2  fun load_path_add x = loadPath := !loadPath @ [concat Globals.HOLDIR x];
3  load_path_add "/examples/mc-logic";
4  load_path_add "/examples/ARM/v4";
5  load_path_add "/tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib";
6  app load ["arm_compilerLib", "wordsTheory"]
9open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10open arm_compilerLib;
11open wordsTheory;
13val _ = optimise_code := true;
14val _ = abbrev_code := false;
16val _ = new_theory "arm_compiler_demo";
22This file illustrates, through examples, how the ARM compiler from
23arm_progLib can be used. The compiler's top-level function is
25  arm_progLib.arm_compile (def:thm) (ind:thm) (as_proc:arm_code_format)
27Here def is a definition, ind is the induction rule produced by Define
28and as_proc is a flag indicating what the format of the resulting ARM
29code ought to take (e.g. procedure or not).
31In order to keep the presentation consice we define test_compile and
36fun find_ind_thm def = let
37  val tm = (fst o dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) def
38  val name = (fst o dest_const) ((fst o dest_comb) tm handle e => tm)
39  in fetch "-" (name^"_ind") handle e => TRUTH end;
41fun test_compile' as_proc q = let
42  val def = Define q
43  val ind = find_ind_thm def
44  val (th,strs) = arm_compile def ind as_proc
45 (* val _ = map print (["\n\n\n"] @ strs @ ["\n\n\n"]) *)
46  in (def,ind,th) end;
48fun test_compile q = test_compile' InLineCode q;
49val test_compile_proc = test_compile'
53The compiler expects def to be a function where variables have names
54r0,r1,r2,...,r12 or m0,m1,m2 .... The variable names tells the compiler
55how to assign physical resources to each logical variable, e.g.
57  r1  - becomes register 1
58  m5  - becomes memory location at address stack pointer + 5
60The functions it accepts must conform to the following grammar.
61Let r range over register names (r0,r1,r2,etc), m range over
62memory locations (m0,m1,m2,etc), f over function names,
63i over natural numbers (<32) and w over 8-bit word constants.
65  p    ::=  let r = exp in p
66         |  let m = r in p
67         |  let (v,v,...,v) = f (v,v,...,v) in p
68         |  if g then p else p
69         |  (v,v,...,v)
71  v    ::=  r  |  m
72  g    ::=  ~ g  |  r cmp mode  |  r && mode = 0w
73  cmp  ::=  =  |  <  |  <+  |  <=  |  <=+
74  exp  ::=  m  |  mode  |  ~ mode  |  r op mode  |  r * r
75  op   ::=  + | - | && | ?? | !!
76  mode ::=  w  |  r  |  r << i  |  r >> i  |  r >>> i
78The only dissallowed combination of the above is "let ri = rj * rk in ..."
79in which ri and rj must not be the same variable name. (There are also some
80restrictions regarding varaible names in function calls.)
82Notice that the grammer from above dissallows:
84  let r0 = (if r1 < r2 then 5w else r6) in P
86Such conditionals need to be expanded out, e.g.
88  if r1 < r2 then
89    let r0 = 5w in P
90  else
91    let r0 = r6 in P
93A naive compilation would duplicate the code for P. We optimise
94"common code tails" and that way, to a large extent, avoid duplication
95of code (See section of shared-tails for more).
100(* TEST: constant functions *)
102val (load_const_def,_,load_const_arm) = test_compile `
103  load_const : word32 # word32 # word32 =
104    let r0 = 0w in
105    let r1 = 45w in
106    let r2 = ~r1 in
107      (r0,r1,r2)`;
109(* Each let-expression is compiled into one ARM instruction or
110   procedure call. The code for load_const above becomes:
112     mov r0, #0
113     mov r1, #45
114     mvn r2, r1
118(* TEST: nonrecursive functions *)
120val (garble_def,_,garble_arm) = test_compile `
121  garble (r2:word32,r3:word32,r4:word32) =
122    let r1 = r2 + r3 in
123    let r2 = r1 - r3 << 5 in
124    let r3 = r2 * r3 in
125    let r1 = r1 + 4w in
126    let r2 = r3 && r2 >>> 30 in
127    let r2 = r2 << 16 in
128    let r2 = ~(r2 >>> 2) in
129    let r3 = r2 !! r1 in
130    let r2 = r3 ?? 55w in
131      (r2,r3)`;
133(* Input and output are tuples. For garble_def we expect input in
134   register 2, 3 and 4; and produce output into registers 2 and 3. *)
137(* TEST: recursive functions *)
139val (mul32_def,mul32_ind,mul32_arm) = test_compile `
140  mul32 (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
141    if r0 = 0w then (r0,r1,r2) else
142      let r2 = r1 + r2 in
143      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
144        mul32 (r0,r1,r2)`;
146val (fac32_def,fac32_ind,fac32_arm) = test_compile `
147  fac32 (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
148    if r0 = 0w then r1 else
149      let r1 = r0 * r1 in
150      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
151        fac32 (r0,r1)`;
153(* Looping functions are required to be tail-recursive and
154   the recurive calls need to be identical to the left-hand side of
155   the definition of the function, i.e.
