2 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package javax.sql.rowset;
28import java.sql.*;
29import javax.sql.*;
30import javax.naming.*;
31import java.io.*;
32import java.math.*;
33import org.xml.sax.*;
36 * The standard interface that all implementations of a {@code WebRowSet}
37 * must implement.
38 *
39 * <h3>1.0 Overview</h3>
40 * The {@code WebRowSetImpl} provides the standard
41 * reference implementation, which may be extended if required.
42 * <P>
43 * The standard WebRowSet XML Schema definition is available at the following
44 * URI:
45 * <ul>
46 * <li>
47 * <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd">http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd</a>
48 * </li>
49 * </ul>
50 * It describes the standard XML document format required when describing a
51 * {@code RowSet} object in XML and must be used be all standard implementations
52 * of the {@code WebRowSet} interface to ensure interoperability. In addition,
53 * the {@code WebRowSet} schema uses specific SQL/XML Schema annotations,
54 * thus ensuring greater cross
55 * platform interoperability. This is an effort currently under way at the ISO
56 * organization. The SQL/XML definition is available at the following URI:
57 * <ul>
58 * <li>
59 * <a href="http://standards.iso.org/iso/9075/2002/12/sqlxml.xsd">http://standards.iso.org/iso/9075/2002/12/sqlxml.xsd</a>
60 * </li>
61 * </ul>
62 * The schema definition describes the internal data of a {@code RowSet} object
63 * in three distinct areas:
64 * <UL>
65 * <li>properties - These properties describe the standard synchronization
66 * provider properties in addition to the more general {@code RowSet} properties.
67 * </li>
68 * <li>metadata - This describes the metadata associated with the tabular structure governed by a
69 * {@code WebRowSet} object. The metadata described is closely aligned with the
70 * metadata accessible in the underlying {@code java.sql.ResultSet} interface.
71 * </li>
72 * <li>data - This describes the original data (the state of data since the
73 * last population
74 * or last synchronization of the {@code WebRowSet} object) and the current
75 * data. By keeping track of the delta between the original data and the current data,
76 * a {@code WebRowSet} maintains the ability to synchronize changes
77 * in its data back to the originating data source.
78 * </li>
79 * </ul>
80 *
81 * <h3>2.0 WebRowSet States</h3>
82 * The following sections demonstrates how a {@code WebRowSet} implementation
83 * should use the XML Schema to describe update, insert, and delete operations
84 * and to describe the state of a {@code WebRowSet} object in XML.
85 *
86 * <h4>2.1 State 1 - Outputting a {@code WebRowSet} Object to XML</h4>
87 * In this example, a {@code WebRowSet} object is created and populated with a simple 2 column,
88 * 5 row table from a data source. Having the 5 rows in a {@code WebRowSet} object
89 * makes it possible to describe them in XML. The
90 * metadata describing the various standard JavaBeans properties as defined
91 * in the RowSet interface plus the standard properties defined in
92 * the {@code CachedRowSet}&trade; interface
93 * provide key details that describe WebRowSet
94 * properties. Outputting the WebRowSet object to XML using the standard
95 * {@code writeXml} methods describes the internal properties as follows:
96 * <PRE>
97 * {@code
98 * <properties>
99 *       <command>select co1, col2 from test_table</command>
100 *      <concurrency>1</concurrency>
101 *      <datasource/>
102 *      <escape-processing>true</escape-processing>
103 *      <fetch-direction>0</fetch-direction>
104 *      <fetch-size>0</fetch-size>
105 *      <isolation-level>1</isolation-level>
106 *      <key-columns/>
107 *      <map/>
108 *      <max-field-size>0</max-field-size>
109 *      <max-rows>0</max-rows>
110 *      <query-timeout>0</query-timeout>
111 *      <read-only>false</read-only>
112 *      <rowset-type>TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</rowset-type>
113 *      <show-deleted>false</show-deleted>
114 *      <table-name/>
115 *      <url>jdbc:thin:oracle</url>
116 *      <sync-provider>
117 *              <sync-provider-name>.com.rowset.provider.RIOptimisticProvider</sync-provider-name>
118 *              <sync-provider-vendor>Oracle Corporation</sync-provider-vendor>
119 *              <sync-provider-version>1.0</sync-provider-name>
120 *              <sync-provider-grade>LOW</sync-provider-grade>
121 *              <data-source-lock>NONE</data-source-lock>
122 *      </sync-provider>
123 * </properties>
124 * } </PRE>
125 * The meta-data describing the make up of the WebRowSet is described
126 * in XML as detailed below. Note both columns are described between the
127 * {@code column-definition} tags.
