2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
25 * @test
26 * @bug 8145471
27 * @summary javac changes for enhanced deprecation
28 * @library /tools/lib
29 * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
30 * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main
31 * @build toolbox.JavacTask toolbox.TestRunner toolbox.ToolBox
32 * @run main Removal
33 */
35import java.io.IOException;
36import java.nio.file.Files;
37import java.nio.file.Path;
38import java.nio.file.Paths;
39import java.util.ArrayList;
40import java.util.Arrays;
41import java.util.EnumMap;
42import java.util.List;
43import java.util.Map;
44import java.util.stream.Collectors;
46import toolbox.JavacTask;
47import toolbox.Task.Expect;
48import toolbox.Task.OutputKind;
49import toolbox.TestRunner;
50import toolbox.ToolBox;
53 * From JEP 277, JDK-8085614
54 *
55 *        use site     |      API declaration site
56 *        context      | not dep.   ord. dep.   term. dep.
57 *                     +----------------------------------
58 *        not dep.     |    N          W           W
59 *                     |
60 *        ord. dep.    |    N          N (2)       W (4)
61 *                     |
62 *        term. dep.   |    N          N (3)       W (5)
63 */
65public class Removal extends TestRunner {
66    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
67        Removal r = new Removal();
68        r.runTests(m -> new Object[] { Paths.get(m.getName()) });
69        r.report();
70    }
72    private final ToolBox tb = new ToolBox();
73    private final Path libSrc = Paths.get("lib").resolve("src");
74    private final Path libClasses = Paths.get("lib").resolve("classes");
75    int testCount = 0;
77    /**
78     * Options that may be used during compilation.
79     */
80    enum Options {
81        DEFAULT(),
82        XLINT_DEPRECATED("-Xlint:deprecation"),
83        XLINT_NO_REMOVAL("-Xlint:-removal");
85        Options(String... opts) {
86            this.opts = Arrays.asList(opts);
87        }
89        final List<String> opts;
90    }
92    /**
93     * The kind of deprecation.
94     */
95    enum DeprKind {
96        NONE("", null),
97        DEPRECATED("@Deprecated ", "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated"),
98        REMOVAL("@Deprecated(forRemoval=true) ", "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal");
99        DeprKind(String anno, String warn) {
100            this.anno = anno;
101            this.warn = warn;
102        }
103        final String anno;
104        final String warn;
105    }
107    final String[] lib = {
108        "package lib; public class Class {\n"
109        + "    public static void method() { }\n"
110        + "    @Deprecated public static void depMethod() { }\n"
111        + "    @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static void remMethod() { }\n"
112        + "    public static int field;\n"
113        + "    @Deprecated public static int depField;\n"
114        + "    @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static int remField;\n"
115        + "}",
116        "package lib; @Deprecated public class DepClass { }",
117        "package lib; @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public class RemClass { }"
118    };
120    /**
121     * The kind of declaration to be referenced at the use site.
122     */
123    enum RefKind {
124        CLASS("lib.%s c;", "Class", "DepClass", "RemClass"),
125        METHOD("{ lib.Class.%s(); }", "method", "depMethod", "remMethod"),
126        FIELD("int i = lib.Class.%s;", "field", "depField", "remField");
128        RefKind(String template, String def, String dep, String rem) {
129            fragments.put(DeprKind.NONE, String.format(template, def));
130            fragments.put(DeprKind.DEPRECATED, String.format(template, dep));
131            fragments.put(DeprKind.REMOVAL, String.format(template, rem));
132        }
134        String getFragment(DeprKind k) {
135            return fragments.get(k);
136        }
138        private final Map<DeprKind, String> fragments = new EnumMap<>(DeprKind.class);
139    }
141    /**
142     * Get source code for a reference to a possibly-deprecated item declared in a library.
