1//===-- FixupStatepointCallerSaved.cpp - Fixup caller saved registers  ----===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9/// \file
10/// Statepoint instruction in deopt parameters contains values which are
11/// meaningful to the runtime and should be able to be read at the moment the
12/// call returns. So we can say that we need to encode the fact that these
13/// values are "late read" by runtime. If we could express this notion for
14/// register allocator it would produce the right form for us.
15/// The need to fixup (i.e this pass) is specifically handling the fact that
16/// we cannot describe such a late read for the register allocator.
17/// Register allocator may put the value on a register clobbered by the call.
18/// This pass forces the spill of such registers and replaces corresponding
19/// statepoint operands to added spill slots.
23#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
27#include "llvm/CodeGen/StackMaps.h"
28#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/Statepoint.h"
30#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
33using namespace llvm;
35#define DEBUG_TYPE "fixup-statepoint-caller-saved"
36STATISTIC(NumSpilledRegisters, "Number of spilled register");
37STATISTIC(NumSpillSlotsAllocated, "Number of spill slots allocated");
38STATISTIC(NumSpillSlotsExtended, "Number of spill slots extended");
40static cl::opt<bool> FixupSCSExtendSlotSize(
41    "fixup-scs-extend-slot-size", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
42    cl::desc("Allow spill in spill slot of greater size than register size"),
43    cl::Hidden);
45static cl::opt<bool> PassGCPtrInCSR(
46    "fixup-allow-gcptr-in-csr", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
47    cl::desc("Allow passing GC Pointer arguments in callee saved registers"));
49static cl::opt<bool> EnableCopyProp(
50    "fixup-scs-enable-copy-propagation", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true),
51    cl::desc("Enable simple copy propagation during register reloading"));
53// This is purely debugging option.
54// It may be handy for investigating statepoint spilling issues.
55static cl::opt<unsigned> MaxStatepointsWithRegs(
56    "fixup-max-csr-statepoints", cl::Hidden,
57    cl::desc("Max number of statepoints allowed to pass GC Ptrs in registers"));
59namespace {
61class FixupStatepointCallerSaved : public MachineFunctionPass {
63  static char ID;
65  FixupStatepointCallerSaved() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {
66    initializeFixupStatepointCallerSavedPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
67  }
69  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
70    AU.setPreservesCFG();
71    MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
72  }
74  StringRef getPassName() const override {
75    return "Fixup Statepoint Caller Saved";
76  }
78  bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
81} // End anonymous namespace.
83char FixupStatepointCallerSaved::ID = 0;
84char &llvm::FixupStatepointCallerSavedID = FixupStatepointCallerSaved::ID;
87                      "Fixup Statepoint Caller Saved", false, false)
88INITIALIZE_PASS_END(FixupStatepointCallerSaved, DEBUG_TYPE,
89                    "Fixup Statepoint Caller Saved", false, false)
91// Utility function to get size of the register.
92static unsigned getRegisterSize(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, Register Reg) {
93  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
94  return TRI.getSpillSize(*RC);
97// Try to eliminate redundant copy to register which we're going to
98// spill, i.e. try to change:
99//    X = COPY Y
100//    SPILL X
101//  to
102//    SPILL Y
103//  If there are no uses of X between copy and STATEPOINT, that COPY
104//  may be eliminated.
105//  Reg - register we're about to spill
106//  RI - On entry points to statepoint.
107//       On successful copy propagation set to new spill point.
108//  IsKill - set to true if COPY is Kill (there are no uses of Y)
109//  Returns either found source copy register or original one.
110static Register performCopyPropagation(Register Reg,
111                                       MachineBasicBlock::iterator &RI,
112                                       bool &IsKill, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
113                                       const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) {
114  // First check if statepoint itself uses Reg in non-meta operands.
