2 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
25package jdk.incubator.http.internal.hpack;
27import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
29import java.util.HashMap;
30import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
31import java.util.Map;
32import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
34import static java.lang.String.format;
37// Header Table combined from two tables: static and dynamic.
39// There is a single address space for index values. Index-aware methods
40// correspond to the table as a whole. Size-aware methods only to the dynamic
41// part of it.
43final class HeaderTable {
45    @Stable
46    private static final HeaderField[] staticTable = {
47            null, // To make index 1-based, instead of 0-based
48            new HeaderField(":authority"),
49            new HeaderField(":method", "GET"),
50            new HeaderField(":method", "POST"),
51            new HeaderField(":path", "/"),
52            new HeaderField(":path", "/index.html"),
53            new HeaderField(":scheme", "http"),
54            new HeaderField(":scheme", "https"),
55            new HeaderField(":status", "200"),
56            new HeaderField(":status", "204"),
57            new HeaderField(":status", "206"),
58            new HeaderField(":status", "304"),
59            new HeaderField(":status", "400"),
60            new HeaderField(":status", "404"),
61            new HeaderField(":status", "500"),
62            new HeaderField("accept-charset"),
63            new HeaderField("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"),
64            new HeaderField("accept-language"),
65            new HeaderField("accept-ranges"),
66            new HeaderField("accept"),
67            new HeaderField("access-control-allow-origin"),
68            new HeaderField("age"),
69            new HeaderField("allow"),
70            new HeaderField("authorization"),
71            new HeaderField("cache-control"),
72            new HeaderField("content-disposition"),
73            new HeaderField("content-encoding"),
74            new HeaderField("content-language"),
75            new HeaderField("content-length"),
76            new HeaderField("content-location"),
77            new HeaderField("content-range"),
78            new HeaderField("content-type"),
79            new HeaderField("cookie"),
80            new HeaderField("date"),
81            new HeaderField("etag"),
82            new HeaderField("expect"),
83            new HeaderField("expires"),
84            new HeaderField("from"),
85            new HeaderField("host"),
86            new HeaderField("if-match"),
87            new HeaderField("if-modified-since"),
88            new HeaderField("if-none-match"),
89            new HeaderField("if-range"),
90            new HeaderField("if-unmodified-since"),
91            new HeaderField("last-modified"),
92            new HeaderField("link"),
93            new HeaderField("location"),
94            new HeaderField("max-forwards"),
95            new HeaderField("proxy-authenticate"),
96            new HeaderField("proxy-authorization"),
97            new HeaderField("range"),
98            new HeaderField("referer"),
99            new HeaderField("refresh"),
100            new HeaderField("retry-after"),
101            new HeaderField("server"),
102            new HeaderField("set-cookie"),
103            new HeaderField("strict-transport-security"),
104            new HeaderField("transfer-encoding"),
105            new HeaderField("user-agent"),
106            new HeaderField("vary"),
107            new HeaderField("via"),
108            new HeaderField("www-authenticate")
109    };
111    private static final int STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH = staticTable.length - 1;
112    private static final int ENTRY_SIZE = 32;
113    private static final Map<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> staticIndexes;
115    static {
116        staticIndexes = new HashMap<>(STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH); // TODO: Map.of
117        for (int i = 1; i <= STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH; i++) {
118            HeaderField f = staticTable[i];
119            Map<String, Integer> values = staticIndexes
120                    .computeIfAbsent(f.name, k -> new LinkedHashMap<>());
121            values.put(f.value, i);
122        }
123    }
125    private final Table dynamicTable = new Table(0);
126    private int maxSize;
127    private int size;
129    public HeaderTable(int maxSize) {
130        setMaxSize(maxSize);
131    }
133    //
134    // The method returns:
135    //
136    // * a positive integer i where i (i = [1..Integer.MAX_VALUE]) is an
137    // index of an entry with a header (n, v), where n.equals(name) &&
138    // v.equals(value)
139    //
140    // * a negative integer j where j (j = [-Integer.MAX_VALUE..-1]) is an
141    // index of an entry with a header (n, v), where n.equals(name)
142    //
143    // * 0 if there's no entry e such that e.getName().equals(name)
144    //
145    // The rationale behind this design is to allow to pack more useful data
146    // into a single invocation, facilitating a single pass where possible
147    // (the idea is the same as in java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(int[], int)).
148    //
149    public int indexOf(CharSequence name, CharSequence value) {
150        // Invoking toString() will possibly allocate Strings for the sake of
151        // the search, which doesn't feel right.
