1(* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Tjark Weber. All rights reserved. *)
3(* Functions to invoke the Yices SMT solver *)
5structure Yices = struct
7  (* FIXME: Yices 1.0.29 only supports linear arithmetic, bit-vector shifts by
8            a numeric constant, etc.  We do not check these side conditions on
9            arguments at the moment, therefore possibly producing invalid Yices
10            input. *)
12  (* translation of HOL terms into Yices' input syntax -- currently, all types
13     and terms except the following are treated as uninterpreted:
14     - types: 'bool', 'num', 'int', 'real', 'fun', 'prod', word types, data
15              types, record types
16     - terms: Boolean connectives (T, F, ==>, /\, \/, ~, if-then-else,
17              bool-case), quantifiers (!, ?), numeric literals, arithmetic
18              operators (SUC, +, -, *, /, ~, DIV, MOD, ABS, MIN, MAX), function
19              application, lambda abstraction, tuple selectors FST and SND,
20              various word operations, data type constructors, data type case
21              constants, record field selectors, record updates *)
23  val Yices_types = [
24    (("min", "bool"), "bool", ""),
25    (("num", "num"), "nat", ""),
26    (("integer", "int"), "int", ""),
27    (("realax", "real"), "real", ""),
28    (* Yices considers "-> X Y Z" and "-> X (-> Y Z)" different types. We use
29       the latter only. *)
30    (("min", "fun"), "->", ""),
31    (* Likewise, we only use tuples of arity 2. *)
32    (("pair", "prod"), "tuple", "")
33  ]
35  (* many HOL operators can be translated by simply mapping them to the
36     corresponding Yices operator, or to a function that we define in Yices
37     ourselves (the last component of each tuple is the function's
38     definition) *)
39  val Yices_operator_terms = [
40    (boolSyntax.T, "true", ""),
41    (boolSyntax.F, "false", ""),
42    (boolSyntax.equality, "=", ""),
43    (boolSyntax.implication, "=>", ""),
44    (boolSyntax.conjunction, "and", ""),
45    (boolSyntax.disjunction, "or", ""),
46    (boolSyntax.negation, "not", ""),
47    (boolSyntax.conditional, "ite", ""),
48    (numSyntax.suc_tm, "+ 1", ""),
49    (numSyntax.plus_tm, "+", ""),
50    (* in HOL, 's1 < s2' implies 's1 - s2 = 0' for naturals; Yices however
51       would consider 's1 - s2' a negative integer *)
52    (numSyntax.minus_tm, "hol_num_minus",
53       "(define hol_num_minus::(-> nat nat nat) " ^
54         "(lambda (x::nat y::nat) (ite (< x y) 0 (- x y))))"),
55    (numSyntax.mult_tm, "*", ""),
56    (* 'x div 0' and 'x mod 0' are unspecified in HOL, but not type-correct in
57       Yices and, therefore, treated quite weirdly: Yices claims that, e.g.,
58       'x = 42 div 0' is unsatisfiable. Similar for div/mod on integers. *)
59    (numSyntax.div_tm, "hol_num_div",
60       "(define hol_num_div0::(-> nat nat))\n" ^
61         "(define hol_num_div::(-> nat nat nat) (lambda (x::nat y::nat) " ^
62         "(ite (= y 0) (hol_num_div0 x) (div x y))))"),
63    (numSyntax.mod_tm, "hol_num_mod",
64       "(define hol_num_mod0::(-> nat nat))\n" ^
65         "(define hol_num_mod::(-> nat nat nat) (lambda (x::nat y::nat) " ^
66         "(ite (= y 0) (hol_num_mod0 x) (mod x y))))"),
67    (numSyntax.min_tm, "hol_num_min",
68       "(define hol_num_min::(-> nat nat nat) (lambda (x::nat y::nat) " ^
69         "(ite (< x y) x y)))"),
70    (numSyntax.max_tm, "hol_num_max",
71       "(define hol_num_max::(-> nat nat nat) (lambda (x::nat y::nat) " ^
72         "(ite (< x y) y x)))"),
73    (numSyntax.less_tm, "<", ""),
74    (numSyntax.leq_tm, "<=", ""),
75    (numSyntax.greater_tm, ">", ""),
76    (numSyntax.geq_tm, ">=", ""),
77    (intSyntax.negate_tm, "- 0", ""),
78    (intSyntax.absval_tm, "hol_int_abs",
79       "(define hol_int_abs::(-> int int) (lambda (x::int) " ^
80         "(ite (< x 0) (- 0 x) x)))"),
81    (intSyntax.plus_tm, "+", ""),
82    (intSyntax.minus_tm, "-", ""),
83    (intSyntax.mult_tm, "*", ""),
84    (intSyntax.div_tm, "hol_int_div",
85       "(define hol_int_div0::(-> int int))\n" ^
86         "(define hol_int_div::(-> int int int) (lambda (x::int y::int) " ^
87         "(ite (= y 0) (hol_int_div0 x) (div x y))))"),
88    (intSyntax.mod_tm, "hol_int_mod",
89       "(define hol_int_mod0::(-> int int))\n" ^
90         "(define hol_int_mod::(-> int int int) (lambda (x::int y::int) " ^
91         "(ite (= y 0) (hol_int_mod0 x) (mod x y))))"),
92    (intSyntax.min_tm, "hol_int_min",
93       "(define hol_int_min::(-> int int int) (lambda (x::int y::int) " ^
94         "(ite (< x y) x y)))"),
95    (intSyntax.max_tm, "hol_int_max",
96       "(define hol_int_max::(-> int int int) (lambda (x::int y::int) " ^
97         "(ite (< x y) y x)))"),
98    (intSyntax.less_tm, "<", ""),
99    (intSyntax.leq_tm, "<=", ""),
100    (intSyntax.great_tm, ">", ""),
101    (intSyntax.geq_tm, ">=", ""),
102    (realSyntax.negate_tm, "- 0", ""),
103    (realSyntax.absval_tm, "hol_real_abs",
104       "(define hol_real_abs::(-> real real) (lambda (x::real) " ^
105         "(ite (< x 0) (- 0 x) x)))"),
106    (realSyntax.plus_tm, "+", ""),
