2 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package jdk.javadoc.internal.tool;
29import java.io.PrintWriter;
30import java.util.Locale;
31import java.util.ResourceBundle;
33import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
34import javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind;
36import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context.Factory;
37import jdk.javadoc.doclet.Reporter;
38import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
39import com.sun.source.util.DocSourcePositions;
40import com.sun.source.util.DocTreePath;
41import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
42import com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTrees;
43import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
44import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
45import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic;
46import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType;
47import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JavacMessages;
48import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Log;
51 * Utility for integrating with javadoc tools and for localization.
52 * Handle resources, access to error and warning counts and
53 * message formatting.
54 *
55 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
56 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
57 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
58 *  deletion without notice.</b>
59 *
60 * @see java.util.ResourceBundle
61 * @see java.text.MessageFormat
62 * @author Neal Gafter (rewrite)
63 */
64public class Messager extends Log implements Reporter {
65    final Context context;
67    /** Get the current messager, which is also the compiler log. */
68    public static Messager instance0(Context context) {
69        Log instance = context.get(logKey);
70        if (instance == null || !(instance instanceof Messager))
71            throw new InternalError("no messager instance!");
72        return (Messager)instance;
73    }
75    public static void preRegister(Context context,
76                                   final String programName) {
77        context.put(logKey, (Factory<Log>)c -> new Messager(c, programName));
78    }
80    public static void preRegister(Context context, final String programName,
81            final PrintWriter outWriter, final PrintWriter errWriter) {
82        context.put(logKey, (Factory<Log>)c -> new Messager(c, programName, outWriter, errWriter));
83    }
85    @Override
86    public void print(Kind kind, String msg) {
87        switch (kind) {
88            case ERROR:
89                printError(msg);
90                return;
91            case WARNING:
92            case MANDATORY_WARNING:
93                printWarning(msg);
94                return;
95            default:
96                printNotice(msg);
97                return;
98        }
99    }
101    @Override
102    public void print(Kind kind, DocTreePath path, String msg) {
103        switch (kind) {
104            case ERROR:
105                printError(path, msg);
106                return;
107            case WARNING:
108            case MANDATORY_WARNING:
109                printWarning(path, msg);
110                return;
111            default:
112                printWarning(path, msg);
113                return;
114        }
115    }
117    @Override
118    public void print(Kind kind, Element e, String msg) {
119                switch (kind) {
120            case ERROR:
121                printError(e, msg);
122                return;
123            case WARNING:
124            case MANDATORY_WARNING:
125                printWarning(e, msg);
126                return;
127            default:
128                printWarning(e, msg);
129                return;
130        }
131    }
133    final String programName;
135    private Locale locale;
136    private final JavacMessages messages;
137    private final JCDiagnostic.Factory javadocDiags;
139    /** The default writer for diagnostics
140     */
141    static final PrintWriter defaultOutWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out);
142    static final PrintWriter defaultErrWriter = new PrintWriter(System.err);
144    /**
145     * Constructor
146     * @param programName  Name of the program (for error messages).
147     */
148    public Messager(Context context, String programName) {
149        this(context, programName, defaultOutWriter, defaultErrWriter);
150    }
152    /**
153     * Constructor
154     * @param programName  Name of the program (for error messages).
155     * @param outWriter    Stream for notices etc.
156     * @param errWriter    Stream for errors and warnings
157     */
158    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
159    public Messager(Context context, String programName, PrintWriter outWriter, PrintWriter errWriter) {
160        super(context, errWriter, errWriter, outWriter);
161        messages = JavacMessages.instance(context);
162        messages.add(locale -> ResourceBundle.getBundle("jdk.javadoc.internal.tool.resources.javadoc",
163                                                         locale));
164        javadocDiags = new JCDiagnostic.Factory(messages, "javadoc");
165        this.programName = programName;
166        this.context = context;
167        locale = Locale.getDefault();
168    }
170    public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
171        this.locale = locale;
172    }
174    /**
175     * get and format message string from resource
176     *
177     * @param key selects message from resource
178     * @param args arguments for the message
179     */
180    String getText(String key, Object... args) {
181        return messages.getLocalizedString(locale, key, args);
182    }
184    private String getDiagSource(DocTreePath path) {
185        if (path == null || path.getTreePath() == null) {
186            return programName;
187        }
188        JavacTrees trees = JavacTrees.instance(context);
189        DocSourcePositions sourcePositions = trees.getSourcePositions();
190        CompilationUnitTree cu = path.getTreePath().getCompilationUnit();
191        long spos = sourcePositions.getStartPosition(cu, path.getDocComment(), path.getLeaf());
192        long lineNumber = cu.getLineMap().getLineNumber(spos);
193        String fname = cu.getSourceFile().getName();
194        String posString = fname + ":" + lineNumber;
195        return posString;
196    }
198    private String getDiagSource(Element e) {
199        if (e == null) {
200            return programName;
201        }
202        JavacTrees trees = JavacTrees.instance(context);
203        TreePath path = trees.getPath(e);
204        DocSourcePositions sourcePositions = trees.getSourcePositions();
205        JCTree tree = trees.getTree(e);
206        CompilationUnitTree cu = path.getCompilationUnit();
207        long spos = sourcePositions.getStartPosition(cu, tree);
208        long lineNumber = cu.getLineMap().getLineNumber(spos);
209        String fname = cu.getSourceFile().getName();
210        String posString = fname + ":" + lineNumber;
211        return posString;
212    }
214    /**
215     * Print error message, increment error count.
