1structure decompTools = struct
5open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib
7(* app load ["bddTools","amba_apb_def","mod16Theory","amba_ahb_def","decompTheory","commonTools","muSyntax","muTheory","muCheck","envTheory"];*)
8open boolSyntax bossLib Ho_Rewrite Tactical Tactic PairRules pairSyntax pred_setTheory
9open bddTools commonTools ksTheory muSyntaxTheory muSyntax decompTheory ksTools muCheck envTheory
13(* FIXME: this is gross right now because the REPEAT PGEN takes ages. fix it *)
14(* note that s2 is not the state of ks2. That's (s1,s2)*)
15fun prove_ap_ext_ap ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2 =
16    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
17        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
18    in
19        prove(``!p. p IN (^ksname1).ap ==> ?p'. !s1 s2. p IN (^ksname1).L s1 = p' IN (^ksname2).L (s1,s2)``,
20              REPEAT STRIP_TAC
23              THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,ks1_def,ks2_def]
24              THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_DEF]
27              THEN REPEAT CONJ_TAC
28              THEN DISCH_TAC
29              THEN POP_ASSUM (fn t => SIMP_TAC std_ss [t] THEN EXISTS_TAC (mk_pabs(mk_pair(s1,s2),pbody(rhs (concl t)))))
30              THEN PBETA_TAC
31              THEN REPEAT PGEN_TAC
32              THEN REFL_TAC)
33    end
35fun prove_ap_ext_ksL ks_def s =
36    let val ksname =  lhs(concl ks_def)
37    in
38        prove(``!p. !s. p IN (^ksname).L s = p s``,
39              SIMP_TAC std_ss [KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,ks_def,IN_DEF]
41              THEN PBETA_TAC
42              THEN REPEAT PGEN_TAC
43              THEN REFL_TAC)
44    end
46fun prove_ap_ext_ksT ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2 ks1_t_def ks2_t_def =
47    let val s1' = ksTools.mk_primed_state s1
48        val s2' = ksTools.mk_primed_state s2
49        val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
50        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
51    in
52        prove(``!a s1 s1' s2 s2'. s1>--(^ksname1)/a-->s1' = (s1,s2)>--(^ksname2)/a-->(s1',s2')``,
53              EVERY (List.map (fn t => CONV_TAC (LAST_FORALL_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV t))) [s2',s2,s1',s1])
54              THEN PURE_REWRITE_TAC [KS_TRANSITION_def,KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,
55                                ks1_def,ks2_def,IN_DEF, ks1_t_def,ks2_t_def]
56              THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss []
57              THEN REPEAT PGEN_TAC
58              THEN ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH)
59    end
61(*FIXME: I'm being lazy here by assuming empty environments. Generalise this. *)
62fun prove_ap_ext_e ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2 e1 e2 =
63    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
64        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
65    in
66        prove(``!Q. !s1 s2. s1 IN ^e1 Q = (s1,s2) IN ^e2 Q``,
67              SIMP_TAC std_ss [NOT_IN_EMPTY,EMPTY_ENV_def])
68    end
70fun prove_ap_ext_sub ks_def s f =
71    let val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
72    in
73        prove (``!p. AP p SUBF ^f ==> p IN (^ksname).ap``,
74               SIMP_TAC std_ss (IN_INSERT::ks_def::KS_accfupds::combinTheory.K_DEF::
75                                MU_SUB_def::NNF_def::RVNEG_def::(tsimps ``:'a mu``))
76               THEN RW_TAC std_ss [])
77    end
79(* note that s2 is not the state of ks2. That's (s1,s2)*)
80(* other than that, all the args here are from the stuff returned by ksTools.mk_formal_KS *)
81fun gen_prove_ap_ext ks1_def ks2_def wfks1 wfks2 s1 s2 e1 e2 ks1_t_def ks2_t_def =
82    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
83        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
84        val apth = prove_ap_ext_ap ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2
85        val ksl1 = prove_ap_ext_ksL ks1_def s1
87            (CONV_RULE (QUANT_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV (inst [alpha|->type_of s1,beta|->type_of s2] ``(s1,s2)``)))
88                             (prove_ap_ext_ksL ks2_def (mk_pair(s1,s2))))
89        val ksTth = prove_ap_ext_ksT ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2 ks1_t_def ks2_t_def
