1-- #ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"
3          RFC1213-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
5          IMPORTS
6                  mgmt, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge,
7                          TimeTicks
8                      FROM RFC1155-SMI
9                  OBJECT-TYPE
10                          FROM RFC-1212;
12          --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
13          --  defined in [14];
16          --  MIB-II (same prefix as MIB-I)
18          mib-2      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
20          -- textual conventions
22          DisplayString ::=
23              OCTET STRING
24          -- This data type is used to model textual information taken
25          -- from the NVT ASCII character set.  By convention, objects
26          -- with this syntax are declared as having
27          --
28          --      SIZE (0..255)
30          PhysAddress ::=
31              OCTET STRING
32          -- This data type is used to model media addresses.  For many
33          -- types of media, this will be in a binary representation.
34          -- For example, an ethernet address would be represented as
35          -- a string of 6 octets.
38          -- groups in MIB-II
40          system       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
42          interfaces   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
44          at           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 3 }
46          ip           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
48          icmp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
50          tcp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
52          udp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
54          egp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 8 }
56          -- historical (some say hysterical)
57          -- cmot      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 9 }
59          transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
61          snmp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }
64          -- the System group
66          -- Implementation of the System group is mandatory for all
67          -- systems.  If an agent is not configured to have a value
68          -- for any of these variables, a string of length 0 is
69          -- returned.
71          sysDescr OBJECT-TYPE
72              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
73              ACCESS  read-only
74              STATUS  mandatory
75              DESCRIPTION
76                      "A textual description of the entity.  This value
77                      should include the full name and version
78                      identification of the system's hardware type,
79                      software operating-system, and networking
80                      software.  It is mandatory that this only contain
81                      printable ASCII characters."
82              ::= { system 1 }
84          sysObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
86              ACCESS  read-only
87              STATUS  mandatory
88              DESCRIPTION
89                      "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
90                      network management subsystem contained in the
91                      entity.  This value is allocated within the SMI
92                      enterprises subtree ( and provides an
93                      easy and unambiguous means for determining `what
94                      kind of box' is being managed.  For example, if
95                      vendor `Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the
96                      subtree, it could assign the
97                      identifier to its `Fred
98                      Router'."
99              ::= { system 2 }
101          sysUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
102              SYNTAX  TimeTicks
103              ACCESS  read-only
104              STATUS  mandatory
105              DESCRIPTION
106                      "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
107                      network management portion of the system was last
108                      re-initialized."
109              ::= { system 3 }
111          sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
112              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
113              ACCESS  read-write
114              STATUS  mandatory
115              DESCRIPTION
116                      "The textual identification of the contact person
117                      for this managed node, together with information
118                      on how to contact this person."
119              ::= { system 4 }
121          sysName OBJECT-TYPE
122              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
123              ACCESS  read-write
124              STATUS  mandatory
125              DESCRIPTION
126                      "An administratively-assigned name for this
127                      managed node.  By convention, this is the node's
128                      fully-qualified domain name."
129              ::= { system 5 }
131          sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
132              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
133              ACCESS  read-write
134              STATUS  mandatory
135              DESCRIPTION
136                      "The physical location of this node (e.g.,
137                      `telephone closet, 3rd floor')."
138              ::= { system 6 }
140          sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
141              SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
142              ACCESS  read-only
143              STATUS  mandatory
144              DESCRIPTION
145                      "A value which indicates the set of services that
146                      this entity primarily offers.
148                      The value is a sum.  This sum initially takes the
149                      value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range
150                      1 through 7, that this node performs transactions
151                      for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum.  For
152                      example, a node which performs primarily routing
153                      functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).  In
154                      contrast, a node which is a host offering
155                      application services would have a value of 72
156                      (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).  Note that in the context of
157                      the Internet suite of protocols, values should be
158                      calculated accordingly:
160                           layer  functionality
161                               1  physical (e.g., repeaters)
162                               2  datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
163                               3  internet (e.g., IP gateways)
164                               4  end-to-end  (e.g., IP hosts)
165                               7  applications (e.g., mail relays)
167                      For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and
168                      6 may also be counted."
169              ::= { system 7 }
173          -- the Interfaces group
175          -- Implementation of the Interfaces group is mandatory for
176          -- all systems.
178          ifNumber OBJECT-TYPE
179              SYNTAX  INTEGER
180              ACCESS  read-only
181              STATUS  mandatory
182              DESCRIPTION
183                      "The number of network interfaces (regardless of
184                      their current state) present on this system."
185              ::= { interfaces 1 }
188          -- the Interfaces table
190          -- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
191          -- interfaces.  Each interface is thought of as being
192          -- attached to a `subnetwork'.  Note that this term should
193          -- not be confused with `subnet' which refers to an
194          -- addressing partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite
195          -- of protocols.
197          ifTable OBJECT-TYPE
198              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IfEntry
199              ACCESS  not-accessible
200              STATUS  mandatory
201              DESCRIPTION
202                      "A list of interface entries.  The number of
203                      entries is given by the value of ifNumber."
204              ::= { interfaces 2 }
206          ifEntry OBJECT-TYPE
207              SYNTAX  IfEntry
208              ACCESS  not-accessible
209              STATUS  mandatory
210              DESCRIPTION
211                      "An interface entry containing objects at the
212                      subnetwork layer and below for a particular
213                      interface."
214              INDEX   { ifIndex }
215              ::= { ifTable 1 }
217          IfEntry ::=
218              SEQUENCE {
219                  ifIndex
220                      INTEGER,
221                  ifDescr
222                      DisplayString,
223                  ifType
224                      INTEGER,
225                  ifMtu
226                      INTEGER,
227                  ifSpeed
228                      Gauge,
229                  ifPhysAddress
230                      PhysAddress,
231                  ifAdminStatus
232                      INTEGER,
233                  ifOperStatus
234                      INTEGER,
235                  ifLastChange
236                      TimeTicks,
237                  ifInOctets
238                      Counter,
239                  ifInUcastPkts
240                      Counter,
241                  ifInNUcastPkts
242                      Counter,
243                  ifInDiscards
244                      Counter,
245                  ifInErrors
246                      Counter,
247                  ifInUnknownProtos
248                      Counter,
249                  ifOutOctets
250                      Counter,
251                  ifOutUcastPkts
252                      Counter,
253                  ifOutNUcastPkts
254                      Counter,
255                  ifOutDiscards
256                      Counter,
257                  ifOutErrors
258                      Counter,
259                  ifOutQLen
260                      Gauge,
261                  ifSpecific
262                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
263              }
265          ifIndex OBJECT-TYPE
266              SYNTAX  INTEGER
267              ACCESS  read-only
268              STATUS  mandatory
269              DESCRIPTION
270                      "A unique value for each interface.  Its value
271                      ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber.  The
272                      value for each interface must remain constant at
273                      least from one re-initialization of the entity's
274                      network management system to the next re-
275                      initialization."
276              ::= { ifEntry 1 }
278          ifDescr OBJECT-TYPE
279              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
280              ACCESS  read-only
281              STATUS  mandatory
282              DESCRIPTION
283                      "A textual string containing information about the
284                      interface.  This string should include the name of
285                      the manufacturer, the product name and the version
286                      of the hardware interface."
287              ::= { ifEntry 2 }
289          ifType OBJECT-TYPE
290              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
291                          other(1),          -- none of the following
292                          regular1822(2),
293                          hdh1822(3),
294                          ddn-x25(4),
295                          rfc877-x25(5),
296                          ethernet-csmacd(6),
297                          iso88023-csmacd(7),
298                          iso88024-tokenBus(8),
299                          iso88025-tokenRing(9),
300                          iso88026-man(10),
301                          starLan(11),
302                          proteon-10Mbit(12),
303                          proteon-80Mbit(13),
304                          hyperchannel(14),
305                          fddi(15),
306                          lapb(16),
307                          sdlc(17),
308                          ds1(18),           -- T-1
309                          e1(19),            -- european equiv. of T-1
310                          basicISDN(20),
311                          primaryISDN(21),   -- proprietary serial
312                          propPointToPointSerial(22),
313                          ppp(23),
314                          softwareLoopback(24),
315                          eon(25),            -- CLNP over IP [11]
316                          ethernet-3Mbit(26),
317                          nsip(27),           -- XNS over IP
318                          slip(28),           -- generic SLIP
319                          ultra(29),          -- ULTRA technologies
320                          ds3(30),            -- T-3
321                          sip(31),            -- SMDS
322                          frame-relay(32)
323                      }
324              ACCESS  read-only
325              STATUS  mandatory
326              DESCRIPTION
327                      "The type of interface, distinguished according to
328                      the physical/link protocol(s) immediately `below'
329                      the network layer in the protocol stack."
330              ::= { ifEntry 3 }
332          ifMtu OBJECT-TYPE
333              SYNTAX  INTEGER
334              ACCESS  read-only
335              STATUS  mandatory
336              DESCRIPTION
337                      "The size of the largest datagram which can be
338                      sent/received on the interface, specified in
339                      octets.  For interfaces that are used for
340                      transmitting network datagrams, this is the size
341                      of the largest network datagram that can be sent
342                      on the interface."
343              ::= { ifEntry 4 }
345          ifSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
346              SYNTAX  Gauge
347              ACCESS  read-only
348              STATUS  mandatory
349              DESCRIPTION
350                      "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth
351                      in bits per second.  For interfaces which do not
352                      vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate
353                      estimation can be made, this object should contain
354                      the nominal bandwidth."
