2    Copyright (c) 2001, 2015
3        David C.J. Matthews
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19structure Transform:
20  sig
21    type HDC (*= Base.HDC*)
22    type HWND (*= Base.HWND*)
23    type POINT = { x: int, y: int }
24    type SIZE = { cx: int, cy: int }
25    datatype Fraction = Fraction of {num: int, denom: int}
27    datatype
28      MapMode =
29          MM_ANISOTROPIC
30        | MM_HIENGLISH
31        | MM_HIMETRIC
32        | MM_ISOTROPIC
33        | MM_LOENGLISH
34        | MM_LOMETRIC
35        | MM_TEXT
36        | MM_TWIPS
37    val MM_MAX : MapMode
38    val MM_MAX_FIXEDSCALE : MapMode
39    val MM_MIN : MapMode
41    type XForm = { m11: real, m12: real, m21: real, m22: real, dx: real, dy: real }
43    type XFormType
44    val MWT_IDENTITY : XFormType
45    val MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY : XFormType
46    val MWT_MAX : XFormType
47    val MWT_MIN : XFormType
48    val MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY : XFormType
50    type GraphicsMode
51    val GM_ADVANCED : GraphicsMode
52    val GM_COMPATIBLE : GraphicsMode
53    val GM_ERROR : GraphicsMode
55    val ClientToScreen : HWND * POINT -> POINT
56    val CombineTransform : XForm * XForm -> XForm
57    val DPtoLP : HDC * POINT list -> POINT list
58    val GetCurrentPositionEx : HDC -> POINT
59    val GetGraphicsMode : HDC -> GraphicsMode
60    val GetMapMode : HDC -> MapMode
61    val GetViewportExtEx : HDC -> SIZE
62    val GetViewportOrgEx : HDC -> POINT
63    val GetWindowExtEx : HDC -> SIZE
64    val GetWindowOrgEx : HDC -> POINT
65    val GetWorldTransform : HDC -> XForm
66    val LPtoDP : HDC * POINT list -> POINT list
67    val MapWindowPoints : HWND * HWND * POINT list -> POINT list
68    val ModifyWorldTransform : HDC * XForm * XFormType -> unit
69    val OffsetViewportOrgEx : HDC * int * int -> POINT
70    val OffsetWindowOrgEx : HDC * int * int -> POINT
71    val ScaleViewportExtEx : HWND * Fraction * Fraction -> SIZE
72    val ScaleWindowExtEx : HWND * Fraction * Fraction -> SIZE
73    val ScreenToClient : HWND * POINT -> POINT
74    val SetGraphicsMode : HDC * GraphicsMode -> GraphicsMode
75    val SetMapMode : HDC * MapMode -> MapMode
76    val SetViewportExtEx : HDC * int * int -> SIZE
77    val SetViewportOrgEx : HDC * int * int -> POINT
78    val SetWindowExtEx : HDC * int * int -> SIZE
79    val SetWindowOrgEx : HDC * int * int -> POINT
80    val SetWorldTransform : HDC * XForm -> unit
82  end =
84    local
85        open Foreign Base GdiBase
86    in
87        type HDC = Base.HDC and HWND = Base.HWND
88        type POINT = POINT and SIZE = SIZE
90        open GdiBase 
93        local
94            datatype GraphicsMode = W of int
95        in
96            type GraphicsMode = GraphicsMode
97            val GRAPHICSMODE = absConversion {abs = W, rep = fn W n => n} cInt
99            val GM_ERROR (* ???? *)                          = W 0
100            val GM_COMPATIBLE                                = W (1)
101            val GM_ADVANCED                                  = W (2)
102        end
105        (* An XFORM is a struct of six floats.  Wrap this as an ML record for clarity *)
106        type XForm = { m11: real, m12: real, m21: real, m22: real, dx: real, dy: real }
108        local
109            fun breakXForm {m11,m12,m21,m22,dx,dy} = (m11,m12,m21,m22,dx,dy)
110            fun mkXForm (m11,m12,m21,m22,dx,dy) = {m11=m11,m12=m12,m21=m21,m22=m22,dx=dx,dy=dy}
111        in
112            val XFORM =
113                absConversion {abs=mkXForm, rep=breakXForm} 
114                    (cStruct6 (cFloat,cFloat,cFloat,cFloat,cFloat,cFloat))
115        end
117        local
118            datatype XFormType = W of int
119        in
120            type XFormType = XFormType
121            val XFORMTYPE = absConversion {abs = W, rep = fn W n => n} cDWORD
123            val MWT_IDENTITY                                 = W (1)
124            val MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY                             = W (2)