157     f (r1,r2) = let .... in f (r2,r3)
159   is not allowed, since (r1,r2) is not syntactically the same as (r2,r3). *)
162(* TEST: functions with multiple recursive calls *)
164val (recg_def,recg_ind,recg_arm) = test_compile `
165  recg (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
166    if r0 = 0w then
167     r1
168    else if r0 = 2w then
169     (let r2 = r0 && r1 in r1)
170    else if r0 = r1 then
171     (let r2 = 5w:word32 in
172      let r3 = ~r2 in
173      let r1 = r0 * r1 in
174      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
175        recg(r0,r1))
176    else
177     (let r1 = r0 * r1 in
178      let r3 = ~r1 in
179      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
180        recg(r0,r1))`;
183(* TEST: negative guard in if-then-else *)
185val (neg_test_def,_,neg_test_arm) = test_compile `
186  neg_test (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
187    let r1 = r0 + r1 in
188    if ~(r0 = 0w) then
189      let r1 = r0 + r1 in
190        r1
191    else
192      let r1 = r1 + 4w in
193        r1`;
196(* TEST: various guards *)
198val (guard_test_def,_,guard_test_arm) = test_compile `
199  guard_test (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32,r3:word32) =
200    if 5w <= r2         then let r0 = r1 + 2w in r0 else
201    if r0 <+ 3w         then let r0 = r1 + 3w in r0 else r0`;
203val (guard_test_def,_,guard_test_arm) = test_compile `
204  guard_test (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32,r3:word32) =
205    if r0 <= r2         then let r0 = r1 + 2w in r0 else
206    if r0 <+ 3w         then let r0 = r1 + 3w in r0 else
207    if ~(r0 < 3w)       then let r0 = r1 + 5w in r0 else
208    if r0 <+ r3 << 2    then let r0 = r1 + 6w in r0 else
209    if r3 << 2 <+ r3    then let r0 = r1 + 7w in r0 else
210    if ~(r3 >> 2 <+ r3) then let r0 = r1 + 8w in r0 else r0`;
212val (guard_loop_def,guard_loop_ind,guard_loop_arm) = test_compile `
213  guard_loop (r0:word32) =
214    if r0 = 0w then r0 else
215      if r0 < 3w then
216        let r0 = r0 - 1w in guard_loop(r0)
217      else
218        let r0 = r0 - 1w in guard_loop(r0)`
220(* Notice that one of the branches in same_guard_def is unreachable.
