2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: Generic Sockets
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2015-16
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20signature SOCKET =
22    type ('af,'sock_type) sock
23    type 'af sock_addr
24    type dgram
25    type 'mode stream
26    type passive
27    type active
29    structure AF :
30    sig
31        type addr_family = NetHostDB.addr_family
32        val list : unit -> (string * addr_family) list
33        val toString   : addr_family -> string
34        val fromString : string -> addr_family option
35    end
37    structure SOCK :
38    sig
39        eqtype sock_type
40        val stream : sock_type
41        val dgram : sock_type
42        val list : unit -> (string * sock_type) list
43        val toString   : sock_type -> string
44        val fromString : string -> sock_type option
45    end
47    structure Ctl :
48    sig
49         val getDEBUG : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
50         val setDEBUG : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit
51         val getREUSEADDR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
52         val setREUSEADDR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit
53         val getKEEPALIVE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
54         val setKEEPALIVE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit
55         val getDONTROUTE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
56         val setDONTROUTE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit
57         val getLINGER : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> Time.time option
58         val setLINGER : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * Time.time option -> unit
59         val getBROADCAST : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
60         val setBROADCAST : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit
61         val getOOBINLINE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
62         val setOOBINLINE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool  -> unit
63         val getSNDBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int
64         val setSNDBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * int -> unit
65         val getRCVBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int
66         val setRCVBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * int -> unit
67         val getTYPE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> SOCK.sock_type
68         val getERROR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool
69         val getPeerName : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> 'af sock_addr
70         val getSockName : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> 'af sock_addr
71         val getNREAD : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int
72         val getATMARK : ('af, active stream) sock -> bool
73         end
75     val sameAddr : 'af sock_addr * 'af sock_addr -> bool
76     val familyOfAddr : 'af sock_addr -> AF.addr_family
78     val bind : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> unit
79     val listen : ('af, passive stream) sock * int -> unit
80     val accept : ('af, passive stream) sock
81                    -> ('af, active stream) sock * 'af sock_addr
82     val acceptNB : ('af, passive stream) sock
83                    -> (('af, active stream) sock * 'af sock_addr) option
84     val connect : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> unit
85     val connectNB : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> bool
86     val close : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> unit
88     datatype shutdown_mode
89       = NO_RECVS
90       | NO_SENDS
91       | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS
93     val shutdown : ('af, 'sock_type stream) sock * shutdown_mode -> unit
95     type sock_desc
96     val sockDesc : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> sock_desc
97     val sameDesc: sock_desc * sock_desc -> bool
100     val select:
101            { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list, timeout: Time.time option } ->
102            { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list }
104     val ioDesc : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> OS.IO.iodesc
106     type out_flags = {don't_route : bool, oob : bool}
107     type in_flags = {peek : bool, oob : bool}
109     val sendVec : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int
110     val sendArr : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
111     val sendVec' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice
112                      * out_flags -> int
113     val sendArr' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
114                      * out_flags -> int
115     val sendVecNB : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int option
116     val sendArrNB : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int option
117     val sendVecNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice
118                      * out_flags -> int option
119     val sendArrNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
120                      * out_flags -> int option
122     val recvVec : ('af, active stream) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector
123     val recvArr : ('af, active stream) sock  * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
124     val recvVec' : ('af, active stream) sock * int * in_flags
125                      -> Word8Vector.vector
126     val recvArr' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
127                      * in_flags -> int
128     val recvVecNB : ('af, active stream) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector option
129     val recvArrNB : ('af, active stream) sock  * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int option
130     val recvVecNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * int * in_flags
131                      -> Word8Vector.vector option
