1(* ========================================================================= *)
2(* FILE          : instructionSyntax.sml                                     *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : Support for working with ARM instructions                 *)
4(*                                                                           *)
5(* AUTHORS       : (c) Anthony Fox, University of Cambridge                  *)
6(* DATE          : 2006                                                      *)
7(* ========================================================================= *)
9(* interactive use:
10  app load ["Nonstdio","wordsSyntax", "instructionTheory",
11            "assemblerML", "Data"];
14structure instructionSyntax :> instructionSyntax = struct
16open HolKernel boolLib Parse bossLib;
17open Q wordsSyntax instructionTheory Data assemblerML;
19(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
21val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "instructionSyntax"
22fun mk_bool b = if b then T else F;
24fun mk_word t n = mk_n2w(numLib.mk_numeral n, t);
26val mk_word3 = mk_word ``:3``;
27val mk_word4 = mk_word ``:4``;
28val mk_word5 = mk_word ``:5``;
29val mk_word8 = mk_word ``:8``;
30val mk_word12 = mk_word ``:12``;
31val mk_word16 = mk_word ``:16``;
32val mk_word24 = mk_word ``:24``;
33val mk_word32 = mk_word ``:32``;
35fun mk_register (NReg n) = (mk_word4 o Arbnum.fromInt o register2int) n
36  | mk_register (VReg x) = mk_var (x, ``:word4``);
38fun mk_condition cond =
39  case cond of
40    EQ => ``EQ`` | NE => ``NE`` | CS => ``CS`` | CC => ``CC``
41  | MI => ``MI`` | PL => ``PL`` | VS => ``VS`` | VC => ``VC``
42  | HI => ``HI`` | LS => ``LS`` | GE => ``GE`` | LT => ``LT``
43  | GT => ``GT`` | LE => ``LE`` | AL => ``AL`` | NV => ``NV``;
45fun mk_opcode opc =
46  case opc of
47    AND => ``instruction$AND`` | EOR => ``instruction$EOR``
48  | SUB => ``instruction$SUB`` | RSB => ``instruction$RSB``
49  | ADD => ``instruction$ADD`` | ADC => ``instruction$ADC``
50  | SBC => ``instruction$SBC`` | RSC => ``instruction$RSC``
51  | TST => ``instruction$TST`` | TEQ => ``instruction$TEQ``
52  | CMP => ``instruction$CMP`` | CMN => ``instruction$CMN``
53  | ORR => ``instruction$ORR`` | MOV => ``instruction$MOV``
54  | BIC => ``instruction$BIC`` | MVN => ``instruction$MVN``;
56fun mk_br (Instruction (x,c)) =
57 (case x of
58    Br y =>
59      subst [``c:condition``   |-> mk_condition c,
60             ``offset:word24`` |-> mk_word24 (Arbnum.fromInt (#offset y))]
61        (if #L y then ``instruction$BL c offset``
62                 else ``instruction$B c offset``)
63  | _ => raise ERR "mk_br" "not a branch instruction")
64 | mk_br _ = raise ERR "mk_br" "not a branch instruction";
66fun mk_swi_ex c = subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c] ``SWI c``;
69  fun num2imm(x,n) =
70  let val x8 = Arbnum.mod(x,Arbnum.fromInt 256) in
71    if x8 = x then
72      (Arbnum.fromInt n, x8)
73    else
74      if n < 15 then
75        num2imm(rol32 x 2, n + 1)
76      else
77        raise ERR "num2immediate" "number cannot be represented as an immediate"
78  end
80  fun num2immediate n = num2imm(n, 0)
83fun mk_shift r s =
84  subst [``r:word4`` |-> mk_register r]
85  (case s of
86     LSL => ``instruction$LSL r``
87   | LSR => ``instruction$LSR r``
88   | ASR => ``instruction$ASR r``
89   | ROR => ``instruction$ROR r``);
92  fun mk_dp_immediate x =
93  let val (n,m) = num2immediate x in
94    subst [``n:word4`` |-> mk_word4 n,
95           ``m:word8`` |-> mk_word8 m] ``Dp_immediate n m``
96  end
98  fun mk_addr_mode1 x =
99    case x of
100      DpImmediate n => mk_dp_immediate n
101    | DpShiftImmediate i =>
102         subst [``sh:shift``  |-> mk_shift (#Rm i) (#Sh i),
103                ``imm:word5`` |-> mk_word5 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Imm i))]
104           ``Dp_shift_immediate sh imm``
105    | DpShiftRegister r =>
106         subst [``sh:shift`` |-> mk_shift (#Rm r) (#Sh r),
107                ``rs:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rs r)]
108           ``Dp_shift_register sh rs``
109  val err = ERR "mk_data_proc" "not a data processing instruction"
111  fun mk_data_proc (Instruction (x,c)) =
112   (case x of
113      Data_proc y => let val opc = #opc y in
114        if mem opc [TST,TEQ,CMP,CMN] then
115          subst [``f:condition -> word4 -> addr_mode1 -> arm_instruction`` |->