143     * @param refKind the kind of element (class, method, field) being referenced
144     * @param declDeprKind the kind of deprecation on the declaration of the item being referenced
145     * @param useDeprKind the kind of deprecation enclosing the use site
146     * @return
147     */
148    static String getSource(RefKind refKind, DeprKind declDeprKind, DeprKind useDeprKind) {
149        return "package p; "
150                + useDeprKind.anno
151                + "class Class { "
152                + refKind.getFragment(declDeprKind)
153                + " }";
154    }
156    private static final String NO_OUTPUT = null;
158    public Removal() throws IOException {
159        super(System.err);
160        initLib();
161    }
163    void initLib() throws IOException {
164        tb.writeJavaFiles(libSrc, lib);
166        new JavacTask(tb)
167                .outdir(Files.createDirectories(libClasses))
168                .files(tb.findJavaFiles(libSrc))
169                .run()
170                .writeAll();
171    }
173    void report() {
174        out.println(testCount + " test cases");
175    }
177    /*
178     * Declaration site: not deprecated; use site: not deprecated
179     * Options: default
180     * Expect: no warnings
181     */
182    @Test
183    public void test_DeclNone_UseNone(Path base) throws IOException {
184        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
185            test(base,
186                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.NONE, DeprKind.NONE),
187                    Options.DEFAULT,
188                    NO_OUTPUT);
189        }
190    }
192    /*
193     * Declaration site: not deprecated; use site: deprecated
194     * Options: default
195     * Expect: no warnings
196     */
197    @Test
198    public void test_DeclNone_UseDeprecated(Path base) throws IOException {
199        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
200            test(base,
201                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.NONE, DeprKind.DEPRECATED),
202                    Options.DEFAULT,
203                    NO_OUTPUT);
204        }
205    }
207    /*
208     * Declaration site: not deprecated; use site: deprecated for removal
209     * Options: default
210     * Expect: no warnings
211     */
212    @Test
213    public void test_DeclNone_UseRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
214        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
215            test(base,
216                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.NONE, DeprKind.REMOVAL),
217                    Options.DEFAULT,
218                    NO_OUTPUT);
219        }
220    }
222    /*
223     * Declaration site: deprecated; use site: not deprecated
224     * Options: default
225     * Expect: deprecated note
226     */
227    @Test
228    public void test_DeclDeprecated_UseNone_Default(Path base) throws IOException {
229        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
230            test(base,
231                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.DEPRECATED, DeprKind.NONE),
232                    Options.DEFAULT,
233                    "compiler.note.deprecated.filename: Class.java");
234        }
235    }
237    /*
238     * Declaration site: deprecated; use site: not deprecated
239     * Options: -Xlint:deprecation
240     * Expect: deprecated warning
241     */
242    @Test
243    public void test_DeclDeprecated_UseNone_XlintDep(Path base) throws IOException {
244        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
245            String error = "<unset>";
246            switch (rk) {
247                case CLASS:
248                    error = "Class.java:1:29: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated: lib.DepClass, lib";
249                    break;
251                case METHOD:
252                    error = "Class.java:1:37: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated: depMethod(), lib.Class";
253                    break;
255                case FIELD:
256                    error = "Class.java:1:43: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated: depField, lib.Class";
257                    break;
258            }
260            test(base,
261                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.DEPRECATED, DeprKind.NONE),
262                    Options.XLINT_DEPRECATED,
263                    error);
264        }
265    }
267    /*
268     * Declaration site: deprecated; use site: deprecated
269     * Options: default
270     * Expect: no warnings
271     */
272    @Test
273    public void test_DeclDeprecated_UseDeprecated(Path base) throws IOException {
274        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
275            test(base,
276                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.DEPRECATED, DeprKind.DEPRECATED),
277                    Options.DEFAULT,
278                    NO_OUTPUT);
279        }
280    }
282    /*
283     * Declaration site: deprecated; use site: deprecated for removal
284     * Options: default
285     * Expect: no warnings
286     */
287    @Test
288    public void test_DeclDeprecated_UseRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
289        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
290            test(base,
291                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.DEPRECATED, DeprKind.REMOVAL),
292                    Options.DEFAULT,
293                    NO_OUTPUT);
294        }
295    }
297    /*
298     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: not deprecated
299     * Options: default
300     * Expect: removal warning
301     */
302    @Test
303    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseNone_Default(Path base) throws IOException {
304        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
305            String error = "<unset>";
306            switch (rk) {
307                case CLASS:
308                    error = "Class.java:1:29: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: lib.RemClass, lib";
309                    break;
311                case METHOD:
312                    error = "Class.java:1:37: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remMethod(), lib.Class";
313                    break;
315                case FIELD:
316                    error = "Class.java:1:43: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remField, lib.Class";
317                    break;
318            }
320            test(base,
321                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.NONE),
322                    Options.DEFAULT,
323                    error);
324        }
325    }
327    /*
328     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: not deprecated
329     * Options: default, @SuppressWarnings("removal")
330     * Expect: removal warning
331     */
332    @Test
333    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseNone_SuppressRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
334        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
335            String source =
336                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.NONE)
337                    .replace("class Class", "@SuppressWarnings(\"removal\") class Class");
339            test(base,
340                    source,
341                    Options.DEFAULT,
342                    null);
343        }
344    }
346    /*
347     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: not deprecated
348     * Options: -Xlint:-removal
349     * Expect: removal note
350     */
351    @Test
352    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseNone_XlintNoRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
353        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
354            test(base,
355                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.NONE),
356                    Options.XLINT_NO_REMOVAL,