125            val MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY                            = W (3)
126            val MWT_MIN                                      = MWT_IDENTITY
127            val MWT_MAX                                      = MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY
128        end
130        datatype Fraction = Fraction of {num:int, denom:int}
132        local
133            val clientToScreen              = winCall2(user "ClientToScreen") (cHWND, cStar cPoint) (successState "ClientToScreen")
134            val combineTransform            = winCall3(gdi "CombineTransform") (cStar XFORM, cConstStar XFORM, cConstStar XFORM) (successState "CombineTransform")
135            val getCurrentPositionEx        = winCall2(gdi "GetCurrentPositionEx") (cHDC, cStar cPoint) (successState "GetCurrentPositionEx")
136            val getViewportExtEx            = winCall2(gdi "GetViewportExtEx") (cHDC, cStar cSize)  (successState "GetViewportExtEx")
137            val getViewportOrgEx            = winCall2(gdi "GetViewportOrgEx") (cHDC, cStar cPoint) (successState "GetViewportOrgEx")
138            val getWindowExtEx              = winCall2(gdi "GetWindowExtEx") (cHDC, cStar cSize)  (successState "GetWindowExtEx")
139            val getWindowOrgEx              = winCall2(gdi "GetWindowOrgEx") (cHDC, cStar cPoint) (successState "GetWindowOrgEx")
140            val getWorldTransform           = winCall2(gdi "GetWorldTransform") (cHDC, cStar XFORM) (successState "GetWorldTransform")
141            val offsetViewportOrgEx         = winCall4(gdi "OffsetViewportOrgEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cPoint) (successState "OffsetViewportOrgEx")
142            val offsetWindowOrgEx           = winCall4(gdi "OffsetWindowOrgEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cPoint) (successState "OffsetWindowOrgEx")
143            val screenToClient              = winCall2(user "ScreenToClient") (cHWND, cStar cPoint) (successState "ScreenToClient")
144            val setViewportExtEx            = winCall4(gdi "SetViewportExtEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cSize) (successState "SetViewportExtEx")
145            val setViewportOrgEx            = winCall4(gdi "SetViewportOrgEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cPoint) (successState "SetViewportOrgEx")
146            val setWindowExtEx              = winCall4(gdi "SetWindowExtEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cSize) (successState "SetWindowExtEx")
147            val setWindowOrgEx              = winCall4(gdi "SetWindowOrgEx") (cHDC, cInt, cInt, cStar cPoint) (successState "SetWindowOrgEx")
148            val scaleViewportExtEx =
149                winCall6 (gdi "ScaleViewportExtEx") (cHWND,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cStar cSize) (successState "ScaleViewportExtEx")
150            val scaleWindowExtEx =
151                winCall6 (gdi "ScaleWindowExtEx") (cHWND,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cStar cSize) (successState "ScaleWindowExtEx")
153            val zeroXFORM: XForm = { m11=0.0, m12=0.0, m21=0.0, m22=0.0, dx=0.0, dy=0.0 }
154            val zeroPoint: POINT = { x = 0, y = 0 }
155            val zeroSize: SIZE = { cx = 0, cy = 0 }
157        in
158            fun ClientToScreen(w, p)        = let val r = ref p in clientToScreen(w, r); !r end
159            and CombineTransform(a, b)      = let val r = ref zeroXFORM in combineTransform(r, a, b); ! r end
160            and GetCurrentPositionEx hdc    = let val p = ref zeroPoint in getCurrentPositionEx(hdc, p); !p end
161            and GetViewportExtEx hdc        = let val s = ref zeroSize in getViewportExtEx(hdc, s); !s end
162            and GetViewportOrgEx  hdc       = let val p = ref zeroPoint in getViewportOrgEx(hdc, p); !p end
163            and GetWindowExtEx hdc          = let val s = ref zeroSize in getWindowExtEx(hdc, s); !s end