90        val eth = prove_ap_ext_e ks1_def ks2_def s1 s2 e1 e2
91    in
92      List.foldl (fn (ass,th) => MATCH_MP th ass) (ISPECL [ksname1,ksname2,s1,s2,e1,e2] AP_EXT_THM)
93      [wfks1,wfks2,ksl1,ksl2,apth,ksTth,eth]
94    end
96fun spec_prove_ap_ext gapeth ks1_def s1 f =
97    let val subth = prove_ap_ext_sub ks1_def s1 f
98        val imfth = prove_imf f
99    in (MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP gapeth imfth) subth) end
101fun prove_psd_ap ks1_def ks2_def =
102    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
103        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
104    in prove(``(^ksname1).ap = (^ksname2).ap``,PURE_REWRITE_TAC [KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,ks1_def,ks2_def]
105                                         THEN REFL_TAC)
106    end
108fun prove_psd_L ks1_def ks2_def =
109    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
110        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
111    in prove(``(^ksname1).L = (^ksname2).L``,PURE_REWRITE_TAC [KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,ks1_def,ks2_def]
112                                         THEN REFL_TAC)
113    end
115(* here I am assuming that the rhs of ks1 is just the full rhs of the lifted ks (e.g. apb_h)
116   which is just the lhs of the unlifted ks (talking about the ks_t_def's produced by mk_formal_KS here)
117   and the rhs of ks2 is just the conjunction of the lhs's of the lifted ks and the ks it was composed with (e.g. ahb)
118   so we only rewrite out the defn of ks2_t *)
119(* we also need the defn of the transition system of ks1: ks1T_def, to get ks2_t in lifted rather than unlifted terms
120   note that this ks1T is not the same as the ks1T needed in the ap_ext proof: that was for the unlifted ks (e.g. apb),
121   this is for the lifted ks (e.g. apb_h)*)
122fun prove_psd_T ks1_def ks2_def ks1_t_def ks2_t_def s =
123    let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
124        val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
125        val s' = ksTools.mk_primed_state s
126        (*val ks1d = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM ks1T_def] ks1_t_def*)
127    in
128        prove(``!a s s'. (^ksname2).T a (s,s') ==> (^ksname1).T a (s,s')``,
130                 THEN CONV_TAC (QUANT_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV s))
131                 THEN PURE_REWRITE_TAC  [KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_THM,ks1_def,ks2_def,
132                                                           (*ks1d,*)ks1_t_def,ks2_t_def]
133                 THEN PURE_REWRITE_TAC [PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [combinTheory.I_THM] (hd (get_ss_rewrs boolSimps.LET_ss)),
134                                        AND1_THM]
135                 THEN REPEAT PGEN_TAC
136                 THEN ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH)
137    end
139(* imfth is an option type in case we already have that |- IMF f
140   the rest we can all get from mk_formal_KS
141   except ks1T_def, which is the TRANS def for ks1 and e1, which is the env *)
142fun gen_prove_par_sync_decomp wfks1 wfks2 ks1_def ks2_def ks1_t_def ks2_t_def s e1 =
143        let val ksname1 = lhs(concl ks1_def)
144            val ksname2 = lhs(concl ks2_def)
145            val apth = prove_psd_ap ks1_def ks2_def
146            val lth = prove_psd_L ks1_def ks2_def
147            val tth = prove_psd_T ks1_def ks2_def ks1_t_def ks2_t_def s
148        in  List.foldl (fn (ass,th) => MATCH_MP th ass) (ISPECL [s,e1,ksname1,ksname2] PAR_SYNC_DECOMP)
149                       [wfks1,wfks2,apth,lth,tth]
150        end
152fun prove_psd_imf imfth f ns_ty =
153    let val th1 = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [ISPEC f APEXT_IMF] imfth
154    in INST_TYPE [beta|->ns_ty] th1 end
156(* copied from cearTools.mk_abs_cons_mf_thms *)
157fun prove_psd_subf f' =
158let val p_ty = muSyntax.get_prop_type f'
159    val g = inst [alpha|->p_ty] (mk_var("g",mu_ty))
160    val avar = mk_var("a",stringLib.string_ty)
161    val gl =  list_mk_forall([avar,g],mk_neg(list_mk_comb(get_mu_ty_sub_tm p_ty,
162                                                   [mu_dmd avar g,mk_comb(get_mu_ty_nnf_tm p_ty,f')])))
163    in prove (gl,Induct_on `g` THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss ([AP_EXT_def,(GSYM APEXT_NNF),MU_SUB_def,NNF_def,RVNEG_def]