107    (realSyntax.minus_tm, "-", ""),
108    (realSyntax.mult_tm, "*", ""),
109    (* note that Yices uses '/' for division on reals, not 'div'; Yices will
110       fail if the second argument is 0 or not a numeral *)
111    (realSyntax.div_tm, "/", ""),
112    (realSyntax.min_tm, "hol_real_min",
113       "(define hol_real_min::(-> real real real) (lambda (x::real y::real) " ^
114         "(ite (< x y) x y)))"),
115    (realSyntax.max_tm, "hol_real_max",
116       "(define hol_real_max::(-> real real real) (lambda (x::real y::real) " ^
117         "(ite (< x y) y x)))"),
118    (realSyntax.less_tm, "<", ""),
119    (realSyntax.leq_tm, "<=", ""),
120    (realSyntax.great_tm, ">", ""),
121    (realSyntax.geq_tm, ">=", ""),
122    (pairSyntax.comma_tm, "mk-tuple", ""),
123    (wordsSyntax.word_and_tm, "bv-and", ""),
124    (wordsSyntax.word_or_tm, "bv-or", ""),
125    (wordsSyntax.word_xor_tm, "bv-xor", ""),
126    (wordsSyntax.word_1comp_tm, "bv-not", ""),
127    (wordsSyntax.word_lsl_tm, "bv-shift-left0", ""),
128    (wordsSyntax.word_lsr_tm, "bv-shift-right0", ""),
129    (* bv-shl is an undocumented Yices feature (as of version 1.0.29) *)
130    (wordsSyntax.word_lsl_bv_tm, "bv-shl", ""),
131    (* FIXME: The following functions have no built-in counterparts in Yices,
132              as far as I know.  We could try to provide our own definitions.
133    (wordsSyntax.word_asr_tm, ...),
134    (wordsSyntax.word_ror_tm, ...),
135    (wordsSyntax.word_rol_tm, ...),
136    (wordsSyntax.word_asr_bv_tm, ...),
137    (wordsSyntax.word_ror_bv_tm, ...),
138    (wordsSyntax.word_rol_bv_tm, ...), *)
139    (* word_concat in HOL has a more general type than bv-concat in Yices *)
140    (wordsSyntax.word_concat_tm, "bv-concat", ""),
141    (wordsSyntax.word_add_tm, "bv-add", ""),
142    (wordsSyntax.word_sub_tm, "bv-sub", ""),
143    (wordsSyntax.word_mul_tm, "bv-mul", ""),
144    (wordsSyntax.word_2comp_tm, "bv-neg", ""),
145    (wordsSyntax.word_lt_tm, "bv-slt", ""),
146    (wordsSyntax.word_le_tm, "bv-sle", ""),
147    (wordsSyntax.word_gt_tm, "bv-sgt", ""),
148    (wordsSyntax.word_ge_tm, "bv-sge", ""),
149    (wordsSyntax.word_lo_tm, "bv-lt", ""),
150    (wordsSyntax.word_ls_tm, "bv-le", ""),
151    (wordsSyntax.word_hi_tm, "bv-gt", ""),
152    (wordsSyntax.word_hs_tm, "bv-ge", "")
153  ]
155  (* binders need to be treated differently from the operators in
156     'Yices_operator_terms' *)
157  val Yices_binder_terms = [
158    (boolSyntax.strip_forall, "forall"),
159    (boolSyntax.strip_exists, "exists"),
160    (* Yices considers "-> X Y Z" and "-> X (-> Y Z)" different types. We use
161       the latter only. *)
162    (fn t => let val (var, body) = Term.dest_abs t
163             in
164               ([var], body)
165             end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => ([], t), "lambda")
166  ]
168  (* ty_dict: dictionary that maps types to names
169     fresh: next fresh index to generate a new type name
170     defs: list of auxiliary Yices definitions *)
171  fun translate_type (acc, ty) =
172    let
173      fun uninterpreted_type (acc as (ty_dict, fresh, defs), ty) =
174        case Redblackmap.peek (ty_dict, ty) of
175          SOME s => (acc, s)
176        | NONE => let val name = "t" ^ Int.toString fresh
177                      val ty_dict' = Redblackmap.insert (ty_dict, ty, name)
178                      val defs' = "(define-type " ^ name ^ ")" :: defs
179                  in
180                    if !Library.trace > 0 andalso Type.is_type ty then
181                      Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Yices" "translate_type"
182                        ("uninterpreted type " ^ Hol_pp.type_to_string ty)
183                    else
184                      ();
185                    if !Library.trace > 2 then
186                      Feedback.HOL_MESG
187                        ("HolSmtLib (Yices): inventing name '" ^ name ^
188                        "' for HOL type '" ^ Hol_pp.type_to_string ty ^ "'")
189                    else
190                      ();
191                    ((ty_dict', fresh + 1, defs'), name)
192                  end
193      (* data types, record types *)
194      fun data_type tyinfo (acc as (ty_dict, fresh, defs), ty) =
195        case Redblackmap.peek (ty_dict, ty) of
196          SOME s => (acc, s)
197        | NONE => let val name = "t" ^ Int.toString fresh
198                      val ty_dict' = Redblackmap.insert (ty_dict, ty, name)
199                      val acc = (ty_dict', fresh + 1, defs)
200                      val is_record = not (List.null (TypeBasePure.fields_of
201                        tyinfo))
202                      val ((acc, _), constructors) = Lib.foldl_map
203                        (fn ((acc, i), c) =>
204                        let val cname = "c_" ^ name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i
205                            val c = TypeBasePure.cinst ty c
206                            val (doms, _) = boolSyntax.strip_fun
207                              (Term.type_of c)
208                            val ((acc, _), doms) = Lib.foldl_map