115  int Idx = RI->findRegisterUseOperandIdx(Reg, false, &TRI);
116  if (Idx >= 0 && (unsigned)Idx < StatepointOpers(&*RI).getNumDeoptArgsIdx()) {
117    IsKill = false;
118    return Reg;
119  }
121  if (!EnableCopyProp)
122    return Reg;
124  MachineBasicBlock *MBB = RI->getParent();
125  MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator E = MBB->rend();
126  MachineInstr *Def = nullptr, *Use = nullptr;
127  for (auto It = ++(RI.getReverse()); It != E; ++It) {
128    if (It->readsRegister(Reg, &TRI) && !Use)
129      Use = &*It;
130    if (It->modifiesRegister(Reg, &TRI)) {
131      Def = &*It;
132      break;
133    }
134  }
136  if (!Def)
137    return Reg;
139  auto DestSrc = TII.isCopyInstr(*Def);
140  if (!DestSrc || DestSrc->Destination->getReg() != Reg)
141    return Reg;
143  Register SrcReg = DestSrc->Source->getReg();
145  if (getRegisterSize(TRI, Reg) != getRegisterSize(TRI, SrcReg))
146    return Reg;
148  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "spillRegisters: perform copy propagation "
149                    << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " -> " << printReg(SrcReg, &TRI)
150                    << "\n");
152  // Insert spill immediately after Def
153  RI = ++MachineBasicBlock::iterator(Def);
154  IsKill = DestSrc->Source->isKill();
156  if (!Use) {
157    // There are no uses of original register between COPY and STATEPOINT.
158    // There can't be any after STATEPOINT, so we can eliminate Def.
159    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "spillRegisters: removing dead copy " << *Def);
160    Def->eraseFromParent();
161  } else if (IsKill) {
162    // COPY will remain in place, spill will be inserted *after* it, so it is
163    // not a kill of source anymore.
164    const_cast<MachineOperand *>(DestSrc->Source)->setIsKill(false);
165  }
167  return SrcReg;
170namespace {
171// Pair {Register, FrameIndex}
172using RegSlotPair = std::pair<Register, int>;
174// Keeps track of what reloads were inserted in MBB.
175class RegReloadCache {
176  using ReloadSet = SmallSet<RegSlotPair, 8>;
177  DenseMap<const MachineBasicBlock *, ReloadSet> Reloads;
180  RegReloadCache() = default;
182  // Record reload of Reg from FI in block MBB
183  void recordReload(Register Reg, int FI, const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
184    RegSlotPair RSP(Reg, FI);
185    auto Res = Reloads[MBB].insert(RSP);
186    (void)Res;
187    assert(Res.second && "reload already exists");
188  }
190  // Does basic block MBB contains reload of Reg from FI?
191  bool hasReload(Register Reg, int FI, const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
192    RegSlotPair RSP(Reg, FI);
193    return Reloads.count(MBB) && Reloads[MBB].count(RSP);
194  }
197// Cache used frame indexes during statepoint re-write to re-use them in
198// processing next statepoint instruction.
199// Two strategies. One is to preserve the size of spill slot while another one
200// extends the size of spill slots to reduce the number of them, causing
201// the less total frame size. But unspill will have "implicit" any extend.
202class FrameIndexesCache {
204  struct FrameIndexesPerSize {
205    // List of used frame indexes during processing previous statepoints.
206    SmallVector<int, 8> Slots;
207    // Current index of un-used yet frame index.
208    unsigned Index = 0;
209  };
210  MachineFrameInfo &MFI;
211  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI;
212  // Map size to list of frame indexes of this size. If the mode is
213  // FixupSCSExtendSlotSize then the key 0 is used to keep all frame indexes.
214  // If the size of required spill slot is greater than in a cache then the
215  // size will be increased.
216  DenseMap<unsigned, FrameIndexesPerSize> Cache;
218  // Keeps track of slots reserved for the shared landing pad processing.
219  // Initialized from GlobalIndices for the current EHPad.
220  SmallSet<int, 8> ReservedSlots;
222  // Landing pad can be destination of several statepoints. Every register
223  // defined by such statepoints must be spilled to the same stack slot.
224  // This map keeps that information.
225  DenseMap<const MachineBasicBlock *, SmallVector<RegSlotPair, 8>>
226      GlobalIndices;
228  FrameIndexesPerSize &getCacheBucket(unsigned Size) {
229    // In FixupSCSExtendSlotSize mode the bucket with 0 index is used
230    // for all sizes.
