1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
5# Copyright 2017, Data61
6# Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
7# ABN 41 687 119 230.
9# This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
10# the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
11# See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
13# @TAG(DATA61_BSD)
17The jinja2 template code runs in a very restricted environment during
18rendering. For example, you can't call functions like `map`. To expose certain
19functions to the template code we need to explicitly pass these in during
20rendering. This module encapsulates extra context elements we want to make
21available to the template code.
24from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
25    unicode_literals
26from camkes.internal.seven import cmp, filter, map, zip
28from functools import partial
29import capdl
30import code
31import collections
32import copy
33import inspect
34import itertools
35import functools
36import numbers
37import \
38    orderedset, os, pdb, re, six, sys, textwrap, math
39from capdl.Object import ObjectType, ObjectRights, ARMIRQMode
40from capdl.Allocator import Cap
41from capdl import page_sizes
43# Depending on what kernel branch we are on, we may or may not have ASIDs.
44# There are separate python-capdl branches for this, but this import allows us
45# to easily interoperate with both.
47    from capdl.Allocator import seL4_ASID_Pool
48except ImportError:
49    seL4_ASID_Pool = None
51import camkes.ast as AST
52from camkes.internal.Counter import Counter
53from camkes.templates import macros, TemplateError
56def new_context(entity, assembly, render_state, state_key, outfile_name,
57                **kwargs):
58    '''Create a new default context for rendering.'''
60    obj_space = render_state.obj_space if render_state else None
61    cap_space = render_state.cspaces[state_key] if state_key and render_state else None
62    addr_space = render_state.addr_spaces[state_key] if state_key and render_state else None
64    return dict(list(__builtins__.items()) + list(ObjectType.__members__.items()) + list(ObjectRights.__members__.items()) + list(ARMIRQMode.__members__.items()) + list({
65        # Kernel object allocator
66        'alloc_obj': (
67            lambda name, type, label=entity.label(), **kwargs:
68                alloc_obj((entity.label(), obj_space), obj_space,
69                          '%s_%s' % (entity.label(), name), type, label,
70                          **kwargs))
71        if obj_space else None,
73        # Cap allocator
74        'alloc_cap': None if cap_space is None else \
75                (lambda name, obj, **kwargs: alloc_cap((entity.label(),
76                                                        cap_space), cap_space, name, obj, **kwargs)),
78                'Cap': Cap,
80                # The CNode root of your CSpace. Should only be necessary in cases
81                # where you need to allocate a cap to it.
82                'my_cnode': None if cap_space is None else cap_space.cnode,
84                # Batched object and cap allocation for when you don't need a reference
85                # to the object. Probably best not to look directly at this one. When
86                # you see `set y = alloc('foo', bar, moo)` in template code, think:
87                #  set x = alloc_obj('foo_obj', bar)
88                #  set y = alloc_cap('foo_cap', x, moo)
89                'alloc': None if cap_space is None else \
90                (lambda name, type, label=entity.label(), **kwargs:
91                 alloc_cap((entity.label(), cap_space), cap_space, name,
92                           alloc_obj((entity.label(), obj_space), obj_space, '%s_%s' %
93                                     (entity.label(), name), type, label, **kwargs),
94                           **kwargs)),
96                # Functionality for templates to inform us that they've emitted a C
97                # variable that's intended to map to a shared variable. It is
98                # (deliberately) left to the template authors to ensure global names
99                # (gnames) only collide when intended; i.e. when they should map to the
100                # same shared variable. The local name (lname) will later be used by us
101                # to locate the relevant ELF frame(s) to remap. Note that we assume
102                # address spaces and CSpaces are 1-to-1.
103                'register_shared_variable': None if cap_space is None else \
104                (lambda global_name, symbol, size, frame_size=None, paddr=None,
105                 perm='RWX', cached=True, label=entity.parent.label(), with_mapping_caps=None:
106                 register_shared_variable(
107                     addr_space, obj_space, global_name, symbol, size, cap_space,
108                     frame_size, paddr, perm, cached, label, with_mapping_caps)),
110                'get_shared_variable_backing_frames': None if cap_space is None else \
111                (lambda global_name, size, frame_size=None, label=entity.parent.label():
112                 get_shared_variable_backing_frames(
113                    obj_space, global_name, size, frame_size, label)),
115                # Get the object-label mapping for our verification models.
