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  • only in /netgear-WNDR4500-V1.0.1.40_1.0.68/src/router/mipsel-uclibc/install/lltd/wrt54g-linux/usr/sbin/
_fini __uClibc_main __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses libnvram.so _DYNAMIC_LINKING __RLD_MAP _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ libshared.so get_ifname_unit __assert snprintf nvram_get __errno_location fopen fgets ferror fclose strlen memcpy strcpy wl_ioctl nvram_set strchr strncpy socket fork setsid exit strtol gettimeofday g_short_reorder_buffer g_jumbo_icon_path fstat strerror warn g_icon_path g_buf strtoll cpy_hton64 xmalloc g_wl_interface lltd_make_wl_prefix util_copy_ascii_to_ucs2 uname g_interface g_trace_flags dbgprintf die chdir umask bind packetio_recv_handler event_add_io g_Progname kill getpid my_radio get_wireless_mode get_bssid g_hwaddr strstr atoi strdup memset strcmp strrchr isConfTest optarg getopt stderr optind g_smT_state g_smE_state g_sessions g_band osl_init g_osl g_rxbuf g_emitbuf g_txbuf g_re_txbuf seeslist_new g_sees g_opcode g_rcvd_pkt_len g_rtxseqnum g_re_tx_len g_generation g_sequencenum g_ctc_packets g_ctc_bytes g_hello_timer g_emit_timer g_charge_timer g_block_timer getline sscanf event_init qos_init osl_interface_open osl_get_hwaddr util_use_syslog osl_become_daemon osl_write_pidfile osl_drop_privs event_mainloop xfree select rand openlog vsyslog vfprintf g_re_tx_opcode osl_write osl_read g_ethernet_hdr g_qltlv_hdr g_hello_hdr g_base_hdr g_discover_hdr qosrcvpkt g_this_event state_process_packet g_totalPause g_neededPackets g_neededBytes g_topo_session tlv_write_info g_tx_len tlv_write_tlv seeslist_dequeue seeslist_is_empty random_uniform state_hello_delay_timeout event_add state_block_timeout g_emit_remaining g_emitdesc state_emit_timeout event_cancel state_inactivity_timeout smE_process_event smT_process_event smS_process_event restart_inactivity_timer packetio_invalidate_retxbuf osl_set_promisc SessionTableIsEmpty band_InitStats band_ChooseHelloTime band_IncreaseLoad OnlyCompleteSessions packetio_tx_hello band_UpdateStats band_ResetNi seeslist_enqueue seeslist_clear packetio_tx_emitee g_emit_seqnum packetio_tx_ack state_charge_timeout packetio_tx_flat set_emit_timer packetio_tx_queryresp Tlvs packetio_tx_qltlvResp g_info lseek get_hostid get_net_flags get_physical_medium get_ssid get_ipv4addr get_ipv6addr get_max_op_rate get_link_speed get_tsc_ticks_per_sec get_pause_granule get_icon_image get_machine_name get_support_info get_friendly_name get_hw_id get_qos_flags get_wl_physical_medium get_accesspt_assns get_uptime get_jumbo_icon get_sees_max get_component_tbl strtoul puts g_tpkts g_tbytes g_rpkts g_rbytes g_samples_remaining g_next_sample g_sample_count g_perf_samples g_perf_timestamp g_qos_CTA_timer g_QosSessions g_qos_inactivity_timer g_LinkSpeed g_TimeStampFreq g_qprb_hdr g_qinit_hdr g_pktio_timestamp g_snap_hdr fmt_base __udivdi3 tx_write g_reorder_buffer __clz_tab libgcc_s.so.1 libc.so.0 _ftext _fdata _gp _edata __bss_start _fbss _end GLIBC_2.0 
prefix ../src/osl-linux.c prefix_size *ifname wl_unit wl%d.%d_ wl%d_ get_jumbo_icon: reading iconfile %s FAILED : %s get_jumbo_icon: stat-ing iconfile %s FAILED : %s get_icon_image: reading iconfile %s FAILED : %s get_icon_image: stat-ing iconfile %s FAILED : %s /proc/uptime r get_uptime: open("/proc/uptime") for read failed: %s; not able to determine uptime, so returning TLV_GET_FAILED. get_uptime: error [%s] during reading of /proc/uptime wl_ssid ifname wlXXXXXXXXXX_ friendly_name 802.11 Broadcom Reference wan_hostname BRCM_ROUTER get_ipv4addr: FAILED creating request socket for '%s' : %s get_ipv4addr(%d,%s): FAILED : %s br0 get_hwaddr: FAILED creating request socket for '%s' : %s get_hwaddr(%d,%s): FAILED : %s get_hwaddr: was expecting addr type to be Ether, not type %d eth0 get_hostid(): FAILED picking