231    return Cache[FixupSCSExtendSlotSize ? 0 : Size];
232  }
235  FrameIndexesCache(MachineFrameInfo &MFI, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI)
236      : MFI(MFI), TRI(TRI) {}
237  // Reset the current state of used frame indexes. After invocation of
238  // this function all frame indexes are available for allocation with
239  // the exception of slots reserved for landing pad processing (if any).
240  void reset(const MachineBasicBlock *EHPad) {
241    for (auto &It : Cache)
242      It.second.Index = 0;
244    ReservedSlots.clear();
245    if (EHPad && GlobalIndices.count(EHPad))
246      for (auto &RSP : GlobalIndices[EHPad])
247        ReservedSlots.insert(RSP.second);
248  }
250  // Get frame index to spill the register.
251  int getFrameIndex(Register Reg, MachineBasicBlock *EHPad) {
252    // Check if slot for Reg is already reserved at EHPad.
253    auto It = GlobalIndices.find(EHPad);
254    if (It != GlobalIndices.end()) {
255      auto &Vec = It->second;
256      auto Idx = llvm::find_if(
257          Vec, [Reg](RegSlotPair &RSP) { return Reg == RSP.first; });
258      if (Idx != Vec.end()) {
259        int FI = Idx->second;
260        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found global FI " << FI << " for register "
261                          << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " at "
262                          << printMBBReference(*EHPad) << "\n");
263        assert(ReservedSlots.count(FI) && "using unreserved slot");
264        return FI;
265      }
266    }
268    unsigned Size = getRegisterSize(TRI, Reg);
269    FrameIndexesPerSize &Line = getCacheBucket(Size);
270    while (Line.Index < Line.Slots.size()) {
271      int FI = Line.Slots[Line.Index++];
272      if (ReservedSlots.count(FI))
273        continue;
274      // If all sizes are kept together we probably need to extend the
275      // spill slot size.
276      if (MFI.getObjectSize(FI) < Size) {
277        MFI.setObjectSize(FI, Size);
278        MFI.setObjectAlignment(FI, Align(Size));
279        NumSpillSlotsExtended++;
280      }
281      return FI;
282    }
283    int FI = MFI.CreateSpillStackObject(Size, Align(Size));
284    NumSpillSlotsAllocated++;
285    Line.Slots.push_back(FI);
286    ++Line.Index;
288    // Remember assignment {Reg, FI} for EHPad
289    if (EHPad) {
290      GlobalIndices[EHPad].push_back(std::make_pair(Reg, FI));
291      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Reserved FI " << FI << " for spilling reg "
292                        << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " at landing pad "
293                        << printMBBReference(*EHPad) << "\n");
294    }
296    return FI;
297  }
299  // Sort all registers to spill in descendent order. In the
300  // FixupSCSExtendSlotSize mode it will minimize the total frame size.
301  // In non FixupSCSExtendSlotSize mode we can skip this step.
302  void sortRegisters(SmallVectorImpl<Register> &Regs) {
303    if (!FixupSCSExtendSlotSize)
304      return;
305    llvm::sort(Regs, [&](Register &A, Register &B) {
306      return getRegisterSize(TRI, A) > getRegisterSize(TRI, B);
307    });
308  }
311// Describes the state of the current processing statepoint instruction.
312class StatepointState {
314  // statepoint instruction.
315  MachineInstr &MI;
316  MachineFunction &MF;
317  // If non-null then statepoint is invoke, and this points to the landing pad.
318  MachineBasicBlock *EHPad;
319  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI;
320  const TargetInstrInfo &TII;
321  MachineFrameInfo &MFI;
322  // Mask with callee saved registers.
323  const uint32_t *Mask;
324  // Cache of frame indexes used on previous instruction processing.
325  FrameIndexesCache &CacheFI;
326  bool AllowGCPtrInCSR;
327  // Operands with physical registers requiring spilling.
328  SmallVector<unsigned, 8> OpsToSpill;
329  // Set of register to spill.
