2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
25package jdk.nashorn.internal.ir;
27import java.io.File;
28import java.util.Iterator;
29import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
30import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Debug;
31import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source;
34 * A class that tracks the current lexical context of node visitation as a stack
35 * of {@link Block} nodes. Has special methods to retrieve useful subsets of the
36 * context.
37 *
38 * This is implemented with a primitive array and a stack pointer, because it
39 * really makes a difference performance-wise. None of the collection classes
40 * were optimal.
41 */
42public class LexicalContext {
43    private LexicalContextNode[] stack;
45    private int[] flags;
46    private int sp;
48    /**
49     * Creates a new empty lexical context.
50     */
51    public LexicalContext() {
52        stack = new LexicalContextNode[16];
53        flags = new int[16];
54    }
56    /**
57     * Set the flags for a lexical context node on the stack. Does not
58     * replace the flags, but rather adds to them.
59     *
60     * @param node  node
61     * @param flag  new flag to set
62     */
63    public void setFlag(final LexicalContextNode node, final int flag) {
64        if (flag != 0) {
65            // Use setBlockNeedsScope() instead
66            assert !(flag == Block.NEEDS_SCOPE && node instanceof Block);
68            for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
69                if (stack[i] == node) {
70                    flags[i] |= flag;
71                    return;
72                }
73            }
74        }
75        assert false;
76    }
78    /**
79     * Marks the block as one that creates a scope. Note that this method must
80     * be used instead of {@link #setFlag(LexicalContextNode, int)} with
81     * {@link Block#NEEDS_SCOPE} because it atomically also sets the
82     * {@link FunctionNode#HAS_SCOPE_BLOCK} flag on the block's containing
83     * function.
84     *
85     * @param block the block that needs to be marked as creating a scope.
86     */
87    public void setBlockNeedsScope(final Block block) {
88        for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
89            if (stack[i] == block) {
90                flags[i] |= Block.NEEDS_SCOPE;
91                for(int j = i - 1; j >=0; j --) {
92                    if(stack[j] instanceof FunctionNode) {
93                        flags[j] |= FunctionNode.HAS_SCOPE_BLOCK;
94                        return;
95                    }
96                }
97            }
98        }
99        assert false;
100    }
102    /**
103     * Get the flags for a lexical context node on the stack.
104     *
105     * @param node node
106     *
107     * @return the flags for the node
108     */
109    public int getFlags(final LexicalContextNode node) {
110        for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
111            if (stack[i] == node) {
112                return flags[i];
113            }
114        }
115        throw new AssertionError("flag node not on context stack");
116    }
118    /**
119     * Get the function body of a function node on the lexical context
120     * stack. This will trigger an assertion if node isn't present.
121     *
122     * @param functionNode function node
123     *
124     * @return body of function node
125     */
126    public Block getFunctionBody(final FunctionNode functionNode) {
127        for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
128            if (stack[i] == functionNode) {
129                return (Block)stack[i + 1];
130            }
131        }
132        throw new AssertionError(functionNode.getName() + " not on context stack");
133    }
135    /**
136     * @return all nodes in the LexicalContext.
137     */
138    public Iterator<LexicalContextNode> getAllNodes() {
139        return new NodeIterator<>(LexicalContextNode.class);
140    }
142    /**
143     * Returns the outermost function in this context. It is either the program,
144     * or a lazily compiled function.
145     *
146     * @return the outermost function in this context.
147     */
148    public FunctionNode getOutermostFunction() {
149        return (FunctionNode)stack[0];
150    }
152    /**
153     * Pushes a new block on top of the context, making it the innermost open
154     * block.
155     *
156     * @param <T> the type of the new node
157     * @param node the new node
158     *
159     * @return the node that was pushed
160     */
161    public <T extends LexicalContextNode> T push(final T node) {
162        assert !contains(node);
163        if (sp == stack.length) {
164            final LexicalContextNode[] newStack = new LexicalContextNode[sp * 2];
165            System.arraycopy(stack, 0, newStack, 0, sp);
166            stack = newStack;
168            final int[] newFlags = new int[sp * 2];
169            System.arraycopy(flags, 0, newFlags, 0, sp);
170            flags = newFlags;
172        }
173        stack[sp] = node;
174        flags[sp] = 0;
176        sp++;
178        return node;
179    }
181    /**
182     * Is the context empty?
183     *
184     * @return {@code true} if empty
185     */
186    public boolean isEmpty() {
187        return sp == 0;
188    }
190    /**
191     * @return the depth of the lexical context.