221   The compiler will be unable to prove the unreachable path and drops it.
222   Hence the message from the compiler                                     *)
224val (same_guard_def,_,same_guard_arm) = test_compile  `
225  same_guard (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32,r3:word32) =
226    if r0 < 3w then let r0 = r1 + 1w in r0 else
227    if r0 < 3w then let r0 = r1 + 3w in r0 else r0`;
230(* TEST: conditional execution *)
232(* Here the compiler does not introduce a branch instead it executes
233   the addition conditionally. *)
235val (reg_min_def,_,reg_min_arm) = test_compile `
236  reg_min (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
237    if r0 < r1 then
238      let r1 = r1 + r0 in r1
239    else
240      r1`;
243(* TEST: if-then-else shared tail elim *)
245(* In order to avoid duplication of code the compiler can pull out
246   tails that are shared across if-then-else branches. *)
248val (shared_tail_def,_,shared_tail_arm) = test_compile `
249  shared_tail (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
250    if r1 < r2 then
251      let r1 = r2 in
252      let r0 = r1 + 5w in
253      let r2 = r0 + r1 in
254        r2
255    else
256      let r0 = r1 + 5w in
257      let r2 = r0 + r1 in
258        r2`;
260val (shared_tail2_def,_,shared_tail2_arm) = test_compile `
261  shared_tail2 (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
262    if r1 < r2 then
263      if r2 < r0 then
264        let r1 = r2 + 1w in
265        let r0 = r1 - 5w in
266        let r0 = r0 - 5w in
267          r0
268      else
269        let r1 = r2 + 2w in
270        let r0 = r1 - 5w in
271        let r0 = r0 - 5w in
272          r0
273    else
274      if r2 < 5w then
275        let r1 = r2 + 3w in
276        let r0 = r1 - 5w in
277        let r0 = r0 - 5w in
278          r0
279      else
280        let r1 = r2 + 4w in
281        let r0 = r1 - 5w in
282        let r0 = r0 - 5w in
283          r0`;
286(* TEST: if-the-else shared front can be pulled out *)
288(* In some cases the front can be pulled out as illustrated
289   by the following code. The comparison instruction comes first
290   in the compiled code, then the move and the addition and at
291   the end subtraction is done conditionally. *)
293val (shared_front_def,_,shared_front_arm) = test_compile `
294  shared_front (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
295    if r1 < r2 then
296      let r1 = 5w in
297      let r2 = r1 + r2 in
298        r2
299    else
300      let r1 = 5w in
301      let r2 = r1 + r2 in
302      let r2 = r2 - 4w in
303        r2`;
306(* TEST: memory accesses *)
308(* Memory accesses to the stack are done using variables names
309   m0,m1,m2 etc. Memory locations cannot be refered to in
310   expressions, e.g.
312     let m1 = m2 + 5w in ...
314   is not allowed, since there is no ARM instruction for
315   addition of memory locations. Instead:
317     let r0 = m2 in
318     let m1 = r0 + 5w in ...
322val (mem_swap_def,_,mem_swap_arm) = test_compile `
323  mem_swap (m0:word32,m1:word32) =
324    let r0 = m0 in
325    let r1 = m1 in
326    let m0 = r1 in
327    let m1 = r0 in
328      (m0,m1)`;
330val (mem_as_temp_def,_,mem_as_temp_arm) = test_compile `
331  mem_as_temp (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
332    let m1 = r0 in
333    let r1 = r1 + r2 in
334    let m2 = r1 in
335    let r2 = r1 + r2 in
336    let m3 = r2 in
337      m3`;
340(* TEST: function in-lining *)
342(* The compiler keeps track of previously compiled code. In order to
343   flush its memory call:
345     reset_compiled()
348val _ = reset_compiled();
350val (fac32_acc_def,fac32_acc_ind,fac32_acc_arm) = test_compile `
351  fac32_acc (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
352    if r0 = 0w then r1 else
353      let r1 = r0 * r1 in
354      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
355        fac32_acc (r0,r1)`;
357val (fac32_def,_,fac32_arm) = test_compile `
358  fac32 (r0:word32) =
359    let r1 = 1w in
360    let r1 = fac32_acc (r0,r1) in
361    let r0 = r1 in
362      r0`;
364(* fac32 contains an instance of fac32_acc. Make sure that the
365   call to fac32_acc uses the variable names with which fac32_acc
366   was defined, e.g. calling it using
368     let r1 = fac32_acc (r3,r4) in
370   is not allowed since (r3,r4) is not syntactically equal to (r0,r1)
371   which was used in the definition of fac32_acc; similarly
373     let r9 = fac32_acc (r0,r1) in
375   is also malformed since the result of fac32_acc is stored in r0,
376   not in r9.
380-- fac_add_def makes Holmake fail, but works when run in an interacitve session
382val (fac_add_def,_,fac_add_arm) = test_compile `
383  fac_add (r0:word32,r2:word32) =
384    let r0 = fac32(r0) in
385    let r0 = r0 + r2 in
386      r0`;
389(* Note that the compilation of fac_add would rightly fail, if r2 was
390   replaced by r1 in the definition of fac_add, since r1 is used
391   when fac32 executes. *)
395(* TEST: procedure calls *)
397val _ = reset_compiled();
399(* If we compile fac32_acc as a procedure then calls to it will be
400   executed using the ARM instruction for procedure calls, i.e.