116                 mk_opcode opc, ``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
117                 ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
118                 ``op2:addr_mode1`` |-> mk_addr_mode1 (#op2 y)]
119            ``(f (c:condition) (rn:word4)
120                 (op2:addr_mode1)):arm_instruction``
121        else if opc = MOV orelse opc = MVN then
122          subst [``f:condition -> bool -> word4 -> addr_mode1 ->
123                     arm_instruction`` |-> mk_opcode opc,
124                 ``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
125                 ``s:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#S y),
126                 ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
127                 ``op2:addr_mode1`` |-> mk_addr_mode1 (#op2 y)]
128            ``(f (c:condition) (s:bool) (rd:word4)
129                 (op2:addr_mode1)):arm_instruction``
130        else
131          subst [``f:condition -> bool -> word4 -> word4 -> addr_mode1 ->
132                     arm_instruction`` |-> mk_opcode opc,
133                 ``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
134                 ``s:bool``   |-> mk_bool (#S y),
135                 ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
136                 ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
137                 ``op2:addr_mode1`` |-> mk_addr_mode1 (#op2 y)]
138            ``(f (c:condition) (s:bool) (rd:word4) (rn:word4)
139                 (op2:addr_mode1)):arm_instruction``
140      end
141    | _ => raise err)
142   | mk_data_proc _ = raise err
145fun mk_mla_mul (Instruction (x,c)) =
146 (case x of
147    Mla_mul y =>
148      subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
149             ``s:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#S y),
150             ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
151             ``rm:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rm y),
152             ``rs:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rs y),
153             ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y)]
154      (case (#L y, #Signed y, #A y) of
155         (false,_,false)    => ``MUL c s rd rm rs``
156       | (false,_,true)     => ``MLA c s rd rm rs rn``
157       | (true,false,false) => ``UMULL c s rn rd rm rs``
158       | (true,false,true)  => ``UMLAL c s rn rd rm rs``
159       | (true,true,false)  => ``SMULL c s rn rd rm rs``
160       | (true,true,true)   => ``SMLAL c s rn rd rm rs``)
161  | _ => raise ERR "mk_mla_mul" "not a multiply instruction")
162 | mk_mla_mul _ = raise ERR "mk_mla_mul" "not a multiply instruction";
165  fun mk_addr_mode2 x =
166    case x of
167      DtImmediate n =>
168        subst [``i:word12`` |-> mk_word12 (Arbnum.fromInt n)] ``Dt_immediate i``
169    | DtShiftImmediate i =>
170        subst [``sh:shift`` |-> mk_shift (#Rm i) (#Sh i),
171                ``imm:word5`` |-> mk_word5 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Imm i))]
172        ``Dt_shift_immediate sh imm``
174  fun mk_options (Ldr_str y) =
175        subst [``p:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#P y),
176               ``u:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#U y),
177               ``w:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#W y)]
178        ``<| Pre := p; Up := u; Wb := w |>``
179    | mk_options _ = raise ERR "mk_ldr_str" "not a load/store instruction"
180  val err = ERR "mk_ldr_str" "not a load/store instruction"
182  fun mk_ldr_str (Instruction(x,c)) =
183   (case x of
184      Ldr_str y =>
185        subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
186               ``b:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#B y),
187               ``opt:transfer_options`` |-> mk_options x,
188               ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
189               ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
190               ``offset:addr_mode2`` |-> mk_addr_mode2 (#offset y)]
191        (if #L y then
192           ``instruction$LDR c b opt rd rn offset``
193         else
194           ``instruction$STR c b opt rd rn offset``)
195    | _ => raise err)
196   | mk_ldr_str _ = raise err
200  fun mk_addr_mode3 x =
201    case x of
202      DthImmediate n =>
203        subst [``i:word8`` |-> mk_word8 (Arbnum.fromInt n)] ``Dth_immediate i``
204    | DthRegister r =>
