2 * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
3 * @bug 4240487
4 * @summary Verify that we keep track of init/uninits in Try statement
5 * without finalizer.
6 *
7 * @compile/fail/ref=DefAssignAfterTry1.out -XDrawDiagnostics  DefAssignAfterTry1.java
8 */
10class E1 extends Exception {}
11class E2 extends Exception {}
13public class DefAssignAfterTry1 {
14    public static void main(String argv[]) {
15        boolean t = true;
16        E1 se1 = new E1();
17        E2 se2 = new E2();
18        int i;
19        try {
20            if (t) {
21                throw se1;
22            }
23        } catch (E1 e) {
24            i = 0;
25        }
26        // the following line should result in a compile-time error
27        // variable i may not have been initialized
28        System.out.println(i);
29        System.out.println("Error : there should be compile-time errors");
30    }