2 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package java.nio.file.attribute;
28import java.time.Instant;
29import java.time.LocalDateTime;
30import java.time.ZoneOffset;
31import java.util.Objects;
32import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
35 * Represents the value of a file's time stamp attribute. For example, it may
36 * represent the time that the file was last
37 * {@link BasicFileAttributes#lastModifiedTime() modified},
38 * {@link BasicFileAttributes#lastAccessTime() accessed},
39 * or {@link BasicFileAttributes#creationTime() created}.
40 *
41 * <p> Instances of this class are immutable.
42 *
43 * @since 1.7
44 * @see java.nio.file.Files#setLastModifiedTime
45 * @see java.nio.file.Files#getLastModifiedTime
46 */
48public final class FileTime
49    implements Comparable<FileTime>
51    /**
52     * The unit of granularity to interpret the value. Null if
53     * this {@code FileTime} is converted from an {@code Instant},
54     * the {@code value} and {@code unit} pair will not be used
55     * in this scenario.
56     */
57    private final TimeUnit unit;
59    /**
60     * The value since the epoch; can be negative.
61     */
62    private final long value;
64    /**
65     * The value as Instant (created lazily, if not from an instant)
66     */
67    private Instant instant;
69    /**
70     * The value return by toString (created lazily)
71     */
72    private String valueAsString;
74    /**
75     * Initializes a new instance of this class.
76     */
77    private FileTime(long value, TimeUnit unit, Instant instant) {
78        this.value = value;
79        this.unit = unit;
80        this.instant = instant;
81    }
83    /**
84     * Returns a {@code FileTime} representing a value at the given unit of
85     * granularity.
86     *
87     * @param   value
88     *          the value since the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z); can be
89     *          negative
90     * @param   unit
91     *          the unit of granularity to interpret the value
92     *
93     * @return  a {@code FileTime} representing the given value
94     */
95    public static FileTime from(long value, TimeUnit unit) {
96        Objects.requireNonNull(unit, "unit");
97        return new FileTime(value, unit, null);
98    }
100    /**
101     * Returns a {@code FileTime} representing the given value in milliseconds.
102     *
103     * @param   value
104     *          the value, in milliseconds, since the epoch
105     *          (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z); can be negative
106     *
107     * @return  a {@code FileTime} representing the given value
108     */
109    public static FileTime fromMillis(long value) {
110        return new FileTime(value, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, null);
111    }
113    /**
114     * Returns a {@code FileTime} representing the same point of time value
115     * on the time-line as the provided {@code Instant} object.
116     *
117     * @param   instant
118     *          the instant to convert
119     * @return  a {@code FileTime} representing the same point on the time-line
120     *          as the provided instant
121     * @since 1.8
122     */
123    public static FileTime from(Instant instant) {
124        Objects.requireNonNull(instant, "instant");
125        return new FileTime(0, null, instant);
126    }
128    /**
129     * Returns the value at the given unit of granularity.
130     *
131     * <p> Conversion from a coarser granularity that would numerically overflow
132     * saturate to {@code Long.MIN_VALUE} if negative or {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}
133     * if positive.
134     *
135     * @param   unit
136     *          the unit of granularity for the return value
137     *
138     * @return  value in the given unit of granularity, since the epoch
139     *          since the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z); can be negative
140     */
141    public long to(TimeUnit unit) {
142        Objects.requireNonNull(unit, "unit");
143        if (this.unit != null) {
144            return unit.convert(this.value, this.unit);
145        } else {
146            long secs = unit.convert(instant.getEpochSecond(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
147            if (secs == Long.MIN_VALUE || secs == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
148                return secs;
149            }
150            long nanos = unit.convert(instant.getNano(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
151            long r = secs + nanos;
152            // Math.addExact() variant
153            if (((secs ^ r) & (nanos ^ r)) < 0) {
154                return (secs < 0) ? Long.MIN_VALUE : Long.MAX_VALUE;
155            }
156            return r;
157        }
158    }
160    /**
161     * Returns the value in milliseconds.