205        subst [``rm:word4`` |-> mk_register r] ``Dth_register rm``
207  fun mk_options (Ldrh_strh y) =
208        subst [``p:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#P y),
209               ``u:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#U y),
210               ``w:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#W y)]
211        ``<| Pre := p; Up := u; Wb := w |>``
212    | mk_options _ = raise ERR "mk_ldrh_strh"
213                               "not a load/store (half) instruction"
214  val err = ERR "mk_ldrh_strh" "not a load/store (half) instruction"
216  fun mk_ldrh_strh (Instruction(x,c)) =
217   (case x of
218      Ldrh_strh y =>
219        subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
220               ``s:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#S y),
221               ``h:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#H y),
222               ``opt:transfer_options`` |-> mk_options x,
223               ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
224               ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
225               ``offset:addr_mode3`` |-> mk_addr_mode3 (#offset y)]
226        (if #L y then
227           subst [``s:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#S y)]
228              ``instruction$LDRH c s h opt rd rn offset``
229         else
230           ``instruction$STRH c opt rd rn offset``)
231    | _ => raise err)
232   | mk_ldrh_strh _ = raise err
236  fun mk_options (Ldm_stm y) =
237        subst [``p:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#P y),
238               ``u:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#U y),
239               ``w:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#W y)]
240        ``<| Pre := p; Up := u; Wb := w |>``
241    | mk_options _ = raise ERR "mk_ldm_stm" "not a block transfer instruction"
242  val err = ERR "mk_ldm_stm" "not a block transfer instruction"
244  fun mk_ldm_stm (Instruction(x,c)) =
245   (case x of
246      Ldm_stm y =>
247        subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
248               ``s:bool``      |-> mk_bool (#S y),
249               ``opt:transfer_options`` |-> mk_options x,
250               ``rn:word4``    |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
251               ``list:word16`` |-> mk_word16 (Arbnum.fromInt (#list y))]
252        (if #L y then
253           ``instruction$LDM c s opt rn list``
254         else
255           ``instruction$STM c s opt rn list``)
256    | _ => raise err)
257   | mk_ldm_stm _ = raise err
260fun mk_swp (Instruction(x,c)) =
261 (case x of
262    Swp y =>
263       subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
264              ``b:bool``   |-> mk_bool (#B y),
265              ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
266              ``rm:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rm y),
267              ``rn:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rn y)]
268      ``instruction$SWP c b rd rm rn``
269  | _ => raise ERR "mk_swp" "not a swap instruction")
270 | mk_swp _ = raise ERR "mk_swp" "not a swap instruction";
272fun mk_mrs (Instruction(x,c)) =
273 (case x of
274    Mrs y =>
275      subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
276             ``r:bool``   |-> mk_bool (#R y),
277             ``rd:word4`` |-> mk_register (#Rd y)]
278        ``instruction$MRS c r rd``
279  | _ => raise ERR "mk_mrs" "not an mrs instruction")
280 | mk_mrs _ = raise ERR "mk_mrs" "not an mrs instruction";
283  fun mk_msr_psr (Msr y) =
284       (case (#R y,#bit19 y,#bit16 y) of
285          (_,false,false) =>
286             raise ERR "mk_msr" "either bit19 or bit16 must be set"
287        | (false,false,true) => ``CPSR_c``
288        | (false,true,false) => ``CPSR_f``
289        | (false,true,true)  => ``CPSR_a``
290        | (true,false,true)  => ``SPSR_c``
291        | (true,true,false)  => ``SPSR_f``
292        | (true,true,true)   => ``SPSR_a``)
293    | mk_msr_psr _ = raise ERR "mk_msr" "not an msr instruction"
295  fun mk_msr_immediate x =
296  let val (n,m) = num2immediate x in
297    subst [``n:word4`` |-> mk_word4 n,
298           ``m:word8`` |-> mk_word8 m] ``Msr_immediate n m``
299  end
301  fun mk_msr_mode x =
302        case x of
303          MsrImmediate n => mk_msr_immediate n
304        | MsrRegister r => subst [``r:word4`` |-> mk_register r]
305            ``Msr_register r``
