1open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse proofManagerLib;
2open arm_coretypesTheory arm_seq_monadTheory arm_opsemTheory arm_stepTheory;
3open MMUTheory MMU_SetupTheory inference_rulesTheory switching_lemma_helperTheory;
4open priv_constraints_lrTheory priv_constraints_spsrTheory;
5open tacticsLib ARM_prover_extLib;
8(*         checking bisimulation for take exceptions in privileged mode          *)
9(*                    Narges                                                     *)
12val _ =  new_theory("priv_constraints_bisim");
14val let_ss = simpLib.mk_simpset [boolSimps.LET_ss] ;
15val _ = diminish_srw_ss ["one"]
16val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [oneTheory.FORALL_ONE]]
18val prove_abs_spsr_const_action =
19 fn (a, thms, abody_thm, expr,mode) =>
20    let
21        val _ =  set_goal([], ``
22                         (priv_spsr_constraints_abs ^a ^expr ^mode) ``)
23        val (a_abs,a_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs a;
24        val unbeta_thm= (PairRules.UNPBETA_CONV a_abs a_body)
25        val unbeta_a = mk_comb (a, a_abs)
26        val snd = get_type_inst (type_of(a_body) , false)
27        val a_body_type = get_type_inst (snd, true);
28        val proved_unbeta_lemma = store_thm ("proved_unbeta_lemma",
29                                             ``(priv_spsr_constraints ^a_body ^expr ^mode)=
30                                  (priv_spsr_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr ^mode)``,
31                                             (ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [a_body,``^unbeta_a``, expr,mode]
32                                                                (INST_TYPE [beta |-> a_body_type,
33                                                                            alpha |-> ``:arm_state``]
34                                                                           (List.nth(thms,0)))))
35                                                 THEN ASSUME_TAC unbeta_thm
36                                                 THEN RES_TAC);
38        val proved_preserve_unbeta_a =
39            store_thm ("proved_preserve_unbeta_a",
40                       `` (priv_spsr_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr ^mode)``,
41                       (ASSUME_TAC (proved_unbeta_lemma))
42                           THEN (ASSUME_TAC abody_thm)
43                           THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []));
45        val abs_type = type_of a_abs
46        val (abs_args, abs_body)  = generate_uncurry_abs a
47        val tacs =  (ASSUME_TAC proved_preserve_unbeta_a)
48        val gen_preserve_unbeta_thm = generalize_theorem proved_preserve_unbeta_a a;
49        val tacs = tacs THEN (ASSUME_TAC gen_preserve_unbeta_thm)
50                        THEN (ASSUME_TAC (
51                              SPECL[a, expr,mode]
52                                   (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> abs_type,
53                                               beta  |-> ``:arm_state``,
54                                               gamma |-> a_body_type]
55                                              (List.nth(thms,1)))))
56                        THEN (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
57                        THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
58                        THEN (UNDISCH_ALL_TAC THEN
59                                              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
60                                              THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
61        val _ = e (tacs)
62        val proved_thm = top_thm()
63        val _ = proofManagerLib.drop();
64    in
65        (proved_thm,tacs)
66    end
69val untouched_spsr_abs_def =
70    Define `untouched_spsr_abs f (mode:bool[5]) =
71           !s a c s'. (f a s = ValueState c s') ==>
72                let spsr = get_spsr_by_mode mode
73                 in
74                    ((s'.psrs (0,spsr))=(s.psrs (0,spsr)))
75                    /\
76                    ((s'.psrs (0,CPSR)).M=(s.psrs (0,CPSR)).M)
77                           `;
79val untouched_spsr_def =
80    Define `untouched_spsr f (mode:bool[5]) =
81           !s c s'. (f s = ValueState c s') ==>
82           let spsr = get_spsr_by_mode mode
83           in (*(spsr<>CPSR) ==>*)
84                    ((s'.psrs (0,spsr))=(s.psrs (0,spsr)))
85                    /\
86                    ((s'.psrs (0,CPSR)).M=(s.psrs (0,CPSR)).M)
87                           `;
89val priv_spsr_constraints_def =
90    Define `priv_spsr_constraints f cpsr mode =
91            ! s s' a . (f s = ValueState a s') ==>
92                (~access_violation s') ==>
93                ((s'.psrs(0,CPSR)).M = mode) ==>
94         (  let spsr = get_spsr_by_mode mode
95            in (*(spsr<>CPSR) ==>*)
96                           ((s'.psrs(0,spsr)) = cpsr )
98              )`;
101val priv_spsr_constraints_abs_def =
102    Define `priv_spsr_constraints_abs f cpsr mode =
103            ! s s' a c . (f c s = ValueState a s') ==>
104                (~access_violation s') ==>
105                ((s'.psrs(0,CPSR)).M = mode) ==>
106         (  let spsr = get_spsr_by_mode mode
107            in (*(spsr<>CPSR) ==>*)
108                           ((s'.psrs(0,spsr)) = cpsr )
110              )`;
112(*********************   proof rules *******************************)
114val seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_before_thm =
115    store_thm("seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_before_thm",
116              `` ! g f cpsr spsr. priv_spsr_constraints_abs f cpsr spsr ==>
117             priv_spsr_constraints (g >>= f) cpsr spsr ``,
118              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def,
119                                  priv_spsr_constraints_def,
120                                  priv_spsr_constraints_abs_def])
121                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
122                  THEN ASSUME_TAC
123                  (SPECL [``g:'a M``, ``f: 'a -> 'b M``,
124                          ``s:arm_state``,``a:'b``,
125                          ``s':arm_state``(* ,``b:arm_state``, *)
126                         (* ``a':'a`` *)]
127                         seqT_access_violation_thm)
128                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def]
129                  THEN Cases_on `g s`
130                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
131                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b`
132                  (* THEN Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr` *)
133                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s s' a c .X ==> Z``
