2 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package sun.java2d.marlin;
28import sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator;
29import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
31final class MarlinTileGenerator implements AATileGenerator, MarlinConst {
33    private static final int MAX_TILE_ALPHA_SUM = TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE
34                                                      * MAX_AA_ALPHA;
36    private final Renderer rdr;
37    private final MarlinCache cache;
38    private int x, y;
40    // per-thread renderer context
41    final RendererContext rdrCtx;
43    MarlinTileGenerator(Renderer r) {
44        this.rdr = r;
45        this.cache = r.cache;
46        this.rdrCtx = r.rdrCtx;
47    }
49    MarlinTileGenerator init() {
50        this.x = cache.bboxX0;
51        this.y = cache.bboxY0;
53        return this; // fluent API
54    }
56    /**
57     * Disposes this tile generator:
58     * clean up before reusing this instance
59     */
60    @Override
61    public void dispose() {
62        if (DO_MONITORS) {
63            // called from AAShapePipe.renderTiles() (render tiles end):
64            rdrCtx.stats.mon_pipe_renderTiles.stop();
65        }
66        // dispose cache:
67        cache.dispose();
68        // dispose renderer:
69        rdr.dispose();
70        // recycle the RendererContext instance
71        MarlinRenderingEngine.returnRendererContext(rdrCtx);
72    }
74    void getBbox(int[] bbox) {
75        bbox[0] = cache.bboxX0;
76        bbox[1] = cache.bboxY0;
77        bbox[2] = cache.bboxX1;
78        bbox[3] = cache.bboxY1;
79    }
81    /**
82     * Gets the width of the tiles that the generator batches output into.
83     * @return the width of the standard alpha tile
84     */
85    @Override
86    public int getTileWidth() {
87        if (DO_MONITORS) {
88            // called from AAShapePipe.renderTiles() (render tiles start):
89            rdrCtx.stats.mon_pipe_renderTiles.start();
90        }
91        return TILE_SIZE;
92    }
94    /**
95     * Gets the height of the tiles that the generator batches output into.
96     * @return the height of the standard alpha tile
97     */
98    @Override
99    public int getTileHeight() {
100        return TILE_SIZE;
101    }
103    /**
104     * Gets the typical alpha value that will characterize the current
105     * tile.
106     * The answer may be 0x00 to indicate that the current tile has
107     * no coverage in any of its pixels, or it may be 0xff to indicate
108     * that the current tile is completely covered by the path, or any
109     * other value to indicate non-trivial coverage cases.
110     * @return 0x00 for no coverage, 0xff for total coverage, or any other
111     *         value for partial coverage of the tile
112     */
113    @Override
114    public int getTypicalAlpha() {
115        int al = cache.alphaSumInTile(x);
116        // Note: if we have a filled rectangle that doesn't end on a tile
117        // border, we could still return 0xff, even though al!=maxTileAlphaSum
118        // This is because if we return 0xff, our users will fill a rectangle
119        // starting at x,y that has width = Math.min(TILE_SIZE, bboxX1-x),
120        // and height min(TILE_SIZE,bboxY1-y), which is what should happen.
121        // However, to support this, we would have to use 2 Math.min's
122        // and 2 multiplications per tile, instead of just 2 multiplications
123        // to compute maxTileAlphaSum. The savings offered would probably
124        // not be worth it, considering how rare this case is.
125        // Note: I have not tested this, so in the future if it is determined
126        // that it is worth it, it should be implemented. Perhaps this method's
127        // interface should be changed to take arguments the width and height
128        // of the current tile. This would eliminate the 2 Math.min calls that
129        // would be needed here, since our caller needs to compute these 2
130        // values anyway.
131        final int alpha = (al == 0x00 ? 0x00
132                              : (al == MAX_TILE_ALPHA_SUM ? 0xff : 0x80));
133        if (DO_STATS) {
134            rdrCtx.stats.hist_tile_generator_alpha.add(alpha);
135        }
136        return alpha;
137    }
139    /**
140     * Skips the current tile and moves on to the next tile.
141     * Either this method, or the getAlpha() method should be called
142     * once per tile, but not both.
143     */
144    @Override
145    public void nextTile() {
146        if ((x += TILE_SIZE) >= cache.bboxX1) {
147            x = cache.bboxX0;
148            y += TILE_SIZE;
150            if (y < cache.bboxY1) {
151                // compute for the tile line
152                // [ y; max(y + TILE_SIZE, bboxY1) ]
153                this.rdr.endRendering(y);
154            }
155        }
156    }
158    /**
159     * Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.
160     * Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called
161     * once per tile, but not both.