209                              (fn ((acc, j), dom) =>
210                              let val aname = if is_record then
211                                      "f_" ^ name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString j
212                                    else
213                                      "a_" ^ name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i ^ "_" ^
214                                        Int.toString j
215                                  val (acc, atype) = translate_type (acc, dom)
216                              in
217                                ((acc, j + 1), aname ^ "::" ^ atype)
218                              end) ((acc, 0), doms)
219                            val doms = String.concatWith " " doms
220                        in
221                          ((acc, i + 1), (cname, doms))
222                        end) ((acc, 0), TypeBasePure.constructors_of tyinfo)
223                      val datatype_def = if is_record then
224                          "(record " ^ Lib.snd (List.hd constructors) ^ ")"
225                        else
226                          "(datatype " ^ String.concatWith " " (List.map
227                            (fn (cname, doms) => if doms = "" then cname else
228                              "(" ^ cname ^ " " ^ doms ^ ")") constructors) ^
229                          ")"
230                      val (ty_dict, fresh, defs) = acc
231                      val defs' = "(define-type " ^ name ^ " " ^ datatype_def ^
232                        ")" :: defs
233                  in
234                    ((ty_dict, fresh, defs'), name)
235                  end
236    in
237      if wordsSyntax.is_word_type ty then
238        (* bit-vector types *)
239        let val dim = fcpLib.index_to_num (wordsSyntax.dest_word_type ty)
240        in
241          (acc, "(bitvector " ^ Arbnum.toString dim ^ ")")
242        end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* index_to_num can fail *)
243          raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_type"
244            "bit-vector type of unknown size")
245      else if Type.is_type ty then
246        (* check table of types *)
247        let val {Thy, Tyop, Args} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
248        in
249          case List.find (fn ((thy, tyop), _, _) =>
250                 thy = Thy andalso tyop = Tyop) Yices_types of
251            SOME (_, name, def) =>
252            let val ((ty_dict, fresh, defs), yices_Args) = Lib.foldl_map
253                  translate_type (acc, Args)
254                val defs' = if def = "" orelse Lib.mem def defs then defs else
255                  def :: defs
256                val yices_Args = String.concatWith " " yices_Args
257            in
258              ((ty_dict, fresh, defs'),
259               if yices_Args = "" then name
260               else "(" ^ name ^ " " ^ yices_Args ^ ")")
261            end
262          | NONE =>
263            (* perhaps a data type? *)
264            (case TypeBase.fetch ty of
265              SOME tyinfo =>
266                data_type tyinfo (acc, ty)
267            | NONE =>
268                uninterpreted_type (acc, ty))
269        end
270      else uninterpreted_type (acc, ty)
271    end
273  (* dict: dictionary that maps terms to names
274     fresh: next fresh index to generate a new name
275     ty_dict: cf. translate_type
276     ty_fresh: cf. translate_type
277     defs: list of auxiliary Yices definitions *)
278  fun translate_term (acc, tm) =
279    (* numerals *)
280    if numSyntax.is_numeral tm then
281      let val n = numSyntax.dest_numeral tm
282      in
283        (acc, Arbnum.toString n)
284      end
285    else if intSyntax.is_int_literal tm then
286      let val i = intSyntax.int_of_term tm
287          val s = Arbint.toString i
288      in
289        (acc, String.substring (s, 0, String.size s - 1))
290      end
291    else if realSyntax.is_real_literal tm then
292      let val i = realSyntax.int_of_term tm
293          val s = Arbint.toString i
294      in
295        (acc, String.substring (s, 0, String.size s - 1))
296      end
297    (* bool_case *)
298    (* cannot be defined as a function in Yices because it is polymorphic *)
299    else if boolSyntax.is_bool_case tm then
300      let val (t1, t2, t3) = boolSyntax.dest_bool_case tm
301          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
302          val (acc, s2) = translate_term (acc, t2)
303          val (acc, s3) = translate_term (acc, t3)
304      in
305        (acc, "(ite " ^ s3 ^ " " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2 ^ ")")
306      end
307    (* FST *)
308    (* cannot be defined as a function in Yices because it is polymorphic *)
309    else if pairSyntax.is_fst tm then
310      let val t1 = pairSyntax.dest_fst tm
311          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
312      in
313        (acc, "(select " ^ s1 ^ " 1)")
314      end
315    (* SND *)
316    (* cannot be defined as a function in Yices because it is polymorphic *)
317    else if pairSyntax.is_snd tm then