164                                                     @(tsimps ``:'a mu``))) end
166fun spec_prove_par_sync_decomp gpsdth f imfth =
167    let val ps_ty = List.hd(snd(dest_type(get_prop_type f))) (* unlifted state type*)
168        val ns_ty =  List.last(snd(dest_type(List.hd(snd(dest_type
169                        (get_prop_type (fst (dest_forall (concl gpsdth)))))))))(* lifted type's state's snd comp *)
170        val f' = mk_comb(inst [alpha|->ps_ty,beta|->ns_ty] ``AP_EXT``,f) (* lifted f *)
171        val imfth = prove_psd_imf (if isSome imfth then valOf imfth else prove_imf f) f ns_ty
172        val subth = prove_psd_subf f'
173    in (MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP (ISPEC f' gpsdth) imfth) subth) end
175(* decomp generation on full auto: this gives a theorem that says that f holds in M then it holds in M x M',
176   as long as f is universal and well formed *)
177(*FIXME: at the moment only the env=EMPTY_ENV will work here *)
178(*FIXME: at the moment there must be no overlap in the vars of s1 and s2 (I think this can be fixed)*)
179fun mk_gen_par_sync_comp_thm S01 TS1 nm1 S02 TS2 nm2 env =
180    let val s1 = mk_state S01 TS1
181        val s2 = mk_state S02 TS2
182        val sc = mk_pair(s1,s2) (* state of the composed model *)
183        val (ks1_ap,ks1_def,ks1_wf,(*SOME(ks1_s0,ks1_t)*)_,ks1_t_def,ks1_s',ks1_avar) =
184            ksTools.mk_formal_KS S01 TS1 s1 true NONE NONE (SOME nm1)
185        val s1' = ks1_s'
186        val (ks2_ap,ks2_def,ks2_wf,(*SOME(ks2_s0,ks2_t)*)_,ks2_t_def,ks2_s',ks2_avar) =
187            ksTools.mk_formal_KS S01 TS1 sc true NONE NONE (SOME (nm1^"_lift"))
188        val s2' = ks2_s'
189        val gapeth = gen_prove_ap_ext ks1_def ks2_def ks1_wf ks2_wf s1 s2
190                                      (inst [alpha|->type_of s1] ``\(s:string).{}``)
191                                      env ks1_t_def ks2_t_def
192        val S0c = mk_conj(S01,S02)
193        val TSc = [(".",mk_conj(snd(hd TS1),snd(hd TS2)))] (*ASSERT: sync, so assume TSi are of the form [(".",ts)] *)
194        val (ksc_ap,ksc_def,ksc_wf,(*SOME(ksc_s0,ksc_t)*)_,ksc_t_def,ksc_s',ksc_avar) =
195            ksTools.mk_formal_KS S0c TSc sc true NONE NONE (SOME (nm1^"_"^nm2))
196        val sc' = ksc_s'
197        val gpsdth = gen_prove_par_sync_decomp ks2_wf ksc_wf ks2_def ksc_def ks2_t_def ksc_t_def sc env
198        val f = fst (dest_forall (concl gapeth))
199        val f' = fst (dest_forall (concl gpsdth))
200        val aef = mk_comb(inst [alpha|->type_of s1,beta|->type_of s2] ``AP_EXT``,f)
201        val sgpsdth = SPEC aef gpsdth
202        val sgapeth = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [APEXT_IMF] gapeth
203        val psdl = strip_imp (concl sgpsdth)
204        val apel = strip_imp (snd(dest_forall (concl sgapeth)))
205        val th = prove(list_mk_imp([concl ks1_wf,concl ks2_wf,concl ksc_wf], (* these are needed because of lazy thms*)
206                             mk_forall(f,list_mk_imp([hd (fst psdl),List.nth(fst psdl,1),List.nth(fst apel,1)],
207                                         mk_imp(lhs(snd apel),snd psdl)))),METIS_TAC [gpsdth,gapeth,APEXT_IMF])
208        val th = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM APEXT_IMF] (List.foldl (fn (ass,th) => MATCH_MP th ass) th
209                       [ks1_wf,ks2_wf,ksc_wf])
210    in (th,ks1_def,s1,s2) end
212(* takes the output f mk_gen_par_sync_comp_thm and an f and return thm that says f holds in M x M' *)
213(* FIXME: ideally this should take the thm produced by hc rather than just f, for full auto compositionality
214   but in that case we'll need to fix things so that it uses the ks already generated in the hc model
215   which means this will have to called from with modelTools so it has access to the internal cache  *)
216fun mk_par_sync_comp_thm (gpscth,ks1_def,s1,s2) f imfth =
217    let val imfth = if isSome imfth then valOf imfth else prove_imf f
218        val ps_ty = type_of s1 (* unlifted state type*)
219        val ns_ty =  type_of s2 (* lifted type's state's snd comp *)
220        val f' = mk_comb(inst [alpha|->ps_ty,beta|->ns_ty] ``AP_EXT``,f) (* lifted f *)
221        val psdsubth = prove_psd_subf f'
222        val apesubth = prove_ap_ext_sub ks1_def s1 f
223    in
224        (List.foldl (fn (ass,th) => MATCH_MP th ass) gpscth [imfth,psdsubth,apesubth])
225    end