2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
25package jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen;
27import java.io.Serializable;
28import java.util.ArrayList;
29import java.util.Arrays;
30import java.util.BitSet;
31import java.util.Iterator;
32import java.util.List;
33import java.util.ListIterator;
34import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
37 * Abstraction for labels, separating a label from the underlying
38 * byte code emitter. Also augmenting label with e.g. a name
39 * for easier debugging and reading code
40 *
41 * see -Dnashorn.codegen.debug, --log=codegen
42 */
43public final class Label implements Serializable {
44    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
46    //byte code generation evaluation type stack for consistency check
47    //and correct opcode selection. one per label as a label may be a
48    //join point
49    static final class Stack implements Cloneable {
50        static final int NON_LOAD = -1;
52        Type[] data;
53        int[]  localLoads;
54        int    sp;
56        List<Type> localVariableTypes;
57        int firstTemp; // index of the first temporary local variable
58        // Bitmap marking last slot belonging to a single symbol.
59        BitSet symbolBoundary;
61        Stack() {
62            data = new Type[8];
63            localLoads = new int[8];
64            localVariableTypes = new ArrayList<>(8);
65            symbolBoundary = new BitSet();
66        }
68        boolean isEmpty() {
69            return sp == 0;
70        }
72        int size() {
73            return sp;
74        }
76        void clear() {
77            sp = 0;
78        }
80        void push(final Type type) {
81            if (data.length == sp) {
82                final Type[] newData = new Type[sp * 2];
83                final int[]  newLocalLoad = new int[sp * 2];
84                System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, sp);
85                System.arraycopy(localLoads, 0, newLocalLoad, 0, sp);
86                data = newData;
87                localLoads = newLocalLoad;
88            }
89            data[sp] = type;
90            localLoads[sp] = NON_LOAD;
91            sp++;
92        }
94        Type peek() {
95            return peek(0);
96        }
98        Type peek(final int n) {
99            final int pos = sp - 1 - n;
100            return pos < 0 ? null : data[pos];
101        }
103        /**
104         * Retrieve the top <tt>count</tt> types on the stack without modifying it.
105         *
106         * @param count number of types to return
107         * @return array of Types
108         */
109        Type[] getTopTypes(final int count) {
110            final Type[] topTypes = new Type[count];
111            System.arraycopy(data, sp - count, topTypes, 0, count);
112            return topTypes;
113        }
115        int[] getLocalLoads(final int from, final int to) {
116            final int count = to - from;
117            final int[] topLocalLoads = new int[count];
118            System.arraycopy(localLoads, from, topLocalLoads, 0, count);
119            return topLocalLoads;
120        }
122        /**
123         * Returns the number of used local variable slots, including all live stack-store temporaries.
124         * @return the number of used local variable slots, including all live stack-store temporaries.
125         */
126        int getUsedSlotsWithLiveTemporaries() {
127            // There are at least as many as are declared by the current blocks.
128            int usedSlots = firstTemp;
129            // Look at every load on the stack, and bump the number of used slots up by the temporaries seen there.
130            for(int i = sp; i-->0;) {
131                final int slot = localLoads[i];
132                if(slot != Label.Stack.NON_LOAD) {
133                    final int afterSlot = slot + localVariableTypes.get(slot).getSlots();
134                    if(afterSlot > usedSlots) {
135                        usedSlots = afterSlot;
136                    }
137                }
138            }
139            return usedSlots;
140        }
142        /**
143         *
144         * @param joinOrigin the stack from the other branch.
145         */
146        void joinFrom(final Stack joinOrigin, final boolean breakTarget) {
147            assert isStackCompatible(joinOrigin);
148            if(breakTarget) {
149                // As we're joining labels that can jump across block boundaries, the number of local variables can
150                // differ, and we should always respect the one having less variables.