318      let val t1 = pairSyntax.dest_snd tm
319          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
320      in
321        (acc, "(select " ^ s1 ^ " 2)")
322      end
323    (* word literals *)
324    else if wordsSyntax.is_word_literal tm then
325      let val (num, dim_ty) = wordsSyntax.dest_n2w tm
326          val dim = fcpLib.index_to_num dim_ty
327                      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
328                        raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
329                               "word literal: bit-vector type of unknown size")
330          val n = numSyntax.dest_numeral num
331      in
332        (acc, "(mk-bv " ^ Arbnum.toString dim ^ " " ^ Arbnum.toString n ^ ")")
333      end
334    (* fcp_index *)
335    (* Hopefully used as index into a bit vector, but we don't check -- Yices
336       should. *)
337    else if wordsSyntax.is_index tm then
338      let val (t1, num) = wordsSyntax.dest_index tm
339          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
340          val n = numSyntax.dest_numeral num
341                    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
342                      raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
343                               "index into bit-vector is not a numeral")
344          val sn = Arbnum.toString n
345      in
346        (acc, "(= (bv-extract " ^ sn ^ " " ^ sn ^ " " ^ s1 ^ ") 0b1)")
347      end
348    (* word_extract -- applies w2w after extraction to adjust the dimension of
349       the result in HOL *)
350    else if wordsSyntax.is_word_extract tm then
351      let val (n1, n2, w, dim_ty) = wordsSyntax.dest_word_extract tm
352          val n1 = numSyntax.dest_numeral n1
353            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
354              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
355                "word_extract: upper index is not a numeral")
356          val n2 = numSyntax.dest_numeral n2
357            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
358              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
359                "word_extract: lower index is not a numeral")
360          val dim = fcpLib.index_to_num dim_ty
361            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
362              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
363                "word_extract: result bit-vector type of unknown size")
364          val extract_dim = Arbnum.+ (Arbnum.- (n1, n2), Arbnum.one)
365          val old_dim = fcpLib.index_to_num (wordsSyntax.dim_of w)
366            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
367              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
368                "word_extract: argument bit-vector type of unknown size")
369          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, w)
370          val s1 = if Arbnum.< (n1, n2) then
371              (* Yices does not support bit-vector extraction with n1 < n2 *)
372              "(mk-bv 1 0)"
373            else
374              "(bv-extract " ^ Arbnum.toString n1 ^ " " ^ Arbnum.toString n2 ^
375                " " ^ (if Arbnum.< (n1, old_dim) then s1 else
376                  (* n1 >= old_dim: we need to prepend 0s to 'w' to make
377                     Yices happy *)
378                  "(bv-concat (mk-bv " ^ Arbnum.toString (Arbnum.+
379                    (Arbnum.- (n1, old_dim), Arbnum.one)) ^ " 0) " ^ s1 ^ ")")
380                ^ ")"
381      in
382        if dim = extract_dim then
383          (acc, s1)
384        else if Arbnum.< (dim, extract_dim) then
385          (acc, "(bv-extract " ^ Arbnum.toString (Arbnum.- (dim, Arbnum.one)) ^
386             " 0 " ^ s1 ^ ")")
387        else  (* dim > extract_dim *)
388          (acc, "(bv-concat (mk-bv " ^ Arbnum.toString
389            (Arbnum.- (dim, extract_dim)) ^ " 0) " ^ s1 ^ ")")
390      end
391    (* w2w *)
392    else if wordsSyntax.is_w2w tm then
393      let val (t1, dim_ty) = wordsSyntax.dest_w2w tm
394          val dim = fcpLib.index_to_num dim_ty
395            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
396              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
397                "w2w: result bit-vector type of unknown size")
398          val old_dim_ty = wordsSyntax.dim_of t1
399          val old_dim = fcpLib.index_to_num old_dim_ty
400            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
401              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
402                "w2w: argument bit-vector type of unknown size")
403          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
404      in
405        if Arbnum.<= (dim, old_dim) then
406          (acc, "(bv-extract " ^ Arbnum.toString (Arbnum.- (dim, Arbnum.one)) ^
407             " 0 " ^ s1 ^ ")")
408        else
409          (acc, "(bv-concat (mk-bv " ^ Arbnum.toString
410             (Arbnum.- (dim, old_dim)) ^ " 0) " ^ s1 ^ ")")
411      end
412    (* sw2sw *)
413    else if wordsSyntax.is_sw2sw tm then
414      let val (t1, dim_ty) = wordsSyntax.dest_sw2sw tm