132     val recvArrNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
133                      * in_flags -> int option
135     val sendVecTo : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
136                       * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> unit
137     val sendArrTo : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
138                       * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> unit
139     val sendVecTo' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
140                        * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> unit
141     val sendArrTo' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
142                        * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> unit
143     val sendVecToNB : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
144                       * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> bool
145     val sendArrToNB : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
146                       * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> bool
147     val sendVecToNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
148                        * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> bool
149     val sendArrToNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr
150                        * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> bool
152     val recvVecFrom : ('af, dgram) sock * int
153                         -> Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr
154     val recvArrFrom : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
155                         -> int * 'af sock_addr
156     val recvVecFrom' : ('af, dgram) sock * int * in_flags
157                          -> Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr
158     val recvArrFrom' : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
159                          * in_flags -> int * 'af sock_addr
160     val recvVecFromNB : ('af, dgram) sock * int
161                         -> (Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr) option
162     val recvArrFromNB : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
163                         -> (int * 'af sock_addr) option
164     val recvVecFromNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * int * in_flags
165                          -> (Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr) option
166     val recvArrFromNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice
167                          * in_flags -> (int * 'af sock_addr) option
170structure Socket :> SOCKET =
172    (* We don't really need an implementation for these.  *)
173    (* TODO: We should really pull the definition of the sock type into a common structure so
174       it can be shared by the various socket structures.  In fact it doesn't matter since the
175       unary constructor here is compiled as an identity so the underlying representation of
176       "SOCK x" will be the same as "x". *)
177    datatype ('af,'sock_type) sock = SOCK of OS.IO.iodesc
178    and dgram = DGRAM
179    and 'mode stream = STREAM
180    and passive = PASSIVE
181    and active = ACTIVE
183    local
184        val netCall: int * word -> word = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyNetworkGeneral"
185    in
186        fun doNetCall(i: int, arg:'a):'b =
187            RunCall.unsafeCast(netCall(i, RunCall.unsafeCast arg))
188    end
190    structure AF =
191    struct
192        type addr_family = NetHostDB.addr_family
194        local
195            val doCall: int*unit -> (string * addr_family) list
196                 = doNetCall
197        in
198            fun list () = doCall(11, ())
199        end
201        fun toString (af: addr_family) =
202        let
203            val afs = list()
204        in
205            (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *)
206            case List.find (fn (_, af') => af=af') afs of
207                NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing address family", NONE)
208            |   SOME (s, _) => s
209        end
211        fun fromString s =
212        let
213            val afs = list()
214        in
215            (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *)
216            case List.find (fn (s', _) => s=s') afs of
217                NONE => NONE
218            |   SOME (_, af) => SOME af
219        end
220    end
222    structure SOCK =
223    struct
224        datatype sock_type = SOCKTYPE of int
226        local
227            val doCall: int*unit -> (string * sock_type) list
228                 = doNetCall
229        in
230            fun list () = doCall(12, ())
231        end
233        fun toString (sk: sock_type) =
234        let
235            val sks = list()
236        in
237            (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *)
238            case List.find (fn (_, sk') => sk=sk') sks of
239                NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE)
240            |   SOME (s, _) => s
241        end
243        fun fromString s =
244        let
245            val sks = list()
246        in
247            (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *)
248            case List.find (fn (s', _) => s=s') sks of
249                NONE => NONE
250            |   SOME (_, sk) => SOME sk
251        end
253        (* We assume that both of these at least are in the table. *)
254        val stream =
255            case fromString "STREAM" of
256                NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE)
257            |   SOME s => s
259        val dgram =
260            case fromString "DGRAM" of
261                NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE)
262            |   SOME s => s
263    end
265    (* Socket addresses are implemented as strings. *)
266    datatype 'af sock_addr = SOCKADDR of Word8Vector.vector
268    (* Note: The definition did not make these equality type variables.
