2 * Copyright (c) 1995, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package java.lang;
28import java.io.*;
29import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect;
30import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
31import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
32import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
33import java.util.stream.Stream;
36 * {@code Process} provides control of native processes started by
37 * ProcessBuilder.start and Runtime.exec.
38 * The class provides methods for performing input from the process, performing
39 * output to the process, waiting for the process to complete,
40 * checking the exit status of the process, and destroying (killing)
41 * the process.
42 * The {@link ProcessBuilder#start()} and
43 * {@link Runtime#exec(String[],String[],File) Runtime.exec}
44 * methods create a native process and return an instance of a
45 * subclass of {@code Process} that can be used to control the process
46 * and obtain information about it.
47 *
48 * <p>The methods that create processes may not work well for special
49 * processes on certain native platforms, such as native windowing
50 * processes, daemon processes, Win16/DOS processes on Microsoft
51 * Windows, or shell scripts.
52 *
53 * <p>By default, the created process does not have its own terminal
54 * or console.  All its standard I/O (i.e. stdin, stdout, stderr)
55 * operations will be redirected to the parent process, where they can
56 * be accessed via the streams obtained using the methods
57 * {@link #getOutputStream()},
58 * {@link #getInputStream()}, and
59 * {@link #getErrorStream()}.
60 * The parent process uses these streams to feed input to and get output
61 * from the process.  Because some native platforms only provide
62 * limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure
63 * to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of
64 * the process may cause the process to block, or even deadlock.
65 *
66 * <p>Where desired, <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-input">
67 * process I/O can also be redirected</a>
68 * using methods of the {@link ProcessBuilder} class.
69 *
70 * <p>The process is not killed when there are no more references to
71 * the {@code Process} object, but rather the process
72 * continues executing asynchronously.
73 *
74 * <p>There is no requirement that the process represented by a {@code
75 * Process} object execute asynchronously or concurrently with respect
76 * to the Java process that owns the {@code Process} object.
77 *
78 * <p>As of 1.5, {@link ProcessBuilder#start()} is the preferred way
79 * to create a {@code Process}.
80 *
81 * <p>Subclasses of Process should override the {@link #onExit()} and
82 * {@link #toHandle()} methods to provide a fully functional Process including the
83 * {@linkplain #pid() process id},
84 * {@linkplain #info() information about the process},
85 * {@linkplain #children() direct children}, and
86 * {@linkplain #descendants() direct children plus descendants of those children} of the process.
87 * Delegating to the underlying Process or ProcessHandle is typically
88 * easiest and most efficient.
89 *
90 * @since   1.0
91 */
92public abstract class Process {
93    /**
94     * Default constructor for Process.
95     */
96    public Process() {}
98    /**
99     * Returns the output stream connected to the normal input of the
100     * process.  Output to the stream is piped into the standard
101     * input of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
102     *
103     * <p>If the standard input of the process has been redirected using
104     * {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectInput(Redirect)
105     * ProcessBuilder.redirectInput}
106     * then this method will return a
107     * <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-input">null output stream</a>.
108     *
109     * <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
110     * output stream to be buffered.
111     *
112     * @return the output stream connected to the normal input of the
113     *         process
114     */
115    public abstract OutputStream getOutputStream();
117    /**
118     * Returns the input stream connected to the normal output of the
119     * process.  The stream obtains data piped from the standard
120     * output of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
121     *
122     * <p>If the standard output of the process has been redirected using
123     * {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectOutput(Redirect)
124     * ProcessBuilder.redirectOutput}
125     * then this method will return a
126     * <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-output">null input stream</a>.
127     *
128     * <p>Otherwise, if the standard error of the process has been
129     * redirected using
130     * {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectErrorStream(boolean)
131     * ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream}
132     * then the input stream returned by this method will receive the
133     * merged standard output and the standard error of the process.
134     *
135     * <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
136     * input stream to be buffered.
137     *
138     * @return the input stream connected to the normal output of the
139     *         process
140     */
141    public abstract InputStream getInputStream();
143    /**
144     * Returns the input stream connected to the error output of the
145     * process.  The stream obtains data piped from the error output
146     * of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
147     *
148     * <p>If the standard error of the process has been redirected using
149     * {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectError(Redirect)
150     * ProcessBuilder.redirectError} or
151     * {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectErrorStream(boolean)
152     * ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream}
153     * then this method will return a
154     * <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-output">null input stream</a>.
155     *
156     * <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
157     * input stream to be buffered.
