2 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package sun.security.jgss;
28import org.ietf.jgss.*;
29import sun.security.jgss.spi.*;
30import sun.security.util.ObjectIdentifier;
31import java.io.InputStream;
32import java.io.OutputStream;
33import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
34import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
35import java.io.IOException;
36import java.lang.reflect.Field;
37import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
40 * This class represents the JGSS security context and its associated
41 * operations.  JGSS security contexts are established between
42 * peers using locally established credentials.  Multiple contexts
43 * may exist simultaneously between a pair of peers, using the same
44 * or different set of credentials.  The JGSS is independent of
45 * the underlying transport protocols and depends on its callers to
46 * transport the tokens between peers.
47 * <p>
48 * The context object can be thought of as having 3 implicit states:
49 * before it is established, during its context establishment, and
50 * after a fully established context exists.
51 * <p>
52 * Before the context establishment phase is initiated, the context
53 * initiator may request specific characteristics desired of the
54 * established context. These can be set using the set methods. After the
55 * context is established, the caller can check the actual characteristic
56 * and services offered by the context using the query methods.
57 * <p>
58 * The context establishment phase begins with the first call to the
59 * initSecContext method by the context initiator. During this phase the
60 * initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods will produce GSS-API
61 * authentication tokens which the calling application needs to send to its
62 * peer. The initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods may
63 * return a CONTINUE_NEEDED code which indicates that a token is needed
64 * from its peer in order to continue the context establishment phase. A
65 * return code of COMPLETE signals that the local end of the context is
66 * established. This may still require that a token be sent to the peer,
67 * depending if one is produced by GSS-API. The isEstablished method can
68 * also be used to determine if the local end of the context has been
69 * fully established. During the context establishment phase, the
70 * isProtReady method may be called to determine if the context can be
71 * used for the per-message operations. This allows implementation to
72 * use per-message operations on contexts which aren't fully established.
73 * <p>
74 * After the context has been established or the isProtReady method
75 * returns "true", the query routines can be invoked to determine the actual
76 * characteristics and services of the established context. The
77 * application can also start using the per-message methods of wrap and
78 * getMIC to obtain cryptographic operations on application supplied data.
79 * <p>
80 * When the context is no longer needed, the application should call
81 * dispose to release any system resources the context may be using.
82 * <DL><DT><B>RFC 2078</b>
83 *    <DD>This class corresponds to the context level calls together with
84 * the per message calls of RFC 2078. The gss_init_sec_context and
85 * gss_accept_sec_context calls have been made simpler by only taking
86 * required parameters.  The context can have its properties set before
87 * the first call to initSecContext. The supplementary status codes for the
88 * per-message operations are returned in an instance of the MessageProp
89 * class, which is used as an argument in these calls.</dl>
90 */
91public class GSSContextImpl implements GSSContext {
93    private GSSManagerImpl gssManager;
94    private boolean initiator;
96    // private flags for the context state
97    private static final int PRE_INIT = 1;
98    private static final int IN_PROGRESS = 2;
99    private static final int READY = 3;
100    private static final int DELETED = 4;
102    // instance variables
103    private int currentState = PRE_INIT;
105    private GSSContextSpi mechCtxt = null;
106    private Oid mechOid = null;
107    private ObjectIdentifier objId = null;
109    private GSSCredentialImpl myCred = null;
111    private GSSNameImpl srcName = null;
112    private GSSNameImpl targName = null;
114    private int reqLifetime = INDEFINITE_LIFETIME;
115    private ChannelBinding channelBindings = null;
117    private boolean reqConfState = true;
118    private boolean reqIntegState = true;
119    private boolean reqMutualAuthState = true;
120    private boolean reqReplayDetState = true;
121    private boolean reqSequenceDetState = true;
122    private boolean reqCredDelegState = false;
123    private boolean reqAnonState = false;
124    private boolean reqDelegPolicyState = false;
126    public GSSContextImpl() {
127        // Useless
128    }
130    // Used by new ExtendedGSSContext.ExtendedGSSContextImpl(ctxt)
131    protected GSSContextImpl(GSSContextImpl src) {
132        for (Field f: GSSContextImpl.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
133            if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {
134                try {
135                    f.set(this, f.get(src));
136                } catch (Exception e) {
137                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
138                }
139            }
140        }
141    }
142    /**
143     * Creates a GSSContextImp on the context initiator's side.
144     */
145    public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSName peer, Oid mech,
146                          GSSCredential myCred, int lifetime)
147        throws GSSException {
148        if ((peer == null) || !(peer instanceof GSSNameImpl)) {
149            throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_NAME);
150        }
151        if (mech == null) mech = ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID;
153        this.gssManager = gssManager;
154        this.myCred = (GSSCredentialImpl) myCred;  // XXX Check first
155        reqLifetime = lifetime;
156        targName = (GSSNameImpl)peer;
157        this.mechOid = mech;
158        initiator = true;
159    }
161    /**
162     * Creates a GSSContextImpl on the context acceptor's side.