401   the BL (branch-and-link) instruction. *)
403val (fac32_acc_def,fac32_acc_ind,fac32_acc_arm) = test_compile_proc SimpleProcedure `
404  fac32_acc (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
405    if r0 = 0w then r1 else
406      let r1 = r0 * r1 in
407      let r0 = r0 - 1w in
408        fac32_acc (r0,r1)`;
410val (fac32_def,_,fac32_arm) = test_compile `
411  fac32 (r0:word32) =
412    let r1 = 1w in
413    let r1 = fac32_acc (r0:word32,r1:word32) in
414    let r0 = r1 in
415      r0`;
417(* Here fac32_acc was compiled using the option "SimpleProcedure", which means
418   that it will keep the return address in the link register (register 14) rather
419   than push it onto the stack. Functions compiled with the option
420   "SimpleProcedure" must not contain any procedure calls or direct use of
421   register 14.
423   Use the option "PushProcedure ([],0)" when the function to be compiled contains
424   procedure calls or uses register 14 as a temporary (which is allowed!).
425   The option "PushProcedure ([],0)" will push the return address onto the stack and
426   hence allows nested procedure calls.
429val (b1_def,_,b1_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
430  b1 (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
431    let r0 = r1 * r0 in
432      r0`;
434val (b2_def,_,b2_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
435  b2 (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
436    let r0 = b1(r0,r1) in
437    let r0 = r0 + r2 in
438      r0`;
440val (b3_def,_,b3_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
441  b3 (r0:word32,r1:word32,r2:word32) =
442    let r0 = b2(r0,r1,r2) in
443    let r1 = r0 - 4w in
444      r1`;
446(* The option "PushProcedure" can also be used for context saving, e.g.
447   `PushProcedure (["r1","r2","r3"],0)` saves the state of registers 1, 2 and 3
448   (by pushing their values onto the stack on entry and popping them on exit).
450   Example: the function c1 (below) uses registers 11 and 12 as temporaries and
451   function c2 (also below) depends on the fact that the values in registers 11
452   and 12 are invariant across calls to c1.
455val (c1_def,_,c1_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure (["r11","r12"],0)) `
456  c1 (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
457    let r11 = 5w in
458    let r12 = 6w in
459    let r0 = r1 * r11 in
460    let r0 = r0 ?? r12 in
461      r0`;
463val (c2_def,_,c2_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
464  c2 (r0:word32,r1:word32,r11:word32) =
465    let r12 = r11 + r1 in
466    let r0 = c1(r0,r1) in
467    let r0 = r0 + r11 in
468    let r1 = r0 - r12 in
469      (r0,r1)`;
472(* TEST: procedure calls with memory accesses *)
474(* So far we have required that procedure/function calls are identical
475   to the definition of the function which they call, e.g. a call to
476   foo, defined by
478     foo (r0,m1) =
479       let ... in (r3,m2)  ,
481   must be of the form "let (r3,m2) = foo(r0,m1)", since the variable
482   names indicate in which resources the input/result values are stored.
484   However, the new option PushProcedure is an exception to the above
485   rule of thumb. The option PushProcedure alters the stack pointer, and
486   hence what used to be at offset, say, 5 from the stack pointer (i.e. m5)
487   may actually be at offset 6 (i.e. m6) from inside a subroutine. As
488   a result the numbers that follow variable names that refer to the stack
489   need to be shifted slightly when calling procedures that are complied
490   using PushProcedure. Example:
493val _ = reset_compiled();
495(* foo is compiled to push the link register onto the stack. *)
497val (foo_def,_,foo_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
498  foo (r0:word32,m1:word32) =
499    let r1 = m1 in
500    let r3 = r0 + r1 in
501    let r1 = r1 + 4w in
502    let m2 = r1 in
503      (r3,m2)`;
505(* When calling foo we must use "let (r3,m1) = foo(r0,m0)" since
506   the stack pointer is shifted by one *)
508val (supfoo_def,_,supfoo_arm) = test_compile_proc InLineCode `
509  supfoo (r0,m0) =
510    let (r3,m1) = foo(r0,m0) in
511    let r2 = m1 in
512      (r2,r3)`;
