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22#ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"	SVr4.0 1.6
23#	From:	SVr4.0	terminfo:README	1.6
261	Within the curses component, exists other conversion tools which are
27	much more robust than those described below. They are called infocmp, 
28	and captoinfo. The cvt files are provided here only for those possible 
29	cases where a user has the terminfo component without the libcurses 
30	component.
32	The captoinfo and infocmp utilities cannot be included here, as they
33	require the user to have libcurses. Although we know of no instance
34	when a user would have one and not the other, we have provided the
35	cvt files (described below) for those limited cases.
392	The files in this directory with the .ti suffix are terminfo sources.
40	They should be compiled (separately or by catting them together into
41	terminfo.src) with tic, placing the results in /usr/lib/terminfo.
42	Please send any updates to AT&T Bell Laboratories UNIX support,
43	via UNIX mail to attunix!terminfo.
473	The cvt files are useful tools for converting termcap to terminfo.
48	They are not 100% accurate, but do most of the conversion for you.
49	cvt.ex is an ex script to convert a termcap description into a
50	terminfo description.  Note that it will not convert padding 
51	specifications, so they must be done by hand.  Note also that typical 
52	termcap entries do not give as much information as terminfo, so the 
53	resulting terminfo entry is often incomplete (e.g. won't tell you the 
54	terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking, or what extra function keys send).
55	You are urged to read the list of terminfo capabilities and augment your
56	terminfo descriptions accordingly.
58	The cvt.h file is useful for a quick hack at converting termcap programs
59	which use uppercase 2 letter names for capabilities to use terminfo.
60	Since tget* are provided anyway, this is of questionable value unless
61	your program barely fits on a pdp-11.
63	The cvt.sed script is useful for actually editing the source of the same
64	class of programs.  It requires a sed that understands \< and \>, the
65	mod is trivial to make if you look at the corresponding code in ex or
66	grep.
703	There are other incompatibilities at the user level between termcap and
71	terminfo.  A program which creates a termcap description and then
72	passes it to tgetent (e.g. vi used to do this if no TERM was set) or
73	which puts such a description in the environment for a child cannot
74	possibly work, since terminfo puts the parser into the compiler, not
75	the user program.  If you want to give a child a smaller window, set
76	up the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables or implement the JWINSIZE
77	ioctl.
814	If you want to edit your own personal terminfo descriptions (and are not
82	a super user on your system) the method is different.  Set
83	TERMINFO=$HOME/term (or wherever you put the compiled tree) in your
84	environment, then compile your source with tic.  Tic and user programs
85	will check in $TERMINFO before looking in /usr/lib/terminfo/*/*
895	Philosophy in adding new terminfo capabilities:
91	Capabilities were cheap in termcap, since no code supported them
92	and they need only be documented.  In terminfo, they add size to
93	the structure and the binaries, so don't add them in mass quantities.
95	Add a capability only if there is an application that wants to use it.
96	Lots of terminals have a half duplex forms editing mode, but no UNIX
97	applications use it, so we don't include it.
99	Before you add a capability, try to hold off until there are at least
100	2 or 3 different terminals implementing similar features.  That way,
101	you can get a better idea of the general model that the capability
102	should have, rather than coming up with something that only works
103	on one kind of terminal.  For example, the status line capabilities
104	were added after we had seen the h19, the tvi950, and the vt100 run
105	sysline.  The original program, called h19sys, only worked on an h19
106	and addressed the cursor to line 25.  This model doesn't fit other
107	terminals with a status line.
109	Note that capabilities must be added at the end of ../screen/caps.
110	Furthermore, if you add a private capability, you should check with
111	someone to make sure your capability goes into the master file, 
112	otherwise someone else will add a different capability and 
113	compatibility between two systems is destroyed.  There must be one 
114	master set of capabilities. This list is maintained at AT&T UNIX 
115	Development. Comments should be sent to attunix!terminfo.
1196	Current murky areas include:
121	Color - there is demand for colors but it isn't clear what to do yet.
122	Some terminals support only 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 colors, others have a
123	palette of some huge selection.  What are the standard colors?  How
124	does graphics fit into this (terminfo is alphanumeric oriented?)
125	Curses can have another 16 bits added, or some routine set to decide
126	which 9 attribute bits have meaning in any given program.  An 
127	alternative is that if you just want color alphanumerics for a simple 
128	application, e.g. highlighting certain fields, decide how you would 
129	want your application to behave on a B/W terminal (e.g. a vt100), 
130	using reverse for one thing, blinking for another, bold for another, 
131	invisible for another, etc.
132	(Invis may be useful for colored fields with no information in them.)
133	Then make a terminfo entry with blink=xxx, bold=yyy, etc, where xxx
134	and yyy are sequences to go into the colors you really want.  This way
135	your application also works on B/W terminals.
137	Graphics: Giles Billingsley at Berkeley did something called MFBCAP
138	once, it was like termcap but 3 times as big and handled graphics.
139	I don't think it was ever finished.  I don't know how to do graphics
140	in curses, one might add it to terminfo at very high cost.
142	Input: things that send escape sequences to your program to be decoded
143	are a hard issue.  You have to somehow deal with typeahead and with
144	terminals that can't do it.  This includes "request cursor position",
145	for which a better solution is to immediately address the cursor to
146	a known position.  (Curses also has filter mode that won't assume
147	the line but will assume the column.)  Mice also fall into this
148	category.  Scanf style strings (tparm is printf style) might be able
149	to decode these sequences, but I have no experience with them.
151	Alternate character set: the vt100 set seems to be becoming a defacto
152	standard, although it doesn't do much.  I almost standardized on the
153	Teletype 5410, which was a nice superset of the vt100, but then Teletype
154	updated the 5410 to make it a vt100 duplicate, so now all I've put in
155	are the vt100 line drawing characters.  HP has a more complete set,
156	but it has some really weird things in it and the mappings are 
157	nonstandard.
158	Any extension should be able to handle both kinds of terminals, and
159	handle common programs without assuming an HP (or even a vt100).
161	------------------------------------
1647	Additional modules:
166		ckout		shell script, analyzes file errs for diagnostics
167				and displays number of entries built
169		Doc.sed		sed script to be run on ti files.
170				prints documentation of ti files.