162     */
163    @Override
164    public void getAlpha(final byte[] tile, final int offset,
165                                            final int rowstride)
166    {
167        if (cache.useRLE) {
168            getAlphaRLE(tile, offset, rowstride);
169        } else {
170            getAlphaNoRLE(tile, offset, rowstride);
171        }
172    }
174    /**
175     * Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.
176     * Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called
177     * once per tile, but not both.
178     */
179    private void getAlphaNoRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset,
180                               final int rowstride)
181    {
182        if (DO_MONITORS) {
183            rdrCtx.stats.mon_ptg_getAlpha.start();
184        }
186        // local vars for performance:
187        final MarlinCache _cache = this.cache;
188        final long[] rowAAChunkIndex = _cache.rowAAChunkIndex;
189        final int[] rowAAx0 = _cache.rowAAx0;
190        final int[] rowAAx1 = _cache.rowAAx1;
192        final int x0 = this.x;
193        final int x1 = FloatMath.min(x0 + TILE_SIZE, _cache.bboxX1);
195        // note: process tile line [0 - 32[
196        final int y0 = 0;
197        final int y1 = FloatMath.min(this.y + TILE_SIZE, _cache.bboxY1) - this.y;
199        if (DO_LOG_BOUNDS) {
200            MarlinUtils.logInfo("getAlpha = [" + x0 + " ... " + x1
201                                + "[ [" + y0 + " ... " + y1 + "[");
202        }
204        final Unsafe _unsafe = OffHeapArray.UNSAFE;
205        final long SIZE = 1L;
206        final long addr_rowAA = _cache.rowAAChunk.address;
207        long addr;
209        final int skipRowPixels = (rowstride - (x1 - x0));
211        int aax0, aax1, end;
212        int idx = offset;
214        for (int cy = y0, cx; cy < y1; cy++) {
215            // empty line (default)
216            cx = x0;
218            aax1 = rowAAx1[cy]; // exclusive
220            // quick check if there is AA data
221            // corresponding to this tile [x0; x1[
222            if (aax1 > x0) {
223                aax0 = rowAAx0[cy]; // inclusive
225                if (aax0 < x1) {
226                    // note: cx is the cursor pointer in the tile array
227                    // (left to right)
228                    cx = aax0;
230                    // ensure cx >= x0
231                    if (cx <= x0) {
232                        cx = x0;
233                    } else {
234                        // fill line start until first AA pixel rowAA exclusive:
235                        for (end = x0; end < cx; end++) {
236                            tile[idx++] = 0;
237                        }
238                    }
240                    // now: cx >= x0 but cx < aax0 (x1 < aax0)
242                    // Copy AA data (sum alpha data):
243                    addr = addr_rowAA + rowAAChunkIndex[cy] + (cx - aax0);
245                    for (end = (aax1 <= x1) ? aax1 : x1; cx < end; cx++) {
246                        // cx inside tile[x0; x1[ :
247                        tile[idx++] = _unsafe.getByte(addr); // [0..255]
248                        addr += SIZE;
249                    }
250                }
251            }
253            // fill line end
254            while (cx < x1) {
255                tile[idx++] = 0;
256                cx++;
257            }
259            if (DO_TRACE) {
260                for (int i = idx - (x1 - x0); i < idx; i++) {
261                    System.out.print(hex(tile[i], 2));
262                }
263                System.out.println();
264            }
266            idx += skipRowPixels;
267        }
269        nextTile();
271        if (DO_MONITORS) {
272            rdrCtx.stats.mon_ptg_getAlpha.stop();
273        }
274    }
276    /**
277     * Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.
278     * Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called
279     * once per tile, but not both.
280     */
281    private void getAlphaRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset,
282                             final int rowstride)
283    {
284        if (DO_MONITORS) {
285            rdrCtx.stats.mon_ptg_getAlpha.start();
286        }
288        // Decode run-length encoded alpha mask data
289        // The data for row j begins at cache.rowOffsetsRLE[j]
290        // and is encoded as a set of 2-byte pairs (val, runLen)
291        // terminated by a (0, 0) pair.
