2 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package sun.security.validator;
28import java.util.*;
30import java.security.cert.*;
32import sun.security.x509.NetscapeCertTypeExtension;
35 * Class to check if an end entity cert is suitable for use in some
36 * context.<p>
37 *
38 * This class is used internally by the validator. Currently, seven variants
39 * are supported defined as VAR_XXX constants in the Validator class:
40 * <ul>
41 * <li>Generic. No additional requirements, all certificates are ok.
42 *
43 * <li>TLS server. Requires that a String parameter is passed to
44 * validate that specifies the name of the TLS key exchange algorithm
45 * in use. See the JSSE X509TrustManager spec for details.
46 *
47 * <li>TLS client.
48 *
49 * <li>Code signing.
50 *
51 * <li>JCE code signing. Some early JCE code signing certs issued to
52 * providers had incorrect extensions. In this mode the checks
53 * are relaxed compared to standard code signing checks in order to
54 * allow these certificates to pass.
55 *
56 * <li>Plugin code signing. WebStart and Plugin require their own variant
57 * which is equivalent to VAR_CODE_SIGNING with additional checks for
58 * compatibility/special cases. See also PKIXValidator.
59 *
60 * <li>TSA Server (see RFC 3161, section 2.3).
61 *
62 * </ul>
63 *
64 * @author Andreas Sterbenz
65 */
66class EndEntityChecker {
68    // extended key usage OIDs for TLS server, TLS client, code signing
69    // and any usage
71    private static final String OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE =
72                                SimpleValidator.OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE;
74    private static final String OID_EKU_TLS_SERVER = "";
76    private static final String OID_EKU_TLS_CLIENT = "";
78    private static final String OID_EKU_CODE_SIGNING = "";
80    private static final String OID_EKU_TIME_STAMPING = "";
82    private static final String OID_EKU_ANY_USAGE = "";
84    // the Netscape Server-Gated-Cryptography EKU extension OID
85    private static final String OID_EKU_NS_SGC = "2.16.840.1.113730.4.1";
87    // the Microsoft Server-Gated-Cryptography EKU extension OID
88    private static final String OID_EKU_MS_SGC = "";
90    // the recognized extension OIDs
91    private static final String OID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME = "";
93    private static final String NSCT_SSL_CLIENT =
94                                NetscapeCertTypeExtension.SSL_CLIENT;
96    private static final String NSCT_SSL_SERVER =
97                                NetscapeCertTypeExtension.SSL_SERVER;
99    private static final String NSCT_CODE_SIGNING =
100                                NetscapeCertTypeExtension.OBJECT_SIGNING;
102    // bit numbers in the key usage extension
103    private static final int KU_SIGNATURE = 0;
104    private static final int KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT = 2;
105    private static final int KU_KEY_AGREEMENT = 4;
107    // TLS key exchange algorithms requiring digitalSignature key usage
108    private static final Collection<String> KU_SERVER_SIGNATURE =
109        Arrays.asList("DHE_DSS", "DHE_RSA", "ECDHE_ECDSA", "ECDHE_RSA",
110            "RSA_EXPORT", "UNKNOWN");
112    // TLS key exchange algorithms requiring keyEncipherment key usage
113    private static final Collection<String> KU_SERVER_ENCRYPTION =
114        Arrays.asList("RSA");
116    // TLS key exchange algorithms requiring keyAgreement key usage
117    private static final Collection<String> KU_SERVER_KEY_AGREEMENT =
118        Arrays.asList("DH_DSS", "DH_RSA", "ECDH_ECDSA", "ECDH_RSA");
120    // variant of this end entity cert checker
121    private final String variant;
123    // type of the validator this checker belongs to
124    private final String type;
126    private EndEntityChecker(String type, String variant) {
127        this.type = type;
128        this.variant = variant;
129    }
131    static EndEntityChecker getInstance(String type, String variant) {
132        return new EndEntityChecker(type, variant);
133    }
135    void check(X509Certificate cert, Object parameter,
136            boolean checkUnresolvedCritExts) throws CertificateException {
137        if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_GENERIC)) {
138            return; // no checks
139        }
141        Set<String> exts = getCriticalExtensions(cert);
142        if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_TLS_SERVER)) {
143            checkTLSServer(cert, (String)parameter, exts);
144        } else if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_TLS_CLIENT)) {
145            checkTLSClient(cert, exts);
146        } else if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_CODE_SIGNING)) {
