2 * Copyright (c) 1994, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package sun.tools.javac;
28import sun.tools.java.*;
29import sun.tools.tree.*;
30import sun.tools.asm.*;
31import java.util.Vector;
32import java.util.Enumeration;
33import java.util.Hashtable;
34import java.io.PrintStream;
37 * A Source Member
38 *
39 * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
40 * supported API.  Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
41 * they are subject to change or removal without notice.
42 */
45class SourceMember extends MemberDefinition implements Constants {
46    /**
47     * The argument names (if it is a method)
48     */
49    Vector<MemberDefinition> args;
51    // set to the MemberDefinition in the interface if we have this field because
52    // it has been forced on us
53    MemberDefinition abstractSource;
55    /**
56     * The status of the field
57     */
58    int status;
60    static final int PARSED     = 0;
61    static final int CHECKING   = 1;
62    static final int CHECKED    = 2;
63    static final int INLINING   = 3;
64    static final int INLINED    = 4;
65    static final int ERROR      = 5;
67    public Vector<MemberDefinition> getArguments() {
68        return args;
69    }
71    /**
72     * Constructor
73     * @param argNames a vector of IdentifierToken
74     */
75    public SourceMember(long where, ClassDefinition clazz,
76                       String doc, int modifiers, Type type,
77                       Identifier name, Vector<MemberDefinition> argNames,
78                       IdentifierToken exp[], Node value) {
79        super(where, clazz, modifiers, type, name, exp, value);
80        this.documentation = doc;
81        this.args = argNames;   // for the moment
82        // not until type names are resolved: createArgumentFields(argNames);
84        if (ClassDefinition.containsDeprecated(documentation)) {
85            this.modifiers |= M_DEPRECATED;
86        }
87    }
89    void createArgumentFields(Vector<MemberDefinition> argNames) {
90        // Create a list of arguments
91        if (isMethod()) {
92            args = new Vector<>();
94            if (isConstructor() || !(isStatic() || isInitializer())) {
95                args.addElement(((SourceClass)clazz).getThisArgument());
96            }
98            if (argNames != null) {
99                Enumeration<MemberDefinition> e = argNames.elements();
100                Type argTypes[] = getType().getArgumentTypes();
101                for (int i = 0 ; i < argTypes.length ; i++) {
102                    Object x = e.nextElement();
103                    if (x instanceof LocalMember) {
104                        // This should not happen, but it does
105                        // in cases of vicious cyclic inheritance.
106                        args = argNames;
107                        return;
108                    }
109                    Identifier id;
110                    int mod;
111                    long where;
112                    if (x instanceof Identifier) {
113                        // allow argNames to be simple Identifiers (deprecated!)
114                        id = (Identifier)x;
115                        mod = 0;
116                        where = getWhere();
117                    } else {
118                        IdentifierToken token = (IdentifierToken)x;
119                        id = token.getName();
120                        mod = token.getModifiers();
121                        where = token.getWhere();
122                    }
123                    args.addElement(new LocalMember(where, clazz, mod,
124                                                   argTypes[i], id));
125                }
126            }
127        }
128    }
130    // The methods addOuterThis() and addUplevelArguments() were
131    // both originally part of a single method called addUplevelArguments()
132    // which took a single boolean parameter describing which of the
133    // two behaviors it wanted.
134    //
135    // The original addUplevelArguments() claimed to keep the arguments in
136    // the following order:
137    //
138    // (1) <this> <early outer this> <uplevel arguments...> <true arguments...>
139    //
140    // (By <early outer this> I am referring to the clientOuterField added
141    // to some constructors when they are created.  If an outer this is
142    // added later, on demand, then this is mixed in with the rest of the
143    // uplevel arguments and is added by addUplevelArguments.)
144    //
145    // In reality, the `args' Vector was generated in this order, but the
146    // Type array `argTypes' was generated as:
147    //
148    // (2) <this> <uplevel arguments...> <early outer this> <true arguments...>
149    //
150    // This didn't make a difference in the common case -- that is, when
151    // a class had an <outer.this> or <uplevel arguments...> but not both.