116                'object_label_mapping': (lambda: object_label_mapping(obj_space)),
118                # Function for templates to inform us that they would like certain
119                # 'fill' information to get placed into the provided symbol. Provided
120                # symbol should be page size and aligned. The 'fill' parameter is
121                # an arbitrary string that will be set as the 'fill' parameter on the
122                # capDL frame object. The meaning of fill is completely dependent
123                # on the underlying loader
124                'register_fill_frame': (lambda symbol, fill, size=4096:
125                                        register_fill_frame(addr_space, symbol, fill, size, obj_space, entity.label())),
127                'register_stack_symbol': (lambda symbol, size:
128                                          register_stack_symbol(addr_space, symbol, size, obj_space, entity.label())),
130                'register_ipc_symbol': (lambda symbol, frame:
131                                        register_ipc_symbol(addr_space, symbol, frame)),
133                'register_dma_pool': (lambda symbol, page_size, caps:
134                                      register_dma_pool(addr_space, symbol, page_size, caps, cap_space)),
136                # A `self`-like reference to the current AST object. It would be nice
137                # to actually call this `self` to lead to more pythonic templates, but
138                # `self` inside template blocks refers to the jinja2 parser.
139                'me': entity,
141                # The AST assembly's configuration.
142                'configuration': assembly.configuration,
144                # The AST assembly's composition
145                'composition': assembly.composition,
147                # Cross-template variable passing helpers. These are quite low-level.
148                # Avoid calling them unless necessary.
149                'stash': partial(stash, entity.label()),
150                'pop': partial(pop, entity.label()),
151                'guard': partial(guard, entity.label()),
153                # If the previous group of functions are considered harmful, these are
154                # to be considered completely off limits. These expose a mechanism for
155                # passing data between unrelated templates (_stash and _pop) and a way
156                # of running arbitrary Python statements and expressions. They come
157                # with significant caveats. E.g. _stash and _pop will likely not behave
158                # as expected with the template cache enabled.
159                '_stash': partial(stash, ''),
160                '_pop': partial(pop, ''),
161                'exec': _exec,
163                # Helpers for creating unique symbols within templates.
164                'c_symbol': partial(symbol, '_camkes_%(tag)s_%(counter)d'),
165                'isabelle_symbol': partial(symbol, '%(tag)s%(counter)d\'', 's'),
167                # Expose some library functions
168                'assert': _assert,
169                'itertools': itertools,
170                'functools': functools,
171                'lambda': lambda s: eval('lambda %s' % s),
172                'numbers': numbers,
173                'os': os,
174                'pdb': pdb,
175                'raise': _raise,
176                're': re,
177                'six': six,
178                'set': orderedset.OrderedSet,
179                'textwrap': textwrap,
180                'copy': copy,
181                'zip': zip,
182                'math': math,
183                'enumerate': enumerate,
185                # Allocation pools. In general, do not touch these in templates, but
186                # interact with them through the alloc* functions. They are only in the
187                # context to allow unanticipated template extensions.
188                'obj_space': obj_space,
189                'cap_space': cap_space,
191                # Debugging functions
192                'breakpoint': _breakpoint,
193                'sys': sys,
195                # Work around for Jinja's bizarre scoping rules.
196                'Counter': Counter,
198                # Return a list of distinct elements. Normally you would just do this
199                # as list(set(xs)), but this turns out to be non-deterministic in the
200                # template environment for some reason.
201                'uniq': lambda xs: functools.reduce(lambda ys, z: ys if z in ys else (ys + [z]), xs, []),
203                # Functional helpers.
204                'flatMap': lambda f, xs: list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(f, xs))),
205                'flatten': lambda xss: list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(xss)),
207                # Macros for common operations.
208                'macros': macros,
210                # Macro shorthands for mangling Isabelle identifiers.
211                'isabelle_identifier': macros.isabelle_ident,
212                'isabelle_component':  macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('component'),
213                'isabelle_instance':   macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('instance'),
214                'isabelle_connector':  macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('connector'),
215                'isabelle_connection': macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('connection'),
216                'isabelle_procedure':  macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('procedure'),
217                'isabelle_event':      macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('event'),
218                'isabelle_dataport':
219                    lambda name: macros.isabelle_ADL_ident('dataport')(
220                    # hack to fix up names for sized buffer types e.g. 'Buf(4096)' -> 'Buf_4096'
221            re.sub(r'\((.*)\)', r'_\1', name)),
223        'isabelle_capdl_identifier': macros.isabelle_ident,
225        # Add extra policy edges to help the cdl-refine verification.