192     */
193    public int size() {
194        return sp;
195    }
197    /**
198     * Pops the innermost block off the context and all nodes that has been
199     * contributed since it was put there.
200     *
201     * @param <T> the type of the node to be popped
202     * @param node the node expected to be popped, used to detect unbalanced
203     *        pushes/pops
204     *
205     * @return the node that was popped
206     */
207    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
208    public <T extends Node> T pop(final T node) {
209        --sp;
210        final LexicalContextNode popped = stack[sp];
211        stack[sp] = null;
212        if (popped instanceof Flags) {
213            return (T)((Flags<?>)popped).setFlag(this, flags[sp]);
214        }
216        return (T)popped;
217    }
219    /**
220     * Explicitly apply flags to the topmost element on the stack. This is only
221     * valid to use from a {@code NodeVisitor.leaveXxx()} method and only on the
222     * node being exited at the time. It is not mandatory to use, as
223     * {@link #pop(Node)} will apply the flags automatically, but this method
224     * can be used to apply them during the {@code leaveXxx()} method in case
225     * its logic depends on the value of the flags.
226     *
227     * @param <T> the type of the node to apply the flags to.
228     * @param node the node to apply the flags to. Must be the topmost node on
229     *        the stack.
230     *
231     * @return the passed in node, or a modified node (if any flags were modified)
232     */
233    public <T extends LexicalContextNode & Flags<T>> T applyTopFlags(final T node) {
234        assert node == peek();
235        return node.setFlag(this, flags[sp - 1]);
236    }
238    /**
239     * Return the top element in the context.
240     *
241     * @return the node that was pushed last
242     */
243    public LexicalContextNode peek() {
244        return stack[sp - 1];
245    }
247    /**
248     * Check if a node is in the lexical context.
249     *
250     * @param node node to check for
251     *
252     * @return {@code true} if in the context
253     */
254    public boolean contains(final LexicalContextNode node) {
255        for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) {
256            if (stack[i] == node) {
257                return true;
258            }
259        }
260        return false;
261    }
263    /**
264     * Replace a node on the lexical context with a new one. Normally
265     * you should try to engineer IR traversals so this isn't needed
266     *
267     * @param oldNode old node
268     * @param newNode new node
269     *
270     * @return the new node
271     */
272    public LexicalContextNode replace(final LexicalContextNode oldNode, final LexicalContextNode newNode) {
273        for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
274            if (stack[i] == oldNode) {
275                assert i == sp - 1 : "violation of contract - we always expect to find the replacement node on top of the lexical context stack: " + newNode + " has " + stack[i + 1].getClass() + " above it";
276                stack[i] = newNode;
277                break;
278            }
279         }
280        return newNode;
281    }
283    /**
284     * Returns an iterator over all blocks in the context, with the top block
285     * (innermost lexical context) first.
286     *
287     * @return an iterator over all blocks in the context.
288     */
289    public Iterator<Block> getBlocks() {
290        return new NodeIterator<>(Block.class);
291    }
293    /**
294     * Returns an iterator over all functions in the context, with the top
295     * (innermost open) function first.
296     *
297     * @return an iterator over all functions in the context.
298     */
299    public Iterator<FunctionNode> getFunctions() {
300        return new NodeIterator<>(FunctionNode.class);
301    }
303    /**
304     * Get the parent block for the current lexical context block
305     *
306     * @return parent block
307     */
308    public Block getParentBlock() {
309        final Iterator<Block> iter = new NodeIterator<>(Block.class, getCurrentFunction());
310        iter.next();
311        return iter.hasNext() ? iter.next() : null;
312    }
314    /**
315     * Gets the label node of the current block.
316     *
317     * @return the label node of the current block, if it is labeled. Otherwise
318     *         returns {@code null}.
319     */
320    public LabelNode getCurrentBlockLabelNode() {
321        assert stack[sp - 1] instanceof Block;
322        if(sp < 2) {
323            return null;
324        }
325        final LexicalContextNode parent = stack[sp - 2];
326        return parent instanceof LabelNode ? (LabelNode)parent : null;
327    }
329    /**
330     * Returns an iterator over all ancestors block of the given block, with its
331     * parent block first.
332     *
333     * @param block the block whose ancestors are returned
334     *
335     * @return an iterator over all ancestors block of the given block.
