2 * Copyright (c) 1999, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26 * COMPONENT_NAME: idl.toJava
27 *
28 * ORIGINS: 27
29 *
30 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
31 * 5639-D57 (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 1999
32 * RMI-IIOP v1.0
33 *
34 */
36package com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.toJavaPortable;
38// NOTES:
39// -F46082.51<daz> Remove -stateful feature; javaStatefulName() obsolete.
40// -D61056   <klr> Use Util.helperName
42import java.io.PrintWriter;
43import java.util.Hashtable;
45import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.InterfaceEntry;
46import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.PrimitiveEntry;
47import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.SequenceEntry;
48import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.StringEntry;
49import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.SymtabEntry;
51import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.constExpr.Expression;
54 *
55 **/
56public class SequenceGen implements com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.SequenceGen, JavaGenerator
58  /**
59   * Public zero-argument constructor.
60   **/
61  public SequenceGen ()
62  {
63  } // ctor
65  /**
66   *
67   **/
68  public void generate (Hashtable symbolTable, SequenceEntry s, PrintWriter stream)
69  {
70  } // generator
72  ///////////////
73  // From JavaGenerator
75  public int helperType (int index, String indent, TCOffsets tcoffsets, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
76  {
77    int offsetOfType = tcoffsets.offset (entry.type ().fullName ());
78    if (offsetOfType >= 0)
79    {
80      // This code uses the deprecated create_recursive_sequence_tc()
81      // It should be eliminated when the API is removed from the ORB class
82      // Regardles, this code will not be emitted since updated emitters invoke
83      // method type() below instead of helperType() when handling sequences
85      // This is a recursive sequence
86      tcoffsets.set (null);
87      Expression maxSize = ((SequenceEntry)entry).maxSize ();
88      if (maxSize == null)
89        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_recursive_sequence_tc (0, " + (offsetOfType - tcoffsets.currentOffset ()) + ");");
90      else
91        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_recursive_sequence_tc (" + Util.parseExpression (maxSize) + ", " + (offsetOfType - tcoffsets.currentOffset ()) + ");");
92      tcoffsets.bumpCurrentOffset (4); // add indirection field
93    }
94    else
95    {
96      // This is a normal sequence
97      tcoffsets.set (entry);
98      index = ((JavaGenerator)entry.type ().generator ()).helperType (index + 1, indent, tcoffsets, name, entry.type (), stream);
99      Expression maxSize = ((SequenceEntry)entry).maxSize ();
100      if (maxSize == null)
101        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (0, " + name + ");");
102      else
103        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (" + Util.parseExpression (maxSize) + ", " + name + ");");
104    }
105    tcoffsets.bumpCurrentOffset (4); // add on the seq max size
106    return index;
107  } // helperType
109  public int type (int index, String indent, TCOffsets tcoffsets, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream) {
110    int offsetOfType = tcoffsets.offset (entry.type ().fullName ());
111    if (offsetOfType >= 0)
112    {
113      // This is a recursive sequence
114      tcoffsets.set (null);
116      // Need to fix later: how to get repositoryId of IDL type containing this sequence?
117      // entry.repositoryID().ID() returns empty string and
118      // Util.javaQualifiedName(entry) returns internal name which is not valid repId
120      stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_recursive_tc (" + "\"\"" + ");");
121      tcoffsets.bumpCurrentOffset (4); // add indirection field
122    }
123    else
124    {
125      // This is a normal sequence
126      tcoffsets.set (entry);
127      index = ((JavaGenerator)entry.type ().generator ()).type (index + 1, indent, tcoffsets, name, entry.type (), stream);
128      Expression maxSize = ((SequenceEntry)entry).maxSize ();
129      if (maxSize == null)
130        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (0, " + name + ");");
131      else
132        stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (" + Util.parseExpression (maxSize) + ", " + name + ");");
133    }
134    //stream.println (indent + name + " = " + Util.helperName (entry, true) + ".type ();"); // <d61056>
135    return index;
136  } // type
138  public void helperRead (String entryName, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
139  {
140  } // helperRead
142  public void helperWrite (SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
143  {
144  } // helperWrite
146  public int read (int index, String indent, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
147  {
148    SequenceEntry seq = (SequenceEntry)entry;
149    String length = "_len" + index++;
150    stream.println (indent + "int " + length + " = istream.read_long ();");
151    if (seq.maxSize () != null)
152    {
153      stream.println (indent + "if (" + length + " > (" + Util.parseExpression (seq.maxSize ()) + "))");
154      stream.println (indent + "  throw new org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL (0, org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE);");
155    }
156    String seqOfName;
157    try
158    {
159      seqOfName = Util.sansArrayInfo ((String)seq.dynamicVariable (Compile.typedefInfo));
160    }
161    catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
162    {
163      seqOfName = seq.name ();
164    }
165    int startArray = seqOfName.indexOf ('[');
166    String arrayDcl = seqOfName.substring (startArray);
167    seqOfName = seqOfName.substring (0, startArray);
169    // For interfaces having state, e.g., valuetypes.