162     *
163     * <p> Conversion from a coarser granularity that would numerically overflow
164     * saturate to {@code Long.MIN_VALUE} if negative or {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}
165     * if positive.
166     *
167     * @return  the value in milliseconds, since the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
168     */
169    public long toMillis() {
170        if (unit != null) {
171            return unit.toMillis(value);
172        } else {
173            long secs = instant.getEpochSecond();
174            int  nanos = instant.getNano();
175            // Math.multiplyExact() variant
176            long r = secs * 1000;
177            long ax = Math.abs(secs);
178            if (((ax | 1000) >>> 31 != 0)) {
179                if ((r / 1000) != secs) {
180                    return (secs < 0) ? Long.MIN_VALUE : Long.MAX_VALUE;
181                }
182            }
183            return r + nanos / 1000_000;
184        }
185    }
187    /**
188     * Time unit constants for conversion.
189     */
190    private static final long HOURS_PER_DAY      = 24L;
191    private static final long MINUTES_PER_HOUR   = 60L;
192    private static final long SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60L;
193    private static final long SECONDS_PER_HOUR   = SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
194    private static final long SECONDS_PER_DAY    = SECONDS_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY;
195    private static final long MILLIS_PER_SECOND  = 1000L;
196    private static final long MICROS_PER_SECOND  = 1000_000L;
197    private static final long NANOS_PER_SECOND   = 1000_000_000L;
198    private static final int  NANOS_PER_MILLI    = 1000_000;
199    private static final int  NANOS_PER_MICRO    = 1000;
200    // The epoch second of Instant.MIN.
201    private static final long MIN_SECOND = -31557014167219200L;
202    // The epoch second of Instant.MAX.
203    private static final long MAX_SECOND = 31556889864403199L;
205    /*
206     * Scale d by m, checking for overflow.
207     */
208    private static long scale(long d, long m, long over) {
209        if (d >  over) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
210        if (d < -over) return Long.MIN_VALUE;
211        return d * m;
212    }
214    /**
215     * Converts this {@code FileTime} object to an {@code Instant}.
216     *
217     * <p> The conversion creates an {@code Instant} that represents the
218     * same point on the time-line as this {@code FileTime}.
219     *
220     * <p> {@code FileTime} can store points on the time-line further in the
221     * future and further in the past than {@code Instant}. Conversion
222     * from such further time points saturates to {@link Instant#MIN} if
223     * earlier than {@code Instant.MIN} or {@link Instant#MAX} if later
224     * than {@code Instant.MAX}.
225     *
226     * @return  an instant representing the same point on the time-line as
227     *          this {@code FileTime} object
228     * @since 1.8
229     */
230    public Instant toInstant() {
231        if (instant == null) {
232            long secs = 0L;
233            int nanos = 0;
234            switch (unit) {
235                case DAYS:
236                    secs = scale(value, SECONDS_PER_DAY,
237                                 Long.MAX_VALUE/SECONDS_PER_DAY);
238                    break;
239                case HOURS:
240                    secs = scale(value, SECONDS_PER_HOUR,
241                                 Long.MAX_VALUE/SECONDS_PER_HOUR);
242                    break;
243                case MINUTES:
244                    secs = scale(value, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE,
245                                 Long.MAX_VALUE/SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
246                    break;
247                case SECONDS:
248                    secs = value;
249                    break;
250                case MILLISECONDS:
251                    secs = Math.floorDiv(value, MILLIS_PER_SECOND);
252                    nanos = (int)Math.floorMod(value, MILLIS_PER_SECOND)
253                            * NANOS_PER_MILLI;
254                    break;
255                case MICROSECONDS:
256                    secs = Math.floorDiv(value, MICROS_PER_SECOND);
257                    nanos = (int)Math.floorMod(value, MICROS_PER_SECOND)
258                            * NANOS_PER_MICRO;
259                    break;
260                case NANOSECONDS:
261                    secs = Math.floorDiv(value, NANOS_PER_SECOND);
262                    nanos = (int)Math.floorMod(value, NANOS_PER_SECOND);
263                    break;
264                default : throw new AssertionError("Unit not handled");
265            }
266            if (secs <= MIN_SECOND)
267                instant = Instant.MIN;
268            else if (secs >= MAX_SECOND)
269                instant = Instant.MAX;
270            else
271                instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos);
272        }
273        return instant;
274    }
276    /**
277     * Tests this {@code FileTime} for equality with the given object.