216     * Part of DocErrorReporter.
217     *
218     * @param msg message to print
219     */
220    public void printError(String msg) {
221        printError((DocTreePath)null, msg);
222    }
224    public void printError(DocTreePath path, String msg) {
225        String prefix = getDiagSource(path);
226        if (diagListener != null) {
227            report(DiagnosticType.ERROR, prefix, msg);
228            return;
229        }
230        printError(prefix, msg);
231    }
233    public void printError(Element e, String msg) {
234        String prefix = getDiagSource(e);
235        if (diagListener != null) {
236            report(DiagnosticType.ERROR, prefix, msg);
237            return;
238        }
239        printError(prefix, msg);
240    }
242    public void printErrorUsingKey(String key, Object... args) {
243        printError((Element)null, getText(key, args));
244    }
246    // print the error and increment count
247    private void printError(String prefix, String msg) {
248        if (nerrors < MaxErrors) {
249            PrintWriter errWriter = getWriter(WriterKind.ERROR);
250            printRawLines(errWriter, prefix + ": " + getText("javadoc.error") + " - " + msg);
251            errWriter.flush();
252            prompt();
253            nerrors++;
254        }
255    }
257    /**
258     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
259     * Part of DocErrorReporter.
260     *
261     * @param msg message to print
262     */
263    public void printWarning(String msg) {
264        printWarning((DocTreePath)null, msg);
265    }
267    public void printWarningUsingKey(String key, Object... args) {
268        printWarning((Element)null, getText(key, args));
269    }
271    public void printWarning(Element e, String key, Object... args) {
272        printWarning(getText(key, args));
273    }
275    public void printWarning(DocTreePath path, String msg) {
276        String prefix = getDiagSource(path);
277        if (diagListener != null) {
278            report(DiagnosticType.WARNING, prefix, msg);
279            return;
280        }
281        printWarning(prefix, msg);
282    }
284    public void printWarning(Element e, String msg) {
285        String prefix = getDiagSource(e);
286        if (diagListener != null) {
287            report(DiagnosticType.WARNING, prefix, msg);
288            return;
289        }
290        printWarning(prefix, msg);
291    }
293    // print the warning and increment count
294    private void printWarning(String prefix, String msg) {
295        if (nwarnings < MaxWarnings) {
296            PrintWriter warnWriter = getWriter(WriterKind.WARNING);
297            printRawLines(warnWriter, prefix + ": " + getText("javadoc.warning") + " - " + msg);
298            warnWriter.flush();
299            nwarnings++;
300        }
301    }
303    /**
304     * Print a message.
305     * Part of DocErrorReporter.
306     *
307     * @param msg message to print
308     */
309    public void printNotice(String msg) {
310        printNotice((DocTreePath)null, msg);
311    }
313    public void printNotice(DocTreePath path, String msg) {
314        String prefix = getDiagSource(path);
315        if (diagListener != null) {
316            report(DiagnosticType.NOTE, null, prefix + ": " + msg);
317            return;
318        }
320        PrintWriter noticeWriter = getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE);
321        if (path == null) {
322            printRawLines(noticeWriter, msg);
323        } else {
324            printRawLines(noticeWriter, prefix + ": " + msg);
325        }
326        noticeWriter.flush();
327    }
329    public void printNotice(Element e, String msg) {
330        String pos = getDiagSource(e);
331        if (diagListener != null) {
332            report(DiagnosticType.NOTE, pos, msg);
333            return;
334        }
336        PrintWriter noticeWriter = getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE);
337        if (e == null) {
338            printRawLines(noticeWriter, msg);
339        } else {
340            printRawLines(noticeWriter, pos + ": " + msg);
341        }
342        noticeWriter.flush();
343    }
345    /**
346     * Print a message.
347     *
348     * @param key selects message from resource
349     */
350    public void notice(String key, Object... args) {
351        printNotice(getText(key, args));
352    }
354    /**
355     * Returns true if errors have been recorded.
356     */
357    public boolean hasErrors() {
358        return nerrors != 0;
359    }
361    /**
362     * Returns true if warnings have been recorded.
363     */
364    public boolean hasWarnings() {
365        return nwarnings != 0;
366    }
368    /**
369     * Print exit message.
370     */
371    public void printErrorWarningCounts() {
372        if (nerrors > 0) {
373            notice((nerrors > 1) ? "main.errors" : "main.error",
374                   "" + nerrors);
375        }
376        if (nwarnings > 0) {
377            notice((nwarnings > 1) ?  "main.warnings" : "main.warning",
378                   "" + nwarnings);
379        }
380    }
382    private void report(DiagnosticType type, String pos, String msg) {
383        switch (type) {
384            case ERROR:
385            case WARNING:
386                Object prefix = (pos == null) ? programName : pos;
387                report(javadocDiags.create(type, null, null, "msg", prefix, msg));
388                break;
390            case NOTE:
391                String key = (pos == null) ? "msg" : "pos.msg";
392                report(javadocDiags.create(type, null, null, key, pos, msg));
393                break;
395            default:
396                throw new IllegalArgumentException(type.toString());
397        }
398    }