3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 *
8 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11 * and limitations under the License.
12 *
13 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18 *
20 */
22 * Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
23 */
24/* Copyright (c) 1990 Mentat Inc. */
27 * This file contains common code for handling Options Management requests
28 * for SNMP/MIB.
29 */
31#include <sys/types.h>
32#include <sys/stream.h>
33#include <sys/stropts.h>
34#include <sys/errno.h>
35#define	_SUN_TPI_VERSION 2
36#include <sys/tihdr.h>
37#include <sys/ddi.h>
38#include <sys/cmn_err.h>
39#include <sys/policy.h>
41#include <sys/socket.h>
42#include <netinet/in.h>
44#include <inet/common.h>
45#include <inet/mi.h>
46#include <inet/mib2.h>
47#include <inet/optcom.h>
48#include <inet/snmpcom.h>
50#include <inet/ip.h>
51#include <sys/brand.h>
53#define	DEFAULT_LENGTH	sizeof (long)
54#define	DATA_MBLK_SIZE	1024
55#define	TOAHDR_SIZE	(sizeof (struct T_optmgmt_ack) +\
56	sizeof (struct opthdr))
58/* SNMP Option Request Structure */
59typedef struct sor_s {
60	int	sor_group;
61	int	sor_code;		/* MIB2 index value */
62	int	sor_size;
63} sor_t;
66 * Validation Table for set requests.
67 */
68static sor_t	req_arr[] = {
69	{ MIB2_IP,	1,	sizeof (int)			},
70	{ MIB2_IP,	2,	sizeof (int)			},
71	{ MIB2_IP,	21,	sizeof (mib2_ipRouteEntry_t)	},
72	{ MIB2_IP,	22,	sizeof (mib2_ipNetToMediaEntry_t)},
73	{ MIB2_TCP,	13,	sizeof (mib2_tcpConnEntry_t)	}
77 * Binary compatibility to what used to be T_CURRENT in older releases.
78 * Unfortunately, the binary chosen for it was different and used by
79 * T_PARTSUCCESS in the new name space. However T_PARTSUCESS is only
80 * anticiapted in new T_OPTMGM_REQ (and not O_T_OPTMGMT_REQ messages).
81 * Only a test for TBADFLAG which uses one of the MIB option levels
82 * may have trouble with this provision for binary compatibility.
83 */
84#define	OLD_T_CURRENT	0x100	/* same value as T_PARTSUCCESS */
87 * MIB info returned in data part of M_PROTO msg.  All info for a single
88 * request is appended in a chain of mblk's off of the M_PROTO T_OPTMGMT_ACK
89 * ctl buffer.
90 */
92snmp_append_data(mblk_t *mpdata, char *blob, int len)
95	if (!mpdata)
96		return (0);
97	while (mpdata->b_cont)
98		mpdata = mpdata->b_cont;
99	if (mpdata->b_wptr + len >= mpdata->b_datap->db_lim) {
100		mpdata->b_cont = allocb(DATA_MBLK_SIZE, BPRI_HI);
101		mpdata = mpdata->b_cont;
102		if (!mpdata)
103			return (0);
104	}
105	bcopy(blob, (char *)mpdata->b_wptr, len);
106	mpdata->b_wptr += len;
107	return (1);
111 * Need a form which avoids O(n^2) behavior locating the end of the
112 * chain every time.  This is it.
113 */
115snmp_append_data2(mblk_t *mpdata, mblk_t **last_mpp, char *blob, int len)
118	if (!mpdata)
119		return (0);
120	if (*last_mpp == NULL) {
121		while (mpdata->b_cont)
122			mpdata = mpdata->b_cont;
123		*last_mpp = mpdata;
124	}
125	if ((*last_mpp)->b_wptr + len >= (*last_mpp)->b_datap->db_lim) {
126		(*last_mpp)->b_cont = allocb(DATA_MBLK_SIZE, BPRI_HI);
127		*last_mpp = (*last_mpp)->b_cont;
128		if (!*last_mpp)
129			return (0);
130	}
131	bcopy(blob, (char *)(*last_mpp)->b_wptr, len);
132	(*last_mpp)->b_wptr += len;
133	return (1);
137 * SNMP requests are issued using putmsg() on a stream containing all
138 * relevant modules.  The ctl part contains a O_T_OPTMGMT_REQ message,
139 * and the data part is NULL
140 * to process this msg. If snmpcom_req() returns FALSE, then the module
141 * will try optcom_req to see if its some sort of SOCKET or IP option.
