2 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
25 * @test
26 * @bug 8131025 8141092 8153761 8145263 8131019 8175886 8176184 8176241 8176110
27 * @summary Test Completion and Documentation
28 * @library /tools/lib
29 * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
30 *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main
31 *          jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.javap
32 *          jdk.jshell/jdk.jshell:open
33 * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JarTask toolbox.JavacTask
34 * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream Compiler
35 * @run testng CompletionSuggestionTest
36 */
38import java.io.IOException;
39import java.lang.reflect.Field;
40import java.nio.file.Files;
41import java.nio.file.Path;
42import java.nio.file.Paths;
43import java.util.Arrays;
44import java.util.Collections;
45import java.util.Set;
46import java.util.HashSet;
47import java.util.function.BiFunction;
48import java.util.function.Function;
49import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
50import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
52import jdk.jshell.Snippet;
53import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
54import org.testng.annotations.Test;
56import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID;
57import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.OVERWRITTEN;
60public class CompletionSuggestionTest extends KullaTesting {
62    private final Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
63    private final Path outDir = Paths.get("completion_suggestion_test");
65    public void testMemberExpr() {
66        assertEval("class Test { static void test() { } }");
67        assertCompletion("Test.t|", "test()");
68        assertEval("Test ccTestInstance = new Test();");
69        assertCompletion("ccTestInstance.t|", "toString()");
70        assertCompletion(" ccTe|", "ccTestInstance");
71        assertCompletion("String value = ccTestInstance.to|", "toString()");
72        assertCompletion("java.util.Coll|", "Collection", "Collections");
73        assertCompletion("String.cla|", "class");
74        assertCompletion("boolean.cla|", "class");
75        assertCompletion("byte.cla|", "class");
76        assertCompletion("short.cla|", "class");
77        assertCompletion("char.cla|", "class");
78        assertCompletion("int.cla|", "class");
79        assertCompletion("float.cla|", "class");
80        assertCompletion("long.cla|", "class");
81        assertCompletion("double.cla|", "class");
82        assertCompletion("void.cla|", "class");
83        assertCompletion("Object[].|", "class");
84        assertCompletion("int[].|", "class");
85        assertEval("Object[] ao = null;");
86        assertCompletion("int i = ao.|", "length");
87        assertEval("int[] ai = null;");
88        assertCompletion("int i = ai.|", "length");
89        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("\"\".|",
90                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()),
91                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("String(")));
92        assertEval("double d = 0;");
93        assertEval("void m() {}");
94        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("d.|",
95                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()),
96                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class")));
97        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("m().|",
98                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()),
99                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class")));
100        assertEval("class C {class D {} static class E {} enum F {} interface H {} void method() {} int number;}");
101        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("C.|",
102                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class")),
103                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number")));
104        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new C().|",
105                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number")),
106                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class")));
107        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new C() {}.|",
108                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number")),
109                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class")));
110    }
112    public void testStartOfExpression() {
113        assertEval("int ccTest = 0;");
114        assertCompletion("System.err.println(cc|", "ccTest");
115        assertCompletion("for (int i = cc|", "ccTest");
116    }
118    public void testParameter() {
119        assertCompletion("class C{void method(int num){num|", "num");
120    }
122    public void testPrimitive() {
123        Set<String> primitives = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("boolean", "char", "byte", "short", "int", "long", "float", "double"));
124        Set<String> onlyVoid = new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("void"));
125        Set<String> primitivesOrVoid = new HashSet<>(primitives);
126        primitivesOrVoid.addAll(onlyVoid);
128        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|",
129                primitivesOrVoid,
130                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()));
131        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("int num = |",
132                primitivesOrVoid,
133                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()));
134        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("num = |",
135                primitivesOrVoid,
136                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()));
137        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("class C{void m() {|",
138                primitivesOrVoid,
139                new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()));
140        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("void method(|",
141                primitives,
142                onlyVoid);
143        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("void method(int num, |",
144                primitives,