152        String n = name.toString();
153        String v = value.toString();
155        // 1. Try exact match in the static region
156        Map<String, Integer> values = staticIndexes.get(n);
157        if (values != null) {
158            Integer idx = values.get(v);
159            if (idx != null) {
160                return idx;
161            }
162        }
163        // 2. Try exact match in the dynamic region
164        int didx = dynamicTable.indexOf(n, v);
165        if (didx > 0) {
166            return STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH + didx;
167        } else if (didx < 0) {
168            if (values != null) {
169                // 3. Return name match from the static region
170                return -values.values().iterator().next(); // Iterator allocation
171            } else {
172                // 4. Return name match from the dynamic region
173                return -STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH + didx;
174            }
175        } else {
176            if (values != null) {
177                // 3. Return name match from the static region
178                return -values.values().iterator().next(); // Iterator allocation
179            } else {
180                return 0;
181            }
182        }
183    }
185    public int size() {
186        return size;
187    }
189    public int maxSize() {
190        return maxSize;
191    }
193    public int length() {
194        return STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH + dynamicTable.size();
195    }
197    HeaderField get(int index) {
198        checkIndex(index);
199        if (index <= STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH) {
200            return staticTable[index];
201        } else {
202            return dynamicTable.get(index - STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH);
203        }
204    }
206    void put(CharSequence name, CharSequence value) {
207        // Invoking toString() will possibly allocate Strings. But that's
208        // unavoidable at this stage. If a CharSequence is going to be stored in
209        // the table, it must not be mutable (e.g. for the sake of hashing).
210        put(new HeaderField(name.toString(), value.toString()));
211    }
213    private void put(HeaderField h) {
214        int entrySize = sizeOf(h);
215        while (entrySize > maxSize - size && size != 0) {
216            evictEntry();
217        }
218        if (entrySize > maxSize - size) {
219            return;
220        }
221        size += entrySize;
222        dynamicTable.add(h);
223    }
225    void setMaxSize(int maxSize) {
226        if (maxSize < 0) {
227            throw new IllegalArgumentException
228                    ("maxSize >= 0: maxSize=" + maxSize);
229        }
230        while (maxSize < size && size != 0) {
231            evictEntry();
232        }
233        this.maxSize = maxSize;
234        int upperBound = (maxSize / ENTRY_SIZE) + 1;
235        this.dynamicTable.setCapacity(upperBound);
236    }
238    HeaderField evictEntry() {
239        HeaderField f = dynamicTable.remove();
240        size -= sizeOf(f);
241        return f;
242    }
244    @Override
245    public String toString() {
246        double used = maxSize == 0 ? 0 : 100 * (((double) size) / maxSize);
247        return format("entries: %d; used %s/%s (%.1f%%)", dynamicTable.size(),
248                size, maxSize, used);
249    }
251    int checkIndex(int index) {
252        if (index < 1 || index > STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH + dynamicTable.size()) {
253            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
254                    format("1 <= index <= length(): index=%s, length()=%s",
255                            index, length()));
256        }
257        return index;
258    }
260    int sizeOf(HeaderField f) {
261        return f.name.length() + f.value.length() + ENTRY_SIZE;
262    }
264    //
265    // Diagnostic information in the form used in the RFC 7541
266    //
267    String getStateString() {
268        if (size == 0) {
269            return "empty.";
270        }
272        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
273        for (int i = 1, size = dynamicTable.size(); i <= size; i++) {
274            HeaderField e = dynamicTable.get(i);
275            b.append(format("[%3d] (s = %3d) %s: %s\n", i,
276                    sizeOf(e), e.name, e.value));
277        }
278        b.append(format("      Table size:%4s", this.size));
279        return b.toString();
280    }
282    // Convert to a Value Object (JDK-8046159)?
283    static final class HeaderField {
285        final String name;
286        final String value;
288        public HeaderField(String name) {
289            this(name, "");
290        }
292        public HeaderField(String name, String value) {
293            this.name = name;
294            this.value = value;
295        }
297        @Override
298        public String toString() {
299            return value.isEmpty() ? name : name + ": " + value;
300        }
302        @Override
303        public boolean equals(Object o) {
304            if (this == o) {
305                return true;
306            }
307            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
308                return false;
309            }
310            HeaderField that = (HeaderField) o;
311            return name.equals(that.name) && value.equals(that.value);
312        }
314        @Override
315        public int hashCode() {
316            return 31 * name.hashCode() + value.hashCode();
317        }
318    }
320    //
321    // To quickly find an index of an entry in the dynamic table with the given
322    // contents an effective inverse mapping is needed. Here's a simple idea
323    // behind such a mapping.
324    //
325    // # The problem:
326    //
327    // We have a queue with an O(1) lookup by index:
328    //
329    //     get: index -> x
330    //
331    // What we want is an O(1) reverse lookup:
332    //
333    //     indexOf: x -> index
334    //
335    // # Solution:
336    //
337    // Let's store an inverse mapping in a Map<x, Integer>. This have a problem
338    // that when a new element is added to the queue, all indexes in the map
339    // become invalid. Namely, the new element is assigned with an index of 1,
340    // and each index i, i > 1 becomes shifted by 1 to the left:
341    //
342    //     1, 1, 2, 3, ... , n-1, n
343    //
344    // Re-establishing the invariant would seem to require a pass through the
345    // map incrementing all indexes (map values) by 1, which is O(n).
