3 *
4 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
7 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
8 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
9 *
10 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
13 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
14 * accompanied this code).
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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19 *
20 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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22 * questions.
23 *
24 */
27 *
28 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003 - All Rights Reserved
29 */
31package sun.font;
33public final class Script {
35    public static final int INVALID_CODE = -1;
36    public static final int COMMON       =  0;  /* Zyyy */
37    public static final int INHERITED    =  1;  /* Qaai */
39    public static final int ARABIC       =  2;  /* Arab */
40    public static final int ARMENIAN     =  3;  /* Armn */
41    public static final int BENGALI      =  4;  /* Beng */
42    public static final int BOPOMOFO     =  5;  /* Bopo */
43    public static final int CHEROKEE     =  6;  /* Cher */
44    public static final int COPTIC       =  7;  /* Qaac */
45    public static final int CYRILLIC     =  8;  /* Cyrl (Cyrs) */
46    public static final int DESERET      =  9;  /* Dsrt */
47    public static final int DEVANAGARI   = 10;  /* Deva */
48    public static final int ETHIOPIC     = 11;  /* Ethi */
49    public static final int GEORGIAN     = 12;  /* Geor (Geon; Geoa) */
50    public static final int GOTHIC       = 13;  /* Goth */
51    public static final int GREEK        = 14;  /* Grek */
52    public static final int GUJARATI     = 15;  /* Gujr */
53    public static final int GURMUKHI     = 16;  /* Guru */
54    public static final int HAN          = 17;  /* Hani */
55    public static final int HANGUL       = 18;  /* Hang */
56    public static final int HEBREW       = 19;  /* Hebr */
57    public static final int HIRAGANA     = 20;  /* Hira */
58    public static final int KANNADA      = 21;  /* Knda */
59    public static final int KATAKANA     = 22;  /* Kana */
60    public static final int KHMER        = 23;  /* Khmr */
61    public static final int LAO          = 24;  /* Laoo */
62    public static final int LATIN        = 25;  /* Latn (Latf; Latg) */
63    public static final int MALAYALAM    = 26;  /* Mlym */
64    public static final int MONGOLIAN    = 27;  /* Mong */
65    public static final int MYANMAR      = 28;  /* Mymr */
66    public static final int OGHAM        = 29;  /* Ogam */
67    public static final int OLD_ITALIC   = 30;  /* Ital */
68    public static final int ORIYA        = 31;  /* Orya */
69    public static final int RUNIC        = 32;  /* Runr */
70    public static final int SINHALA      = 33;  /* Sinh */
71    public static final int SYRIAC       = 34;  /* Syrc (Syrj; Syrn; Syre) */
72    public static final int TAMIL        = 35;  /* Taml */
73    public static final int TELUGU       = 36;  /* Telu */
74    public static final int THAANA       = 37;  /* Thaa */
75    public static final int THAI         = 38;  /* Thai */
76    public static final int TIBETAN      = 39;  /* Tibt */
77    public static final int CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL = 40;  /* Cans */
78    public static final int UCAS         = CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL;  /* Cans */
79    public static final int YI           = 41;  /* Yiii */
80    public static final int TAGALOG      = 42;  /* Tglg */
81    public static final int HANUNOO      = 43;  /* Hano */
82    public static final int BUHID        = 44;  /* Buhd */
83    public static final int TAGBANWA     = 45;  /* Tagb */
84    public static final int CODE_LIMIT   = 46;