278     *
279     * <p> The result is {@code true} if and only if the argument is not {@code
280     * null} and is a {@code FileTime} that represents the same time. This
281     * method satisfies the general contract of the {@code Object.equals} method.
282     *
283     * @param   obj
284     *          the object to compare with
285     *
286     * @return  {@code true} if, and only if, the given object is a {@code
287     *          FileTime} that represents the same time
288     */
289    @Override
290    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
291        return (obj instanceof FileTime) ? compareTo((FileTime)obj) == 0 : false;
292    }
294    /**
295     * Computes a hash code for this file time.
296     *
297     * <p> The hash code is based upon the value represented, and satisfies the
298     * general contract of the {@link Object#hashCode} method.
299     *
300     * @return  the hash-code value
301     */
302    @Override
303    public int hashCode() {
304        // hashcode of instant representation to satisfy contract with equals
305        return toInstant().hashCode();
306    }
308    private long toDays() {
309        if (unit != null) {
310            return unit.toDays(value);
311        } else {
312            return TimeUnit.SECONDS.toDays(toInstant().getEpochSecond());
313        }
314    }
316    private long toExcessNanos(long days) {
317        if (unit != null) {
318            return unit.toNanos(value - unit.convert(days, TimeUnit.DAYS));
319        } else {
320            return TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(toInstant().getEpochSecond()
321                                            - TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(days));
322        }
323    }
325    /**
326     * Compares the value of two {@code FileTime} objects for order.
327     *
328     * @param   other
329     *          the other {@code FileTime} to be compared
330     *
331     * @return  {@code 0} if this {@code FileTime} is equal to {@code other}, a
332     *          value less than 0 if this {@code FileTime} represents a time
333     *          that is before {@code other}, and a value greater than 0 if this
334     *          {@code FileTime} represents a time that is after {@code other}
335     */
336    @Override
337    public int compareTo(FileTime other) {
338        // same granularity
339        if (unit != null && unit == other.unit) {
340            return Long.compare(value, other.value);
341        } else {
342            // compare using instant representation when unit differs
343            long secs = toInstant().getEpochSecond();
344            long secsOther = other.toInstant().getEpochSecond();
345            int cmp = Long.compare(secs, secsOther);
346            if (cmp != 0) {
347                return cmp;
348            }
349            cmp = Long.compare(toInstant().getNano(), other.toInstant().getNano());
350            if (cmp != 0) {
351                return cmp;
352            }
353            if (secs != MAX_SECOND && secs != MIN_SECOND) {
354                return 0;
355            }
356            // if both this and other's Instant reps are MIN/MAX,
357            // use daysSinceEpoch and nanosOfDays, which will not
358            // saturate during calculation.