142 * snmpcom_req returns TRUE whenever the first option is recognized as
143 * an SNMP request, even if a bad one.
144 *
145 * "get" is done by a single O_T_OPTMGMT_REQ with MGMT_flags set to T_CURRENT.
146 * All modules respond with one or msg's about what they know.  Responses
147 * are in T_OPTMGMT_ACK format.  The opthdr level/name fields identify what
148 * is begin returned, the len field how big it is (in bytes).  The info
149 * itself is in the data portion of the msg.  Fixed length info returned
150 * in one msg; each table in a separate msg.
151 *
152 * setfn() returns 1 if things ok, 0 if set request invalid or otherwise
153 * messed up.
154 *
155 * If the passed q is at the bottom of the module chain (q_next == NULL,
156 * a ctl msg with req->name, level, len all zero is sent upstream.  This
157 * is and EOD flag to the caller.
158 *
160 * - The msg type is M_PROTO, not M_PCPROTO!!!  This is by design,
161 *   since multiple messages will be sent to stream head and we want
162 *   them queued for reading, not discarded.
163 * - All requests which match a table entry are sent to all get/set functions
164 *   of each module.  The functions must simply ignore requests not meant
165 *   for them: getfn() returns 0, setfn() returns 1.
166 */
168snmpcom_req(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp, pfi_t setfn, pfi_t getfn, cred_t *credp)
170	mblk_t			*mpctl;
171	struct opthdr		*req;
172	struct opthdr		*next_req;
173	struct opthdr		*req_end;
174	struct opthdr		*req_start;
175	sor_t			*sreq;
176	struct T_optmgmt_req	*tor = (struct T_optmgmt_req *)mp->b_rptr;
177	struct T_optmgmt_ack	*toa;
178	boolean_t		legacy_req;
180	if (mp->b_cont) {	/* don't deal with multiple mblk's */
181		freemsg(mp->b_cont);
182		mp->b_cont = (mblk_t *)0;
183		optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TSYSERR, EBADMSG);
184		return (B_TRUE);
185	}
186	if ((mp->b_wptr - mp->b_rptr) < sizeof (struct T_optmgmt_req) ||
187	    !(req_start = (struct opthdr *)mi_offset_param(mp,
188	    tor->OPT_offset, tor->OPT_length)))
189		goto bad_req1;
190	if (! __TPI_OPT_ISALIGNED(req_start))
191		goto bad_req1;
193	/*
194	 * if first option not in the MIB2 or EXPER range, return false so
195	 * optcom_req can scope things out.  Otherwise it's passed to each
196	 * calling module to process or ignore as it sees fit.