134                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
135                                 (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``s':arm_state``,
136                                         ``a:'b``,``a':'a``] thm))
137                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
138                  THEN RES_TAC
139                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def]
140             );
142val parT_priv_spsr_constraints_before_thm =
143    store_thm("parT_priv_spsr_constraints_before_thm",
144              `` !f g cpsr spsr . priv_spsr_constraints f cpsr spsr ==>
145             priv_spsr_constraints (g ||| f) cpsr spsr ``,
146              RW_TAC (srw_ss())
147                      [parT_def,seqT_def,
148                       priv_spsr_constraints_def,
149                       untouched_spsr_def,constT_def]
150                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
151                  THEN IMP_RES_TAC
152                  (SIMP_RULE bool_ss
153                             [seqT_def,parT_def,constT_def]
154                             (SPECL [``g:'a M``, ``f: 'b M``,
155                                     ``s:arm_state``,``a:('a#'b)``,
156                                     ``s':arm_state`` ,``b:arm_state``,
157                                     ``a':'a``  ]
158                                    parT_access_violation_thm))
159                  THEN Cases_on `g s`
160                  THEN Cases_on `f b`
161                  (* THEN Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr`  *)
162                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
163                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s s' a. (f s = ValueState a s') ==> Z`` (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
164                  (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``b':arm_state``,``a'':'a``] thm))
165                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b`
166                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b'`
167                  THEN RES_TAC
168                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
169                  THEN FIRST_PROVE [ FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
170                                                   THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] ,
171                                     (UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
172                                          THEN  RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
173                                          THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])]);
175val seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm =
176    store_thm("seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm",
177              `` !f g cpsr mode.
178             priv_spsr_constraints g cpsr mode ==>
179             (untouched_spsr_abs f mode) ==>
180             priv_spsr_constraints (g >>= f) cpsr mode``,
181              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def,
182                                  priv_spsr_constraints_def,
183                                  priv_spsr_constraints_abs_def,
184                                  untouched_spsr_abs_def]) THEN
185                        FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) [] THEN
186                        Cases_on `g s` THEN
187                        FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN
188                        Cases_on `access_violation b`
189                        THEN Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr`
190                        THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s s' a  .X ==> Z``
191                        (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
192                                       (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,``b:arm_state``,
193                                               ``a':'a``] thm))
195                        THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s1 a c s2. X``
196                        (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
197                                       (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``a':'a``,
198                                               ``a:'b``,``s':arm_state``] thm))
200                        THEN RES_TAC
201                        THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
202                        THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
203                        THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
204                        THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
206val parT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm =
207    store_thm("parT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm",
208`` !f g cpsr spsr. priv_spsr_constraints g cpsr spsr ==>
209             (untouched_spsr f spsr) ==>
210             priv_spsr_constraints (g ||| f) cpsr spsr``,
211              (RW_TAC (srw_ss())
212                      [parT_def,seqT_def,
213                       priv_spsr_constraints_def,
214                       untouched_spsr_def,constT_def])
215                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []THEN
216                  Cases_on `g s` THEN
217                  Cases_on `f b` THEN
218                  Cases_on `access_violation b` THEN
219                  Cases_on `access_violation b'`   THEN
220                  (* Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr` THEN *)
221                  FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN
222                  PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s a s' .(f s = ValueState a s') ==> Z``
223                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
224                                 (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``a'':'a``,``b':arm_state``] thm))
225                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s1 c s2. X``
226                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
227                                 (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,``b:arm_state``,``a':'b``] thm))
228                  THEN RES_TAC
229                  THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
230                  THEN  RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
231                  THEN  FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
232                );
235val seqT_trans_untouched_thm =
236    store_thm("seqT_trans_untouched_thm",
237              `` !f g mode.