330  SmallVector<Register, 8> RegsToSpill;
331  // Set of registers to reload after statepoint.
332  SmallVector<Register, 8> RegsToReload;
333  // Map Register to Frame Slot index.
334  DenseMap<Register, int> RegToSlotIdx;
337  StatepointState(MachineInstr &MI, const uint32_t *Mask,
338                  FrameIndexesCache &CacheFI, bool AllowGCPtrInCSR)
339      : MI(MI), MF(*MI.getMF()), TRI(*MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo()),
340        TII(*MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo()), MFI(MF.getFrameInfo()),
341        Mask(Mask), CacheFI(CacheFI), AllowGCPtrInCSR(AllowGCPtrInCSR) {
343    // Find statepoint's landing pad, if any.
344    EHPad = nullptr;
345    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
346    // Invoke statepoint must be last one in block.
347    bool Last = std::none_of(++MI.getIterator(), MBB->end().getInstrIterator(),
348                             [](MachineInstr &I) {
349                               return I.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::STATEPOINT;
350                             });
352    if (!Last)
353      return;
355    auto IsEHPad = [](MachineBasicBlock *B) { return B->isEHPad(); };
357    assert(llvm::count_if(MBB->successors(), IsEHPad) < 2 && "multiple EHPads");
359    auto It = llvm::find_if(MBB->successors(), IsEHPad);
360    if (It != MBB->succ_end())
361      EHPad = *It;
362  }
364  MachineBasicBlock *getEHPad() const { return EHPad; }
366  // Return true if register is callee saved.
367  bool isCalleeSaved(Register Reg) { return (Mask[Reg / 32] >> Reg % 32) & 1; }
369  // Iterates over statepoint meta args to find caller saver registers.
370  // Also cache the size of found registers.
371  // Returns true if caller save registers found.
372  bool findRegistersToSpill() {
373    SmallSet<Register, 8> GCRegs;
374    // All GC pointer operands assigned to registers produce new value.
375    // Since they're tied to their defs, it is enough to collect def registers.
376    for (const auto &Def : MI.defs())
377      GCRegs.insert(Def.getReg());
379    SmallSet<Register, 8> VisitedRegs;
380    for (unsigned Idx = StatepointOpers(&MI).getVarIdx(),
381                  EndIdx = MI.getNumOperands();
382         Idx < EndIdx; ++Idx) {
383      MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(Idx);
384      // Leave `undef` operands as is, StackMaps will rewrite them
385      // into a constant.
386      if (!MO.isReg() || MO.isImplicit() || MO.isUndef())
387        continue;
388      Register Reg = MO.getReg();
389      assert(Reg.isPhysical() && "Only physical regs are expected");
391      if (isCalleeSaved(Reg) && (AllowGCPtrInCSR || !is_contained(GCRegs, Reg)))
392        continue;
394      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Will spill " << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " at index "
395                        << Idx << "\n");
397      if (VisitedRegs.insert(Reg).second)
398        RegsToSpill.push_back(Reg);
399      OpsToSpill.push_back(Idx);
400    }
401    CacheFI.sortRegisters(RegsToSpill);
402    return !RegsToSpill.empty();
403  }
405  // Spill all caller saved registers right before statepoint instruction.
406  // Remember frame index where register is spilled.
407  void spillRegisters() {
408    for (Register Reg : RegsToSpill) {
409      int FI = CacheFI.getFrameIndex(Reg, EHPad);
410      const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
412      NumSpilledRegisters++;
413      RegToSlotIdx[Reg] = FI;
415      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spilling " << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " to FI " << FI
416                        << "\n");
418      // Perform trivial copy propagation
419      bool IsKill = true;
420      MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertBefore(MI);
421      Reg = performCopyPropagation(Reg, InsertBefore, IsKill, TII, TRI);
423      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Insert spill before " << *InsertBefore);
424      TII.storeRegToStackSlot(*MI.getParent(), InsertBefore, Reg, IsKill, FI,
425                              RC, &TRI, Register());
426    }
427  }
429  void insertReloadBefore(unsigned Reg, MachineBasicBlock::iterator It,
430                          MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
431    const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
432    int FI = RegToSlotIdx[Reg];
433    if (It != MBB->end()) {
434      TII.loadRegFromStackSlot(*MBB, It, Reg, FI, RC, &TRI, Register());
435      return;
436    }
438    // To insert reload at the end of MBB, insert it before last instruction
439    // and then swap them.
