2 * reserved comment block
4 */
6 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
7 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
8 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
9 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
10 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
11 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 *
13 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14 *
15 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 */
22package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils;
25 * A very simple table that stores a list of int. Very similar API to our
26 * IntVector class (same API); different internal storage.
27 *
28 * This version uses an array-of-arrays solution. Read/write access is thus
29 * a bit slower than the simple IntVector, and basic storage is a trifle
30 * higher due to the top-level array -- but appending is O(1) fast rather
31 * than O(N**2) slow, which will swamp those costs in situations where
32 * long vectors are being built up.
33 *
34 * Known issues:
35 *
36 * Some methods are private because they haven't yet been tested properly.
37 *
38 * Retrieval performance is critical, since this is used at the core
39 * of the DTM model. (Append performance is almost as important.)
40 * That's pushing me toward just letting reads from unset indices
41 * throw exceptions or return stale data; safer behavior would have
42 * performance costs.
43 * */
44public class SuballocatedIntVector
46  /** Size of blocks to allocate          */
47  protected int m_blocksize;
49  /** Bitwise addressing (much faster than div/remainder */
50  protected int m_SHIFT, m_MASK;
52  /** The default number of blocks to (over)allocate by */
53  protected static final int NUMBLOCKS_DEFAULT = 32;
55  /** The number of blocks to (over)allocate by */
56  protected int m_numblocks = NUMBLOCKS_DEFAULT;
58  /** Array of arrays of ints          */
59  protected int m_map[][];
61  /** Number of ints in array          */
62  protected int m_firstFree = 0;
64  /** "Shortcut" handle to m_map[0]. Surprisingly helpful for short vectors. */
65  protected int m_map0[];
67  /** "Shortcut" handle to most recently added row of m_map.
68   * Very helpful during construction.
69   * @xsl.usage internal
70   */
71  protected int m_buildCache[];
72  protected int m_buildCacheStartIndex;
75  /**
76   * Default constructor.  Note that the default
77   * block size is currently 2K, which may be overkill for
78   * small lists and undershootng for large ones.
79   */
80  public SuballocatedIntVector()
81  {
82    this(2048);
83  }
85  /**
86   * Construct a IntVector, using the given block size and number
87   * of blocks. For efficiency, we will round the requested size
88   * off to a power of two.
89   *
90   * @param blocksize Size of block to allocate
91   * @param numblocks Number of blocks to allocate
92   * */
93  public SuballocatedIntVector(int blocksize, int numblocks)
94  {
95    //m_blocksize = blocksize;
96    for(m_SHIFT=0;0!=(blocksize>>>=1);++m_SHIFT)
97      ;
98    m_blocksize=1<<m_SHIFT;
99    m_MASK=m_blocksize-1;
100    m_numblocks = numblocks;
102    m_map0=new int[m_blocksize];
103    m_map = new int[numblocks][];
104    m_map[0]=m_map0;
105    m_buildCache = m_map0;
106    m_buildCacheStartIndex = 0;
107  }
109  /** Construct a IntVector, using the given block size and
110   * the default number of blocks (32).
111   *
112   * @param blocksize Size of block to allocate
113   * */
114  public SuballocatedIntVector(int blocksize)
115  {
116    this(blocksize, NUMBLOCKS_DEFAULT);
117  }
119  /**
120   * Get the length of the list.
121   *
122   * @return length of the list
123   */
124  public int size()
125  {
126    return m_firstFree;
127  }
129  /**
130   * Set the length of the list. This will only work to truncate the list, and
131   * even then it has not been heavily tested and may not be trustworthy.
132   *
133   * @return length of the list
134   */
135  public void setSize(int sz)
136  {
137    if(m_firstFree>sz) // Whups; had that backward!
138      m_firstFree = sz;
139  }
141  /**
142   * Append a int onto the vector.
143   *
144   * @param value Int to add to the list
145   */
146  public  void addElement(int value)
147  {
148    int indexRelativeToCache = m_firstFree - m_buildCacheStartIndex;
150    // Is the new index an index into the cache row of m_map?
151    if(indexRelativeToCache >= 0 && indexRelativeToCache < m_blocksize) {
152      m_buildCache[indexRelativeToCache]=value;
153      ++m_firstFree;
154    } else {
155      // Growing the outer array should be rare. We initialize to a
156      // total of m_blocksize squared elements, which at the default
157      // size is 4M integers... and we grow by at least that much each
158      // time.  However, attempts to microoptimize for this (assume
159      // long enough and catch exceptions) yield no noticable
160      // improvement.
162      int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
163      int offset=m_firstFree&m_MASK;
165      if(index>=m_map.length)
166      {
167        int newsize=index+m_numblocks;
168        int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][];
169        System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length);
170        m_map=newMap;
171      }
172      int[] block=m_map[index];
173      if(null==block)
174        block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
175      block[offset]=value;
177      // Cache the current row of m_map.  Next m_blocksize-1
178      // values added will go to this row.
