2(* EmitML: mapping HOL expressions to ML. The basic HOL theory hierarchy has *)
3(* a loose analogue in the hierarchy of basic ML structures. Thus we have    *)
4(* something like                                                            *)
5(*                                                                           *)
6(*    HOL Theory         ML Structure                                        *)
7(*    ----------         ------------                                        *)
8(*    boolTheory            Bool                                             *)
9(*    numTheory             Arbnum                                           *)
10(*    intTheory             Arbint                                           *)
11(*    optionTheory          Option                                           *)
12(*    listTheory            List                                             *)
13(*    stringTheory          Char,String                                      *)
14(*                                                                           *)
15(* Missing from this list are pairs (pairTheory in HOL, builtin to ML),      *)
16(* which are flat tuples in ML and nested pairs in HOL. Also there is the    *)
17(* unit type, which exists in both HOL and ML. Other structures where there  *)
18(* is a close relationship arise from Anthony Fox's parameterized theory of  *)
19(* n-bit words.                                                              *)
20(*                                                                           *)
21(* The ideal, we assume, is to build formalizations in HOL and then "export" *)
22(* them to ML, with the idea that the executable aspects of a HOL            *)
23(* formalization can be faithfully copied down to ML. If this can be         *)
24(* supported, then ground HOL expressions should be able to be copied to ML  *)
25(* and executed there, with huge speed-ups. This can be used to provide a    *)
26(* code generation facility and a testing environment for HOL definitions.   *)
27(*                                                                           *)
28(* Exporting HOL definitions of types and functions consists of 2 things:    *)
29(* installing those definitions in ML and mapping HOL expressions into       *)
30(* syntactically acceptable ML expressions. The latter operation is "just"   *)
31(* prettyprinting, where the prettyprinter uses a table mapping HOL types    *)
32(* and constants to their ML counterparts. This table needs to be extensible *)
33(* as theories load.                                                         *)
34(*                                                                           *)
37structure EmitML :> EmitML =
40open HolKernel boolSyntax Abbrev;
42val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "EmitML";
43val WARN = HOL_WARNING "EmitML";
44val type_grammar = Parse.type_grammar
47(* All ref cells.                                                            *)
50val emitOcaml = ref false;
51val sigSuffix = ref "ML.sig";
52val structSuffix = ref "ML.sml";
53val sigCamlSuffix = ref "ML.mli";
54val structCamlSuffix = ref "ML.ml";
56val is_int_literal_hook = ref (fn _:term => false);
57val int_of_term_hook = ref
58    (fn _:term => (raise ERR "EmitML" "integers not loaded") : Arbint.int)
61(* Misc. syntax operations                                                   *)
64val is_pair_type = Lib.can pairSyntax.dest_prod;
65val is_num_literal = Lib.can Literal.relaxed_dest_numeral;
66fun nameOfC t = #Name (dest_thy_const t)
69(* Version of dest_string that doesn't care if characters look like          *)
70(*                                                                           *)
71(*   CHAR (NUMERAL n)    or    CHAR n                                        *)
74val is_string_literal = Lib.can Literal.relaxed_dest_string_lit;
76fun strip_cons M =
77 case total (listSyntax.dest_cons) M
78  of SOME (h,t) => h::strip_cons t
79   | NONE => [M];
81fun is_fn_app tm = is_comb tm andalso not(pairSyntax.is_pair tm)
82fun is_infix_app tm = is_conj tm orelse is_disj tm orelse is_eq tm ;
85  val a = mk_var("a",bool)
86  val b = mk_var("b",bool)
88val andalso_tm = list_mk_abs([a,b],mk_conj(a,b))
89val orelse_tm = list_mk_abs([a,b],mk_disj(a,b))
93(* Peculiar names for fake record constructors. These help generate code for *)
94(* projection and access functions automatically defined for records. The    *)
95(* need for this comes from the fact that large records declarations are     *)
96(* modelled differently than small records; the difference in representation *)
97(* is vexatious when defining the ML projection and access functions, since  *)
98(* we want the resulting ML to look the same, i.e., be readable, no matter   *)
99(* how big the record is.                                                    *)
102fun mk_record_vconstr (name,ty) = mk_var(name^"--Record Constr Var",ty)
104fun dest_record_vconstr v =
105 let open Substring
106     val (name,ty) = dest_var v
107     val (ss1,ss2) = position "--Record Constr Var" (full name)
108 in if string ss2 = "--Record Constr Var"
109     then (string ss1,ty)
110     else raise ERR "dest_record_vconstr" ""
111 end handle _ => raise ERR "dest_record_vconstr" "";
113val is_fake_constructor = Lib.can dest_record_vconstr;
116  val reserved_set = Redblackset.addList (Redblackset.empty String.compare,
117    ["abstype", "datatype", "do", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn", "fun",
118     "functor", "handle", "include", "infix", "infixr", "local", "nonfix", "op",
119     "open", "raise", "rec", "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct",
120     "structure", "type", "val", "where", "withtype", "while"])
121  fun is_reserved s = Redblackset.member (reserved_set, s)
123  fun fix_reserved s = if is_reserved s then s ^ "_" else s
126fun fix_symbol c =
127  case c of
128    #"#"  => #"^"
129  | #"\\" => #"!"
130  | #":"  => #"?"
131  | #"~"  => #"$"
132  | #"|"  => #"@"
133  | _     => c;
135fun capitalize s =
136  if !emitOcaml then
137    Char.toString (Char.toUpper (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE)
138  else
139    s;
141fun lowerize s =
142  if !emitOcaml then
143    Char.toString (Char.toLower (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE)
144  else
145    s;
147fun fix_name (prefix,is_type_cons,s) =
148  let val c0 = String.sub(s,0)
149      val s1 = if not (prefix = "") andalso c0 = #" " then
150                 String.extract(s,1,NONE)
151               else
152                 s
153  in
154    if !emitOcaml then
155      if s = "andalso" then
156        "&&"
157      else if s = "orelse" then
158        "||"
159      else if s = "SOME" then
160        "Some"
161      else if s = "NONE" then
162        "None"
163      else let val s1 = String.map fix_symbol s in
164        if not (Char.isAlphaNum c0 orelse (s1 = "=")) then
165          prefix ^ "(" ^ s1 ^ ")"
166        else if is_type_cons then
167          prefix ^ capitalize s1
168        else
169          prefix ^ (if Char.isUpper c0 then "_" ^ s1 else fix_reserved s1)
170      end
171    else
172      prefix ^ (fix_reserved s1)
173  end;
175fun ML s = capitalize s ^ "ML";
177fun full_name openthys (is_type_cons,s1,s2,_) =
178  let val prefix = if mem s1 openthys orelse (s1="") then
179                     ""