415          val dim = fcpLib.index_to_num dim_ty
416            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
417              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
418                "sw2sw: result bit-vector type of unknown size")
419          val old_dim_ty = wordsSyntax.dim_of t1
420          val old_dim = fcpLib.index_to_num old_dim_ty
421            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
422              raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
423                "sw2sw: argument bit-vector type of unknown size")
424          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
425      in
426        if Arbnum.< (dim, old_dim) then
427          (acc, "(bv-extract " ^ Arbnum.toString (Arbnum.- (dim, Arbnum.one)) ^
428             " 0 " ^ s1 ^ ")")
429        else
430          (acc, "(bv-sign-extend " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ Arbnum.toString
431             (Arbnum.- (dim, old_dim)) ^ ")")
432      end
433    (* word_msb *)
434    else if wordsSyntax.is_word_msb tm then
435      let val t1 = wordsSyntax.dest_word_msb tm
436          val dim_ty = wordsSyntax.dim_of t1
437          val n = fcpLib.index_to_num dim_ty
438                    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
439                      raise (Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
440                        "word_msb: argument bit-vector type of unknown size")
441          val sn = Arbnum.toString (Arbnum.- (n, Arbnum.one))
442          val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
443      in
444        (acc, "(= (bv-extract " ^ sn ^ " " ^ sn ^ " " ^ s1 ^ ") 0b1)")
445      end
446    (* binders *)
447    else
448      case Lib.get_first (fn (strip_fn, name) =>
449        case strip_fn tm of
450          ([], _) => NONE (* not this binder *)
451        | (vars, body) =>
452          let val typs = List.map Term.type_of vars
453              (* We must gather Yices definitions for all types, and for all
454                 terms in the body with the exception of bound vars. Still,
455                 bound vars must not be mapped to names used elsewhere (to
456                 avoid accidental capture). Also note that not all bound vars
457                 need to occur in the body. *)
458              val (dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = acc
459              (* translate types of bound variables separately, because we
460                 don't want to discard their definitions *)
461              val (ty_acc, yices_typs) = Lib.foldl_map translate_type
462                ((ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), typs)
463              val (ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = ty_acc
464              (* translate bound variables; make sure they are mapped to fresh
465                 names; their types have just been translated already  *)
466              val empty_dict = Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare
467              val (bound_acc, yices_vars) = Lib.foldl_map translate_term
468                ((empty_dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, []), vars)
469              val (bound_dict, fresh, _, _, _) = bound_acc
470              (* translate the body, with bound variables mapped properly *)
471              fun union dict1 dict2 =
472                Redblackmap.foldl (fn (t, s, d) => Redblackmap.insert (d, t, s))
473                  dict1 dict2
474              val acc = (union dict bound_dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs)
475              val (acc, yices_body) = translate_term (acc, body)
476              val (body_dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = acc
477              (* discard the mapping of bound variables, but keep other term
478                 mappings that result from translation of the body *)
479              fun diff dict1 dict2 =
480                Redblackmap.foldl (fn (t, _, d) =>
481                  (Lib.fst o Redblackmap.remove) (d, t)) dict1 dict2
482              val dict = union dict (diff body_dict bound_dict)
483              val yices_bounds = String.concatWith " " (List.map (fn (v, t) =>
484                v ^ "::" ^ t) (Lib.zip yices_vars yices_typs))
485            in
486              SOME ((dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs),
487                "(" ^ name ^ " (" ^ yices_bounds ^ ") " ^ yices_body ^ ")")
488            end) Yices_binder_terms of
489        SOME result => result
490      | NONE =>
491    (* operators + arguments *)
492      let val (rator, rands) = boolSyntax.strip_comb tm
493      in
494        case List.find (fn (t, _, _) => Term.same_const t rator)
495            Yices_operator_terms of
496          SOME (_, name, def) =>
497          let val (acc', yices_rands) = Lib.foldl_map
498                translate_term (acc, rands)
499              val (dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = acc'
500              val defs' = if def = "" orelse Lib.mem def defs then defs else
501                def :: defs
