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38            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="entitieswithcollections"></a>
39		Using Entities with Collections
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45      <p>
46    In this example entity objects, rather than key and value
47	objects, are used for adding and enumerating the records in a
48	collection. Because fewer classes and objects are involved, adding
49	and enumerating is done more conveniently and more simply than in
50	the prior examples.
52      <p>
53    For adding and iterating entities, the collection of entities
54	returned by 
55    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#values" target="_top">Map.values</a>
57	is used. In general, when using an entity binding, all Java
58	collection methods that are passed or returned a value object will
59	be passed or returned an entity object instead.
61      <p>
62    The <tt class="classname">Sample</tt> class has been changed in this example to add
63	objects using the 
64    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Set.html#add" target="_top">Set.add</a>
66	method rather than the 
67    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#put" target="_top">Map.put</a>
69	method that was used in the prior examples. Entity objects are
70	constructed and passed to 
71    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Set.html#add" target="_top">Set.add</a>.
73      <a id="entity_addsuppliers"></a>
74      <pre class="programlisting">import java.util.Set;
76public class Sample
78    ...
79    private void addSuppliers()
80    {
81<b class="userinput"><tt>        Set suppliers = views.getSupplierSet();
82        if (suppliers.isEmpty())
83        {
84            System.out.println("Adding Suppliers");
85            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S1", "Smith", 20, "London"));
86            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S2", "Jones", 10, "Paris"));
87            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S3", "Blake", 30, "Paris"));
88            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S4", "Clark", 20, "London"));
89            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S5", "Adams", 30, "Athens"));
90        }</tt></b>
91    }
93    private void addParts()
94    {
95<b class="userinput"><tt>        Set parts = views.getPartSet();
96        if (parts.isEmpty())
97        {
98            System.out.println("Adding Parts");
99            parts.add(new Part("P1", "Nut", "Red",
100                      new Weight(12.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
101            parts.add(new Part("P2", "Bolt", "Green",
102                      new Weight(17.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Paris"));
103            parts.add(new Part("P3", "Screw", "Blue",
104                      new Weight(17.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Rome"));
105            parts.add(new Part("P4", "Screw", "Red",
106                      new Weight(14.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
107            parts.add(new Part("P5", "Cam", "Blue",
108                      new Weight(12.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Paris"));
109            parts.add(new Part("P6", "Cog", "Red",
110                      new Weight(19.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
111        }</tt></b>
112    }
114    private void addShipments()
115    {
116<b class="userinput"><tt>        Set shipments = views.getShipmentSet();
117        if (shipments.isEmpty())
118        {
119            System.out.println("Adding Shipments");
120            shipments.add(new Shipment("P1", "S1", 300));
121            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S1", 200));
122            shipments.add(new Shipment("P3", "S1", 400));
123            shipments.add(new Shipment("P4", "S1", 200));
124            shipments.add(new Shipment("P5", "S1", 100));
125            shipments.add(new Shipment("P6", "S1", 100));
126            shipments.add(new Shipment("P1", "S2", 300));
127            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S2", 400));
128            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S3", 200));
129            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S4", 200));
130            shipments.add(new Shipment("P4", "S4", 300));
131            shipments.add(new Shipment("P5", "S4", 400));
132        }</tt></b>
133    } </pre>
134      <p>
135    Instead of printing the key/value pairs by iterating over the
136	<a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#entrySet" target="_top">Map.entrySet</a>
138	as done in the prior example, this example
139	iterates over the entities in the 
140    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#values" target="_top">Map.values</a>
142	collection.
144      <a id="entity_printdatabase"></a>
145      <pre class="programlisting">import java.util.Iterator;
146import java.util.Set;
148public class Sample
150    ...
151    private class PrintDatabase implements TransactionWorker
152    {
153        public void doWork()
154            throws Exception
155        {
156<b class="userinput"><tt>            printValues("Parts",
157                         views.getPartSet().iterator());
158            printValues("Suppliers",
159                         views.getSupplierSet().iterator());</tt></b>
160            printValues("Suppliers for City Paris",
161                         views.getSupplierByCityMap().duplicates(
162                                            "Paris").iterator());
163<b class="userinput"><tt>            printValues("Shipments",
164                         views.getShipmentSet().iterator());</tt></b>
165            printValues("Shipments for Part P1",
166                         views.getShipmentByPartMap().duplicates(
167                                            new PartKey("P1")).iterator());
168            printValues("Shipments for Supplier S1",
169                         views.getShipmentBySupplierMap().duplicates(
170                                            new SupplierKey("S1")).iterator());
171        }
172    }
173    ...
174} </pre>
175      <p>
176    The output of the example program is shown below.
178      <pre class="programlisting">Adding Suppliers
179Adding Parts
180Adding Shipments
182--- Parts ---
183Part: number=P1 name=Nut color=Red weight=[12.0 grams] city=London
184Part: number=P2 name=Bolt color=Green weight=[17.0 grams] city=Paris
185Part: number=P3 name=Screw color=Blue weight=[17.0 grams] city=Rome
186Part: number=P4 name=Screw color=Red weight=[14.0 grams] city=London
187Part: number=P5 name=Cam color=Blue weight=[12.0 grams] city=Paris
188Part: number=P6 name=Cog color=Red weight=[19.0 grams] city=London
190--- Suppliers ---
191Supplier: number=S1 name=Smith status=20 city=London
192Supplier: number=S2 name=Jones status=10 city=Paris
193Supplier: number=S3 name=Blake status=30 city=Paris
194Supplier: number=S4 name=Clark status=20 city=London
195Supplier: number=S5 name=Adams status=30 city=Athens
197--- Suppliers for City Paris ---
198Supplier: number=S2 name=Jones status=10 city=Paris
199Supplier: number=S3 name=Blake status=30 city=Paris
201--- Shipments ---
202Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
203Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S2 quantity=300
204Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S1 quantity=200
205Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S2 quantity=400
206Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S3 quantity=200
207Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S4 quantity=200
208Shipment: part=P3 supplier=S1 quantity=400
209Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S1 quantity=200
210Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S4 quantity=300
211Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S1 quantity=100
212Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S4 quantity=400
213Shipment: part=P6 supplier=S1 quantity=100
215--- Shipments for Part P1 ---
216Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
217Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S2 quantity=300
219--- Shipments for Supplier S1 ---
220Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
221Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S1 quantity=200
222Shipment: part=P3 supplier=S1 quantity=400
223Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S1 quantity=200
224Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S1 quantity=100
225Shipment: part=P6 supplier=S1 quantity=100 </pre>
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