180                   else
181                     ML s1 ^ "."
182  in
183    fix_name (prefix,is_type_cons,s2)
184  end;
186fun const_map openthys c = full_name openthys (ConstMapML.apply c);
188val COMMA_PREC = 50;
189val CONS_PREC  = 450;
191fun prec_of c =
192  if same_const c boolSyntax.equality then 100 else
193  if same_const c boolSyntax.disjunction then 300 else
194  if same_const c boolSyntax.conjunction then 400 else
195  if same_const c pairSyntax.comma_tm then COMMA_PREC else 0;
197val minprec = ~1;
198val maxprec = 9999;
200datatype side = LEFT | RIGHT;
202fun pick_name slist n (s1,s2) = if mem n slist then s1 else s2;
204fun vars_of_types alist =
205  map (fn (i,ty) => mk_var("v"^Int.toString i,ty)) (Lib.enumerate 0 alist);
208(* Convert a constructor application (C t1 ... tn) to C'(t1,...,tn) where    *)
209(* C' is a variable with the same name as C. This code only deals with       *)
210(* pseudo-constructors, like INSERT for sets and BAG_INSERT for bags. These  *)
211(* are *not* constructors, but we will generate programs in which they are   *)
212(* constructors for abstract datatypes.                                      *)
213(*                                                                           *)
214(* Real constructors are detected in the term prettyprinter by testing       *)
215(* TypeBase.is_constructor. In contrast, pseudo-constructors are dealt with  *)
216(* in a pre-processing pass over the theorems that code is being generated   *)
217(* from.                                                                     *)
220local val emit_tag = "EmitML"
221  val pseudo_constr_defs = ref [] : thm list ref;
223fun pseudo_constr_rws() = map concl (!pseudo_constr_defs)
224val reshape_thm_hook = ref (fn th =>
225     pairLib.GEN_BETA_RULE (Rewrite.PURE_REWRITE_RULE (!pseudo_constr_defs) th))
227fun new_pseudo_constr (c,a) =
228 let fun nstrip_fun 0 ty = ([],ty)
229       | nstrip_fun n ty =
230         let val (d,r) = dom_rng ty
231             val (f,b) = nstrip_fun (n-1) r
232         in (d::f,b)
233         end
234     val (argtys,target) = nstrip_fun a (type_of c)
235     val args = vars_of_types argtys
236     val pvar = mk_var("^" ^ fst(dest_const c),
237                       pairSyntax.list_mk_prod argtys --> target)
238     val new = pairSyntax.list_mk_pabs
239                 (args,mk_comb(pvar,pairSyntax.list_mk_pair args))
240     val thm = mk_oracle_thm emit_tag ([],mk_eq(c,new))
241 in
242    pseudo_constr_defs := thm :: !pseudo_constr_defs
243 end
246fun generic_type_of tm =
247  if is_const tm
248   then let val {Name,Thy,...} = dest_thy_const tm
249        in type_of (prim_mk_const{Name=Name,Thy=Thy})
250        end
251   else type_of tm;
254fun is_supported_PMATCH tm = let
255  val pmi = patternMatchesLib.analyse_pmatch false tm
257  if !emitOcaml then patternMatchesLib.is_ocaml_pmatch pmi
258                else patternMatchesLib.is_sml_pmatch pmi
261fun strip_supported_PMATCH tm = let
262  val (i, rows) = patternMatchesSyntax.dest_PMATCH tm
263  fun dest_r r = let
264     val (_, p, g, r) = patternMatchesSyntax.dest_PMATCH_ROW_ABS r
265  in (p, r, g) end
267  (i, List.map dest_r rows)
272(* A prettyprinter from HOL to very simple ML, dealing with basic paired     *)
273(* lambda calculus terms, plus literals (strings, nums, ints), notation for  *)
274(* lists, and case expressions.                                              *)
276val B = smpp.block PP.CONSISTENT
277fun term_to_ML openthys side =
278 let open Portable PP smpp
279     fun prec_paren p i j = if i >= j then add_string p else nothing
280     val lparen = prec_paren "("
281     val rparen = prec_paren ")"
282     val const_map = const_map openthys
283     val numML = if !emitOcaml then "NumML." else "numML."
284     val intML = if !emitOcaml then "IntML." else "intML."
285     val fcpML = if !emitOcaml then "FcpML." else "fcpML."
286     fun fix s = fix_name("", false, s)
287  fun pp i tm =
288     if is_var tm then pp_var tm else
289     if is_cond tm then pp_cond i tm else
290     if is_arb tm then pp_arb i else
291     if is_num_literal tm then pp_num_literal i tm else
292     if !is_int_literal_hook tm then pp_int_literal tm else
293     if is_string_literal tm then pp_string tm else
294     if listSyntax.is_list tm then pp_list tm else
295     if listSyntax.is_cons tm then pp_cons i tm else
296     if listSyntax.is_mem tm then pp_mem i (listSyntax.dest_mem tm) else
297     if is_infix_app tm then pp_binop i tm else
298     if pairSyntax.is_pair tm then pp_pair i tm else
299     if boolSyntax.is_let tm then pp_lets i tm else
300     if pairSyntax.is_pabs tm then pp_abs i tm else
301     if combinSyntax.is_fail tm then pp_fail i tm else
302     if oneSyntax.is_one tm  then pp_one tm else
303     if TypeBase.is_record tm then pp_record i (TypeBase.dest_record tm) else
304     if is_supported_PMATCH tm then
305        pp_case_with_guard i (strip_supported_PMATCH tm) else
306     if TypeBase.is_case tm then pp_case i (TypeBase.strip_case tm) else
307     if is_the_value tm then pp_itself tm else
308     if is_const tm then pp_const i tm else
309     if is_comb tm then pp_comb i tm
310     else raise ERR "term_to_ML"
311                    ("Unknown syntax with term: "^Parse.term_to_string tm)
312  and pp_cond i tm = let
313    val (b,a1,a2) = dest_cond tm
314    val parens = i >= (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 70)
315    fun doparens p = if parens then B 1 (add_string "(" >> p >> add_string ")")
316                     else p
317  in
318    doparens (
319      B 0 (
320        add_string"if" >>
321        add_break(1,2) >>
322        block PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (pp 70 b) >>
323        add_break(1,0) >>
324        add_string"then"
325      ) >>
326      add_break(1,2) >>
327      block INCONSISTENT 0 (pp 70 a1) >>
328      add_break(1,0) >>
329      B 0(add_string"else" >> add_break(1,2) >> pp minprec a2)
330    )
331  end
332  and pp_num_from_string s =
333        if s="0" then
334          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" ("ZERO",numML ^ "ZERO"))
335        else if s="1" then
336          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" (fix "ONE",numML ^ fix "ONE"))
337        else if s="2" then
338          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" (fix "TWO",numML ^ fix "TWO"))
339        else
340          block INCONSISTENT 0 (
341             add_string"(" >>
342             add_string (pick_name openthys "num"
343                                   ("fromString ", numML ^ "fromString ")) >>
344             add_break(0,0) >>
345             add_string (quote s) >>
346             add_string")"
347          )
348  and pp_num_literal i tm =
349      (*------------------------------------------------------------*)
350      (* Numeric literals can be built from strings or constructors *)
351      (*------------------------------------------------------------*)
352      let val s = Arbnum.toString(Literal.relaxed_dest_numeral tm)
353      in if side = RIGHT (* use fromString *)
354         then
355           pp_num_from_string s
356         else (* side = LEFT, so use constructors *)
357           if s = "0"
358           then add_string (pick_name openthys "num" ("ZERO",numML ^ "ZERO"))
359           else pp_comb i tm
360      end
361  and pp_int_literal tm =
362         let val s = Arbint.toString(!int_of_term_hook tm)
363         in B 0 (
364             add_string"(" >> add_break(0,0) >>
365             add_string (pick_name openthys "int"
366                                   ("fromString", intML ^ "fromString")) >>
367             add_break(0,0) >>
368             add_string (mlquote s) >>
369             add_break(0,0) >>
370             add_string")"
371           )
372         end
373  and pp_string tm = add_string (mlquote (Literal.relaxed_dest_string_lit tm))
374  and pp_list tm =
375       let val els = fst (listSyntax.dest_list tm)
376       in B 0 (
377            add_string "[" >>
378            block INCONSISTENT 0 (
379              pr_list (pp minprec)
380                  (add_string (if !emitOcaml then ";" else ",") >>
381                   add_break(0,0))
382                  els
383            ) >>
384          add_string "]"
385         )