238             (untouched_spsr f mode) ==>
239             (untouched_spsr_abs g mode) ==>
240             (untouched_spsr (f>>=g) mode)``,
241              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def,untouched_spsr_abs_def,
242                                  untouched_spsr_def])
243THEN Cases_on `f s`
244                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
245                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s1 c s2. (f _ = ValueState _ _) ==> _``
246                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
247                                 (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,``a:'a``,``b:arm_state``] thm))
248                  THEN RES_TAC
249                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b`
250                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
251                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
252                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s a c s'. X``
253                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
254                                 (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``a:'a``,
255                                         ``c:'b``,``s':arm_state``] thm))
256                  THEN RES_TAC
257                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
258                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
260val parT_trans_untouched_thm =
261    store_thm("parT_trans_untouched_thm",
262              `` !f g spsr.
263             (untouched_spsr f spsr) ==>
264             (untouched_spsr g spsr) ==>
265             (untouched_spsr (f ||| g) spsr)``,
266              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [seqT_def,parT_def,constT_def,
267                                  untouched_spsr_def])
268                  THEN Cases_on `f s`
269                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b`
270                  THEN Cases_on `g b`
271                  THEN Cases_on `access_violation b'`
272                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
273                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s c s'. X``
274                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
275                                 (SPECL [``b:arm_state``,``a':'b``,
276                                         ``b':arm_state``] thm))
277                  THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``! s1 c s2. (f _ = ValueState _ _) ==> _``
278                  (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC
279                                 (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,``a:'a``,``b:arm_state``] thm))
280                  THEN RES_TAC
281                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
282                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
283                  );
285val spfc_first_abs_lemma =
286    store_thm ("spfc_first_abs_lemma",
287               ``!f g x y. (f=g) ==> ((priv_spsr_constraints f x y) =
288                                    (priv_spsr_constraints g x y))``,
289               RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
292val spfc_second_abs_lemma =
293    store_thm ("spfc_second_abs_lemma",
294               ``! f x z. (! y. priv_spsr_constraints (f y) x z) =
295    priv_spsr_constraints_abs f x z``,
296               RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [priv_spsr_constraints_def,priv_spsr_constraints_abs_def]
297                      THEN METIS_TAC []);
300(********************* end of proof rules *******************************)
301(******************* basic lemmas **************************************)
303val read_cpsr_fixed_lem =
304    store_thm("read_cpsr_fixed_lem",
305``!s. read_cpsr <|proc := 0|> s = ValueState (s.psrs (0,CPSR)) s``,
306              EVAL_TAC
307                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
309(* if possible, try to optimize it *)
310val write_spsr_sfc_thm =
311    store_thm("write_spsr_sfc_thm",
312              ``! cpsr mode. priv_spsr_constraints (write_spsr <|proc := 0|> cpsr)
313             cpsr mode ``,
315              RW_TAC (bool_ss) [write_spsr_def,seqT_def,priv_spsr_constraints_def]
316                     THEN Cases_on `read_cpsr <|proc := 0|> s`
317                     THEN FIRST_PROVE [
318              FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
319                            THEN ASSUME_TAC (SPEC ``s:arm_state`` read_cpsr_fixed_lem)
320                            THEN Cases_on `access_violation b`
321                            THENL [
322                            FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
323                                          THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
324                                          THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [],
325                            Cases_on ` bad_mode <|proc := 0|> a'.M b`
326                                     THENL
327                                     [
328                                      FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
329                                                    THEN Cases_on `access_violation b'`
330                                                    THENL[
331                                                    FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
332                                                                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
333                                                                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
334                                                  ,
335                                                  FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
336                                                                THEN Cases_on `a''`
337                                                                THENL [
338                                                                FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
339                                                                              (* THEN Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr`  *)
340                                                                              THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
341                                                                              THEN EVAL_TAC,
342                                                                (* Q.UNABBREV_TAC `spsr`  *)
343                                                                (* THEN *) UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
344                                                                               THEN EVAL_TAC
345                                                                               THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN
346                                                                               FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
347                                                                               THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
348                                                                               THEN EVAL_TAC
349                                                                               THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN
350                                                                               FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []]],
351                                      FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []]],
352              FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []]);
355val write_lr_reg_sfc_ut_thm =
356    store_thm("write_lr_reg_sfc_ut_thm",
357              ``! value mode.