355              ::= { ifEntry 5 }
357          ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
358              SYNTAX  PhysAddress
359              ACCESS  read-only
360              STATUS  mandatory
361              DESCRIPTION
362                      "The interface's address at the protocol layer
363                      immediately `below' the network layer in the
364                      protocol stack.  For interfaces which do not have
365                      such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object
366                      should contain an octet string of zero length."
367              ::= { ifEntry 6 }
369          ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
370              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
371                          up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
372                          down(2),
373                          testing(3)   -- in some test mode
374                      }
375              ACCESS  read-write
376              STATUS  mandatory
377              DESCRIPTION
378                      "The desired state of the interface.  The
379                      testing(3) state indicates that no operational
380                      packets can be passed."
381              ::= { ifEntry 7 }
383          ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
384              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
385                          up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
386                          down(2),
387                          testing(3)   -- in some test mode
388                      }
389              ACCESS  read-only
390              STATUS  mandatory
391              DESCRIPTION
392                      "The current operational state of the interface.
393                      The testing(3) state indicates that no operational
394                      packets can be passed."
395              ::= { ifEntry 8 }
397          ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
398              SYNTAX  TimeTicks
399              ACCESS  read-only
400              STATUS  mandatory
401              DESCRIPTION
402                      "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
403                      entered its current operational state.  If the
404                      current state was entered prior to the last re-
405                      initialization of the local network management
406                      subsystem, then this object contains a zero
407                      value."
408              ::= { ifEntry 9 }
410          ifInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
411              SYNTAX  Counter
412              ACCESS  read-only
413              STATUS  mandatory
414              DESCRIPTION
415                      "The total number of octets received on the
416                      interface, including framing characters."
417              ::= { ifEntry 10 }
419          ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
420              SYNTAX  Counter
421              ACCESS  read-only
422              STATUS  mandatory
423              DESCRIPTION
424                      "The number of subnetwork-unicast packets
425                      delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
426              ::= { ifEntry 11 }
428          ifInNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
429              SYNTAX  Counter
430              ACCESS  read-only
431              STATUS  mandatory
432              DESCRIPTION
433                      "The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-
434                      broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
435                      delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
436              ::= { ifEntry 12 }
438          ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
439              SYNTAX  Counter
440              ACCESS  read-only
441              STATUS  mandatory
442              DESCRIPTION
443                      "The number of inbound packets which were chosen
444                      to be discarded even though no errors had been
445                      detected to prevent their being deliverable to a
446                      higher-layer protocol.  One possible reason for
447                      discarding such a packet could be to free up
448                      buffer space."
449              ::= { ifEntry 13 }
451          ifInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
452              SYNTAX  Counter
453              ACCESS  read-only
454              STATUS  mandatory
455              DESCRIPTION
456                      "The number of inbound packets that contained
457                      errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
458                      higher-layer protocol."
459              ::= { ifEntry 14 }
461          ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
462              SYNTAX  Counter
463              ACCESS  read-only
464              STATUS  mandatory
465              DESCRIPTION
466                      "The number of packets received via the interface
467                      which were discarded because of an unknown or
468                      unsupported protocol."
469              ::= { ifEntry 15 }
471          ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
472              SYNTAX  Counter
473              ACCESS  read-only
474              STATUS  mandatory
475              DESCRIPTION
476                      "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
477                      interface, including framing characters."
478              ::= { ifEntry 16 }
480          ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
481              SYNTAX  Counter
482              ACCESS  read-only
483              STATUS  mandatory
484              DESCRIPTION
485                      "The total number of packets that higher-level
486                      protocols requested be transmitted to a
487                      subnetwork-unicast address, including those that
488                      were discarded or not sent."
489              ::= { ifEntry 17 }
491          ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
492              SYNTAX  Counter
493              ACCESS  read-only
494              STATUS  mandatory
495              DESCRIPTION
496                      "The total number of packets that higher-level
497                      protocols requested be transmitted to a non-
498                      unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or
499                      subnetwork-multicast) address, including those
500                      that were discarded or not sent."
501              ::= { ifEntry 18 }
503          ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
504              SYNTAX  Counter
505              ACCESS  read-only
506              STATUS  mandatory
507              DESCRIPTION
508                      "The number of outbound packets which were chosen
509                      to be discarded even though no errors had been
510                      detected to prevent their being transmitted.  One
511                      possible reason for discarding such a packet could
512                      be to free up buffer space."
513              ::= { ifEntry 19 }
515          ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
516              SYNTAX  Counter
517              ACCESS  read-only
518              STATUS  mandatory
519              DESCRIPTION
520                      "The number of outbound packets that could not be
521                      transmitted because of errors."
522              ::= { ifEntry 20 }
524          ifOutQLen OBJECT-TYPE
525              SYNTAX  Gauge
526              ACCESS  read-only
527              STATUS  mandatory
528              DESCRIPTION
529                      "The length of the output packet queue (in
530                      packets)."
531              ::= { ifEntry 21 }
533          ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
535              ACCESS  read-only
536              STATUS  mandatory
537              DESCRIPTION
538                      "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
539                      particular media being used to realize the
540                      interface.  For example, if the interface is
541                      realized by an ethernet, then the value of this
542                      object refers to a document defining objects
543                      specific to ethernet.  If this information is not
544                      present, its value should be set to the OBJECT
545                      IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntatically valid
546                      object identifier, and any conformant
547                      implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to
548                      generate and recognize this value."
549              ::= { ifEntry 22 }
552          -- the Address Translation group
554          -- Implementation of the Address Translation group is
555          -- mandatory for all systems.  Note however that this group
556          -- is deprecated by MIB-II. That is, it is being included
557          -- solely for compatibility with MIB-I nodes, and will most
558          -- likely be excluded from MIB-III nodes.  From MIB-II and
559          -- onwards, each network protocol group contains its own
560          -- address translation tables.
562          -- The Address Translation group contains one table which is
563          -- the union across all interfaces of the translation tables
564          -- for converting a NetworkAddress (e.g., an IP address) into
565          -- a subnetwork-specific address.  For lack of a better term,
566          -- this document refers to such a subnetwork-specific address
567          -- as a `physical' address.
569          -- Examples of such translation tables are: for broadcast
570          -- media where ARP is in use, the translation table is
571          -- equivalent to the ARP cache; or, on an X.25 network where
572          -- non-algorithmic translation to X.121 addresses is
573          -- required, the translation table contains the
574          -- NetworkAddress to X.121 address equivalences.
576          atTable OBJECT-TYPE
577              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF AtEntry
578              ACCESS  not-accessible
579              STATUS  deprecated
580              DESCRIPTION
581                      "The Address Translation tables contain the
582                      NetworkAddress to `physical' address equivalences.
583                      Some interfaces do not use translation tables for
584                      determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25
585                      has an algorithmic method); if all interfaces are
586                      of this type, then the Address Translation table
587                      is empty, i.e., has zero entries."
588              ::= { at 1 }
590          atEntry OBJECT-TYPE
591              SYNTAX  AtEntry
592              ACCESS  not-accessible
593              STATUS  deprecated
594              DESCRIPTION
595                      "Each entry contains one NetworkAddress to
596                      `physical' address equivalence."
597              INDEX   { atIfIndex,
598                        atNetAddress }
599              ::= { atTable 1 }
601          AtEntry ::=
602              SEQUENCE {
603                  atIfIndex
604                      INTEGER,
605                  atPhysAddress
606                      PhysAddress,
607                  atNetAddress
608                      NetworkAddress
609              }
611          atIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
612              SYNTAX  INTEGER
613              ACCESS  read-write
614              STATUS  deprecated
615              DESCRIPTION
616                      "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
617                      is effective.  The interface identified by a
618                      particular value of this index is the same
619                      interface as identified by the same value of
620                      ifIndex."
621              ::= { atEntry 1 }
623          atPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
624              SYNTAX  PhysAddress
625              ACCESS  read-write
626              STATUS  deprecated
627              DESCRIPTION
628                      "The media-dependent `physical' address.
630                      Setting this object to a null string (one of zero
631                      length) has the effect of invaliding the
632                      corresponding entry in the atTable object.  That
633                      is, it effectively dissasociates the interface
634                      identified with said entry from the mapping
635                      identified with said entry.  It is an
636                      implementation-specific matter as to whether the
637                      agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
638                      Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
639                      to receive tabular information from agents that
640                      corresponds to entries not currently in use.
641                      Proper interpretation of such entries requires
642                      examination of the relevant atPhysAddress object."
643              ::= { atEntry 2 }
645          atNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
646              SYNTAX  NetworkAddress
647              ACCESS  read-write
648              STATUS  deprecated
649              DESCRIPTION
650                      "The NetworkAddress (e.g., the IP address)
651                      corresponding to the media-dependent `physical'
652                      address."
653              ::= { atEntry 3 }
656          -- the IP group
658          -- Implementation of the IP group is mandatory for all
659          -- systems.
661          ipForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
662              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
663                          forwarding(1),    -- acting as a gateway
664                          not-forwarding(2) -- NOT acting as a gateway
665                      }
666              ACCESS  read-write
667              STATUS  mandatory
668              DESCRIPTION
669                      "The indication of whether this entity is acting
670                      as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of
671                      datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this
672                      entity.  IP gateways forward datagrams.  IP hosts
673                      do not (except those source-routed via the host).
675                      Note that for some managed nodes, this object may
676                      take on only a subset of the values possible.