152    // Both can happen in the case that a member class is declared inside
153    // of a local class.  It seems that the calling sequences, generated
154    // in places like NewInstanceExpression.codeCommon(), use order (2),
155    // so I have changed the code below to stick with that order.  Since
156    // the only time this happens is in classes which are insideLocal, no
157    // one should be able to tell the difference between these orders.
158    // (bug number 4085633)
160    LocalMember outerThisArg = null;
162    /**
163     * Get outer instance link, or null if none.
164     */
166    public LocalMember getOuterThisArg() {
167        return outerThisArg;
168    }
170    /**
171     * Add the outer.this argument to the list of arguments for this
172     * constructor.  This is called from resolveTypeStructure.  Any
173     * additional uplevel arguments get added later by addUplevelArguments().
174     */
176    void addOuterThis() {
177        UplevelReference refs = clazz.getReferences();
179        // See if we have a client outer field.
180        while (refs != null &&
181               !refs.isClientOuterField()) {
182            refs = refs.getNext();
183        }
185        // There is no outer this argument.  Quit.
186        if (refs == null) {
187            return;
188        }
190        // Get the old arg types.
191        Type oldArgTypes[] = type.getArgumentTypes();
193        // And make an array for the new ones with space for one more.
194        Type argTypes[] = new Type[oldArgTypes.length + 1];
196        LocalMember arg = refs.getLocalArgument();
197        outerThisArg = arg;
199        // args is our list of arguments.  It contains a `this', so
200        // we insert at position 1.  The list of types does not have a
201        // this, so we insert at position 0.
202        args.insertElementAt(arg, 1);
203        argTypes[0] = arg.getType();
205        // Add on the rest of the constructor arguments.
206        for (int i = 0; i < oldArgTypes.length; i++) {
207            argTypes[i + 1] = oldArgTypes[i];
208        }
210        type = Type.tMethod(type.getReturnType(), argTypes);
211    }
213    /**
214     * Prepend argument names and argument types for local variable references.
215     * This information is never seen by the type-check phase,
216     * but it affects code generation, which is the earliest moment
217     * we have comprehensive information on uplevel references.
218     * The code() methods tweaks the constructor calls, prepending
219     * the proper values to the argument list.
220     */
221    void addUplevelArguments() {
222        UplevelReference refs = clazz.getReferences();
223        clazz.getReferencesFrozen();
225        // Count how many uplevels we have to add.
226        int count = 0;
227        for (UplevelReference r = refs; r != null; r = r.getNext()) {
228            if (!r.isClientOuterField()) {
229                count += 1;
230            }
231        }
233        if (count == 0) {
234            // None to add, quit.
235            return;
236        }
238        // Get the old argument types.
239        Type oldArgTypes[] = type.getArgumentTypes();
241        // Make an array with enough room for the new.
242        Type argTypes[] = new Type[oldArgTypes.length + count];
244        // Add all of the late uplevel references to args and argTypes.
245        // Note that they are `off-by-one' because of the `this'.
246        int ins = 0;
247        for (UplevelReference r = refs; r != null; r = r.getNext()) {
248            if (!r.isClientOuterField()) {
249                LocalMember arg = r.getLocalArgument();
251                args.insertElementAt(arg, 1 + ins);
252                argTypes[ins] = arg.getType();
254                ins++;
255            }
256        }
258        // Add the rest of the old arguments.
259        for (int i = 0; i < oldArgTypes.length; i++) {
260            argTypes[ins + i] = oldArgTypes[i];
261        }
263        type = Type.tMethod(type.getReturnType(), argTypes);
264    }
266    /**
267     * Constructor for an inner class.
268     */
269    public SourceMember(ClassDefinition innerClass) {
270        super(innerClass);
271    }
273    /**
274     * Constructor.
275     * Used only to generate an abstract copy of a method that a class
276     * inherits from an interface
277     */
278    public SourceMember(MemberDefinition f, ClassDefinition c, Environment env) {
279        this(f.getWhere(), c, f.getDocumentation(),
280             f.getModifiers() | M_ABSTRACT, f.getType(), f.getName(), null,
281             f.getExceptionIds(), null);
282        this.args = f.getArguments();
283        this.abstractSource = f;
284        this.exp = f.getExceptions(env);
285    }
287    /**
288     * Get exceptions
289     */
290    public ClassDeclaration[] getExceptions(Environment env) {
291        if ((!isMethod()) || (exp != null)) {
292            return exp;
293        }
294        if (expIds == null) {
295            // (should not happen)
296            exp = new ClassDeclaration[0];
297            return exp;
298        }
299        // be sure to get the imports right:
300        env = ((SourceClass)getClassDefinition()).setupEnv(env);
301        exp = new ClassDeclaration[expIds.length];
302        for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
303            Identifier e = expIds[i].getName();
304            Identifier rexp = getClassDefinition().resolveName(env, e);
305            exp[i] = env.getClassDeclaration(rexp);
306        }
307        return exp;
308    }
310    /**
311     * Set array of name-resolved exceptions directly, e.g., for access methods.