128 * <PRE>
129 * {@code
130 * <metadata>
131 *      <column-count>2</column-count>
132 *      <column-definition>
133 *              <column-index>1</column-index>
134 *              <auto-increment>false</auto-increment>
135 *              <case-sensitive>true</case-sensitive>
136 *              <currency>false</currency>
137 *              <nullable>1</nullable>
138 *              <signed>false</signed>
139 *              <searchable>true</searchable>
140 *              <column-display-size>10</column-display-size>
141 *              <column-label>COL1</column-label>
142 *              <column-name>COL1</column-name>
143 *              <schema-name/>
144 *              <column-precision>10</column-precision>
145 *              <column-scale>0</column-scale>
146 *              <table-name/>
147 *              <catalog-name/>
148 *              <column-type>1</column-type>
149 *              <column-type-name>CHAR</column-type-name>
150 *      </column-definition>
151 *      <column-definition>
152 *              <column-index>2</column-index>
153 *              <auto-increment>false</auto-increment>
154 *              <case-sensitive>false</case-sensitive>
155 *              <currency>false</currency>
156 *              <nullable>1</nullable>
157 *              <signed>true</signed>
158 *              <searchable>true</searchable>
159 *              <column-display-size>39</column-display-size>
160 *              <column-label>COL2</column-label>
161 *              <column-name>COL2</column-name>
162 *              <schema-name/>
163 *              <column-precision>38</column-precision>
164 *              <column-scale>0</column-scale>
165 *              <table-name/>
166 *              <catalog-name/>
167 *              <column-type>3</column-type>
168 *              <column-type-name>NUMBER</column-type-name>
169 *      </column-definition>
170 * </metadata>
171 * }</PRE>
172 * Having detailed how the properties and metadata are described, the following details
173 * how the contents of a {@code WebRowSet} object is described in XML. Note, that
174 * this describes a {@code WebRowSet} object that has not undergone any
175 * modifications since its instantiation.
176 * A {@code currentRow} tag is mapped to each row of the table structure that the
177 * {@code WebRowSet} object provides. A {@code columnValue} tag may contain
178 * either the {@code stringData} or {@code binaryData} tag, according to
179 * the SQL type that
180 * the XML value is mapping back to. The {@code binaryData} tag contains data in the
181 * Base64 encoding and is typically used for {@code BLOB} and {@code CLOB} type data.
182 * <PRE>
183 * {@code
184 * <data>
185 *      <currentRow>
186 *              <columnValue>
187 *                      firstrow
188 *              </columnValue>
189 *              <columnValue>
190 *                      1
191 *              </columnValue>
192 *      </currentRow>
193 *      <currentRow>
194 *              <columnValue>
195 *                      secondrow
196 *              </columnValue>
197 *              <columnValue>
198 *                      2
199 *              </columnValue>
200 *      </currentRow>
201 *      <currentRow>
202 *              <columnValue>
203 *                      thirdrow
204 *              </columnValue>
205 *              <columnValue>
206 *                      3
207 *              </columnValue>
208 *      </currentRow>
209 *      <currentRow>
210 *              <columnValue>
211 *                      fourthrow
212 *              </columnValue>
213 *              <columnValue>
214 *                      4
215 *              </columnValue>
216 *      </currentRow>
217 * </data>
218 * }</PRE>
219 * <h4>2.2 State 2 - Deleting a Row</h4>
220 * Deleting a row in a {@code WebRowSet} object involves simply moving to the row
221 * to be deleted and then calling the method {@code deleteRow}, as in any other
222 * {@code RowSet} object.  The following
223 * two lines of code, in which <i>wrs</i> is a {@code WebRowSet} object, delete
224 * the third row.
225 * <PRE>
226 *     wrs.absolute(3);
227 *     wrs.deleteRow();
228 * </PRE>
229 * The XML description shows the third row is marked as a {@code deleteRow},
230 *  which eliminates the third row in the {@code WebRowSet} object.