502              val yices_rands' = String.concatWith " " yices_rands
503          in
504            ((dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs'),
505             if yices_rands = [] then name
506             else "(" ^ name ^ " " ^ yices_rands' ^ ")")
507          end
508        | NONE =>
510          (* data type constructors + arguments *)
511          let val ty = Term.type_of rator
512              val (_, data_ty) = boolSyntax.strip_fun ty
513          in
514            case TypeBase.fetch data_ty of
515              SOME tyinfo =>
516                let val i = Lib.index (Term.same_const rator)
517                      (TypeBasePure.constructors_of tyinfo)  (* may fail *)
518                    (* also collect type definitions *)
519                    val (dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = acc
520                    val ((ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), _) = translate_type
521                      ((ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), ty)
522                    val ty_name = Redblackmap.find (ty_dict, data_ty)
523                    val cname = "c_" ^ ty_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i
524                    (* translate argument terms *)
525                    val (acc, yices_rands) = Lib.foldl_map translate_term
526                      ((dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), rands)
527                    val name = String.concatWith " " (cname :: yices_rands)
528                    val name = if List.null yices_rands then name
529                      else "(" ^ name ^ ")"
530                in
531                  (acc, name)
532                end
533            | NONE =>
534                raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
535                  "not a data type constructor (range type is not a data type)"
536          end
537          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* not a data type constructor *)
539          (* FIXME: There's a problem with the use of data type constructors
540             (which are not curried in Yices, e.g., of type "-> X Y Z") as
541             arguments to case constants, which expect curried functions (of
542             type, e.g., "-> X (-> Y Z)").  Perhaps eta-expansion currently
543             prevents this problem from showing up, but a good (clean) solution
544             is still missing. *)
546          (* case constants for data types (+ arguments) *)
547          let val (cases, elem) =
548                case rands of
549                  [] =>
550                    raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
551                      "not a case constant (no operands)"
552                | (h::t) => (t,h)
553              val data_ty = Term.type_of elem
554          in
555            case TypeBase.fetch data_ty of
556              SOME tyinfo =>
557                if Term.same_const rator (TypeBasePure.case_const_of tyinfo)
558                then
559                  let (* constructors *)
560                      val cs = TypeBasePure.constructors_of tyinfo
561                      val _ = if List.length cs = List.length cases then ()
562                        else
563                          raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
564                            "not a case constant (wrong number of cases)"
565                      (* translate argument terms *)
566                      val (acc, yices_cases) = Lib.foldl_map translate_term
567                        (acc, cases)
568                      val (acc, yices_elem) = translate_term (acc, elem)
569                      val (_, _, ty_dict, _, _) = acc
570                      val ty_name = Redblackmap.find (ty_dict, data_ty)
571                      (* recognizers, accessors *)
572                      val cs = List.map (List.length o Lib.fst o
573                        boolSyntax.strip_fun o Term.type_of) cs
574                      val (_, cs) = Lib.foldl_map (fn (i, n) =>
575                        let val cname = "c_" ^ ty_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i
576                            fun aname j =
577                              "a_" ^ ty_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i ^ "_" ^
578                                Int.toString j
579                            val anames = List.tabulate (n, aname)
580                        in
581                          (i + 1, (cname, anames))
582                        end) (0, cs)
583                      (* build the cascaded ite expression *)
584                      val mk_case = List.foldl (fn (aname, yices_case) =>
585                        "(" ^ yices_case ^ " (" ^ aname ^ " " ^ yices_elem ^
586                        "))")
587                      fun cascaded_ite [ycase] [(_, anames)] =
588                        mk_case ycase anames
589                        | cascaded_ite (ycase::ys) ((cname, anames)::cs) =
590                        "(ite (" ^ cname ^ "? " ^ yices_elem ^ ") " ^
591                          mk_case ycase anames ^ " " ^ cascaded_ite ys cs ^