170    SymtabEntry seqOfEntry = (SymtabEntry)Util.symbolTable.get (seqOfName.replace ('.', '/'));
171    if (seqOfEntry != null && seqOfEntry instanceof InterfaceEntry && ((InterfaceEntry)seqOfEntry).state () != null)
172      // <f46082.51> Remove -stateful feature; javaStatefulName() obsolete.
173      //seqOfName = Util.javaStatefulName ((InterfaceEntry)seqOfEntry);
174      seqOfName = Util.javaName ((InterfaceEntry)seqOfEntry);
176    arrayDcl = arrayDcl.substring (2);
177    stream.println (indent + name + " = new " + seqOfName + '[' + length + ']' + arrayDcl + ';');
178    if (seq.type () instanceof PrimitiveEntry)
179      // <d61961> Check for CORBA::Principal, too
180      //if (seq.type ().name ().equals ("any") || seq.type ().name ().equals ("TypeCode"))
181      if (seq.type ().name ().equals ("any") ||
182          seq.type ().name ().equals ("TypeCode") ||
183          seq.type ().name ().equals ("Principal"))
184      {
185        String loopIndex = "_o" + index;
186        stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
187        stream.println (indent + "  " + name + '[' + loopIndex + "] = istream.read_" + seq.type ().name () + " ();");
188      }
189      else
190      { // special case for ValueBox: if name is "xxx tmp", drop xxx
191        String varName = name;
192        int nameIndex = varName.indexOf (' ');
193        if ( nameIndex != -1 )
194          varName = varName.substring( nameIndex + 1 );
195        stream.println (indent + "istream.read_" + Util.collapseName (entry.type ().name ()) + "_array (" + varName + ", 0, " + length + ");");
196      }
197    else if (entry.type () instanceof StringEntry)
198    {
199      String loopIndex = "_o" + index;
200      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
201      stream.println (indent + "  " + name + '[' + loopIndex + "] = istream.read_" + seq.type ().name () + " ();");
202    }
203    else if (entry.type () instanceof SequenceEntry)
204    {
205      String loopIndex = "_o" + index;
206      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
207      stream.println (indent + '{');
208      index = ((JavaGenerator)seq.type ().generator ()).read (index, indent + "  ", name + '[' + loopIndex + ']', seq.type (), stream);
209      stream.println (indent + '}');
210    }
211    else
212    { // special case for ValueBox: if name is "xxx tmp", drop xxx
213      String varName = name;
214      int nameIndex = varName.indexOf (' ');
215      if ( nameIndex != -1 )
216        varName = varName.substring( nameIndex + 1 );
217      String loopIndex = "_o" + index;
218      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + varName + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
219      stream.println (indent + "  " + varName + '[' + loopIndex + "] = " + Util.helperName (seq.type (), true) + ".read (istream);"); // <d61056>
220    }
221    return index;
222  } // read
224  public int write (int index, String indent, String name, SymtabEntry entry, PrintWriter stream)
225  {
226    SequenceEntry seq = (SequenceEntry)entry;
227    if (seq.maxSize () != null)
228    {
229      stream.println (indent + "if (" + name + ".length > (" + Util.parseExpression (seq.maxSize ()) + "))");
230      stream.println (indent + "  throw new org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL (0, org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE);");
231    }
232    stream.println (indent + "ostream.write_long (" + name + ".length);");
233    if (entry.type () instanceof PrimitiveEntry)
234      // <d61961> Check for CORBA::Principal, too.
235      //if (entry.type ().name ().equals ("any") || entry.type ().name ().equals ("TypeCode"))
236      if (entry.type ().name ().equals ("any") ||
237          entry.type ().name ().equals ("TypeCode") ||
238          entry.type ().name ().equals ("Principal"))
239      {
240        String loopIndex = "_i" + index++;
241        stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
242        stream.println (indent + "  ostream.write_" + seq.type ().name () + " (" + name + '[' + loopIndex + "]);");
243      }
244      else
245        stream.println (indent + "ostream.write_" + Util.collapseName (entry.type ().name ()) + "_array (" + name + ", 0, " + name + ".length);");
246    else if (entry.type () instanceof StringEntry)
247    {
248      String loopIndex = "_i" + index++;
249      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
250      stream.println (indent + "  ostream.write_" + seq.type ().name () + " (" + name + '[' + loopIndex + "]);");
251    }
252    else if (entry.type () instanceof SequenceEntry)
253    {
254      String loopIndex = "_i" + index++;
255      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
256      stream.println (indent + '{');
257      index = ((JavaGenerator)seq.type ().generator ()).write (index, indent + "  ", name + '[' + loopIndex + ']', seq.type (), stream);
258      stream.println (indent + '}');
259    }
260    else
261    {
262      String loopIndex = "_i" + index++;
263      stream.println (indent + "for (int " + loopIndex + " = 0;" + loopIndex + " < " + name + ".length; ++" + loopIndex + ')');
264      stream.println (indent + "  " + Util.helperName (seq.type (), true) + ".write (ostream, " + name + '[' + loopIndex + "]);"); // <d61056>
265    }
266    return index;
267  } // write
269  // From JavaGenerator
270  ///////////////
271} // class SequenceGen