440    assert(!MBB->empty() && "Empty block");
441    --It;
442    TII.loadRegFromStackSlot(*MBB, It, Reg, FI, RC, &TRI, Register());
443    MachineInstr *Reload = It->getPrevNode();
444    int Dummy = 0;
445    (void)Dummy;
446    assert(TII.isLoadFromStackSlot(*Reload, Dummy) == Reg);
447    assert(Dummy == FI);
448    MBB->remove(Reload);
449    MBB->insertAfter(It, Reload);
450  }
452  // Insert reloads of (relocated) registers spilled in statepoint.
453  void insertReloads(MachineInstr *NewStatepoint, RegReloadCache &RC) {
454    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = NewStatepoint->getParent();
455    auto InsertPoint = std::next(NewStatepoint->getIterator());
457    for (auto Reg : RegsToReload) {
458      insertReloadBefore(Reg, InsertPoint, MBB);
459      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Reloading " << printReg(Reg, &TRI) << " from FI "
460                        << RegToSlotIdx[Reg] << " after statepoint\n");
462      if (EHPad && !RC.hasReload(Reg, RegToSlotIdx[Reg], EHPad)) {
463        RC.recordReload(Reg, RegToSlotIdx[Reg], EHPad);
464        auto EHPadInsertPoint = EHPad->SkipPHIsLabelsAndDebug(EHPad->begin());
465        insertReloadBefore(Reg, EHPadInsertPoint, EHPad);
466        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "...also reload at EHPad "
467                          << printMBBReference(*EHPad) << "\n");
468      }
469    }
470  }
472  // Re-write statepoint machine instruction to replace caller saved operands
473  // with indirect memory location (frame index).
474  MachineInstr *rewriteStatepoint() {
475    MachineInstr *NewMI =
476        MF.CreateMachineInstr(TII.get(MI.getOpcode()), MI.getDebugLoc(), true);
477    MachineInstrBuilder MIB(MF, NewMI);
479    unsigned NumOps = MI.getNumOperands();
481    // New indices for the remaining defs.
482    SmallVector<unsigned, 8> NewIndices;
483    unsigned NumDefs = MI.getNumDefs();
484    for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumDefs; ++I) {
485      MachineOperand &DefMO = MI.getOperand(I);
486      assert(DefMO.isReg() && DefMO.isDef() && "Expected Reg Def operand");
487      Register Reg = DefMO.getReg();
488      assert(DefMO.isTied() && "Def is expected to be tied");
489      // We skipped undef uses and did not spill them, so we should not
490      // proceed with defs here.
491      if (MI.getOperand(MI.findTiedOperandIdx(I)).isUndef()) {
492        if (AllowGCPtrInCSR) {
493          NewIndices.push_back(NewMI->getNumOperands());
494          MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Define);
495        }
496        continue;
497      }
498      if (!AllowGCPtrInCSR) {
499        assert(is_contained(RegsToSpill, Reg));
500        RegsToReload.push_back(Reg);
501      } else {
502        if (isCalleeSaved(Reg)) {
503          NewIndices.push_back(NewMI->getNumOperands());
504          MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Define);
505        } else {
506          NewIndices.push_back(NumOps);
507          RegsToReload.push_back(Reg);
508        }
509      }
510    }
512    // Add End marker.