312     */
313    public void setExceptions(ClassDeclaration[] exp) {
314        this.exp = exp;
315    }
317    /**
318     * Resolve types in a field, after parsing.
319     * @see ClassDefinition.resolveTypeStructure
320     */
322    public boolean resolved = false;
324    public void resolveTypeStructure(Environment env) {
325        if (tracing) env.dtEnter("SourceMember.resolveTypeStructure: " + this);
327        // A member should only be resolved once.  For a constructor, it is imperative
328        // that 'addOuterThis' be called only once, else the outer instance argument may
329        // be inserted into the argument list multiple times.
331        if (resolved) {
332            if (tracing) env.dtEvent("SourceMember.resolveTypeStructure: OK " + this);
333            // This case shouldn't be happening.  It is the responsibility
334            // of our callers to avoid attempting multiple resolutions of a member.
335            // *** REMOVE FOR SHIPMENT? ***
336            throw new CompilerError("multiple member type resolution");
337            //return;
338        } else {
339            if (tracing) env.dtEvent("SourceMember.resolveTypeStructure: RESOLVING " + this);
340            resolved = true;
341        }
343        super.resolveTypeStructure(env);
344        if (isInnerClass()) {
345            ClassDefinition nc = getInnerClass();
346            if (nc instanceof SourceClass && !nc.isLocal()) {
347                ((SourceClass)nc).resolveTypeStructure(env);
348            }
349            type = innerClass.getType();
350        } else {
351            // Expand all class names in 'type', including those that are not
352            // fully-qualified or refer to inner classes, into fully-qualified
353            // names.  Local and anonymous classes get synthesized names here,
354            // corresponding to the class files that will be generated.  This is
355            // currently the only place where 'resolveNames' is used.
356            type = env.resolveNames(getClassDefinition(), type, isSynthetic());
358            // do the throws also:
359            getExceptions(env);
361            if (isMethod()) {
362                Vector<MemberDefinition> argNames = args; args = null;
363                createArgumentFields(argNames);
364                // Add outer instance argument for constructors.
365                if (isConstructor()) {
366                    addOuterThis();
367                }
368            }
369        }
370        if (tracing) env.dtExit("SourceMember.resolveTypeStructure: " + this);
371    }
373    /**
374     * Get the class declaration in which the field is actually defined
375     */
376    public ClassDeclaration getDefiningClassDeclaration() {
377        if (abstractSource == null)
378            return super.getDefiningClassDeclaration();
379        else
380            return abstractSource.getDefiningClassDeclaration();
381    }
383    /**
384     * A source field never reports deprecation, since the compiler
385     * allows access to deprecated features that are being compiled
386     * in the same job.
387     */
388    public boolean reportDeprecated(Environment env) {
389        return false;
390    }
392    /**
393     * Check this field.
394     * <p>
395     * This is the method which requests checking.
396     * The real work is done by
397     * {@code Vset check(Environment, Context, Vset)}.
398     */
399    public void check(Environment env) throws ClassNotFound {
400        if (tracing) env.dtEnter("SourceMember.check: " +
401                                 getName() + ", status = " + status);
402        // rely on the class to check all fields in the proper order
403        if (status == PARSED) {
404            if (isSynthetic() && getValue() == null) {
405                // break a big cycle for small synthetic variables
406                status = CHECKED;
407                if (tracing)
408                    env.dtExit("SourceMember.check: BREAKING CYCLE");
409                return;
410            }
411            if (tracing) env.dtEvent("SourceMember.check: CHECKING CLASS");
412            clazz.check(env);
413            if (status == PARSED) {
414                if (getClassDefinition().getError()) {
415                    status = ERROR;
416                } else {
417                    if (tracing)
418                        env.dtExit("SourceMember.check: CHECK FAILED");
419                    throw new CompilerError("check failed");
420                }
421            }
422        }
423        if (tracing) env.dtExit("SourceMember.check: DONE " +
424                                getName() + ", status = " + status);
425    }
427    /**
428     * Check a field.