358             (untouched_spsr (write_reg <|proc:=0|> 14w value) mode)``,
359              EVAL_TAC
360                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
361                  THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
362                  THEN EVAL_TAC
363                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
364                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
366val read_cpsr_sfc_ut_thm =
367    store_thm("read_cpsr_sfc_ut_thm",
368              `` !mode.
369             (untouched_spsr (read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> ) mode )``,
370              EVAL_TAC
371                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] );
373val branch_to_sfc_ut_thm =
374    store_thm("branch_to_sfc_ut_thm",
375              ``!adr mode. untouched_spsr (
376    branch_to <|proc:=0|> adr) mode``,
377              EVAL_TAC
378                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
379                  THEN UNDISCH_ALL_TAC
380                  THEN EVAL_TAC
381                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
382                  THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
384val constT_sfc_ut_thm =
385    store_thm("constT_sfc_ut_thm",
386              ``! mode. untouched_spsr_abs (��(u1:unit,u2:unit,u3:unit,u4:unit).
387                                             constT ()) mode``,
388              EVAL_TAC
389                  THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] );
391val ui_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm =
392    store_thm("ui_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm",
393``untouched_spsr (
394           read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> >>=
395                (��cpsr.
396                write_cpsr <|proc:=0|>
397                 (cpsr with
398                  <|I := T; IT := 0w; J := F; T := sctlr.TE;
399                    E := sctlr.EE|>))) 27w``,
401THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
404THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
405THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
407val svc_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm =
408    store_thm("svc_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm",
409``untouched_spsr (
410           read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> >>=
411                (��cpsr.
412                write_cpsr <|proc:=0|>
413                 (cpsr with
414                  <|I := T; IT := 0w; J := F; T := sctlr.TE;
415                    E := sctlr.EE|>))) 19w``,
417THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
420THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
421THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
423val irq_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm =
424    store_thm("irq_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm",
425``untouched_spsr (
426           read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> >>=
427              (��cpsr.
428                     write_cpsr <|proc:=0|>
429                       (cpsr with
430                        <|I := T;
431                          A :=
432                            ((��have_security_exta ��� ��scr.NS ��� scr.AW) ���
433                             cpsr.A); IT := 0w; J := F; T := sctlr.TE;
434                          E := sctlr.EE|>))) 18w``,
436THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
439THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
440THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
443val ab_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm =
444    store_thm("ab_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm",
445``untouched_spsr (
446           read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> >>=
447                  (��cpsr.
448                     write_cpsr <|proc:=0|>
449                       (cpsr with
450                        <|I := T;
451                          A :=
452                            ((��have_security_exta ��� ��scr.NS ��� scr.AW) ���
453                             cpsr.A); IT := 0w; J := F; T := sctlr.TE;
454                          E := sctlr.EE|>))) 23w``,
456THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
459THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
460THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
463val fiq_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm =
464    store_thm("fiq_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm",
465``untouched_spsr (
466           read_cpsr <|proc:=0|> >>=
467                 (��cpsr.
468                     write_cpsr <|proc:=0|>
469                       (cpsr with
470                        <|I := T;
471                          F :=
472                            ((��have_security_exta ��� ��scr.NS ��� scr.AW) ���
473                             cpsr.F);
474                          A :=
475                            ((��have_security_exta ��� ��scr.NS ��� scr.AW) ���
476                             cpsr.A); IT := 0w; J := F; T := sctlr.TE;
477                          E := sctlr.EE|>))) 17w``,
480THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
483THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
484THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []);
487fun get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm a' wr_sfc_ut_thm lr vt_index mode =
489    let   val (l,r,rb1)= decompose_term a';
490          val (l2,r2,rb2)= decompose_term rb1
491          val (l3,r3,rb3)= decompose_term rb2
492          val (l4,r4,rb4)= decompose_term l3
493          val (l5,r5,rb5)= decompose_term r4
494          val (l6,r6,rb6)= decompose_term r5;
495          (* proof of r5 *)
496          val thm1 = LIST_MP [ wr_sfc_ut_thm,
497                               (SPECL [``(ExcVectorBase + ^vt_index)``,
498                                       mode ] branch_to_sfc_ut_thm)]
499                             (SPECL [l6,r6,mode]
500                                    (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> ``:unit``,
501                                                beta |-> ``:unit``]
502                                               parT_trans_untouched_thm));