513    OpsToSpill.push_back(MI.getNumOperands());
514    unsigned CurOpIdx = 0;
516    for (unsigned I = NumDefs; I < MI.getNumOperands(); ++I) {
517      MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(I);
518      if (I == OpsToSpill[CurOpIdx]) {
519        int FI = RegToSlotIdx[MO.getReg()];
520        MIB.addImm(StackMaps::IndirectMemRefOp);
521        MIB.addImm(getRegisterSize(TRI, MO.getReg()));
522        assert(MO.isReg() && "Should be register");
523        assert(MO.getReg().isPhysical() && "Should be physical register");
524        MIB.addFrameIndex(FI);
525        MIB.addImm(0);
526        ++CurOpIdx;
527      } else {
528        MIB.add(MO);
529        unsigned OldDef;
530        if (AllowGCPtrInCSR && MI.isRegTiedToDefOperand(I, &OldDef)) {
531          assert(OldDef < NumDefs);
532          assert(NewIndices[OldDef] < NumOps);
533          MIB->tieOperands(NewIndices[OldDef], MIB->getNumOperands() - 1);
534        }
535      }
536    }
537    assert(CurOpIdx == (OpsToSpill.size() - 1) && "Not all operands processed");
538    // Add mem operands.
539    NewMI->setMemRefs(MF, MI.memoperands());
540    for (auto It : RegToSlotIdx) {
541      Register R = It.first;
542      int FrameIndex = It.second;
543      auto PtrInfo = MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(MF, FrameIndex);
544      MachineMemOperand::Flags Flags = MachineMemOperand::MOLoad;
545      if (is_contained(RegsToReload, R))
546        Flags |= MachineMemOperand::MOStore;
547      auto *MMO =
548          MF.getMachineMemOperand(PtrInfo, Flags, getRegisterSize(TRI, R),
549                                  MFI.getObjectAlign(FrameIndex));
550      NewMI->addMemOperand(MF, MMO);
551    }
553    // Insert new statepoint and erase old one.
554    MI.getParent()->insert(MI, NewMI);
556    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "rewritten statepoint to : " << *NewMI << "\n");
557    MI.eraseFromParent();
558    return NewMI;
559  }
562class StatepointProcessor {
564  MachineFunction &MF;
565  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI;
566  FrameIndexesCache CacheFI;
567  RegReloadCache ReloadCache;
570  StatepointProcessor(MachineFunction &MF)
571      : MF(MF), TRI(*MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo()),
572        CacheFI(MF.getFrameInfo(), TRI) {}
574  bool process(MachineInstr &MI, bool AllowGCPtrInCSR) {
575    StatepointOpers SO(&MI);
576    uint64_t Flags = SO.getFlags();
577    // Do nothing for LiveIn, it supports all registers.
578    if (Flags & (uint64_t)StatepointFlags::DeoptLiveIn)
579      return false;
580    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nMBB " << MI.getParent()->getNumber() << " "
581                      << MI.getParent()->getName() << " : process statepoint "
582                      << MI);
583    CallingConv::ID CC = SO.getCallingConv();
584    const uint32_t *Mask = TRI.getCallPreservedMask(MF, CC);
585    StatepointState SS(MI, Mask, CacheFI, AllowGCPtrInCSR);
586    CacheFI.reset(SS.getEHPad());
588    if (!SS.findRegistersToSpill())
589      return false;
591    SS.spillRegisters();
592    auto *NewStatepoint = SS.rewriteStatepoint();
593    SS.insertReloads(NewStatepoint, ReloadCache);
594    return true;
595  }
597} // namespace
599bool FixupStatepointCallerSaved::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
600  if (skipFunction(MF.getFunction()))
601    return false;
603  const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
604  if (!F.hasGC())
605    return false;
607  SmallVector<MachineInstr *, 16> Statepoints;
608  for (MachineBasicBlock &BB : MF)
609    for (MachineInstr &I : BB)
610      if (I.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::STATEPOINT)
611        Statepoints.push_back(&I);
613  if (Statepoints.empty())
614    return false;
616  bool Changed = false;
617  StatepointProcessor SPP(MF);
618  unsigned NumStatepoints = 0;
619  bool AllowGCPtrInCSR = PassGCPtrInCSR;
620  for (MachineInstr *I : Statepoints) {
621    ++NumStatepoints;
622    if (MaxStatepointsWithRegs.getNumOccurrences() &&
623        NumStatepoints >= MaxStatepointsWithRegs)
624      AllowGCPtrInCSR = false;
625    Changed |= SPP.process(*I, AllowGCPtrInCSR);
626  }
627  return Changed;