226        'add_policy_extra': lambda x, auth, y: render_state.policy_extra.add((x, auth, y)),
227        'get_policy_extra': lambda: set(render_state.policy_extra),
229        # This function abstracts away the differences between the RT kernel's
230        # seL4_Recv and the master kernel's seL4_Recv. Namely, the RT kernel's
231        # seL4_Recv takes an extra reply object cap.
232        #
233        # seL4_Recv is distinct from seL4_Wait, in that a seL4_Recv() call
234        # expects to potentially get a reply cap from the sender.
235        'generate_seL4_Recv': generate_seL4_Recv,
237        # This function is similar to generate_seL4_Recv, in that it also
238        # abstracts away the differences between the RT and master kernels.
239        # This function specifically abstracts away the differences between
240        # seL4_SignalRecv (on master) and seL4_NBSendRecv (on RT).
241        'generate_seL4_SignalRecv': generate_seL4_SignalRecv,
243        # This function is similar to generate_seL4_Recv as well, but it
244        # abstracts away the differences between seL4_ReplyRecv between the
245        # RT and master branches.
246        'generate_seL4_ReplyRecv': generate_seL4_ReplyRecv,
248        # Give template authors access to AST types just in case. Templates
249        # should never be constructing objects of these types, but they may
250        # need to do `isinstance` testing.
251        'camkes': collections.namedtuple('camkes', ['ast'])(AST),
253        # Expose CapDL module for `isinstance` testing.
254        'capdl': capdl,
256        # Give the template authors a mechanism for writing C-style include
257        # guards. Use the following idiom to guard an include target:
258        #  /*- if 'template.filename' not in included' -*/
259        #  /*- do included.add('template.filename') -*/
260        #  ... my template ...
261        #  /*- endif -*/
262        'included': set(),
264        # Expose an exception class templates can use to throw errors related
265        # to invalid input specification.
266        'TemplateError': TemplateError,
268        # Output filename (mainly needed by Isabelle templates)
269        # Currently only supported for misc templates.
270        'outfile_name': outfile_name,
272        # FIXME: these are currently used in cdl-refine.thy,
273        # but should be done in a cleaner way.
274        'is_IRQ_object': lambda obj: isinstance(obj, capdl.IRQ),
275        'is_ASIDPool_object': lambda obj: isinstance(obj, capdl.ASIDPool),
276    }.items()) + list(kwargs.items()))
279# For all three of these functions below, for the 'badge_var_name' variable,
280# be sure that you pass in an ampersand character prefixed to the argument if
281# your badge variable isn't a pointer.
284def generate_seL4_Recv(options, ep_cap, badge_var_name, reply_cap):
285    if options.realtime:
286        return 'seL4_Recv(%s, %s, %s)' % (ep_cap, badge_var_name, reply_cap)
287    else:
288        return 'seL4_Recv(%s, %s)' % (ep_cap, badge_var_name)
291def generate_seL4_SignalRecv(options, res_msginfo_var_name, dest_ntfn_cap, dest_msginfo_var_name, src_ep_cap, badge_var_name, reply_cap):
292    if options.realtime:
293        return '%s = seL4_NBSendRecv(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (res_msginfo_var_name, dest_ntfn_cap, dest_msginfo_var_name, src_ep_cap, badge_var_name, reply_cap)
294    else:
295        return 'seL4_Signal(%s); %s = seL4_Recv(%s, %s)' % (dest_ntfn_cap, res_msginfo_var_name, src_ep_cap, badge_var_name)
298def generate_seL4_ReplyRecv(options, src_ep_cap, dest_msginfo_var_name, badge_var_name, reply_cap):
299    if options.realtime:
300        return 'seL4_ReplyRecv(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (src_ep_cap, dest_msginfo_var_name, badge_var_name, reply_cap)
301    else:
302        return 'seL4_ReplyRecv(%s, %s, %s)' % (src_ep_cap, dest_msginfo_var_name, badge_var_name)
305def _assert(condition, msg=None):
306    '''Hack to reify assert as a callable'''
307    if msg is not None:
308        assert condition, msg
309    else:
310        assert condition
311    return ''
314def _exec(statement):
315    '''Hack to reify exec as a callable'''
316    # Jinja seems to invoke this through a variable level of indirection.