503          (* proof of r4 *)
504          val thm2 = LIST_MP [
505                     (SPECL [lr,
506                             mode] write_lr_reg_sfc_ut_thm),
507                     thm1]
508                             (SPECL [l5,r5,mode]
509                                    (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> ``:unit``,
510                                                beta |-> ``:(unit#unit)``]
511                                               parT_trans_untouched_thm));
512          (* proof of l3 *)
513          val thm3 = LIST_MP [
514                     (SPECL [``cpsr:ARMpsr``,mode] write_spsr_sfc_thm),
515                     thm2]
516                             (SPECL [r4,l4,``cpsr:ARMpsr``,mode]
517                                    (INST_TYPE [beta |-> ``:unit``,
518                                                alpha |-> ``:(unit#unit#unit)``]
519                                               parT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm));
520          (* proof of rb2 *)
521          val thm4 = LIST_MP [
522                     thm3,
523                     SPEC mode constT_sfc_ut_thm]
524                             (SPECL [r3,l3,``cpsr:ARMpsr``,mode]
525                                    (INST_TYPE [beta |-> ``:unit``,
526                                                alpha |-> ``:(unit#unit#unit#unit)``]
527                                               seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_after_thm));
528          (* proof of rb1 *)
529          val (thm5 , _) = prove_abs_spsr_const_action (r2, [spfc_first_abs_lemma,
530                                                             spfc_second_abs_lemma],
531                                                        thm4, ``cpsr:ARMpsr``,
532                                                        mode);
533          val thm6 = MP (SPECL [l2,r2,``cpsr:ARMpsr``,mode]
534                               (INST_TYPE [beta |-> ``:unit``,
535                                           alpha |-> ``:(unit#unit)``]
536                                          seqT_priv_spsr_constraints_before_thm)) thm5;
537    in
538        (GEN_ALL thm6)
539    end
541val take_undef_writing_part_spf_thm =
542    save_thm ("take_undef_writing_part_spf_thm",
543              let
544                  val a = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_undef_instr_exception_def]
545                                    ``take_undef_instr_exception <|proc:=0|> ``;
546                  val (_, a') =  (dest_eq (concl a))
547              in
548                  get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm a'
549                                    ui_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm ``(if cpsr.T
550                         then
551                             pc ��� 2w:bool[32]
552                         else
553                             pc ��� 4w)`` ``4w:bool[32]`` ``27w:bool[5]``
554              end
558val take_data_abort_writing_part_spf_thm =
559    save_thm ("take_data_abort_writing_part_spf_thm",
560              let
561                  val a = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_data_abort_exception_def]
562                                    ``take_data_abort_exception <|proc:=0|> ``;
563                  val (_, a') =  (dest_eq (concl a));
564              in
565                  get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm a'
566                              ab_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm
567                      ``(if cpsr.T
568                         then
569                             pc:bool[32]
570                         else
571                             pc ��� 4w)`` ``16w:bool[32]`` ``23w:bool[5]``
572              end
575val take_prefetch_abort_writing_part_spf_thm =
576    save_thm ("take_prefetch_abort_writing_part_spf_thm",
577              let
578                  val a = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_prefetch_abort_exception_def]
579                                    ``take_prefetch_abort_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
580                  val (_, a') =  (dest_eq (concl a))
581              in
582                  get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm a'
583                              ab_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm
584                      ``(if cpsr.T
585                         then
586                             pc:bool[32]
587                         else
588                             pc ��� 4w)`` ``12w:bool[32]`` ``23w:bool[5]``
589              end
592val take_irq_writing_part_spf_thm =
593    save_thm ("take_irq_writing_part_spf_thm",
594              let
595                  val a = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_irq_exception_def]
596                                    ``take_irq_exception <|proc:=0|> ``;
597                  val (_, a') =  (dest_eq (concl a));
598              in
599                  get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm a'
600                              irq_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm
601                      ``(if cpsr.T
602                         then
603                             pc:bool[32]
604                         else
605                             pc ��� 4w)`` ``24w:bool[32]`` ``18w:bool[5]``
606              end
609val take_svc_writing_part_spf_thm =
610    save_thm ("take_svc_writing_part_spf_thm",
611              let
612                  val a = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_svc_exception_def]
613                                    ``take_svc_exception <|proc:=0|> ``;
614                  val (_, a') =  (dest_eq (concl a))
615                  val (l,r,rbody) = decompose_term a';
616              in
617                  get_take_undef_writing_part_spsr_thm rbody
618                            svc_write_cpsr_spsr_ut_thm ``(if cpsr.T
619                         then
620                             pc ��� 2w:bool[32]
621                         else
622                             pc ��� 4w)`` ``8w:bool[32]`` ``19w:bool[5]``
623              end
627val satisfy_SPSR_constraints_def =
628    Define ` satisfy_SPSR_constraints f m =
629                ! s s' a.
