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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Transaction FAQ</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store Applications</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Transaction FAQ</b></p>
18<p><li><b>What should a transactional program do when an error occurs?</b>
19<p>Any time an error occurs, such that a transactionally protected set of
20operations cannot complete successfully, the transaction must be
21aborted.  While deadlock is by far the most common of these errors,
22there are other possibilities; for example, running out of disk space
23for the filesystem.  In Berkeley DB transactional applications, there are
24three classes of error returns: "expected" errors, "unexpected but
25recoverable" errors, and a single "unrecoverable" error.  Expected
26errors are errors like <a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_NOTFOUND">DB_NOTFOUND</a>, which indicates that a
27searched-for key item is not present in the database.  Applications may
28want to explicitly test for and handle this error, or, in the case where
29the absence of a key implies the enclosing transaction should fail,
30simply call <a href="../../api_c/txn_abort.html">DB_TXN-&gt;abort</a>.  Unexpected but recoverable errors are
31errors like <a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a>, which indicates that an operation
32has been selected to resolve a deadlock, or a system error such as EIO,
33which likely indicates that the filesystem has no available disk space.
34Applications must immediately call <a href="../../api_c/txn_abort.html">DB_TXN-&gt;abort</a> when these returns
35occur, as it is not possible to proceed otherwise.  The only
36unrecoverable error is <a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_RUNRECOVERY">DB_RUNRECOVERY</a>, which indicates that the
37system must stop and recovery must be run.</p>
38<p><li><b>How can hot backups work?  Can't you get an inconsistent picture
39of the database when you copy it?</b>
40<p>First, Berkeley DB is based on the technique of "write-ahead logging", which
41means that before any change is made to a database, a log record is
42written that describes the change.  Further, Berkeley DB guarantees that the
43log record that describes the change will always be written to stable
44storage (that is, disk) before the database page where the change was
45made is written to stable storage.  Because of this guarantee, we know
46that any change made to a database will appear either in just a log
47file, or both the database and a log file, but never in just the
49<p>Second, you can always create a consistent and correct database based
50on the log files and the databases from a database environment.  So,
51during a hot backup, we first make a copy of the databases and then a
52copy of the log files.  The tricky part is that there may be pages in
53the database that are related for which we won't get a consistent
54picture during this copy.  For example, let's say that we copy pages
551-4 of the database, and then are swapped out.  For whatever reason
56(perhaps because we needed to flush pages from the cache, or because of
57a checkpoint), the database pages 1 and 5 are written.  Then, the hot
58backup process is re-scheduled, and it copies page 5.  Obviously, we
59have an inconsistent database snapshot, because we have a copy of page
601 from before it was written by the other thread of control, and a copy
61of page 5 after it was written by the other thread.  What makes this
62work is the order of operations in a hot backup.  Because of the
63write-ahead logging guarantees, we know that any page written to the
64database will first be referenced in the log.  If we copy the database
65first, then we can also know that any inconsistency in the database will
66be described in the log files, and so we know that we can fix everything
67up during recovery.</p>
68<p><li><b>My application has <a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a> errors.  Is the
69normal, and what should I do?</b>
70<p>It is quite rare for a transactional application to be deadlock free.
71All applications should be prepared to handle deadlock returns, because
72even if the application is deadlock free when deployed, future changes
73to the application or the Berkeley DB implementation might introduce
75<p>Practices which reduce the chance of deadlock include:
76<p><ul type=disc>
77<li>Not using cursors which move backwards through the database (<a href="../../api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_PREV">DB_PREV</a>),
78as backward scanning cursors can deadlock with page splits;
79<li>Configuring <a href="../../api_c/db_set_flags.html#DB_REVSPLITOFF">DB_REVSPLITOFF</a> to turn off reverse splits in
80applications which repeatedly delete and re-insert the same keys, to
81minimize the number of page splits as keys are re-inserted;
82<li>Not configuring <a href="../../api_c/db_open.html#DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> as that flag requires write
83transactions upgrade their locks when aborted, which can lead to deadlock.
84Generally, <a href="../../api_c/db_cursor.html#DB_READ_COMMITTED">DB_READ_COMMITTED</a> or non-transactional read operations
85are less prone to deadlock than <a href="../../api_c/db_open.html#DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a>.
87<p><li><b>How can I move a database from one transactional environment
88into another?</b>
89<p>Because database pages contain references to log records, databases
90cannot be simply moved into different database environments.  To move a
91database into a different environment, dump and reload the database
92before moving it.  If the database is too large to dump and reload, the
93database may be prepared in place using the <a href="../../api_c/env_lsn_reset.html">DB_ENV-&gt;lsn_reset</a> method or
94the <b>-r</b> argument to the <a href="../../utility/db_load.html">db_load</a> utility.</p>
95<p><li><b>I'm seeing the error "log_flush: LSN past current end-of-log",
96what does that mean?</b>
97<p>The most common cause of this error is that a system administrator has
98removed all of the log files from a database environment.  You should
99shut down your database environment as gracefully as possible, first
100flushing the database environment cache to disk, if that's possible.
101Then, dump and reload your databases.  If the database is too large to
102dump and reload, the database may be reset in place using the
103<a href="../../api_c/env_lsn_reset.html">DB_ENV-&gt;lsn_reset</a> method or the <b>-r</b> argument to the
104<a href="../../utility/db_load.html">db_load</a> utility.  However, if you
105reset the database in place, you should verify your databases before
106using them again.  (It is possible for the databases to be corrupted by
107running after all of the log files have been removed, and the longer the
108application runs, the worse it can get.)</p>
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112<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>