317    # Search up our stack for the caller's context, identifiable by their 'me'
318    # variable. This is a bit fragile, but since _exec should only be a tool of
319    # last resort, I think it's acceptable.
320    stack_frames = inspect.stack()
321    caller = None
322    for i, f in enumerate(stack_frames):
323        if 'me' in f[0].f_locals:
324            # Found it.
325            caller = i
326            break
327    if caller is None:
328        raise Exception('_exec: failed to find caller\'s context')
329    six.exec_(statement, stack_frames[caller][0].f_globals,
330              stack_frames[caller][0].f_locals)
331    return ''
334def _raise(exception):
335    '''Hack to reify raise as a callable'''
336    if isinstance(exception, Exception):
337        raise exception
338    else:
339        assert hasattr(exception, '__call__')
340        raise exception()
341    return ''
344def _breakpoint():
345    '''Debugging function to be called from templates. This drops you into the
346    Python interpreter with a brief attempt to align your locals() with the
347    template's.'''
348    kwargs = {
349        'banner': 'Breakpoint triggered',
350    }
352    # Try and locate the stack frame containing the template context. This is a
353    # bit error prone, but it's nice if we can find it because then we can fake
354    # the template context to the interpreter prompt.
355    for f in inspect.stack():
356        if 'context' in f[0].f_locals:
357            kwargs['local'] = f[0].f_globals.copy()
358            kwargs['local'].update(f[0].f_locals['context'])
359            break
361    code.interact(**kwargs)
363    # It's possible the template called this from inside a /*? ?*/ block, so
364    # make sure we don't mess up the output:
365    return ''
368# Functionality for carrying variables between related templates. The idea is
369# that one template performs stash('foo', 'bar') to save 'bar' and the other
370# template performs pop('foo') to retrieve 'bar'. This pattern relies on the
371# order of instantiation of templates. To avoid this, use the guard function
372# below. See the templates for examples.
373store = {}
376def stash(client, key, value):
377    if client not in store:
378        store[client] = {}
379    store[client][key] = value
380    return ''
383def pop(client, key):
384    if client not in store or key not in store[client]:
385        return None
386    value = store[client][key]
387    del store[client][key]
388    if not store[client]:
389        del store[client]
390    return value
393def guard(client, func, key, **kwargs):
394    '''Retrieve the value for key from the stash. If it does not exist, call
395    func to get a value. In either event re-stash the resulting value under the
396    same key and return it.'''
397    value = pop(client, key)
398    if value is None:
399        value = func(**kwargs)
400    stash(client, key, value)
401    return value
404symbol_counter = 0
407def symbol(pattern, default_tag='', tag=None):
408    '''Allocate a symbol to be used in a template. This is useful for avoiding
409    colliding with user symbols.'''
410    global symbol_counter
411    s = pattern % {
412        'counter': symbol_counter,
413        'tag': tag or default_tag,
414    }
415    symbol_counter += 1
416    return s
419def alloc_obj(client, space, name, type, label=None, **kwargs):
420    '''Guarded allocation of an object. That is, if the object we're trying to
421    allocate already exists, just return it. Otherwise allocate and save the
422    object.'''
423    return guard(client, space.alloc, '%s_obj' % name, type=type, name=name,
424                 label=label, **kwargs)
427def alloc_cap(client, space, name, obj, **kwargs):
428    '''Guarded cap allocation. Works similarly to alloc_obj above.'''
429    cap = guard(client, space.alloc, '%s_cap' % name, name=name, obj=obj, **kwargs)
431    if obj is None:
432        # The caller was allocating a free slot. No rights are relevant.
433        return cap
435    # Upgrade the cap's rights if required. This can occur in a situation where
436    # we have connected an outgoing interface of a component instance to an
437    # incoming interface of the same component. alloc will be called twice on
438    # the EP with different permissions and we want to take the union of them.
