2 * reserved comment block
4 */
6 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
7 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
8 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
9 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
10 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
11 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 *
13 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14 *
15 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 */
22package com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic;
25import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.Utility;
26import java.util.HashSet;
27import java.util.Collection;
28import java.util.HashMap;
31 * Instances of this class give users a handle to the instructions contained in
32 * an InstructionList. Instruction objects may be used more than once within a
33 * list, this is useful because it saves memory and may be much faster.
34 *
35 * Within an InstructionList an InstructionHandle object is wrapped
36 * around all instructions, i.e., it implements a cell in a
37 * doubly-linked list. From the outside only the next and the
38 * previous instruction (handle) are accessible. One
39 * can traverse the list via an Enumeration returned by
40 * InstructionList.elements().
41 *
42 * @author  <A HREF="mailto:markus.dahm@berlin.de">M. Dahm</A>
43 * @see Instruction
44 * @see BranchHandle
45 * @see InstructionList
46 */
47public class InstructionHandle implements java.io.Serializable {
48  InstructionHandle next, prev;  // Will be set from the outside
49  Instruction       instruction;
50  protected int     i_position = -1; // byte code offset of instruction
51  private HashSet   targeters;
52  private HashMap   attributes;
54  public final InstructionHandle getNext()        { return next; }
55  public final InstructionHandle getPrev()        { return prev; }
56  public final Instruction       getInstruction() { return instruction; }
58  /**
59   * Replace current instruction contained in this handle.
60   * Old instruction is disposed using Instruction.dispose().
61   */
62  public void setInstruction(Instruction i) { // Overridden in BranchHandle
63    if(i == null)
64      throw new ClassGenException("Assigning null to handle");
66    if((this.getClass() != BranchHandle.class) && (i instanceof BranchInstruction))
67      throw new ClassGenException("Assigning branch instruction " + i + " to plain handle");
69    if(instruction != null)
70      instruction.dispose();
72    instruction = i;
73  }
75  /**
76   * Temporarily swap the current instruction, without disturbing
77   * anything. Meant to be used by a debugger, implementing
78   * breakpoints. Current instruction is returned.
79   */
80  public Instruction swapInstruction(Instruction i) {
81    Instruction oldInstruction = instruction;
82    instruction = i;
83    return oldInstruction;
84  }
86  /*private*/ protected InstructionHandle(Instruction i) {
87    setInstruction(i);
88  }
90  private static InstructionHandle ih_list = null; // List of reusable handles
92  /** Factory method.
93   */
94  static final InstructionHandle getInstructionHandle(Instruction i) {
95    if(ih_list == null)
96      return new InstructionHandle(i);
97    else {
98      InstructionHandle ih = ih_list;
99      ih_list = ih.next;
101      ih.setInstruction(i);
103      return ih;
104    }
105  }
107  /**
108   * Called by InstructionList.setPositions when setting the position for every
109   * instruction. In the presence of variable length instructions `setPositions()'
110   * performs multiple passes over the instruction list to calculate the
111   * correct (byte) positions and offsets by calling this function.
112   *
113   * @param offset additional offset caused by preceding (variable length) instructions
114   * @param max_offset the maximum offset that may be caused by these instructions
115   * @return additional offset caused by possible change of this instruction's length
116   */
117  protected int updatePosition(int offset, int max_offset) {
118    i_position += offset;
119    return 0;
120  }
122  /** @return the position, i.e., the byte code offset of the contained
123   * instruction. This is accurate only after
124   * InstructionList.setPositions() has been called.
125   */
126  public int getPosition() { return i_position; }
128  /** Set the position, i.e., the byte code offset of the contained
129   * instruction.
130   */
131  void setPosition(int pos) { i_position = pos; }
133  /** Overridden in BranchHandle
134   */
135  protected void addHandle() {
136    next    = ih_list;
137    ih_list = this;
138  }
140  /**
141   * Delete contents, i.e., remove user access and make handle reusable.
142   */
143  void dispose() {
144    next = prev = null;
145    instruction.dispose();
146    instruction = null;
147    i_position = -1;
148    attributes = null;
149    removeAllTargeters();
150    addHandle();
151  }
153  /** Remove all targeters, if any.
154   */
155  public void removeAllTargeters() {
156    if(targeters != null)
157      targeters.clear();
158  }
160  /**
161   * Denote this handle isn't referenced anymore by t.
162   */
163  public void removeTargeter(InstructionTargeter t) {
164    targeters.remove(t);
165  }
167  /**
168   * Denote this handle is being referenced by t.
169   */
170  public void addTargeter(InstructionTargeter t) {
171    if(targeters == null)
172      targeters = new HashSet();
174    //if(!targeters.contains(t))
175    targeters.add(t);
176  }
178  public boolean hasTargeters() {
179    return (targeters != null) && (targeters.size() > 0);
180  }
182  /**
183   * @return null, if there are no targeters
184   */
185  public InstructionTargeter[] getTargeters() {
186    if(!hasTargeters())
187      return null;
189    InstructionTargeter[] t = new InstructionTargeter[targeters.size()];
190    targeters.toArray(t);
191    return t;
192  }
194  /** @return a (verbose) string representation of the contained instruction.
195   */
196  public String toString(boolean verbose) {
197    return Utility.format(i_position, 4, false, ' ') + ": " + instruction.toString(verbose);
198  }
200  /** @return a string representation of the contained instruction.
201   */
202  public String toString() {
203    return toString(true);
204  }
206  /** Add an attribute to an instruction handle.
207   *
208   * @param key the key object to store/retrieve the attribute
209   * @param attr the attribute to associate with this handle
210   */
211  public void addAttribute(Object key, Object attr) {
212    if(attributes == null)
213      attributes = new HashMap(3);
215    attributes.put(key, attr);
216  }
218  /** Delete an attribute of an instruction handle.
219   *
220   * @param key the key object to retrieve the attribute
221   */
222  public void removeAttribute(Object key) {
223    if(attributes != null)
224      attributes.remove(key);
225  }
227  /** Get attribute of an instruction handle.
228   *
229   * @param key the key object to store/retrieve the attribute
230   */
231  public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
232    if(attributes != null)
233      return attributes.get(key);
235    return null;
236  }
238  /** @return all attributes associated with this handle
239   */
240  public Collection getAttributes() {
241    return attributes.values();
242  }
244  /** Convenience method, simply calls accept() on the contained instruction.
245   *
246   * @param v Visitor object
247   */
248  public void accept(Visitor v) {
249    instruction.accept(v);
250  }