386       end
387  and pp_binop i tm =
388      let val (c,t1,t2) = case strip_comb tm
389                          of (c,[t1,t2]) => (c,t1,t2)
390                           | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" ""
391          val j = prec_of c
392      in B 0 (
393           lparen i j >>
394           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
395             pp (j+1) t1 >> add_break(1,0) >>
396             add_string (const_map c) >> add_break(1,0) >>
397             pp j t2
398           ) >>
399           rparen i j
400        )
401      end
402  and pp_cons i tm =
403      let val alist = strip_cons tm
404          val j = CONS_PREC
405      in B 0 (
406          lparen i j >>
407          block INCONSISTENT 0 (
408            pr_list (pp j)
409                    (add_string "::" >> add_break(0,0)) alist
410          ) >>
411          rparen i j
412        )
413      end
414  and pp_mem i (t1, t2) =
415        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
416          lparen i maxprec >>
417          add_string (full_name openthys (false,"list","MEM",bool)) >>
418          add_break(1,0) >>
419          pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) [t1, t2] >>
420          rparen i maxprec
421        )
422  and pp_pair i tm =
423      let val (t1,t2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair tm
424          val j = COMMA_PREC
425      in block INCONSISTENT 0 (
426           lparen maxprec i >>
427           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
428             pp (j+1) t1 >>
429             add_string "," >> add_break(0,0) >>
430             pp j t2
431           ) >>
432           rparen maxprec i
433        )
434      end
435  and pp_lets i tm = (* a sequence of lets *)
436      let val (blists,body) = pairSyntax.strip_anylet tm
437          fun pp_binding (k,(l,r)) =
438            block INCONSISTENT 4 (
439              add_string k >> add_break(1,0) >>
440              pp minprec l >>add_break(1,0) >>
441              add_string "=" >> add_break(1,0) >>
442              B 0 (pp minprec r)
443            )
444      in  B 0 (
445          if !emitOcaml then
446            let
447              fun keyword [] = raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_lets"
448                | keyword l = ("let", hd l) :: (map (pair "and") (tl l))
449              val blist' = map keyword blists
450              fun droplast [] = []
451                | droplast l = List.take(l, length l - 1)
452            in
453                lparen i minprec >>
454                B 0 (
455                  mapp (fn l =>
456                           pr_list pp_binding add_newline l >>
457                           add_break(1,0) >> add_string "in" >> add_break(1,0))
458                       (droplast blist') >>
459                  pr_list pp_binding add_newline (last blist') >>
460                  add_break(1,0) >>
461                  add_string "in" >> add_break(1,3) >>
462                  pp minprec body
463                ) >>
464                rparen i minprec
465            end
466          else
467            let
468              fun keyword1 (l,r) = (if is_fn_app l then "fun" else "val", (l,r))
469              fun keyword [] = raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_lets"
470                | keyword l = map keyword1 l
471              val blist' = flatten (map keyword blists)
472            in
473                lparen i 5000 >>
474                B 0 (
475                  add_string "let " >>
476                  B 0 (pr_list pp_binding add_newline blist') >>
477                  add_break(1,0) >> add_string"in" >>
478                  add_break(1,3) >> pp minprec body >>
479                  add_break(1,0) >> add_string "end"
480                ) >>
481                rparen i 5000
482            end
483        )
484      end
485  and pp_case i (a,cases) =
486    pp_case_with_guard i
487      (a, List.map (fn (pat, rhs) => (pat, rhs, T)) cases)
488  and pp_case_with_guard i (a,cases) =
489      B 1 (
490                   (* from HOL term grammar *)
491       lparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 7) >>
492       block INCONSISTENT 2 (
493         add_string (if !emitOcaml then "match" else "case") >>
494         add_break(1,0) >>
495         pp minprec a
496       ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
497       block CONSISTENT 1 (
498          add_string (if !emitOcaml then "with " else "of ") >>
499          pp_case_clause (hd cases) >>
500          add_break(1,0) >>
501          pr_list (fn cl => (add_string "| " >> pp_case_clause cl))
502                  (add_break(1,0)) (tl cases)
503       ) >>
504       rparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 7)
505      )
506  and pp_case_clause (pat,rhs,guard) =
507     B 3 (
508       pp minprec pat >>
509       (if (aconv guard T) then nothing
510        else
511             (* guards only occur for Ocaml *)
512             add_string (" when") >> add_break (1,0) >> pp 7 guard) >>
513       add_string (if !emitOcaml then " ->" else " =>") >>
514       add_break (1,0) >>
515       pp 7 rhs
516     )
517  and pp_record i (ty,flds) =
518       pp_open_comb i (hd(TypeBase.constructors_of ty), map snd flds)
519  and pp_fail i tm =
520       let val (f,s,args) = combinSyntax.dest_fail tm
521           val fname = fst(dest_const f)
522       in
523         block CONSISTENT 3 (
524            add_string "raise (" >>
525            add_string (if !emitOcaml then "Failure" else "Fail") >>
526            add_break (1,0) >>
527            add_string (Lib.quote (fname^": "^s)^")")
528         )
529       end
530  and pp_arb i =
531      lparen i maxprec >>
532      B 3 (
533       add_string
534           (if !emitOcaml then "raise (Failure \"ARB\")"
535                          else "raise Fail \"ARB\"")
536      ) >>
537      rparen i maxprec
538  and pp_itself tm =
539    let fun skip1 s = String.extract(s, 1, NONE)
540        fun num_type typ =
541              let val pp_n = !type_pp.pp_num_types
542                  val _ = type_pp.pp_num_types := true
543              in
544                skip1 (Hol_pp.type_to_string typ) before
545                type_pp.pp_num_types := pp_n
546              end
547        fun itself x =
548          block INCONSISTENT 2 (
549            add_string "(" >>
550            add_string
551              (pick_name openthys "fcp" ("ITSELF", fcpML ^ "ITSELF")) >>
552            add_break (1,0) >>
553            pp_num_from_string x >>
554            add_string ")"
555          )
556        fun pp_itself_type typ =
557         if is_vartype typ then
558           add_string (skip1 (dest_vartype typ))
559         else
560           case (dest_type typ) of
561             ("one", [])   => itself "1"
562           | ("num", [])   => itself "1"
563           | ("int", [])   => itself "1"
564           | ("list", [a]) => itself "1"
565           | ("bool", [])  => itself "2"
566           | ("bit0", [a]) => itself (num_type typ)
567           | ("bit1", [a]) => itself (num_type typ)
568           | ("string", []) => itself "1"
569           | (tyop, [a, b]) =>
570                block INCONSISTENT 0 (
571                  add_string (
572                    "(" ^
573                    pick_name openthys "fcp"
574                              (case tyop of
575                                   "sum"  => (fix "SUMi", fcpML ^ fix "SUMi")
576                                 | "prod" => (fix "MULi", fcpML ^ fix "MULi")
577                                 | "cart" => (fix "EXPi", fcpML ^ fix "EXPi")
578                                 | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_itself") ^
579                    "(") >>
580                  block INCONSISTENT 0 (
581                    pp_itself_type a >>
582                    add_string ", " >>
583                    add_break (0,0) >>
584                    pp_itself_type b
585                  ) >> add_string "))"
586                )
587           | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_itself"
588    in
589      (pp_itself_type o hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) tm
590    end
592  and pp_var tm = let val s = fst(dest_var tm)
593                      val c = String.sub(s,0)