eth0 address. get_hostid(): FAILED, because chosen hostid = broadcast address get_hostid: hostid=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x osl_get_hw_addr: expected an ethernet address on our interface osl_set_promisc: couldn't get interface flags for %s: %s osl_set_promisc: couldn't set interface flags for %s: %s osl_become_daemon: fork to drop process group leadership failed: %s osl_become_daemon: setsid failed?!: %s osl_become_daemon: fork to lose group leadership (again) failed: %s osl_become_daemon: chdir("/") failed: %s osl_interface_open: open %s failed: %s if_get_index: for interface %s: %s osl_interface_open: binding to interface %s (index %d): %s /var/run/%s-%.10s.pid osl_write_pidfile: opening pidfile %s for read: %s osl_write_pidfile: read of pre-existing %s failed: %s osl_write_pidfile: couldn't parse "%s" as a pid (from file %s); aborting osl_write_pidfile: %s contains pid %d which is still running; aborting osl_write_pidfile: open %s for write/create: %s %d osl_write_pidfile: writing my PID to lockfile %s: %s authe_sta_list sta_info lltd_make_wl_prefix D F conftest %s: -t TRACELEVEL: parse error in "%s" usage: %s [-d] [-t TRACELEVEL] INTERFACE [WIRELESS-IF] Runs a link-layer topology discovery daemon on INTERFACE (eg eth0) -d : don't background, and log moderate tracing to stdout (debug mode) -t TRACELEVEL : select tracing by adding together: 0x01 : BAND network load control calculations 0x02 : packet dump of protocol exchange 0x04 : Charge mechanism for protection against denial of service 0x08 : system information TLVs (type-length-value) 0x10 : State-Machine transitions for smS, smE, and smT 0x20 : Qos/qWave extensions dt: x86 eth1 %s: no interface-name argument; '%s' assumed. %s: error: missing INTERFACE name argument /etc/lld2d.conf %s = %s icon /etc/ jumbo-icon line ignored - var does not match a known string line ignored - var or val was missing or no equals /usr/sbin/icon.ico event_add_io: no free IO slots (all %d used) event_mainloop: select: %s event_remove_io: fd %d is unknown; ignoring %s: warning: %s: ERROR: xmalloc: allocation of %d bytes failed A Apacketio_tx_write: write to socket failed: %s packetio_tx_write: socket write for %d bytes, but %d went out packetio_recv_handler: error on read: %s packetio_recv_handler: runt frame (%d bytes < %d); ignoring packetio_recv_handler: frame with truncated Base header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring packetio_recv_handler: got version %d protocol frame; ignoring packetio_recv_handler: g_opcode=%d is out of range; ignoring packetio_recv_handler: broadcast of g_opcode %d (from realsrc=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) is illegal; dropping packetio_recv_handler: g_opcode %d with seq=%u (from realsrc=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) is illegal; dropping packetio_recv_handler: g_opcode %d (from realsrc=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xmust have seqnum packetio_recv_handler: mis-matched opcode when matched sequence number: got opcode %d, expecting %d; ignoring packetio_recv_handler: mis-matched sequence number: got %d, expecting %d; ignoring verify_discover: frame with truncated Discover header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring rx_hello: frame with truncated Hello header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring validate_emit: frame with truncated Emit header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring validate_emit: emitee_desc from %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x with unknown type=%d; ignoring whole Emit request validate_emit: emitee_desc with src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x is invalid; ignoring whole Emit request validate_emit: emitee_desc with dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x is invalid; ignoring whole Emit request validate_emit: Emit contains emitee_descs with total pausetime %ums > %ums; ignoring whole Emit request validate_emit: numdescs=%d but only %d descs in frame query-ltlv-rcvd: frame with truncated qltlv header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring packetio_tx_qltlvResp: no mapping session when qLTLV was received. No response is being sent. P L , , , , D , , , IncreaseLoad: Ni=%u r=%u ChooseHelloTime: delay=%u; will hello at %ld.