269       The assumption is probably that it works much like equality on
270       references. *)
271    fun sameAddr (SOCKADDR a, SOCKADDR b) = a = b
273    (* Many of these calls involve type variables.  We have to use a cast to
274       get the types right. *)
275    local
276        val doCall = doNetCall
277    in
278        fun familyOfAddr (sa: 'af sock_addr) = doCall(39, RunCall.unsafeCast sa)
279    end
281    structure Ctl =
282    struct
283        local
284            val doCall1 = doNetCall
285            val doCall2 = doNetCall
286        in
287            fun getOpt (i:int) (SOCK s) = doCall1(i, s)
288            fun setOpt (i: int) (SOCK s, b: bool) = doCall2(i, (s, b))
289        end
291        fun getDEBUG s = getOpt 18 s
292        and setDEBUG s = setOpt 17 s
293        and getREUSEADDR s = getOpt 20 s
294        and setREUSEADDR s = setOpt 19 s
295        and getKEEPALIVE s = getOpt 22 s
296        and setKEEPALIVE s = setOpt 21 s
297        and getDONTROUTE s = getOpt 24 s
298        and setDONTROUTE s = setOpt 23 s
299        and getBROADCAST s = getOpt 26 s
300        and setBROADCAST s = setOpt 25 s
301        and getOOBINLINE s = getOpt 28 s
302        and setOOBINLINE s = setOpt 27 s
303        and getERROR s = getOpt 34 s
304        and getATMARK s = getOpt 45 s
306        local
307            val doCall1 = doNetCall
308            val doCall2 = doNetCall
309        in
310            fun getSNDBUF (SOCK s) = doCall1(30, s)
311            fun setSNDBUF (SOCK s, i: int) = doCall2(29, (s, i))
312            fun getRCVBUF (SOCK s) = doCall1(32, s)
313            fun setRCVBUF (SOCK s, i: int) = doCall2(31, (s, i))
314            fun getTYPE (SOCK s) = SOCK.SOCKTYPE(doCall1(33, s))
316            fun getNREAD (SOCK s) = doCall1(44, s)
318            fun getLINGER (SOCK s): Time.time option =
319            let
320                val lTime = doCall1(36, s)
321            in
322                if lTime < 0 then NONE else SOME(Time.fromSeconds(LargeInt.fromInt lTime))
323            end
325            fun setLINGER (SOCK s, NONE) =
326                (
327                    doCall2(35, (s, ~1))
328                )
329            |   setLINGER (SOCK s, SOME t) =
330                let
331                    val lTime = LargeInt.toInt(Time.toSeconds t)
332                in
333                    if lTime < 0
334                    then raise OS.SysErr("Invalid time", NONE)
335                    else doCall2(35, (s, lTime))
336                end
337        end
339        local
340            val doCall = doNetCall
341        in
342            fun getPeerName (SOCK s): 'af sock_addr = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall(37, s))
344            fun getSockName (SOCK s): 'af sock_addr = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall(38, s))
345        end
346        end (* Ctl *)
349    (* Run an operation in non-blocking mode.  This catches EWOULDBLOCK and returns NONE,
350       otherwise returns SOME result.  Other exceptions are passed back as normal. *)
351    val nonBlockingCall = LibraryIOSupport.nonBlocking
353    local
354        val doCall = doNetCall
355    in
356        fun accept (SOCK s) = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall (46, s))
357    end
359    local
360        val doCall = doNetCall
361        fun acc sock = doCall (58, RunCall.unsafeCast sock)
362    in
363        fun acceptNB sock = RunCall.unsafeCast(nonBlockingCall acc sock)
364    end
366    local
367        val doCall = doNetCall
368    in
369        fun bind (SOCK s, a) = doCall (47, RunCall.unsafeCast (s, a))
370    end
372    local
373        val doCall = doNetCall
374    in
375        fun connect (SOCK s, a) = doCall (48, RunCall.unsafeCast (s, a))
376    end
378    local
379        val doCall = doNetCall
380        fun connct sa = doCall (59, RunCall.unsafeCast sa)
381    in
382        fun connectNB (SOCK s, a) =
383            case nonBlockingCall connct (s,a) of SOME () => true | NONE => false
384    end
386    fun listen (SOCK s, b) =
387        doNetCall (49, (s, b))
389    (* We use the normal "close" for streams. *)
390    local
391        val doCall = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
392    in
393        fun close (SOCK strm): unit = doCall(7, strm, 0)
394    end
396    datatype shutdown_mode = NO_RECVS | NO_SENDS | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS
398    local
399        val doCall = doNetCall
400    in
401        fun shutdown (SOCK s, mode) =
402        let
403            val m =
404                case mode of
405                    NO_RECVS => 1
406                 |  NO_SENDS => 2
407                 |  NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS => 3
408        in
409            doCall (50, (s, m))
410        end
411    end
413    (* The IO descriptor is the underlying socket. *)
414    fun ioDesc (SOCK s) = s;
416    type out_flags = {don't_route : bool, oob : bool}
417    type in_flags = {peek : bool, oob : bool}
418    type 'a buf = {buf : 'a, i : int, sz : int option}
420    local
421        val nullOut = { don't_route = false, oob = false }
422        and nullIn = { peek = false, oob = false }
424        (* This implementation is copied from the implementation of
425           Word8Array.array and Word8Vector.vector. *)
426        type address = LibrarySupport.address
427        datatype vector = datatype LibrarySupport.Word8Array.vector
428        datatype array = datatype LibrarySupport.Word8Array.array
429        val wordSize = LibrarySupport.wordSize
431        (* Send the data from an array or vector.  Note: the underlying RTS function
432           deals with the special case of sending a single byte vector where the
433           "address" is actually the byte itself. *)
434        local
435            val doCall = doNetCall
436            fun doSend i a = doCall (i, a)