147            checkCodeSigning(cert, exts);
148        } else if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_JCE_SIGNING)) {
149            checkCodeSigning(cert, exts);
150        } else if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_PLUGIN_CODE_SIGNING)) {
151            checkCodeSigning(cert, exts);
152        } else if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_TSA_SERVER)) {
153            checkTSAServer(cert, exts);
154        } else {
155            throw new CertificateException("Unknown variant: " + variant);
156        }
158        // if neither VAR_GENERIC variant nor unknown variant
159        if (checkUnresolvedCritExts) {
160            checkRemainingExtensions(exts);
161        }
162    }
164    /**
165     * Utility method returning the Set of critical extensions for
166     * certificate cert (never null).
167     */
168    private Set<String> getCriticalExtensions(X509Certificate cert) {
169        Set<String> exts = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
170        if (exts == null) {
171            exts = Collections.emptySet();
172        }
173        return exts;
174    }
176    /**
177     * Utility method checking if there are any unresolved critical extensions.
178     * @throws CertificateException if so.
179     */
180    private void checkRemainingExtensions(Set<String> exts)
181            throws CertificateException {
182        // basic constraints irrelevant in EE certs
183        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS);
185        // If the subject field contains an empty sequence, the subjectAltName
186        // extension MUST be marked critical.
187        // We do not check the validity of the critical extension, just mark
188        // it recognizable here.
189        exts.remove(OID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME);
191        if (!exts.isEmpty()) {
192            throw new CertificateException("Certificate contains unsupported "
193                + "critical extensions: " + exts);
194        }
195    }
197    /**
198     * Utility method checking if the extended key usage extension in
199     * certificate cert allows use for expectedEKU.
200     */
201    private boolean checkEKU(X509Certificate cert, Set<String> exts,
202            String expectedEKU) throws CertificateException {
203        List<String> eku = cert.getExtendedKeyUsage();
204        if (eku == null) {
205            return true;
206        }
207        return eku.contains(expectedEKU) || eku.contains(OID_EKU_ANY_USAGE);
208    }
210    /**
211     * Utility method checking if bit 'bit' is set in this certificates
212     * key usage extension.
213     * @throws CertificateException if not
214     */
215    private boolean checkKeyUsage(X509Certificate cert, int bit)
216            throws CertificateException {
217        boolean[] keyUsage = cert.getKeyUsage();
218        if (keyUsage == null) {
219            return true;
220        }
221        return (keyUsage.length > bit) && keyUsage[bit];
222    }
224    /**
225     * Check whether this certificate can be used for TLS client
226     * authentication.
227     * @throws CertificateException if not.
228     */
229    private void checkTLSClient(X509Certificate cert, Set<String> exts)
230            throws CertificateException {
231        if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_SIGNATURE) == false) {
232            throw new ValidatorException
233                ("KeyUsage does not allow digital signatures",
234                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
235        }
237        if (checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_TLS_CLIENT) == false) {
238            throw new ValidatorException("Extended key usage does not "
239                + "permit use for TLS client authentication",
240                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
241        }
243        if (!SimpleValidator.getNetscapeCertTypeBit(cert, NSCT_SSL_CLIENT)) {
244            throw new ValidatorException
245                ("Netscape cert type does not permit use for SSL client",
246                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
247        }
249        // remove extensions we checked
250        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_KEY_USAGE);
251        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE);
252        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE);
253    }
255    /**
256     * Check whether this certificate can be used for TLS server authentication
257     * using the specified authentication type parameter. See X509TrustManager
258     * specification for details.