%06ld idle this block, so no Hello UpdateStats: Ni=%u r=%u UpdateStats: block timer still running?!? InitStats: Ni=%u r=%u g_block_timer == ((void *)0) ../src/band.c band_InitStats g_emit_remaining > 0 ../src/state.c g_emit_timer == ((void *)0) state_process_packet: no room to create new session. Packet dropped. set_emit_timer rx_discover: truncated frame: ended at station %d, but numstations claimed %d d d 8 8 smE (quiescent): Rcvd Discover from an existing session. Discarded. smE (Quiescent): Killing a block timeout that should already be dead! | @ smT (Quiescent): Ignored packet w/ unknown opcode: %d g_emit_remaining == 0 ../src/mapping.c X , X ` ! ProcessEmits tlv_write_tlv: FAILED initializing 'unset' TLV %d (NULL get_fn) tlv_write_tlv: FAILED getting 'static' or 'dynamic' TLV %d (NULL get_fn) write-assns-list: No list was generated, empty list written write-assns-list: Offset too big, empty list written write_icon_file_t: lseek to byte %d on the iconfile FAILED, errno: %s write_icon_file_t: read of the iconfile FAILED, errno: %s write_lg_icon_t: lseek to byte %d on the iconfile FAILED, errno: %s write_lg_icon_t: read of the jumbo iconfile FAILED, errno: %s /proc/net/dev : get_raw_samples: using dummy values due to parse error! get_raw_samples: failed reading /proc/dev for device statistics! get_raw_samples: failed opening /proc/dev for device statistics! 0 0 0 0 0 0 stamp_time: entered - Parul qospktrcv: g_opcode=%d is out of range for QoS msg; ignoring qospktrcv: g_opcode=%d must be sequenced; ignoring qospktrcv: g_opcode=%d must be directed; ignoring qospktrcv: QosCounterLease must not be sequenced; ignoring qospktrcv: QosCounterLease must be broadcasted; ignoring qos_initsink: frame with truncated InitializeSink header (len=%d src=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x); ignoring DG h@ F xL h@ E h@ h@ C h@ 0C
E RELEASE 1.2 < @ ` @ 6@ @ @ )@ @ )@ @ p@@ @ /@ @ @ t/@ p @ 3@ @ '@ ` @ 0 )@ < @ 4 F@ @ 8 .@ @ @ `)@ @ D `+@ H @ L 1@ p @ l '@ p @ X1@ p @ ('@ p @ | D)@ @ 0'@ @ B@ \ @ ,@ @ )@ @ )@ < @ A@ @ @
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2
__r0 high __q0 __q1 __udivmoddi4 complex float __r1 USItype long long unsigned int unsigned char short unsigned int DWunion UQItype __clz_tab UDItype /home/gracecsm/toolchains/src/toolchains/linux-2.6/buildroot/toolchain_build_mipsel/gcc-4.2.3/gcc/libgcc2.c __d0 __d1 long long int __udivdi3 __xr short int complex double GNU C 4.2.3 -g DWstruct
.symtab .strtab .shstrtab .interp .reginfo .dynamic .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .init .text .MIPS.stubs .fini .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .ctors .dtors .jcr .data .rld_map .got .sdata .sbss .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_pubnames .debug_info .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_frame .debug_str .debug_loc .mdebug.abi32 .pdr .debug_ranges