594                  in
595                    if c = #"^" then
596                      add_string (fix_reserved (String.extract(s,1,NONE)))
597                    else if c = #"_" then
598                      add_string "_"
599                    else if !emitOcaml andalso Char.isUpper c then
600                      add_string ("_" ^ s)
601                    else
602                      add_string (fix_reserved s)
603                  end
604  and pp_const i tm =
605      if same_const tm boolSyntax.conjunction
606         then pp_abs i andalso_tm else
607       if same_const tm boolSyntax.disjunction
608         then pp_abs i orelse_tm
609       else add_string (const_map tm)
610  and pp_one tm = add_string "()"
611  and pp_nil tm = add_string "[]"
612  and pp_open_comb i (f,args) =
613       let val constrname =
614               case Lib.total ConstMapML.apply f of
615                   SOME (true,_,nm,_) => SOME nm
616                 | _ => NONE
617       in B 0(
618           lparen i maxprec >>
619           (if TypeBase.is_constructor f andalso isSome constrname
620               orelse is_fake_constructor f
621            then
622              let
623                val fname = case constrname of
624                                SOME s => s
625                              | _ => fst(dest_record_vconstr f)
626              in
627                (* instead of: pp maxprec f; *)
628                add_string (fix_name ("", true, fname)) >>
629                add_string "(" >>
630                block INCONSISTENT 1 (
631                  pr_list (pp minprec)
632                          (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0)) args
633                ) >>
634               add_string ")"
635             end
636           else
637             block INCONSISTENT 2 (
638               pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) (f::args)
639             )) >>
640           rparen i maxprec
641         )
642       end
643  and pp_comb i tm =
644       let val (h,args) = strip_comb tm
645           val (argtys,target) = strip_fun(generic_type_of h)
646       in if length argtys < length args
647          then let val (app,rst) = split_after (length argtys) args
648               in
649                 lparen i maxprec >>
650                 pp maxprec (list_mk_comb(h,app)) >>
651                 add_break (1,0) >>
652                 pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) rst >>
653                 rparen i maxprec
654               end
655          else pp_open_comb i (h,args)
656       end
657  and pp_abs i tm =
658       let val (vstruct,body) = pairSyntax.dest_pabs tm
659       in lparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 5000)
660          >> add_string (if !emitOcaml then "function" else "fn")
661          >> add_break (1,0)
662          >> pp 50 vstruct
663          >> add_break (1,0)
664          >> add_string (if !emitOcaml then "->" else "=>")
665          >> add_break (1,0)
666          >> pp minprec body
667          >> rparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 5000)
668       end
670 in fn i => fn M => block INCONSISTENT 0 (pp i M)
671 end;
673fun pp_term_as_ML openthys side M = term_to_ML openthys side minprec M;
675fun same_fn eq1 eq2 =
676  same_const (fst(strip_comb(lhs eq1))) (fst(strip_comb(lhs eq2)));
679(* Print a function definition as ML, i.e., fun f ... = ...                  *)
682fun partitions P [] = []
683  | partitions P (h::t) =
684     case partition (P h) t
685      of (L1,L2) => (h::L1) :: partitions P L2;
687fun pp_defn_as_ML openthys =
688 let open Portable PP smpp
689     val toML = term_to_ML openthys
690     fun pp_clause i eq =
691         let val (L,R) = dest_eq eq
692         in
693           block INCONSISTENT 2 (
694              toML LEFT minprec L >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string "=" >>
695              add_break(1,0) >>
696              toML RIGHT i R
697           )
698         end
699     fun pp_clauses (s,els) =
700       let val s' = if is_fn_app(lhs(hd els)) then s else "val"
701       in  B 2 (
702             add_string (s'^" ") >>
703             pp_clause (if length els = 1 then minprec else 100) (hd els) >>
704             add_newline >>
705             (case tl els of
706                  [] => nothing
707                | els' =>
708                    pr_list (fn c => (add_string "| " >> pp_clause 100 c))
709                            add_newline els' >>
710                    add_newline)
711         )
712       end
713     fun pp tm =
714       let val eqns = map (snd o strip_forall)
715                          (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall tm)))
716           val clauses = partitions same_fn eqns (* term list list *)
717           val clauses' = ("fun",hd clauses)::map (pair "and") (tl clauses)
718       in
719         B 0 (pr_list pp_clauses add_newline clauses')
720       end
721 in
722    pp
723 end;
725fun pp_defn_as_OCAML openthys =
726 let open Portable PP smpp
727     val const_map = const_map openthys
728     val toML = term_to_ML openthys
729     fun pp_clause i eq =
730         let val (L,R) = dest_eq eq
731         in block INCONSISTENT 2 (
732             toML LEFT minprec L >>
733             add_break(1,0) >>
734             add_string "=" >>
735             add_break(1,0) >>
736             toML RIGHT i R
737           )
738         end
739     fun pp_pattern i s (L,R) =
740       block INCONSISTENT 0 (
741         add_string (fix_reserved s) >>
742         block INCONSISTENT 2 (
743           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
744             pr_list (toML LEFT minprec) (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0)) L
745           ) >>
746           add_string " ->" >>
747           add_break(1,0) >>
748           toML RIGHT i R
749         ) >>
750         add_newline
751       )
752     fun caml_strip_comb t = let
753       val (t1, t2) = listSyntax.dest_mem t
754     in
755       (full_name openthys (false, "list", "MEM", bool), [t1, t2])
756     end handle _ => apfst const_map (strip_comb t)
757     fun clauses_to_patterns els = map (((snd o caml_strip_comb)##I) o dest_eq) els
758     fun pp_clauses (s,els) =
759       block INCONSISTENT 2 (
760         add_string (s^" ") >>
761         (if length els = 1 then
762            pp_clause minprec (hd els) >> add_newline
763          else
764            let
765              val (fname, args) = caml_strip_comb (lhs (hd els))
766              val vs = vars_of_types (map type_of args)
767              val pats = clauses_to_patterns els
768            in
769              add_string fname >> add_break(1,0) >>
770              pr_list (toML LEFT minprec) (add_break(1,0)) vs >>
771              add_break(1,0) >>
772              add_string "=" >>
773              add_break(1,0) >>
774              add_string "match " >>
775              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
776                pr_list (toML LEFT minprec)
777                        (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0))
778                        vs
779              ) >>
780              add_string " with" >>
781              add_break(1,0) >>
782              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
783                pp_pattern 100 "  " (hd pats) >>
784                (case tl pats of
785                     [] => nothing
786                   | pats' =>
787                       pr_list (pp_pattern 100 "| ") nothing pats')
788              )
789             end)
790       )
791     fun contains_const c t = can (find_term (same_const c)) t;
792     fun contains_consts l t =
793           isSome (List.find (fn c => contains_const c t) l);
794     fun pp tm =
795       let val eqns = map (snd o strip_forall)
796                          (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall tm)))
797           val clauses = partitions same_fn eqns (* term list list *)
798           val rhsides = map rhs eqns
799           val lhsides = eqns |> map lhs |> filter is_fn_app
800                              |> map (fst o strip_comb)
801                              |> filter (not o same_const IN_tm)
802           val possibly_recursive =