630                  (f s = ValueState a s') ==>
631                 (~access_violation s') ==>
632                 ((s'.psrs(0,CPSR)).M = m) ==>
633                 ((s'.psrs (0,get_spsr_by_mode(m))) = (s.psrs(0,CPSR)))`;
636fun prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
637                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
638                                          ltype =
639 let
640     val (l,r,rb1)= decompose_term te;
641     val spec_list = List.nth(spec_lists,0)
642     val spec_list2 = List.nth(spec_lists,1)
643     val (_,sr) = dest_eq ( concl (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
644                                             (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,r]
645                                                    (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> ``:unit``]
646                                                               fixed_cpsr_thm))));
647     val (_,simpr,_) = decompose_term sr;
649 in
650     RW_TAC (bool_ss) [te_def,
651                       satisfy_SPSR_constraints_def]
652               THEN ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [``s:arm_state``,r]
653                                      (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> ``:unit``]
654                                                 fixed_cpsr_thm))
655               THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
656               THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
657               THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``X=Y`` (fn thm => THROW_AWAY_TAC (concl thm))
658               THEN ASSUME_TAC const_comp_rp_thm
659               THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [priv_spsr_constraints_def,
660                                       priv_spsr_constraints_abs_def]
661               THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [const_comp_def]
662               THEN (Cases_on [QUOTE ("("^(term_to_string l) ^ ") s")]
663               THEN IMP_RES_TAC seqT_access_violation_thm
664               THENL
665               [ RES_TAC
666                    THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
667                    THEN IMP_RES_TAC hlp_seqT_thm
668                    THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``X a' b= ValueState a s'``
669                    (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC (PairRules.PBETA_RULE thm))
670                    THEN
671                    ASSUME_TAC ( SPECL
672                                     spec_list  (GEN_ALL  (SIMP_RULE (bool_ss) [priv_spsr_constraints_def]
673                                                                     wp_thm)))
674                    THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``X ==> Y`` (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC (PairRules.PBETA_RULE thm))
675                    THEN
676                    ASSUME_TAC (SPECL spec_list2 fixed_cpsr_thm2)
677                    THEN RES_TAC
678                    THEN RES_TAC
679                    THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [get_spsr_by_mode_def]
680                    THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
681                    THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
682               ,
683               IMP_RES_TAC (SPEC simpr (
684                            INST_TYPE [beta |-> ``:unit``,
685                                       alpha |-> ltype ]
686                                      hlp_errorT_thm))
687                           THEN
688                           PAT_X_ASSUM ``! (s:arm_state) . X ``
689                           (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC (SPEC ``s:arm_state`` thm))
690                           THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []
691                           THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
692               ])
693    end;
695val take_svc_exception_spsr_thm =
696    store_thm ("take_svc_exception_spsr_thm",
697    let
698        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_svc_exception_def]
699                             ``take_svc_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
700        val (_, a) =  (dest_eq (concl athm))
701        val (_,_,rb)= decompose_term a;
702    in
703        `` satisfy_SPSR_constraints
704              ^rb  19w``
705    end,
706    let
707        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_svc_exception_def]
708                          ``take_svc_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
709        val (_, a) =  (dest_eq (concl athm));
710        val (_,_,te)= decompose_term a;
711        val sl_elm2 =  ``(a':(word32 # word32 # ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr))``
712        val spec_list = (mk_spec_list sl_elm2)@[``b:arm_state``, ``s':arm_state``,``a:unit``]
713        val spec_list2 = [``b:arm_state``] @ List.rev (mk_spec_list2 (sl_elm2))
714        val spec_lists = [spec_list] @ [spec_list2];
715        val te_def = take_svc_exception_def;
716        val fixed_cpsr_thm = fixed_cpsr_undef_svc_thm;
717        val fixed_cpsr_thm2 = fixed_cpsr_undef_svc_thm2;
718        val wp_thm = take_svc_writing_part_spf_thm;
719        val const_comp_rp_thm =  const_comp_take_undef_svc_exception_rp_thm;
720        val ltype = ``:(word32 # word32 # ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr)``;
722    in
723 prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
724                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
725                                          ltype
726    end);
728val take_undef_instr_exception_spsr_thm =
729    store_thm ("take_undef_instr_exception_spsr_thm",
