(* Title: Standard Basis Library: Generic Sockets Author: David Matthews Copyright David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2015-16 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) signature SOCKET = sig type ('af,'sock_type) sock type 'af sock_addr type dgram type 'mode stream type passive type active structure AF : sig type addr_family = NetHostDB.addr_family val list : unit -> (string * addr_family) list val toString : addr_family -> string val fromString : string -> addr_family option end structure SOCK : sig eqtype sock_type val stream : sock_type val dgram : sock_type val list : unit -> (string * sock_type) list val toString : sock_type -> string val fromString : string -> sock_type option end structure Ctl : sig val getDEBUG : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setDEBUG : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getREUSEADDR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setREUSEADDR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getKEEPALIVE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setKEEPALIVE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getDONTROUTE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setDONTROUTE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getLINGER : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> Time.time option val setLINGER : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * Time.time option -> unit val getBROADCAST : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setBROADCAST : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getOOBINLINE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val setOOBINLINE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * bool -> unit val getSNDBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int val setSNDBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * int -> unit val getRCVBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int val setRCVBUF : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * int -> unit val getTYPE : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> SOCK.sock_type val getERROR : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> bool val getPeerName : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> 'af sock_addr val getSockName : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> 'af sock_addr val getNREAD : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> int val getATMARK : ('af, active stream) sock -> bool end val sameAddr : 'af sock_addr * 'af sock_addr -> bool val familyOfAddr : 'af sock_addr -> AF.addr_family val bind : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> unit val listen : ('af, passive stream) sock * int -> unit val accept : ('af, passive stream) sock -> ('af, active stream) sock * 'af sock_addr val acceptNB : ('af, passive stream) sock -> (('af, active stream) sock * 'af sock_addr) option val connect : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> unit val connectNB : ('af, 'sock_type) sock * 'af sock_addr -> bool val close : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> unit datatype shutdown_mode = NO_RECVS | NO_SENDS | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS val shutdown : ('af, 'sock_type stream) sock * shutdown_mode -> unit type sock_desc val sockDesc : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> sock_desc val sameDesc: sock_desc * sock_desc -> bool val select: { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list, timeout: Time.time option } -> { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list } val ioDesc : ('af, 'sock_type) sock -> OS.IO.iodesc type out_flags = {don't_route : bool, oob : bool} type in_flags = {peek : bool, oob : bool} val sendVec : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int val sendArr : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int val sendVec' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> int val sendArr' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> int val sendVecNB : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int option val sendArrNB : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int option val sendVecNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> int option val sendArrNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> int option val recvVec : ('af, active stream) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector val recvArr : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int val recvVec' : ('af, active stream) sock * int * in_flags -> Word8Vector.vector val recvArr' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * in_flags -> int val recvVecNB : ('af, active stream) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector option val recvArrNB : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int option val recvVecNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * int * in_flags -> Word8Vector.vector option val recvArrNB' : ('af, active stream) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * in_flags -> int option val sendVecTo : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> unit val sendArrTo : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> unit val sendVecTo' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> unit val sendArrTo' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> unit val sendVecToNB : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> bool val sendArrToNB : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> bool val sendVecToNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8VectorSlice.slice * out_flags -> bool val sendArrToNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * 'af sock_addr * Word8ArraySlice.slice * out_flags -> bool val recvVecFrom : ('af, dgram) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr val recvArrFrom : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int * 'af sock_addr val recvVecFrom' : ('af, dgram) sock * int * in_flags -> Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr val recvArrFrom' : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * in_flags -> int * 'af sock_addr val recvVecFromNB : ('af, dgram) sock * int -> (Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr) option val recvArrFromNB : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> (int * 'af sock_addr) option val recvVecFromNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * int * in_flags -> (Word8Vector.vector * 'sock_type sock_addr) option val recvArrFromNB' : ('af, dgram) sock * Word8ArraySlice.slice * in_flags -> (int * 'af sock_addr) option end; structure Socket :> SOCKET = struct (* We don't really need an implementation for these. *) (* TODO: We should really pull the definition of the sock type into a common structure so it can be shared by the various socket structures. In fact it doesn't matter since the unary constructor here is compiled as an identity so the underlying representation of "SOCK x" will be the same as "x". *) datatype ('af,'sock_type) sock = SOCK of OS.IO.iodesc and dgram = DGRAM and 'mode stream = STREAM and passive = PASSIVE and active = ACTIVE local val netCall: int * word -> word = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyNetworkGeneral" in fun doNetCall(i: int, arg:'a):'b = RunCall.unsafeCast(netCall(i, RunCall.unsafeCast arg)) end structure AF = struct type addr_family = NetHostDB.addr_family local val doCall: int*unit -> (string * addr_family) list = doNetCall in fun list () = doCall(11, ()) end fun toString (af: addr_family) = let val afs = list() in (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *) case List.find (fn (_, af') => af=af') afs of NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing address family", NONE) | SOME (s, _) => s end fun fromString s = let val afs = list() in (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *) case List.find (fn (s', _) => s=s') afs of NONE => NONE | SOME (_, af) => SOME af end end structure SOCK = struct datatype sock_type = SOCKTYPE of int local val doCall: int*unit -> (string * sock_type) list = doNetCall in fun list () = doCall(12, ()) end fun toString (sk: sock_type) = let val sks = list() in (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *) case List.find (fn (_, sk') => sk=sk') sks of NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE) | SOME (s, _) => s end fun fromString s = let val sks = list() in (* Do a linear search on the list - it's small. *) case List.find (fn (s', _) => s=s') sks of NONE => NONE | SOME (_, sk) => SOME sk end (* We assume that both of these at least are in the table. *) val stream = case fromString "STREAM" of NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE) | SOME s => s val dgram = case fromString "DGRAM" of NONE => raise OS.SysErr("Missing socket type", NONE) | SOME s => s end (* Socket addresses are implemented as strings. *) datatype 'af sock_addr = SOCKADDR of Word8Vector.vector (* Note: The definition did not make these equality type variables. The assumption is probably that it works much like equality on references. *) fun sameAddr (SOCKADDR a, SOCKADDR b) = a = b (* Many of these calls involve type variables. We have to use a cast to get the types right. *) local val doCall = doNetCall in fun familyOfAddr (sa: 'af sock_addr) = doCall(39, RunCall.unsafeCast sa) end structure Ctl = struct local val doCall1 = doNetCall val doCall2 = doNetCall in fun getOpt (i:int) (SOCK s) = doCall1(i, s) fun setOpt (i: int) (SOCK s, b: bool) = doCall2(i, (s, b)) end fun getDEBUG s = getOpt 18 s and setDEBUG s = setOpt 17 s and getREUSEADDR s = getOpt 20 s and setREUSEADDR s = setOpt 19 s and getKEEPALIVE s = getOpt 22 s and setKEEPALIVE s = setOpt 21 s and getDONTROUTE s = getOpt 24 s and setDONTROUTE s = setOpt 23 s and getBROADCAST s = getOpt 26 s and setBROADCAST s = setOpt 25 s and getOOBINLINE s = getOpt 28 s and setOOBINLINE s = setOpt 27 s and getERROR s = getOpt 34 s and getATMARK s = getOpt 45 s local val doCall1 = doNetCall val doCall2 = doNetCall in fun getSNDBUF (SOCK s) = doCall1(30, s) fun setSNDBUF (SOCK s, i: int) = doCall2(29, (s, i)) fun getRCVBUF (SOCK s) = doCall1(32, s) fun setRCVBUF (SOCK s, i: int) = doCall2(31, (s, i)) fun getTYPE (SOCK s) = SOCK.SOCKTYPE(doCall1(33, s)) fun getNREAD (SOCK s) = doCall1(44, s) fun getLINGER (SOCK s): Time.time option = let val lTime = doCall1(36, s) in if lTime < 0 then NONE else SOME(Time.fromSeconds(LargeInt.fromInt lTime)) end fun setLINGER (SOCK s, NONE) = ( doCall2(35, (s, ~1)) ) | setLINGER (SOCK s, SOME t) = let val lTime = LargeInt.toInt(Time.toSeconds t) in if lTime < 0 then raise OS.SysErr("Invalid time", NONE) else doCall2(35, (s, lTime)) end end local val doCall = doNetCall in fun getPeerName (SOCK s): 'af sock_addr = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall(37, s)) fun getSockName (SOCK s): 'af sock_addr = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall(38, s)) end end (* Ctl *) (* Run an operation in non-blocking mode. This catches EWOULDBLOCK and returns NONE, otherwise