803                 isSome (List.find (contains_consts lhsides) rhsides)
804           val s = if possibly_recursive then "let rec" else "let"
805           val clauses' = (s,hd clauses)::map (pair "and") (tl clauses)
806       in B 0 (pr_list pp_clauses add_newline clauses')
807       end
808 in
809    pp
810 end;
813(* Now print datatype declarations in ML. First tweak the existing type      *)
814(* prettyprinter so it generates syntactically correct ML types              *)
817fun adjust_tygram tygram =
818 let open type_grammar HOLgrammars
819     val g0 = List.foldl (fn (s,g) => remove_binary_tyop g s)
820                         tygram
821                         ["+", "#", "|->", "**"]
822 in
823   new_binary_tyop g0 {precedence = 70, infix_form = "*",
824                       opname = "prod", associativity = NONASSOC}
825 end;
827fun prim_pp_type_as_ML tygram ppstrm =
828   trace ("Greek tyvars",0)
829      (type_pp.pp_type (adjust_tygram tygram) PPBackEnd.raw_terminal ppstrm)
831fun pp_type_as_ML ppstrm = prim_pp_type_as_ML (Parse.type_grammar()) ppstrm;
834(* Elements of a theory presentation.                                        *)
837datatype elem
838    = DEFN of thm
839    | DEFN_NOSIG of thm
840    | DATATYPE of hol_type quotation
841    | EQDATATYPE of string list * hol_type quotation
842    | ABSDATATYPE of string list * hol_type quotation
843    | OPEN of string list
844    | MLSIG of string
845    | MLSTRUCT of string;
848(* Internal version of elem (nearly identical, except that datatype          *)
849(* declarations have been parsed) and some standard definitions from         *)
850(* datatypes (e.g. size functions) and record types (accessor and field      *)
851(* update functions) are automatically added.                                *)
854datatype elem_internal
855    = iDEFN of thm
856    | iDEFN_NOSIG of thm
857    | iDATATYPE of ParseDatatype.AST list
858    | iEQDATATYPE of string list * ParseDatatype.AST list
859    | iABSDATATYPE of string list * ParseDatatype.AST list
860    | iOPEN of string list
861    | iMLSIG of string
862    | iMLSTRUCT of string;
866(* A datatype declaration results in some extra HOL function definitions     *)
867(* being automatically made. These are, usually, invisible to the user, but  *)
868(* are important and usually need to have ML generated for them.  Currently, *)
869(* only the access and update functions for records are generated. We used   *)
870(* to also write out the size functions for datatypes as well, but they were *)
871(* not used, so they are going for the time being.                           *)
872(*                                                                           *)
873(* In many cases suitable update and access functions are defined by the     *)
874(* datatype package and stuck into the TypeBase. However, large records are  *)
875(* modelled differently, for efficiency. The threshold number of fields is   *)
876(* controlled by Datatype.big_record_size. A big record has a different      *)
877(* shape, i.e., recursion theorem. To handle such records, we generate       *)
878(* fake "theorems" of the right form. This should be OK, as they are only    *)
879(* created for exporting the ML functions, and they are tagged. In fact, all *)
880(* record declarations are handled by the following code.                    *)
883fun diag vlist flist = tl
884  (itlist2 (fn v => fn f => fn A =>
885           case A of [] => [[v],[f v]]
886                   | h::t => (v::h) :: (f v::h) :: map (cons v) t)
887         vlist flist []);
889fun gen_updates ty fields =
890 let open pairSyntax
891     val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
892     fun mk_upd_const (fname,_) =
893       let
894         val rpty = Pretype.fromType ty
895         val op -=> = Pretype.mk_fun_ty infix -=>
896         open errormonad
897         val upd_ptyM = lift2 (fn ty1 => fn ty2 => ty1 -=> (rpty -=> ty2))
898                              Pretype.new_uvar Pretype.new_uvar
899         val ln = locn.Loc_None
900         val qid = Absyn.QIDENT(ln, Thy, Tyop^"_"^fname^"_fupd")
901         val ptm0_M = Parse.absyn_to_preterm qid
902         val ptm_M =
903             lift2 (fn ptm0 => fn upd_pty =>
904                       Preterm.Constrained{Locn = ln, Ptm = ptm0, Ty = upd_pty})
905                   ptm0_M upd_ptyM
906         val toTerm = ptm_M >- (fn pt =>
907                      Preterm.typecheck_phase1 NONE pt >> Preterm.to_term pt)
908       in
909         with_flag (Globals.guessing_tyvars, true)
910                   (Preterm.smash toTerm)
911                   Pretype.Env.empty
912       end
913     val upds = map mk_upd_const fields
914     val fns = map (fn upd_t => mk_var ("f", #1(dom_rng (type_of upd_t)))) upds
915     val fake_tyc = mk_record_vconstr(Tyop,list_mk_fun(map snd fields, ty))
916     val vars = itlist
917          (fn (n,(_,ty)) => fn acc =>
918              mk_var("v"^int_to_string n,ty) :: acc)
919          (enumerate 1 fields) []
920     val pat = list_mk_comb(fake_tyc,vars)
921     val lefts = map2 (fn upd => fn f => list_mk_comb(upd,[f,pat])) upds fns
922     val diags = diag vars (map (curry mk_comb) fns)
923     fun mapthis (l, d) = let
924       val rtys = map type_of d
925       val rtyc = mk_record_vconstr(Tyop, list_mk_fun(rtys, type_of l))
926     in
927       mk_eq(l, list_mk_comb(rtyc, d))
928     end
929     val eqns = ListPair.map mapthis (lefts, diags)
930     val mk_thm = mk_oracle_thm "EmitML fake thm"
931 in
932   map (curry mk_thm []) eqns
933 end
934 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "gen_updates" e;
936fun gen_accesses ty fields =
937 let open pairSyntax
938     val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
939     fun mk_proj_const (fname,fty) =
940         mk_thy_const{Name=Tyop^"_"^fname,Thy=Thy, Ty = ty --> fty}
941     val projs = map mk_proj_const fields
942     val fake_tyc = mk_record_vconstr(Tyop,list_mk_fun(map snd fields, ty))
943     val vars = itlist
944          (fn (n,(_,ty)) => fn acc =>
945             mk_var("v"^int_to_string n,ty) :: acc)
946          (enumerate 1 fields) []
947     val pat = list_mk_comb(fake_tyc,vars)
948     val lefts = map (fn proj => mk_comb(proj,pat)) projs
949     val eqns = rev(map2 (curry mk_eq) lefts vars)
950     val mk_thm = mk_oracle_thm "EmitML fake thm"
951 in
952   map (curry mk_thm []) eqns
953 end
954 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "gen_accesses" e;
956fun datatype_silent_defs tyAST =
957 let val tyop = hd (map fst tyAST)
958     val tyrecd = hd (Type.decls tyop)
959 in
960  if tyop = "num" then [] else
961  case TypeBase.read tyrecd
962   of NONE => (WARN "datatype_silent_defs"
963                ("No info in the TypeBase for "^Lib.quote tyop); [])
964   | SOME tyinfo =>
965     let open TypeBasePure
966          val size_def = [] (* [snd (valOf(size_of tyinfo))] handle _ => [] *)
967          val (updates_defs, access_defs) =
968            case fields_of tyinfo  (* test for record type *)
969             of [] => ([],[])
970              | fields => let val ty = ty_of tyinfo
971                          in (gen_updates ty fields, gen_accesses ty fields)
972                          end
973     in
974       map (iDEFN o !reshape_thm_hook)
975           (size_def @ updates_defs @ access_defs)
976     end
977 end;
980(* Map from external presentation to internal                                *)
983(* Ocaml won't accept capitalized types            *)
984(* Adds abbreviations with lowercase first letters *)
986fun ocaml_type_abbrevs decls =
988  val type_names = map fst decls
989  val candidate_tyis =
990        TypeBasePure.get (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) (hd type_names)
991  val newtypes = if null candidate_tyis then [] else
992                   Prim_rec.doms_of_tyaxiom
993                     (TypeBasePure.axiom_of (hd candidate_tyis))
994  fun do_abbrev(name, typ) =
995        if Char.isUpper (String.sub(name,0)) then
996          Parse.temp_type_abbrev(lowerize name, typ)
997        else
998          ()
1000  if length type_names = length newtypes then
1001    app do_abbrev (zip type_names newtypes)
1002  else
1003    ()
1007  open ParseDatatype
1008  fun cmk s = {name = s, terms = Term.decls s}
1009  fun rmk s =