158     *
159     * @return the input stream connected to the error output of
160     *         the process
161     */
162    public abstract InputStream getErrorStream();
164    /**
165     * Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the
166     * process represented by this {@code Process} object has
167     * terminated.  This method returns immediately if the process
168     * has already terminated.  If the process has not yet
169     * terminated, the calling thread will be blocked until the
170     * process exits.
171     *
172     * @return the exit value of the process represented by this
173     *         {@code Process} object.  By convention, the value
174     *         {@code 0} indicates normal termination.
175     * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is
176     *         {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted} by another
177     *         thread while it is waiting, then the wait is ended and
178     *         an {@link InterruptedException} is thrown.
179     */
180    public abstract int waitFor() throws InterruptedException;
182    /**
183     * Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the
184     * process represented by this {@code Process} object has
185     * terminated, or the specified waiting time elapses.
186     *
187     * <p>If the process has already terminated then this method returns
188     * immediately with the value {@code true}.  If the process has not
189     * terminated and the timeout value is less than, or equal to, zero, then
190     * this method returns immediately with the value {@code false}.
191     *
192     * <p>The default implementation of this methods polls the {@code exitValue}
193     * to check if the process has terminated. Concrete implementations of this
194     * class are strongly encouraged to override this method with a more
195     * efficient implementation.
196     *
197     * @param timeout the maximum time to wait
198     * @param unit the time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
199     * @return {@code true} if the process has exited and {@code false} if
200     *         the waiting time elapsed before the process has exited.
201     * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
202     *         while waiting.
203     * @throws NullPointerException if unit is null
204     * @since 1.8
205     */
206    public boolean waitFor(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
207        throws InterruptedException
208    {
209        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
210        long rem = unit.toNanos(timeout);
212        do {
213            try {
214                exitValue();
215                return true;
216            } catch(IllegalThreadStateException ex) {
217                if (rem > 0)
218                    Thread.sleep(
219                        Math.min(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(rem) + 1, 100));
220            }
221            rem = unit.toNanos(timeout) - (System.nanoTime() - startTime);
222        } while (rem > 0);
223        return false;
224    }
226    /**
227     * Returns the exit value for the process.
228     *
229     * @return the exit value of the process represented by this
230     *         {@code Process} object.  By convention, the value
231     *         {@code 0} indicates normal termination.
232     * @throws IllegalThreadStateException if the process represented
233     *         by this {@code Process} object has not yet terminated
234     */
235    public abstract int exitValue();
237    /**
238     * Kills the process.
239     * Whether the process represented by this {@code Process} object is
240     * {@linkplain #supportsNormalTermination normally terminated} or not is
241     * implementation dependent.
242     * Forcible process destruction is defined as the immediate termination of a
243     * process, whereas normal termination allows the process to shut down cleanly.
244     * If the process is not alive, no action is taken.
245     * <p>
246     * The {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture} from {@link #onExit} is
247     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#complete completed}
248     * when the process has terminated.
249     */
250    public abstract void destroy();
252    /**
253     * Kills the process forcibly. The process represented by this
254     * {@code Process} object is forcibly terminated.
255     * Forcible process destruction is defined as the immediate termination of a
256     * process, whereas normal termination allows the process to shut down cleanly.
257     * If the process is not alive, no action is taken.
258     * <p>
259     * The {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture} from {@link #onExit} is
260     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#complete completed}
261     * when the process has terminated.
262     * <p>
263     * Invoking this method on {@code Process} objects returned by
264     * {@link ProcessBuilder#start} and {@link Runtime#exec} forcibly terminate
265     * the process.
266     *
267     * @implSpec
268     * The default implementation of this method invokes {@link #destroy}
269     * and so may not forcibly terminate the process.
270     * @implNote
271     * Concrete implementations of this class are strongly encouraged to override
272     * this method with a compliant implementation.
273     * @apiNote
274     * The process may not terminate immediately.
275     * i.e. {@code isAlive()} may return true for a brief period
276     * after {@code destroyForcibly()} is called. This method
277     * may be chained to {@code waitFor()} if needed.
278     *
279     * @return the {@code Process} object representing the
280     *         process forcibly destroyed
281     * @since 1.8
282     */
283    public Process destroyForcibly() {
284        destroy();
285        return this;
286    }
288    /**
289     * Returns {@code true} if the implementation of {@link #destroy} is to
290     * normally terminate the process,
291     * Returns {@code false} if the implementation of {@code destroy}
292     * forcibly and immediately terminates the process.
293     * <p>
294     * Invoking this method on {@code Process} objects returned by
295     * {@link ProcessBuilder#start} and {@link Runtime#exec} return
296     * {@code true} or {@code false} depending on the platform implementation.