151                firstTemp = Math.min(firstTemp, joinOrigin.firstTemp);
152            } else {
153                assert firstTemp == joinOrigin.firstTemp;
154            }
155            final int[] otherLoads = joinOrigin.localLoads;
156            int firstDeadTemp = firstTemp;
157            for(int i = 0; i < sp; ++i) {
158                final int localLoad = localLoads[i];
159                if(localLoad != otherLoads[i]) {
160                    localLoads[i] = NON_LOAD;
161                } else if(localLoad >= firstDeadTemp) {
162                    firstDeadTemp = localLoad + localVariableTypes.get(localLoad).getSlots();
163                }
164            }
165            // Eliminate dead temporaries
166            undefineLocalVariables(firstDeadTemp, false);
167            assert isVariablePartitioningEqual(joinOrigin, firstDeadTemp);
168            mergeVariableTypes(joinOrigin, firstDeadTemp);
169        }
171        private void mergeVariableTypes(final Stack joinOrigin, final int toSlot) {
172            final ListIterator<Type> it1 = localVariableTypes.listIterator();
173            final Iterator<Type> it2 = joinOrigin.localVariableTypes.iterator();
175            for(int i = 0; i < toSlot; ++i) {
176                final Type thisType = it1.next();
177                final Type otherType = it2.next();
178                if(otherType == Type.UNKNOWN) {
179                    // Variables that are <unknown> on the other branch will become <unknown> here too.
180                    it1.set(Type.UNKNOWN);
181                } else if (thisType != otherType) {
182                    if(thisType.isObject() && otherType.isObject()) {
183                        // different object types are merged into Object.
184                        // TODO: maybe find most common superclass?
185                        it1.set(Type.OBJECT);
186                    } else {
187                        assert thisType == Type.UNKNOWN;
188                    }
189                }
190            }
191        }
193        void joinFromTry(final Stack joinOrigin) {
194            // As we're joining labels that can jump across block boundaries, the number of local variables can
195            // differ, and we should always respect the one having less variables.
196            firstTemp = Math.min(firstTemp, joinOrigin.firstTemp);
197            assert isVariablePartitioningEqual(joinOrigin, firstTemp);
198            mergeVariableTypes(joinOrigin, firstTemp);
199        }
201        private int getFirstDeadLocal(final List<Type> types) {
202            int i = types.size();
203            for(final ListIterator<Type> it = types.listIterator(i);
204                it.hasPrevious() && it.previous() == Type.UNKNOWN;
205                --i) {
206                // no body
207            }
209            // Respect symbol boundaries; we never chop off half a symbol's storage
210            while(!symbolBoundary.get(i - 1)) {
211                ++i;
212            }
213            return i;
214        }
216        private boolean isStackCompatible(final Stack other) {
217            if (sp != other.sp) {
218                return false;
219            }
220            for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) {
221                if (!data[i].isEquivalentTo(other.data[i])) {
222                    return false;
223                }
224            }
225            return true;
226        }
228        private boolean isVariablePartitioningEqual(final Stack other, final int toSlot) {
229            // No difference in the symbol boundaries before the toSlot
230            final BitSet diff = other.getSymbolBoundaryCopy();
231            diff.xor(symbolBoundary);
232            return diff.previousSetBit(toSlot - 1) == -1;
233        }
235        void markDeadLocalVariables(final int fromSlot, final int slotCount) {
236            final int localCount = localVariableTypes.size();
237            if(fromSlot >= localCount) {
238                return;
239            }
240            final int toSlot = Math.min(fromSlot + slotCount, localCount);
241            invalidateLocalLoadsOnStack(fromSlot, toSlot);
242            for(int i = fromSlot; i < toSlot; ++i) {
243                localVariableTypes.set(i, Type.UNKNOWN);
244            }
245        }
247        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
248        List<Type> getLocalVariableTypesCopy() {
249            return (List<Type>)((ArrayList<Type>)localVariableTypes).clone();
250        }
252        BitSet getSymbolBoundaryCopy() {
253            return (BitSet)symbolBoundary.clone();
254        }
256        /**
257         * Returns a list of local variable slot types, but for those symbols that have multiple values, only the slot
258         * holding the widest type is marked as live.