145                onlyVoid);
146        assertCompletion("new java.util.ArrayList<doub|");
147        assertCompletion("class A extends doubl|");
148        assertCompletion("class A implements doubl|");
149        assertCompletion("interface A extends doubl|");
150        assertCompletion("enum A implements doubl|");
151        assertCompletion("class A<T extends doubl|");
152    }
154    public void testEmpty() {
155        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|",
156                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Object", "Void")),
157                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("$REPL00DOESNOTMATTER")));
158        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("V|",
159                new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Void")),
160                new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Object")));
161        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("{ |",
162                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Object", "Void")),
163                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("$REPL00DOESNOTMATTER")));
164    }
166    public void testSmartCompletion() {
167        assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;");
168        assertEval("int ccTest2 = 0;");
169        assertEval("String ccTest3 = null;");
170        assertEval("void method(int i, String str) { }");
171        assertEval("void method(String str, int i) { }");
172        assertEval("java.util.List<String> list = null;");
173        assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
174        assertCompletion("ccTest2 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
175        assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = ccTe|", "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3");
176        assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = ccTest3.len|", true, "length()");
177        assertCompletion("method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3");
178        assertCompletion("method(0, |", true, "ccTest3");
179        assertCompletion("list.add(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3");
180        assertCompletion("list.add(0, |", true, "ccTest3");
181        assertCompletion("new String(|", true, "ccTest3");
182        assertCompletion("new String(new char[0], |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
183        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet());
184        assertCompletion("Class<String> clazz = String.c|", true, "class");
186        Snippet klass = classKey(assertEval("class Klass {void method(int n) {} private void method(String str) {}}"));
187        assertCompletion("new Klass().method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
188        Snippet klass2 = classKey(assertEval("class Klass {static void method(int n) {} void method(String str) {}}",
189                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
190                ste(klass, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
191        assertCompletion("Klass.method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
192        assertEval("class Klass {Klass(int n) {} private Klass(String str) {}}",
193                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
194                ste(klass2, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
195        assertCompletion("new Klass(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
196    }
198    public void testSmartCompletionInOverriddenMethodInvocation() {
199        assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;");
200        assertEval("int ccTest2 = 0;");
201        assertEval("String ccTest3 = null;");
202        assertCompletion("\"\".wait(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
203        assertEval("class Base {void method(int n) {}}");
204        assertEval("class Extend extends Base {}");
205        assertCompletion("new Extend().method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2");
206    }
208    public void testSmartCompletionForBoxedType() {
209        assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;");
210        assertEval("Integer ccTest2 = 0;");
211        assertEval("Object ccTest3 = null;");
212        assertEval("int method1(int n) {return n;}");
213        assertEval("Integer method2(Integer n) {return n;}");
214        assertEval("Object method3(Object o) {return o;}");
215        assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2(");
216        assertCompletion("Integer ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2(");
217        assertCompletion("Object ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3", "method1(", "method2(", "method3(");
218        assertCompletion("method1(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2(");
219        assertCompletion("method2(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2(");
220        assertCompletion("method3(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3", "method1(", "method2(", "method3(");
221    }
223    public void testNewClass() {
224        assertCompletion("String str = new Strin|", "String(", "StringBuffer(", "StringBuilder(", "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(");
225        assertCompletion("String str = new java.lang.Strin|", "String(", "StringBuffer(", "StringBuilder(", "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(");
226        assertCompletion("String str = new |", true, "String(");
227        assertCompletion("String str = new java.lang.|", true, "String(");
228        assertCompletion("throw new Strin|", true, "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(");
230        assertEval("class A{class B{} class C {C(int n) {}} static class D {} interface I {}}");
231        assertEval("A a;");
232        assertCompletion("new A().new |", "B()", "C(");
233        assertCompletion("a.new |", "B()", "C(");
234        assertCompletion("new A.|", "D()");
236        assertEval("enum E{; class A {}}");
237        assertEval("interface I{; class A {}}");
238        assertCompletion("new E.|", "A()");
239        assertCompletion("new I.|", "A()");
240        assertCompletion("new String(I.A|", "A");
241    }