429     * @param vset tells which uplevel variables are definitely assigned
430     * The vset is also used to track the initialization of blank finals
431     * by whichever fields which are relevant to them.
432     */
433    public Vset check(Environment env, Context ctx, Vset vset) throws ClassNotFound {
434        if (tracing) env.dtEvent("SourceMember.check: MEMBER " +
435                                 getName() + ", status = " + status);
436        if (status == PARSED) {
437            if (isInnerClass()) {
438                // some classes are checked separately
439                ClassDefinition nc = getInnerClass();
440                if (nc instanceof SourceClass && !nc.isLocal()
441                    && nc.isInsideLocal()) {
442                    status = CHECKING;
443                    vset = ((SourceClass)nc).checkInsideClass(env, ctx, vset);
444                }
445                status = CHECKED;
446                return vset;
447            }
448            if (env.dump()) {
449                System.out.println("[check field " + getClassDeclaration().getName() + "." + getName() + "]");
450                if (getValue() != null) {
451                    getValue().print(System.out);
452                    System.out.println();
453                }
454            }
455            env = new Environment(env, this);
457            // This is where all checking of names appearing within the type
458            // of the member is done.  Includes return type and argument types.
459            // Since only one location ('where') for error messages is provided,
460            // localization of errors is poor.  Throws clauses are handled below.
461            env.resolve(where, getClassDefinition(), getType());
463            // Make sure that all the classes that we claim to throw really
464            // are subclasses of Throwable, and are classes that we can reach
465            if (isMethod()) {
466                ClassDeclaration throwable =
467                    env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangThrowable);
468                ClassDeclaration exp[] = getExceptions(env);
469                for (int i = 0 ; i < exp.length ; i++) {
470                    ClassDefinition def;
471                    long where = getWhere();
472                    if (expIds != null && i < expIds.length) {
473                        where = IdentifierToken.getWhere(expIds[i], where);
474                    }
475                    try {
476                        def = exp[i].getClassDefinition(env);
478                        // Validate access for all inner-class components
479                        // of a qualified name, not just the last one, which
480                        // is checked below.  Yes, this is a dirty hack...
481                        // Part of fix for 4094658.
482                        env.resolveByName(where, getClassDefinition(), def.getName());
484                    } catch (ClassNotFound e) {
485                        env.error(where, "class.not.found", e.name, "throws");
486                        break;
487                    }
488                    def.noteUsedBy(getClassDefinition(), where, env);
489                    if (!getClassDefinition().
490                          canAccess(env, def.getClassDeclaration())) {
491                        env.error(where, "cant.access.class", def);
492                    } else if (!def.subClassOf(env, throwable)) {
493                        env.error(where, "throws.not.throwable", def);
494                    }
495                }
496            }
498            status = CHECKING;
500            if (isMethod() && args != null) {
501                int length = args.size();
502            outer_loop:
503                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
504                    LocalMember lf = (LocalMember)(args.elementAt(i));
505                    Identifier name_i = lf.getName();
506                    for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
507                        LocalMember lf2 = (LocalMember)(args.elementAt(j));
508                        Identifier name_j = lf2.getName();
509                        if (name_i.equals(name_j)) {
510                            env.error(lf2.getWhere(), "duplicate.argument",
511                                      name_i);
512                            break outer_loop;
513                        }
514                    }
515                }
516            }
518            if (getValue() != null) {
519                ctx = new Context(ctx, this);
521                if (isMethod()) {
522                    Statement s = (Statement)getValue();
523                    // initialize vset, indication that each of the arguments
524                    // to the function has a value
526                    for (Enumeration<MemberDefinition> e = args.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();){
527                        LocalMember f = (LocalMember)e.nextElement();
528                        vset.addVar(ctx.declare(env, f));
529                    }
531                    if (isConstructor()) {
532                        // Undefine "this" in some constructors, until after
533                        // the super constructor has been called.