346    //
347    // The good news is we can do much better then this!
348    //
349    // Let's create a single field of type long, called 'counter'. Then each
350    // time a new element 'x' is added to the queue, a value of this field gets
351    // incremented. Then the resulting value of the 'counter_x' is then put as a
352    // value under key 'x' to the map:
353    //
354    //    map.put(x, counter_x)
355    //
356    // It gives us a map that maps an element to a value the counter had at the
357    // time the element had been added.
358    //
359    // In order to retrieve an index of any element 'x' in the queue (at any
360    // given time) we simply need to subtract the value (the snapshot of the
361    // counter at the time when the 'x' was added) from the current value of the
362    // counter. This operation basically answers the question:
363    //
364    //     How many elements ago 'x' was the tail of the queue?
365    //
366    // Which is the same as its index in the queue now. Given, of course, it's
367    // still in the queue.
368    //
369    // I'm pretty sure in a real life long overflow will never happen, so it's
370    // not too practical to add recalibrating code, but a pedantic person might
371    // want to do so:
372    //
373    //     if (counter == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
374    //         recalibrate();
375    //     }
376    //
377    // Where 'recalibrate()' goes through the table doing this:
378    //
379    //     value -= counter
380    //
381    // That's given, of course, the size of the table itself is less than
382    // Long.MAX_VALUE :-)
383    //
384    private static final class Table {
386        private final Map<String, Map<String, Long>> map;
387        private final CircularBuffer<HeaderField> buffer;
388        private long counter = 1;
390        Table(int capacity) {
391            buffer = new CircularBuffer<>(capacity);
392            map = new HashMap<>(capacity);
393        }
395        void add(HeaderField f) {
396            buffer.add(f);
397            Map<String, Long> values = map.computeIfAbsent(f.name, k -> new HashMap<>());
398            values.put(f.value, counter++);
399        }
401        HeaderField get(int index) {
402            return buffer.get(index - 1);
403        }
405        int indexOf(String name, String value) {
406            Map<String, Long> values = map.get(name);
407            if (values == null) {
408                return 0;
409            }
410            Long index = values.get(value);
411            if (index != null) {
412                return (int) (counter - index);
413            } else {
414                assert !values.isEmpty();
415                Long any = values.values().iterator().next(); // Iterator allocation
416                return -(int) (counter - any);
417            }
418        }
420        HeaderField remove() {
421            HeaderField f = buffer.remove();
422            Map<String, Long> values = map.get(f.name);
423            Long index = values.remove(f.value);
424            assert index != null;
425            if (values.isEmpty()) {
426                map.remove(f.name);
427            }
428            return f;
429        }
431        int size() {
432            return buffer.size;
433        }
435        public void setCapacity(int capacity) {
436            buffer.resize(capacity);
437        }
438    }
440    //                    head
441    //                    v
442    // [ ][ ][A][B][C][D][ ][ ][ ]
443    //        ^
444    //        tail
445    //
446    //       |<- size ->| (4)
447    // |<------ capacity ------->| (9)
448    //
449    static final class CircularBuffer<E> {
451        int tail, head, size, capacity;
452        Object[] elements;
454        CircularBuffer(int capacity) {
455            this.capacity = capacity;
456            elements = new Object[capacity];
457        }
459        void add(E elem) {
460            if (size == capacity) {
461                throw new IllegalStateException(
462                        format("No room for '%s': capacity=%s", elem, capacity));
463            }
464            elements[head] = elem;
465            head = (head + 1) % capacity;
466            size++;
467        }
469        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
470        E remove() {
471            if (size == 0) {
472                throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty");
473            }
474            E elem = (E) elements[tail];
475            elements[tail] = null;
476            tail = (tail + 1) % capacity;
477            size--;
478            return elem;
479        }
481        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
482        E get(int index) {
483            if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
484                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
485                        format("0 <= index <= capacity: index=%s, capacity=%s",
486                                index, capacity));
487            }
488            int idx = (tail + (size - index - 1)) % capacity;
489            return (E) elements[idx];
490        }
492        public void resize(int newCapacity) {
493            if (newCapacity < size) {
494                throw new IllegalStateException(
495                        format("newCapacity >= size: newCapacity=%s, size=%s",
496                                newCapacity, size));
497            }
499            Object[] newElements = new Object[newCapacity];
501            if (tail < head || size == 0) {
502                System.arraycopy(elements, tail, newElements, 0, size);
503            } else {
504                System.arraycopy(elements, tail, newElements, 0, elements.length - tail);
505                System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, elements.length - tail, head);
506            }
508            elements = newElements;
509            tail = 0;
510            head = size;
511            this.capacity = newCapacity;
512        }
513    }