3(* Function makeALU generates HOL term for transition system and init states of sync. pipelined ALU     *)
4(* where the number of registers and datapath width can be varied. Used for testing RuleCheck.          *)
5(* The ALU is taken from [1] Clarke et al: Model Checking, 1999 (MIT Press).                            *)
6(*                                                                                                      *)
7(* state vars are:                                                                                      *)
8(*     res = alu op result register                                                                     *)
9(*     op0 = alu operand reg                                                                            *)
10(*     op1 = alu operand reg                                                                            *)
11(*     reg0 = gp reg                                                                                    *)
12(*     reg 1 = gp reg                                                                                   *)
13(*    state vars that are inputs to the system:                                                         *)
14(*     stall = whether stalling or not                                                                  *)
15(*     dest = dest address of res                                                                       *)
16(*     src0 = src add for op0                                                                           *)
17(*     src1 = src add for op1                                                                           *)
18(*     ctrl = op selection                                                                              *)
21(* Usage example (start hol including the HolCheck/examples directory, using the -I command line option)
22   Warning: this gives huge unreadable properties for aw>2 and d>4 or so
24app load ["holCheckLib","alu"];
25val aw = 1; (* address space width in bits *)
26val d = 1; (* datapath width in bits *)
27val alu1 = alu.makeALU d aw;
28val alu2 = holCheckLib.holCheck alu1 handle ex => Raise ex;
29val alu3 = holCheckLib.prove_model alu2;
30val res = holCheckLib.get_results alu3;
34structure alu =
40open Globals HolKernel Parse
41open boolSyntax bossLib pairSyntax
42open commonTools ctlSyntax holCheckLib
48(* generates expression for retrieving bit b of register pointed to by the register called addreg,      *)
49(* where the address space is wsize bits wide                                                           *)
52fun getreg addreg wsize bit =
53        let fun getreg_aux l n b = if (l=[]) then `` ^(mk_bool_var ("reg"^(int_to_string n)^"_"^b))``
54                             else ``if ^(hd l) then ^(getreg_aux (tl l) (2*n+1) b) else ^(getreg_aux (tl l) (2*n) b)``;
55        in getreg_aux (List.rev(map (fn v => mk_bool_var (addreg^"_"^v)) (List.tabulate(wsize,(fn n => (int_to_string n)))))) 0 bit end;
58(* generates bitwise conjunction of equality tests for registers r1 and r2, each w bits wide            *)
61fun regeq r1 r2 w =
62  let val regsz = List.tabulate (w, (fn n => (int_to_string n)));
63  in boolSyntax.list_mk_conj (map (fn a => mk_eq(mk_bool_var (r1^"_"^a),mk_bool_var (r2^"_"^a))) regsz) end;
66(* return HOL/CTL truth value corresponding to bit bb of the integer rr.                                *)
67(* useful in generating the addresses of data registers                                                 *)
70(* return binary rep. of integer r1, as a list of 0's and 1's *)
71fun i2b r1 = if (Int.div(r1,2)=0) then [Int.mod(r1,2)] else (Int.mod(r1,2))::(i2b(Int.div(r1,2)));
73fun getbit rr bb l =
74  let val r = Option.valOf(Int.fromString rr);
75      val b = Option.valOf(Int.fromString bb);
76      val ll = (i2b r);
77      val ll = ll@List.tabulate(l - (List.length ll),(fn x => 0));
78  in if (List.nth(ll,b)=0) then F else T handle Subscript => F end;
80fun getctlbit ap_ty rr bb l =
81  let val r = Option.valOf(Int.fromString rr);
82      val b = Option.valOf(Int.fromString bb);
83      val ll = (i2b r);
84      val ll = ll@List.tabulate(l - (List.length ll),(fn x => 0));
85  in if (List.nth(ll,b)=0) then inst [alpha|->ap_ty] C_F else inst [alpha|->ap_ty] C_T
86      handle Subscript => inst [alpha|->ap_ty] C_F end;
89(* Returns (thm*thm)*(ctl_wff*ctl_wff)*(string list)                                                    *)
90(*   where the thms are HOL defns for the transition system and initial states of the ALU with datapath *)