437        in
438            fun send (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): int =
439                doSend 51 (sock, base, offset, length, rt, oob)
441            fun sendNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): int option =
442                nonBlockingCall (doSend 60) (sock, base, offset, length, rt, oob)
443        end
445        local
446            (* Although the underlying call returns the number of bytes written the
447               ML functions now return unit. *)
448            val doCall = doNetCall
449            fun doSendTo i a = doCall (i, a)
450        in
451            fun sendTo (SOCK sock, addr, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): unit =
452                doSendTo 52 (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, addr, base, offset, length, rt, oob))
454            fun sendToNB (SOCK sock, addr, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): bool =
455                case nonBlockingCall (doSendTo 61) (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, addr, base, offset, length, rt, oob)) of
456                    NONE => false | SOME _ => true
457        end
459        local
460            val doCall = doNetCall
461            fun doRecv i a = doCall (i, a)
462        in
463            (* Receive the data into an array. *)
464            fun recv (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool): int =
465                doRecv 53 (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob))
467            fun recvNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool): int option =
468                nonBlockingCall (doRecv 62) (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob))
469        end
471        local
472            val doCall = doNetCall
473            fun doRecvFrom i a = doCall (i, a)
474        in 
475            fun recvFrom (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool) =
476                RunCall.unsafeCast(doRecvFrom 54 (RunCall.unsafeCast (sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob)))
478            fun recvFromNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool) =
479                RunCall.unsafeCast(nonBlockingCall (doRecvFrom 63) (RunCall.unsafeCast (sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob)))
480        end
481    in
482        fun sendVec' (sock, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
483        let
484            val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice
485        in
486            send(sock, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob)
487        end
488        and sendVec (sock, vbuff) = sendVec'(sock, vbuff, nullOut)
490        fun sendVecNB' (sock, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
491        let
492            val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice
493        in
494            sendNB(sock, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob)
495        end
496        and sendVecNB (sock, vbuff) = sendVecNB'(sock, vbuff, nullOut)
498        fun sendArr' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
499        let
500            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
501        in
502            send(sock, v, i, length, don't_route, oob)
503        end
504        and sendArr (sock, vbuff) = sendArr'(sock, vbuff, nullOut)
506        fun sendArrNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
507        let
508            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
509        in
510            sendNB(sock, v, i, length, don't_route, oob)
511        end
512        and sendArrNB (sock, vbuff) = sendArrNB'(sock, vbuff, nullOut)
514        fun sendVecTo' (sock, addr, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
515        let
516            val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice
517        in
518            sendTo(sock, addr, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob)
519        end
520        and sendVecTo (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendVecTo'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut)
522        fun sendVecToNB' (sock, addr, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
523        let
524            val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice
525        in
526            sendToNB(sock, addr, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob)
527        end
528        and sendVecToNB (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendVecToNB'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut)
530        fun sendArrTo' (sock, addr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
531        let
532            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
533        in
534            sendTo(sock, addr, v, i, length, don't_route, oob)
535        end
536        and sendArrTo (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendArrTo'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut)
538        fun sendArrToNB' (sock, addr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) =
539        let
540            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
541        in
542            sendToNB(sock, addr, v, i, length, don't_route, oob)
543        end
544        and sendArrToNB (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendArrToNB'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut)
546        fun recvArr' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) =
547        let
548            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
549        in
550            recv(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob)
551        end
552        and recvArr (sock, vbuff) = recvArr'(sock, vbuff, nullIn)
554        fun recvArrNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) =
555        let