677                      Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to
678                      return a `badValue' response if a management
679                      station attempts to change this object to an
680                      inappropriate value."
681              ::= { ip 1 }
683          ipDefaultTTL OBJECT-TYPE
684              SYNTAX  INTEGER
685              ACCESS  read-write
686              STATUS  mandatory
687              DESCRIPTION
688                      "The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live
689                      field of the IP header of datagrams originated at
690                      this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied
691                      by the transport layer protocol."
692              ::= { ip 2 }
694          ipInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
695              SYNTAX  Counter
696              ACCESS  read-only
697              STATUS  mandatory
698              DESCRIPTION
699                      "The total number of input datagrams received from
700                      interfaces, including those received in error."
701              ::= { ip 3 }
703          ipInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
704              SYNTAX  Counter
705              ACCESS  read-only
706              STATUS  mandatory
707              DESCRIPTION
708                      "The number of input datagrams discarded due to
709                      errors in their IP headers, including bad
710                      checksums, version number mismatch, other format
711                      errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered
712                      in processing their IP options, etc."
713              ::= { ip 4 }
715          ipInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
716              SYNTAX  Counter
717              ACCESS  read-only
718              STATUS  mandatory
719              DESCRIPTION
720                      "The number of input datagrams discarded because
721                      the IP address in their IP header's destination
722                      field was not a valid address to be received at
723                      this entity.  This count includes invalid
724                      addresses (e.g., and addresses of
725                      unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E).  For entities
726                      which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not
727                      forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams
728                      discarded because the destination address was not
729                      a local address."
730              ::= { ip 5 }
732          ipForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
733              SYNTAX  Counter
734              ACCESS  read-only
735              STATUS  mandatory
736              DESCRIPTION
737                      "The number of input datagrams for which this
738                      entity was not their final IP destination, as a
739                      result of which an attempt was made to find a
740                      route to forward them to that final destination.
741                      In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this
742                      counter will include only those packets which were
743                      Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-
744                      Route option processing was successful."
745              ::= { ip 6 }
747          ipInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
748              SYNTAX  Counter
749              ACCESS  read-only
750              STATUS  mandatory
751              DESCRIPTION
752                      "The number of locally-addressed datagrams
753                      received successfully but discarded because of an
754                      unknown or unsupported protocol."
755              ::= { ip 7 }
757          ipInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
758              SYNTAX  Counter
759              ACCESS  read-only
760              STATUS  mandatory
761              DESCRIPTION
762                      "The number of input IP datagrams for which no
763                      problems were encountered to prevent their
764                      continued processing, but which were discarded
765                      (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that this
766                      counter does not include any datagrams discarded
767                      while awaiting re-assembly."
768              ::= { ip 8 }
770          ipInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
771              SYNTAX  Counter
772              ACCESS  read-only
773              STATUS  mandatory
774              DESCRIPTION
775                      "The total number of input datagrams successfully
776                      delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP)."
777              ::= { ip 9 }
779          ipOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
780              SYNTAX  Counter
781              ACCESS  read-only
782              STATUS  mandatory
783              DESCRIPTION
784                      "The total number of IP datagrams which local IP
785                      user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in
786                      requests for transmission.  Note that this counter
787                      does not include any datagrams counted in
788                      ipForwDatagrams."
789              ::= { ip 10 }
791          ipOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
792              SYNTAX  Counter
793              ACCESS  read-only
794              STATUS  mandatory
795              DESCRIPTION
796                      "The number of output IP datagrams for which no
797                      problem was encountered to prevent their
798                      transmission to their destination, but which were
799                      discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note
800                      that this counter would include datagrams counted
801                      in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this
802                      (discretionary) discard criterion."
803              ::= { ip 11 }
805          ipOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
806              SYNTAX  Counter
807              ACCESS  read-only
808              STATUS  mandatory
809              DESCRIPTION
810                      "The number of IP datagrams discarded because no
811                      route could be found to transmit them to their
812                      destination.  Note that this counter includes any
813                      packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this
814                      `no-route' criterion.  Note that this includes any
815                      datagarms which a host cannot route because all of
816                      its default gateways are down."
817              ::= { ip 12 }
819          ipReasmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
820              SYNTAX  INTEGER
821              ACCESS  read-only
822              STATUS  mandatory
823              DESCRIPTION
824                      "The maximum number of seconds which received
825                      fragments are held while they are awaiting
826                      reassembly at this entity."
827              ::= { ip 13 }
829          ipReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
830              SYNTAX  Counter
831              ACCESS  read-only
832              STATUS  mandatory
833              DESCRIPTION
834                      "The number of IP fragments received which needed
835                      to be reassembled at this entity."
836              ::= { ip 14 }
838          ipReasmOKs OBJECT-TYPE
839              SYNTAX  Counter
840              ACCESS  read-only
841              STATUS  mandatory
842              DESCRIPTION
843                      "The number of IP datagrams successfully re-
844                      assembled."
845              ::= { ip 15 }
847          ipReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
848              SYNTAX  Counter
849              ACCESS  read-only
850              STATUS  mandatory
851              DESCRIPTION
852                      "The number of failures detected by the IP re-
853                      assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed
854                      out, errors, etc).  Note that this is not
855                      necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments
856                      since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
857                      RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments
858                      by combining them as they are received."
859              ::= { ip 16 }
861          ipFragOKs OBJECT-TYPE
862              SYNTAX  Counter
863              ACCESS  read-only
864              STATUS  mandatory
865              DESCRIPTION
866                      "The number of IP datagrams that have been
867                      successfully fragmented at this entity."
868              ::= { ip 17 }
870          ipFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
871              SYNTAX  Counter
872              ACCESS  read-only
873              STATUS  mandatory
874              DESCRIPTION
875                      "The number of IP datagrams that have been
876                      discarded because they needed to be fragmented at
877                      this entity but could not be, e.g., because their
878                      Don't Fragment flag was set."
879              ::= { ip 18 }
881          ipFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
882              SYNTAX  Counter
883              ACCESS  read-only
884              STATUS  mandatory
885              DESCRIPTION
886                      "The number of IP datagram fragments that have
887                      been generated as a result of fragmentation at
888                      this entity."
889              ::= { ip 19 }
892          -- the IP address table
894          -- The IP address table contains this entity's IP addressing
895          -- information.
897          ipAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
898              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IpAddrEntry
899              ACCESS  not-accessible
900              STATUS  mandatory
901              DESCRIPTION
902                      "The table of addressing information relevant to
903                      this entity's IP addresses."
904              ::= { ip 20 }
906          ipAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
907              SYNTAX  IpAddrEntry
908              ACCESS  not-accessible
909              STATUS  mandatory
910              DESCRIPTION
911                      "The addressing information for one of this
912                      entity's IP addresses."
913              INDEX   { ipAdEntAddr }
914              ::= { ipAddrTable 1 }
916          IpAddrEntry ::=
917              SEQUENCE {
918                  ipAdEntAddr
919                      IpAddress,
920                  ipAdEntIfIndex
921                      INTEGER,
922                  ipAdEntNetMask
923                      IpAddress,
924                  ipAdEntBcastAddr
925                      INTEGER,
926                  ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
927                      INTEGER (0..65535)
928              }
930          ipAdEntAddr OBJECT-TYPE
931              SYNTAX  IpAddress
932              ACCESS  read-only
933              STATUS  mandatory
934              DESCRIPTION
935                      "The IP address to which this entry's addressing
936                      information pertains."
937              ::= { ipAddrEntry 1 }
939          ipAdEntIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
940              SYNTAX  INTEGER
941              ACCESS  read-only
942              STATUS  mandatory
943              DESCRIPTION
944                      "The index value which uniquely identifies the
945                      interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
946                      interface identified by a particular value of this
947                      index is the same interface as identified by the
948                      same value of ifIndex."
949              ::= { ipAddrEntry 2 }
951          ipAdEntNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
952              SYNTAX  IpAddress
953              ACCESS  read-only
954              STATUS  mandatory
955              DESCRIPTION
956                      "The subnet mask associated with the IP address of
957                      this entry.  The value of the mask is an IP
958                      address with all the network bits set to 1 and all
959                      the hosts bits set to 0."
960              ::= { ipAddrEntry 3 }
962          ipAdEntBcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
963              SYNTAX  INTEGER
964              ACCESS  read-only
965              STATUS  mandatory
966              DESCRIPTION
967                      "The value of the least-significant bit in the IP
968                      broadcast address used for sending datagrams on
969                      the (logical) interface associated with the IP
970                      address of this entry.  For example, when the
971                      Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is
972                      used, the value will be 1.  This value applies to
973                      both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses
974                      used by the entity on this (logical) interface."
975              ::= { ipAddrEntry 4 }
977          ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
978              SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
979              ACCESS  read-only
980              STATUS  mandatory
981              DESCRIPTION
982                      "The size of the largest IP datagram which this
983                      entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented
984                      datagrams received on this interface."
985              ::= { ipAddrEntry 5 }
988          -- the IP routing table
990          -- The IP routing table contains an entry for each route
991          -- presently known to this entity.
993          ipRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
994              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IpRouteEntry
995              ACCESS  not-accessible
996              STATUS  mandatory
997              DESCRIPTION
998                      "This entity's IP Routing table."
999              ::= { ip 21 }
1001          ipRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1002              SYNTAX  IpRouteEntry
1003              ACCESS  not-accessible
1004              STATUS  mandatory
1005              DESCRIPTION
1006                      "A route to a particular destination."