163     */
164    public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSCredential myCred)
165        throws GSSException {
166        this.gssManager = gssManager;
167        this.myCred = (GSSCredentialImpl) myCred; // XXX Check first
168        initiator = false;
169    }
171    /**
172     * Creates a GSSContextImpl out of a previously exported
173     * GSSContext.
174     *
175     * @see #isTransferable
176     */
177    public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, byte[] interProcessToken)
178        throws GSSException {
179        this.gssManager = gssManager;
180        mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(interProcessToken);
181        initiator = mechCtxt.isInitiator();
182        this.mechOid = mechCtxt.getMech();
183    }
185    public byte[] initSecContext(byte inputBuf[], int offset, int len)
186        throws GSSException {
187        /*
188         * Size of ByteArrayOutputStream will double each time that extra
189         * bytes are to be written. Usually, without delegation, a GSS
190         * initial token containing the Kerberos AP-REQ is between 400 and
191         * 600 bytes.
192         */
193        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(600);
194        ByteArrayInputStream bin =
195            new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuf, offset, len);
196        int size = initSecContext(bin, bos);
197        return (size == 0? null : bos.toByteArray());
198    }
200    public int initSecContext(InputStream inStream,
201                              OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException {
203        if (mechCtxt != null && currentState != IN_PROGRESS) {
204            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE,
205                                   "Illegal call to initSecContext");
206        }
208        GSSHeader gssHeader = null;
209        int inTokenLen = -1;
210        GSSCredentialSpi credElement = null;
211        boolean firstToken = false;
213        try {
214            if (mechCtxt == null) {
215                if (myCred != null) {
216                    try {
217                        credElement = myCred.getElement(mechOid, true);
218                    } catch (GSSException ge) {
219                        if (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid) &&
220                            ge.getMajor() == GSSException.NO_CRED) {
221                            credElement = myCred.getElement
222                                (myCred.getMechs()[0], true);
223                        } else {
224                            throw ge;
225                        }
226                    }
227                }
228                GSSNameSpi nameElement = targName.getElement(mechOid);
229                mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(nameElement,
230                                                          credElement,
231                                                          reqLifetime,
232                                                          mechOid);
233                mechCtxt.requestConf(reqConfState);
234                mechCtxt.requestInteg(reqIntegState);
235                mechCtxt.requestCredDeleg(reqCredDelegState);
236                mechCtxt.requestMutualAuth(reqMutualAuthState);
237                mechCtxt.requestReplayDet(reqReplayDetState);
238                mechCtxt.requestSequenceDet(reqSequenceDetState);
239                mechCtxt.requestAnonymity(reqAnonState);
240                mechCtxt.setChannelBinding(channelBindings);
241                mechCtxt.requestDelegPolicy(reqDelegPolicyState);
243                objId = new ObjectIdentifier(mechOid.toString());
245                currentState = IN_PROGRESS;
246                firstToken = true;
247            } else {
248                if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") ||
249                    GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid)) {
250                    // do not parse GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO
251                    // mech
252                } else {
253                    // parse GSS header
254                    gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream);
255                    if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals(objId))
256                        throw new GSSExceptionImpl
257                            (GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN,
258                             "Mechanism not equal to " +
259                             mechOid.toString() +
260                             " in initSecContext token");
261                    inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength();
262                }
263            }
265            byte[] obuf = mechCtxt.initSecContext(inStream, inTokenLen);
267            int retVal = 0;
269            if (obuf != null) {
270                retVal = obuf.length;
271                if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") ||
272                    (!firstToken && GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) {
273                    // do not add GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO
274                    // except for the first SPNEGO token
275                } else {
276                    // add GSS header
277                    gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, obuf.length);
278                    retVal += gssHeader.encode(outStream);
279                }
280                outStream.write(obuf);
281            }
283            if (mechCtxt.isEstablished())
284                currentState = READY;
286            return retVal;
288        } catch (IOException e) {
289            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN,
290                                   e.getMessage());
291        }
292    }
294    public byte[] acceptSecContext(byte inTok[], int offset, int len)
295        throws GSSException {
297        /*
298         * Usually initial GSS token containing a Kerberos AP-REP is less
299         * than 100 bytes.
300         */
301        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(100);
302        acceptSecContext(new ByteArrayInputStream(inTok, offset, len),
303                         bos);
304        byte[] out = bos.toByteArray();
305        return (out.length == 0) ? null : out;
306    }
308    public void acceptSecContext(InputStream inStream,
309                                 OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException {
311        if (mechCtxt != null && currentState != IN_PROGRESS) {
312            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE,
313                                       "Illegal call to acceptSecContext");
314        }
316        GSSHeader gssHeader = null;
317        int inTokenLen = -1;
318        GSSCredentialSpi credElement = null;
320        try {
321            if (mechCtxt == null) {
322                // mechOid will be null for an acceptor's context
323                gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream);
324                inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength();
326                /*
327                 * Convert ObjectIdentifier to Oid
328                 */
329                objId = gssHeader.getOid();
330                mechOid = new Oid(objId.toString());
331                // System.out.println("Entered GSSContextImpl.acceptSecContext"
332                //                      + " with mechanism = " + mechOid);
333                if (myCred != null) {
334                    credElement = myCred.getElement(mechOid, false);
335                }
337                mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(credElement,
338                                                          mechOid);
339                mechCtxt.setChannelBinding(channelBindings);
341                currentState = IN_PROGRESS;
342            } else {
343                if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") ||
344                    (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) {
345                    // do not parse GSS header for native provider and SPNEGO
346                } else {
347                    // parse GSS Header
348                    gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream);
349                    if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals(objId))
350                        throw new GSSExceptionImpl
351                            (GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN,
352                             "Mechanism not equal to " +
353                             mechOid.toString() +
354                             " in acceptSecContext token");
355                    inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength();
356                }
357            }
359            byte[] obuf = mechCtxt.acceptSecContext(inStream, inTokenLen);
361            if (obuf != null) {
362                int retVal = obuf.length;
363                if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") ||
364                    (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) {
365                    // do not add GSS header for native provider and SPNEGO
366                } else {
367                    // add GSS header
368                    gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, obuf.length);
369                    retVal += gssHeader.encode(outStream);
370                }
371                outStream.write(obuf);
372            }
374            if (mechCtxt.isEstablished()) {
375                currentState = READY;
376            }
377        } catch (IOException e) {
378            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN,
379                                   e.getMessage());
380        }
381    }
383    public boolean isEstablished() {
384        if (mechCtxt == null)
385            return false;
386        else
387            return (currentState == READY);
388    }
390    public int getWrapSizeLimit(int qop, boolean confReq,
391                                int maxTokenSize) throws GSSException {
392        if (mechCtxt != null)
393            return mechCtxt.getWrapSizeLimit(qop, confReq, maxTokenSize);
394        else
395            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
396                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
397    }
399    public byte[] wrap(byte inBuf[], int offset, int len,
400                       MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
401        if (mechCtxt != null)
402            return mechCtxt.wrap(inBuf, offset, len, msgProp);
403        else
404            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
405                                   "No mechanism context yet!");
406    }
408    public void wrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
409                     MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
410        if (mechCtxt != null)
411            mechCtxt.wrap(inStream, outStream, msgProp);
412        else
413            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
414                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
415    }
417    public byte [] unwrap(byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len,
418                          MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
419        if (mechCtxt != null)
420            return mechCtxt.unwrap(inBuf, offset, len, msgProp);
421        else
422            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
423                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
424    }
426    public void unwrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
427                       MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
428        if (mechCtxt != null)
429            mechCtxt.unwrap(inStream, outStream, msgProp);
430        else
431            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
432                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
433    }
435    public byte[] getMIC(byte []inMsg, int offset, int len,
436                         MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
437        if (mechCtxt != null)
438            return mechCtxt.getMIC(inMsg, offset, len, msgProp);
439        else
440            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
441                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
442    }
444    public void getMIC(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
445                       MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
446        if (mechCtxt != null)
447            mechCtxt.getMIC(inStream, outStream, msgProp);
448        else
449            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
450                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
451    }
453    public void verifyMIC(byte[] inTok, int tokOffset, int tokLen,
454                          byte[] inMsg, int msgOffset, int msgLen,
455                          MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
456        if (mechCtxt != null)
457            mechCtxt.verifyMIC(inTok, tokOffset, tokLen,
458                               inMsg, msgOffset, msgLen, msgProp);
459        else
460            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
461                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
462    }
464    public void verifyMIC(InputStream tokStream, InputStream msgStream,
465                          MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException {
466        if (mechCtxt != null)
467            mechCtxt.verifyMIC(tokStream, msgStream, msgProp);
468        else
469            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
470                                  "No mechanism context yet!");
471    }
473    public byte[] export() throws GSSException {
474        // Defaults to null to match old behavior
475        byte[] result = null;
476        // Only allow context export from native provider since JGSS
477        // still has not defined its own interprocess token format
478        if (mechCtxt.isTransferable() &&
479            mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS")) {
480            result = mechCtxt.export();
481        }
482        return result;
483    }
485    public void requestMutualAuth(boolean state) throws GSSException {
486        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
487            reqMutualAuthState = state;
488    }
490    public void requestReplayDet(boolean state) throws GSSException {
491        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
492            reqReplayDetState = state;
493    }
495    public void requestSequenceDet(boolean state) throws GSSException {
496        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
497            reqSequenceDetState = state;
498    }
500    public void requestCredDeleg(boolean state) throws GSSException {
501        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
502            reqCredDelegState = state;
503    }
505    public void requestAnonymity(boolean state) throws GSSException {
506        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
507            reqAnonState = state;
508    }
510    public void requestConf(boolean state) throws GSSException {
511        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
512            reqConfState = state;
513    }
515    public void requestInteg(boolean state) throws GSSException {
516        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
517            reqIntegState = state;
518    }
520    public void requestLifetime(int lifetime) throws GSSException {
521        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
522            reqLifetime = lifetime;
523    }
525    public void setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding channelBindings)
526        throws GSSException {
528        if (mechCtxt == null)
529            this.channelBindings = channelBindings;
531    }
533    public boolean getCredDelegState() {
534        if (mechCtxt != null)
535            return mechCtxt.getCredDelegState();
536        else
537            return reqCredDelegState;
538    }
540    public boolean getMutualAuthState() {
541        if (mechCtxt != null)
542            return mechCtxt.getMutualAuthState();
543        else
544            return reqMutualAuthState;
545    }
547    public boolean getReplayDetState() {
548        if (mechCtxt != null)
549            return mechCtxt.getReplayDetState();
550        else
551            return reqReplayDetState;
552    }
554    public boolean getSequenceDetState() {
555        if (mechCtxt != null)
556            return mechCtxt.getSequenceDetState();
557        else
558            return reqSequenceDetState;
559    }
561    public boolean getAnonymityState() {
562        if (mechCtxt != null)
563            return mechCtxt.getAnonymityState();
564        else
565            return reqAnonState;
566    }
568    public boolean isTransferable() throws GSSException {
569        if (mechCtxt != null)
570            return mechCtxt.isTransferable();
571        else
572            return false;
573    }
575    public boolean isProtReady() {
576        if (mechCtxt != null)
577            return mechCtxt.isProtReady();
578        else
579            return false;
580    }
582    public boolean getConfState() {
583        if (mechCtxt != null)
584            return mechCtxt.getConfState();
585        else
586            return reqConfState;
587    }
589    public boolean getIntegState() {
590        if (mechCtxt != null)
591            return mechCtxt.getIntegState();
592        else
593            return reqIntegState;
594    }
596    public int getLifetime() {
597        if (mechCtxt != null)
598            return mechCtxt.getLifetime();
599        else
600            return reqLifetime;
601    }
603    public GSSName getSrcName() throws GSSException {
604        if (srcName == null) {
605            srcName = GSSNameImpl.wrapElement
606                (gssManager, mechCtxt.getSrcName());
607        }
608        return srcName;
609    }
611    public GSSName getTargName() throws GSSException {
612        if (targName == null) {
613            targName = GSSNameImpl.wrapElement
614                (gssManager, mechCtxt.getTargName());
615        }
616        return targName;
617    }
619    public Oid getMech() throws GSSException {
620        if (mechCtxt != null) {
621            return mechCtxt.getMech();
622        }
623        return mechOid;
624    }
626    public GSSCredential getDelegCred() throws GSSException {
628        if (mechCtxt == null)
629            throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT,
630                                   "No mechanism context yet!");
631        GSSCredentialSpi delCredElement = mechCtxt.getDelegCred();
632        return (delCredElement == null ?
633            null : GSSManagerImpl.wrap(new GSSCredentialImpl(gssManager, delCredElement)));
634    }
636    public boolean isInitiator() throws GSSException {
637        return initiator;
638    }
640    public void dispose() throws GSSException {
641        currentState = DELETED;
642        if (mechCtxt != null) {
643            mechCtxt.dispose();
644            mechCtxt = null;
645        }
646        myCred = null;
647        srcName = null;
648        targName = null;
649    }
651    // ExtendedGSSContext methods:
653    public Object inquireSecContext(String type) throws GSSException {
654        if (mechCtxt == null) {
655            throw new GSSException(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT);
656        }
657        return mechCtxt.inquireSecContext(type);
658    }
660    public void requestDelegPolicy(boolean state) throws GSSException {
661        if (mechCtxt == null && initiator)
662            reqDelegPolicyState = state;
663    }
665    public boolean getDelegPolicyState() {
666        if (mechCtxt != null)
667            return mechCtxt.getDelegPolicyState();
668        else
669            return reqDelegPolicyState;
670    }