307  val err = ERR "mk_msr" "not an msr instruction"
309  fun mk_msr (Instruction(x,c)) =
310   (case x of
311      Msr y =>
312        subst [``c:condition``  |-> mk_condition c,
313               ``psrd:msr_psr`` |-> mk_msr_psr x,
314               ``op:msr_mode``  |-> mk_msr_mode (#Op y)]
315        ``instruction$MSR c psrd op``
316    | _ => raise err)
317   | mk_msr _ = raise err
320fun mk_cdp (Instruction(x,c)) =
321 (case x of
322    Cdp y =>
323      subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
324             ``cpn:word4``  |-> mk_word4 (Arbnum.fromInt (#CP y)),
325             ``cop1:word4`` |-> mk_word4 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Cop1 y)),
326             ``crd:word4``  |-> mk_register (#CRd y),
327             ``crn:word4``  |-> mk_register (#CRn y),
328             ``crm:word4``  |-> mk_register (#CRm y),
329             ``cop2:word3`` |-> mk_word3 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Cop2 y))]
330      ``instruction$CDP c cpn cop1 crd crn crm cop2``
331  | _ => raise ERR "mk_cdp" "not a cdp instruction")
332 | mk_cdp _ = raise ERR "mk_cdp" "not a cdp instruction";
334fun mk_mcr_mrc (Instruction(x,c)) =
335 (case x of
336    Mcr_mrc y =>
337      subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
338             ``cpn:word4``  |-> mk_word4 (Arbnum.fromInt (#CP y)),
339             ``cop1:word3`` |-> mk_word3 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Cop1 y)),
340             ``rd:word4``   |-> mk_register (#Rd y),
341             ``crn:word4``  |-> mk_register (#CRn y),
342             ``crm:word4``  |-> mk_register (#CRm y),
343             ``cop2:word3`` |-> mk_word3 (Arbnum.fromInt (#Cop2 y))]
344      (if #L y then
345         ``instruction$MRC c cpn cop1 rd crn crm cop2``
346       else
347         ``instruction$MCR c cpn cop1 rd crn crm cop2``)
348  | _ => raise ERR "mk_mcr_mrc" "not an mcr or mrc instruction")
349 | mk_mcr_mrc _ = raise ERR "mk_mcr_mrc" "not an mcr or mrc instruction";
352  fun mk_options (Ldc_stc y) =
353        subst [``p:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#P y),
354               ``u:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#U y),
355               ``w:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#W y)]
356        ``<| Pre := p; Up := u; Wb := w |>``
357    | mk_options _ = raise ERR "mk_ldc_stc" "not an ldc or stc instruction"
358  val err = ERR "mk_ldc_stc" "not an ldc or stc instruction"
360  fun mk_ldc_stc (Instruction(x,c)) =
361   (case x of
362      Ldc_stc y =>
363        subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c,
364               ``n:bool`` |-> mk_bool (#N y),
365               ``opt:transfer_options`` |-> mk_options x,
366               ``cpn:word4``   |-> mk_word4 (Arbnum.fromInt (#CP y)),
367               ``crd:word4``   |-> mk_register (#CRd y),
368               ``rn:word4``    |-> mk_register (#Rn y),
369               ``offset:word8`` |-> mk_word8 (Arbnum.fromInt (#offset y))]
370        (if #L y then
371           ``instruction$LDC c n opt cpn crd rn offset``
372         else
373           ``instruction$STC c n opt cpn crd rn offset``)
374    | _ => raise err)
375  | mk_ldc_stc _ = raise err
378fun mk_undef c = subst [``c:condition`` |-> mk_condition c] ``UND c``;
380(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
382fun arm_to_term (i as Instruction (x,c)) =
383 (case x of
384    Br y        => mk_br i
385  | Swi_ex      => mk_swi_ex c
386  | Data_proc y => mk_data_proc i
387  | Mla_mul y   => mk_mla_mul i
388  | Ldr_str y   => mk_ldr_str i
389  | Ldrh_strh y => mk_ldrh_strh i
390  | Ldm_stm y   => mk_ldm_stm i
391  | Swp y       => mk_swp i
392  | Mrs y       => mk_mrs i
393  | Msr y       => mk_msr i
394  | Cdp y       => mk_cdp i
395  | Mcr_mrc y   => mk_mcr_mrc i
396  | Ldc_stc y   => mk_ldc_stc i
397  | Undef       => mk_undef c)
398 | arm_to_term (Data n) = mk_word32 n;
400(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
402fun index_size t = let open Arbnum in
403   if t = ``:3`` then fromInt 8 else
404   if t = ``:4`` then fromInt 16 else
405   if t = ``:5`` then fromInt 32 else
406   if t = ``:8`` then fromInt 256 else
407   if t = ``:12`` then fromInt 4096 else
408   if t = ``:16`` then fromInt 65536 else
409   if t = ``:24`` then fromInt 16777216 else
410   if t = ``:32`` then fromString "4294967296" else
411    raise ERR "index_mod_size" "unknown word size"