336     */
337    public Iterator<Block> getAncestorBlocks(final Block block) {
338        final Iterator<Block> iter = getBlocks();
339        while (iter.hasNext()) {
340            final Block b = iter.next();
341            if (block == b) {
342                return iter;
343            }
344        }
345        throw new AssertionError("Block is not on the current lexical context stack");
346    }
348    /**
349     * Returns an iterator over a block and all its ancestors blocks, with the
350     * block first.
351     *
352     * @param block the block that is the starting point of the iteration.
353     *
354     * @return an iterator over a block and all its ancestors.
355     */
356    public Iterator<Block> getBlocks(final Block block) {
357        final Iterator<Block> iter = getAncestorBlocks(block);
358        return new Iterator<Block>() {
359            boolean blockReturned = false;
360            @Override
361            public boolean hasNext() {
362                return iter.hasNext() || !blockReturned;
363            }
364            @Override
365            public Block next() {
366                if (blockReturned) {
367                    return iter.next();
368                }
369                blockReturned = true;
370                return block;
371            }
372            @Override
373            public void remove() {
374                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
375            }
376        };
377    }
379    /**
380     * Get the function for this block.
381     *
382     * @param block block for which to get function
383     *
384     * @return function for block
385     */
386    public FunctionNode getFunction(final Block block) {
387        final Iterator<LexicalContextNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(LexicalContextNode.class);
388        while (iter.hasNext()) {
389            final LexicalContextNode next = iter.next();
390            if (next == block) {
391                while (iter.hasNext()) {
392                    final LexicalContextNode next2 = iter.next();
393                    if (next2 instanceof FunctionNode) {
394                        return (FunctionNode)next2;
395                    }
396                }
397            }
398        }
399        assert false;
400        return null;
401    }
403    /**
404     * @return the innermost block in the context.
405     */
406    public Block getCurrentBlock() {
407        return getBlocks().next();
408    }
410    /**
411     * @return the innermost function in the context.
412     */
413    public FunctionNode getCurrentFunction() {
414        for (int i = sp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
415            if (stack[i] instanceof FunctionNode) {
416                return (FunctionNode) stack[i];
417            }
418        }
419        return null;
420    }
422    /**
423     * Get the block in which a symbol is defined.
424     *
425     * @param symbol symbol
426     *
427     * @return block in which the symbol is defined, assert if no such block in
428     *         context.
429     */
430    public Block getDefiningBlock(final Symbol symbol) {
431        final String name = symbol.getName();
432        for (final Iterator<Block> it = getBlocks(); it.hasNext();) {
433            final Block next = it.next();
434            if (next.getExistingSymbol(name) == symbol) {
435                return next;
436            }
437        }
438        throw new AssertionError("Couldn't find symbol " + name + " in the context");
439    }
441    /**
442     * Get the function in which a symbol is defined.
443     *
444     * @param symbol symbol
445     *
446     * @return function node in which this symbol is defined, assert if no such
447     *         symbol exists in context.
448     */
449    public FunctionNode getDefiningFunction(final Symbol symbol) {
450        final String name = symbol.getName();
451        for (final Iterator<LexicalContextNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(LexicalContextNode.class); iter.hasNext();) {
452            final LexicalContextNode next = iter.next();
453            if (next instanceof Block && ((Block)next).getExistingSymbol(name) == symbol) {
454                while (iter.hasNext()) {
455                    final LexicalContextNode next2 = iter.next();
456                    if (next2 instanceof FunctionNode) {
457                        return (FunctionNode)next2;
458                    }
459                }
460                throw new AssertionError("Defining block for symbol " + name + " has no function in the context");
461            }
462        }
463        throw new AssertionError("Couldn't find symbol " + name + " in the context");
464    }
466    /**
467     * Is the topmost lexical context element a function body?
468     *
469     * @return {@code true} if function body.
470     */
471    public boolean isFunctionBody() {
472        return getParentBlock() == null;
473    }
475    /**
476     * Is the topmost lexical context element body of a SplitNode?
477     *
478     * @return {@code true} if it's the body of a split node.
479     */
480    public boolean isSplitBody() {
481        return sp >= 2 && stack[sp - 1] instanceof Block && stack[sp - 2] instanceof SplitNode;
482    }
484    /**
485     * Get the parent function for a function in the lexical context.
486     *
487     * @param functionNode function for which to get parent
488     *
489     * @return parent function of functionNode or {@code null} if none (e.g., if
490     *         functionNode is the program).
