2   "resources" : {
3      "license" : [
4         "http://dev.perl.org/licenses/"
5      ],
6      "repository" : {
7        "url" : "svn://repo.example.com/foo-bar#fakeanchor",
8        "web" : "http://www.example.com"
9      }
10   },
11   "generated_by" : "Module::Build version 0.36",
12   "meta-spec" : {
13      "version" : "2",
14      "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec"
15   },
16   "version" : "0.36",
17   "name" : "Module-Build",
18   "dynamic_config" : 1,
19   "author" : [
20      "Ken Williams <kwilliams@cpan.org>",
21      "Module-Build List <module-build@perl.org>"
22   ],
23   "release_status" : "stable",
24   "license" : [
25      "perl_5"
26   ],
27   "description" : "Module::Build is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl modules.  It is meant to be an alternative to ExtUtils::MakeMaker... blah blah blah",
28   "keywords" : [
29      "toolchain",
30      "cpan",
31      "dual-life"
32   ],
33   "provides" : {
34       "Foo::Bar" : {
35           "file"    : "lib/Foo/Bar.pm",
36           "version" : "0.27_02"
37       },
38       "Foo::Bar::Blah" : {
39           "file"    : "lib/Foo/Bar/Blah.pm"
40       },
41       "Foo::Bar::Baz" : {
42           "file"    : "lib/Foo/Bar/Baz.pm",
43           "version" : 0.3
44       }
45   },
46   "prereqs" : {
47      "runtime" : {
48         "requires" : {
49            "File::Copy" : "0",
50            "IO::File" : "0",
51            "Data::Dumper" : "0",
52            "File::Spec" : "0",
53            "Config" : "0",
54            "ExtUtils::Install" : "0",
55            "perl" : "5.006",
56            "File::Compare" : "0",
57            "File::Find" : "0",
58            "File::Path" : "0",
59            "File::Basename" : "0",
60            "Cwd" : "0"
61         },
62         "recommends" : {
63            "YAML" : "0.35",
64            "ExtUtils::ParseXS" : "2.02",
65            "Pod::Text" : "0",
66            "ExtUtils::Install" : "0.3",
67            "Archive::Tar" : "1.00"
68         }
69      },
70      "build" : {
71         "requires" : {
72            "Build::Requires": "1.1",
73            "Test::More" : "0"
74         }
75      },
76      "test" : {
77         "requires" : {
78            "Test::More" : "0.88",
79            "Test::Requires" : "1.2"
80         }
81      }
82   },
83   "optional_features" : {
84      "domination" : {
85         "prereqs" : {
86            "develop" : {
87               "requires" : {
88                  "Genius::Evil" : "1.234"
89               }
90            },
91            "runtime" : {
92               "requires" : {
93                  "Machine::Weather" : "2.0"
94               }
95            }
96         },
97         "description" : "Take over the world"
98      }
99   },
100   "abstract" : "Build and install Perl modules",
101   "x_whatever" : "Custom key"