164            and GetWindowOrgEx hdc          = let val p = ref zeroPoint in getWindowOrgEx(hdc, p); !p end
165            and GetWorldTransform hdc       = let val r = ref zeroXFORM in getWorldTransform(hdc, r); !r end
166            and OffsetViewportOrgEx (hdc, x, y) =
167                let val p = ref zeroPoint in offsetViewportOrgEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
168            and OffsetWindowOrgEx (hdc, x, y) =
169                let val p = ref zeroPoint in offsetWindowOrgEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
170            and ScreenToClient(hw, p)       = let val r = ref p in screenToClient(hw, r); !r end
171            and SetViewportExtEx (hdc, x, y) =
172                let val p = ref zeroSize in setViewportExtEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
173            and SetViewportOrgEx (hdc, x, y) =
174                let val p = ref zeroPoint in setViewportOrgEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
175            and SetWindowExtEx (hdc, x, y) =
176                let val p = ref zeroSize in setWindowExtEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
177            and SetWindowOrgEx (hdc, x, y) =
178                let val p = ref zeroPoint in setWindowOrgEx(hdc, x, y, p); !p end
179            and ScaleViewportExtEx (h,Fraction{num=n1,denom=d1},Fraction{num=n2,denom=d2}) =
180                let val p = ref zeroSize in scaleViewportExtEx(h,n1,d1,n2,d2,p); !p end
181            and ScaleWindowExtEx (h,Fraction{num=n1,denom=d1},Fraction{num=n2,denom=d2}) =
182                let val p = ref zeroSize in scaleWindowExtEx(h,n1,d1,n2,d2,p); !p end
183        end
185        val ModifyWorldTransform    = winCall3(gdi "ModifyWorldTransform")  (cHDC, cConstStar XFORM, XFORMTYPE) (successState "ModifyWorldTransform")
186        val SetWorldTransform       = winCall2(gdi "SetWorldTransform") (cHDC, cConstStar XFORM) (successState "SetWorldTransform")
189        val GetMapMode                 = winCall1(gdi "GetMapMode") (cHDC) cMAPMODE
190        val SetMapMode                 = winCall2(gdi "SetMapMode") (cHDC,cMAPMODE) cMAPMODE
191        (* Should check the result is non-zero. *)
192        val GetGraphicsMode            = winCall1 (gdi "GetGraphicsMode") (cHDC) GRAPHICSMODE
193        val SetGraphicsMode            = winCall2 (gdi "SetGraphicsMode") (cHDC, GRAPHICSMODE) GRAPHICSMODE
195        local
196            val dPtoLP = winCall3 (gdi "DPtoLP") (cHDC,cPointer,cInt) (successState "DPtoLP")
197            and lPtoDP = winCall3 (gdi "LPtoDP") (cHDC,cPointer,cInt) (successState "LPtoDP")
198            (* The result is the bits added in each direction to make the mapping or is
199               zero if there is an error.  The caller is supposed to call SetLastError and
200               check GetLastError because the result could legitimately be zero.  *)
201            and mapWindowPoints = winCall4 (user "MapWindowPoints") (cHWND,cHWND,cPointer,cInt) cInt
203            val {load=fromPt, store=toPt, ctype={size=sizePt, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cPoint
205            fun mapPts call pts =
206            let
207                val count = List.length pts
208                open Memory
209                infix 6 ++
210                val mem = malloc(Word.fromInt count * sizePt)
211                val _ = List.foldl (fn (p,n) => (ignore(toPt(n, p)); n ++ sizePt)) mem pts
212                val _ = call(mem, count) handle ex => (free mem; raise ex)
213            in
214                List.tabulate(count, fn i => fromPt(mem ++ (Word.fromInt i * sizePt)))
215                    before free mem
216            end
217        in
218            fun DPtoLP(h,pts) = mapPts(fn (mem, count) => dPtoLP(h, mem, count)) pts
219            and LPtoDP(h,pts) = mapPts(fn (mem, count) => lPtoDP(h, mem, count)) pts
220            and MapWindowPoints (h1,h2,pts) = mapPts(fn (mem, count) => mapWindowPoints(h1, h2, mem, count)) pts
221         end
222    end