1010    {name = s, terms = Term.decls (RecordType.mk_recordtype_constructor s)}
1012fun constructors decls =
1013    case decls of
1014        [] => []
1015      | (s, Constructors clist) :: rst => map (cmk o #1) clist @ constructors rst
1016      | (s,Record flds)::rst => rmk s :: constructors rst
1018fun constrl [] = []
1019  | constrl ((s,Constructors clist)::rst) = (s,clist)::constrl rst
1020  | constrl ((s,Record flds)::rst) =
1021      (s, [(RecordType.mk_recordtype_constructor s,map snd flds)])::constrl rst
1028fun elemi (DEFN th) (cs,il) = (cs,iDEFN (!reshape_thm_hook th) :: il)
1029  | elemi (DEFN_NOSIG th) (cs,il) = (cs,iDEFN_NOSIG (!reshape_thm_hook th)::il)
1030  | elemi (DATATYPE q) (cs,il) =
1031       let val tyAST = ParseDatatype.hparse (type_grammar()) q
1032           val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1033           val defs = datatype_silent_defs tyAST
1034       in (cs, defs @ (iDATATYPE tyAST :: il))
1035       end
1036  | elemi (EQDATATYPE(sl,q)) (cs,il) =
1037       let val tyAST = ParseDatatype.hparse (type_grammar()) q
1038           val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1039           val defs = datatype_silent_defs tyAST
1040       in (cs,defs @ (iEQDATATYPE(sl,tyAST) :: il))
1041       end
1042  | elemi (ABSDATATYPE(sl,q)) (cs,il) = (* build rewrites for pseudo constrs *)
1043     let open ParseDatatype
1044         val tyAST = hparse (type_grammar()) q
1045         val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1046         val pconstrs = constrl tyAST
1047         val constr_names = flatten(map (map fst o snd) pconstrs)
1048         val constr_arities = flatten(map (map (length o snd) o snd) pconstrs)
1049         val constrs = map (hd o Term.decls) constr_names
1050         val constrs' = zip constrs constr_arities
1051         fun is_multi (_,n) = n >= 2
1052         val mconstrs = filter is_multi constrs'
1053         val _ = List.app new_pseudo_constr mconstrs
1054         (* val _ = schedule this call for exported theory *)
1055      in
1056        (mconstrs@cs, iABSDATATYPE(sl,tyAST) :: il)
1057      end
1058  | elemi (OPEN sl) (cs,il) = (cs,iOPEN sl :: il)
1059  | elemi (MLSIG s) (cs,il) = (cs,iMLSIG s :: il)
1060  | elemi (MLSTRUCT s) (cs,il) = (cs,iMLSTRUCT s :: il);
1062fun internalize elems =
1063  let val (cs, ielems) = rev_itlist elemi elems ([],[])
1064  in (rev cs, rev ielems)
1065  end;
1067local open ParseDatatype
1068fun replace f (v as dVartype _) = v
1069  | replace f (aq as dAQ _)     = aq
1070  | replace f (dTyop{Tyop,Thy,Args}) =
1071      f Tyop handle _ => dTyop{Tyop=Tyop,Thy=Thy,Args=map (replace f) Args}
1073fun replaceForm f (Constructors alist) =
1074                   Constructors (map (I##map (replace f)) alist)
1075  | replaceForm f other = other
1077fun pretype_of ty =
1078   dVartype(dest_vartype ty)
1079   handle _ =>
1080     let val (s,args) = dest_type ty
1081     in dTyop{Tyop=s,Thy=NONE,Args=map pretype_of args}
1082     end
1086(* Initially, datatype descriptions do not have arguments to the type        *)
1087(* operators being defined. This function finds out what they should be      *)
1088(* and substitutes them through the rhs of the datatype declaration.         *)
1089(* The DATATYPE description requires looking info up in the type base, in    *)
1090(* order to see what order multiple type variables should be in. The         *)
1091(* EQDATATYPE clause expects the type variables to be given in the correct   *)
1092(* order in the first argument.                                              *)
1095fun repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE decls) =
1096     let val type_names = map fst decls
1097         val candidate_tyis =
1098             TypeBasePure.get (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) (hd type_names)
1099         val tyax = TypeBasePure.axiom_of (hd candidate_tyis)
1100         val newtypes = Prim_rec.doms_of_tyaxiom tyax
1101         val tyvars = map dest_vartype (snd (dest_type (hd newtypes)))
1102         val alist = map (fn x => (fst(dest_type x),pretype_of x)) newtypes
1103         fun alist_fn name = snd (valOf (assoc1 name alist))
1104     in
1105        (tyvars, map (I##replaceForm alist_fn) decls)
1106     end
1107  | repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,decls)) =
1108     let open ParseDatatype
1109         val tyvarsl = map dVartype tyvars
1110         val tynames = map fst decls
1111         val newtypes = map (fn s => dTyop{Tyop=s,Thy=NONE,Args=tyvarsl}) tynames
1112         val alist = zip tynames newtypes
1113         fun alist_fn name = snd (valOf (assoc1 name alist))
1114     in
1115       (tyvars, map (I##replaceForm alist_fn) decls)
1116     end
1117  | repair_type_decls (iABSDATATYPE stuff) = repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE stuff)
1118  | repair_type_decls arg = raise ERR "repair_type_decls" "unexpected input";
1120fun pp_datatype_as_ML (tyvars,decls) =
1121 let open Portable ParseDatatype PP smpp
1122     val fix_cons = fix_reserved o capitalize
1123     val fix_type = fix_reserved o lowerize
1124     val ppty = pp_type_as_ML
1125     fun pp_comp_ty ty =
1126          if Lib.can dom_rng ty orelse is_pair_type ty
1127          then (add_string "(" >> ppty ty >> add_string")")
1128          else ppty ty
1129     fun pp_tyl tyl =
1130        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1131          pr_list pp_comp_ty (add_string" *" >> add_break(1,0)) tyl
1132        )
1133     fun pp_tyvars [] = nothing
1134       | pp_tyvars [v] = add_string v >> add_break(1,0)
1135       | pp_tyvars vlist =
1136          B 1 (
1137           add_string"(" >>
1138           pr_list add_string (add_string",") vlist >>
1139           add_string")"
1140          )
1141     fun pp_clause r clause =
1142       (if !r then (r := false; add_string "= ") else add_string "| ") >>
1143       (case clause of
1144            (con,[]) => add_string (fix_cons con)
1145          | (con,args) =>
1146              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1147                 B 0 (add_string (fix_cons con) >> add_string " of ") >>
1148                 pp_tyl (map ParseDatatype.pretypeToType args)
1149              )
1150       )
1151     fun pp_decl (tyvars,r) (name,Constructors clauselist) =
1152           B 5 (
1153             B 0 (
1154               (if !r then
1155                  (r := false;
1156                   add_string (if !emitOcaml then "type" else "datatype"))
1157                else
1158                  nothing) >>
1159               add_break(1,0) >> pp_tyvars tyvars >> add_string (fix_type name)
1160             ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
1161             B 0 (
1162              pr_list (pp_clause (ref true)) (add_break(1,0)) clauselist
1163             )
1164           )
1165       | pp_decl (tyvars,_) (name,Record flist) =
1166           let open ParseDatatype
1167               val fields = map (I##pretypeToType) flist
1168           in
1169             B 0 (
1170               add_string (if !emitOcaml then "type" else "datatype") >>
1171               add_break(1,0) >>
1172               pp_tyvars tyvars >>
1173               add_string(fix_type name^" = ") >>
1174               add_string(fix_cons name^" of ") >>
1175               pp_tyl (map snd fields)
1176             )
1177           end
1178 in
1179    B 0 (
1180      pr_list (pp_decl (tyvars,ref true))
1181              (add_newline >> add_string "and" >> add_newline)
1182              decls
1183    )
1184 end;
1187(* Get the name of all constants introduced by the definition. Probably      *)
1188(* won't work in general for constant specifications.                        *)
1191fun consts_of_def thm =
1192  let val eqns = strip_conj (snd (strip_forall (concl thm)))
1193      val allCs = map (fst o strip_comb o lhs o snd o strip_forall) eqns
1194  in op_mk_set same_const allCs
1195  end;
1197fun original_type name ty =
1198let val l = size name
1199    val s = if String.sub(name,0) = #" " andalso String.sub(name,l - 1) = #" "
1200            then String.substring(name,1,l - 2)
1201            else name
1202    val d = decls s
1203            handle Option => raise ERR "original_type"
1204               ("Cannot find " ^ quote name ^ Hol_pp.type_to_string ty)