439    if not space.cnode[cap].read and kwargs.get('read', False):
440        space.cnode[cap].read = True
441    if not space.cnode[cap].write and kwargs.get('write', False):
442        space.cnode[cap].write = True
443    if not space.cnode[cap].grant and kwargs.get('grant', False):
444        space.cnode[cap].grant = True
445    if not space.cnode[cap].grantreply and kwargs.get('grantreply', False):
446        space.cnode[cap].grantreply = True
448    return cap
451def calc_frame_size(size, frame_size, arch):
452    if not frame_size:
453        for sz in reversed(page_sizes(arch)):
454            if size >= sz and size % sz == 0:
455                frame_size = sz
456                break
457    assert frame_size, "Shared variable size: %d is not a valid page size multiple" % size
458    return frame_size
461def register_shared_variable(addr_space, obj_space, global_name, symbol, size, cap_space,
462                             frame_size=None, paddr=None, perm='RWX', cached=True, label=None, with_mapping_caps=None):
463    '''
464    Create a reservation for a shared memory region between multiple
465    components.
467    global_name:   a global key that is used to link up the reservations
468                   across multiple components.
469    symbol:        the name of the local symbol to be backed by the
470                   mapping frames.
471    size:          the size of the region. Needs to be a multiple of the
472                   smallest page size.
473    cap_space:     the component's cspace. This is potentially used if the mapping caps
474                   need to be moved to the component. In this case, with_mapping_caps needs
475                   to be set when register_shared_variable is called.
476    frame_size:    the size of frames to use to back the region. `size`
477                   must be a multiple of `frame_size`. If `frame_size`
478                   is not specified, the largest frame size that divides
479                   evenly into `size` will be used.
480    paddr:         the starting physical address of the frames. Only one
481                   caller needs to specify this. If multiple callers
482                   specify different values, the result is undefined.
483    perm, cached:  page mapping options. These are only applied to the
484                   caller's mapping
485    label:         integrity label of the frame objects. In the default
486                   `Context`, this defaults to the current entity name.
487    with_mapping_caps: An array to return mapping caps if the component needs the
488                   caps for the mapping to be moved into their own cspace.
489    '''
490    assert addr_space
491    size = int(size)
492    frame_size = calc_frame_size(size, frame_size, obj_space.spec.arch)
493    num_frames = size//frame_size
495    # If these frames have been allocated already then the allocator will return them.
496    # Therefore calls to register_shared_variable with the same global_name have to have the same size.
497    frames = [obj_space.alloc(ObjectType.seL4_FrameObject,
498                              name='%s_%d_obj' % (global_name, i),
499                              size=frame_size,
500                              label=label)
501              for i in range(num_frames)]
502    if paddr is not None:
503        for f in frames:
504            f.paddr = paddr
505            paddr += frame_size
507    read = 'R' in perm
508    write = 'W' in perm
509    grant = 'X' in perm
511    if with_mapping_caps is not None:
512        # If we need the caps in our cspace, then we need to allocate them and call set_mapping_deferred on the cap
513        # set_mapping_deferred will result in the correct mapping info being set when the spec is being generated.
514        slots = [cap_space.alloc(frame, read=read, write=write, grant=grant,
515                                 cached=cached) for frame in frames]
516        caps = [cap_space.cnode[slot] for slot in slots]
517        [cap.set_mapping_deferred() for cap in caps]
518        with_mapping_caps.extend(slots)
519    else:
520        caps = [Cap(frame, read=read, write=write, grant=grant, cached=cached) for frame in frames]
521    sizes = [frame_size] * num_frames
522    addr_space.add_symbol_with_caps(symbol, sizes, caps)
523    # Return code to:
524    #  1. page-align the shared variable;
525    #  2. make it visible in the final ELF; and
526    #  3. Check that it is page-sized.