259         * @return a list of widest local variable slot types.
260         */
261        List<Type> getWidestLiveLocals(final List<Type> lvarTypes) {
262            final List<Type> widestLiveLocals = new ArrayList<>(lvarTypes);
263            boolean keepNextValue = true;
264            final int size = widestLiveLocals.size();
265            for(int i = size - 1; i-- > 0;) {
266                if(symbolBoundary.get(i)) {
267                    keepNextValue = true;
268                }
269                final Type t = widestLiveLocals.get(i);
270                if(t != Type.UNKNOWN) {
271                    if(keepNextValue) {
272                        if(t != Type.SLOT_2) {
273                            keepNextValue = false;
274                        }
275                    } else {
276                        widestLiveLocals.set(i, Type.UNKNOWN);
277                    }
278                }
279            }
280            widestLiveLocals.subList(Math.max(getFirstDeadLocal(widestLiveLocals), firstTemp), widestLiveLocals.size()).clear();
281            return widestLiveLocals;
282        }
284        String markSymbolBoundariesInLvarTypesDescriptor(final String lvarDescriptor) {
285            final char[] chars = lvarDescriptor.toCharArray();
286            int j = 0;
287            for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) {
288                final char c = chars[i];
289                final int nextj = j + CodeGeneratorLexicalContext.getTypeForSlotDescriptor(c).getSlots();
290                if(!symbolBoundary.get(nextj - 1)) {
291                    chars[i] = Character.toLowerCase(c);
292                }
293                j = nextj;
294            }
295            return new String(chars);
296        }
298        Type pop() {
299            assert sp > 0;
300            return data[--sp];
301        }
303        @Override
304        public Stack clone() {
305            try {
306                final Stack clone = (Stack)super.clone();
307                clone.data = data.clone();
308                clone.localLoads = localLoads.clone();
309                clone.symbolBoundary = getSymbolBoundaryCopy();
310                clone.localVariableTypes = getLocalVariableTypesCopy();
311                return clone;
312            } catch(final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
313                throw new AssertionError("", e);
314            }
315        }
317        private Stack cloneWithEmptyStack() {
318            final Stack stack = clone();
319            stack.sp = 0;
320            return stack;
321        }
323        int getTopLocalLoad() {
324            return localLoads[sp - 1];
325        }
327        void markLocalLoad(final int slot) {
328            localLoads[sp - 1] = slot;
329        }
331        /**
332         * Performs various bookeeping when a value is stored in a local variable slot.
333         * @param slot the slot written to
334         * @param onlySymbolLiveValue if true, this is the symbol's only live value, and other values of the symbol
335         * should be marked dead
336         * @param type the type written to the slot
337         */
338        void onLocalStore(final Type type, final int slot, final boolean onlySymbolLiveValue) {
339            if(onlySymbolLiveValue) {
340                final int fromSlot = slot == 0 ? 0 : (symbolBoundary.previousSetBit(slot - 1) + 1);
341                final int toSlot = symbolBoundary.nextSetBit(slot) + 1;
342                for(int i = fromSlot; i < toSlot; ++i) {
343                    localVariableTypes.set(i, Type.UNKNOWN);
344                }
345                invalidateLocalLoadsOnStack(fromSlot, toSlot);
346            } else {
347                invalidateLocalLoadsOnStack(slot, slot + type.getSlots());
348            }
350            localVariableTypes.set(slot, type);
351            if(type.isCategory2()) {
352                localVariableTypes.set(slot + 1, Type.SLOT_2);
353            }
354        }
356        /**
357         * Given a slot range, invalidate knowledge about local loads on stack from these slots (because they're being
358         * killed).
359         * @param fromSlot first slot, inclusive.
360         * @param toSlot last slot, exclusive.
