_conv (Term.type_of l) tm
62                       | NONE => ALL_CONV tm))
65   val not_F_imp = DECIDE ``(~F ==> a) = a``
67   fun neqs_rule ty =
68      let
69         val neqs_rule =
70            Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.LAND_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV (eq_conv ty))
71                            THENC Conv.REWR_CONV not_F_imp)
72      in
73         fn thm =>
74            List.foldl (neqs_rule o Lib.uncurry Thm.DISCH) thm (Thm.hyp thm)
75      end
79   val flookup_id = Q.prove(
80      `FLOOKUP (fm |+ (a:'a, b)) a = SOME b`,
81      REWRITE_TAC [finite_mapTheory.FLOOKUP_UPDATE]
82      )
83   val flookup_rest = Q.prove(
84      `a <> x ==> (FLOOKUP (fm |+ (a, b)) x = FLOOKUP fm x)`,
85      SIMP_TAC std_ss [finite_mapTheory.FLOOKUP_UPDATE]
86      )
87      |> UNDISCH_ALL
88   val updates = List.rev o List.map (fst o pairSyntax.dest_pair) o snd o
89                 finite_mapSyntax.strip_fupdate
90   val err = ERR "extend_flookup_thms" "not an extension"
91   fun get_delta tm1 tm2 =
92      let
93         val u1 = updates tm1
94         val u2 = updates tm2
95         val l1 = List.length u1
96         val l2 = List.length u2
97         val d = l2 - l1
98      in
99         if 0 <= d
100            then ( List.drop (u2, d) = u1 orelse raise err
101                 ; (List.take (u2, d), u1) )
102         else raise err
103      end
104   fun get_b rest =
105      let
106         val t = boolSyntax.lhs (Thm.concl rest)
107      in
108         case Lib.total finite_mapSyntax.dest_flookup t of
109            SOME (fmap, _) => fmap
110          | NONE => t
111      end
112   fun is_refl th =
113      case Lib.total boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl th) of
114         SOME (l, r) => l = r
115       | NONE => false
117   fun extend_flookup_thms (dict, rest) tm =
118      let
119         val base = get_b rest
120         val (dty, rty) = finite_mapSyntax.dest_fmap_ty (Term.type_of base)
121         val (tms, old_tms) = get_delta base tm
122         val inst_ty = Thm.INST_TYPE [alpha |-> dty, beta |-> rty]
123         val flookup_id = inst_ty flookup_id
124         val flookup_rest = inst_ty flookup_rest
125         val id_rule = Conv.RIGHT_CONV_RULE (Conv.REWR_CONV flookup_id)
126         val rule = neqs_rule dty
127         val a = Term.mk_var ("a", dty)
128         val x = Term.mk_var ("x", dty)
129         val th = Thm.REFL (finite_mapSyntax.mk_flookup (tm, x))
130         val (dict', rest') =
131            List.foldl
132               (fn (t, (d, th)) =>
133                 (case Lib.total (rule o id_rule o Thm.INST [x |-> t]) th of
134                     SOME r => Redblackmap.insert (d, t, r)
135                   | NONE => d,
136                  Conv.RIGHT_CONV_RULE
137                     (Conv.REWR_CONV (Thm.INST [a |-> t] flookup_rest)) th))
138               (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare, th) tms
139         val dict'' =
140            List.foldl
141               (fn (t, d) =>
142                  case Redblackmap.peek (dict, t) of
143                     SOME r => Redblackmap.insert
144                                 (d, t,
145                                  (rule o
146                                   Conv.RIGHT_CONV_RULE (Conv.REWR_CONV r))
147                                      (Thm.INST [x |-> t] rest'))
148                   | NONE => raise err) dict' old_tms
149         val rest'' = if is_refl rest
150                         then rest'
151                      else Conv.RIGHT_CONV_RULE (Conv.REWR_CONV rest) rest'
152      in
153         (dict'', rest'')
154      end
157val const_name = ref "gen_fmap_"
158val new_const_size = ref 100
160(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
163    Conversion for term of the form ``FLOOKUP fmap i``.
165    Will abbreviate "fmap" when it contains lots of updates. Otherwise it
166    will employ a database to lookup values.