231 * <PRE>
232 * {@code
233 * <data>
234 *      <currentRow>
235 *              <columnValue>
236 *                      firstrow
237 *              </columnValue>
238 *              <columnValue>
239 *                      1
240 *              </columnValue>
241 *      </currentRow>
242 *      <currentRow>
243 *              <columnValue>
244 *                      secondrow
245 *              </columnValue>
246 *              <columnValue>
247 *                      2
248 *              </columnValue>
249 *      </currentRow>
250 *      <deleteRow>
251 *              <columnValue>
252 *                      thirdrow
253 *              </columnValue>
254 *              <columnValue>
255 *                      3
256 *              </columnValue>
257 *      </deleteRow>
258 *      <currentRow>
259 *              <columnValue>
260 *                      fourthrow
261 *              </columnValue>
262 *              <columnValue>
263 *                      4
264 *              </columnValue>
265 *      </currentRow>
266 * </data>
267 *} </PRE>
268 * <h4>2.3 State 3 - Inserting a Row</h4>
269 * A {@code WebRowSet} object can insert a new row by moving to the insert row,
270 * calling the appropriate updater methods for each column in the row, and then
271 * calling the method {@code insertRow}.
272 * <PRE>
273 * {@code
274 * wrs.moveToInsertRow();
275 * wrs.updateString(1, "fifththrow");
276 * wrs.updateString(2, "5");
277 * wrs.insertRow();
278 * }</PRE>
279 * The following code fragment changes the second column value in the row just inserted.
280 * Note that this code applies when new rows are inserted right after the current row,
281 * which is why the method {@code next} moves the cursor to the correct row.
282 * Calling the method {@code acceptChanges} writes the change to the data source.
283 *
284 * <PRE>
285 * {@code wrs.moveToCurrentRow();
286 * wrs.next();
287 * wrs.updateString(2, "V");
288 * wrs.acceptChanges();
289 * }</PRE>
290 * Describing this in XML demonstrates where the Java code inserts a new row and then
291 * performs an update on the newly inserted row on an individual field.
292 * <PRE>
293 * {@code
294 * <data>
295 *      <currentRow>
296 *              <columnValue>
297 *                      firstrow
298 *              </columnValue>
299 *              <columnValue>
300 *                      1
301 *              </columnValue>
302 *      </currentRow>
303 *      <currentRow>
304 *              <columnValue>
305 *                      secondrow
306 *              </columnValue>
307 *              <columnValue>
308 *                      2
309 *              </columnValue>
310 *      </currentRow>
311 *      <currentRow>
312 *              <columnValue>
313 *                      newthirdrow
314 *              </columnValue>
315 *              <columnValue>
316 *                      III
317 *              </columnValue>
318 *      </currentRow>
319 *      <insertRow>
320 *              <columnValue>
321 *                      fifthrow
322 *              </columnValue>
323 *              <columnValue>
324 *                      5
325 *              </columnValue>
326 *              <updateValue>
327 *                      V
328 *              </updateValue>
329 *      </insertRow>
330 *      <currentRow>
331 *              <columnValue>
332 *                      fourthrow
333 *              </columnValue>
334 *              <columnValue>
335 *                      4
336 *              </columnValue>
337 *      </currentRow>
338 * </date>
339 *} </PRE>
340 * <h4>2.4 State 4 - Modifying a Row</h4>
341 * Modifying a row produces specific XML that records both the new value and the
342 * value that was replaced.  The value that was replaced becomes the original value,
343 * and the new value becomes the current value. The following
344 * code moves the cursor to a specific row, performs some modifications, and updates
345 * the row when complete.
346 * <PRE>
347 *{@code
348 * wrs.absolute(5);
349 * wrs.updateString(1, "new4thRow");
350 * wrs.updateString(2, "IV");
351 * wrs.updateRow();
352 * }</PRE>
353 * In XML, this is described by the {@code modifyRow} tag. Both the original and new
354 * values are contained within the tag for original row tracking purposes.