returns SOME result. Other exceptions are passed back as normal. *) val nonBlockingCall = LibraryIOSupport.nonBlocking local val doCall = doNetCall in fun accept (SOCK s) = RunCall.unsafeCast(doCall (46, s)) end local val doCall = doNetCall fun acc sock = doCall (58, RunCall.unsafeCast sock) in fun acceptNB sock = RunCall.unsafeCast(nonBlockingCall acc sock) end local val doCall = doNetCall in fun bind (SOCK s, a) = doCall (47, RunCall.unsafeCast (s, a)) end local val doCall = doNetCall in fun connect (SOCK s, a) = doCall (48, RunCall.unsafeCast (s, a)) end local val doCall = doNetCall fun connct sa = doCall (59, RunCall.unsafeCast sa) in fun connectNB (SOCK s, a) = case nonBlockingCall connct (s,a) of SOME () => true | NONE => false end fun listen (SOCK s, b) = doNetCall (49, (s, b)) (* We use the normal "close" for streams. *) local val doCall = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral" in fun close (SOCK strm): unit = doCall(7, strm, 0) end datatype shutdown_mode = NO_RECVS | NO_SENDS | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS local val doCall = doNetCall in fun shutdown (SOCK s, mode) = let val m = case mode of NO_RECVS => 1 | NO_SENDS => 2 | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS => 3 in doCall (50, (s, m)) end end (* The IO descriptor is the underlying socket. *) fun ioDesc (SOCK s) = s; type out_flags = {don't_route : bool, oob : bool} type in_flags = {peek : bool, oob : bool} type 'a buf = {buf : 'a, i : int, sz : int option} local val nullOut = { don't_route = false, oob = false } and nullIn = { peek = false, oob = false } (* This implementation is copied from the implementation of Word8Array.array and Word8Vector.vector. *) type address = LibrarySupport.address datatype vector = datatype LibrarySupport.Word8Array.vector datatype array = datatype LibrarySupport.Word8Array.array val wordSize = LibrarySupport.wordSize (* Send the data from an array or vector. Note: the underlying RTS function deals with the special case of sending a single byte vector where the "address" is actually the byte itself. *) local val doCall = doNetCall fun doSend i a = doCall (i, a) in fun send (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): int = doSend 51 (sock, base, offset, length, rt, oob) fun sendNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): int option = nonBlockingCall (doSend 60) (sock, base, offset, length, rt, oob) end local (* Although the underlying call returns the number of bytes written the ML functions now return unit. *) val doCall = doNetCall fun doSendTo i a = doCall (i, a) in fun sendTo (SOCK sock, addr, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): unit = doSendTo 52 (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, addr, base, offset, length, rt, oob)) fun sendToNB (SOCK sock, addr, base: address, offset: int, length: int, rt: bool, oob: bool): bool = case nonBlockingCall (doSendTo 61) (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, addr, base, offset, length, rt, oob)) of NONE => false | SOME _ => true end local val doCall = doNetCall fun doRecv i a = doCall (i, a) in (* Receive the data into an array. *) fun recv (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool): int = doRecv 53 (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob)) fun recvNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool): int option = nonBlockingCall (doRecv 62) (RunCall.unsafeCast(sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob)) end local val doCall = doNetCall fun doRecvFrom i a = doCall (i, a) in fun recvFrom (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool) = RunCall.unsafeCast(doRecvFrom 54 (RunCall.unsafeCast (sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob))) fun recvFromNB (SOCK sock, base: address, offset: int, length: int, peek: bool, oob: bool) = RunCall.unsafeCast(nonBlockingCall (doRecvFrom 63) (RunCall.unsafeCast (sock, base, offset, length, peek, oob))) end in fun sendVec' (sock, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice in send(sock, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendVec (sock, vbuff) = sendVec'(sock, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendVecNB' (sock, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice in sendNB(sock, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendVecNB (sock, vbuff) = sendVecNB'(sock, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendArr' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in send(sock, v, i, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendArr (sock, vbuff) = sendArr'(sock, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendArrNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in sendNB(sock, v, i, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendArrNB (sock, vbuff) = sendArrNB'(sock, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendVecTo' (sock, addr, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice in sendTo(sock, addr, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendVecTo (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendVecTo'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendVecToNB' (sock, addr, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (v, i, length) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice in sendToNB(sock, addr, LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress v, i + Word.toInt wordSize, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendVecToNB (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendVecToNB'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendArrTo' (sock, addr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in sendTo(sock, addr, v, i, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendArrTo (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendArrTo'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut) fun sendArrToNB' (sock, addr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {don't_route, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in sendToNB(sock, addr, v, i, length, don't_route, oob) end and sendArrToNB (sock, addr, vbuff) = sendArrToNB'(sock, addr, vbuff, nullOut) fun recvArr' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in recv(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob) end and recvArr (sock, vbuff) = recvArr'(sock, vbuff, nullIn) fun recvArrNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in recvNB(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob) end and recvArrNB (sock, vbuff) = recvArrNB'(sock, vbuff, nullIn) (* To receive a vector first create an array, read into it, then copy it to a new vector. This does involve extra copying but it probably doesn't matter too much. *) fun recvVec' (sock, size, flags) = let val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0); val recvd = recvArr'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) in Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME recvd)) end and recvVec (sock, size) = recvVec'(sock, size, nullIn) fun recvVecNB' (sock, size, flags) = let val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0); in case recvArrNB'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) of NONE => NONE | SOME recvd => SOME(Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME recvd))) end and recvVecNB (sock, size) = recvVecNB'(sock, size, nullIn) fun recvArrFrom' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in recvFrom(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob) end and recvArrFrom (sock, abuff) = recvArrFrom'(sock, abuff, nullIn) fun recvArrFromNB' (sock, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice, {peek, oob}) = let val (Array(_, v), i, length) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice in recvFromNB(sock, v, i, length, peek, oob) end and recvArrFromNB (sock, abuff) = recvArrFromNB'(sock, abuff, nullIn) fun recvVecFrom' (sock, size, flags) = let val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0); val (rcvd, addr) = recvArrFrom'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) in (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME rcvd)), addr) end and recvVecFrom (sock, size) = recvVecFrom'(sock, size, nullIn) fun recvVecFromNB' (sock, size, flags) = let val arr = Word8Array.array(size, 0w0); in case recvArrFromNB'(sock, Word8ArraySlice.full arr, flags) of NONE => NONE | SOME (rcvd, addr) => SOME (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.slice(arr, 0, SOME rcvd)), addr) end and recvVecFromNB (sock, size) = recvVecFromNB'(sock, size, nullIn) end (* "select" call. *) datatype sock_desc = SOCKDESC of OS.IO.iodesc fun sockDesc (SOCK sock) = SOCKDESC sock (* Create a socket descriptor from a socket. *) fun sameDesc (SOCKDESC a, SOCKDESC b) = a = b local (* The underlying call takes three arrays and updates them with the sockets that are in the appropriate state. It sets inactive elements to ~1. *) val doIo: int * (OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * Time.time) -> OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector * OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = doNetCall in fun sys_select_block(rds, wrs, exs) = doIo(64, (rds, wrs, exs, Time.zeroTime)) fun sys_select_poll(rds, wrs, exs) = doIo(65, (rds, wrs, exs, Time.zeroTime)) (* The time parameter for a wait is the absolute time when the timeout expires. *) and sys_select_wait (rds, wrs, exs, t) = doIo(66, (rds, wrs, exs, t)) end fun select { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list, timeout: Time.time option } : { rds: sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list } = let fun sockDescToDesc(SOCKDESC sock) = sock (* Create the initial vectors. *) val rdVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc rds) val wrVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc wrs) val exVec: OS.IO.iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList(map sockDescToDesc exs) open Time val (rdResult, wrResult, exResult) = (* Do the approriate select. *) case timeout of NONE => sys_select_block(rdVec, wrVec, exVec) | SOME t => if t <= Time.zeroTime then sys_select_poll(rdVec, wrVec, exVec) else sys_select_wait(rdVec, wrVec, exVec, t + Time.now()); (* Function to create the results. *) fun getResults v = Vector.foldr (fn (sd, l) => SOCKDESC sd :: l) [] v in (* Convert the results. *) { rds = getResults rdResult, wrs = getResults wrResult, exs = getResults exResult } end end; local (* Install the pretty printer for Socket.AF.addr_family This must be done outside the structure if we use opaque matching. *) fun printAF _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Socket.AF.toString x) fun printSK _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Socket.SOCK.toString x) fun prettySocket _ _ (_: ('a, 'b) Socket.sock) = PolyML.PrettyString "?" in val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printAF val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printSK val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter prettySocket end;