libc/sysdeps/linux/mips/crt1.S initfini.c libc/sysdeps/linux/mips/crti.S crtstuff.c __CTOR_LIST__ __DTOR_LIST__ __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__ __JCR_LIST__ __do_global_dtors_aux completed.2660 p.2658 frame_dummy object.2672 __CTOR_END__ __DTOR_END__ __FRAME_END__ __JCR_END__ __do_global_ctors_aux libc/sysdeps/linux/mips/crtn.S osl-linux.c __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.7901 get_hwaddr Etheraddr_broadcast C.33.7786 main.c event.c Ios Events util.c use_syslog packetio.c band.c __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3237 state.c __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3548 sessionmgr.c enumeration.c mapping.c __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3388 seeslist.c tlv.c write_comptbl_t write_ucs2char_t write_ipv6addr_t write_uint64_t write_uint32_t write_uint16_t write_uint8_t write_etheraddr_t write_assns_t write_icon_file_t write_lg_icon_t write_ipv4addr_t qospktio.c get_raw_samples interface_counter_recorder qos_inactivity_timeout /home/gracecsm/toolchains/src/toolchains/linux-2.6/buildroot/toolchain_build_mipsel/gcc-4.2.3/gcc/libgcc2.c /home/gracecsm/toolchains/src/toolchains/linux-2.6/buildroot/toolchain_build_mipsel/gcc-4.2.3/gcc/libgcc2.h _DYNAMIC get_ssid xmalloc util_copy_ascii_to_ucs2 strcpy get_jumbo_icon get_hw_id xfree g_emit_timer g_hello_hdr band_InitStats get_wireless_mode ioctl osl_drop_privs g_qinit_hdr tlv_write_tlv printf _fdata g_rxbuf g_smT_state _gp_disp strerror get_uptime g_tx_len _DYNAMIC_LINKING g_TimeStampFreq snprintf g_qos_CTA_timer state_hello_delay_timeout packetio_tx_queryresp get_pause_granule g_neededPackets g_buf g_hwaddr get_tsc_ticks_per_sec g_neededBytes __register_frame_info@@GLIBC_2.0 Tlvs get_physical_medium g_qltlv_hdr g_sees NotUsed _gp get_accesspt_assns getpid packetio_tx_ack fgets osl_read g_totalPause memcpy g_smE_state event_mainloop get_rssi state_block_timeout puts malloc g_re_tx_opcode optarg strtoll seeslist_clear get_upnp_uuid strtoul __dso_handle g_re_txbuf socket select g_interface isConfTest g_rcvd_pkt_len osl_become_daemon g_re_tx_len get_sees_max packetio_recv_handler lseek state_process_timeout __udivdi3 g_qprb_hdr get_bssid g_rtxseqnum _init strtol seeslist_dequeue uname set_emit_timer get_net_flags osl_interface_open g_Progname strrchr g_sessions smE_process_event __deregister_frame_info@@GLIBC_2.0 random_uniform write g_info fstat fprintf kill g_perf_samples bind g_ethernet_hdr get_friendly_name chdir g_txbuf g_rbytes __start event_cancel g_long_reorder_buffer g_osl optind osl_init band_IncreaseLoad my_radio qos_init lltd_make_wl_prefix umask packetio_tx_qltlvResp seeslist_is_empty nvram_set g_wl_interface _ftext packetio_tx_hello band_UpdateStats ferror strstr g_discover_hdr rand read openlog packetio_tx_flat strncpy fmt_base g_emit_remaining get_icon_image SessionTableIsEmpty g_opcode __RLD_MAP g_reorder_buffer dbgprintf fork sscanf g_ctc_bytes osl_write __uClibc_main event_init strdup util_use_syslog gettimeofday fopen __bss_start nvram_get getopt memset get_hostid main state_process_packet g_jumbo_icon_path event_add packetio_tx_emitee smS_process_event state_inactivity_timeout cpy_hton64 fclose get_support_info g_icon_path qosrcvpkt band_ResetNi die g_this_event strcmp g_topo_session data_start g_sequencenum g_base_hdr _fini get_wl_physical_medium __clz_tab g_perf_timestamp band_ChooseHelloTime g_hello_timer get_ipv4addr tlv_write_info g_LinkSpeed stderr releaseVersion tx_write g_tbytes seeslist_enqueue g_emitdesc get_qos_flags get_machine_name g_QosSessions g_sample_count smT_process_event osl_get_hwaddr g_generation event_add_io _edata _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ _end get_component_tbl g_samples_remaining wl_ioctl state_emit_timeout get_link_speed get_ifname_unit __errno_location g_trace_flags exit packetio_invalidate_retxbuf seeslist_free state_charge_timeout atoi restart_inactivity_timer event_remove_io g_ctc_packets vsyslog g_block_timer getline g_next_sample g_short_reorder_buffer g_rpkts strlen open __assert OnlyCompleteSessions strchr seeslist_new get_max_op_rate __data_start setsid g_emitbuf g_emit_seqnum get_ipv6addr warn _Jv_RegisterClasses osl_set_promisc g_pktio_timestamp _fbss osl_write_pidfile g_tpkts close g_charge_timer vfprintf free g_qos_inactivity_timer g_snap_hdr g_band