534                        vset.clearVar(ctx.getThisNumber());
536                        // If the first thing in the definition isn't a call
537                        // to either super() or this(), then insert one.
538                        Expression supCall = s.firstConstructor();
539                        if ((supCall == null)
540                            && (getClassDefinition().getSuperClass() != null)) {
541                            supCall = getDefaultSuperCall(env);
542                            Statement scs = new ExpressionStatement(where,
543                                                                    supCall);
544                            s = Statement.insertStatement(scs, s);
545                            setValue(s);
546                        }
547                    }
549                    //System.out.println("VSET = " + vset);
550                    ClassDeclaration exp[] = getExceptions(env);
551                    int htsize = (exp.length > 3) ? 17 : 7;
552                    Hashtable<Object, Object> thrown = new Hashtable<>(htsize);
554                    vset = s.checkMethod(env, ctx, vset, thrown);
556                    ClassDeclaration ignore1 =
557                        env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangError);
558                    ClassDeclaration ignore2 =
559                        env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangRuntimeException);
561                    for (Enumeration<Object> e = thrown.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
562                        ClassDeclaration c = (ClassDeclaration)e.nextElement();
563                        ClassDefinition def = c.getClassDefinition(env);
564                        if (def.subClassOf(env, ignore1)
565                                 || def.subClassOf(env, ignore2)) {
566                            continue;
567                        }
569                        boolean ok = false;
570                        if (!isInitializer()) {
571                            for (int i = 0 ; i < exp.length ; i++) {
572                                if (def.subClassOf(env, exp[i])) {
573                                    ok = true;
574                                }
575                            }
576                        }
577                        if (!ok) {
578                            Node n = (Node)thrown.get(c);
579                            long where = n.getWhere();
580                            String errorMsg;
582                            if (isConstructor()) {
583                                if (where ==
584                                    getClassDefinition().getWhere()) {
586                                    // If this message is being generated for
587                                    // a default constructor, we should give
588                                    // a different error message.  Currently
589                                    // we check for this by seeing if the
590                                    // constructor has the same "where" as
591                                    // its class.  This is a bit kludgy, but
592                                    // works. (bug id 4034836)
593                                    errorMsg = "def.constructor.exception";
594                                } else {
595                                    // Constructor with uncaught exception.
596                                    errorMsg = "constructor.exception";
597                                }
598                            } else if (isInitializer()) {
599                                // Initializer with uncaught exception.
600                                errorMsg = "initializer.exception";
601                            } else {
602                                // Method with uncaught exception.
603                                errorMsg = "uncaught.exception";
604                            }
605                            env.error(where, errorMsg, c.getName());
606                        }
607                    }
608                } else {
609                    Hashtable<Object, Object> thrown = new Hashtable<>(3);  // small & throw-away
610                    Expression val = (Expression)getValue();
612                    vset = val.checkInitializer(env, ctx, vset,
613                                                getType(), thrown);
614                    setValue(val.convert(env, ctx, getType(), val));
616                    // Complain about static final members of inner classes that
617                    // do not have an initializer that is a constant expression.
618                    // In general, static members are not permitted for inner
619                    // classes, but an exception is made for named constants.
620                    // Other cases of static members, including non-final ones,
621                    // are handled in 'SourceClass'.  Part of fix for 4095568.
622                    if (isStatic() && isFinal() && !clazz.isTopLevel()) {
623                        if (!((Expression)getValue()).isConstant()) {
624                            env.error(where, "static.inner.field", getName(), this);
625                            setValue(null);
626                        }
627                    }
630                    // Both RuntimeExceptions and Errors should be
631                    // allowed in initializers.  Fix for bug 4102541.
632                    ClassDeclaration except =
633                         env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangThrowable);
634                    ClassDeclaration ignore1 =
635                        env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangError);
636                    ClassDeclaration ignore2 =
637                        env.getClassDeclaration(idJavaLangRuntimeException);
639                    for (Enumeration<Object> e = thrown.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
640                        ClassDeclaration c = (ClassDeclaration)e.nextElement();
641                        ClassDefinition def = c.getClassDefinition(env);
643                        if (!def.subClassOf(env, ignore1)
644                            && !def.subClassOf(env, ignore2)
645                            && def.subClassOf(env, except)) {
646                            Node n = (Node)thrown.get(c);
647                            env.error(n.getWhere(),
648                                      "initializer.exception", c.getName());
649                        }
650                    }
651                }
652                if (env.dump()) {
653                    getValue().print(System.out);
654                    System.out.println();
655                }
656            }
657            status = getClassDefinition().getError() ? ERROR : CHECKED;
658        }
661        // Initializers (static and instance) must be able to complete normally.