556            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
557        in
558            recvNB(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob)
559        end
560        and recvArrNB (sock, vbuff) = recvArrNB'(sock, vbuff, nullIn)
562        (* To receive a vector first create an array, read into it,
563           then copy it to a new vector.  This does involve extra copying
564           but it probably doesn't matter too much. *)
565        fun recvVec' (sock, size, flags) =
566        let
567            val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0);
568            val recvd = recvArr'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags)
569        in
570            Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME recvd))
571        end
572        and recvVec (sock, size) = recvVec'(sock, size, nullIn)
574        fun recvVecNB' (sock, size, flags) =
575        let
576            val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0);
577        in
578            case recvArrNB'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) of
579                NONE => NONE
580            |   SOME recvd => SOME(Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME recvd)))
581        end
582        and recvVecNB (sock, size) = recvVecNB'(sock, size, nullIn)
584        fun recvArrFrom' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) =
585        let
586            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
587        in
588            recvFrom(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob)
589        end
590        and recvArrFrom (sock, abuff) = recvArrFrom'(sock, abuff, nullIn)
593        fun recvArrFromNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) =
594        let
595            val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
596        in
597            recvFromNB(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob)
598        end
599        and recvArrFromNB (sock, abuff) = recvArrFromNB'(sock, abuff, nullIn)
601        fun recvVecFrom' (sock, size, flags) =
602        let
603            val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0);
604            val (rcvd, addr) =
605                recvArrFrom'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags)
606        in
607            (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME rcvd)), addr)
608        end
609        and recvVecFrom (sock, size) = recvVecFrom'(sock, size, nullIn)
611        fun recvVecFromNB' (sock, size, flags) =
612        let
613            val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0);
614        in
615            case recvArrFromNB'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) of
616                NONE => NONE
617            |   SOME (rcvd, addr) =>
618                    SOME (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME rcvd)), addr)           
619        end
620        and recvVecFromNB (sock, size) = recvVecFromNB'(sock, size, nullIn)
622    end
624    (* "select" call. *)
625    datatype sock_desc = SOCKDESC of OS.IO.iodesc
626    fun sockDesc (SOCK sock) = SOCKDESC sock (* Create a socket descriptor from a socket. *)
627    fun sameDesc (SOCKDESC a, SOCKDESC b) = a = b
629    local
630        (* The underlying call takes three arrays and updates them with the sockets that are
631           in the appropriate state.  It sets inactive elements to ~1. *)
632        val doIo: int * (OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * Time.time) ->
633                    OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector
634             = doNetCall
635    in
636        fun sys_select_block(rds, wrs, exs) = doIo(64, (rds, wrs, exs, Time.zeroTime))
637        fun sys_select_poll(rds, wrs, exs) = doIo(65, (rds, wrs, exs, Time.zeroTime))
638        (* The time parameter for a wait is the absolute time when the timeout expires. *)
639        and sys_select_wait (rds, wrs, exs, t) = doIo(66, (rds, wrs, exs, t))
640    end
642    fun select { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list, timeout: Time.time option } :
643            { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list } =
644    let
645        fun sockDescToDesc(SOCKDESC sock) = sock
646        (* Create the initial vectors. *)
647        val rdVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc rds)
648        val wrVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc wrs)
649        val exVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc exs)
650        open Time
651        val (rdResult, wrResult, exResult) =
652            (* Do the approriate select. *)
653            case timeout of
654                NONE => sys_select_block(rdVec, wrVec, exVec)
655            |   SOME t => if t <= Time.zeroTime
656                          then sys_select_poll(rdVec, wrVec, exVec)
657                          else sys_select_wait(rdVec, wrVec, exVec, t + Time.now());
658        (* Function to create the results. *)
659        fun getResults v = Vector.foldr (fn (sd, l) => SOCKDESC sd :: l) [] v
660    in
661        (* Convert the results. *)
662        { rds = getResults rdResult, wrs = getResults wrResult, exs = getResults exResult }
663    end
668    (* Install the pretty printer for Socket.AF.addr_family
669       This must be done outside
670       the structure if we use opaque matching. *)
671    fun printAF _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Socket.AF.toString x)
672    fun printSK _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Socket.SOCK.toString x)
673    fun prettySocket _ _ (_: ('a, 'b) Socket.sock) = PolyML.PrettyString "?"
675    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printAF
676    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printSK
677    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter prettySocket