361         */
362        private void invalidateLocalLoadsOnStack(final int fromSlot, final int toSlot) {
363            for(int i = 0; i < sp; ++i) {
364                final int localLoad = localLoads[i];
365                if(localLoad >= fromSlot && localLoad < toSlot) {
366                    localLoads[i] = NON_LOAD;
367                }
368            }
369        }
371        /**
372         * Marks a range of slots as belonging to a defined local variable. The slots will start out with no live value
373         * in them.
374         * @param fromSlot first slot, inclusive.
375         * @param toSlot last slot, exclusive.
376         */
377        void defineBlockLocalVariable(final int fromSlot, final int toSlot) {
378            defineLocalVariable(fromSlot, toSlot);
379            assert firstTemp < toSlot;
380            firstTemp = toSlot;
381        }
383        /**
384         * Defines a new temporary local variable and returns its allocated index.
385         * @param width the required width (in slots) for the new variable.
386         * @return the bytecode slot index where the newly allocated local begins.
387         */
388        int defineTemporaryLocalVariable(final int width) {
389            final int fromSlot = getUsedSlotsWithLiveTemporaries();
390            defineLocalVariable(fromSlot, fromSlot + width);
391            return fromSlot;
392        }
394        /**
395         * Marks a range of slots as belonging to a defined temporary local variable. The slots will start out with no
396         * live value in them.
397         * @param fromSlot first slot, inclusive.
398         * @param toSlot last slot, exclusive.
399         */
400        void defineTemporaryLocalVariable(final int fromSlot, final int toSlot) {
401            defineLocalVariable(fromSlot, toSlot);
402        }
404        private void defineLocalVariable(final int fromSlot, final int toSlot) {
405            assert !hasLoadsOnStack(fromSlot, toSlot);
406            assert fromSlot < toSlot;
407            symbolBoundary.clear(fromSlot, toSlot - 1);
408            symbolBoundary.set(toSlot - 1);
409            final int lastExisting = Math.min(toSlot, localVariableTypes.size());
410            for(int i = fromSlot; i < lastExisting; ++i) {
411                localVariableTypes.set(i, Type.UNKNOWN);
412            }
413            for(int i = lastExisting; i < toSlot; ++i) {
414                localVariableTypes.add(i, Type.UNKNOWN);
415            }
416        }
418        /**
419         * Undefines all local variables past the specified slot.
420         * @param fromSlot the first slot to be undefined
421         * @param canTruncateSymbol if false, the fromSlot must be either the first slot of a symbol, or the first slot
422         * after the last symbol. If true, the fromSlot can be in the middle of the storage area for a symbol. This
423         * should be used with care - it is only meant for use in optimism exception handlers.
424         */
425        void undefineLocalVariables(final int fromSlot, final boolean canTruncateSymbol) {
426            final int lvarCount = localVariableTypes.size();
427            assert lvarCount == symbolBoundary.length();
428            assert !hasLoadsOnStack(fromSlot, lvarCount);
429            if(canTruncateSymbol) {
430                if(fromSlot > 0) {
431                    symbolBoundary.set(fromSlot - 1);
432                }
433            } else {
434                assert fromSlot == 0 || symbolBoundary.get(fromSlot - 1);
435            }
436            if(fromSlot < lvarCount) {
437                symbolBoundary.clear(fromSlot, lvarCount);
438                localVariableTypes.subList(fromSlot, lvarCount).clear();
439            }
440            firstTemp = Math.min(fromSlot, firstTemp);
441            assert symbolBoundary.length() == localVariableTypes.size();
442            assert symbolBoundary.length() == fromSlot;
443        }
445        private void markAsOptimisticCatchHandler(final int liveLocalCount) {
446            // Live temporaries that are no longer on stack are undefined
447            undefineLocalVariables(liveLocalCount, true);
448            // Temporaries are promoted
449            firstTemp = liveLocalCount;
450            // No trailing undefined values
451            localVariableTypes.subList(firstTemp, localVariableTypes.size()).clear();
452            assert symbolBoundary.length() == firstTemp;
453            // Generalize all reference types to Object, and promote boolean to int
454            for(final ListIterator<Type> it = localVariableTypes.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
455                final Type type = it.next();
456                if(type == Type.BOOLEAN) {
457                    it.set(Type.INT);
458                } else if(type.isObject() && type != Type.OBJECT) {
459                    it.set(Type.OBJECT);
460                }
461            }
462        }
464        /**
465         * Returns true if any loads on the stack come from the specified slot range.