662        if (isInitializer() && vset.isDeadEnd()) {
663            env.error(where, "init.no.normal.completion");
664            vset = vset.clearDeadEnd();
665        }
667        return vset;
668    }
670    // helper to check(): synthesize a missing super() call
671    private Expression getDefaultSuperCall(Environment env) {
672        Expression se = null;
673        ClassDefinition sclass = getClassDefinition().getSuperClass().getClassDefinition();
674        // does the superclass constructor require an enclosing instance?
675        ClassDefinition reqc = (sclass == null) ? null
676                             : sclass.isTopLevel() ? null
677                             : sclass.getOuterClass();
678        ClassDefinition thisc = getClassDefinition();
679        if (reqc != null && !Context.outerLinkExists(env, reqc, thisc)) {
680            se = new SuperExpression(where, new NullExpression(where));
681            env.error(where, "no.default.outer.arg", reqc, getClassDefinition());
682        }
683        if (se == null) {
684            se = new SuperExpression(where);
685        }
686        return new MethodExpression(where, se, idInit, new Expression[0]);
687    }
689    /**
690     * Inline the field
691     */
692    void inline(Environment env) throws ClassNotFound {
693        switch (status) {
694          case PARSED:
695            check(env);
696            inline(env);
697            break;
699          case CHECKED:
700            if (env.dump()) {
701                System.out.println("[inline field " + getClassDeclaration().getName() + "." + getName() + "]");
702            }
703            status = INLINING;
704            env = new Environment(env, this);
706            if (isMethod()) {
707                if ((!isNative()) && (!isAbstract())) {
708                    Statement s = (Statement)getValue();
709                    Context ctx = new Context((Context)null, this);
710                    for (Enumeration<MemberDefinition> e = args.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
711                        LocalMember local = (LocalMember)e.nextElement();
712                        ctx.declare(env, local);
713                    }
714                    setValue(s.inline(env, ctx));
715                }
716            } else if (isInnerClass()) {
717                // some classes are checked and inlined separately
718                ClassDefinition nc = getInnerClass();
719                if (nc instanceof SourceClass && !nc.isLocal()
720                    && nc.isInsideLocal()) {
721                    status = INLINING;
722                    ((SourceClass)nc).inlineLocalClass(env);
723                }
724                status = INLINED;
725                break;
726            } else {
727                if (getValue() != null)  {
728                    Context ctx = new Context((Context)null, this);
729                    if (!isStatic()) {
730                        // Cf. "thisArg" in SourceClass.checkMembers().
731                        Context ctxInst = new Context(ctx, this);
732                        LocalMember thisArg =
733                                    ((SourceClass)clazz).getThisArgument();
734                        ctxInst.declare(env, thisArg);
735                        setValue(((Expression)getValue())
736                                    .inlineValue(env, ctxInst));
737                    } else {
738                        setValue(((Expression)getValue())
739                                    .inlineValue(env, ctx));
740                    }
741                }
742            }
743            if (env.dump()) {
744                System.out.println("[inlined field " + getClassDeclaration().getName() + "." + getName() + "]");
745                if (getValue() != null) {
746                    getValue().print(System.out);
747                    System.out.println();
748                } else {
749                    System.out.println("<empty>");
750                }
751            }
752            status = INLINED;
753            break;
754        }
755    }
757    /**
758     * Get the value of the field (or null if the value can't be determined)
759     */
760    public Node getValue(Environment env) throws ClassNotFound {
761        Node value = getValue();
762        if (value != null && status != INLINED) {
763            // be sure to get the imports right:
764            env = ((SourceClass)clazz).setupEnv(env);
765            inline(env);
766            value = (status == INLINED) ? getValue() : null;
767        }
768        return value;
769    }
771    public boolean isInlineable(Environment env, boolean fromFinal) throws ClassNotFound {
772        if (super.isInlineable(env, fromFinal)) {
773            getValue(env);
774            return (status == INLINED) && !getClassDefinition().getError();
775        }
776        return false;
777    }
780    /**
781     * Get the initial value of the field