293        // local vars for performance:
294        final MarlinCache _cache = this.cache;
295        final long[] rowAAChunkIndex = _cache.rowAAChunkIndex;
296        final int[] rowAAx0 = _cache.rowAAx0;
297        final int[] rowAAx1 = _cache.rowAAx1;
298        final int[] rowAAEnc = _cache.rowAAEnc;
299        final long[] rowAALen = _cache.rowAALen;
300        final long[] rowAAPos = _cache.rowAAPos;
302        final int x0 = this.x;
303        final int x1 = FloatMath.min(x0 + TILE_SIZE, _cache.bboxX1);
305        // note: process tile line [0 - 32[
306        final int y0 = 0;
307        final int y1 = FloatMath.min(this.y + TILE_SIZE, _cache.bboxY1) - this.y;
309        if (DO_LOG_BOUNDS) {
310            MarlinUtils.logInfo("getAlpha = [" + x0 + " ... " + x1
311                                + "[ [" + y0 + " ... " + y1 + "[");
312        }
314        final Unsafe _unsafe = OffHeapArray.UNSAFE;
315        final long SIZE_BYTE = 1L;
316        final long SIZE_INT = 4L;
317        final long addr_rowAA = _cache.rowAAChunk.address;
318        long addr, addr_row, last_addr, addr_end;
320        final int skipRowPixels = (rowstride - (x1 - x0));
322        int cx, cy, cx1;
323        int rx0, rx1, runLen, end;
324        int packed;
325        byte val;
326        int idx = offset;
328        for (cy = y0; cy < y1; cy++) {
329            // empty line (default)
330            cx = x0;
332            if (rowAAEnc[cy] == 0) {
333                // Raw encoding:
335                final int aax1 = rowAAx1[cy]; // exclusive
337                // quick check if there is AA data
338                // corresponding to this tile [x0; x1[
339                if (aax1 > x0) {
340                    final int aax0 = rowAAx0[cy]; // inclusive
342                    if (aax0 < x1) {
343                        // note: cx is the cursor pointer in the tile array
344                        // (left to right)
345                        cx = aax0;
347                        // ensure cx >= x0
348                        if (cx <= x0) {
349                            cx = x0;
350                        } else {
351                            // fill line start until first AA pixel rowAA exclusive:
352                            for (end = x0; end < cx; end++) {
353                                tile[idx++] = 0;
354                            }
355                        }
357                        // now: cx >= x0 but cx < aax0 (x1 < aax0)
359                        // Copy AA data (sum alpha data):
360                        addr = addr_rowAA + rowAAChunkIndex[cy] + (cx - aax0);
362                        for (end = (aax1 <= x1) ? aax1 : x1; cx < end; cx++) {
363                            tile[idx++] = _unsafe.getByte(addr); // [0..255]
364                            addr += SIZE_BYTE;
365                        }
366                    }
367                }
368            } else {
369                // RLE encoding:
371                // quick check if there is AA data
372                // corresponding to this tile [x0; x1[
373                if (rowAAx1[cy] > x0) { // last pixel exclusive
375                    cx = rowAAx0[cy]; // inclusive
376                    if (cx > x1) {
377                        cx = x1;
378                    }
380                    // fill line start until first AA pixel rowAA exclusive:
381                    for (int i = x0; i < cx; i++) {
382                        tile[idx++] = 0;
383                    }
385                    // get row address:
386                    addr_row = addr_rowAA + rowAAChunkIndex[cy];
387                    // get row end address:
388                    addr_end = addr_row + rowAALen[cy]; // coded length
390                    // reuse previous iteration position:
391                    addr = addr_row + rowAAPos[cy];
393                    last_addr = 0L;
395                    while ((cx < x1) && (addr < addr_end)) {
396                        // keep current position:
397                        last_addr = addr;
399                        // packed value:
400                        packed = _unsafe.getInt(addr);
402                        // last exclusive pixel x-coordinate:
403                        cx1 = (packed >> 8);
404                        // as bytes:
405                        addr += SIZE_INT;
407                        rx0 = cx;
408                        if (rx0 < x0) {
409                            rx0 = x0;
410                        }
411                        rx1 = cx = cx1;
412                        if (rx1 > x1) {
413                            rx1 = x1;
414                            cx  = x1; // fix last x
415                        }
416                        // adjust runLen:
417                        runLen = rx1 - rx0;
419                        // ensure rx1 > rx0:
420                        if (runLen > 0) {
421                            val = (byte)(packed & 0xFF); // [0..255]
423                            do {
424                                tile[idx++] = val;
425                            } while (--runLen > 0);
426                        }
427                    }
429                    // Update last position in RLE entries:
430                    if (last_addr != 0L) {
431                        // Fix x0:
432                        rowAAx0[cy]  = cx; // inclusive
433                        // Fix position:
434                        rowAAPos[cy] = (last_addr - addr_row);
435                    }
436                }
437            }
439            // fill line end
440            while (cx < x1) {
441                tile[idx++] = 0;
442                cx++;
443            }
445            if (DO_TRACE) {
446                for (int i = idx - (x1 - x0); i < idx; i++) {
447                    System.out.print(hex(tile[i], 2));
448                }
449                System.out.println();
450            }
452            idx += skipRowPixels;
453        }
455        nextTile();
457        if (DO_MONITORS) {
458            rdrCtx.stats.mon_ptg_getAlpha.stop();
459        }
460    }
462    static String hex(int v, int d) {
463        String s = Integer.toHexString(v);
464        while (s.length() < d) {
465            s = "0" + s;
466        }
467        return s.substring(0, d);
468    }