259     * @throws CertificateException if not.
260     */
261    private void checkTLSServer(X509Certificate cert, String parameter,
262            Set<String> exts) throws CertificateException {
263        if (KU_SERVER_ENCRYPTION.contains(parameter)) {
264            if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT) == false) {
265                throw new ValidatorException
266                        ("KeyUsage does not allow key encipherment",
267                        ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
268            }
269        } else if (KU_SERVER_SIGNATURE.contains(parameter)) {
270            if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_SIGNATURE) == false) {
271                throw new ValidatorException
272                        ("KeyUsage does not allow digital signatures",
273                        ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
274            }
275        } else if (KU_SERVER_KEY_AGREEMENT.contains(parameter)) {
276            if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_KEY_AGREEMENT) == false) {
277                throw new ValidatorException
278                        ("KeyUsage does not allow key agreement",
279                        ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
280            }
281        } else {
282            throw new CertificateException("Unknown authType: " + parameter);
283        }
285        if (checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_TLS_SERVER) == false) {
286            // check for equivalent but now obsolete Server-Gated-Cryptography
287            // (aka Step-Up, 128 bit) EKU OIDs
288            if ((checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_MS_SGC) == false) &&
289                (checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_NS_SGC) == false)) {
290                throw new ValidatorException
291                    ("Extended key usage does not permit use for TLS "
292                    + "server authentication",
293                    ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
294            }
295        }
297        if (!SimpleValidator.getNetscapeCertTypeBit(cert, NSCT_SSL_SERVER)) {
298            throw new ValidatorException
299                ("Netscape cert type does not permit use for SSL server",
300                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
301        }
303        // remove extensions we checked
304        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_KEY_USAGE);
305        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE);
306        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE);
307    }
309    /**
310     * Check whether this certificate can be used for code signing.
311     * @throws CertificateException if not.
312     */
313    private void checkCodeSigning(X509Certificate cert, Set<String> exts)
314            throws CertificateException {
315        if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_SIGNATURE) == false) {
316            throw new ValidatorException
317                ("KeyUsage does not allow digital signatures",
318                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
319        }
321        if (checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_CODE_SIGNING) == false) {
322            throw new ValidatorException
323                ("Extended key usage does not permit use for code signing",
324                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
325        }
327        // do not check Netscape cert type for JCE code signing checks
328        // (some certs were issued with incorrect extensions)
329        if (variant.equals(Validator.VAR_JCE_SIGNING) == false) {
330            if (!SimpleValidator.getNetscapeCertTypeBit(cert, NSCT_CODE_SIGNING)) {
331                throw new ValidatorException
332                    ("Netscape cert type does not permit use for code signing",
333                    ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
334            }
335            exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE);
336        }
338        // remove extensions we checked
339        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_KEY_USAGE);
340        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE);
341    }
343    /**
344     * Check whether this certificate can be used by a time stamping authority
345     * server (see RFC 3161, section 2.3).
346     * @throws CertificateException if not.
347     */
348    private void checkTSAServer(X509Certificate cert, Set<String> exts)
349            throws CertificateException {
350        if (checkKeyUsage(cert, KU_SIGNATURE) == false) {
351            throw new ValidatorException
352                ("KeyUsage does not allow digital signatures",
353                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
354        }
356        if (cert.getExtendedKeyUsage() == null) {
357            throw new ValidatorException
358                ("Certificate does not contain an extended key usage " +
359                "extension required for a TSA server",
360                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
361        }
363        if (checkEKU(cert, exts, OID_EKU_TIME_STAMPING) == false) {
364            throw new ValidatorException
365                ("Extended key usage does not permit use for TSA server",
366                ValidatorException.T_EE_EXTENSIONS, cert);
367        }
369        // remove extensions we checked
370        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_KEY_USAGE);
371        exts.remove(SimpleValidator.OID_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE);
372    }