491     */
492    public FunctionNode getParentFunction(final FunctionNode functionNode) {
493        final Iterator<FunctionNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(FunctionNode.class);
494        while (iter.hasNext()) {
495            final FunctionNode next = iter.next();
496            if (next == functionNode) {
497                return iter.hasNext() ? iter.next() : null;
498            }
499        }
500        assert false;
501        return null;
502    }
504    /**
505     * Count the number of scopes until a given node. Note that this method is
506     * solely used to figure out the number of scopes that need to be explicitly
507     * popped in order to perform a break or continue jump within the current
508     * bytecode method. For this reason, the method returns 0 if it encounters a
509     * {@code SplitNode} between the current location and the break/continue
510     * target.
511     *
512     * @param until node to stop counting at. Must be within the current function.
513     *
514     * @return number of with scopes encountered in the context.
515     */
516    public int getScopeNestingLevelTo(final LexicalContextNode until) {
517        assert until != null;
518        //count the number of with nodes until "until" is hit
519        int n = 0;
520        for (final Iterator<LexicalContextNode> iter = getAllNodes(); iter.hasNext();) {
521            final LexicalContextNode node = iter.next();
522            if (node == until) {
523                break;
524            }
525            assert !(node instanceof FunctionNode); // Can't go outside current function
526            if (node instanceof WithNode || node instanceof Block && ((Block)node).needsScope()) {
527                n++;
528            }
529        }
530        return n;
531    }
533    private BreakableNode getBreakable() {
534        for (final NodeIterator<BreakableNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(BreakableNode.class, getCurrentFunction()); iter.hasNext(); ) {
535            final BreakableNode next = iter.next();
536            if (next.isBreakableWithoutLabel()) {
537                return next;
538            }
539        }
540        return null;
541    }
543    /**
544     * Check whether the lexical context is currently inside a loop.
545     *
546     * @return {@code true} if inside a loop
547     */
548    public boolean inLoop() {
549        return getCurrentLoop() != null;
550    }
552    /**
553     * @return the loop header of the current loop, or {@code null} if not
554     *         inside a loop.
555     */
556    public LoopNode getCurrentLoop() {
557        final Iterator<LoopNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(LoopNode.class, getCurrentFunction());
558        return iter.hasNext() ? iter.next() : null;
559    }
561    /**
562     * Find the breakable node corresponding to this label.
563     *
564     * @param labelName name of the label to search for. If {@code null}, the
565     *        closest breakable node will be returned unconditionally, e.g., a
566     *        while loop with no label.
567     *
568     * @return closest breakable node.
569     */
570    public BreakableNode getBreakable(final String labelName) {
571        if (labelName != null) {
572            final LabelNode foundLabel = findLabel(labelName);
573            if (foundLabel != null) {
574                // iterate to the nearest breakable to the foundLabel
575                BreakableNode breakable = null;
576                for (final NodeIterator<BreakableNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(BreakableNode.class, foundLabel); iter.hasNext(); ) {
577                    breakable = iter.next();
578                }
579                return breakable;
580            }
581            return null;
582        }
583        return getBreakable();
584    }
586    private LoopNode getContinueTo() {
587        return getCurrentLoop();
588    }
590    /**
591     * Find the continue target node corresponding to this label.
592     *
593     * @param labelName label name to search for. If {@code null} the closest
594     *        loop node will be returned unconditionally, e.g., a while loop
595     *        with no label.
596     *
597     * @return closest continue target node.
598     */
599    public LoopNode getContinueTo(final String labelName) {
600        if (labelName != null) {
601            final LabelNode foundLabel = findLabel(labelName);
602            if (foundLabel != null) {
603                // iterate to the nearest loop to the foundLabel
604                LoopNode loop = null;
605                for (final NodeIterator<LoopNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(LoopNode.class, foundLabel); iter.hasNext(); ) {
606                    loop = iter.next();
607                }
608                return loop;
609            }
610            return null;
611        }
612        return getContinueTo();
613    }
615    /**
616     * Find the inlined finally block node corresponding to this label.
617     *
618     * @param labelName label name to search for. Must not be {@code null}.
619     *
620     * @return closest inlined finally block with the given label.
621     */
622    public Block getInlinedFinally(final String labelName) {
623        for (final NodeIterator<TryNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(TryNode.class); iter.hasNext(); ) {
624            final Block inlinedFinally = iter.next().getInlinedFinally(labelName);
625            if (inlinedFinally != null) {
626                return inlinedFinally;
627            }
628        }
629        return null;
630    }
632    /**
633     * Find the try node for an inlined finally block corresponding to this label.