592                          ")"
593                        | cascaded_ite _ _ =
594                        raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
595                          "not a case constant (error in cascaded_ite)"
596                  in
597                    (acc, cascaded_ite yices_cases cs)
598                  end
599                else
600                  raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
601                    "not a case constant (different constant)"
602            | NONE =>
603                raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
604                  "not a case constant (last argument is not a data type)"
605          end
606          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* not a case constant *)
608          (* record field selectors *)
609          let val (select, x) = Term.dest_comb tm
610              val (select_name, select_ty) = Term.dest_const select
611              val (record_ty, rng_ty) = Type.dom_rng select_ty
612              val (record_name, _) = Type.dest_type record_ty
613              (* FIXME: This check for matching types may be too liberal, as it
614                 does not take the record type into account. On the other hand,
615                 it may not be needed at all: ensuring that the constant name
616                 is identical to the field selector name may already be
617                 sufficient. *)
618              val j = Lib.index (fn (field_name, field_ty) =>
619                  select_name = record_name ^ "_" ^ field_name andalso
620                    Lib.can (Type.match_type field_ty) rng_ty)
621                (TypeBase.fields_of record_ty)
622              (* translate argument *)
623              val (acc, yices_x) = translate_term (acc, x)
624              val (_, _, ty_dict, _, _) = acc
625              val ty_name = Redblackmap.find (ty_dict, record_ty)
626              val yices_field = "f_" ^ ty_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString j
627          in
628            (acc, "(select " ^ yices_x ^ " " ^ yices_field ^ ")")
629          end
630          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* not a record field selector *)
632          (* record field updates *)
633          let
634              val (update_f, x) = Term.dest_comb tm
635              val (update, f) = Term.dest_comb update_f
636              (* FIXME: Only field updates using the K combinator (in eta-long
637                 form) are supported at the moment. *)
638              val (var1, body) = Term.dest_abs f
639              val (f, var2) = Term.dest_comb body
640              val _ = (var1 = var2) orelse
641                raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "translate_term"
642                  "not a field selector (update function not in eta-long form)"
643              val new_val = combinSyntax.dest_K_1 f
644              val (update_name, _) = Term.dest_const update
645              val record_ty = Term.type_of x
646              val (record_name, _) = Type.dest_type record_ty
647              val val_ty = Term.type_of new_val
648              (* FIXME: This check for matching types may be too liberal, as it
649                 does not take the record type into account. On the other hand,
650                 it may not be needed at all: ensuring that the constant name
651                 is identical to the field update function's name may already be
652                 sufficient. *)
653              val j = Lib.index (fn (field_name, field_ty) =>
654                  update_name = record_name ^ "_" ^ field_name ^ "_fupd" andalso
655                    Lib.can (Type.match_type field_ty) val_ty)
656                (TypeBase.fields_of record_ty)
657              val (acc, yices_x) = translate_term (acc, x)
658              val (acc, yices_val) = translate_term (acc, new_val)
659              val (_, _, ty_dict, _, _) = acc
660              val ty_name = Redblackmap.find (ty_dict, record_ty)
661              val fname = "f_" ^ ty_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString j
662          in
663            (acc, "(update " ^ yices_x ^ " " ^ fname ^ " " ^ yices_val ^ ")")
664          end
665          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* not a record field selector *)
667          (* function application *)
668          if Term.is_comb tm then
669          (* Yices considers "-> X Y Z" and "-> X (-> Y Z)" different types. We
670             use the latter only. *)
671            let val (t1, t2) = Term.dest_comb tm
672                val (acc, s1) = translate_term (acc, t1)
673                val (acc, s2) = translate_term (acc, t2)
674            in
675              (acc, "(" ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2 ^ ")")
676            end
677          else (* replace all other terms with a variable *)
678          (* we even replace variables, to make sure there are no name clashes
679             with either (i) variables generated by us, or (ii) reserved Yices
680             names *)