243    public void testFullyQualified() {
244        assertCompletion("Optional<String> opt = java.u|", "util.");
245        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("Optional<Strings> opt = java.util.O|", new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Optional")), Collections.emptySet());
247        assertEval("void method(java.util.Optional<String> opt) {}");
248        assertCompletion("method(java.u|", "util.");
250        assertCompletion("Object.notElement.|");
251        assertCompletion("Object o = com.su|", "sun.");
253        Path p1 = outDir.resolve("dir1");
254        compiler.compile(p1,
255                "package p1.p2;\n" +
256                "public class Test {\n" +
257                "}",
258                "package p1.p3;\n" +
259                "public class Test {\n" +
260                "}");
261        String jarName = "test.jar";
262        compiler.jar(p1, jarName, "p1/p2/Test.class", "p1/p3/Test.class");
263        addToClasspath(compiler.getPath(p1.resolve(jarName)));
265        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|", new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("p1.")), Collections.emptySet());
266        assertCompletion("p1.|", "p2.", "p3.");
267        assertCompletion("p1.p2.|", "Test");
268        assertCompletion("p1.p3.|", "Test");
269    }
271    public void testCheckAccessibility() {
272        assertCompletion("java.util.regex.Pattern.co|", "compile(");
273    }
275    public void testCompletePackages() {
276        assertCompletion("java.u|", "util.");
277        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet());
278    }
280    public void testImports() {
281        assertCompletion("import java.u|", "util.");
282        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet());
283        assertCompletion("import static java.u|", "util.");
284        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import static jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet());
285        assertCompletion("import static java.lang.Boolean.g|", "getBoolean");
286        assertCompletion("import java.util.*|");
287        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import java.lang.String.|",
288                Collections.emptySet(),
289                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER", "copyValueOf", "format", "join", "valueOf", "class", "length")));
290        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import static java.lang.String.|",
291                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER", "copyValueOf", "format", "join", "valueOf")),
292                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class", "length")));
293        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import java.util.Map.|",
294                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Entry")),
295                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class")));
296    }
298    public void testImportStart() {
299        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import c|", Set.of("com."), Set.of());
300    }
302    public void testBrokenClassFile() throws Exception {
303        Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
304        Path testOutDir = Paths.get("CompletionTestBrokenClassFile");
305        String input = "package test.inner; public class Test {}";
306        compiler.compile(testOutDir, input);
307        addToClasspath(compiler.getPath(testOutDir).resolve("test"));
308        assertCompletion("import inner.|");
309    }
311    public void testDocumentation() throws Exception {
312        dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile();
313        assertSignature("System.getProperty(|",
314                "String System.getProperty(String key)",
315                "String System.getProperty(String key, String def)");
316        assertEval("char[] chars = null;");
317        assertSignature("new String(chars, |",
318                "String(char[], int, int)");
319        assertSignature("String.format(|",
320                "String String.format(String, Object...)",
321                "String String.format(java.util.Locale, String, Object...)");
322        assertSignature("\"\".getBytes(\"\"|", "void String.getBytes(int, int, byte[], int)",
323                                                    "byte[] String.getBytes(String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException",
324                                                    "byte[] String.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset)");
325        assertSignature("\"\".getBytes(\"\" |", "void String.getBytes(int, int, byte[], int)",
326                                                     "byte[] String.getBytes(String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException",
327                                                     "byte[] String.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset)");
328    }
330    public void testMethodsWithNoArguments() throws Exception {
331        dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile();
332        assertSignature("System.out.println(|",
333                "void java.io.PrintStream.println()",
334                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(boolean)",
335                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(char)",
336                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(int)",
337                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(long)",
338                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(float)",
339                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(double)",
340                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(char[])",
341                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(String)",
342                "void java.io.PrintStream.println(Object)");
343    }
345    public void testErroneous() {
346        assertCompletion("Undefined.|");
347        assertSignature("does.not.exist|");
348    }
350    public void testClinit() {
351        assertEval("enum E{;}");
352        assertEval("class C{static{}}");