1007              INDEX   { ipRouteDest }
1008              ::= { ipRouteTable 1 }
1010          IpRouteEntry ::=
1011              SEQUENCE {
1012                  ipRouteDest
1013                      IpAddress,
1014                  ipRouteIfIndex
1015                      INTEGER,
1016                  ipRouteMetric1
1017                      INTEGER,
1018                  ipRouteMetric2
1019                      INTEGER,
1020                  ipRouteMetric3
1021                      INTEGER,
1022                  ipRouteMetric4
1023                      INTEGER,
1024                  ipRouteNextHop
1025                      IpAddress,
1026                  ipRouteType
1027                      INTEGER,
1028                  ipRouteProto
1029                      INTEGER,
1030                  ipRouteAge
1031                      INTEGER,
1032                  ipRouteMask
1033                      IpAddress,
1034                  ipRouteMetric5
1035                      INTEGER,
1036                  ipRouteInfo
1037                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
1038              }
1040          ipRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
1041              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1042              ACCESS  read-write
1043              STATUS  mandatory
1044              DESCRIPTION
1045                      "The destination IP address of this route.  An
1046                      entry with a value of is considered a
1047                      default route.  Multiple routes to a single
1048                      destination can appear in the table, but access to
1049                      such multiple entries is dependent on the table-
1050                      access mechanisms defined by the network
1051                      management protocol in use."
1052              ::= { ipRouteEntry 1 }
1054          ipRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1055              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1056              ACCESS  read-write
1057              STATUS  mandatory
1058              DESCRIPTION
1059                      "The index value which uniquely identifies the
1060                      local interface through which the next hop of this
1061                      route should be reached.  The interface identified
1062                      by a particular value of this index is the same
1063                      interface as identified by the same value of
1064                      ifIndex."
1065              ::= { ipRouteEntry 2 }
1067          ipRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
1068              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1069              ACCESS  read-write
1070              STATUS  mandatory
1071              DESCRIPTION
1072                      "The primary routing metric for this route.  The
1073                      semantics of this metric are determined by the
1074                      routing-protocol specified in the route's
1075                      ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
1076                      its value should be set to -1."
1077              ::= { ipRouteEntry 3 }
1079          ipRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
1080              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1081              ACCESS  read-write
1082              STATUS  mandatory
1083              DESCRIPTION
1084                      "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
1085                      semantics of this metric are determined by the
1086                      routing-protocol specified in the route's
1087                      ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
1088                      its value should be set to -1."
1089              ::= { ipRouteEntry 4 }
1091          ipRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
1092              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1093              ACCESS  read-write
1094              STATUS  mandatory
1095              DESCRIPTION
1096                      "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
1097                      semantics of this metric are determined by the
1098                      routing-protocol specified in the route's
1099                      ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
1100                      its value should be set to -1."
1101              ::= { ipRouteEntry 5 }
1103          ipRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
1104              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1105              ACCESS  read-write
1106              STATUS  mandatory
1107              DESCRIPTION
1108                      "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
1109                      semantics of this metric are determined by the
1110                      routing-protocol specified in the route's
1111                      ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
1112                      its value should be set to -1."
1113              ::= { ipRouteEntry 6 }
1115          ipRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
1116              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1117              ACCESS  read-write
1118              STATUS  mandatory
1119              DESCRIPTION
1120                      "The IP address of the next hop of this route.
1121                      (In the case of a route bound to an interface
1122                      which is realized via a broadcast media, the value
1123                      of this field is the agent's IP address on that
1124                      interface.)"
1125              ::= { ipRouteEntry 7 }
1127          ipRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
1128              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1129                          other(1),        -- none of the following
1131                          invalid(2),      -- an invalidated route
1132                                           -- route to directly
1133                          direct(3),       -- connected (sub-)network
1135                                           -- route to a non-local
1136                          indirect(4)      -- host/network/sub-network
1137                      }
1138              ACCESS  read-write
1139              STATUS  mandatory
1140              DESCRIPTION
1141                      "The type of route.  Note that the values
1142                      direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of
1143                      direct and indirect routing in the IP
1144                      architecture.
1146                      Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
1147                      the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
1148                      in the ipRouteTable object.  That is, it
1149                      effectively dissasociates the destination
1150                      identified with said entry from the route
1151                      identified with said entry.  It is an
1152                      implementation-specific matter as to whether the
1153                      agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
1154                      Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
1155                      to receive tabular information from agents that
1156                      corresponds to entries not currently in use.
1157                      Proper interpretation of such entries requires
1158                      examination of the relevant ipRouteType object."
1159              ::= { ipRouteEntry 8 }
1161          ipRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
1162              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1163                          other(1),       -- none of the following
1165                                          -- non-protocol information,
1166                                          -- e.g., manually configured
1167                          local(2),       -- entries
1169                                          -- set via a network
1170                          netmgmt(3),     -- management protocol
1172                                          -- obtained via ICMP,
1173                          icmp(4),        -- e.g., Redirect
1175                                          -- the remaining values are
1176                                          -- all gateway routing
1177                                          -- protocols
1178                          egp(5),
1179                          ggp(6),
1180                          hello(7),
1181                          rip(8),
1182                          is-is(9),
1183                          es-is(10),
1184                          ciscoIgrp(11),
1185                          bbnSpfIgp(12),
1186                          ospf(13),
1187                          bgp(14)
1188                      }
1189              ACCESS  read-only
1190              STATUS  mandatory
1191              DESCRIPTION
1192                      "The routing mechanism via which this route was
1193                      learned.  Inclusion of values for gateway routing
1194                      protocols is not intended to imply that hosts
1195                      should support those protocols."
1196              ::= { ipRouteEntry 9 }
1198          ipRouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
1199              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1200              ACCESS  read-write
1201              STATUS  mandatory
1202              DESCRIPTION
1203                      "The number of seconds since this route was last
1204                      updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
1205                      Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied
1206                      except through knowledge of the routing protocol
1207                      by which the route was learned."
1208              ::= { ipRouteEntry 10 }
1210          ipRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE
1211              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1212              ACCESS  read-write
1213              STATUS  mandatory
1214              DESCRIPTION
1215                      "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
1216                      destination address before being compared to the
1217                      value in the ipRouteDest field.  For those systems
1218                      that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an
1219                      agent constructs the value of the ipRouteMask by
1220                      determining whether the value of the correspondent
1221                      ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C
1222                      network, and then using one of:
1224                           mask           network
1225                       class-A
1226                     class-B
1227                   class-C
1229                      If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a
1230                      default route), then the mask value is also
1231              It should be noted that all IP routing
1232                      subsystems implicitly use this mechanism."
1233              ::= { ipRouteEntry 11 }
1235          ipRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
1236              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1237              ACCESS  read-write
1238              STATUS  mandatory
1239              DESCRIPTION
1240                      "An alternate routing metric for this route.  The
1241                      semantics of this metric are determined by the
1242                      routing-protocol specified in the route's
1243                      ipRouteProto value.  If this metric is not used,
1244                      its value should be set to -1."
1245              ::= { ipRouteEntry 12 }
1247          ipRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
1249              ACCESS  read-only
1250              STATUS  mandatory
1251              DESCRIPTION
1252                      "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
1253                      particular routing protocol which is responsible
1254                      for this route, as determined by the value
1255                      specified in the route's ipRouteProto value.  If
1256                      this information is not present, its value should
1257                      be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is
1258                      a syntatically valid object identifier, and any
1259                      conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be
1260                      able to generate and recognize this value."
1261              ::= { ipRouteEntry 13 }
1264          -- the IP Address Translation table
1266          -- The IP address translation table contain the IpAddress to
1267          -- `physical' address equivalences.  Some interfaces do not
1268          -- use translation tables for determining address
1269          -- equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method);
1270          -- if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address
1271          -- Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
1273          ipNetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
1274              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IpNetToMediaEntry
1275              ACCESS  not-accessible
1276              STATUS  mandatory
1277              DESCRIPTION
1278                      "The IP Address Translation table used for mapping
1279                      from IP addresses to physical addresses."
1280              ::= { ip 22 }
1282          ipNetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1283              SYNTAX  IpNetToMediaEntry
1284              ACCESS  not-accessible
1285              STATUS  mandatory
1286              DESCRIPTION
1287                      "Each entry contains one IpAddress to `physical'
1288                      address equivalence."
1289              INDEX   { ipNetToMediaIfIndex,
1290                        ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
1291              ::= { ipNetToMediaTable 1 }
1293          IpNetToMediaEntry ::=
1294              SEQUENCE {
1295                  ipNetToMediaIfIndex
1296                      INTEGER,
1297                  ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
1298                      PhysAddress,
1299                  ipNetToMediaNetAddress
1300                      IpAddress,
1301                  ipNetToMediaType
1302                      INTEGER
1303              }
1305          ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1306              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1307              ACCESS  read-write
1308              STATUS  mandatory
1309              DESCRIPTION
1310                      "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
1311                      is effective.  The interface identified by a
1312                      particular value of this index is the same
1313                      interface as identified by the same value of
1314                      ifIndex."
1315              ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 1 }
1317          ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1318              SYNTAX  PhysAddress
1319              ACCESS  read-write
1320              STATUS  mandatory
1321              DESCRIPTION
1322                      "The media-dependent `physical' address."