91(*   width d, and with an address space of aw bits. The ctl_wff's are CTL formulae expressing the       *)
92(*   properties that the correct destination register is updated properly (see [1] for details). The    *)
93(*   string list is the variable ordering with which to initialise BuDDy                                *)
96fun makeALU d aw =
97  let
98    val datapath = List.tabulate (d, (fn n => (int_to_string n)));
99    val addpath = List.tabulate (aw, (fn n => (int_to_string n)));
100    val regnums = List.tabulate ((round(Math.pow(2.0,(Real.fromInt(aw))))), (fn n => (int_to_string n)));
101    val regfile = map (fn n => "reg"^n) regnums;
102    val dataregs = ["op0","op1","res"]@regfile;
103    val addregs = ["dest","dest_ex","dest_wb","src0","src1"];
104    val ctrlvars = ["stall","stall_ex","stall_wb","ctrl","ctrl_ex"];
105    val dataregvars = map mk_bool_var (List.concat (List.map (fn x => (List.map (fn y => x^"_"^y) datapath)) dataregs));
106    val addregvars = map mk_bool_var (List.concat (List.map (fn x => (List.map (fn y => x^"_"^y) addpath)) addregs));
107    val allvars = (dataregvars @ addregvars @ (map mk_bool_var ctrlvars));
108    (*val state = pairSyntax.list_mk_pair allvars;*)
109    val I1 = T;
110    val bw_alu_op = map (fn n =>
111                         mk_disj((mk_conj(``ctrl_ex:bool``,(mk_disj((mk_bool_var ("op0_"^n)),(mk_bool_var ("op1_"^n)))))),
112                                 (mk_conj(``~(ctrl_ex:bool)``,(mk_neg(mk_disj((mk_bool_var ("op0_"^n)),(mk_bool_var ("op1_"^n)))))))))
113                         datapath;
114    val bw_res_trans = map (fn a => mk_eq((mk_bool_var ("res_"^a^"'")),mk_cond(``~stall_ex:bool``,
115                                                                   (List.nth(bw_alu_op, (string_to_int a))),
116                                                                    (mk_bool_var ("res_"^a))))) datapath;
117    val bw_op0_trans = map (fn a => ``^(mk_bool_var ("op0_"^a^"'")) = if (~stall_ex /\ (^(regeq "dest_ex" "src0" aw)))
118                                          then ^(List.nth(bw_alu_op, (string_to_int a)))
119                                                        else (if stall_wb
120                                                      then (^(getreg "src0" aw a))
121                                                                  else (if (^(regeq "dest_wb" "src0" aw))
122                                                            then (^(mk_bool_var ("res_"^a)))
123                                                            else (^(getreg "src0" aw a))))``) datapath;
124    val bw_op1_trans = map (fn a => ``^(mk_bool_var ("op1_"^a^"'")) = if (~stall_ex /\ (^(regeq "dest_ex" "src1" aw)))
125                                          then ^(List.nth(bw_alu_op, (string_to_int a)))
126                                                        else (if stall_wb
127                                                      then (^(getreg "src1" aw a))
128                                                                  else (if (^(regeq "dest_wb" "src1" aw))
129                                                            then (^(mk_bool_var ("res_"^a)))
130                                                            else (^(getreg "src1" aw a))))``) datapath;
131   val bw_reg_trans = map (fn n =>
132                           (map (fn a => mk_eq(mk_bool_var ("reg"^n^"_"^a^"'"),
133                                               mk_cond(``stall_wb:bool``,mk_bool_var ("reg"^n^"_"^a),
134                                               mk_cond((boolSyntax.list_mk_conj(List.map
135                                                                                (fn b => mk_eq(mk_bool_var("dest_wb_"^b),
136                                                                                               (getbit n b aw))) addpath)),
137                                                       mk_bool_var("res_"^a),
138                                                       mk_bool_var("reg"^n^"_"^a) )))) datapath)) regnums;
139   val bw_reg_trans = map list_mk_conj bw_reg_trans;
140   val bw_dest_trans = map (fn n => list_mk_conj(map (fn (x,y) => mk_eq(mk_bool_var(x^"_"^n^"'"),
141                                                                        mk_bool_var(y^"_"^n))) [("dest_wb","dest_ex"),
142                                                                                                ("dest_ex","dest")])) addpath;