357                    "compiler.note.removal.filename: Class.java");
358        }
359    }
361    /*
362     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: deprecated
363     * Options: default
364     * Expect: removal warning
365     */
366    @Test
367    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseDeprecated_Default(Path base) throws IOException {
368        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
369            String error = "<unset>";
370            switch (rk) {
371                case CLASS:
372                    error = "Class.java:1:41: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: lib.RemClass, lib";
373                    break;
375                case METHOD:
376                    error = "Class.java:1:49: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remMethod(), lib.Class";
377                    break;
379                case FIELD:
380                    error = "Class.java:1:55: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remField, lib.Class";
381                    break;
382            }
384            test(base,
385                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.DEPRECATED),
386                    Options.DEFAULT,
387                    error);
388        }
389    }
391    /*
392     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: deprecated
393     * Options: -Xlint:-removal
394     * Expect: removal note
395     */
396    @Test
397    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseDeprecated_XlintNoRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
398        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
399            test(base,
400                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.DEPRECATED),
401                    Options.XLINT_NO_REMOVAL,
402                    "compiler.note.removal.filename: Class.java");
403        }
404    }
406    /*
407     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: deprecated for removal
408     * Options: default
409     * Expect: removal warning
410     */
411    @Test
412    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseRemoval_Default(Path base) throws IOException {
413        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
414            String error = "<unset>";
415            switch (rk) {
416                case CLASS:
417                    error = "Class.java:1:58: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: lib.RemClass, lib";
418                    break;
420                case METHOD:
421                    error = "Class.java:1:66: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remMethod(), lib.Class";
422                    break;
424                case FIELD:
425                    error = "Class.java:1:72: compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal: remField, lib.Class";
426                    break;
427            }
429            test(base,
430                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.REMOVAL),
431                    Options.DEFAULT,
432                    error);
433        }
434    }
436    /*
437     * Declaration site: deprecated for removal; use site: deprecated for removal
438     * Options: -Xlint:-removal
439     * Expect: removal note
440     */
441    @Test
442    public void test_DeclRemoval_UseRemoval_XlintNoRemoval(Path base) throws IOException {
443        for (RefKind rk : RefKind.values()) {
444            test(base,
445                    getSource(rk, DeprKind.REMOVAL, DeprKind.REMOVAL),
446                    Options.XLINT_NO_REMOVAL,
447                    "compiler.note.removal.filename: Class.java");
448        }
449    }
451    /*
452     * Additional special case:
453     * there should not be any warnings for any reference in a type-import statement.
454     */
455    @Test
456    public void test_UseImports(Path base) throws IOException {
457        String source =
458                "import lib.Class;\n"
459                + "import lib.DepClass;\n"
460                + "import lib.RemClass;\n"
461                + "class C { }";
462        for (Options o : Options.values()) {
463            test(base, source, o, NO_OUTPUT);
464        }
465    }
467    /**
468     * Compile source code with given options, and check for expected output.
469     * The compilation is done twice, first against the library in source form,
470     * and then again, against the compiled library.
471     * @param base base working directory
472     * @param source the source code to be compiled
473     * @param options the options for the compilation
474     * @param expectText the expected output, or NO_OUTPUT, if none expected.
475     * @throws IOException if an error occurs during the compilation
476     */
477    private void test(Path base, String source, Options options, String expectText) throws IOException {
478        test(base.resolve("lib-source"), libSrc, source, options, expectText);
479        test(base.resolve("lib-classes"), libClasses, source, options, expectText);
480    }
482    /**
483     * Compile source code with given options against a given version of the library,
484     * and check for expected output.
485     * @param base base working directory
486     * @param lib the directory containing the library, in either source or compiled form
487     * @param source the source code to be compiled
488     * @param options the options for the compilation
489     * @param expectText the expected output, or NO_OUTPUT, if none expected.
490     * @throws IOException if an error occurs during the compilation
491     */
492    private void test(Path base, Path lib, String source, Options options, String expectText)
493            throws IOException {
494        Expect expect = (expectText != null && expectText.contains("compiler.warn.")) ? Expect.FAIL : Expect.SUCCESS;
495        test(base, lib, source, options.opts, expect, expectText);
496    }
498    /**
499     * Compile source code with given options against a given version of the library,
500     * and check for expected exit code and expected output.
501     * @param base base working directory
502     * @param lib the directory containing the library, in either source or compiled form
503     * @param source the source code to be compiled
504     * @param options the options for the compilation
505     * @param expect the expected outcome of the compilation
506     * @param expectText the expected output, or NO_OUTPUT, if none expected.
507     * @throws IOException if an error occurs during the compilation
508     */
509    private void test(Path base, Path lib, String source, List<String> options,
510            Expect expect, String expectText) throws IOException {
511        testCount++;
513        Path src = base.resolve("src");
514        Path classes = Files.createDirectories(base.resolve("classes"));
515        tb.writeJavaFiles(src, source);
517        List<String> allOptions = new ArrayList<>();
518        allOptions.add("-XDrawDiagnostics");
519        allOptions.add("-Werror");
520        allOptions.addAll(options);
522        out.println("Source: " + source);
523        out.println("Classpath: " + lib);
524        out.println("Options: " + options.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));
526        String log = new JavacTask(tb)
527                .outdir(classes)
528                .classpath(lib) // use classpath for libSrc or libClasses
529                .files(tb.findJavaFiles(src))
530                .options(allOptions.toArray(new String[0]))
531                .run(expect)
532                .writeAll()
533                .getOutput(OutputKind.DIRECT);
535        if (expectText == null) {
536            if (!log.trim().isEmpty())
537                error("Unexpected text found: >>>" + log + "<<<");
538        } else {
539            if (!log.contains(expectText))
540                error("expected text not found: >>>" + expectText + "<<<");
541        }
542    }