1323              ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 2 }
1325          ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1326              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1327              ACCESS  read-write
1328              STATUS  mandatory
1329              DESCRIPTION
1330                      "The IpAddress corresponding to the media-
1331                      dependent `physical' address."
1332              ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 3 }
1334          ipNetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
1335              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1336                          other(1),        -- none of the following
1337                          invalid(2),      -- an invalidated mapping
1338                          dynamic(3),
1339                          static(4)
1340                      }
1341              ACCESS  read-write
1342              STATUS  mandatory
1343              DESCRIPTION
1344                      "The type of mapping.
1346                      Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
1347                      the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
1348                      in the ipNetToMediaTable.  That is, it effectively
1349                      dissasociates the interface identified with said
1350                      entry from the mapping identified with said entry.
1351                      It is an implementation-specific matter as to
1352                      whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
1353                      from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
1354                      must be prepared to receive tabular information
1355                      from agents that corresponds to entries not
1356                      currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
1357                      entries requires examination of the relevant
1358                      ipNetToMediaType object."
1359              ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 4 }
1362          -- additional IP objects
1364          ipRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
1365              SYNTAX  Counter
1366              ACCESS  read-only
1367              STATUS  mandatory
1368              DESCRIPTION
1369                      "The number of routing entries which were chosen
1370                      to be discarded even though they are valid.  One
1371                      possible reason for discarding such an entry could
1372                      be to free-up buffer space for other routing
1373                      entries."
1374              ::= { ip 23 }
1377          -- the ICMP group
1379          -- Implementation of the ICMP group is mandatory for all
1380          -- systems.
1382          icmpInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
1383              SYNTAX  Counter
1384              ACCESS  read-only
1385              STATUS  mandatory
1386              DESCRIPTION
1387                      "The total number of ICMP messages which the
1388                      entity received.  Note that this counter includes
1389                      all those counted by icmpInErrors."
1390              ::= { icmp 1 }
1392          icmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1393              SYNTAX  Counter
1394              ACCESS  read-only
1395              STATUS  mandatory
1396              DESCRIPTION
1397                      "The number of ICMP messages which the entity
1398                      received but determined as having ICMP-specific
1399                      errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.)."
1400              ::= { icmp 2 }
1402          icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
1403              SYNTAX  Counter
1404              ACCESS  read-only
1405              STATUS  mandatory
1406              DESCRIPTION
1407                      "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
1408                      messages received."
1409              ::= { icmp 3 }
1411          icmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
1412              SYNTAX  Counter
1413              ACCESS  read-only
1414              STATUS  mandatory
1415              DESCRIPTION
1416                      "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages
1417                      received."
1418              ::= { icmp 4 }
1420          icmpInParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
1421              SYNTAX  Counter
1422              ACCESS  read-only
1423              STATUS  mandatory
1424              DESCRIPTION
1425                      "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
1426                      received."
1427              ::= { icmp 5 }
1429          icmpInSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
1430              SYNTAX  Counter
1431              ACCESS  read-only
1432              STATUS  mandatory
1433              DESCRIPTION
1434                      "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages
1435                      received."
1436              ::= { icmp 6 }
1438          icmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
1439              SYNTAX  Counter
1440              ACCESS  read-only
1441              STATUS  mandatory
1442              DESCRIPTION
1443                      "The number of ICMP Redirect messages received."
1444              ::= { icmp 7 }
1446          icmpInEchos OBJECT-TYPE
1447              SYNTAX  Counter
1448              ACCESS  read-only
1449              STATUS  mandatory
1450              DESCRIPTION
1451                      "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages
1452                      received."
1453              ::= { icmp 8 }
1455          icmpInEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
1456              SYNTAX  Counter
1457              ACCESS  read-only
1458              STATUS  mandatory
1459              DESCRIPTION
1460                      "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received."
1461              ::= { icmp 9 }
1463          icmpInTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
1464              SYNTAX  Counter
1465              ACCESS  read-only
1466              STATUS  mandatory
1467              DESCRIPTION
1468                      "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
1469                      received."
1470              ::= { icmp 10 }
1472          icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
1473              SYNTAX  Counter
1474              ACCESS  read-only
1475              STATUS  mandatory
1476              DESCRIPTION
1477                      "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
1478                      received."
1479              ::= { icmp 11 }
1481          icmpInAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
1482              SYNTAX  Counter
1483              ACCESS  read-only
1484              STATUS  mandatory
1485              DESCRIPTION
1486                      "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
1487                      received."
1488              ::= { icmp 12 }
1490          icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
1491              SYNTAX  Counter
1492              ACCESS  read-only
1493              STATUS  mandatory
1494              DESCRIPTION
1495                      "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
1496                      received."
1497              ::= { icmp 13 }
1499          icmpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
1500              SYNTAX  Counter
1501              ACCESS  read-only
1502              STATUS  mandatory
1503              DESCRIPTION
1504                      "The total number of ICMP messages which this
1505                      entity attempted to send.  Note that this counter
1506                      includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors."
1507              ::= { icmp 14 }
1509          icmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1510              SYNTAX  Counter
1511              ACCESS  read-only
1512              STATUS  mandatory
1513              DESCRIPTION
1514                      "The number of ICMP messages which this entity did
1515                      not send due to problems discovered within ICMP
1516                      such as a lack of buffers.  This value should not
1517                      include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer
1518                      such as the inability of IP to route the resultant
1519                      datagram.  In some implementations there may be no
1520                      types of error which contribute to this counter's
1521                      value."
1522              ::= { icmp 15 }
1524          icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
1525              SYNTAX  Counter
1526              ACCESS  read-only
1527              STATUS  mandatory
1528              DESCRIPTION
1529                      "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
1530                      messages sent."
1531              ::= { icmp 16 }
1533          icmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
1534              SYNTAX  Counter
1535              ACCESS  read-only
1536              STATUS  mandatory
1537              DESCRIPTION
1538                      "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent."
1539              ::= { icmp 17 }
1541          icmpOutParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
1542              SYNTAX  Counter
1543              ACCESS  read-only
1544              STATUS  mandatory
1545              DESCRIPTION
1546                      "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
1547                      sent."
1548              ::= { icmp 18 }
1550          icmpOutSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
1551              SYNTAX  Counter
1552              ACCESS  read-only
1553              STATUS  mandatory
1554              DESCRIPTION
1555                      "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent."
1556              ::= { icmp 19 }
1558          icmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
1559              SYNTAX  Counter
1560              ACCESS  read-only
1561              STATUS  mandatory
1562              DESCRIPTION
1563                      "The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.  For a
1564                      host, this object will always be zero, since hosts
1565                      do not send redirects."
1566              ::= { icmp 20 }
1568          icmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
1569              SYNTAX  Counter
1570              ACCESS  read-only
1571              STATUS  mandatory
1572              DESCRIPTION
1573                      "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent."
1574              ::= { icmp 21 }
1576          icmpOutEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
1577              SYNTAX  Counter
1578              ACCESS  read-only
1579              STATUS  mandatory
1580              DESCRIPTION
1581                      "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent."
1582              ::= { icmp 22 }
1584          icmpOutTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
1585              SYNTAX  Counter
1586              ACCESS  read-only
1587              STATUS  mandatory
1588              DESCRIPTION
1589                      "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
1590                      sent."
1591              ::= { icmp 23 }
1593          icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
1594              SYNTAX  Counter
1595              ACCESS  read-only
1596              STATUS  mandatory
1597              DESCRIPTION
1598                      "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
1599                      sent."
1600              ::= { icmp 24 }
1602          icmpOutAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
1603              SYNTAX  Counter
1604              ACCESS  read-only
1605              STATUS  mandatory
1606              DESCRIPTION
1607                      "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
1608                      sent."
1609              ::= { icmp 25 }
1611          icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
1612              SYNTAX  Counter
1613              ACCESS  read-only
1614              STATUS  mandatory
1615              DESCRIPTION
1616                      "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
1617                      sent."
1618              ::= { icmp 26 }
1621          -- the TCP group
1623          -- Implementation of the TCP group is mandatory for all
1624          -- systems that implement the TCP.
1626          -- Note that instances of object types that represent
1627          -- information about a particular TCP connection are
1628          -- transient; they persist only as long as the connection
1629          -- in question.
1631          tcpRtoAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
1632              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1633                          other(1),    -- none of the following
1635                          constant(2), -- a constant rto
1636                          rsre(3),     -- MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B
1637                          vanj(4)      -- Van Jacobson's algorithm [10]
1638                      }
1639              ACCESS  read-only
1640              STATUS  mandatory
1641              DESCRIPTION
1642                      "The algorithm used to determine the timeout value
1643                      used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets."
1644              ::= { tcp 1 }
1646          tcpRtoMin OBJECT-TYPE
1647              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1648              ACCESS  read-only
1649              STATUS  mandatory
1650              DESCRIPTION
1651                      "The minimum value permitted by a TCP
1652                      implementation for the retransmission timeout,
1653                      measured in milliseconds.  More refined semantics
1654                      for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
1655                      used to determine the retransmission timeout.  In
1656                      particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
1657                      an object of this type has the semantics of the
1658                      LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
1659              ::= { tcp 2 }
1662          tcpRtoMax OBJECT-TYPE
1663              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1664              ACCESS  read-only
1665              STATUS  mandatory
1666              DESCRIPTION
1667                      "The maximum value permitted by a TCP
1668                      implementation for the retransmission timeout,
1669                      measured in milliseconds.  More refined semantics
1670                      for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
1671                      used to determine the retransmission timeout.  In
1672                      particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
1673                      an object of this type has the semantics of the
1674                      UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
1675              ::= { tcp 3 }
1677          tcpMaxConn OBJECT-TYPE
1678              SYNTAX  INTEGER
1679              ACCESS  read-only
1680              STATUS  mandatory
1681              DESCRIPTION
1682                      "The limit on the total number of TCP connections
1683                      the entity can support.  In entities where the
1684                      maximum number of connections is dynamic, this
1685                      object should contain the value -1."