414fun dest_word t = let val (n,typ) = dest_n2w t in
415  Arbnum.mod(numLib.dest_numeral n,index_size typ) end;
417val dest_wordi  = Arbnum.toInt o dest_word;
419fun dest_register t = NReg (int2register (dest_wordi t))
420  handle HOL_ERR e =>
421    let val (x, t) = dest_var t in
422      if t = ``:word4`` then VReg x else Raise (HOL_ERR e)
423    end;
425fun dest_bool t =
426  if term_eq t T then true else
427  if term_eq t F then false else
428    raise ERR "dest_bool" "neither T nor F";
430fun dest_condition t = let val eqt = term_eq t
432  if eqt ``EQ`` then EQ else
433  if eqt ``NE`` then NE else
434  if eqt ``CS`` then CS else
435  if eqt ``CC`` then CC else
436  if eqt ``MI`` then MI else
437  if eqt ``PL`` then PL else
438  if eqt ``VS`` then VS else
439  if eqt ``VC`` then VC else
440  if eqt ``HI`` then HI else
441  if eqt ``LS`` then LS else
442  if eqt ``GE`` then GE else
443  if eqt ``LT`` then LT else
444  if eqt ``GT`` then GT else
445  if eqt ``LE`` then LE else
446  if eqt ``AL`` then AL else
447  if eqt ``NV`` then NV else
448    raise ERR "dest_condition" "not an instance of :condition"
452  val err = ERR "dest_br" "not a variable-free branch instruction"
454  fun dest_br t =
455   (case strip_comb t of
456      (i, [c, offset]) => let val l = term_eq i ``instruction$BL`` in
457          if l orelse term_eq i ``instruction$B`` then
458            Instruction(Br {L = l,offset = dest_wordi offset},dest_condition c)
459          else
460            raise err
461        end
462    | _ => raise err)
463    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
467  val err = ERR "dest_swi_ex" "not a valid swi_ex instruction"
469  fun dest_swi_ex t =
470  let val (i,c) = dest_comb t in
471     if term_eq i ``instruction$SWI`` then
472       Instruction(Swi_ex, dest_condition c)
473     else
474       raise err
475  end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
479  val err = ERR "dest_undef" "not a valid undefined instruction"
481  fun dest_undef t =
482  let val (i,c) = dest_comb t in
483     if term_eq i ``instruction$UND`` then
484       Instruction(Undef, dest_condition c)
485     else
486       raise err
487  end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
490fun dest_opc1 t = let val eqt = term_eq t
492  if eqt ``instruction$AND`` then AND else
493  if eqt ``instruction$EOR`` then EOR else
494  if eqt ``instruction$SUB`` then SUB else
495  if eqt ``instruction$RSB`` then RSB else
496  if eqt ``instruction$ADD`` then ADD else
497  if eqt ``instruction$ADC`` then ADC else
498  if eqt ``instruction$SBC`` then SBC else
499  if eqt ``instruction$RSC`` then RSC else
500  if eqt ``instruction$ORR`` then ORR else
501  if eqt ``instruction$BIC`` then BIC else raise ERR "dest_opc1"
502     "term is not: AND, EOR, SUB, RSB, ADD, ADC, SBC, RSC, ORR or BIC"
505fun dest_opc2 t = let val eqt = term_eq t
507  if eqt ``instruction$TST`` then TST else
508  if eqt ``instruction$TEQ`` then TEQ else
509  if eqt ``instruction$CMP`` then CMP else
510  if eqt ``instruction$CMN`` then CMN else
511    raise ERR "dest_opc2" "term is not: TST, TEQ, CMP or CMN"
514fun dest_opc3 t =
515  if term_eq t ``instruction$MOV`` then MOV else
516  if term_eq t ``instruction$MVN`` then MVN else
517    raise ERR "dest_opc3" "term is not: MOV or MVN";
519fun dest_shift t =
520let val (s,r) = dest_comb t in
521  if term_eq s ``instruction$LSL`` then (LSL, dest_register r) else
522  if term_eq s ``instruction$LSR`` then (LSR, dest_register r) else
523  if term_eq s ``instruction$ASR`` then (ASR, dest_register r) else
524  if term_eq s ``instruction$ROR`` then (ROR, dest_register r) else
525    raise ERR "dest_shift" "not a valid term of type :shift"
529  val err = ERR "dest_addr_mode1" "not a valid instance of :addr_mode1"
531  fun dest_addr_mode1 t =
532    case strip_comb t of
533      (m, [x, y]) =>
534        if term_eq m ``Dp_immediate`` then
535          DpImmediate (mk_immediate (dest_wordi x) (dest_word y))
536        else let val (s,rm) = dest_shift x in
537          if term_eq m ``Dp_shift_immediate`` then
538            DpShiftImmediate {Imm = dest_wordi y, Sh = s, Rm = rm}
539          else if term_eq m ``Dp_shift_register`` then
540            DpShiftRegister {Rs = dest_register y, Sh = s, Rm = rm}
541          else raise err
542        end
543    | _ => raise err
547  val err = ERR "dest_data_proc" "not a variable-free data_proc instruction"