514(* To illustrate how the stack elements work, let the following depict
515   a stack with q at the top, then z as the second element, then y and x,
517     ...|x|y|z|q|
519   One uses offset 0 to access q, offset 2 to access y.
521   Suppose we run supfoo on a stack with y on top and x second
523     ...|x|y|
525   then the execution starts by performing a call to foo, which pushes
526   the return address onto the stack:
528     ...|x|y|address|
530   We see that what used to be at offset i from the top of the stack
531   is now at offset i+1. When the procedure returns it pops the return
532   address off the stack, hence when "let r2 = m1" is to execute the
533   stack is the following (here z is the value which foo calculated):
535     ...|z|y|
537   The general case: PushProcedure (xs,i) will shift the stack pointer
538   by length xs + i + 1.
543(* TEST: procedure calls with register spilling *)
545(* Suppose all values used in a computation don't fit into the registers.
546   We can create temporary stack space by altering the stack poniter in
547   procedures that are compiled using the option PushProcedure.
549   PushProcedure (xs,i) shifts the stack pointer i steps, e.g.
550   When entering a function compiled with the option
551   PushProcedure (["r1","r2","r3"],2) it will start by pushing the return
552   address and values of registers 1, 2 and 3 onto the stack
554     ...|address|v1|v2|v3|
556   It then alters the stack pointer to add two more elements:
558     ...|address|v1|v2|v3|t1|t2|
560   The stack locations where address,v1,v2,v3 are stored (i.e. m5,m4,m3,m2)
561   must not be touched since these are used by the procedure context switch.
562   But the stack locations where the (unspecified) t1 and t2 are stored can be
563   used temporary scratch space.
565   Example below.
568val (temp_mem_def,_,temp_mem_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure (["r1","r2","r3"],2)) `
569  temp_mem (r0:word32,m6:word32) =
570    let m0 = r0 in  (* offset 0 used as temp *)
571    let r0 = m6 in  (* offset 6 used as input *)
572    let r0 = r0 - 5w in
573    let m1 = r0 in  (* offset 1 used as temp *)
574    let r1 = m1 in
575    let r1 = r1 + 6w in
576    let m7 = r1 in  (* offset 7 used as result *)
577    let r0 = r1 + r0 in
578      (r0,m7)`;
580(* When "let m0 = r0" executes in temp_mem the stack is the following:
582     ...|x|y|address|v1|v2|v3|t1|t2|
584   temp_mem reads offset 6 (i.e. y) as input use offset 0 and 1 as temporary
585   memory locations and uses offset 7 to return output.
588val (temp_mem2_def,_,temp_mem2_arm) = test_compile_proc (PushProcedure (["r1"],3)) `
589  temp_mem2 (r2:word32,r3:word32) =
590    let r0 = r2 + r3 in
591    let m0 = r0 in
592    let (r0,m1) = temp_mem(r0,m0) in
593    let r1 = m1 in
594    let r2 = r1 + r3 in
595      r2`;
597(* When "let r0 = r2 + r3" executes in temp_mem2 the stack is the following:
599     ...|address'|u1|t1|t2|t3|
604(* Joe's ECC example. *)
606(* The code becomes large in the following examples.