730      `` satisfy_SPSR_constraints
731              (take_undef_instr_exception <|proc:=0|>)  27w``,
732    let
733        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_undef_instr_exception_def]
734                          ``take_undef_instr_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
735        val (_, te) =  (dest_eq (concl athm));
736        val sl_elm2 =  ``(a':(word32 # word32 # ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr))``
737        val spec_list = (mk_spec_list sl_elm2)@[``b:arm_state``, ``s':arm_state``,``a:unit``]
738        val spec_list2 = [``b:arm_state``] @ List.rev (mk_spec_list2 (sl_elm2))
739        val spec_lists = [spec_list] @ [spec_list2];
740        val te_def = take_undef_instr_exception_def;
741        val fixed_cpsr_thm = fixed_cpsr_undef_svc_thm;
742        val fixed_cpsr_thm2 = fixed_cpsr_undef_svc_thm2;
743        val wp_thm = take_undef_writing_part_spf_thm;
744        val const_comp_rp_thm =  const_comp_take_undef_svc_exception_rp_thm;
745        val ltype = ``:(word32 # word32 # ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr)``;
747    in
748 prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
749                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
750                                          ltype
751    end);
754val take_data_abort_exception_spsr_thm =
755    store_thm ("take_data_abort_exception_spsr_thm",
756      `` satisfy_SPSR_constraints
757              (take_data_abort_exception <|proc:=0|>)  23w``,
758    let
759        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_data_abort_exception_def]
760                          ``take_data_abort_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
761        val (_, te) =  (dest_eq (concl athm));
762        val sl_elm2 =  ``(a':(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr))``
763        val spec_list = (mk_spec_list3 sl_elm2)@[``b:arm_state``, ``s':arm_state``,``a:unit``]
764        val spec_list2 = [``b:arm_state``] @ List.rev (mk_spec_list4 (sl_elm2))
765        val spec_lists = [spec_list] @ [spec_list2];
766        val te_def = take_data_abort_exception_def;
767        val fixed_cpsr_thm = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm;
768        val fixed_cpsr_thm2 = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm2;
769        val wp_thm = take_data_abort_writing_part_spf_thm;
770        val const_comp_rp_thm = const_comp_take_abort_irq_exception_rp_thm
771        val ltype = ``:(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr)``;
773    in
774 prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
775                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
776                                          ltype
777    end);
780val take_prefetch_abort_exception_spsr_thm =
781    store_thm ("take_prefetch_abort_exception_spsr_thm",
782      `` satisfy_SPSR_constraints
783              (take_prefetch_abort_exception <|proc:=0|>)  23w``,
784    let
785        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_prefetch_abort_exception_def]
786                          ``take_prefetch_abort_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
787        val (_, te) =  (dest_eq (concl athm));
788        val sl_elm2 =  ``(a':(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr))``
789        val spec_list = (mk_spec_list3 sl_elm2)@[``b:arm_state``, ``s':arm_state``,``a:unit``]
790        val spec_list2 = [``b:arm_state``] @ List.rev (mk_spec_list4 (sl_elm2))
791        val spec_lists = [spec_list] @ [spec_list2];
792        val te_def = take_prefetch_abort_exception_def;
793        val fixed_cpsr_thm = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm;
794        val fixed_cpsr_thm2 = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm2;
795        val wp_thm = take_prefetch_abort_writing_part_spf_thm;
796        val const_comp_rp_thm =  const_comp_take_abort_irq_exception_rp_thm;
797        val ltype = ``:(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr)``;
799    in
800 prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
801                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
802                                          ltype
803    end);
806val take_irq_exception_spsr_thm =
807    store_thm ("take_irq_exception_spsr_thm",
808      `` satisfy_SPSR_constraints
809              (take_irq_exception <|proc:=0|>)  18w``,
810    let
811        val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_irq_exception_def]
812                          ``take_irq_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
813        val (_, te) =  (dest_eq (concl athm));
814        val sl_elm2 =  ``(a':(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr))``
815        val spec_list = (mk_spec_list3 sl_elm2)@[``b:arm_state``, ``s':arm_state``,``a:unit``]
816        val spec_list2 = [``b:arm_state``] @ List.rev (mk_spec_list4 (sl_elm2))
817        val spec_lists = [spec_list] @ [spec_list2];
818        val te_def = take_irq_exception_def;
819        val fixed_cpsr_thm = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm;
820        val fixed_cpsr_thm2 = fixed_cpsr_abt_irq_thm2;
821        val wp_thm = take_irq_writing_part_spf_thm;
822        val const_comp_rp_thm =  const_comp_take_abort_irq_exception_rp_thm;
823        val ltype = ``:(word32 # word32 # bool# ARMpsr # CP15scr # CP15sctlr)``;
825    in
826 prove_take_exception_spsr_constraints te te_def fixed_cpsr_thm fixed_cpsr_thm2
827                                          wp_thm const_comp_rp_thm sl_elm2 spec_lists
828                                          ltype
829    end);
833val preserve_priv_bisimilarity_def =
834Define `preserve_priv_bisimilarity f m =
835           ! s1 s1' a1 s2 s2' a2 g.