549  fun dest_data_proc t =
550   (case strip_comb t of
551      (opc, [c,s,rd,rn,op2]) =>
552         Instruction(Data_proc {opc = dest_opc1 opc, S = dest_bool s,
553           Rd = dest_register rd, Rn = dest_register rn,
554           op2 = dest_addr_mode1 op2},dest_condition c)
555    | (opc, [c,rn,op2]) =>
556         Instruction(Data_proc {opc = dest_opc2 opc, S = true,
557           Rd = NReg R0, Rn = dest_register rn,
558           op2 = dest_addr_mode1 op2},dest_condition c)
559    | (opc, [c,s,rd,op2]) =>
560         Instruction(Data_proc {opc = dest_opc3 opc, S = dest_bool s,
561           Rd = dest_register rd, Rn = NReg R0,
562           op2 = dest_addr_mode1 op2},dest_condition c)
563    | _ => raise err)
564    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
568  val err = ERR "dest_mla_mul" "not a variable-free multiply instruction"
570  fun dest_mla_mul t =
571   (case strip_comb t of
572      (i, [c,s,rd,rm,rs]) =>
573         if term_eq i ``instruction$MUL`` then
574           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = false, Signed = false,
575             A = false, S = dest_bool s,
576             Rd = dest_register rd, Rm = dest_register rm,
577             Rs = dest_register rs, Rn = NReg R0},dest_condition c)
578         else
579           raise err
580    | (i, [c,s,rd,rm,rs,rn]) =>
581         if term_eq i ``instruction$MLA`` then
582           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = false, Signed = false,
583             A = true, S = dest_bool s,
584             Rd = dest_register rd, Rm = dest_register rm,
585             Rs = dest_register rs, Rn = dest_register rn},dest_condition c)
586         else if term_eq i ``instruction$UMULL`` then
587           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = true, Signed = false,
588             A = false, S = dest_bool s,
589             Rd = dest_register rm, Rm = dest_register rs,
590             Rs = dest_register rn, Rn = dest_register rd},dest_condition c)
591         else if term_eq i ``instruction$UMLAL`` then
592           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = true, Signed = false,
593             A = true, S = dest_bool s,
594             Rd = dest_register rm, Rm = dest_register rs,
595             Rs = dest_register rn, Rn = dest_register rd},dest_condition c)
596         else if term_eq i ``instruction$SMULL`` then
597           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = true, Signed = true,
598             A = false, S = dest_bool s,
599             Rd = dest_register rm, Rm = dest_register rs,
600             Rs = dest_register rn, Rn = dest_register rd},dest_condition c)
601         else if term_eq i ``instruction$SMLAL`` then
602           Instruction(Mla_mul {L = true, Signed = true,
603             A = true, S = dest_bool s,
604             Rd = dest_register rm, Rm = dest_register rs,
605             Rs = dest_register rn, Rn = dest_register rd},dest_condition c)
606         else
607           raise err
608    | _ => raise err)
609    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
612fun dest_options t =
613  case snd (TypeBase.dest_record t) of
614    [("Pre", p), ("Up", u), ("Wb", w)] =>
615       (dest_bool p, dest_bool u, dest_bool w)
616  | _ => raise ERR "dest_options" "not an instance of type :transfer_options";
619  val err = ERR "dest_addr_mode2" "not a valid instance of :addr_mode2"
621  fun dest_addr_mode2 t =
622   (case strip_comb t of
623      (m, [n]) =>
624        if term_eq m ``Dt_immediate`` then
625          DtImmediate (dest_wordi n)
626        else
627          raise err
628    | (m, [sh, i]) =>
629        if term_eq m ``Dt_shift_immediate`` then
630          let val (s,rm) = dest_shift sh in
631            DtShiftImmediate {Imm = dest_wordi i, Sh = s, Rm = rm}
632          end
633        else
634          raise err
635    | _ => raise err)
636    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
640  val err = ERR "dest_ldr_str" "not a variable-free load/store instruction"
642  fun dest_ldr_str t =
643   (case strip_comb t of
644      (i, [c,b,opt,rd,rn,offset]) =>
645        let val l = term_eq i ``instruction$LDR``
646            val (p,u,w) = dest_options opt
647        in
648          if l orelse term_eq i ``instruction$STR`` then
649            Instruction(Ldr_str {L = l,offset = dest_addr_mode2 offset,
650              Rd = dest_register rd, Rn = dest_register rn,