607   Hence, in order to cope we switch on "code abbrevaition". *)
609val _ = abbrev_code := true;
610val _ = reset_compiled();
612val (load_751_def,_,load_751_arm) = test_compile `
613  load_751 =
614    let r10 = 2w:word32 in
615    let r10 = r10 << 8 in
616    let r10 = r10 + 239w in r10`;
618val (field_neg_def,_,field_neg_arm) = test_compile `
619  field_neg (r1:word32) =
620    if r1 = 0w then r1 else
621      let r10 = load_751 in
622      let r1 = r10 - r1 in r1`;
624val (field_add_def,_,field_add_arm) = test_compile `
625  field_add (r0:word32,r1:word32) =
626    let r10 = load_751 in
627    let r0 = r1 + r0 in
628      if r0 < r10 then r0 else
629        let r0 = r0 - r10 in
630          r0`;
632val (field_sub_def,_,field_sub_arm) = test_compile `
633  field_sub (r0,r1) =
634    let r1 = field_neg r1 in
635    let r0 = field_add (r0,r1) in
636      r0`;
638val (field_mult_aux_def,field_mult_aux_ind,field_mult_aux_arm) = test_compile `
639  field_mult_aux (r2:word32,r3:word32,r4:word32) =
640    if r3 = 0w then r4 else
641      if r3 && 1w = 0w then
642          let r3 = r3 >>> 1 in
643          let r0 = r2 in
644          let r1 = r2 in
645          let r0 = field_add (r0,r1) in
646          let r2 = r0 in
647            field_mult_aux (r2:word32,r3:word32,r4:word32)
648        else
649          let r3 = r3 >>> 1 in
650          let r0 = r4 in
651          let r1 = r2 in
652          let r0 = field_add (r0,r1) in
653          let r4 = r0 in
654          let r0 = r2 in
655          let r1 = r2 in
656          let r0 = field_add (r0,r1) in
657          let r2 = r0 in
658            field_mult_aux (r2:word32,r3:word32,r4:word32)`;
660val (field_mult_def,_,field_mult_arm) = test_compile' SimpleProcedure `
661  field_mult (r2,r3) =
662    let r4 = 0w in
663    let r4 = field_mult_aux (r2,r3,r4) in
664      r4`;
666val (field_exp_aux_def,field_exp_aux_ind,field_exp_aux_arm) = test_compile `
667  field_exp_aux (r5:word32,r6:word32,r7:word32) =
668    if r6 = 0w then r7 else
669      if r6 && 1w = 0w then
670          let r6 = r6 >>> 1 in
671          let r2 = r5 in
672          let r3 = r5 in
673          let r4 = field_mult (r2,r3) in
674          let r5 = r4 in
675            field_exp_aux (r5:word32,r6:word32,r7:word32)
676        else
677          let r6 = r6 >>> 1 in
678          let r2 = r7 in
679          let r3 = r5 in
680          let r4 = field_mult (r2,r3) in
681          let r7 = r4 in
682          let r2' = r5 in
683          let r3' = r5 in
684          let r4' = field_mult (r2',r3') in
685          let r5 = r4' in
686            field_exp_aux (r5:word32,r6:word32,r7:word32)`;
688val (field_exp_def,_,field_exp_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
689  field_exp (r5,r6) =
690    let r7 = 1w in
691    let r7 = field_exp_aux (r5,r6,r7) in
692      r7`;
694val (field_inv_def,_,field_inv_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
695  field_inv r5 =
696    let r6 = 2w:word32 in
697    let r6 = r6 << 8 in
698    let r6 = r6 + 237w in
699    let r7 = field_exp (r5,r6) in
700      r7`;
702val (field_div_def,_,field_div_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
703  field_div (r8,r9) =
704    let r5 = r9 in
705    let r7 = field_inv r5 in
706    let r2 = r8 in
707    let r3 = r7 in
708    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
709      r4`;
711val (both_zero_def,_,both_zero_arm) = test_compile' SimpleProcedure `
712  both_zero (r1:word32,r2:word32) =
713    if r1 = 0w then
714      if r2 = 0w then
715        let r0 = 1w:word32 in (r0,r1,r2)
716      else
717        let r0 = 0w in (r0,r1,r2)
718    else
719      let r0 = 0w in (r0,r1,r2)`;
721val (both_eq_def,_,both_eq_arm) = test_compile `
722  both_eq (r1:word32,r2:word32,r3:word32,r4:word32) =
723    if r1 = r3 then
724      if r2 = r4 then
725        let r0 = 1w:word32 in (r0,r1,r2,r3,r4)
726      else
727        let r0 = 0w in (r0,r1,r2,r3,r4)
728    else
729      let r0 = 0w in (r0,r1,r2,r3,r4)`;
731val (curve_neg_def,_,curve_neg_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
732  curve_neg (r1:word32,r2:word32) =
733    let (r0,r1,r2) = both_zero(r1,r2) in
734      if r0 = 0w then
735        (r1,r2)
736      else
737        let r8 = r1 in
738        let r9 = r2 in
739        let r2 = 0w in
740        let r3 = r8 in