634     *
635     * @param labelName label name to search for. Must not be {@code null}.
636     *
637     * @return the try node to which the labelled inlined finally block belongs.
638     */
639    public TryNode getTryNodeForInlinedFinally(final String labelName) {
640        for (final NodeIterator<TryNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(TryNode.class); iter.hasNext(); ) {
641            final TryNode tryNode = iter.next();
642            if (tryNode.getInlinedFinally(labelName) != null) {
643                return tryNode;
644            }
645        }
646        return null;
647    }
649    /**
650     * Check the lexical context for a given label node by name.
651     *
652     * @param name name of the label.
653     *
654     * @return LabelNode if found, {@code null} otherwise.
655     */
656    private LabelNode findLabel(final String name) {
657        for (final Iterator<LabelNode> iter = new NodeIterator<>(LabelNode.class, getCurrentFunction()); iter.hasNext(); ) {
658            final LabelNode next = iter.next();
659            if (next.getLabelName().equals(name)) {
660                return next;
661            }
662        }
663        return null;
664    }
666    /**
667     * Checks whether a given target is a jump destination that lies outside a
668     * given split node.
669     *
670     * @param splitNode the split node.
671     * @param target the target node.
672     *
673     * @return {@code true} if target resides outside the split node.
674     */
675    public boolean isExternalTarget(final SplitNode splitNode, final BreakableNode target) {
676        for (int i = sp; i-- > 0;) {
677            final LexicalContextNode next = stack[i];
678            if (next == splitNode) {
679                return true;
680            } else if (next == target) {
681                return false;
682            } else if (next instanceof TryNode) {
683                for(final Block inlinedFinally: ((TryNode)next).getInlinedFinallies()) {
684                    if (TryNode.getLabelledInlinedFinallyBlock(inlinedFinally) == target) {
685                        return false;
686                    }
687                }
688            }
689        }
690        throw new AssertionError(target + " was expected in lexical context " + LexicalContext.this + " but wasn't");
691    }
693    /**
694     * Checks whether the current context is inside a switch statement without
695     * explicit blocks (curly braces).
696     *
697     * @return {@code true} if in unprotected switch statement.
698     */
699    public boolean inUnprotectedSwitchContext() {
700        for (int i = sp; i > 0; i--) {
701            final LexicalContextNode next = stack[i];
702            if (next instanceof Block) {
703                return stack[i - 1] instanceof SwitchNode;
704            }
705        }
706        return false;
707    }
709    @Override
710    public String toString() {
711        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
712        sb.append("[ ");
713        for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) {
714            final Object node = stack[i];
715            sb.append(node.getClass().getSimpleName());
716            sb.append('@');
717            sb.append(Debug.id(node));
718            sb.append(':');
719            if (node instanceof FunctionNode) {
720                final FunctionNode fn = (FunctionNode)node;
721                final Source source = fn.getSource();
722                String src = source.toString();
723                if (src.contains(File.pathSeparator)) {
724                    src = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparator));
725                }
726                src += ' ';
727                src += fn.getLineNumber();
728                sb.append(src);
729            }
730            sb.append(' ');
731        }
732        sb.append(" ==> ]");
733        return sb.toString();
734    }
736    private class NodeIterator <T extends LexicalContextNode> implements Iterator<T> {
737        private int index;
738        private T next;
739        private final Class<T> clazz;
740        private LexicalContextNode until;
742        NodeIterator(final Class<T> clazz) {
743            this(clazz, null);
744        }
746        NodeIterator(final Class<T> clazz, final LexicalContextNode until) {
747            this.index = sp - 1;
748            this.clazz = clazz;
749            this.until = until;
750            this.next  = findNext();
751        }
753        @Override
754        public boolean hasNext() {
755            return next != null;
756        }
758        @Override
759        public T next() {
760            if (next == null) {
761                throw new NoSuchElementException();
762            }
763            final T lnext = next;
764            next = findNext();
765            return lnext;
766        }
768        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
769        private T findNext() {
770            for (int i = index; i >= 0; i--) {
771                final Object node = stack[i];
772                if (node == until) {
773                    return null;
774                }
775                if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) {
776                    index = i - 1;
777                    return (T)node;
778                }
779            }
780            return null;
781        }
783        @Override
784        public void remove() {
785            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
786        }
787    }