297     *
298     * @implSpec
299     * This implementation throws an instance of
300     * {@link java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException} and performs no other action.
301     *
302     * @return {@code true} if the implementation of {@link #destroy} is to
303     *         normally terminate the process;
304     *         otherwise, {@link #destroy} forcibly terminates the process
305     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
306     *         does not support this operation
307     * @since 9
308     */
309    public boolean supportsNormalTermination() {
310        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass()
311                + ".supportsNormalTermination() not supported" );
312    }
314    /**
315     * Tests whether the process represented by this {@code Process} is
316     * alive.
317     *
318     * @return {@code true} if the process represented by this
319     *         {@code Process} object has not yet terminated.
320     * @since 1.8
321     */
322    public boolean isAlive() {
323        try {
324            exitValue();
325            return false;
326        } catch(IllegalThreadStateException e) {
327            return true;
328        }
329    }
331    /**
332     * Returns the native process ID of the process.
333     * The native process ID is an identification number that the operating
334     * system assigns to the process.
335     *
336     * @implSpec
337     * The implementation of this method returns the process id as:
338     * {@link #toHandle toHandle().pid()}.
339     *
340     * @return the native process id of the process
341     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
342     *         does not support this operation
343     * @since 9
344     */
345    public long pid() {
346        return toHandle().pid();
347    }
349    /**
350     * Returns a {@code CompletableFuture<Process>} for the termination of the Process.
351     * The {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture} provides the ability
352     * to trigger dependent functions or actions that may be run synchronously
353     * or asynchronously upon process termination.
354     * When the process has terminated the CompletableFuture is
355     * {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#complete completed} regardless
356     * of the exit status of the process.
357     * <p>
358     * Calling {@code onExit().get()} waits for the process to terminate and returns
359     * the Process. The future can be used to check if the process is
360     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#isDone done} or to
361     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#get() wait} for it to terminate.
362     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#cancel(boolean) Cancelling}
363     * the CompletableFuture does not affect the Process.
364     * <p>
365     * Processes returned from {@link ProcessBuilder#start} override the
366     * default implementation to provide an efficient mechanism to wait
367     * for process exit.
368     *
369     * @apiNote
370     * Using {@link #onExit() onExit} is an alternative to
371     * {@link #waitFor() waitFor} that enables both additional concurrency
372     * and convenient access to the result of the Process.
373     * Lambda expressions can be used to evaluate the result of the Process
374     * execution.
375     * If there is other processing to be done before the value is used
376     * then {@linkplain #onExit onExit} is a convenient mechanism to
377     * free the current thread and block only if and when the value is needed.
378     * <br>
379     * For example, launching a process to compare two files and get a boolean if they are identical:
380     * <pre> {@code   Process p = new ProcessBuilder("cmp", "f1", "f2").start();
381     *    Future<Boolean> identical = p.onExit().thenApply(p1 -> p1.exitValue() == 0);
382     *    ...
383     *    if (identical.get()) { ... }
384     * }</pre>
385     *
386     * @implSpec
387     * This implementation executes {@link #waitFor()} in a separate thread
388     * repeatedly until it returns successfully. If the execution of
389     * {@code waitFor} is interrupted, the thread's interrupt status is preserved.
390     * <p>
391     * When {@link #waitFor()} returns successfully the CompletableFuture is
392     * {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture#complete completed} regardless
393     * of the exit status of the process.
394     *
395     * This implementation may consume a lot of memory for thread stacks if a
396     * large number of processes are waited for concurrently.
397     * <p>
398     * External implementations should override this method and provide
399     * a more efficient implementation. For example, to delegate to the underlying
400     * process, it can do the following:
401     * <pre>{@code
402     *    public CompletableFuture<Process> onExit() {
403     *       return delegate.onExit().thenApply(p -> this);
404     *    }
405     * }</pre>
406     * @apiNote
407     * The process may be observed to have terminated with {@link #isAlive}
408     * before the ComputableFuture is completed and dependent actions are invoked.
409     *
410     * @return a new {@code CompletableFuture<Process>} for the Process
411     *
412     * @since 9
413     */
414    public CompletableFuture<Process> onExit() {
415        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(this::waitForInternal);
416    }
418    /**
419     * Wait for the process to exit by calling {@code waitFor}.
420     * If the thread is interrupted, remember the interrupted state to
421     * be restored before returning. Use ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker
422     * so that the number of workers in case ForkJoinPool is used is
423     * compensated when the thread blocks in waitFor().