681            let val (dict, fresh, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs) = acc
682            in
683              case Redblackmap.peek (dict, tm) of
684                SOME s => (acc, s)
685              | NONE =>
686                let val name = "v" ^ Int.toString fresh
687                    val dict = Redblackmap.insert (dict, tm, name)
688                    (* also collect type definitions *)
689                    val ((ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), ty_name) = translate_type
690                      ((ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), Term.type_of tm)
691                    val defs = "(define " ^ name ^ "::" ^ ty_name ^ ")" :: defs
692                in
693                  if !Library.trace > 0 andalso Term.is_const rator then
694                    Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Yices" "translate_term"
695                      ("uninterpreted constant " ^ Hol_pp.term_to_string tm)
696                  else
697                    ();
698                  if !Library.trace > 2 then
699                    Feedback.HOL_MESG
700                      ("HolSmtLib (Yices): inventing name '" ^ name ^
701                      "' for HOL term '" ^ Hol_pp.term_to_string tm ^ "'")
702                  else
703                    ();
704                  ((dict, fresh + 1, ty_dict, ty_fresh, defs), name)
705                end
706            end
707      end
709  (* returns the eta-long form of a term, i.e., every variable/constant is
710     applied to the correct number of arguments, as determined by its type *)
711  fun full_eta_long_conv tm =
712    if Term.is_abs tm then
713      let val (v, body) = Term.dest_abs tm
714      in
715        Term.mk_abs (v, full_eta_long_conv body)
716      end
717    else
718      let val (rand, args) = boolSyntax.strip_comb tm
719      in
720        if Term.is_abs rand then
721          Term.list_mk_comb
722            (full_eta_long_conv rand, map full_eta_long_conv args)
723        else (* 'rand' is a variable/constant *)
724          let val T = Term.type_of tm
725          in
726            if (Lib.can Type.dom_rng) T then
727              (* eta expansion (by one argument) *)
728              let val v = Term.mk_var ("x", Lib.fst (Type.dom_rng T))
729                  val fresh = Term.variant (Term.free_vars tm) v
730              in
731                full_eta_long_conv (Term.mk_abs
732                  (fresh, Term.list_mk_comb (rand, args @ [fresh])))
733              end
734            else
735              Term.list_mk_comb (rand, map full_eta_long_conv args)
736          end
737      end
739  fun goal_to_Yices goal =
740  let
741    (* simplification: eliminates some HOL terms that are not supported by the
742       Yices translation *)
743    val SIMP_TAC = Tactical.THENL (Tactical.REPEAT Tactic.GEN_TAC,
744      [Tactical.THEN (Library.LET_SIMP_TAC,
745        Tactical.THEN
746         (Tactic.CONV_TAC (Conv.DEPTH_CONV wordsLib.EXPAND_REDUCE_CONV),
747          Tactical.THEN (simpLib.SIMP_TAC (simpLib.++ (simpLib.++
748            (pureSimps.pure_ss, numSimps.REDUCE_ss), wordsLib.SIZES_ss))
749            [wordsTheory.word_lsr_bv_def, wordsTheory.w2n_n2w,
750             wordsTheory.word_lsb_def, wordsTheory.word_msb_def,
751             wordsTheory.WORD_SLICE_THM, wordsTheory.WORD_BITS_EXTRACT],
752          Tactical.THEN (Library.SET_SIMP_TAC, Tactic.BETA_TAC))))])
753    val ((asl, g), _) = SolverSpec.simplify SIMP_TAC goal
754    val (asl, g) = (List.map full_eta_long_conv asl, full_eta_long_conv g)
755    val empty = Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare
756    val empty_ty = Redblackmap.mkDict Type.compare
757    val ((_, _, _, _, defs), yices_asl_g) = Lib.foldl_map translate_term
758      ((empty, 0, empty_ty, 0, []), asl @ [boolSyntax.mk_neg g])
759    val defs = List.map (fn s => s ^ "\n") (List.rev defs)
760    val yices_asl_g = List.map (fn s => "(assert " ^ s ^ ")\n") yices_asl_g
761  in
762    defs @ yices_asl_g @ ["(check)\n"]
763  end
765  (* returns SAT if Yices reported "sat", UNSAT if Yices reported "unsat" *)
766  fun result_fn path =
767    let val instream = TextIO.openIn path
768        val line     = TextIO.inputLine instream
769    in
770      TextIO.closeIn instream;
771      if line = SOME "sat\n" then
772        SolverSpec.SAT NONE
773      else if line = SOME "unsat\n" then
774        SolverSpec.UNSAT NONE
775      else
776        SolverSpec.UNKNOWN NONE
777    end
779  fun is_configured () =
780    Option.isSome (OS.Process.getEnv "HOL4_YICES_EXECUTABLE")
782  (* Yices 1.0.29, native file format *)
783  fun Yices_Oracle goal =
784    case OS.Process.getEnv "HOL4_YICES_EXECUTABLE" of
785      SOME file =>
786        SolverSpec.make_solver
787          (Lib.pair () o goal_to_Yices)
788          (file ^ " -tc ")
789          (Lib.K result_fn)
790          goal
791    | NONE =>
792        raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Yices" "Yices_Oracle"
793          "Yices not configured: set the HOL4_YICES_EXECUTABLE environment variable to point to the Yices executable file."