651              P = p, U = u, B = dest_bool b, W = w},dest_condition c)
652          else
653            raise err
654        end
655    | _ => raise err)
656    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
660  val err = ERR "dest_addr_mode3" "not a valid instance of :addr_mode3"
662  fun dest_addr_mode3 t =
663   (case strip_comb t of
664      (m, [n]) =>
665        if term_eq m ``Dth_immediate`` then
666          DthImmediate (dest_wordi n)
667        else if term_eq m ``Dth_register`` then
668          DthRegister (dest_register n)
669        else
670          raise err
671    | _ => raise err)
672    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
676  val err = ERR "dest_ldr_str" "not a variable-free load/store instruction"
678  fun dest_ldrh_strh t =
679   (case strip_comb t of
680      (i, [c,s,h,opt,rd,rn,offset]) =>
681        let val (p,u,w) = dest_options opt in
682          if term_eq i ``instruction$LDRH`` then
683            Instruction(Ldrh_strh {L = true,offset = dest_addr_mode3 offset,
684              Rd = dest_register rd, Rn = dest_register rn, P = p, U = u,
685              W = w, S = dest_bool s, H = dest_bool h},dest_condition c)
686          else
687            raise err
688        end
689    | (i, [c,opt,rd,rn,offset]) =>
690        let val (p,u,w) = dest_options opt in
691          if term_eq i ``instruction$STRH`` then
692            Instruction(Ldrh_strh {L = false,offset = dest_addr_mode3 offset,
693              Rd = dest_register rd, Rn = dest_register rn,
694              P = p, U = u, W = w, S = false, H = true},dest_condition c)
695          else
696            raise err
697        end
698    | _ => raise err)
699    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
703  val err = ERR "dest_ldm_stm" "not a variable-free block transfer instruction"
705  fun dest_ldm_stm t =
706   (case strip_comb t of
707      (i, [c,s,opt,rn,list]) =>
708        let val l = term_eq i ``instruction$LDM``
709            val (p,u,w) = dest_options opt
710        in
711          if l orelse term_eq i ``instruction$STM`` then
712            Instruction(Ldm_stm {L = l,list = dest_wordi list,
713              Rn = dest_register rn, P = p, U = u, S = dest_bool s, W = w},
714              dest_condition c)
715          else
716            raise err
717        end
718    | _ => raise err)
719    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
723  val err = ERR "dest_swp" "not a variable-free swap instruction"
725  fun dest_swp t =
726   (case strip_comb t of
727      (i, [c,b,rd,rm,rn]) =>
728        if term_eq i ``instruction$SWP`` then
729          Instruction(Swp {B = dest_bool b,Rd = dest_register rd,
730            Rm = dest_register rm, Rn = dest_register rn},dest_condition c)
731        else
732          raise err
733    | _ => raise err)
734    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
738  val err = ERR "dest_mrs" "not a variable-free mrs instruction"
740  fun dest_mrs t =
741   (case strip_comb t of
742      (i, [c,r,rd]) =>
743        if term_eq i ``instruction$MRS`` then
744          Instruction(Mrs {R = dest_bool r,Rd = dest_register rd},
745            dest_condition c)
746        else
747          raise err
748    | _ => raise err)
749    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
752fun dest_msr_psr t = let val eqt = term_eq t
754  if eqt ``CPSR_c`` then (false,false,true) else
755  if eqt ``CPSR_f`` then (false,true,false) else
756  if eqt ``CPSR_a`` then (false,true,true) else
757  if eqt ``SPSR_c`` then (true,false,true) else
758  if eqt ``SPSR_f`` then (true,true,false) else
759  if eqt ``SPSR_a`` then (true,true,true) else
760    raise ERR "dest_msr_psr" "not a valid instance of :msr_psr"
764  val err = ERR "dest_addr_mode1" "not a valid instance of :msr_mode"
766  fun dest_msr_mode t =
767   (case strip_comb t of
768      (m, [x, y]) =>
769        if term_eq m ``Msr_immediate`` then
770          MsrImmediate (mk_immediate (dest_wordi x) (dest_word y))
771        else
772          raise err
773    | (m, [x]) =>
774        if term_eq m ``Msr_register`` then
775          MsrRegister (dest_register x)
776        else
777          raise err
778    | _ => raise err) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
782  val err = ERR "dest_msr" "not a variable-free mrs instruction"
784  fun dest_msr t =
785   (case strip_comb t of
786      (i, [c,psrd,opnd]) =>