527    return 'extern typeof(%(sym)s) %(sym)s ALIGN(%(frame_size)d) VISIBLE;\n'      \
528           'static_assert(sizeof(%(sym)s) <= %(size)d,\n'                       \
529           '  "typeof(%(sym)s) size greater than dataport size.");\n'                    \
530           'static_assert(sizeof(%(sym)s) %% %(frame_size)d == 0,\n'              \
531           '  "%(sym)s not page-sized. Template bug in its declaration? '       \
532           'Suggested formulation: `char %(sym)s[ROUND_UP_UNSAFE(sizeof(...), ' \
533           'PAGE_SIZE_4K)];`");' % {'sym': symbol, 'size': size, 'frame_size': frame_size}
536def get_shared_variable_backing_frames(obj_space, global_name, size, frame_size=None, label=None):
537    '''
538    Return the objects for the frame mapping.
539    global_name, size and frame_size need to be the same as was provided to register_shared_variable
540    It is possible to call this in a component that does not call register_shared_variable if the component
541    doesn't want a mapping itself, but requires caps for its cspace.
542    '''
543    size = int(size)
544    frame_size = calc_frame_size(size, frame_size, obj_space.spec.arch)
545    num_frames = size//frame_size
546    return [obj_space.alloc(ObjectType.seL4_FrameObject,
547                            name='%s_%d_obj' % (global_name, i),
548                            size=frame_size,
549                            label=label)
550            for i in range(num_frames)]
553def register_fill_frame(addr_space, symbol, fill, size, obj_space, label):
554    '''
555    Take a symbol and create a collection of 4K frames that can comfortably store
556    a region in the bootinfo.
558    Return a static_assert checking that the symbol is of the correct size
559    '''
560    assert addr_space
561    number_frames = size//4096
562    frames = []
563    for i in range(number_frames):
564        fill_str = ['%d %d %s %d' % (0, 4096 if (size - (i * 4096)) >=
565                                     4096 else (size - (i * 4096)), fill, i * 4096)]
566        name = '%s_%s_%d_obj' % (symbol, label, i)
567        frames.append(obj_space.alloc(ObjectType.seL4_FrameObject,
568                                      name=name, label=label, fill=fill_str, size=4096))
569    caps = [Cap(frame, read=True, write=False, grant=False) for frame in frames]
570    sizes = [4096] * number_frames
571    addr_space.add_symbol_with_caps(symbol, sizes, caps)
572    return 'static_assert(sizeof(%(sym)s) == %(size)s,\n'           \
573           ' "%(sym)s not page sized. Templage bug in its declaration?");'  \
574           % {'sym': symbol, 'size': size}
577def register_stack_symbol(addr_space, symbol, size, obj_space, label):
578    '''
579    Create a stack of `size` with a guard page on each side. This allocates the frames internally
580    from the obj_space that is passed in as the frame objects shouldn't be needed anywhere else.
581    Stack frames are read, write mappings.
582    '''
583    assert addr_space
584    number_frames = size//4096
585    frames = [obj_space.alloc(ObjectType.seL4_FrameObject, name='stack_%s_%d_%s_obj' % (symbol, i, label), label=label, size=4096)
586              for i in range(number_frames)]
587    # We create 2 additional mappings with None caps that are for the guard pages.
588    sizes = [4096] * (number_frames + 2)
589    caps = [None] + [Cap(frame, read=True, write=True, grant=False) for frame in frames] + [None]
590    addr_space.add_symbol_with_caps(symbol, sizes, caps)
593def register_ipc_symbol(addr_space, symbol, frame):
594    '''
595    Register an IPC buffer symbol with a cap to the frame that is passed in.
596    The frame needs to be passed in instead of allocated internally because caps
597    to the frame are needed by other objects such as the TCB for the thread.
598    It is left to the caller to manage references to the Frame passed in.
599    '''
600    assert addr_space
601    # We create 3*4K mappings with None on each side of the IPC buffer for guard pages
602    caps = [None, Cap(frame, read=True, write=True, grant=False), None]
603    sizes = [4096] * 3
604    addr_space.add_symbol_with_caps(symbol, sizes, caps)
607def register_dma_pool(addr_space, symbol, page_size, caps, cap_space):
608    '''
609    Register a DMA pool symbol region in the AddressSpaceAllocator.
610    We pass in a list of slots and a cap_space allocator with the page size
611    to specify the size and caps of the DMA region.
612    '''
613    assert addr_space
614    addr_space.add_symbol_with_caps(
615        symbol, [page_size] * len(caps), [cap_space.cnode[i] for i in caps])
618def object_label_mapping(obj_space):
619    '''Return a list of all objects and the integrity labels for them.'''
620    return ((obj, label)
621            for label, objs in obj_space.labels.items()
622            for obj in objs)