197	 */
198	if ((!(req_start->level >= MIB2_RANGE_START &&
199	    req_start->level <= MIB2_RANGE_END)) &&
200	    (!(req_start->level >= EXPER_RANGE_START &&
201	    req_start->level <= EXPER_RANGE_END)))
202		return (B_FALSE);
204	switch (tor->MGMT_flags) {
206	case T_NEGOTIATE:
207		if (secpolicy_ip_config(credp, B_FALSE) != 0) {
208			optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TACCES, 0);
209			return (B_TRUE);
210		}
211		req_end = (struct opthdr *)((uchar_t *)req_start +
212		    tor->OPT_length);
213		for (req = req_start; req < req_end; req = next_req) {
214			next_req =
215			    (struct opthdr *)((uchar_t *)&req[1] +
216			    _TPI_ALIGN_OPT(req->len));
217			if (next_req > req_end)
218				goto bad_req2;
219			for (sreq = req_arr; sreq < A_END(req_arr); sreq++) {
220				if (req->level == sreq->sor_group &&
221				    req->name == sreq->sor_code)
222					break;
223			}
224			if (sreq >= A_END(req_arr))
225				goto bad_req3;
226			if (!(*setfn)(q, req->level, req->name,
227			    (uchar_t *)&req[1], req->len))
228				goto bad_req4;
229		}
230		if (q->q_next != NULL)
231			putnext(q, mp);
232		else
233			freemsg(mp);
234		return (B_TRUE);
236	case OLD_T_CURRENT:
237	case T_CURRENT:
238		mpctl = allocb(TOAHDR_SIZE, BPRI_MED);
239		if (!mpctl) {
240			optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TSYSERR, ENOMEM);
241			return (B_TRUE);
242		}
243		mpctl->b_cont = allocb(DATA_MBLK_SIZE, BPRI_MED);
244		if (!mpctl->b_cont) {
245			freemsg(mpctl);
246			optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TSYSERR, ENOMEM);
247			return (B_TRUE);
248		}
249		mpctl->b_datap->db_type = M_PROTO;
250		mpctl->b_wptr += TOAHDR_SIZE;
251		toa = (struct T_optmgmt_ack *)mpctl->b_rptr;
252		toa->PRIM_type = T_OPTMGMT_ACK;
253		toa->OPT_offset = sizeof (struct T_optmgmt_ack);
254		toa->OPT_length = sizeof (struct opthdr);
255		toa->MGMT_flags = T_SUCCESS;
256		/*
257		 * If the current process is running inside a solaris10-
258		 * branded zone and len is 0 then it's a request for
259		 * legacy data.
260		 */
261		if (PROC_IS_BRANDED(curproc) &&
262		    (strcmp(curproc->p_brand->b_name, "solaris10") == 0) &&
263		    (req_start->len == 0))
264			legacy_req = B_TRUE;
265		else
266			legacy_req = B_FALSE;
267		if (!(*getfn)(q, mpctl, req_start->level, legacy_req))
268			freemsg(mpctl);
269		/*
270		 * all data for this module has now been sent upstream.  If
271		 * this is bottom module of stream, send up an EOD ctl msg,
272		 * otherwise pass onto the next guy for processing.
273		 */
274		if (q->q_next != NULL) {
275			putnext(q, mp);
276			return (B_TRUE);
277		}
278		if (mp->b_cont) {
279			freemsg(mp->b_cont);
280			mp->b_cont = NULL;
281		}
282		mpctl = reallocb(mp, TOAHDR_SIZE, 1);
283		if (!mpctl) {
284			optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TSYSERR, ENOMEM);
285			return (B_TRUE);
286		}
287		mpctl->b_datap->db_type = M_PROTO;
288		mpctl->b_wptr = mpctl->b_rptr + TOAHDR_SIZE;
289		toa = (struct T_optmgmt_ack *)mpctl->b_rptr;
290		toa->PRIM_type = T_OPTMGMT_ACK;
291		toa->OPT_offset = sizeof (struct T_optmgmt_ack);
292		toa->OPT_length = sizeof (struct opthdr);
293		toa->MGMT_flags = T_SUCCESS;
294		req = (struct opthdr *)&toa[1];
295		req->level = 0;
296		req->name = 0;
297		req->len = 0;
298		qreply(q, mpctl);
299		return (B_TRUE);
301	default:
302		optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TBADFLAG, 0);
303		return (B_TRUE);
304	}
307	printf("snmpcom bad_req1\n");
308	goto bad_req;
310	printf("snmpcom bad_req2\n");
311	goto bad_req;
313	printf("snmpcom bad_req3\n");
314	goto bad_req;
316	printf("snmpcom bad_req4\n");
317	/* FALLTHRU */
319	optcom_err_ack(q, mp, TBADOPT, 0);
320	return (B_TRUE);