353        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("E.|", Collections.emptySet(), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("<clinit>")));
354        assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("C.|", Collections.emptySet(), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("<clinit>")));
355    }
357    public void testMethodHeaderContext() {
358        assertCompletion("private void f(Runn|", "Runnable");
359        assertCompletion("void f(Runn|", "Runnable");
360        assertCompletion("void f(Object o1, Runn|", "Runnable");
361        assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws Num|", true, "NumberFormatException");
362        assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws java.lang.Num|", true, "NumberFormatException");
363        assertEval("class HogeHoge {static class HogeHogeException extends Exception {}}");
364        assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws Hoge|", "HogeHoge");
365        assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws HogeHoge.|", true, "HogeHogeException");
366    }
368    public void testTypeVariables() {
369        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public void test() { TY|", "TYPE");
370        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public static void test() { TY|");
371        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public <TYPE> void test() { TY|", "TYPE");
372        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public static <TYPE> void test() { TY|", "TYPE");
373    }
375    public void testGeneric() {
376        assertEval("import java.util.concurrent.*;");
377        assertCompletion("java.util.List<Integ|", "Integer");
378        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Call|", "Callable");
379        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<TY|", "TYPE");
380        assertCompletion("<TYPE> void f(TY|", "TYPE");
381        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<? sup|", "super");
382        assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<? super TY|", "TYPE");
383    }
385    public void testFields() {
386        assertEval("interface Interface { int field = 0; }");
387        Snippet clazz = classKey(assertEval("class Clazz {" +
388                "static int staticField = 0;" +
389                "int field = 0;" +
390                " }"));
391        assertCompletion("Interface.fiel|", "field");
392        assertCompletion("Clazz.staticFiel|", "staticField");
393        assertCompletion("new Interface() {}.fiel|");
394        assertCompletion("new Clazz().staticFiel|");
395        assertCompletion("new Clazz().fiel|", "field");
396        assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.fiel|", "field");
397        assertEval("class Clazz implements Interface {}",
398                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
399                ste(clazz, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
400        assertCompletion("Clazz.fiel|", "field");
401        assertCompletion("new Clazz().fiel|");
402        assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.fiel|");
403    }
405    public void testMethods() {
406        assertEval("interface Interface {" +
407                "default int defaultMethod() { return 0; }" +
408                "static int staticMethod() { return 0; }" +
409                "}");
410        Snippet clazz = classKey(assertEval("class Clazz {" +
411                "static int staticMethod() { return 0; }" +
412                "int method() { return 0; }" +
413                "}"));
414        assertCompletion("Interface.staticMeth|", "staticMethod()");
415        assertCompletion("Clazz.staticMeth|", "staticMethod()");
416        assertCompletion("new Interface() {}.defaultMe||", "defaultMethod()");
417        assertCompletion("new Clazz().staticMeth|");
418        assertCompletion("new Clazz().meth|", "method()");
419        assertEval("class Clazz implements Interface {}",
420                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
421                ste(clazz, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
422        assertCompletion("Clazz.staticMeth|");
423        assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.defaultM|", "defaultMethod()");
424    }
426    @Test
427    public void testUncompletedDeclaration() {
428        assertCompletion("class Clazz { Claz|", "Clazz");
429        assertCompletion("class Clazz { class A extends Claz|", "Clazz");
430        assertCompletion("class Clazz { Clazz clazz; Object o = claz|", "clazz");
431        assertCompletion("class Clazz { static Clazz clazz; Object o = claz|", "clazz");
432        assertCompletion("class Clazz { Clazz clazz; static Object o = claz|", true);
433        assertCompletion("class Clazz { void method(Claz|", "Clazz");
434        assertCompletion("class A { int method() { return 0; } int a = meth|", "method()");
435        assertCompletion("class A { int field = 0; int method() { return fiel|", "field");
436        assertCompletion("class A { static int method() { return 0; } int a = meth|", "method()");
437        assertCompletion("class A { static int field = 0; int method() { return fiel|", "field");
438        assertCompletion("class A { int method() { return 0; } static int a = meth|", true);
439        assertCompletion("class A { int field = 0; static int method() { return fiel|", true);
440    }
442    @Test
443    public void testClassDeclaration() {
444        assertEval("void ClazzM() {}");
445        assertEval("void InterfaceM() {}");
446        assertEval("interface Interface {}");
447        assertCompletion("interface A extends Interf|", "Interface");
448        assertCompletion("class A implements Interf|", "Interface");
449        assertEval("class Clazz {}");
450        assertCompletion("class A extends Claz|", "Clazz");
451        assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interf|", "Interface");
452        assertEval("interface Interface1 {}");
453        assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1");
454        assertCompletion("interface A implements Claz|");
455        assertCompletion("interface A implements Inter|");
456        assertCompletion("class A implements Claz|", true);
457        assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", true, "Interface1");