1205    val tm = valOf (List.find (fn t => can (match_type ty) (type_of t)) d)
1207  type_of tm
1210fun pp_sig (s,elems) =
1211 let open Portable PP smpp
1212    val ppty = pp_type_as_ML
1213    val pp_datatype = pp_datatype_as_ML
1214    fun pp_eqdatatype b (tyvars,astl) =
1215     let val tynames = map fst astl
1216         val tys = map (fn s => (tyvars,s)) tynames
1217         fun pp_tydec (tyvars,s) =
1218           B 0 (
1219             add_string (if b andalso not (!emitOcaml)
1220                         then "eqtype " else "type ") >>
1221             (if null tyvars then add_string s
1222              else if List.length tyvars = 1 then
1223                add_string (hd tyvars) >> add_string(" "^s)
1224              else
1225                add_string "(" >>
1226                pr_list add_string (add_string",") tyvars >>
1227                add_string(") "^s))
1228           )
1229     in
1230       block CONSISTENT 0 (
1231         pr_list pp_tydec add_newline (map (pair tyvars) tynames)
1232       )
1233     end
1234    fun pp_valdec c =
1235     let val (is_type_cons,_,name,ty) = ConstMapML.apply c
1236         val ty = if !emitOcaml then original_type name ty else ty
1237     in
1238       B 3 (
1239        add_string "val " >>
1240        add_string (fix_name ("",is_type_cons,name)) >> add_break(1,0) >>
1241        add_string ": " >> ppty ty
1242       )
1243     end
1244    fun pp_el (iDATATYPE astl) = pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE astl))
1245      | pp_el (iEQDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) = pp_eqdatatype true (tyvarsl,astl)
1246      | pp_el (iABSDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) = pp_eqdatatype false (tyvarsl,astl)
1247      | pp_el (iDEFN thm) =
1248            pr_list pp_valdec add_newline (consts_of_def thm)
1249      | pp_el (iMLSIG s) = add_string s
1250      | pp_el (iDEFN_NOSIG thm) = nothing
1251      | pp_el (iMLSTRUCT s) = nothing
1252      | pp_el (iOPEN slist) = nothing
1253 in
1254   B 0 (
1255     add_string ((if !emitOcaml then "module type " else "signature ") ^
1256                 ML s ^ " =") >>
1257     add_newline >>
1258     B 2 (
1259       add_string "sig" >> add_newline >>
1260       B 0 (
1261         pr_list pp_el add_newline
1262             (filter (fn (iDEFN_NOSIG _) => false
1263                       | (iOPEN _) => false
1264                       | (iMLSTRUCT _) => false
1265                       | otherwise => true) elems)
1266       )
1267     ) >>
1268     add_newline >>
1269     add_string "end" >> add_newline
1270   )
1271 end
1272 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "pp_sig" e;
1274val MLinfixes =
1275  String.fields Char.isSpace "* / div mod + - ^ @ <> > < >= <= := o before";
1277fun pp_struct (s,elems,cnames) =
1278 let open Portable PP smpp
1279    val openthys = ref []
1280    fun opens() = !openthys
1281    val pp_datatype = pp_datatype_as_ML
1282    fun pp_el (iDATATYPE astl) = pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE astl))
1283      | pp_el (iEQDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) =
1284           pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE(tyvarsl,astl)))
1285      | pp_el (iABSDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) =
1286           pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iABSDATATYPE(tyvarsl,astl)))
1287      | pp_el (iDEFN thm) =
1288           (if !emitOcaml then pp_defn_as_OCAML else pp_defn_as_ML)
1289             (s::opens())
1290             (concl thm)
1291      | pp_el (iDEFN_NOSIG thm) = pp_el (iDEFN thm)
1292      | pp_el (iMLSIG s) = nothing
1293      | pp_el (iMLSTRUCT s) = add_string s >> add_newline
1294      | pp_el (iOPEN slist) = (openthys := union slist (!openthys);
1295                               B 0 (
1296                                 pr_list
1297                                   (add_string o curry String.^ "open " o ML)
1298                                   add_newline slist >>
1299                                 add_newline
1300                               ))
1301    val (struct_mod, punct) = if !emitOcaml then
1302                                ("module ", " : ")
1303                              else
1304                                ("structure ", " :> ")
1305 in
1306   block CONSISTENT 0 (
1307     add_string (struct_mod ^ ML s ^ punct ^ ML s ^ " =") >>
1308     add_newline >>
1309     block CONSISTENT 2 (
1310       add_string "struct" >> add_newline >>
1311       block CONSISTENT 0 (
1312         (if !emitOcaml then nothing
1313          else
1314            block INCONSISTENT 7 (
1315              add_string"nonfix " >>
1316              pr_list add_string (add_break(1,0)) (union cnames MLinfixes) >>
1317              add_string ";"
1318            ) >> add_newline) >>
1319         add_newline >>
1320         pr_list pp_el add_newline
1321           (filter (fn (iMLSIG _) => false | otherwise => true) elems)
1322       )
1323     ) >> add_newline >>
1324     add_string"end" >> add_newline
1325   )
1326 end
1327 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "pp_struct" e;
1331(* Dealing with eqtypes. When a HOL function uses equality on the rhs, the   *)
1332(* type of the function does not reflect this. However, in ML, eqtypes       *)
1333(* are used to signal this. The compiler generates code for the equality     *)
1334(* test in that case. So we need to take a HOL definition and compute an ML  *)
1335(* type for it, which can include eqtypes. The strategy taken is to search   *)
1336(* the rhs for any constants whose generic type has eqtype constraints on    *)
1337(* some type variables. By matching the generic constant against the instance*)
1338(* we can find if any eqtype variables are bound to polymorphic types. If so,*)
1339(* the type variables in the polymorphic type get the eqtype attribute.      *)
1342fun is_eqtyvar ty =
1343  (case String.explode (dest_vartype ty)
1344    of #"'" :: #"'" ::rst => true
1345     | otherwise => false)
1346   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "is_eqtyvar" "not a type variable";
1348fun tyvar_to_eqtyvar ty =
1349 let val tyname = dest_vartype ty
1350 in
1351  case String.explode tyname
1352   of #"'" :: #"'" :: _ => raise ERR "tyvar_to_eqtyvar" "already an eqtyvar"
1353    | #"'" :: _ => with_flag (Feedback.emit_WARNING,false)
1354                     mk_vartype ("'"^tyname)
1355    | otherwise => raise ERR "tyvar_to_eqtyvar" "unexpected syntax"
1356 end;
1358fun const_eqtyvars genty c2 =
1359 let val bindings = match_type genty (type_of c2)
1360     val bindings' = Lib.filter (is_eqtyvar o #redex) bindings
1361     val bindings'' = Lib.filter (polymorphic o #residue) bindings'
1362 in
1363    Type.type_varsl (map #residue bindings'')
1364  end;
1366fun generic_const thy name = Term.prim_mk_const{Thy=thy,Name=name};
1369(* Gets possibly eq-style type from const map.                               *)
1372fun generic_type c =
1373   #4 (ConstMapML.apply c) handle HOL_ERR _ => type_of c;
1375fun term_eqtyvars tm =
1376 case dest_term tm
1377  of CONST _     => const_eqtyvars (generic_type tm) tm
1378   | VAR _       => []
1379   | COMB(t1,t2) => union (term_eqtyvars t1) (term_eqtyvars t2)
1380   | LAMB(_,tm)  => term_eqtyvars tm;
1383(* Translate the type of a defined constant to reflect any uses of equality  *)
1384(* in the body of the definition.                                            *)
1387fun munge_def_type def =
1388 let val (L,R) = unzip (map (dest_eq o snd o strip_forall)
1389                            (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall (concl def)))))
1390     val clist = op_mk_set same_const (map (fst o strip_comb) L)
1391     val tainted = U (map term_eqtyvars R)
1392     val theta = map (fn tyv => tyv |-> tyvar_to_eqtyvar tyv) tainted
1393 in
1394   map (inst theta) clist
1395 end
1396 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "munge_def_type" e;
1399(* Get the newly introduced constants out of a list of function definitions  *)
1400(* and datatype definitions. We have to be aware that a constant may have    *)
1401(* been defined in an ancestor theory.                                       *)
1404fun add (is_constr, s) {name, terms} = let
1405  fun perterm c =