787        if term_eq i ``instruction$MSR`` then
788          let val (r,b19,b16) = dest_msr_psr psrd in
789            Instruction(Msr {R = r, bit19 = b19, bit16 = b16,
790              Op = dest_msr_mode opnd},dest_condition c)
791          end
792        else
793          raise err
794    | _ => raise err)
795    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
799  val err = ERR "dest_cdp" "not a variable-free cdp instruction"
801  fun dest_cdp t =
802   (case strip_comb t of
803      (i, [c,cpn,cop1,crd,crn,crm,cop2]) =>
804        if term_eq i ``instruction$CDP`` then
805          Instruction(Cdp {CP = dest_wordi cpn, CRd = dest_register crd,
806            CRn = dest_register crn, CRm = dest_register crm,
807            Cop1 = dest_wordi cop1, Cop2 = dest_wordi cop2},dest_condition c)
808        else
809          raise err
810    | _ => raise err)
811    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
815  val err = ERR "dest_ldc_stc" "not a variable-free ldc/stc instruction"
817  fun dest_ldc_stc t =
818   (case strip_comb t of
819      (i, [c,n,opt,cpn,crd,rn,offset]) =>
820        let val l = term_eq i ``instruction$LDC``
821            val (p,u,w) = dest_options opt
822        in
823          if l orelse term_eq i ``instruction$STC`` then
824            Instruction(Ldc_stc {CP = dest_wordi cpn, CRd = dest_register crd,
825              L = l, P = p, U = u, N = dest_bool n, W = w,
826              Rn = dest_register rn, offset = dest_wordi offset},
827             dest_condition c)
828          else
829            raise err
830        end
831    | _ => raise err)
832    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
836  val err = ERR "dest_mcr_mrc" "not a variable-free mcr/mrc instruction"
838  fun dest_mcr_mrc t =
839   (case strip_comb t of
840      (i, [c,cpn,cop1,rd,crn,crm,cop2]) =>
841        let val l = term_eq i ``instruction$MCR`` in
842          if l orelse term_eq i ``instruction$MRC`` then
843            Instruction(Mcr_mrc {CP = dest_wordi cpn, L = l,
844              CRn = dest_register crn, CRm = dest_register crm,
845              Rd = dest_register rd, Cop1 = dest_wordi cop1,
846              Cop2 = dest_wordi cop2},dest_condition c)
847          else
848            raise err
849        end
850    | _ => raise err)
851    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise err
854(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
856fun term_to_arm t =
857  if type_of t = ``:word32`` then
858    Data (dest_word t)
859  else let val opc = fst (strip_comb t)
860           val eqt = term_eq opc
861  in
862    if eqt ``instruction$SWI`` then
863      dest_swi_ex t
864    else if eqt ``instruction$B`` orelse eqt ``instruction$BL`` then
865      dest_br t
866    else if eqt ``instruction$MUL`` orelse eqt ``instruction$MLA`` orelse
867            eqt ``instruction$UMULL`` orelse eqt ``instruction$UMLAL`` orelse
868            eqt ``instruction$SMULL`` orelse eqt ``instruction$SMLAL`` then
869      dest_mla_mul t
870    else if eqt ``instruction$LDRH`` orelse eqt ``instruction$STRH`` then
871      dest_ldrh_strh t
872    else if eqt ``instruction$LDR`` orelse eqt ``instruction$STR`` then
873      dest_ldr_str t
874    else if eqt ``instruction$LDM`` orelse eqt ``instruction$STM`` then
875      dest_ldm_stm t
876    else if eqt ``instruction$SWP`` then
877      dest_swp t
878    else if eqt ``instruction$MRS`` then
879      dest_mrs t
880    else if eqt ``instruction$MSR`` then
881      dest_msr t
882    else if eqt ``instruction$CDP`` then
883      dest_cdp t
884    else if eqt ``instruction$LDC`` orelse eqt ``instruction$STC`` then
885      dest_ldc_stc t
886    else if eqt ``instruction$MCR`` orelse eqt ``instruction$MRC`` then
887      dest_mcr_mrc t
888    else if eqt ``instruction$UND`` then
889      dest_undef t
890    else
891      dest_data_proc t
892  end
893handle HOL_ERR _ =>
894  raise ERR "term_to_arm" "not a variable-free ARM instruction";
896(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
898val encode_instruction = arm_to_num o term_to_arm;
899val decode_instruction = arm_to_term o num_to_arm;
900val decode_instruction_dec = decode_instruction o Arbnum.fromString;
901val decode_instruction_hex = decode_instruction o Arbnum.fromHexString;
903val mk_instruction = arm_to_term o string_to_arm;
904fun dest_instruction i t = arm_to_string i false (term_to_arm t);
906(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)