1686              ::= { tcp 4 }
1688          tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
1689              SYNTAX  Counter
1690              ACCESS  read-only
1691              STATUS  mandatory
1692              DESCRIPTION
1693                      "The number of times TCP connections have made a
1694                      direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
1695                      CLOSED state."
1696              ::= { tcp 5 }
1698          tcpPassiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
1699              SYNTAX  Counter
1700              ACCESS  read-only
1701              STATUS  mandatory
1702              DESCRIPTION
1703                      "The number of times TCP connections have made a
1704                      direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the
1705                      LISTEN state."
1706              ::= { tcp 6 }
1708          tcpAttemptFails OBJECT-TYPE
1709              SYNTAX  Counter
1710              ACCESS  read-only
1711              STATUS  mandatory
1712              DESCRIPTION
1713                      "The number of times TCP connections have made a
1714                      direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
1715                      the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the
1716                      number of times TCP connections have made a direct
1717                      transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD
1718                      state."
1719              ::= { tcp 7 }
1721          tcpEstabResets OBJECT-TYPE
1722              SYNTAX  Counter
1723              ACCESS  read-only
1724              STATUS  mandatory
1725              DESCRIPTION
1726                      "The number of times TCP connections have made a
1727                      direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
1728                      the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state."
1729              ::= { tcp 8 }
1731          tcpCurrEstab OBJECT-TYPE
1732              SYNTAX  Gauge
1733              ACCESS  read-only
1734              STATUS  mandatory
1735              DESCRIPTION
1736                      "The number of TCP connections for which the
1737                      current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-
1738                      WAIT."
1739              ::= { tcp 9 }
1741          tcpInSegs OBJECT-TYPE
1742              SYNTAX  Counter
1743              ACCESS  read-only
1744              STATUS  mandatory
1745              DESCRIPTION
1746                      "The total number of segments received, including
1747                      those received in error.  This count includes
1748                      segments received on currently established
1749                      connections."
1750              ::= { tcp 10 }
1752          tcpOutSegs OBJECT-TYPE
1753              SYNTAX  Counter
1754              ACCESS  read-only
1755              STATUS  mandatory
1756              DESCRIPTION
1757                      "The total number of segments sent, including
1758                      those on current connections but excluding those
1759                      containing only retransmitted octets."
1760              ::= { tcp 11 }
1762          tcpRetransSegs OBJECT-TYPE
1763              SYNTAX  Counter
1764              ACCESS  read-only
1765              STATUS  mandatory
1766              DESCRIPTION
1767                      "The total number of segments retransmitted - that
1768                      is, the number of TCP segments transmitted
1769                      containing one or more previously transmitted
1770                      octets."
1771              ::= { tcp 12 }
1774          -- the TCP Connection table
1776          -- The TCP connection table contains information about this
1777          -- entity's existing TCP connections.
1779          tcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
1780              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpConnEntry
1781              ACCESS  not-accessible
1782              STATUS  mandatory
1783              DESCRIPTION
1784                      "A table containing TCP connection-specific
1785                      information."
1786              ::= { tcp 13 }
1788          tcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1789              SYNTAX  TcpConnEntry
1790              ACCESS  not-accessible
1791              STATUS  mandatory
1792              DESCRIPTION
1793                      "Information about a particular current TCP
1794                      connection.  An object of this type is transient,
1795                      in that it ceases to exist when (or soon after)
1796                      the connection makes the transition to the CLOSED
1797                      state."
1798              INDEX   { tcpConnLocalAddress,
1799                        tcpConnLocalPort,
1800                        tcpConnRemAddress,
1801                        tcpConnRemPort }
1802              ::= { tcpConnTable 1 }
1804          TcpConnEntry ::=
1805              SEQUENCE {
1806                  tcpConnState
1807                      INTEGER,
1808                  tcpConnLocalAddress
1809                      IpAddress,
1810                  tcpConnLocalPort
1811                      INTEGER (0..65535),
1812                  tcpConnRemAddress
1813                      IpAddress,
1814                  tcpConnRemPort
1815                      INTEGER (0..65535)
1816              }
1818          tcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
1819              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1820                          closed(1),
1821                          listen(2),
1822                          synSent(3),
1823                          synReceived(4),
1824                          established(5),
1825                          finWait1(6),
1826                          finWait2(7),
1827                          closeWait(8),
1828                          lastAck(9),
1829                          closing(10),
1830                          timeWait(11),
1831                          deleteTCB(12)
1832                      }
1833              ACCESS  read-write
1834              STATUS  mandatory
1835              DESCRIPTION
1836                      "The state of this TCP connection.
1838                      The only value which may be set by a management
1839                      station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
1840                      appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
1841                      response if a management station attempts to set
1842                      this object to any other value.
1844                      If a management station sets this object to the
1845                      value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
1846                      deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
1847                      corresponding connection on the managed node,
1848                      resulting in immediate termination of the
1849                      connection.
1851                      As an implementation-specific option, a RST
1852                      segment may be sent from the managed node to the
1853                      other TCP endpoint (note however that RST segments
1854                      are not sent reliably)."
1855              ::= { tcpConnEntry 1 }
1857          tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1858              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1859              ACCESS  read-only
1860              STATUS  mandatory
1861              DESCRIPTION
1862                      "The local IP address for this TCP connection.  In
1863                      the case of a connection in the listen state which
1864                      is willing to accept connections for any IP
1865                      interface associated with the node, the value
1866             is used."
1867              ::= { tcpConnEntry 2 }
1869          tcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
1870              SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
1871              ACCESS  read-only
1872              STATUS  mandatory
1873              DESCRIPTION
1874                      "The local port number for this TCP connection."
1875              ::= { tcpConnEntry 3 }
1877          tcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1878              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1879              ACCESS  read-only
1880              STATUS  mandatory
1881              DESCRIPTION
1882                      "The remote IP address for this TCP connection."
1883              ::= { tcpConnEntry 4 }
1885          tcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
1886              SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
1887              ACCESS  read-only
1888              STATUS  mandatory
1889              DESCRIPTION
1890                      "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
1891              ::= { tcpConnEntry 5 }
1894          -- additional TCP objects
1896          tcpInErrs OBJECT-TYPE
1897              SYNTAX  Counter
1898              ACCESS  read-only
1899              STATUS  mandatory
1900              DESCRIPTION
1901                      "The total number of segments received in error
1902                      (e.g., bad TCP checksums)."
1903              ::= { tcp 14 }
1905          tcpOutRsts OBJECT-TYPE
1906              SYNTAX  Counter
1907              ACCESS  read-only
1908              STATUS  mandatory
1909              DESCRIPTION
1910                      "The number of TCP segments sent containing the
1911                      RST flag."
1912              ::= { tcp 15 }
1915          -- the UDP group
1917          -- Implementation of the UDP group is mandatory for all
1918          -- systems which implement the UDP.
1920          udpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
1921              SYNTAX  Counter
1922              ACCESS  read-only
1923              STATUS  mandatory
1924              DESCRIPTION
1925                      "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to
1926                      UDP users."
1927              ::= { udp 1 }
1929          udpNoPorts OBJECT-TYPE
1930              SYNTAX  Counter
1931              ACCESS  read-only
1932              STATUS  mandatory
1933              DESCRIPTION
1934                      "The total number of received UDP datagrams for
1935                      which there was no application at the destination
1936                      port."
1937              ::= { udp 2 }
1939          udpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1940              SYNTAX  Counter
1941              ACCESS  read-only
1942              STATUS  mandatory
1943              DESCRIPTION
1944                      "The number of received UDP datagrams that could
1945                      not be delivered for reasons other than the lack
1946                      of an application at the destination port."
1947              ::= { udp 3 }
1949          udpOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
1950              SYNTAX  Counter
1951              ACCESS  read-only
1952              STATUS  mandatory
1953              DESCRIPTION
1954                      "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
1955                      entity."
1956              ::= { udp 4 }
1959          -- the UDP Listener table
1961          -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
1962          -- entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is
1963          -- currently accepting datagrams.
1965          udpTable OBJECT-TYPE
1966              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF UdpEntry
1967              ACCESS  not-accessible
1968              STATUS  mandatory
1969              DESCRIPTION
1970                      "A table containing UDP listener information."
1971              ::= { udp 5 }
1973          udpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1974              SYNTAX  UdpEntry
1975              ACCESS  not-accessible
1976              STATUS  mandatory
1977              DESCRIPTION
1978                      "Information about a particular current UDP
1979                      listener."
1980              INDEX   { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
1981              ::= { udpTable 1 }
1983          UdpEntry ::=
1984              SEQUENCE {
1985                  udpLocalAddress
1986                      IpAddress,
1987                  udpLocalPort
1988                      INTEGER (0..65535)
1989              }
1991          udpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1992              SYNTAX  IpAddress
1993              ACCESS  read-only
1994              STATUS  mandatory
1995              DESCRIPTION
1996                      "The local IP address for this UDP listener.  In
1997                      the case of a UDP listener which is willing to
1998                      accept datagrams for any IP interface associated
1999                      with the node, the value is used."