836             (f s1 = ValueState a1 s1') ==>
837             (f s2 = ValueState a2 s2') ==>
838             (~access_violation s1') ==>
839             (~access_violation s2') ==>
840             (s1.registers(0,RName_PC) = s2.registers(0,RName_PC)) ==>
841             ((s1.psrs(0,CPSR)) = (s2.psrs(0,CPSR))) ==>
842             ((s1'.psrs(0,CPSR)) = (s2'.psrs(0,CPSR))) ==>
843             ((s1'.psrs(0,CPSR)).M = m) ==>
844             ((s2'.psrs(0,CPSR)).M = m) ==>
845             (priv_mode_similar  (g:bool[32]) s2' s1')`;
849val LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm =
850    new_axiom ("LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm",
851 ``! f m v.
852              satisfy_SPSR_constraints f m
853              ==>
854              satisfy_LR_constraints f m v
855              ==>
856             preserve_priv_bisimilarity f m
857           ``);
859val LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm =
860    store_thm ("LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm",
861 ``! f m v.
862              satisfy_SPSR_constraints f m
863              ==>
864              satisfy_LR_constraints f m v
865              ==>
866             preserve_priv_bisimilarity f m
867           ``,
868               RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [satisfy_SPSR_constraints_def,
869                                  satisfy_LR_constraints_def,
870                                  preserve_priv_bisimilarity_def,
871                                  ARM_MODE_def,priv_mode_similar_def,
872                                  ARM_READ_CPSR_def]
873                    THEN UNABBREV_ALL_TAC
874                    THEN NTAC 2 ( RES_TAC
875                   THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [get_pc_value_def]
876                   THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []));
878val take_undef_instr_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm =
879    store_thm ("take_undef_instr_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm",
880``preserve_priv_bisimilarity (take_undef_instr_exception <|proc:=0|>) 27w``
881             ,
882             MP_TAC (SPEC ``27w:bool[5]`` take_undef_instr_exception_LR_thm)
883                    THEN MP_TAC take_undef_instr_exception_spsr_thm
884                    THEN METIS_TAC [LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm] );
887val take_data_abort_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm =
888    store_thm ("take_data_abort_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm",
889``preserve_priv_bisimilarity (take_data_abort_exception <|proc:=0|>) 23w``
890             ,
891             MP_TAC (SPEC ``23w:bool[5]`` take_data_abort_exception_LR_thm)
892                    THEN MP_TAC take_data_abort_exception_spsr_thm
893                    THEN METIS_TAC [LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm] );
895val take_prefetch_abort_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm =
896    store_thm ("take_prefetch_abort_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm",
897``preserve_priv_bisimilarity (take_prefetch_abort_exception <|proc:=0|>) 23w``
898             ,
899             MP_TAC (SPEC ``23w:bool[5]`` take_prefetch_abort_exception_LR_thm)
900                    THEN MP_TAC take_prefetch_abort_exception_spsr_thm
901                    THEN METIS_TAC [LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm] );
903val take_irq_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm =
904    store_thm ("take_irq_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm",
905``preserve_priv_bisimilarity (take_irq_exception <|proc:=0|>) 18w``
906             ,
907             MP_TAC (SPEC ``18w:bool[5]`` take_irq_exception_LR_thm)
908                    THEN MP_TAC take_irq_exception_spsr_thm
909                    THEN METIS_TAC [LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm] );
911val take_svc_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm =
912    store_thm ("take_svc_exception_priv_mode_similar_thm",
913               let
914                   val athm = SIMP_CONV (bool_ss) [take_svc_exception_def]
915                                        ``take_svc_exception <|proc:=0|> ``
916                   val (_, a) =  (dest_eq (concl athm))
917                   val (_,_,rb)= decompose_term a
918               in
919                   ``preserve_priv_bisimilarity ^rb 19w``
920               end
921             ,
922             MP_TAC (SPEC ``19w:bool[5]`` take_svc_exception_LR_thm)
923                    THEN MP_TAC take_svc_exception_spsr_thm
924                    THEN METIS_TAC [LR_SPSR_equality_implies_priv_bisimilarity_thm] );
927val _ = export_theory();