458        assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", true, "Interface1");
459        assertEval("class InterfaceClazz {}");
460        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Claz|", "Clazz");
461        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz");
462        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interface & Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz");
463        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Clazz & Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz");
464        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Claz|", true, "Clazz");
465        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interf|", true, "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz");
466        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interface & Interf|", true, "Interface1");
467        assertCompletion("class A <T extends Clazz & Interf|", true, "Interface", "Interface1");
468    }
470    public void testMethodDeclaration() {
471        assertEval("void ClazzM() {}");
472        assertEval("void InterfaceM() {}");
473        assertEval("interface Interface {}");
474        assertCompletion("void m(Interf|", "Interface");
475        assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1, Interf|", "Interface");
476        assertEval("class InterfaceException extends Exception {}");
477        assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1) throws Interf|", "Interface", "InterfaceException");
478        assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1) throws Interf|", true, "InterfaceException");
479    }
481    public void testDocumentationOfUserDefinedMethods() {
482        assertEval("void f() {}");
483        assertSignature("f(|", "void f()");
484        assertEval("void f(int i) {}");
485        assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)");
486        assertEval("<T> void f(T... ts) {}", DiagCheck.DIAG_WARNING, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK);
487        assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)", "void <T>f(T... ts)");
488        assertEval("class A {}");
489        assertEval("void f(A a) {}");
490        assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)", "void <T>f(T... ts)", "void f(A a)");
491    }
493    public void testClass() {
494        assertSignature("String|", "java.lang.String");
495    }
497    public void testDocumentationOfUserDefinedConstructors() {
498        Snippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A {}"));
499        assertSignature("new A(|", "A()");
500        Snippet a2 = classKey(assertEval("class A { A() {} A(int i) {}}",
501                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
502                ste(a, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
503        assertSignature("new A(|", "A()", "A(int i)");
504        assertEval("class A<T> { A(T a) {} A(int i) {} <U> A(T t, U u) {}}",
505                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
506                ste(a2, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
507        assertSignature("new A(|", "A<T>(T a)", "A<T>(int i)", "<U> A<T>(T t, U u)");
508    }
510    public void testDocumentationOfOverriddenMethods() throws Exception {
511        dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile();
512        assertSignature("\"\".wait(|",
513            "void Object.wait(long) throws InterruptedException",
514            "void Object.wait(long, int) throws InterruptedException",
515            "void Object.wait() throws InterruptedException");
516        assertEval("class Base {void method() {}}");
517        Snippet e = classKey(assertEval("class Extend extends Base {}"));
518        assertSignature("new Extend().method(|", "void Base.method()");
519        assertEval("class Extend extends Base {void method() {}}",
520                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
521                ste(e, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
522        assertSignature("new Extend().method(|", "void Extend.method()");
523    }
525    public void testDocumentationOfInvisibleMethods() {
526        assertSignature("Object.wait(|");
527        assertSignature("\"\".indexOfSupplementary(|");
528        Snippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A {void method() {}}"));
529        assertSignature("A.method(|");
530        assertEval("class A {private void method() {}}",
531                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null),
532                ste(a, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
533        assertSignature("new A().method(|");
534    }
536    public void testDocumentationOfInvisibleConstructors() {
537        assertSignature("new Compiler(|");
538        assertEval("class A { private A() {} }");
539        assertSignature("new A(|");
540    }
542    public void testDocumentationWithBoxing() {
543        assertEval("int primitive = 0;");
544        assertEval("Integer boxed = 0;");
545        assertEval("Object object = null;");
546        assertEval("void method(int n, Object o) { }");
547        assertEval("void method(Object n, int o) { }");
548        assertSignature("method(primitive,|",
549                "void method(int n, Object o)",
550                "void method(Object n, int o)");
551        assertSignature("method(boxed,|",
552                "void method(int n, Object o)",
553                "void method(Object n, int o)");
554        assertSignature("method(object,|",
555                "void method(Object n, int o)");
556    }
558    public void testDocumentationWithGenerics() {
559        class TestDocumentationWithGenerics {
560            private final Function<Integer, String> codeFacotry;
561            private final BiFunction<String, Integer, String> evalFormatter;
562            private final BiFunction<String, Integer, String> docFormatter;
563            int count;
565            TestDocumentationWithGenerics(
566                    Function<Integer, String> codeFactory,
567                    BiFunction<String, Integer, String> evalFormatter,
568                    BiFunction<String, Integer, String> documentationFormatter) {