2000              ::= { udpEntry 1 }
2002          udpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
2003              SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
2004              ACCESS  read-only
2005              STATUS  mandatory
2006              DESCRIPTION
2007                      "The local port number for this UDP listener."
2008              ::= { udpEntry 2 }
2011          -- the EGP group
2013          -- Implementation of the EGP group is mandatory for all
2014          -- systems which implement the EGP.
2016          egpInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2017              SYNTAX  Counter
2018              ACCESS  read-only
2019              STATUS  mandatory
2020              DESCRIPTION
2021                      "The number of EGP messages received without
2022                      error."
2023              ::= { egp 1 }
2025          egpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
2026              SYNTAX  Counter
2027              ACCESS  read-only
2028              STATUS  mandatory
2029              DESCRIPTION
2030                      "The number of EGP messages received that proved
2031                      to be in error."
2032              ::= { egp 2 }
2034          egpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2035              SYNTAX  Counter
2036              ACCESS  read-only
2037              STATUS  mandatory
2038              DESCRIPTION
2039                      "The total number of locally generated EGP
2040                      messages."
2041              ::= { egp 3 }
2043          egpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
2044              SYNTAX  Counter
2045              ACCESS  read-only
2046              STATUS  mandatory
2047              DESCRIPTION
2048                      "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
2049                      sent due to resource limitations within an EGP
2050                      entity."
2051              ::= { egp 4 }
2054          -- the EGP Neighbor table
2056          -- The EGP neighbor table contains information about this
2057          -- entity's EGP neighbors.
2059          egpNeighTable OBJECT-TYPE
2060              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EgpNeighEntry
2061              ACCESS  not-accessible
2062              STATUS  mandatory
2063              DESCRIPTION
2064                      "The EGP neighbor table."
2065              ::= { egp 5 }
2067          egpNeighEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2068              SYNTAX  EgpNeighEntry
2069              ACCESS  not-accessible
2070              STATUS  mandatory
2071              DESCRIPTION
2072                      "Information about this entity's relationship with
2073                      a particular EGP neighbor."
2074              INDEX   { egpNeighAddr }
2075              ::= { egpNeighTable 1 }
2077          EgpNeighEntry ::=
2078              SEQUENCE {
2079                  egpNeighState
2080                      INTEGER,
2081                  egpNeighAddr
2082                      IpAddress,
2083                  egpNeighAs
2084                      INTEGER,
2085                  egpNeighInMsgs
2086                      Counter,
2087                  egpNeighInErrs
2088                      Counter,
2089                  egpNeighOutMsgs
2090                      Counter,
2091                  egpNeighOutErrs
2092                      Counter,
2093                  egpNeighInErrMsgs
2094                      Counter,
2095                  egpNeighOutErrMsgs
2096                      Counter,
2097                  egpNeighStateUps
2098                      Counter,
2099                  egpNeighStateDowns
2100                      Counter,
2101                  egpNeighIntervalHello
2102                      INTEGER,
2103                  egpNeighIntervalPoll
2104                      INTEGER,
2105                  egpNeighMode
2106                      INTEGER,
2107                  egpNeighEventTrigger
2108                      INTEGER
2109              }
2111          egpNeighState OBJECT-TYPE
2112              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2113                          idle(1),
2114                          acquisition(2),
2115                          down(3),
2116                          up(4),
2117                          cease(5)
2118                      }
2119              ACCESS  read-only
2120              STATUS  mandatory
2121              DESCRIPTION
2122                      "The EGP state of the local system with respect to
2123                      this entry's EGP neighbor.  Each EGP state is
2124                      represented by a value that is one greater than
2125                      the numerical value associated with said state in
2126                      RFC 904."
2127              ::= { egpNeighEntry 1 }
2129          egpNeighAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2130              SYNTAX  IpAddress
2131              ACCESS  read-only
2132              STATUS  mandatory
2133              DESCRIPTION
2134                      "The IP address of this entry's EGP neighbor."
2135              ::= { egpNeighEntry 2 }
2137          egpNeighAs OBJECT-TYPE
2138              SYNTAX  INTEGER
2139              ACCESS  read-only
2140              STATUS  mandatory
2141              DESCRIPTION
2142                      "The autonomous system of this EGP peer.  Zero
2143                      should be specified if the autonomous system
2144                      number of the neighbor is not yet known."
2145              ::= { egpNeighEntry 3 }
2147          egpNeighInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2148              SYNTAX  Counter
2149              ACCESS  read-only
2150              STATUS  mandatory
2151              DESCRIPTION
2152                      "The number of EGP messages received without error
2153                      from this EGP peer."
2154              ::= { egpNeighEntry 4 }
2156          egpNeighInErrs OBJECT-TYPE
2157              SYNTAX  Counter
2158              ACCESS  read-only
2159              STATUS  mandatory
2160              DESCRIPTION
2161                      "The number of EGP messages received from this EGP
2162                      peer that proved to be in error (e.g., bad EGP
2163                      checksum)."
2164              ::= { egpNeighEntry 5 }
2166          egpNeighOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2167              SYNTAX  Counter
2168              ACCESS  read-only
2169              STATUS  mandatory
2170              DESCRIPTION
2171                      "The number of locally generated EGP messages to
2172                      this EGP peer."
2173              ::= { egpNeighEntry 6 }
2175          egpNeighOutErrs OBJECT-TYPE
2176              SYNTAX  Counter
2177              ACCESS  read-only
2178              STATUS  mandatory
2179              DESCRIPTION
2180                      "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
2181                      sent to this EGP peer due to resource limitations
2182                      within an EGP entity."
2183              ::= { egpNeighEntry 7 }
2185          egpNeighInErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2186              SYNTAX  Counter
2187              ACCESS  read-only
2188              STATUS  mandatory
2189              DESCRIPTION
2190                      "The number of EGP-defined error messages received
2191                      from this EGP peer."
2192              ::= { egpNeighEntry 8 }
2194          egpNeighOutErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
2195              SYNTAX  Counter
2196              ACCESS  read-only
2197              STATUS  mandatory
2198              DESCRIPTION
2199                      "The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to
2200                      this EGP peer."
2201              ::= { egpNeighEntry 9 }
2203          egpNeighStateUps OBJECT-TYPE
2204              SYNTAX  Counter
2205              ACCESS  read-only
2206              STATUS  mandatory
2207              DESCRIPTION
2208                      "The number of EGP state transitions to the UP
2209                      state with this EGP peer."
2210              ::= { egpNeighEntry 10 }
2212          egpNeighStateDowns OBJECT-TYPE
2213              SYNTAX  Counter
2214              ACCESS  read-only
2215              STATUS  mandatory
2216              DESCRIPTION
2217                      "The number of EGP state transitions from the UP
2218                      state to any other state with this EGP peer."
2219              ::= { egpNeighEntry 11 }
2221          egpNeighIntervalHello OBJECT-TYPE
2222              SYNTAX  INTEGER
2223              ACCESS  read-only
2224              STATUS  mandatory
2225              DESCRIPTION
2226                      "The interval between EGP Hello command
2227                      retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).  This
2228                      represents the t1 timer as defined in RFC 904."
2229              ::= { egpNeighEntry 12 }
2231          egpNeighIntervalPoll OBJECT-TYPE
2232              SYNTAX  INTEGER
2233              ACCESS  read-only
2234              STATUS  mandatory
2235              DESCRIPTION
2236                      "The interval between EGP poll command
2240SNMP Working Group                                             [Page 58]
2242RFC 1213                         MIB-II                       March 1991
2245                      retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).  This
2246                      represents the t3 timer as defined in RFC 904."
2247              ::= { egpNeighEntry 13 }
2249          egpNeighMode OBJECT-TYPE
2250              SYNTAX  INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
2251              ACCESS  read-only
2252              STATUS  mandatory
2253              DESCRIPTION
2254                      "The polling mode of this EGP entity, either
2255                      passive or active."
2256              ::= { egpNeighEntry 14 }
2258          egpNeighEventTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
2259              SYNTAX  INTEGER { start(1), stop(2) }
2260              ACCESS  read-write
2261              STATUS  mandatory
2262              DESCRIPTION
2263                      "A control variable used to trigger operator-
2264                      initiated Start and Stop events.  When read, this
2265                      variable always returns the most recent value that
2266                      egpNeighEventTrigger was set to.  If it has not
2267                      been set since the last initialization of the
2268                      network management subsystem on the node, it
2269                      returns a value of `stop'.
2271                      When set, this variable causes a Start or Stop
2272                      event on the specified neighbor, as specified on
2273                      pages 8-10 of RFC 904.  Briefly, a Start event
2274                      causes an Idle peer to begin neighbor acquisition
2275                      and a non-Idle peer to reinitiate neighbor
2276                      acquisition.  A stop event causes a non-Idle peer
2277                      to return to the Idle state until a Start event
2278                      occurs, either via egpNeighEventTrigger or
2279                      otherwise."
2280              ::= { egpNeighEntry 15 }
2283          -- additional EGP objects
2285          egpAs OBJECT-TYPE
2286              SYNTAX  INTEGER
2287              ACCESS  read-only
2288              STATUS  mandatory
2289              DESCRIPTION
2290                      "The autonomous system number of this EGP entity."