355 * <PRE>
356 * {@code
357 * <data>
358 *      <currentRow>
359 *              <columnValue>
360 *                      firstrow
361 *              </columnValue>
362 *              <columnValue>
363 *                      1
364 *              </columnValue>
365 *      </currentRow>
366 *      <currentRow>
367 *              <columnValue>
368 *                      secondrow
369 *              </columnValue>
370 *              <columnValue>
371 *                      2
372 *              </columnValue>
373 *      </currentRow>
374 *      <currentRow>
375 *              <columnValue>
376 *                      newthirdrow
377 *              </columnValue>
378 *              <columnValue>
379 *                      III
380 *              </columnValue>
381 *      </currentRow>
382 *      <currentRow>
383 *              <columnValue>
384 *                      fifthrow
385 *              </columnValue>
386 *              <columnValue>
387 *                      5
388 *              </columnValue>
389 *      </currentRow>
390 *      <modifyRow>
391 *              <columnValue>
392 *                      fourthrow
393 *              </columnValue>
394 *              <updateValue>
395 *                      new4thRow
396 *              </updateValue>
397 *              <columnValue>
398 *                      4
399 *              </columnValue>
400 *              <updateValue>
401 *                      IV
402 *              </updateValue>
403 *      </modifyRow>
404 * </data>
405 * }</PRE>
406 *
407 * @see javax.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSet
408 * @see javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
409 * @see javax.sql.rowset.FilteredRowSet
410 * @see javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
411 * @since 1.5
412 */
414public interface WebRowSet extends CachedRowSet {
416   /**
417    * Reads a {@code WebRowSet} object in its XML format from the given
418    * {@code Reader} object.
419    *
420    * @param reader the {@code java.io.Reader} stream from which this
421    *        {@code WebRowSet} object will be populated
423    * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
424    */
425    public void readXml(java.io.Reader reader) throws SQLException;
427    /**
428     * Reads a stream based XML input to populate this {@code WebRowSet}
429     * object.
430     *
431     * @param iStream the {@code java.io.InputStream} from which this
432     *        {@code WebRowSet} object will be populated
433     * @throws SQLException if a data source access error occurs
434     * @throws IOException if an IO exception occurs
435     */
436    public void readXml(java.io.InputStream iStream) throws SQLException, IOException;
438   /**
439    * Populates this {@code WebRowSet} object with
440    * the contents of the given {@code ResultSet} object and writes its
441    * data, properties, and metadata
442    * to the given {@code Writer} object in XML format.
443    * <p>
444    * NOTE: The {@code WebRowSet} cursor may be moved to write out the
445    * contents to the XML data source. If implemented in this way, the cursor <b>must</b>
446    * be returned to its position just prior to the {@code writeXml()} call.
447    *
448    * @param rs the {@code ResultSet} object with which to populate this
449    *        {@code WebRowSet} object
450    * @param writer the {@code java.io.Writer} object to write to.
451    * @throws SQLException if an error occurs writing out the rowset
452    *          contents in XML format
453    */
454    public void writeXml(ResultSet rs, java.io.Writer writer) throws SQLException;
456   /**
457    * Populates this {@code WebRowSet} object with
458    * the contents of the given {@code ResultSet} object and writes its
459    * data, properties, and metadata
460    * to the given {@code OutputStream} object in XML format.
461    * <p>
462    * NOTE: The {@code WebRowSet} cursor may be moved to write out the
463    * contents to the XML data source. If implemented in this way, the cursor <b>must</b>
464    * be returned to its position just prior to the {@code writeXml()} call.
465    *
466    * @param rs the {@code ResultSet} object with which to populate this
467    *        {@code WebRowSet} object
468    * @param oStream the {@code java.io.OutputStream} to write to
469    * @throws SQLException if a data source access error occurs
470    * @throws IOException if a IO exception occurs
471    */
472    public void writeXml(ResultSet rs, java.io.OutputStream oStream) throws SQLException, IOException;
474   /**
475    * Writes the data, properties, and metadata for this {@code WebRowSet} object
476    * to the given {@code Writer} object in XML format.
477    *
478    * @param writer the {@code java.io.Writer} stream to write to
479    * @throws SQLException if an error occurs writing out the rowset
480    *          contents to XML
481    */
482    public void writeXml(java.io.Writer writer) throws SQLException;
484    /**
485     * Writes the data, properties, and metadata for this {@code WebRowSet} object
486     * to the given {@code OutputStream} object in XML format.
487     *
488     * @param oStream the {@code java.io.OutputStream} stream to write to
489     * @throws SQLException if a data source access error occurs
490     * @throws IOException if a IO exception occurs
491     */
492    public void writeXml(java.io.OutputStream oStream) throws SQLException, IOException;
494    /**
495     * The public identifier for the XML Schema definition that defines the XML
496     * tags and their valid values for a {@code WebRowSet} implementation.
497     */
498    public static String PUBLIC_XML_SCHEMA =
499        "--//Oracle Corporation//XSD Schema//EN";
501    /**
502     * The URL for the XML Schema definition file that defines the XML tags and
503     * their valid values for a {@code WebRowSet} implementation.
504     */
505    public static String SCHEMA_SYSTEM_ID = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd";