2 * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
271. Useful API:
29  XWindowPeer.isModalBlocked()
30    Checks if this window is blocked by any modal dialog
31    For common component peers use getToplevelXWindow().isModalBlocked()
33  XWindowPeer.setModalBlocked(Dialog blocker, boolean blocked)
34    Implementation of WindoePeer.setModalBlocked() method
35    Marks this window blocked/unblocked and adds/removes it
36      from transient_for chain (see below)
37    Don't call this method directly, it should be used from shared
38      code only
40  XWindowPeer.addToTransientFors()
41  XWindowPeer.removeFromTransientFors()
42    See below
442. Filtering mouse events
46  Mouse events are filtered in the shared code. See
47    java.awt.ModalFilter class for details
493. Filtering key events
51  Key events are filtering by preventing the blocked windows
52    to get native focus. All the AWT windows use global active focus
53    input model (see ICCCM for details) and listens to WM_TAKE_FOCUS
54    protocol. If the window manager asks AWT to set focus on the
55    blocked window, in XDecoratedPeer.handleWmTakeFocus() method we
56    set the focus to the window's blocker.
584. Z-order
60  According to the Modality spec any modal dialog should be always on
61    top of its blocked windows. It is implemented with using
62    WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint.
64  WM_TRANSIENT_FOR is used to mark one window to be a child of another
65    one, in particular for any kind of dialogs. When a modal dialog
66    is shown it temporary becomes a child of all its blocked windows
67    and thus remains on top of them.
69  WM_TRANSIENT_FOR value is a single window, so we can't directly make
70    a dialog be a child of several other windows. It is implemented
71    as a "transient_for chain": all the blocked windows are arranged
72    into a chain, each next window is transient for the prev.
74  The chain is stored in XWindowPeer's fields 'prevTransientFor' and
75    'nextTransientFor'. If window is not blocked both of these fields
76    are set to null.
78  However, the value of WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint and prevTransientFor
79    may differ sometimes. This happens when two windows are in
80    different window states, usually NormalState and IconifiedState.
81    Some window managers don't allow a dialog to be visible is its
82    parent window is iconified. The situation is even worse: we
83    don't receive any notifications when the dialog is iconified
84    together with its parent frame.
86  Thus we need to track all the window's state changes. Also, for
87    any window state (NormalState, IconifiedState, WithdrawnState)
88    a distinct chain is tracked. Below is a brief example.
90  Let's consider two frames F1 and F2 and two modeless dialogs D1
91    (with F1 as a parent) and D2 (F2). Their Z-order is:
92    F1 - D1 - F2 - D2 (D1 is above F1, F2 is above D1, etc). Then
93    a modal dialog D3 is shown and all these four windows become
94    blocked by it. Transient_for chain is constructed in the
95    following way: F1 - D2 - F2 - D2 - D3. Respectively, F2
96    temporarily becomes a child of D1 (WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint is
97    set to F2 with a value of D1), etc.
99  Then F1 is iconified (some window managers allow this action).
100    F1.nextTransientFor and D1.prevTransientFor aren't changed,
101    however the values of WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint for them are
102    changed: hint value for F1 is set to None, and hint value for
103    D1 is set to None.
105  Let's iconify another window, F2. prev/nextTransientFor field
106    values aren't changed again, but WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint is:
107    the value for D2 is D1, the value for F2 is F1 (both are
108    iconified).
110  When either F1 or F2 is restored, the value for its hint is
111    restored according to the value stored in prevTransientFor
112    and nextTransientFor fields.
114  Note that some window managers don't allow iconifying for
115    those windows that are children of some other toplevel. That
116    is any dialog can't be iconified and any blocked window
117    that is not the first in the transient_for chain too.
119  All the updates of the hint's value is performed in the
120    XWindowPeer.setToplevelTransientFor() method.
1225. Multiscreen
124  All the problems with WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint and different
125    window states can be applied to different X screens (if
126    Xinerama is off). For example, some window managers ignore
127    the hint if window and transient_for window are on different
128    screens.
130  That leads to us to track a separate transient_for chain for
131    every screen in the system, as well as for every window
132    state. See XWindowPeer.updateTransientFor() for details.
1346. See also
136  Some examples how transient_for chain is constructed and
137    destructed can be found in JavaDoc comments for the
138    following methods: XWindowPeer.addToTransientFors(),
139    XWindowPeer.removeFromTransientFors(),
140    XWindowPeer.setToplevelTransientFor(),
141    XWindowPeer.stateChanged().