168    To activate in the context of EVAL do:
170    val () =
171      ( computeLib.del_consts [finite_mapSyntax.flookup_t]
172      ; computeLib.add_convs
173           [(finite_mapSyntax.flookup_t, 2, FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV)] )
175   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
178   val completed_fmap_convs =
179      ref (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare: (term, conv) Redblackmap.dict)
180   val head_fmaps =
181      ref (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare:
182             (term, (term, thm) Redblackmap.dict * thm) Redblackmap.dict)
183   fun introduce_fmap_consts _ = ALL_CONV
184   val const_number = ref 0
185   val flookup_fallback_conv =
186      Conv.REWR_CONV finite_mapTheory.FLOOKUP_UPDATE
187      ORELSEC Conv.REWR_CONV finite_mapTheory.FLOOKUP_EMPTY
188   val rwts = ref ([] : thm list)
189   val rwt_cnv = ref ALL_CONV
190   val err = ERR "FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV" ""
191   fun DICT_REST_CONV (dr as (dict, rest)) tm =
192      let
193         val i = snd (finite_mapSyntax.dest_flookup tm)
194      in
195         case Redblackmap.peek (dict, i) of
196            SOME thm => Conv.REWR_CONV thm tm
197          | NONE => let
198                       val x = Term.rand (boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl rest))
199                    in
200                       neqs_rule (Term.type_of x) (Thm.INST [x |-> i] rest)
201                    end
202      end
203   fun introduce_fmap_consts (x as (base, _)) =
204      let
205         val ty = Term.type_of base
206         fun new_var () =
207            Term.mk_var (!const_name ^ Int.toString (!const_number), ty) before
208            Portable.inc const_number
209         fun iter a (c, l) =
210            let
211               val r = List.take (l, !new_const_size)
212               val v = new_var()
213               val s = fst (Term.dest_var v)
214               val t = finite_mapSyntax.list_mk_fupdate (c, r)
215               val def = Definition.new_definition (s, boolSyntax.mk_eq (v, t))
216               val () = print ("Defined " ^ quote s ^ "\n")
217               val sym_def = SYM def
218               val (c', tm) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl def)
219               val (dict, rest) =
220                  extend_flookup_thms
221                    (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare, Thm.REFL c) tm
222               val cnv = Conv.REWR_CONV sym_def
223               val rule =
224                  Conv.CONV_RULE
225                     (Conv.LAND_CONV (Conv.RATOR_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV cnv)))
226               val dict = Redblackmap.transform rule dict
227               val rest = rule rest
228               val () =
229                  completed_fmap_convs :=
230                  Redblackmap.insert
231                    (!completed_fmap_convs, c', DICT_REST_CONV (dict, rest))
232            in
233               iter (sym_def :: a) (c', List.drop (l, !new_const_size))
234            end
235            handle General.Subscript => a
236         val defs = iter [] x
237      in
238         rwts := defs @ (!rwts); rwt_cnv := PURE_REWRITE_CONV (!rwts)
239      end
241   fun FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV tm =
242      let
243         val fm = Lib.with_exn (fst o finite_mapSyntax.dest_flookup) tm err
244         val (base, ups) = finite_mapSyntax.strip_fupdate fm
245         val n = List.length ups
246      in
247         if not (List.null (Term.free_vars tm))
248            then flookup_fallback_conv tm
249         else if List.null ups
250            then case Redblackmap.peek (!completed_fmap_convs, base) of
251                    SOME cnv => cnv tm
252                  | NONE => flookup_fallback_conv tm
253         else if n < !new_const_size
254            then let
255                    val dr =
256                       case Redblackmap.peek (!head_fmaps, base) of
257                          SOME dr => dr
258                        | NONE =>
259                            (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare, Thm.REFL base)
260                 in
261                    case Lib.total (extend_flookup_thms dr) fm of
262                       SOME dr' =>
263                          ( head_fmaps :=
264                               Redblackmap.insert (!head_fmaps, base, dr')
265                          ; DICT_REST_CONV dr' tm
266                          )
267                     | NONE => flookup_fallback_conv tm
268                 end
269         else Conv.RATOR_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV (!rwt_cnv)) tm
270              handle Conv.UNCHANGED =>
271                 ( introduce_fmap_consts (base, ups)
272                 ; FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV ) tm
273      end
278(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
280(* Testing...
282open flookupLib wordsLib
283open flookupLib
285val () =
286   ( computeLib.del_consts [finite_mapSyntax.flookup_t]
287   ; computeLib.add_convs [(finite_mapSyntax.flookup_t, 2, FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV)] )
289val fempty_tm =
290   Term.inst [alpha |-> numSyntax.num, beta |-> numSyntax.num]
291      finite_mapSyntax.fempty_t
293fun mk_fmap t b n =
294   finite_mapSyntax.list_mk_fupdate
295     (t, List.tabulate
296           (n, fn i => let
297                          val j = numLib.term_of_int (b + i)
298                       in
299                          pairSyntax.mk_pair (j, j)
300                       end))
302Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP (FEMPTY |+ (a, 1)) a``
304Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP ^(mk_fmap fempty_tm 0 1000) 999``
306Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP gen_fmap_0 44``
307Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP (gen_fmap_0 |+ (1000, 1000)) 44``
308Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP (gen_fmap_0 |+ (44, 45)) 44``
309Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP gen_fmap_1 99``
310Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP gen_fmap_9 99``
311Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP gen_fmap_9 901``
312Count.apply EVAL ``FLOOKUP gen_fmap_9 801``
314val () = Hol_datatype `enum = One | Two | Three | Four | Five`
316val () = Hol_datatype`
317     data = Num of num
318          | String of string
319          | Word of word32
320          | Enum of enum
321          | Other1
322          | Other2`
324val dict2_def = Define `dict2 = ^(mk_fmap fempty_tm 0 1000)`
325val dict3_def = Define `dict3 = ^(mk_fmap ``dict2`` 1000 400)`
326val dict4_def = Define `dict4 = FEMPTY |+ (1, 1) |+ (2, 2) |+ (2, 3)`
327val dict5_def = Define`
328   dict5 =
329   FEMPTY |+ (Num 1, 1)
330          |+ (String "s", 2)
331          |+ (Other1, 3)
332          |+ (Other2, 4)
333          |+ (Num 2, 1)
334          |+ (Enum One, 5)
335          |+ (Enum Two, 6)
336          |+ (Word 32w, 7)
337          |+ (Word 31w, 8)`
339val d2_conv = Count.apply FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV dict2_def
340val d3_conv = Count.apply FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV dict3_def
341val d4_conv = Count.apply FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV dict4_def
342val d5_conv = Count.apply FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV dict5_def
344Count.apply d3_conv ``FLOOKUP dict3 1``;
345Count.apply d3_conv ``FLOOKUP dict3 1000``;
346Count.apply d4_conv ``FLOOKUP dict4 1``;
347Count.apply d5_conv ``FLOOKUP dict5 (Num 1)``;