569                this.codeFacotry = codeFactory;
570                this.evalFormatter = evalFormatter;
571                this.docFormatter = documentationFormatter;
572            }
574            void assertDoc(String generics) {
575                assertDoc(generics, generics);
576            }
578            void assertDoc(String generics, String expectedGenerics) {
579                assertEval(evalFormatter.apply(generics, count));
580                assertSignature(codeFacotry.apply(count), docFormatter.apply(expectedGenerics, count));
581                count++;
582            }
583        }
585        TestDocumentationWithGenerics[] tests = {
586            new TestDocumentationWithGenerics(
587                    i -> "f" + i + "(|",
588                    (g, i) -> "<" + g + "> void f" + i + "() {}",
589                    (g, i) -> "void <" + g + ">f" + i + "()"
590            ),
591            new TestDocumentationWithGenerics(
592                    i -> "new C" + i + "().f(|",
593                    (g, i) -> "class C" + i + "<" + g + "> { void f() {} }",
594                    (g, i) -> "void C" + i + "<" + g + ">.f()"
595            )
596        };
598        Arrays.stream(tests).forEach(t -> {
599                t.assertDoc("T");
600                t.assertDoc("T extends Object",
601                        "T");
602                t.assertDoc("T extends String");
603                t.assertDoc("T extends java.lang.String",
604                        "T extends String");
605                t.assertDoc("T extends Number & Comparable<T>");
606                t.assertDoc("T extends java.io.Serializable & CharSequence");
607                t.assertDoc("K, D, M extends java.util.Map<K, D>",
608                        "K, D, M extends java.util.Map<K,D>");
609        });
610    }
612    public void testVarArgs() {
613        assertEval("int i = 0;");
614        assertEval("class Foo1 { static void m(int... i) { } } ");
615        assertCompletion("Foo1.m(|", true, "i");
616        assertCompletion("Foo1.m(i, |", true, "i");
617        assertCompletion("Foo1.m(i, i, |", true, "i");
618        assertEval("class Foo2 { static void m(String s, int... i) { } } ");
619        assertCompletion("Foo2.m(|", true);
620        assertCompletion("Foo2.m(i, |", true);
621        assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", |", true, "i");
622        assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", i, |", true, "i");
623        assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", i, i, |", true, "i");
624        assertEval("class Foo3 { Foo3(String s, int... i) { } } ");
625        assertCompletion("new Foo3(|", true);
626        assertCompletion("new Foo3(i, |", true);
627        assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", |", true, "i");
628        assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", i, |", true, "i");
629        assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", i, i, |", true, "i");
630        assertEval("int[] ia = null;");
631        assertCompletion("Foo1.m(ia, |", true);
632        assertEval("class Foo4 { static void m(int... i) { } static void m(int[] ia, String str) { } } ");
633        assertEval("String str = null;");
634        assertCompletion("Foo4.m(ia, |", true, "str");
635    }
637    public void testConstructorAsMemberOf() {
638        assertEval("class Baz<X> { Baz(X x) { } } ");
639        assertEval("String str = null;");
640        assertEval("Integer i = null;");
641        assertCompletion("new Baz(|", true, "i", "str");
642        assertCompletion("new Baz<String>(|", true, "str");
643        assertCompletion("Baz<String> bz = new Baz<>(|", true, "str");
644        assertEval("class Foo { static void m(String str) {} static void m(Baz<String> baz) {} }");
645        assertCompletion("Foo.m(new Baz<>(|", true, "str");
646    }
648    @BeforeMethod
649    public void setUp() {
650        super.setUp();
652        Path srcZip = Paths.get("src.zip");
654        try (JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(srcZip))) {
655            out.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("java/lang/System.java"));
656            out.write(("package java.lang;\n" +
657                       "public class System {\n" +
658                       "    public String getProperty(String key) { return null; }\n" +
659                       "    public String getProperty(String key, String def) { return def; }\n" +
660                       "}\n").getBytes());
661        } catch (IOException ex) {
662            throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
663        }
665        try {
666            Field availableSources = getAnalysis().getClass().getDeclaredField("availableSources");
667            availableSources.setAccessible(true);
668            availableSources.set(getAnalysis(), Arrays.asList(srcZip));
669        } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
670            throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
671        }
672    }
674    private void dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile() throws Exception {
675        Field keepParameterNames = getAnalysis().getClass().getDeclaredField("keepParameterNames");
676        keepParameterNames.setAccessible(true);
677        keepParameterNames.set(getAnalysis(), new String[0]);
678    }
680    @Test(enabled = false) //TODO 8171829
681    public void testBrokenClassFile2() throws IOException {
682        Path broken = outDir.resolve("broken");
683        compiler.compile(broken,
684                "package p;\n" +
685                "public class BrokenA {\n" +
686                "}",
687                "package p.q;\n" +
688                "public class BrokenB {\n" +
689                "}",
690                "package p;\n" +
691                "public class BrokenC {\n" +
692                "}");
693        Path cp = compiler.getPath(broken);
694        Path target = cp.resolve("p").resolve("BrokenB.class");
695        Files.deleteIfExists(target);
696        Files.move(cp.resolve("p").resolve("q").resolve("BrokenB.class"), target);
697        addToClasspath(cp);
699        assertEval("import p.*;");
700        assertCompletion("Broke|", "BrokenA", "BrokenC");
701    }