179      m_buildCache = block;
180      m_buildCacheStartIndex = m_firstFree-offset;
182      ++m_firstFree;
183    }
184  }
186  /**
187   * Append several int values onto the vector.
188   *
189   * @param value Int to add to the list
190   */
191  private  void addElements(int value, int numberOfElements)
192  {
193    if(m_firstFree+numberOfElements<m_blocksize)
194      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++)
195      {
196        m_map0[m_firstFree++]=value;
197      }
198    else
199    {
200      int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
201      int offset=m_firstFree&m_MASK;
202      m_firstFree+=numberOfElements;
203      while( numberOfElements>0)
204      {
205        if(index>=m_map.length)
206        {
207          int newsize=index+m_numblocks;
208          int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][];
209          System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length);
210          m_map=newMap;
211        }
212        int[] block=m_map[index];
213        if(null==block)
214          block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
215        int copied=(m_blocksize-offset < numberOfElements)
216          ? m_blocksize-offset : numberOfElements;
217        numberOfElements-=copied;
218        while(copied-- > 0)
219          block[offset++]=value;
221        ++index;offset=0;
222      }
223    }
224  }
226  /**
227   * Append several slots onto the vector, but do not set the values.
228   * Note: "Not Set" means the value is unspecified.
229   *
230   * @param numberOfElements Int to add to the list
231   */
232  private  void addElements(int numberOfElements)
233  {
234    int newlen=m_firstFree+numberOfElements;
235    if(newlen>m_blocksize)
236    {
237      int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
238      int newindex=(m_firstFree+numberOfElements)>>>m_SHIFT;
239      for(int i=index+1;i<=newindex;++i)
240        m_map[i]=new int[m_blocksize];
241    }
242    m_firstFree=newlen;
243  }
245  /**
246   * Inserts the specified node in this vector at the specified index.
247   * Each component in this vector with an index greater or equal to
248   * the specified index is shifted upward to have an index one greater
249   * than the value it had previously.
250   *
251   * Insertion may be an EXPENSIVE operation!
252   *
253   * @param value Int to insert
254   * @param at Index of where to insert
255   */
256  private  void insertElementAt(int value, int at)
257  {
258    if(at==m_firstFree)
259      addElement(value);
260    else if (at>m_firstFree)
261    {
262      int index=at>>>m_SHIFT;
263      if(index>=m_map.length)
264      {
265        int newsize=index+m_numblocks;
266        int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][];
267        System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length);
268        m_map=newMap;
269      }
270      int[] block=m_map[index];
271      if(null==block)
272        block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
273      int offset=at&m_MASK;
274          block[offset]=value;
275          m_firstFree=offset+1;
276        }
277    else
278    {
279      int index=at>>>m_SHIFT;
280      int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; // %REVIEW% (m_firstFree+1?)
281      ++m_firstFree;
282      int offset=at&m_MASK;
283      int push;
285      // ***** Easier to work down from top?
286      while(index<=maxindex)
287      {
288        int copylen=m_blocksize-offset-1;
289        int[] block=m_map[index];
290        if(null==block)
291        {
292          push=0;
293          block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
294        }
295        else
296        {
297          push=block[m_blocksize-1];
298          System.arraycopy(block, offset , block, offset+1, copylen);
299        }
300        block[offset]=value;
301        value=push;
302        offset=0;
303        ++index;
304      }
305    }
306  }
308  /**
309   * Wipe it out. Currently defined as equivalent to setSize(0).
310   */
311  public void removeAllElements()
312  {
313    m_firstFree = 0;
314    m_buildCache = m_map0;
315    m_buildCacheStartIndex = 0;
316  }
318  /**
319   * Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector.
320   * If the object is found in this vector, each component in the vector
321   * with an index greater or equal to the object's index is shifted
322   * downward to have an index one smaller than the value it had
323   * previously.
324   *
325   * @param s Int to remove from array
326   *
327   * @return True if the int was removed, false if it was not found
328   */
329  private  boolean removeElement(int s)
330  {
331    int at=indexOf(s,0);
332    if(at<0)
333      return false;
334    removeElementAt(at);
335    return true;
336  }
338  /**
339   * Deletes the component at the specified index. Each component in
340   * this vector with an index greater or equal to the specified
341   * index is shifted downward to have an index one smaller than
342   * the value it had previously.
343   *
344   * @param at index of where to remove and int
345   */
346  private  void removeElementAt(int at)
347  {
348        // No point in removing elements that "don't exist"...
349    if(at<m_firstFree)
350    {
351      int index=at>>>m_SHIFT;
352      int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
353      int offset=at&m_MASK;
355      while(index<=maxindex)
356      {
357        int copylen=m_blocksize-offset-1;
358        int[] block=m_map[index];
359        if(null==block)
360          block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
361        else
362          System.arraycopy(block, offset+1, block, offset, copylen);
363        if(index<maxindex)
364        {
365          int[] next=m_map[index+1];
366          if(next!=null)
367            block[m_blocksize-1]=(next!=null) ? next[0] : 0;
368        }
369        else
370          block[m_blocksize-1]=0;
371        offset=0;
372        ++index;
373      }
374    }
375    --m_firstFree;
376  }
378  /**
379   * Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the
380   * specified object. The previous component at that position is discarded.
