2    doclint [options] source-files...
5  -Xmsgs  
6    Same as -Xmsgs:all
7  -Xmsgs:values
8    Specify categories of issues to be checked, where 'values'
9    is a comma-separated list of any of the following:
10      reference      show places where comments contain incorrect
11                     references to Java source code elements
12      syntax         show basic syntax errors within comments
13      html           show issues with HTML tags and attributes
14      accessibility  show issues for accessibility
15      missing        show issues with missing documentation
16      all            all of the above
17    Precede a value with '-' to negate it
18    Categories may be qualified by one of:
19      /public /protected /package /private
20    For positive categories (not beginning with '-')
21    the qualifier applies to that access level and above.
22    For negative categories (beginning with '-')
23    the qualifier applies to that access level and below.
24    If a qualifier is missing, the category applies to
25    all access levels.
26    For example, -Xmsgs:all,-syntax/private
27    This will enable all messages, except syntax errors
28    in the doc comments of private methods.
29    If no -Xmsgs options are provided, the default is
30    equivalent to -Xmsgs:all/protected, meaning that
31    all messages are reported for protected and public
32    declarations only. 
33  -XcheckPackage:<packages>
34    Enable or disable checks in specific packages.
35    <packages> is a comma separated list of package specifiers.
36    Package specifier is either a qualified name of a package
37    or a package name prefix followed by '.*', which expands to
38    all sub-packages of the given package. Prefix the package specifier
39    with '-' to disable checks for the specified packages.
40  -stats
41    Report statistics on the reported issues.
42  -h -help --help -usage -?
43    Show this message.
45The following javac options are also supported
46  -bootclasspath, -classpath, -cp, -sourcepath, -Xmaxerrs, -Xmaxwarns
48To run doclint on part of a project, put the compiled classes for your
49project on the classpath (or bootclasspath), then specify the source files
50to be checked on the command line.