143    val R1 = list_mk_conj (bw_res_trans @ bw_op0_trans @ bw_op1_trans @ bw_reg_trans @  bw_dest_trans
144                         @ [(``stall_ex':bool = stall:bool``),(``stall_wb':bool=stall_ex:bool``), (``ctrl_ex':bool=ctrl:bool``)])
145    val T1 = [(".",R1)];
147   (* define properties *)
148   infixr 5 C_AND infixr 5 C_OR infixr 2 C_IMP infix C_IFF;
149   val state = ksTools.mk_state I1 T1
151   fun alu_AP s = C_AP state (mk_bool_var s)
152   val ap_ty = (type_of state) --> bool
153   val bw_op0_defs = List.map  (fn b => list_C_OR
154        (List.map (fn x =>  (C_AX(C_AX(alu_AP ("reg"^x^"_"^b)))) C_AND
155                   (list_C_AND (List.map (fn y => (alu_AP ("src0"^"_"^y)) C_IFF  (getctlbit ap_ty x y aw))
156                                addpath))) regnums)) datapath;
157   val bw_op1_defs = List.map (fn b => list_C_OR
158        (List.map (fn x => (C_AX(C_AX(alu_AP ("reg"^x^"_"^b)))) C_AND
159                   (list_C_AND (List.map (fn y=>((alu_AP ("src1"^"_"^y)) C_IFF (getctlbit ap_ty x y aw)))
160                                addpath))) regnums)) datapath;
161   val bw_res_defs = List.map (fn b => list_C_OR(map (fn x => (C_AX(C_AX(C_AX(alu_AP ("reg"^x^"_"^b))))) C_AND
162                                                 (list_C_AND(List.map (fn y => ((alu_AP ("dest"^"_"^y)) C_IFF (getctlbit ap_ty x y aw)))
163                                                             addpath))) regnums)) datapath;
164   val bw_ctl_alu_op_defs = map (fn (x,y) => ((alu_AP ("ctrl")) C_AND (x C_OR y)) C_OR ((C_NOT(alu_AP ("ctrl"))) C_AND
165                                                                                        (C_NOT( x C_OR y))))
166                                                (ListPair.zip(bw_op0_defs,bw_op1_defs));
168   val bw_prop1 = map (fn (x,y) => (C_AG((C_NOT(alu_AP ("stall"))) C_IMP (((x C_IFF y))))))
169                      (ListPair.zip(bw_ctl_alu_op_defs,bw_res_defs))
170   val bw_prop1 = List.map (fn (p,n) => ("p1_"^(int_to_string n),p)) (ListPair.zip(bw_prop1,List.tabulate(List.length bw_prop1,I)))
172   val bw_prop2 = map (fn b => list_C_AND(map
173                                          (fn rg =>
174                                           (C_AG( (alu_AP ("stall")) C_IMP
175                                                 (list_C_AND(map
176                                                                (fn a =>C_NOT((alu_AP ("dest"^"_"^a)) C_IFF (getctlbit ap_ty rg a aw)))
177                                                                addpath)) C_OR
178                                                 (((C_AX(C_AX(alu_AP ("reg"^rg^"_"^b)))) C_IFF
179                                                   (C_AX(C_AX(C_AX(alu_AP ("reg"^rg^"_"^b))))))))))
180                                          regnums)) datapath;
181   val bw_prop2 = List.map (fn (p,n) => ("p2_"^(int_to_string n),p)) (ListPair.zip(bw_prop2,List.tabulate(List.length bw_prop2,I)))
183   fun makeBddMap d aw =
184    let
185     val resv = map (fn v => ("res_"^v,"res_"^v^"'")) datapath;
186     val op0v = map (fn v => ("op0_"^v,"op0_"^v^"'")) datapath;
187     val op1v = map (fn v => ("op1_"^v,"op1_"^v^"'")) datapath;
188     val destv =List.concat(List.concat (map (fn v => map (fn a => [v^a,v^a^"'"]) addpath) ["dest_","dest_ex_","dest_wb_"]));
189     val src0v = map (fn v => ("src0_"^v,"src0_"^v^"'")) addpath;
190     val src1v = map (fn v => ("src1_"^v,"src1_"^v^"'")) addpath;
191     val stallv = ["stall","stall'","stall_ex","stall_ex'","stall_wb","stall_wb'"];
192     val ctrlv = ["ctrl","ctrl'","ctrl_ex","ctrl_ex'"];
193     val regv = (map (fn rg => rev(map (fn d => ("reg"^rg^"_"^d,"reg"^rg^"_"^d^"'")) datapath)) regnums);
194     fun interleave l1 l2 = List.concat(map (fn ((x,x'),(y,y')) => [x,x',y,y']) (ListPair.zip(l1,l2)));
195     fun stdest l1 l2 = if (l1=[]) then [] else List.take(l1,2)@List.take(l2,aw*2)@(stdest (List.drop(l1,2)) (List.drop(l2,aw*2)))  ;
196     fun geninter L = (if (hd(L)=[]) then []
197                       else (List.concat(map (fn l => [fst(hd(l)),snd(hd(l))] ) L))::(geninter(map (fn l => tl(l)) L)));
198     in (interleave src0v src1v) @ (stdest stallv  destv) @ ctrlv @
199        (List.concat(geninter ([(rev op0v)]@[(rev op1v)]@(regv)@[(rev resv)]))) end
200    val bvm = makeBddMap d aw;
201  in ((set_init I1) o (set_trans T1) o (set_flag_ric true) o (set_name "alu") o (set_vord bvm)o (set_state state) o
202    (set_props(bw_prop1@bw_prop2))) empty_model end;