741        let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
742        let r1 = r9 in
743        let r1 = field_neg r1 in
744        let r0 = r1 in
745        let r1 = r4 in
746        let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
747        let r1 = 1w in
748        let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
749        let r2 = r0 in
750        let r1 = r8 in
751          (r1,r2)`;
753val (curve_double_def,_,curve_double_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure (["r5","r6","r7","r8","r9"],3)) `
754  curve_double (r1,r2) =
755    let (r0,r1,r2) = both_zero(r1,r2) in
756    if r0 = 0w then (r1,r2) else
757    let m1 = r1 in (* x1 *)
758    let m2 = r2 in (* y1 *)
759    let r2 = 2w in
760    let r3 = r2 in
761    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
762    let r5 = r4 in
763    let r2 = 0w in
764    let r3 = m1 in
765    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
766    let r0 = r5 in
767    let r1 = r4 in
768    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
769    let r1 = 1w in
770    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
771    if r0 = 0w then
772      let r1 = 1w in
773      let r2 = 0w in
774        (r1,r2)
775    else
776    let r11 = r0 in (* d *)
777    let r5 = m1 in
778    let r6 = 2w in
779    let r7 = field_exp(r5,r6) in
780    let r2 = 3w in
781    let r3 = r7 in
782    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
783    let r8 = r4 in
784    let r2 = 2w in
785    let r3 = 0w in
786    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
787    let r3 = m1 in
788    let r2 = r4 in
789    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
790    let r0 = r8 in
791    let r1 = r4 in
792    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
793    let r10 = load_751 in
794    let r1 = r10 - 1w in
795    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
796    let r9 = r0 in
797    let r3 = m2 in
798    let r2 = 0w in
799    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
800    let r0 = r9 in
801    let r1 = r4 in
802    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
803    let r8 = r0 in
804    let r9 = r11 in
805    let r4 = field_div(r8,r9) in
806    let r12 = r4 in (* l *)
807    let r5 = m1 in
808    let r6 = 3w in
809    let r7 = field_exp(r5,r6) in
810    let r1 = r7 in
811    let r1 = field_neg r1 in
812    let r7 = r1 in
813    let r10 = load_751 in
814    let r3 = m1 in
815    let r2 = r10 - 1w in
816    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
817    let r0 = r7 in
818    let r1 = r4 in
819    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
820    let r7 = r0 in
821    let r2 = 2w in
822    let r3 = 0w in
823    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
824    let r0 = r7 in
825    let r1 = r4 in
826    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
827    let r9 = r0 in
828    let r3 = m2 in
829    let r2 = 1w in
830    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
831    let r0 = r9 in
832    let r1 = r4 in
833    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
834    let r8 = r0 in
835    let r9 = r11 in
836    let r4 = field_div(r8,r9) in
837    let r11 = r4 in (* m *)
838    let r5 = r12 in
839    let r6 = 2w in
840    let r7 = field_exp(r5,r6) in
841    let r2 = 0w in
842    let r3 = r12 in
843    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
844    let r0 = r7 in
845    let r1 = r4 in
846    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
847    let r1 = 0w in
848    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
849    let r7 = r0 in
850    let r3 = m1 in
851    let r2 = 2w in
852    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
853    let r0 = r7 in
854    let r1 = r4 in
855    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
856    let r9 = r0 in (* x *)
857    let r0 = r12 in
858    let r1 = 0w in
859    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
860    let r1 = r0 in
861    let r1 = field_neg r1 in
862    let r2 = r1 in
863    let r3 = r9 in
864    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
865    let r0 = r4 in
866    let r1 = r11 in
867    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
868    let r1 = 1w in
869    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
870    let r2 = r0 in (* y *)