1406    case ConstMapML.exact_peek c of
1407        NONE => ConstMapML.prim_insert(c, (is_constr, s, name, type_of c))
1408      | SOME _ => ()
1410  List.app perterm terms
1413fun install_consts _ [] k = k ([], [])
1414  | install_consts s (iDEFN_NOSIG thm::rst) k = install_consts s (iDEFN thm::rst) k
1415  | install_consts s (iDEFN thm::rst) k =
1416       let val clist0 = munge_def_type thm
1417           val clist =
1418               (* IN is only allowed to be defined in the setML module/structure;
1419                  due to the special-case of MEM, listML may appear to define it too
1420                *)
1421               if s <> "set" then filter (not o same_const IN_tm) clist0
1422               else clist0
1423           val _ = List.app
1424                     (fn c => add (false, s) {name = nameOfC c, terms = [c]})
1425                     clist
1426       in
1427         install_consts s rst
1428                        (fn (cs, nms) => k (clist @ cs, map nameOfC clist @ nms))
1429       end
1430  | install_consts s (iDATATYPE ty::rst) k =
1431      let
1432        val constrs = constructors ty
1433        val allterms = U (map #terms constrs)
1434        val _ = List.app (add (true, s)) constrs
1435      in
1436        install_consts s rst
1437          (fn (cs,nms) => k (allterms @ cs, map #name constrs @ nms))
1438      end
1439  | install_consts s (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k =
1440      let
1441        val constrs = constructors ty
1442        val allterms = U (map #terms constrs)
1443        val _ = List.app (add (true, s)) constrs
1444      in
1445        install_consts s rst
1446          (fn (cs,nms) => k (allterms @ cs, map #name constrs @ nms))
1447      end
1448  | install_consts s (iABSDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k =
1449      install_consts s (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k
1450  | install_consts s (other::rst) k = install_consts s rst k;
1454(* Append code to the theory file that will load the const map with the      *)
1455(* definitions and datatype constructors exported as ML.                     *)
1458fun emit_adjoin_call thy (consts,pcs) = let
1459  fun extern_pc (c,a) =
1460      let val {Thy=thy,Name=n,...} = dest_thy_const c
1461          val n' = mlquote n
1462          val thy' = mlquote thy
1463      in ("(prim_mk_const{Name="^n'^",Thy="^thy'^"},"^Int.toString a^")")
1464     end
1465  fun safetyprint ty = String.toString
1466                        (trace ("Unicode",0)
1467                           (HOLPP.pp_to_string 10000
1468                              (Parse.mlower o
1469                               type_pp.pp_type (fst Parse.min_grammars)
1470                                               PPBackEnd.raw_terminal))
1471                           ty)
1473  fun pr3 ({Name,Thy,Ty}, (b,s2,ty)) = let
1474    open PP smpp
1475    val S = add_string
1476    val BB = block INCONSISTENT 0
1477    fun brk n = add_break (1,n)
1478    fun ppty ty =
1479      BB (S "typ" >> brk 0 >> S "\"" >> S (safetyprint Ty) >> S "\"")
1480  in
1481    S "(" >> BB (
1482      S "{" >> BB (
1483        BB (S "Name =" >> brk 0 >> S (mlquote Name ^ ",")) >> brk 0 >>
1484        BB (S "Thy =" >> brk 0 >> S (mlquote Thy ^",")) >> brk 0 >>
1485        BB (S "Ty =" >> brk 2 >> ppty Ty)
1486      )  >> S "}," >> brk 0 >>
1487     S "(" >> BB (
1488       S (Bool.toString b ^ ",") >> brk 0 >>
1489       S (Lib.mlquote s2 ^ ",") >> brk 0 >>
1490       ppty ty
1491      ) >> S ")"
1492    ) >> S ")"
1493  end
1494 in
1495  Theory.adjoin_to_theory
1496  {sig_ps = NONE,
1497   struct_ps = SOME (fn _ =>
1498    let open PP
1499        val S = add_string
1500        val BR = add_break
1501        val B = PP.block PP.CONSISTENT 0
1502        fun getdata c = let
1503          val (b,pfx,s,ty) = ConstMapML.apply c
1504        in
1505          (b,s,ty)
1506        end
1507    in
1508      B (
1509        [
1510        S "val _ = ", NL,
1511        S "   let open Parse", NL,
1512        S "       fun doit (r,(b,s,ty)) = ", NL,
1513        S "         let val c = Term.mk_thy_const r", NL,
1514        S ("         in ConstMapML.prim_insert(c,(b,"^Lib.quote thy^",s,ty))"),
1515        NL,
1516        S "         end", NL,
1517        S "       fun typ s = Feedback.trace(\"Vartype Format Complaint\", 0)\n\
1518          \                      (#1 (parse_from_grammars min_grammars))\n\
1519          \                      [QUOTE (\":\"^s)]", NL,
1520        S "   in", NL,
1521        S "     List.app doit [", NL,
1522        S "       ",
1523        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1524          pr_list (Parse.mlower o pr3) [S",", BR(1,0)]
1525                  (map (fn c => (dest_thy_const c, getdata c)) consts)
1526        ), NL,
1527        S "     ]", NL,
1528        S "   end", NL, NL] @
1529        (if null pcs then []
1530         else [
1531           S "val _ = List.app EmitML.new_pseudo_constr", NL,
1532           S "                 [",
1533           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1534             pr_list S [S",", BR(1,0)] (map extern_pc pcs)
1535           ),
1536           S"]", NL, NL
1537         ])
1538      )
1539    end)}
1540   handle e => raise ERR "emit_adjoin_call" ""
1541 end;
1544(* Write the ML out to a signature and structure file. We first run over the *)
1545(* definitions and lift out the newly defined constants. These get inserted  *)
1546(* into the "const map", which is accessed when prettyprinting the           *)
1547(* definitions. We also have to detect eqtypes and ensure that the const map *)
1548(* is properly updated when the theory is loaded.                            *)
1551fun emit_xML (Ocaml,sigSuffix,structSuffix) p (s,elems_0) =
1552 let val _ = emitOcaml := Ocaml
1553     val (pcs,elems) = internalize elems_0  (* pcs = pseudo-constrs *)
1554     val path = if p="" then FileSys.getDir() else p
1555     val pathPrefix = Path.concat(path, capitalize s)
1556     val sigfile = pathPrefix^ sigSuffix
1557     val structfile = pathPrefix^ structSuffix
1558     fun trydelete s = OS.FileSys.remove s handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
1559     fun cleanFiles() = (trydelete sigfile; trydelete structfile)
1560 in
1561   let val sigStrm = TextIO.openOut sigfile
1562       val structStrm = TextIO.openOut structfile
1563       val out = curry TextIO.output
1564       val (consts, usednames) = install_consts s elems (fn x => x)
1565   in
1566   (PP.prettyPrint(out sigStrm, 75) (Parse.mlower (pp_sig (s,elems)));
1567    PP.prettyPrint(out structStrm, 75)
1568                  (Parse.mlower (pp_struct (s,elems,usednames)));
1569    TextIO.closeOut sigStrm;
1570    TextIO.closeOut structStrm;
1571    HOL_MESG ("emitML: " ^ s ^ "{" ^ sigSuffix ^ "," ^ structSuffix ^ "}\n\
1572              \ written to directory "^path);
1573    emit_adjoin_call s (consts,pcs)
1574   )
1575   handle e => (List.app TextIO.closeOut [sigStrm, structStrm];
1576                cleanFiles();
1577                raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "emitML" e)
1578   end handle Io _ =>
1579              raise mk_HOL_ERR "EmitML" "emitML"
1580                    ("I/O error prevented exporting files to "^Lib.quote path)
1581 end
1583val emit_xML =
1584    (fn info => fn p => fn stuff =>
1585                           Feedback.trace ("Unicode", 0)
1586                                          (emit_xML info p)
1587                                          stuff)
1589val emitML = emit_xML (false,!sigSuffix,!structSuffix);
1591val emitCAML = emit_xML (true,!sigCamlSuffix,!structCamlSuffix);
1593fun eSML d l = with_flag (type_pp.pp_array_types, false)
1594                 (emitML (!Globals.emitMLDir)) (d, l);
1595fun eCAML d l = with_flag (type_pp.pp_array_types, false)
1596                 (emitCAML (!Globals.emitCAMLDir)) (d, l);
1598fun MLSIGSTRUCT ll =
1599  foldr (fn (x,l) => MLSIG x :: MLSTRUCT x :: l) [] (ll @ [""]);
1601val pp_datatype_as_ML = fn dty => Parse.mlower (pp_datatype_as_ML dty)
1602val pp_defn_as_ML = fn sl => Parse.mlower o pp_defn_as_ML sl
1603val pp_term_as_ML = fn sl => fn sd => Parse.mlower o pp_term_as_ML sl sd
1604val pp_type_as_ML = Parse.mlower o pp_type_as_ML
1606end (* struct *)