466         * @param fromSlot start of the range (inclusive)
467         * @param toSlot end of the range (exclusive)
468         * @return true if any loads on the stack come from the specified slot range.
469         */
470        boolean hasLoadsOnStack(final int fromSlot, final int toSlot) {
471            for(int i = 0; i < sp; ++i) {
472                final int load = localLoads[i];
473                if(load >= fromSlot && load < toSlot) {
474                    return true;
475                }
476            }
477            return false;
478        }
480        @Override
481        public String toString() {
482            return "stack=" + Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(data, sp))
483                 + ", symbolBoundaries=" + String.valueOf(symbolBoundary)
484                 + ", firstTemp=" + firstTemp
485                 + ", localTypes=" + String.valueOf(localVariableTypes)
486                 ;
487        }
488    }
490    /** Next id for debugging purposes, remove if footprint becomes unmanageable */
491    private static int nextId = 0;
493    /** Name of this label */
494    private final String name;
496    /** Type stack at this label */
497    private transient Label.Stack stack;
499    /** ASM representation of this label */
500    private transient jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Label label;
502    /** Id for debugging purposes, remove if footprint becomes unmanageable */
503    private final int id;
505    /** Is this label reachable (anything ever jumped to it)? */
506    private transient boolean reachable;
508    private transient boolean breakTarget;
510    /**
511     * Constructor
512     *
513     * @param name name of this label
514     */
515    public Label(final String name) {
516        super();
517        this.name = name;
518        this.id   = nextId++;
519    }
521    /**
522     * Copy constructor
523     *
524     * @param label a label to clone
525     */
526    public Label(final Label label) {
527        super();
528        this.name = label.name;
529        this.id   = label.id;
530    }
532    jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Label getLabel() {
533        if (this.label == null) {
534            this.label = new jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Label();
535        }
536        return label;
537    }
539    Label.Stack getStack() {
540        return stack;
541    }
543    void joinFrom(final Label.Stack joinOrigin) {
544        this.reachable = true;
545        if(stack == null) {
546            stack = joinOrigin.clone();
547        } else {
548            stack.joinFrom(joinOrigin, breakTarget);
549        }
550    }
552    void joinFromTry(final Label.Stack joinOrigin, final boolean isOptimismHandler) {
553        this.reachable = true;
554        if (stack == null) {
555            if(!isOptimismHandler) {
556                stack = joinOrigin.cloneWithEmptyStack();
557                // Optimism handler needs temporaries to remain live, others don't.
558                stack.undefineLocalVariables(stack.firstTemp, false);
559            }
560        } else {
561            assert !isOptimismHandler;
562            stack.joinFromTry(joinOrigin);
563        }
564    }
566    void markAsBreakTarget() {
567        breakTarget = true;
568    }
570    boolean isBreakTarget() {
571        return breakTarget;
572    }
574    void onCatch() {
575        if(stack != null) {
576            stack = stack.cloneWithEmptyStack();
577        }
578    }
579    void markAsOptimisticCatchHandler(final Label.Stack currentStack, final int liveLocalCount) {
580        stack = currentStack.cloneWithEmptyStack();
581        stack.markAsOptimisticCatchHandler(liveLocalCount);
582    }
584    void markAsOptimisticContinuationHandlerFor(final Label afterConsumeStackLabel) {
585        stack = afterConsumeStackLabel.stack.cloneWithEmptyStack();
586    }
588    boolean isReachable() {
589        return reachable;
590    }
592    boolean isAfter(final Label other) {
593        return label.getOffset() > other.label.getOffset();
594    }
596    private String str;
598    @Override
599    public String toString() {
600        if (str == null) {
601            str = name + '_' + id;
602        }
603        return str;
604    }