871    let r1 = r9 in (* x *)
872      (r1,r2)`;
874val (curve_add_def,_,curve_add_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure (["r5","r6","r7","r8","r9"],5)) `
875  curve_add (r1,r2,r3,r4) =
876    let (r0,r1,r2,r3,r4) = both_eq(r1,r2,r3,r4) in
877    if r0 = 0w then
878      let (r1,r2) = curve_double (r1,r2) in
879        (r1,r2)
880    else
881    let (r0,r1,r2) = both_zero(r1,r2) in
882    if r0 = 0w then
883      let r1 = r3 in
884      let r2 = r4 in
885        (r1,r2)
886    else
887    let m1 = r1 in (* x1 *)
888    let m2 = r2 in (* y1 *)
889    let m3 = r3 in (* x2 *)
890    let m4 = r4 in (* y2 *)
891    let r1 = r3 in
892    let r2 = r4 in
893    let (r0,r1,r2) = both_zero(r1,r2) in
894    if r0 = 0w then
895      let r1 = m1 in
896      let r2 = m2 in
897        (r1,r2)
898    else
899    let r0 = m1 in
900    if r0 = r1 then
901      let r1 = 0w in
902      let r2 = 0w in
903        (r1,r2)
904    else
905    let r0 = m3 in
906    let r1 = m1 in
907    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
908    let r11 = r0 in (* d *)
909    let r0 = m4 in
910    let r1 = m2 in
911    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
912    let r8 = r0 in
913    let r9 = r11 in
914    let r4 = field_div(r8,r9) in
915    let r12 = r4 in (* l *)
916    let r2 = m2 in
917    let r3 = m3 in
918    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
919    let r9 = r4 in
920    let r2 = m4 in
921    let r3 = m1 in
922    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
923    let r0 = r9 in
924    let r1 = r4 in
925    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
926    let r8 = r0 in
927    let r9 = r11 in
928    let r4 = field_div(r8,r9) in
929    let r11 = r4 in (* m *)
930    let r2 = 0w in
931    let r3 = r12 in
932    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
933    let r9 = r4 in
934    let r5 = r12 in
935    let r6 = 2w in
936    let r7 = field_exp(r5,r6) in
937    let r0 = r7 in
938    let r1 = r9 in
939    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
940    let r1 = 0w in
941    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
942    let r1 = m1 in
943    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
944    let r1 = m3 in
945    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
946    let r9 = r0 in (* x *)
947    let r0 = r12 in
948    let r1 = 0w in
949    let r0 = field_add(r0,r1) in
950    let r1 = r0 in
951    let r1 = field_neg r1 in
952    let r2 = r1 in
953    let r3 = r9 in
954    let r4 = field_mult(r2,r3) in
955    let r0 = r4 in
956    let r1 = r11 in
957    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in
958    let r1 = 1w in
959    let r0 = field_sub(r0,r1) in (* y *)
960    let r1 = r9 in
961    let r2 = r0 in
962      (r1,r2)`;
964val (curve_mult_aux_def,curve_mult_aux_ind,curve_mult_aux_arm) = test_compile `
965  curve_mult_aux (r5:word32,r6:word32,r7:word32,r8:word32,r9:word32) =
966    if r7 = 0w then (r8,r9) else
967      if r7 && 1w = 0w then
968          let r7 = r7 >>> 1 in
969          let r1 = r5 in
970          let r2 = r6 in
971          let (r1,r2) = curve_double (r1,r2) in
972          let r5 = r1 in
973          let r6 = r2 in
974            curve_mult_aux (r5,r6,r7,r8,r9)
975        else
976          let r7 = r7 >>> 1 in
977          let r1 = r5 in
978          let r2 = r6 in
979          let r3 = r8 in
980          let r4 = r9 in
981          let (r1,r2) = curve_add (r1,r2,r3,r4) in
982          let r8 = r1 in
983          let r9 = r2 in
984          let r1 = r5 in
985          let r2 = r6 in
986          let (r1,r2) = curve_double (r1,r2) in
987          let r5 = r1 in
988          let r6 = r2 in
989            curve_mult_aux (r5,r6,r7,r8,r9)`;
991val (curve_mult_def,_,curve_mult_arm) = test_compile' (PushProcedure ([],0)) `
992  curve_mult (r5:word32,r6:word32,r7:word32) =
993    let r8 = 0w in
994    let r9 = 0w in
995    let (r8,r9) = curve_mult_aux (r5,r6,r7,r8,r9) in
996      (r8,r9)`
1000Use arm_flatten_code() to prove and print a concrete version of
1001the procedure call graph:
1003val _ = arm_flatten_code ();
1005It returns the correctness theorem of the last verified procedure with
1006the code flattened to one sequence with concrete procedure calls.
1008Warning: this function is at present rather slow.
1012val _ = export_theory();