424     *
425     * @return the Process
426     */
427    private Process waitForInternal() {
428        boolean interrupted = false;
429        while (true) {
430            try {
431                ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(new ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker() {
432                    @Override
433                    public boolean block() throws InterruptedException {
434                        waitFor();
435                        return true;
436                    }
438                    @Override
439                    public boolean isReleasable() {
440                        return !isAlive();
441                    }
442                });
443                break;
444            } catch (InterruptedException x) {
445                interrupted = true;
446            }
447        }
448        if (interrupted) {
449            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
450        }
451        return this;
452    }
454    /**
455     * Returns a ProcessHandle for the Process.
456     *
457     * {@code Process} objects returned by {@link ProcessBuilder#start} and
458     * {@link Runtime#exec} implement {@code toHandle} as the equivalent of
459     * {@link ProcessHandle#of(long) ProcessHandle.of(pid)} including the
460     * check for a SecurityManager and {@code RuntimePermission("manageProcess")}.
461     *
462     * @implSpec
463     * This implementation throws an instance of
464     * {@link java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException} and performs no other action.
465     * Subclasses should override this method to provide a ProcessHandle for the
466     * process.  The methods {@link #pid}, {@link #info}, {@link #children},
467     * and {@link #descendants}, unless overridden, operate on the ProcessHandle.
468     *
469     * @return Returns a ProcessHandle for the Process
470     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
471     *         does not support this operation
472     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager has been installed and
473     *         it denies RuntimePermission("manageProcess")
474     * @since 9
475     */
476    public ProcessHandle toHandle() {
477        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass()
478                + ".toHandle() not supported");
479    }
481    /**
482     * Returns a snapshot of information about the process.
483     *
484     * <p> A {@link ProcessHandle.Info} instance has accessor methods
485     * that return information about the process if it is available.
486     *
487     * @implSpec
488     * This implementation returns information about the process as:
489     * {@link #toHandle toHandle().info()}.
490     *
491     * @return a snapshot of information about the process, always non-null
492     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
493     *         does not support this operation
494     * @since 9
495     */
496    public ProcessHandle.Info info() {
497        return toHandle().info();
498    }
500    /**
501     * Returns a snapshot of the direct children of the process.
502     * The parent of a direct child process is the process.
503     * Typically, a process that is {@linkplain #isAlive not alive} has no children.
504     * <p>
505     * <em>Note that processes are created and terminate asynchronously.
506     * There is no guarantee that a process is {@linkplain #isAlive alive}.
507     * </em>
508     *
509     * @implSpec
510     * This implementation returns the direct children as:
511     * {@link #toHandle toHandle().children()}.
512     *
513     * @return a sequential Stream of ProcessHandles for processes that are
514     *         direct children of the process
515     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
516     *         does not support this operation
517     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager has been installed and
518     *         it denies RuntimePermission("manageProcess")
519     * @since 9
520     */
521    public Stream<ProcessHandle> children() {
522        return toHandle().children();
523    }
525    /**
526     * Returns a snapshot of the descendants of the process.
527     * The descendants of a process are the children of the process
528     * plus the descendants of those children, recursively.
529     * Typically, a process that is {@linkplain #isAlive not alive} has no children.
530     * <p>
531     * <em>Note that processes are created and terminate asynchronously.
532     * There is no guarantee that a process is {@linkplain #isAlive alive}.
533     * </em>
534     *
535     * @implSpec
536     * This implementation returns all children as:
537     * {@link #toHandle toHandle().descendants()}.
538     *
539     * @return a sequential Stream of ProcessHandles for processes that
540     *         are descendants of the process
541     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Process implementation
542     *         does not support this operation
543     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager has been installed and
544     *         it denies RuntimePermission("manageProcess")
545     * @since 9
546     */
547    public Stream<ProcessHandle> descendants() {
548        return toHandle().descendants();
549    }
551    /**
552     * An input stream for a subprocess pipe that skips by reading bytes
553     * instead of seeking, the underlying pipe does not support seek.
554     */
555    static class PipeInputStream extends FileInputStream {
557        PipeInputStream(FileDescriptor fd) {
558            super(fd);
559        }
561        @Override
562        public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
563            long remaining = n;
564            int nr;
566            if (n <= 0) {
567                return 0;
568            }
570            int size = (int)Math.min(2048, remaining);
571            byte[] skipBuffer = new byte[size];
572            while (remaining > 0) {
573                nr = read(skipBuffer, 0, (int)Math.min(size, remaining));
574                if (nr < 0) {
575                    break;
576                }
577                remaining -= nr;
578            }
580            return n - remaining;
581        }
582    }