359            long days = toDays();
360            long daysOther = other.toDays();
361            if (days == daysOther) {
362                return Long.compare(toExcessNanos(days), other.toExcessNanos(daysOther));
363            }
364            return Long.compare(days, daysOther);
365        }
366    }
368    // days in a 400 year cycle = 146097
369    // days in a 10,000 year cycle = 146097 * 25
370    // seconds per day = 86400
371    private static final long DAYS_PER_10000_YEARS = 146097L * 25L;
372    private static final long SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS = 146097L * 25L * 86400L;
373    private static final long SECONDS_0000_TO_1970 = ((146097L * 5L) - (30L * 365L + 7L)) * 86400L;
375    // append year/month/day/hour/minute/second/nano with width and 0 padding
376    private StringBuilder append(StringBuilder sb, int w, int d) {
377        while (w > 0) {
378            sb.append((char)(d/w + '0'));
379            d = d % w;
380            w /= 10;
381        }
382        return sb;
383    }
385    /**
386     * Returns the string representation of this {@code FileTime}. The string
387     * is returned in the <a
388     * href="http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime">ISO&nbsp;8601</a> format:
389     * <pre>
390     *     YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s+]Z
391     * </pre>
392     * where "{@code [.s+]}" represents a dot followed by one of more digits
393     * for the decimal fraction of a second. It is only present when the decimal
394     * fraction of a second is not zero. For example, {@code
395     * FileTime.fromMillis(1234567890000L).toString()} yields {@code
396     * "2009-02-13T23:31:30Z"}, and {@code FileTime.fromMillis(1234567890123L).toString()}
397     * yields {@code "2009-02-13T23:31:30.123Z"}.
398     *
399     * <p> A {@code FileTime} is primarily intended to represent the value of a
400     * file's time stamp. Where used to represent <i>extreme values</i>, where
401     * the year is less than "{@code 0001}" or greater than "{@code 9999}" then
402     * this method deviates from ISO 8601 in the same manner as the
403     * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#deviantformats">XML Schema
404     * language</a>. That is, the year may be expanded to more than four digits
405     * and may be negative-signed. If more than four digits then leading zeros
406     * are not present. The year before "{@code 0001}" is "{@code -0001}".
407     *
408     * @return  the string representation of this file time
409     */
410    @Override
411    public String toString() {
412        if (valueAsString == null) {
413            long secs = 0L;
414            int  nanos = 0;
415            if (instant == null && unit.compareTo(TimeUnit.SECONDS) >= 0) {
416                secs = unit.toSeconds(value);
417            } else {
418                secs = toInstant().getEpochSecond();
419                nanos = toInstant().getNano();
420            }
421            LocalDateTime ldt;
422            int year = 0;
423            if (secs >= -SECONDS_0000_TO_1970) {
424                // current era
425                long zeroSecs = secs - SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS + SECONDS_0000_TO_1970;
426                long hi = Math.floorDiv(zeroSecs, SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS) + 1;
427                long lo = Math.floorMod(zeroSecs, SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS);
428                ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, nanos, ZoneOffset.UTC);
429                year = ldt.getYear() +  (int)hi * 10000;
430            } else {
431                // before current era
432                long zeroSecs = secs + SECONDS_0000_TO_1970;
433                long hi = zeroSecs / SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS;
434                long lo = zeroSecs % SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS;
435                ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, nanos, ZoneOffset.UTC);
436                year = ldt.getYear() + (int)hi * 10000;
437            }
438            if (year <= 0) {
439                year = year - 1;
440            }
441            int fraction = ldt.getNano();
442            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
443            sb.append(year < 0 ? "-" : "");
444            year = Math.abs(year);
445            if (year < 10000) {
446                append(sb, 1000, Math.abs(year));
447            } else {
448                sb.append(String.valueOf(year));
449            }
450            sb.append('-');
451            append(sb, 10, ldt.getMonthValue());
452            sb.append('-');
453            append(sb, 10, ldt.getDayOfMonth());
454            sb.append('T');
455            append(sb, 10, ldt.getHour());
456            sb.append(':');
457            append(sb, 10, ldt.getMinute());
458            sb.append(':');
459            append(sb, 10, ldt.getSecond());
460            if (fraction != 0) {
461                sb.append('.');
462                // adding leading zeros and stripping any trailing zeros
463                int w = 100_000_000;
464                while (fraction % 10 == 0) {
465                    fraction /= 10;
466                    w /= 10;
467                }
468                append(sb, w, fraction);
469            }
470            sb.append('Z');
471            valueAsString = sb.toString();
472        }
473        return valueAsString;
474    }