782     */
783    public Object getInitialValue() {
784        if (isMethod() || (getValue() == null) || (!isFinal()) || (status != INLINED)) {
785            return null;
786        }
787        return ((Expression)getValue()).getValue();
788    }
790    /**
791     * Generate code
792     */
793    public void code(Environment env, Assembler asm) throws ClassNotFound {
794        switch (status) {
795          case PARSED:
796            check(env);
797            code(env, asm);
798            return;
800          case CHECKED:
801            inline(env);
802            code(env, asm);
803            return;
805          case INLINED:
806            // Actually generate code
807            if (env.dump()) {
808                System.out.println("[code field " + getClassDeclaration().getName() + "." + getName() + "]");
809            }
810            if (isMethod() && (!isNative()) && (!isAbstract())) {
811                env = new Environment(env, this);
812                Context ctx = new Context((Context)null, this);
813                Statement s = (Statement)getValue();
815                for (Enumeration<MemberDefinition> e = args.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
816                    LocalMember f = (LocalMember)e.nextElement();
817                    ctx.declare(env, f);
818                    //ctx.declare(env, (LocalMember)e.nextElement());
819                }
821                /*
822                if (isConstructor() && ((s == null) || (s.firstConstructor() == null))) {
823                    ClassDeclaration c = getClassDefinition().getSuperClass();
824                    if (c != null) {
825                        MemberDefinition field = c.getClassDefinition(env).matchMethod(env, getClassDefinition(), idInit);
826                        asm.add(getWhere(), opc_aload, new Integer(0));
827                        asm.add(getWhere(), opc_invokespecial, field);
828                        asm.add(getWhere(), opc_pop);
829                    }
831                    // Output initialization code
832                    for (MemberDefinition f = getClassDefinition().getFirstMember() ; f != null ; f = f.getNextMember()) {
833                        if (!f.isStatic()) {
834                            f.codeInit(env, ctx, asm);
835                        }
836                    }
837                }
838                */
839                if (s != null) {
840                    s.code(env, ctx, asm);
841                }
842                if (getType().getReturnType().isType(TC_VOID) && !isInitializer()) {
843                   asm.add(getWhere(), opc_return, true);
844                }
845            }
846            return;
847        }
848    }
850    public void codeInit(Environment env, Context ctx, Assembler asm) throws ClassNotFound {
851        if (isMethod()) {
852            return;
853        }
854        switch (status) {
855          case PARSED:
856            check(env);
857            codeInit(env, ctx, asm);
858            return;
860          case CHECKED:
861            inline(env);
862            codeInit(env, ctx, asm);
863            return;
865          case INLINED:
866            // Actually generate code
867            if (env.dump()) {
868                System.out.println("[code initializer  " + getClassDeclaration().getName() + "." + getName() + "]");
869            }
870            if (getValue() != null) {
871                Expression e = (Expression)getValue();
872                // The JLS Section 8.5 specifies that static (non-final)
873                // initializers should be executed in textual order.  Eliding
874                // initializations to default values can interfere with this,
875                // so the tests for !e.equalsDefault() have been eliminated,
876                // below.
877                if (isStatic()) {
878                    if (getInitialValue() == null) {
879                        // removed: && !e.equalsDefault()) {
880                        e.codeValue(env, ctx, asm);
881                        asm.add(getWhere(), opc_putstatic, this);
882                    }
883                } else { // removed: if (!e.equalsDefault()) {
884                    // This code doesn't appear to be reached for
885                    // instance initializers.  Code for these is generated
886                    // in the makeVarInits() method of the class
887                    // MethodExpression.
888                    asm.add(getWhere(), opc_aload, 0);
889                    e.codeValue(env, ctx, asm);
890                    asm.add(getWhere(), opc_putfield, this);
891                }
892            }
893            return;
894        }
895    }
897    /**
898     * Print for debugging
899     */
900    public void print(PrintStream out) {
901        super.print(out);
902        if (getValue() != null) {
903            getValue().print(out);
904            out.println();
905        }
906    }