381   *
382   * The index must be a value greater than or equal to 0 and less
383   * than the current size of the vector.
384   *
385   * @param value object to set
386   * @param at    Index of where to set the object
387   */
388  public void setElementAt(int value, int at)
389  {
390    if(at<m_blocksize)
391      m_map0[at]=value;
392    else
393    {
394      int index=at>>>m_SHIFT;
395      int offset=at&m_MASK;
397      if(index>=m_map.length)
398      {
399        int newsize=index+m_numblocks;
400        int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][];
401        System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length);
402        m_map=newMap;
403      }
405      int[] block=m_map[index];
406      if(null==block)
407        block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize];
408      block[offset]=value;
409    }
411    if(at>=m_firstFree)
412      m_firstFree=at+1;
413  }
416  /**
417   * Get the nth element. This is often at the innermost loop of an
418   * application, so performance is critical.
419   *
420   * @param i index of value to get
421   *
422   * @return value at given index. If that value wasn't previously set,
423   * the result is undefined for performance reasons. It may throw an
424   * exception (see below), may return zero, or (if setSize has previously
425   * been used) may return stale data.
426   *
427   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index was _clearly_
428   * unreasonable (negative, or past the highest block).
429   *
430   * @throws NullPointerException if the index points to a block that could
431   * have existed (based on the highest index used) but has never had anything
432   * set into it.
433   * %REVIEW% Could add a catch to create the block in that case, or return 0.
434   * Try/Catch is _supposed_ to be nearly free when not thrown to. Do we
435   * believe that? Should we have a separate safeElementAt?
436   */
437  public int elementAt(int i)
438  {
439    // This is actually a significant optimization!
440    if(i<m_blocksize)
441      return m_map0[i];
443    return m_map[i>>>m_SHIFT][i&m_MASK];
444  }
446  /**
447   * Tell if the table contains the given node.
448   *
449   * @param s object to look for
450   *
451   * @return true if the object is in the list
452   */
453  private  boolean contains(int s)
454  {
455    return (indexOf(s,0) >= 0);
456  }
458  /**
459   * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument,
460   * beginning the search at index, and testing for equality
461   * using the equals method.
462   *
463   * @param elem object to look for
464   * @param index Index of where to begin search
465   * @return the index of the first occurrence of the object
466   * argument in this vector at position index or later in the
467   * vector; returns -1 if the object is not found.
468   */
469  public int indexOf(int elem, int index)
470  {
471        if(index>=m_firstFree)
472                return -1;
474    int bindex=index>>>m_SHIFT;
475    int boffset=index&m_MASK;
476    int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
477    int[] block;
479    for(;bindex<maxindex;++bindex)
480    {
481      block=m_map[bindex];
482      if(block!=null)
483        for(int offset=boffset;offset<m_blocksize;++offset)
484          if(block[offset]==elem)
485            return offset+bindex*m_blocksize;
486      boffset=0; // after first
487    }
488    // Last block may need to stop before end
489    int maxoffset=m_firstFree&m_MASK;
490    block=m_map[maxindex];
491    for(int offset=boffset;offset<maxoffset;++offset)
492      if(block[offset]==elem)
493        return offset+maxindex*m_blocksize;
495    return -1;
496  }
498  /**
499   * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument,
500   * beginning the search at index, and testing for equality
501   * using the equals method.
502   *
503   * @param elem object to look for
504   * @return the index of the first occurrence of the object
505   * argument in this vector at position index or later in the
506   * vector; returns -1 if the object is not found.
507   */
508  public int indexOf(int elem)
509  {
510    return indexOf(elem,0);
511  }
513  /**
514   * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument,
515   * beginning the search at index, and testing for equality
516   * using the equals method.
517   *
518   * @param elem Object to look for
519   * @return the index of the first occurrence of the object
520   * argument in this vector at position index or later in the
521   * vector; returns -1 if the object is not found.
522   */
523  private  int lastIndexOf(int elem)
524  {
525    int boffset=m_firstFree&m_MASK;
526    for(int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT;
527        index>=0;
528        --index)
529    {
530      int[] block=m_map[index];
531      if(block!=null)
532        for(int offset=boffset; offset>=0; --offset)
533          if(block[offset]==elem)
534            return offset+index*m_blocksize;
535      boffset=0; // after first
536    }
537    return -1;
538  }
540  /**
541   * Return the internal m_map0 array
542   * @return the m_map0 array
543   */
544  public final int[] getMap0()
545  {
546    return m_map0;
547  }
549  /**
550   * Return the m_map double array
551   * @return the internal map of array of arrays
552   */
553  public final int[][] getMap()
554  {
555    return m_map;
556  }