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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: What is Berkeley DB?</title>
7<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
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12<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Introduction</dl></b></td>
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15<p align=center><b>What is Berkeley DB?</b></p>
16<p>So far, we've discussed database systems in general terms. It's time
17now to consider Berkeley DB in particular and see how it fits into the
18framework we have introduced. The key question is, what kinds of
19applications should use Berkeley DB?</p>
20<p>Berkeley DB is an Open Source embedded database library that provides
21scalable, high-performance, transaction-protected data management
22services to applications.  Berkeley DB provides a simple function-call API for
23data access and management.</p>
24<p>By "Open Source," we mean Berkeley DB is distributed under a license that
25conforms to the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/osd.html">Open
26Source Definition</a>. This license guarantees Berkeley DB is freely available
27for use and redistribution in other Open Source applications.  Oracle
28Corporation sells commercial licenses allowing the redistribution of
29Berkeley DB in proprietary applications.  In all cases the complete source
30code for Berkeley DB is freely available for download and use.</p>
31<p>Berkeley DB is "embedded" because it links directly into the application.  It
32runs in the same address space as the application. As a result, no
33inter-process communication, either over the network or between
34processes on the same machine, is required for database operations.
35Berkeley DB provides a simple function-call API for a number of programming
36languages, including C, C++, Java, Perl, Tcl, Python, and PHP. All
37database operations happen inside the library. Multiple processes, or
38multiple threads in a single process, can all use the database at the
39same time as each uses the Berkeley DB library. Low-level services like
40locking, transaction logging, shared buffer management, memory
41management, and so on are all handled transparently by the library.</p>
42<p>The Berkeley DB library is extremely portable. It runs under almost all UNIX
43and Linux variants, Windows, and a number of embedded real-time
44operating systems. It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.  It has
45been deployed on high-end Internet servers, desktop machines, and on
46palmtop computers, set-top boxes, in network switches, and elsewhere.
47Once Berkeley DB is linked into the application, the end user generally does
48not know that there's a database present at all.</p>
49<p>Berkeley DB is scalable in a number of respects. The database library itself
50is quite compact (under 300 kilobytes of text space on common
51architectures), but it can manage databases up to 256 terabytes in size.
52It also supports high concurrency, with thousands of users operating on
53the same database at the same time. Berkeley DB is small enough to run in
54tightly constrained embedded systems, but can take advantage of
55gigabytes of memory and terabytes of disk on high-end server machines.</p>
56<p>Berkeley DB generally outperforms relational and object-oriented database
57systems in embedded applications for a couple of reasons. First, because
58the library runs in the same address space, no inter-process
59communication is required for database operations. The cost of
60communicating between processes on a single machine, or among machines
61on a network, is much higher than the cost of making a function call.
62Second, because Berkeley DB uses a simple function-call interface for all
63operations, there is no query language to parse, and no execution plan
64to produce.</p>
65<b>Data Access Services</b>
66<p>Berkeley DB applications can choose the storage structure that best suits the
67application. Berkeley DB supports hash tables, Btrees, simple
68record-number-based storage, and persistent queues. Programmers can
69create tables using any of these storage structures, and can mix
70operations on different kinds of tables in a single application.</p>
71<p>Hash tables are generally good for very large databases that need
72predictable search and update times for random-access records.  Hash
73tables allow users to ask, "Does this key exist?" or to fetch a record
74with a known key.  Hash tables do not allow users to ask for records
75with keys that are close to a known key.</p>
76<p>Btrees are better for range-based searches, as when the application
77needs to find all records with keys between some starting and ending
78value.  Btrees also do a better job of exploiting <i>locality
79of reference</i>.  If the application is likely to touch keys near each
80other at the same time, the Btrees work well. The tree structure keeps
81keys that are close together near one another in storage, so fetching
82nearby values usually doesn't require a disk access.</p>
83<p>Record-number-based storage is natural for applications that need to
84store and fetch records, but that do not have a simple way to generate
85keys of their own. In a record number table, the record number is the
86key for the record. Berkeley DB will generate these record numbers
88<p>Queues are well-suited for applications that create records, and then
89must deal with those records in creation order. A good example is
90on-line purchasing systems. Orders can enter the system at any time,
91but should generally be filled in the order in which they were placed.</p>
92<b>Data management services</b>
93<p>Berkeley DB offers important data management services, including concurrency,
94transactions, and recovery. All of these services work on all of the
95storage structures.</p>
96<p>Many users can work on the same database concurrently. Berkeley DB handles
97locking transparently, ensuring that two users working on the same
98record do not interfere with one another.</p>
99<p>The library provides strict ACID transaction semantics, by default.
100However, applications are allowed to relax the isolation guarantees
101the database system makes.</p>
102<p>Multiple operations can be grouped into a single transaction, and can
103be committed or rolled back atomically. Berkeley DB uses a technique called
104<i>two-phase locking</i> to be sure that concurrent transactions
105are isolated from one another, and a technique called
106<i>write-ahead logging</i> to guarantee that committed changes
107survive application, system, or hardware failures.</p>
108<p>When an application starts up, it can ask Berkeley DB to run recovery.
109Recovery restores the database to a clean state, with all committed
110changes present, even after a crash. The database is guaranteed to be
111consistent and all committed changes are guaranteed to be present when
112recovery completes.</p>
113<p>An application can specify, when it starts up, which data management
114services it will use. Some applications need fast, single-user,
115non-transactional Btree data storage. In that case, the application can
116disable the locking and transaction systems, and will not incur the
117overhead of locking or logging. If an application needs to support
118multiple concurrent users, but doesn't need transactions, it can turn
119on locking without transactions. Applications that need concurrent,
120transaction-protected database access can enable all of the
122<p>In all these cases, the application uses the same function-call API to
123fetch and update records.</p>
125<p>Berkeley DB was designed to provide industrial-strength database services to
126application developers, without requiring them to become database
127experts.  It is a classic C-library style <i>toolkit</i>, providing
128a broad base of functionality to application writers.  Berkeley DB was designed
129by programmers, for programmers: its modular design surfaces simple,
130orthogonal interfaces to core services, and it provides mechanism (for
131example, good thread support) without imposing policy (for example, the
132use of threads is not required).  Just as importantly, Berkeley DB allows
133developers to balance performance against the need for crash recovery
134and concurrent use.  An application can use the storage structure that
135provides the fastest access to its data and can request only the degree
136of logging and locking that it needs.</p>
137<p>Because of the tool-based approach and separate interfaces for each
138Berkeley DB subsystem, you can support a complete transaction environment for
139other system operations. Berkeley DB even allows you to wrap transactions
140around the standard UNIX file read and write operations!  Further, Berkeley DB
141was designed to interact correctly with the native system's toolset, a
142feature no other database package offers.  For example, Berkeley DB supports
143hot backups (database backups while the database is in use), using
144standard UNIX system utilities, for example, dump, tar, cpio, pax or
145even cp.</p>
146<p>Finally, because scripting language interfaces are available for Berkeley DB
147(notably Tcl and Perl), application writers can build incredibly powerful
148database engines with little effort.  You can build transaction-protected
149database applications using your favorite scripting languages, an
150increasingly important feature in a world using CGI scripts to deliver
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154<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>