2291              ::= { egp 6 }
2294          -- the Transmission group
2296          -- Based on the transmission media underlying each interface
2297          -- on a system, the corresponding portion of the Transmission
2298          -- group is mandatory for that system.
2300          -- When Internet-standard definitions for managing
2301          -- transmission media are defined, the transmission group is
2302          -- used to provide a prefix for the names of those objects.
2304          -- Typically, such definitions reside in the experimental
2305          -- portion of the MIB until they are "proven", then as a
2306          -- part of the Internet standardization process, the
2307          -- definitions are accordingly elevated and a new object
2308          -- identifier, under the transmission group is defined. By
2309          -- convention, the name assigned is:
2310          --
2311          --     type OBJECT IDENTIFIER    ::= { transmission number }
2312          --
2313          -- where "type" is the symbolic value used for the media in
2314          -- the ifType column of the ifTable object, and "number" is
2315          -- the actual integer value corresponding to the symbol.
2318          -- the SNMP group
2320          -- Implementation of the SNMP group is mandatory for all
2321          -- systems which support an SNMP protocol entity.  Some of
2322          -- the objects defined below will be zero-valued in those
2323          -- SNMP implementations that are optimized to support only
2324          -- those functions specific to either a management agent or
2325          -- a management station.  In particular, it should be
2326          -- observed that the objects below refer to an SNMP entity,
2327          -- and there may be several SNMP entities residing on a
2328          -- managed node (e.g., if the node is hosting acting as
2329          -- a management station).
2331          snmpInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
2332              SYNTAX  Counter
2333              ACCESS  read-only
2334              STATUS  mandatory
2335              DESCRIPTION
2336                      "The total number of Messages delivered to the
2337                      SNMP entity from the transport service."
2338              ::= { snmp 1 }
2340          snmpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
2341              SYNTAX  Counter
2342              ACCESS  read-only
2343              STATUS  mandatory
2344              DESCRIPTION
2345                      "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
2346                      passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
2347                      transport service."
2348              ::= { snmp 2 }
2350          snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
2351              SYNTAX  Counter
2352              ACCESS  read-only
2353              STATUS  mandatory
2354              DESCRIPTION
2355                      "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
2356                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for
2357                      an unsupported SNMP version."
2358              ::= { snmp 3 }
2360          snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
2361              SYNTAX  Counter
2362              ACCESS  read-only
2363              STATUS  mandatory
2364              DESCRIPTION
2365                      "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
2366                      the SNMP protocol entity which used a SNMP
2367                      community name not known to said entity."
2368              ::= { snmp 4 }
2370          snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
2371              SYNTAX  Counter
2372              ACCESS  read-only
2373              STATUS  mandatory
2374              DESCRIPTION
2375                      "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
2376                      the SNMP protocol entity which represented an SNMP
2377                      operation which was not allowed by the SNMP
2378                      community named in the Message."
2379              ::= { snmp 5 }
2381          snmpInASNParseErrs OBJECT-TYPE
2382              SYNTAX  Counter
2383              ACCESS  read-only
2384              STATUS  mandatory
2385              DESCRIPTION
2386                      "The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors
2387                      encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when
2388                      decoding received SNMP Messages."
2389              ::= { snmp 6 }
2391          -- { snmp 7 } is not used
2393          snmpInTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
2394              SYNTAX  Counter
2395              ACCESS  read-only
2396              STATUS  mandatory
2397              DESCRIPTION
2398                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2399                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
2400                      which the value of the error-status field is
2401                      `tooBig'."
2402              ::= { snmp 8 }
2404          snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
2405              SYNTAX  Counter
2406              ACCESS  read-only
2407              STATUS  mandatory
2408              DESCRIPTION
2409                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2410                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
2411                      which the value of the error-status field is
2412                      `noSuchName'."
2413              ::= { snmp 9 }
2415          snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
2416              SYNTAX  Counter
2417              ACCESS  read-only
2418              STATUS  mandatory
2419              DESCRIPTION
2420                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2421                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
2422                      which the value of the error-status field is
2423                      `badValue'."
2424              ::= { snmp 10 }
2426          snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
2427              SYNTAX  Counter
2428              ACCESS  read-only
2429              STATUS  mandatory
2430              DESCRIPTION
2431                      "The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were
2432                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
2433                      which the value of the error-status field is
2434                      `readOnly'.  It should be noted that it is a
2435                      protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU which
2436                      contains the value `readOnly' in the error-status
2437                      field, as such this object is provided as a means
2438                      of detecting incorrect implementations of the
2439                      SNMP."
2440              ::= { snmp 11 }
2442          snmpInGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
2443              SYNTAX  Counter
2444              ACCESS  read-only
2445              STATUS  mandatory
2446              DESCRIPTION
2447                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2448                      delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
2449                      which the value of the error-status field is
2450                      `genErr'."
2451              ::= { snmp 12 }
2453          snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
2454              SYNTAX  Counter
2455              ACCESS  read-only
2456              STATUS  mandatory
2457              DESCRIPTION
2458                      "The total number of MIB objects which have been
2459                      retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
2460                      as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
2461                      and Get-Next PDUs."
2462              ::= { snmp 13 }
2464          snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
2465              SYNTAX  Counter
2466              ACCESS  read-only
2467              STATUS  mandatory
2468              DESCRIPTION
2469                      "The total number of MIB objects which have been
2470                      altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
2471                      as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request
2472                      PDUs."
2473              ::= { snmp 14 }
2475          snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
2476              SYNTAX  Counter
2477              ACCESS  read-only
2478              STATUS  mandatory
2479              DESCRIPTION
2480                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
2481                      have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
2482                      protocol entity."
2483              ::= { snmp 15 }
2485          snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
2486              SYNTAX  Counter
2487              ACCESS  read-only
2488              STATUS  mandatory
2489              DESCRIPTION
2490                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
2491                      been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
2492                      entity."
2493              ::= { snmp 16 }
2495          snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
2496              SYNTAX  Counter
2497              ACCESS  read-only
2498              STATUS  mandatory
2499              DESCRIPTION
2500                      "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
2501                      have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
2502                      protocol entity."
2503              ::= { snmp 17 }
2505          snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
2506              SYNTAX  Counter
2507              ACCESS  read-only
2508              STATUS  mandatory
2509              DESCRIPTION
2510                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
2511                      have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
2512                      protocol entity."
2513              ::= { snmp 18 }
2515          snmpInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
2516              SYNTAX  Counter
2517              ACCESS  read-only
2518              STATUS  mandatory
2519              DESCRIPTION
2520                      "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
2521                      been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
2522                      entity."
2523              ::= { snmp 19 }
2525          snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
2526              SYNTAX  Counter
2527              ACCESS  read-only
2528              STATUS  mandatory
2529              DESCRIPTION
2530                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2531                      generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
2532                      which the value of the error-status field is
2533                      `tooBig.'"
2534              ::= { snmp 20 }
2536          snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
2537              SYNTAX  Counter
2538              ACCESS  read-only
2539              STATUS  mandatory
2540              DESCRIPTION
2541                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2542                      generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
2543                      which the value of the error-status is
2544                      `noSuchName'."
2545              ::= { snmp 21 }
2547          snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
2548              SYNTAX  Counter
2549              ACCESS  read-only
2550              STATUS  mandatory
2551              DESCRIPTION
2552                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2553                      generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
2554                      which the value of the error-status field is
2555                      `badValue'."
2556              ::= { snmp 22 }
2558          -- { snmp 23 } is not used
2560          snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
2561              SYNTAX  Counter
2562              ACCESS  read-only
2563              STATUS  mandatory
2564              DESCRIPTION
2565                      "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
2566                      generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
2567                      which the value of the error-status field is
2568                      `genErr'."
2569              ::= { snmp 24 }
2571          snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
2572              SYNTAX  Counter
2573              ACCESS  read-only
2574              STATUS  mandatory
2575              DESCRIPTION
2576                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
2577                      have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
2578              ::= { snmp 25 }
2580          snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
2581              SYNTAX  Counter
2582              ACCESS  read-only
2583              STATUS  mandatory
2584              DESCRIPTION
2585                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
2586                      been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
2587              ::= { snmp 26 }
2589          snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
2590              SYNTAX  Counter
2591              ACCESS  read-only
2592              STATUS  mandatory
2593              DESCRIPTION
2594                      "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
2595                      have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
2596              ::= { snmp 27 }
2598          snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
2599              SYNTAX  Counter
2600              ACCESS  read-only
2601              STATUS  mandatory
2602              DESCRIPTION
2603                      "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
2604                      have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
2605              ::= { snmp 28 }
2607          snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
2608              SYNTAX  Counter
2609              ACCESS  read-only
2610              STATUS  mandatory
2611              DESCRIPTION
2612                      "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
2613                      been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
2614              ::= { snmp 29 }
2616          snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
2617              SYNTAX  INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2618              ACCESS  read-write
2619              STATUS  mandatory
2620              DESCRIPTION
2621                      "Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is
2622                      permitted to generate authentication-failure
2623                      traps.  The value of this object overrides any
2624                      configuration information; as such, it provides a
2625                      means whereby all authentication-failure traps may
2626                      be disabled.
2628                      Note that it is strongly recommended that this
2629                      object be stored in non-volatile memory so that it
2630                      remains constant between re-initializations of the
2631                      network management system."
2632              ::= { snmp 30 }
2634          END